Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 28 Mar 1832, p. 1

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s CANADA EÂD vXXuju3 xi. I[wOw~ie»v ÂEH~ s* NUMBER est. Joa m».Mmd.. sonsum1a - lxm3. u trr. j.u*abMdo*a.ssdst 22, anaEaY. .dst ~~ mide a py Mr. a *6 t.gls te Ni.d1i t bau§&" bLu abriB ImIUUI. aot lUt <Rume, mUd b u.drbsgOsssb 0(* . mBm dsc m f mies te e e«Iissfiuipmd. in edlapeesisesfus t6e hmdlg aW- lthe agoni but h. . 7 th tb u e . h. . *k4 bturde Clad& as1 2 eti i i. s a B"Un&Cov, is .' t »s m d-. d4 « ths*W deti. e4 - IlsA useie&Ud 9 ep -- 8 6. b.0 b.W.*d1. le -4» Iqo tube ssuédmhk th sahd h. th lb.mt dd. thetlt d.4 sfUabmss lir. b»Mseu amou29 hapredaud. d lbsm15=4d. dS4 « th d h.W 60 va.weph"etlabsdIiik tm esr - ltiidh. , P---, mwsar, m abl IMM 60tihd h. s *ia I PRÉhs it lous .," m -l .edde. d& aI%'Wu5d. a 15-s, Swý , i g"lbutlmeh. . 1 4 a l.lid h *Olb-sp.stmiMi « Tbwdk Ots 58 - aOMmusr tg 1 m of PieP'uniamelhrsl1a ofAp. C apese, » mmd pothaies-1Iam of C~ n"ta sei mAU uMy 111iaMW Clba,"Othessuse a, PievluefUp,.,Canad, a noer Ts mln e b aooma. ted ains te.fde Md Ibatedth eaon, Mrno le w l- atems d'5eamy a MMs«party, Iun «ký oq»Ue maso le .Rail-1 OhaRzwb hrpsrselved, thInt, maut P- rifdlasi aeet viâ fl usai setn o f beiug pse-ds Weailat H clee Md tee aosdgdis. a basie - deewGRUN» ate it 0« stau, .vy.tiuatlmsauu nem md ime, Md blis, lIeupseVod or sufows, emise niTruili. Pç.vîàsdI lU tsmi of culatsbiemlf Wu*tir educinc bi la. la, Ou a su"Ides 1111 h vus] DXxUsaTIOU or vir ,n TTavsud If lies e e ammat Of dhsesMI1kD.en dam emaSt, suf- SalMant tala. iis mniglily bje«t-it mshah h.*tttd»e!!U haii mgalet 1.11Imot, au -mm OfUg'*V --die mt 1he. mmliof lime appear se If temalng viii NZW pducllomet The au" I n m sutemlons. Ils" voth- Oate ully s confident sàeltlias. Tb*. <Melbdlu'~Bot boesit my bu neiamty 1 Pausa. Whia Othecoeeu of IlTh* Ale of tTrahtl'dedamesbel k" o f an sehieu danemlsatl icta le htlste .sIrdgtasai*onogl ne hmlivu ho te mpautlla"telfroeo ibcate, i f bh.cold§ndiha mon «bons religious se wuamorseli6=1 lias il eus b h. uclal ake np that man's vte- and lay doua bis oern-..nd bsla equally fi to eimua bm if Il <as. ha tll<aclily nave, lIai, nl patlazlr Chlessaishtgui mocasws-OsCILiS Md waaoscn, Il 0"l fose MTAI MOMent Sem uis alie fer biset. sh"Mie essb. hia smili emimau-*as b hsby pia hmetifsmrlsly le aveuthom 1 ie omsnet lulsul lh.t hiesme vu eas pecI t"« 9e u ae norl.latfl allleszlwies l egicus ;-hbe #rm it*Liut dsibl .tim tluq.w«4"i1 ra =mfr t ma recreta t Re s sashhen-h a lsi ei subjects for lmaacs ssceld î.es) a.nmsaioa, l Ouheedao eo m «Hl y lof nu.' Éim 5dusw-Ic. ofteut end àla«"Ihs m à1w ef»«ý IlBrhieaM d long- Il la plemi*g le ne0" v«" »aattmabs etebis al-thit ma soiisemtv 4. t bis .rentry wfi mt b. tfflate en? tbin' g obe.Thon uh. ni met faae ftsi Oue Tias tm'y h. asic..te kser vis aem-b . uuu r of u -tigm of lb e hitb.