'e -ý et. 'B. - -~ - -- . --- I *vq ~UE UUÂLO~ I W~auu ~ Us3S~. * bau est id have t op.tbuî ulenme. a m<uam aur hais ti sat rLits of dou. namicor Ib~ - - i !~ ~ j mmFieug ae 4"al oi. Mhualgo*a* terrm el i bausu m meq l.e4pN . o . * t m i dsw #ha a ai tu m c t w làî h <119 vi" W.#~ ,rmo v4. Wtwçre be ,usea, z W* ghosand ha p? vry<hi te arund me h aibsing wterst1~, lam yu,upioi douosatila uab &03»0» iriitiOileAtaner1h.rom baçi tr ,mmd MaavImanifvmer,-*e arm aa fet acommu caneau" naval smm bulth utie. aci ome tbou la ftbar-vmi*, mani wbhicbas. beauin ma incesthue commeieenor0buhI mot.Teeglames meme varw Rhvtt thea Pot ad unt fua i ilz pena MMein auvalkinxg bonust. FlOve mraoc-1 cadmaoly msramantbhie,ni araMalarge that <ey mem tu b cmniiin erder te arM1 a cotact bth ondimsinutive bonnets; tha favriteuore aelarge aibu, camalla, an vili hea b ciew; th"@ e ecall aeW, motte, frolàmi ier ,anblance Othé f(r ma.mithe bad orth haxanml Plo1 »Wv much W"i Rgun»-Dameu.-Tbe Skv Grodae ar-i1 rageaul onift t he »eseain ott of tha antique 'h niuaasaly abdphW luadis hon outlile vini admiet l*hieftqn mogtubacomingtyW .C.oaemtaotpeaals aron, ai loveraeworm vnry 10wmo thebawGffumdbsi<amewava withtimbww m lm ieltglary " llCOulIM n OICan vulgar atha e r- voane. la placeOicarm aatS coMW*, goia eâtis, a..vhich torwor S a clast ranmnam amnrnaan orne ev in <(«l druse. hie bd. veïb bas,*lin a anuirai la aveigus-leitpanies *«*-aui govera lun<00 hai ,P" - vteaue èd Io cappot <u.ftémiwaa vhÎ4 aen. cianthain fi b<alhaittit a moetefi 0eparthae for thehabajesoe, aun l&na ta retain lbir faaad*en niverai bouma. Th sabahin Wbo hsM. 1u vivra irtelea ucentury, Wvhau luth vs' M voie maie on plxee te contgau a kevi dataofpatc uer undt vera Ni uamong tht favinir <b he a taof die Sieit u Itud in (hem. ben"in Gma and is;,andita joi, non unit taMagetmotaianented ithllaphmes or ilier haley, a lu Cern. l>.m Of Wie vti dmll hanse b, jtd b ?eat*4re m<rai t 4o(ds toiêeotetcfaa arine. ,Thbepiattaa and tihe uomnf ha lima robea"ure"ct in- te squarenami. Tt Optr dru l* a opa -opea 11the laft"eue I.naal ai ovithbepveo<geitbraLyTlhue a ot(nu p4u5,attoit ut bu vie bld 2 SA .Lavg drPs apcf MMba& 4" tvawro aieie eut plainte ths o 46" pp 4e &%&Gracquaj5 Mwtaaa he nus, tha mm e ry enca co-île a laRaxelsa,osavc a Vetutterlgimiw tbÇI44 mi eosmti Ta d&W iehju lMofihk i 184e ha alad M u la satin 1- dinnar v*s ivau e suvay bat, et'Idr. Maeghep gow. r <ha muetSaint Pa-1 trk rihglm<ihlo u. Patua MeClNnAL» praeit aud Mr. Anvatun Foavmupaaor ei <Z dotiu<orVice Pres. itieut. Dnrneg the eveniag a ambar of loyal and peiriotir toasts ver. irank, inter- spemeuri vîh excellantsnge, uniet.12 the Party hrobe up, higlly <rtifla i rithi lie lilarityv hlih teoccasion affl ulltan Wa regreit <bt vaut 0 ofom reesus a trou tiing a list 0<lheoastleaiedy's pupor. Taexava.