Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 28 Mar 1832, p. 3

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purgE by Pa et Lei lu te1 lI.. ou me id.b Z i -'Io t s G. fuslsse abjsU <00. vsiteodsanagthd 'ah ail tis istema B 5S7 nem ut a - "sistlM- ob te eva s ommaul M. whach pisiol..su *8 Ilonsi bclie s amiu nMdailswtpm n;Iapn vflan et mon.*hi* il àunqbc stmad foin la issce etéctiveMi rligisc laltyt. al 3. eoli. s- W. elmenmtly tuen n lattendu dl, of TOamMajsstit a omeat of tacts es. tl ios asai aupgd MM eTI-.odwe an ty lalamthéardnmes tt 0oflvita imiilaaimofOf t5ev fista, la camet af ouree.siy tespye th a-lam e aUI Beittsi .dtt.ba; 04 la foe rsipucau YseuMassy t. ïa sayapplieshlon teabstint raafGevst ne ont, sasidsisane m us lia - hiy ut1 ase cash.u divisai fa thimpotetona i of Our libertns. >W- y ea casviltin tdint Ty-rMajeuy Kn. =u tau" ola Ibis clesv, buO.s àhi dispsitin te ptotme ou bmtstltersatiyan 'xl5 va ts it i bcihideme. la th. hop@ath§ h.b uhaieves- chamu amcrumyt. Promet in th.eab is*repottsami oetuin.a igof aàl c p.-"o 0<ii roi Cod Tour Maj.sty aviii psiII M ivlliaq That Tour MajostyuMy long relus lath heattaof a loyal andmimte aapmpl,j 555 Ou ont st sllirie amiproyer. Tht..e ois glîn v»for King Wtlliai b b hbanhe of thbMutng vus e nuaibmoni ca- voIte oMt. Merris for tIbm aal %ailA b. bas over naifostei in snppe'îing the i non tonls of is consiuants. and particules a f fer bis conoct ou Ibis oesaea. 'l'h.Ibals 0oflb.es tin2=vo&1miV% 0. tsi to Mr. Powell fer bis a tm*à and thes chair. ________ ToRts TOXOWTO "aIlum. iieCoBcf Utetasi C.IadBofUItMhrPm Des, Man Uc& Len. &M - G imMay il pise our Ezell¶>y. Wn. thime ngsha0<tann tuacis h0« gbapy cuntry, m rour Exodlsaoy> admitraio, proie hanhe in tiesaidr=spri Mont, Lsd ouyve o enitLra ~ 0 o eism o eur a&;î hsaialby a istions isemggo% via.9. pour te b. actnatod tir y intwrso- e tive.or 7 aai te empaie thune prvncsIm the. Sa"t hCrcwn. *Il cistrcoematomae hae ondhan- qnility in vw"ch va opos.diéturtmuby g - tionaly tlb hap mmoost atb. 'y la frt ve vuvai vii oemnpt thue4 le yovoeiflpsendlcya ty1ai a v' ou - toatlsacy ta prnduces l.tOsIm1Da the iuting gevermuont.,.yvehil gr e.-A renictcour appeariàg thronh- & *» wvneviiv ai lbouset- .1 fat mlisbcdlcm, w Mwstiy ope liai l&. id ladabla.zanmpl. sh.wn jby G , g avl id bo genrally fowod.TU sodecSt.cf1 w tb pele ns t large, vill enabi.thmIo ap- Iwoaa the m ay inesable blooiage 07whih b.l:r11=, psoilmly Wvii..mari- tm vM céoihà ddiotrimisi a- datoet hea11aptjdtcforope. The. r. publie b'aqmdly aisali »Mtb. r«st o- .iingorod. Ipy rss m, à ym..ul etigove»momt, viii n-. ld a amy acootry.corur a teoirfeshptmua. a-aanq ariewsc, the. Panna céf wli, edataiove,is" Uat M. We trus t