-Toucubewoohd myI hiceg hic mamesutry le nUé flIe. H1mWb 1111 »A edmatios su 1oam.-ml k =kbiss-Tmt Notwh i tu * elb ,fse ppultls in lat sd .11., ceut"ie.N**wiiilg -aube la i e m kolhe «»Ou cmm igod"~sbktsU bil Bos- puudtlst ho eis"sa s lcri 'bosua lsa..Ie i Oum idlygo 01 t anamAmnMage et oEN- 1 ThyCee. mels 'ft he u soti i 4bhumr»t5W le au bissaie , mssIatfnma taied! utayieudm An ulisiyabla t.rpmleJw tre hm.uy ltite l..ei' -- mes- sautmuel t" au oWàelt teami00aOMi Tu. slefeprm.asI allofai,»t a i ral tabs la5 mm wM uheertil vmiisSedO ul, laý W. Tiul" ta ue se Olihas » u hmw omca uflîhe »pudae, osgleussilaouscy of émptet -mbr fsmegae se ublie wsoeilams Lisettb is baler»au os mapamihl, as I sItn ab.P te cbsubllams on Ou r!ic; ip Tii peud bc ohemr mterbmnrtue litu aveïm mo mu oppeing ty, cf advsvle) o acei sicfsa imes papees bl ay otherEmte. *Ye"Z"sr don met pisige hlusmaf tany=ejty hetlier in rmllgloor poltlc&- ici fi .11 <choulaiplan victo tehiuaulf dhah &pousr bout cal"ut o promàota tle wet4. lbe tokotle p uDt lde frnm tu. begumaingms OEdhtos lias tcgit OIIUIALLY, ]WEASlLnl$LT, mcd vucu- tras., onumiaubjmcta, suai baute leste bhinc ima mrecofetbis opinions tiai ihay may peu for ubalthby arm uoruh. At Oue imcf Ou former publiestica ef abi paectus aae f redouhledeam- pic.. sttaai viihthir -rsSSgis.tombhés prfuss te ui he Ou uldbut n"d- lgm Or itg t.ual t on al! Pt alabcoTult ll oeluî Aimcaauniains adiimd (peu pold) wu Rbert Imffim Kigos, uAl h.proupt- ly attenalsa te. tbo tat â idmu ei.phulc tests ct »falvallabs &meBd udesu Oum .liaibde otalmuesleuca. snt on 1midies' ff«Cmioretmma.m o pemcafor HATIING SBlWnarî Haous ng fl oper a aplama-W f« usliaufacuudg IU a aise, h. ull h. ensbleal la liaIsamy qaatlte- qirejýltimApai me. 1 Wtây raqua t ilhe d toteme ellhes y boni, nota, or boo mSacal, te cal m asitie Ouame«oer bi teI" of Aptil cxlwabsuibyvii .plaa- e MinOufhbis uAttesmey fr cale. Uo Ai bu istingdomauà *Pt"mslm mn ~ ~ f eqaiil a md Ommu O ia- *0 rw becou- mo ,en0nBn SHERDFF'8SAME To cWnet: 5ý.F lU ay cf the oext Win ls elalId ettheCourt Home, i. O 'Tewn of Kimgtec,Ouftwiganl tasements, msed, ihy igneaaofa Saeri baias imnou oucf Hie Najeus 'MourtetK. B. at th. soit cf tia Prrsldani, Divectes ad ~Cmffay cf the Dinh ef Caasaind tOu bai anald amuemesfits h u ePatti sIyl, la Oue bauds of George BHascAe Mssila" anal NaliJeunes MaLa, vis: lent hait et Lot. No. M2. d. Cou. Sidney. AUl penesomiaving cdaime n tOu ahove su"i or amy par t iiamof by moilgage o amims, aereajuested tu moastOu mm k»Buaatae46on or halote the