-We beg tu appriseca ue- dora that ce Tfudy Dunit vii 1e la *en-7 oit ut the AntatouThaeutre th. celabseli Comuait7or Scz-az visptouta, ami lb Tragic Burleaqun Opera Bonsuaevxs F#- uxoso.4 P. S. W. have thi wouent besa quas- <edto tate that the aboye Ph, je poalpanei autil Tuesay, tha Si Apral. ,«NIAGARA,& Pom.ý-A nacty print- ai vork benring Ibis tilla, unit coutaàig sixteen Pagu,, bu beau politely baudedtot ru. It liseas'duttioe 0<u gentlemian au- "Dilgina Is Distriç4 *a iti a ces a tegree 0<airtitnandgeniulighly coanmn.. able. Wsaullberateaebhourcolus ltht a tev eitracta trilmthis menilocioua liW th pau.. dit'. tl d-O . 1 va a. lew@r, ; Wheas le h- sud er be- reou- .1. 7 il ý Il Il Oaruoaet inut1v t heli <Sa CosamedmtylaAâeammue maut mglowbb pou iev Igt Wgth aubte owyig btha Eue a*Uau tahe e h puialmi aniba«-e < "ia "ht a sosmoy b ba idletai et J>ur. TMieC«ummd Ai mams, bav- *Ver. tant"Min l her iutewlleiio tou sere,., a.ly, troavNare luth.e101h Fuhcuaey. IbTheullam ains u.. ~., vicea bons Ataxmuct, raumirs ut IOa.lthgt Ibubai.PneuW aeb- e fe av f ilsa et et. lan d'Aam u » or uDcemawr. On the aUm'gof <bt day. b. aiderap armui »M'17 ( <ha iovn by meana ltaid, vbich M6ontna tri tl M ot, hikvuainaci damae& wua eOuiijaslleaiOnve thi. on, bil b Ltt, =ed et Ahxitdaa boul ~ g flqui cofaeame vi i Vivn Ir" pope, an vidé bit hue <bhroyai up ia hevicai tv rcasino- Nadt ol thapisaoviih ieu. amgiter, &ad maie a bondrsi pnlmome n " u vea neib h Qkpautdml tm lai o Ju i e v t .<ha n *0is na in gan a Ganbovmly. Auu flat i tra 'ed ppea atam * njbl Cardinal Aui ariCai th"ranau ha2w. a"unc asinproclaînaion saansty. mm ie rcumalasna <abudget vaencon- liscd nadmi haFWeu"Chuaicr.he de- ThaeQue eat spain won dertvSm or ca pu m e h 0baflmary, tOn <h. appoinmaut <ha rayaliesa, vho bai ex- f- u aPrIaou TIs Nuifamn 0 o( mPubo, vii.bail Mambuiblkmo Rnma (ni Boede hien auwM bne6cf(41s0 Iguts amiade PortouaL btlesae animetai mi ang md Piorte ". load oigm. ame Ct basit unimiaextensive. TW gotÎ~,o fer« wehava hait dum 10 hetcome id utIe llllne -ruy oavimm Sateaneumoha lit rnt Im oa idelim OL'W*0 okb¶tw t '0amu r ui nuim*u Goaea"c tAaais. O fie ~ e Ontia vWr.iurasntuV- pi nleaao tiai .tieel-i caou, Wv menur es ad-va cu"mt J1Saac pan th, cogioci cuba., vh* o aaitrepresaàt- -iesu te Tant Ma*ray anas sggnrvaipaa le ha as umaafa i tomTour Maomy, ail nejiit tevanleitH ladiseto, a" thm sa aapamsmti mmeetas are mmsa- Maty uiifoua" n i (et. 7. We aomre ourselvioa. thortala tbat Tour U ty-psnetat he loua char- no*re abmadransaltperotis. bt me lmasnaempoyet lay e d*Lea< lnuctvly minute oaty, la Ob".