iy iii,1 front ithislsmSna.bt cem to thortrinsoaetiomaleoansmthu te bsU.flttemp teMM "M dis afetion. iftlyvleatafo ua b thirmbiso amlsasW iornai1 d- dent tint tisy vil m-uAS. _;w m, lu - 'a mg dm winh. gratituadm , ry. M.ote the. vr. aremi pusosf"Ii r sMrommlcis «If at gy haobw iut le Id tomsa mc mse m r opssMhi î itouu 'd àS At m_*4omidm Ammum laumea gtti s- gyok, ecaveasib bt p.a; h --M ; a«.. Dr f. 0 a au - Y he I I ___________________ Ilve saisawtili ctfrun tam i lia mm îmotmot, viw Oumtlm . a My aihoinh on ColmWaicomsm"m iioulaI ai- isRims t omIsaMsIo Cisaithe cmni ifet ir isauhalcas vs re m - ooivithi masla lruang 6 unSa mbl em ' tB bcihE as b u J"afls Md te.i the Dn. J. Eaiy, Aà MDm Jolhn Kia Bd". EMmaummtiwm DSgiaUDuaqabaC. preante mm. A. M'DONELL, Obsium. IL BARNARD, Usemy.1 Tlt heaum ma ue at theChair, ami Join King, Emq. M.- D. invlng bau .slui Baereo, il ua Iasclid, TatI dm lizan..of tiis Meut- la; b. gvso te dlieu le. . Donel,1 forc --coduin the chair. R ht d atait, Riéb. Féeu. hem, John Celles, Jéhu Hart, a"i Pat"i Farrdtliea comwmta tIliSgatures for Ibi Aidrs.. JOHN KING, M. P. Cisirnn. B. BARNARD, Semruat. OTONABEE. Moisi by Dr. Conanu, secondai b, Mt. Witla: ls.aVad-Tbalt the inhahtants or<th tovaship of Otoosia., nsat ion tBisday hy ah emrqmtlstioamd actAs., do mev, vith Ofueiogs<jaiindigmtio, dsamvov tb. vicia pmcesdim< ca rtomisi mi.l- îMg9e&r.focf" mib aabilsitwm6 nu.- da-ythe iicf Marri huit. ley CaL. Broya, seoiei by Mr. H = z lidThat tely rmt a te Kigcmdby neay an the ahaiitmtu e -tca , iexpromnive cf lisirjmt fbel- aiiM. Wballa. secoausiby Mr. lme: ERési-Tbat ve us happyami eu- hme.taivthe adimiaitiM ldt0ba Gov-. srt nt Iis Provimus, ami fmI aidu anm e a me.msocf gtami Io ie x lse i ohn Cuacu, forsthe interatie wai uB voelrami Prority cf tbe Dmvoaib is Dnieitmd tisPro- THE HERALD. ., utepo% e-, Wiusa-@&E.ONs.em xiBa W. puisantoui ruam is.viilm"deaM"n *eha to Be 17th Isua. rk. ieChahs-a th9" i mu.as,bai vieihiM tr epols, bu t le 1vaw. skm tostuBepeepla vasnet rut " M the il am te eus." St vwu b. rSoootsat "i gomemimstmg .111 laiulasa .d YuL va. ails b, ti psati r<m e ms- KM]"i. amag , m ine m- bema*Wi niaat «CguitheiiBr" embm.n sadoeoea M " m m Be Raitsi Cantilh tbé Cme maf aeihers te tbe Kiapica AMs. ta bis Uet Gacins Majoey, in yeur meat mal fiallcing mumbara: s omtryaybh. plcudpc &W t tissaiv e nemoconsfhvu s. iii. i*s landaus ocmmc, in fon Ad tmetlm.h.phasci togive liseces-mo MJa r viiepeisml ami patrioti jour. obieyour frieni. OLD SAlUE. Te Xilite tun RoaiS . O f b0Croii P.9.ILua mendiechod* Pains, viii, ne doubt, furmisi a similar llst E6 he oid.ctien c<iitaumorous tsaisrs ps*ctw apm ame 49' Be wm*om Tii noeaam .b"u dtm ui Adinamd*hie.éte . Nwby b, visathe cams.