day oftale. tai l comu ce et 12 e'clck. JOHN MACLEAN,, lKir4ug4 eaFo. 15, 1839. Eerul, W. n. IN THE MIS BENCH, Maaad Ituta, PYNthe a cýç f~m tIe Tow ocf L.gb.sug,ib&MNi. lanalditc, yeomanu, an abececdbsg us con"eçqlDallr. Natice lsb.reby givea tatb ttu. cf a warrant cf mttaahment= u ot h. lice's Bunch sialdte me dehiverm a givit th. sat of Jeanet IL Wilsona, ca*ba- ding or aonraalad dobtor, te mify Join &trange sand Douglas% Precias-oue bon- dreand mmdorty fve ponde, 1havea imeal&II Oue totale réaland permasiet of 4oaid James a. Wilson, logehr wahh a ctnnin on g ae n md uceaisthe said James H. malal Court anal put le ball teOuhaction, or cauui th. al;se f 1h. nid Stsangc :ad Prou- duia eho diahas £ ithin tIr.. calendes mentis trois Oue th et Match, ailhti.u] and pesmena state cf il. aid James IR Wilson, or se auci ibaeofesmayarb. nec..- tory, ull bu bhl hable for 1h. paysent bernaît, and staction cf th. laim et li tanid StrangeanalPeti.. JOHN MaLEAN, thDalsi at tingon, Sharift, X. a ibi 27li Feamary, 1833.5 SHERIFF'S SALE. Mmeac iaiat CN Saiurday lb. 911 viii besMMelatie ourt aY louuzth.Tv Of agte. eolouring lammubeloag i=g tWil'sm vne enal James Aikinonu neibyvirt, et en exacution Imesioon ef laiMebsty'sCoult cf Ringis Boua,ua theasuit 0 Tica. hmrad vlz:ull&H d Êt oaua f JaumsAthiruaste Ou f" Nlow I5ILI 119.t of Lot OueNcsrth Wed bslfof UtS. 290 ithel TownaoetManée. Ail psrsem asinagimectIie "ve lamés or ay part theraf, hy sortg1giel stlerube. are reqmmed 10 mais t saMM iseus lte meeuor baiteeday cf s«ie. Selse te comesce ai 12 c',iock. JOJ AOLEN, ffaste lB lafosm drmd etad ' dat eau dosasBoots d 8h.e t se imapapOmtu cfthe mmast sud Spanîi anmd asluhir Soe ofseORai iadfro. demS~d te i4s eerleaýi a read Smva r deeW b m eklooek taunsal dc. Up-er Letms. ig mdhl. dig kimaamià *"thssatsse a l 8h..anal Lesbis ils.. He. bep lem tse t te a bSa fer tismpporl.busle smtrijs botter asuntt o l Ub ibs mye nllherteluo.d Anl kînds of bit q"itviol nal 8h. BANK 0F UPPER CANADA. wl eopened on lm 1rs d:y otAn. g st zi(n thre li a restuictikve clause in aI u charter te prabit lis bsuag dem", runit six menti. aller ithe pasalng or lb. A.t) 5forshscriptiomsteoti. secrumealCap- ritai of dis Benk aI ithe flloving làcessle 1uit, ina the Taawà of Kingsiou, ua Tati, Bocvil, Perth, Sandwich, An iiertur,Londtb oCbeugorâad Hamilton in the. icf cr,91s 8 he direction of pansons bosûr tels - msa. 1 TRO'S G.RDO , Banh of 13;per Canada, York, eihFarnary, 113. $ sai N. 1.