*in am pitc&euihaa n this Col- ony -nad iattbayidu mot exprepe Ibesea- fimmt cf h*.pwbo 0thiaprovsins. 8.i tle tAAsub fl"pttitundea our majuty's huginfluce, vonieshtai eau-' Imua %0 enjoY, unatai amdi MuMPasai, hie blsfhgs btattlion, undar vhich tha peéopie if CU"d ussmd pmmarathe Aimieh, diepour et hume. Oyaents, tiait Tonuisjit y ,'"erlong ontinue tu reugu oser a <ne, p.uparoms, ant lueud siempire. Purmm eaàtareqdditleimmpvml elu- bawlsa uanralmietns ottia I""iteut of Ibm caely aomneîilan bout attha e l- aviliebome la ibisP lein., aniahe iM, lm. fur <h. Paupsetfad"dplau idiem tan ha on 1h. aniacl crta egrievauce Peutit WaIdatoùaismleauwet y mau- Keuaia'sdéseiplas. Acardimg te lb. hbut astimata va couati mak* an lie opel, thora wm apraseeit nhomt M peeuas. R. Wb<e heslg he cthitea o-chdsmirm Er. taphn Besenappole e aoeta.y, <b meeting vu of n1dby Tlasm Ia aiiar coq. vttb a Vary nmutanitapprapwei O seUou*paaasnapeflantbangdo- tIa <bleay atompt bed lberau miie la e1ltO Ibm ne»tedatglvma peion iu "hi ceetys a ssrut biIy respectableaSuni Inispeudent farter, aeppei fe.awari uni pissai that the petulea batiman pr«e la the.. Mr.luamaa bau rame fwrvad lte ente sanIbobllsusfions aprsmWa" Impuite hé i un 1kw smiltions proiurtiea, but unaaemer hil ho eoesaaaita aspailis faleloet mb.1dtyamd* iuoasany. <ba n (n Z haineatparty mmd. h a pelit go ta- lartbie etýt uAdSIememeaulnce lie ut, ltul D etpkub im owava, e l th be I todeimundmana, bulle ne -4ai (mo wu aapparenttram tlescan- ofnametbou1h"metIg. that litapsklatty ivesam mt e hauxPeetai fionslam qouutn vtu quat. avaient, lb. tieseahw M atobm n-main il la, <hat bey mua ta- 1kw enaaraniluala inseeurapieme lias ethnwvlae.TIieb.gbiy enf ni mors- humilla omett. eioid aiiiaatia. of Mt. lnmeee'apeasmnl *" andm idua de grue, Otut lh. vanon t li pet fdres- daaappabtiae aita. paeediauias vat eaipicsaoiu idhlu Ir. i. am ob- sevais ameVameel, andai m anPte vent ,Japeit (raoim h plnrmu moia ab hmbe van ltationellataty a a n <al shn enesd m<auvltiM,te i ui, tleva by aetenu mo # r t ie pameus plbmm a Ibo a- rsaealaî oue *a ekW mmm opposai t10But-d mbâ Pinl and Bu"i inatiolionm. vM %«nete lafia of1the conatisîsanet Our t'py"PN- Whlen va bear oftahe mlaery RUni pporu.1 8a Wb ehalcli tan tbor couaaria., tvefretj <ba va have ante o hag,âeiM ("v ana pe !-dit4apineanasdait.,r <haunaqualled 1 Wearnesily Pr@ayt u tii,, jcasyi ",'y long rmtl»ne ate la er Teir Cxli d-4 t u-pire ; and %bat Upper Canada mn fur ai" pavawripaîc lu Iha blevaiîgsvhid lieur fronma cooesection velb Gnt Britain. Tuoicas CLAPPE, Chairman. TunagSmLica, Se. Bel.... four and it lia nhet peaeai mloead thea vasa nitrecs, on the mto.-Wa havae DaMlime lasuite a»Y remarke, ln <is1 PUBLIC MEEIMS. Pzaera.