-m addition tate mCoarnt Y.arY divdscd a Bouscf net lmsehan elgit par Cent ns intendedr o be paaltoIle prosuatliocuholders. . G.E1. kt ot -HEn"SALE. ~~~ksdaadb.titeft a i=mw -a-el 2II. £ajas Ail persaie h&iug ca hai e t' lu&s o lamypurtt Mhss y u= mg othri.. ase requinstelem", mmn imous te mgen cr balte "i.dY .tUd. sel le cemmanca at 18o'chçi. JOHN &MACLUXI, NOTICE. mEueSeribar havi accma Andrali Qekenhusb o c.P f Clsri' vinea of aving stoien a uhip stock aad"Wo of beiag a tief, ut atim a wu vsndes th. Infusas, of (lI h li toc freqaaenty b thecause of many .vik, pma.baand m- den Spirite. 1 tlisrlossLIjoas e eNM. Quachubualm ais l mIhea of PubU*kl aciaeegng that h. labaa iglbeor wl. Ift s amee saubousi ana nbermag, sud "w tbat1am my*ef au a rat- efflwllh trm m 6 1ugnge m ud te him. Ta eabuvt acutisu usa mmd. uot aMy rssl fadle u.urauei y M1 Ch*oybo a b'y. 111h 18E. lu'bt vaimle setomt trnal or o 16eilid , .cnwacles l it acsace laWd galpries, cd a nmies detsulbtuse omeof Wb"chame abrdy «qupedbut the temns th.sgt iWi b. rai- *Md e tbpemaWho sdan l lae sma0i The son te bu poldlpubacublil Iet ex.2 TauIerpartlcilan "aybae oun dunmp. lleti lld Ode Kingateui lb naorne pillar cr uhicli Msl'»sd M'sa fQ.led by th icerMd oo Wb i ;::pets. Tfii.devastation in and arumd mo e ia l ftelhav, becuni...]; msmy homeseveraunrSw d cdtellblovm deaby th Em d thse wia ind, in addi"o je do. dimiarcausal by the cuddon iw Mdof . 1;abc4*f %rater as u lire- Von wu aaw;.-ttae iaosyvi gw apet Iengthh orlime. «ud by *OqnCd Bating camA or *01940 bu tefr ei aiasuM- ~tregs. ~ui lir luge lit.. 11 lsa i G" koaln. ltheO Umsdvdb i udi off lie Buauo itiel.qmm**brlied wustbma. whuh oeadsdsv id; and onuh1d, w br AU-W,6 l E-MLe .flam histyIirevagmhad l W ho uc sir m atimtine.veentakea linocuiey sma laO tera&y cf =iur u e wmae anflirs, bhat- «A ÀneW oaUtion c b mea g- bels Dictionmsy hasnea ri uleape. rilprose. Tihework bas boaut hht yems tn banal, anal mwoumsforth vida Oué pro- aim of h.img a correcealandal mésseédi- tin. Il consista cf 40 Chinms Vo)unisa" Andl Toasemisafurniabea làt tori&<eIiC, th. poetsy of uhici ilàaaon Tise <alowin¶ l a clua translation of s -an, Who lust liais hase tsIMaicoaduriag the Typhon cf Sept 23d; it wu rillen ou red d ntd tethePresidami of saaplso frliMe ro s o fn (Trnsatcas Ti.hobatinLeanLag- .ing-tae and kung-tue, r MR bdevil lin Puan-yuistrict (aise Guiton, ana 100 miles trou viser th.y visisel,)bow Ouhsmad amika behace baise the tbroaesof the Eagisb Ch(ut e- Joeihaks, sial hO alisvoeils ftbu,, tb*lbaetmaa-towuic. Oy uich sajac anl appinom FrustraIsmeRial.: Tngtien iaaag lie, tae» toms a tI à'.lrci ou ama, anal eus «*o nt la ngboît wun ave-"s len. te lu- AlnomeibSt= Wd.ble De raid, tek"ii Or sa"»tsvilage. ]Msdu m fate!-we MW WMenmuaset a*1 eing , sour ymhr balit feme itnde lsa ason ~eu sass loubeg, Ouât illa sut a '60engwis nomo eapuenbhton T1%u"y lut W . .S Lé- t .,. 1MMUM , oni - 1 ti li 1

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