-Ou tha 131h instant a public meeting van helt ut Parth, vhem a lo*1 aider.te Ria Majemty wuaa mnlwmeal URaocavxa.tu.-From privatIs annSuva kmeita thevn otat <h ri a el ait alB"ac vileff Sa&u#day bkwvas higbly creitlble te <bai Towe.Ibo e aimest acier paevail. eias &M otvitbianilngthe exerti et c the 9acio, au addreas to Ristdajaty van carmit l.y a insumpliant mjoriy. Peallo- ueh"snexi wft&. Tha-Rjpuap Catbolicsof< Ya. hamtfin a4mead meetingun tha l2trlinal. vben an uddremsa ppovag of <ha upraglat cn- doel uni hiberal neya cf lirJohn Colborne, aDi dlsmpproving of the mlaeprasmtaiion of MOKamme'a bom &a. vas aiane- iy adopi. àMcKeumie uni a fav othar inttuisi pom the meeting, suani e the lretmeet <baby Impudence deusei. Au-ieiEteuv lela-ra. -A smasng bas lâtely hum hoU in the Town f RaIug- qu, viébaitin»Mmiiadoptai raaoWuiloesud au udcirnsataaai Ratai..Theolkw Cana- dien Walchmam atatea, tht a artai of Wlaiatagtvan placet inu <rof t< he Court Roume to<lugtheam etng laithe&aacoi- and i uirea maaarn gouit lana. An- ble stu Inhan b hlu inHallowel, (o.anîy0=2Primce KIdard> a naajocrecf vhicla, hhàsialet on douiful t thrsy, The aheveaevagraph aiscopiai fia <ha <'itio guam of < <ha141h intutt.- The Resoluionea"itAitircu rafferimi te vtranine .pussuicof 0th1e Eit., 0of<lhe Guariman wise 1e raie <"is rticia, tand yat ha kw the a andhaatu publiai an taua what hbaemeieifalss! Adirbtebeecb- et ofCkbilty 1 !Au In the barriof vhuala,, ve belim oe auepgmgmint tha mmeeing wve an ignorant of it being st <ha duof thé CourtRoume baheEdihaiofdas Gbar"ih v u aM 5miesdibant. Gaganv-We perese by tha News- peps i <bl a irvancemeeting vea hem ai Grimsby, Cmaty of Lineoiu.on <ha lut! MuidL hfang <hbuoutione adptedi bmgmmoai -.-1ha vecedatt elu- dw etumat apon aur ,brhtm. an heusu ina Minhl haappain yta y<he CiOva- Thltbramcb is t<h a g"m me aght On h thom n y tt epooe, an wvsl<an auS ubt &"umagistrates, te 8 W a lms-say Tii.,. lano a emignuky linbtis Rohtigen aisat-- th. <.4aweà cdeh.griefa.». mongra. in aubster it lb. Canat.t*a aur Pieslens, cmii astelaaala a D aeon' Tb* 8it", dIa.Cabalai4dsom a- umnla b. uautalbaao n s «lotmestnfume in lu pàpm', v piopuraiby hlm. Patq -l- b. m bien *mvog merk* <Ivbg bIMM hie kw s y vua. Tia damegtuoloràbîp, bSr-. asas, dmn ulua«b"hduiaSorraeiaiset< the Aivoalse vanOn ail4."uar Te-ummv, il9viiibe pereav» apb Bc oet l ltitsaiu " etla Ua ourt-l Liarimuat *aeur O emlbiba u À Meeting of the lulaubitante of Unnox uni Adiuigltm kn place et Balla to-moi- W. amahappy tolImmulhat £llihve beue alruaiy amibsi"tolardse a.Port Borveli hautour, If"AaauîToIRo" viii affix his raul sig- mature to hi@ peasonal article of the 11 Nareh, t sa" appear in the HealaI. à!a.Jonc Pit NICI LBOU'a CogiU"llaIOD, a!tbmogh duleit he M blem.rchdit mot raach our oe amu the 141h or 15th. Gentle- men Who axpect pumclaamjty un (oRtpari abouit la&* the procmotion tu f"eard thier production b7 a mure conveyance. Mardi 14, 1832. Seat-We, the andersigneal, inhaulitunta ar Kingston, ntie.tled cI the pet heaetit the teon oijît terive <joan 111e etahhsla- aient oannasl Fuir, uat 0(75th. kiadnmteuna abi. maei.g oAftla habItants, ini order tocnaderupou a prolto- slio" tôpatuio ia i Exoellency the Lieu- tenant ovemmo, te exeraime thae Royal pie. rap.tive an fer in oui belVi. je"a Kirtay, i.Dny james Reevea Jan.Macauy, RL Gainai, R B. <11, John ammenn, WM.. Dinh, chester aa, ThOnas ab Ch-Vlaes %ma, Jr. Wm. Dawa, W.u Aeui. J& la Mc6abaa Beu'e Bremnan, A. Mmhau. Rab' . HOPi 'auncas Bot" A. 1. l'm, Bnmin Oeol lata meat, an n aly l'home Ma he Md omahset. atlthe- Cout nRameof dhm lova, qet 12 e'aleakte comidlers gmpo" db ihs ta Jt40. oLEAN. UhaceIL ».. tu been rmena ntt he Meeting held at Fvlîckii Inu n theb. 10mbofFehvuarv ladt, hé atatenarnî <if ibe îroemkwo f <laemiii meeting Publisotari sGeorge Nacesmie ta<. et of <ir k 110wedve adibeliai Mi. Mackenzie,§ slalruecol îî <nia luaibls uni a i.- SIL . ettLr..'ir, Colin Mackensie Peter Day,* B. F. DavFy, W. J MACkay, Ben' Seruie Au aNcDen, A. B.g uka Bath 17 Mutilm 83 COMIIERCAL BANL- ~~ir ahereby <iran, <tina Mm*i~ ofthbellibol. otfla oua ,Bookvilibe dat ha Court nom ue a TàuanbJ IAtari l uat et twatve ocWcl, MMna rgo raupOn aecititagnu the stue (or 1slugA <.rmaunder of theSSak sabachaoiagrel le lathe. art of imeorpar- nt ier nithe Rosit P. Aà. RARPER, Cacher. Isvc ibe17,18leu .. xil@wý16133. SiýOs <iaCaa cica a, a Meeh 'ciel siea Ofib ni»i$t vanbell îavutar ba Riei ehetiil k te , , a m if" 5rt Draes.sasud, John MIa, AtrAm lgu AO. 8; Caalrgit, J" 0.O ?Park,, David Johan Stwiih. Ui/n wathiua, At n meting ofthbe Dlrectors bh!tis & dy .JO"a S. CuWAlW , ;Esq-wae. laciei Prea- lient ele ua chlhyappointaiF. iX. Rurp.rS. CART WRIGHT, Preride4t. Ir. A» HARPER, Ceie. COMMERCIAL BANK. IOTE1 le ygven, <lut a d uabrrhad iNha uIlitin, payable et the "ma e(t tt s tittiouen, <n I ibeue bmy occutaiedi s <the Neetirpat Renia A -Y.anoy r Frot atreal, on <ha tlrit day of Ariz, uit enua.Byorelerol'th@a dea, F. A. HARPER& Cea/la. *Kinrnslan, Marcb the lPab, 1932. Office ottbe Cobouirg Harbo,, CO., làachnrlui83i. T HCU MDIract roe at 1Me Cooheogi lariaU= Caotracte for tha formation ud&a uotantélt brkauvtr in trout of the larbour. Mui. nagra ani oth« ea nai.Who are villing Ia coammiet fer a vo* etdaisnature are tutti- ted te examainalihs bartbaur enditra v4a ba mauta on et bélître th1e lot day ofMuy aieNxt ali hooam 1.By otites et tih erre pas 9