«ss van d1 ltis plsiag te 1meV Be .neapsila bée yesnsay ifFraemmoiaweort-el meitbis sly pomosag. W. pusmivetht liepuot i f er j spingt Sa Najuhy of tBe omme afAs- s.fhl y b*0Be nOhmouhencd b odikilwa. Durig tBe disceam on is mijmc4th e but tisAi - va. "ei&im apyre.4 puitau vaili h. umpmdnmilme-i comttlod. The Positive hamlaSt- )y t. aroaie pumals à@e m .usbu- âm c(fa coret edsa of the Prmotal lava vs. tmifly toit gàt of by Be mi- muity, ilab* "saite gratfy ms"~m pesmnapteo . ,but mbmaqnumm d.i Ibm. isynodumty--cp.daoestk tmb s ai the b"oftiek rc omtst-firwatl Wly fordistrbuting tBe vos-y tatutes, the pom& . t sait, bovavr, mmo impes lima lis, Bai BhePoermeie vo n liah lom"it ai the. mosittei a lisir eppaui. tienates B i PWNUI*td"easuevr --g the tus cm m former 0008"s emom maures f a prois.y aim cha-aha. llAsl Sr, wuitv IORPIE IliON WORES, à CADOON, Propruto f ithe oras IraWorks ha" e cemtly tii.~en à Ba* Feume, and au Dowa are ar: d te ofteNavîgaio,furnlb Cailag irions frais, msa C.oklag, R ail, Box Mmd Parleur Itovou C1101 Setcb Lad Ammica P&. 11levrwa voe ompisgthé vol- Wiles, Ballons, gyMs.., Tau- 'lémigh irs et varieus form, and ha aboiee ll sai.mamehoein. fi first jali-ty of lm, 0"uinl Wm iss e *b.ave artiesin lis àLeva Phoviacoseau b. ftnalé- Sptetho Who b ave foir yesrs saiTro ktm the le tgecoeab. Viii a bat1e artice e MT Port Lake atimbasm ciap as EBuffal vi .,. uo *t.. o smU7 paid una"ains l ati ELIAKUM IELD. IL P. CAROON. RELm Dock Tari Kiagatonui Matdch, 18u& TANT SALE 0F NAVAL MTRES. àiy the Lb May mext, viii bu If pblicssle et tii Dock Tati «;U. C. et 10 A. ILa sceara. lu aqmmamd mi li r oCkiee Tm iii aise b. bd s tlossisscuiptloi Ste a twevm en lIp etc ssatisNaval Depai et Mdi fat boa, Fel , nh ka N"Beamm, mk.--47 iaty ;i arts,vhWb"viiu Pt te a"t petchasm Mms.fethblMWs:A dspuulai iv par emm. liatel Mm.ti. tomaat 01*0is maub IWi' articies. Ammusobbtime oii 04s rutow1 @tn lb atB I"t. ".:B = t s.a tw. ffly htrus, by lbe a-- an- E.q.dmatob, ..w Kmoba mbly.COL!B l.Tuossow, .oadsd h y Ma. =1~P a" mores, tint the Ou of "1IClo . ;adirecste rocu&cm m m boilt and pp *n aMd Cavan, cf Quso, for th.éueu lte Toi k members of li be sl 1retva We5t*M Dt ai copies of the t ad avidmno.formlb Ic 0 &iluai nousecf e Omna theii.opstiliig of gcvermimmt cf lb.he nssdai at i'mail ils vu 4pei.msm 0<tlb.me b. hobagiain tfaali, Venaeceis.- Cm-rts . con. fremaE 1 gian. avoid ttaumo are or lmu. Ban Oima-0G1 impie truti.. boe mie te5h 0*sa-.kettles, W, ia n Apooterwl 1 jIaamction. Eut lthir & elb eday Who vnlaatsf.a&Rb- MnhlsdIl hlaa4incasd.ely taielis cf sialle. Tbl àmmJian tian mth;i clr t i form I ircaut R utailli bets c m oriMnoba in theia,voi ttossil, but la thefelsavises. Dé "M itntismlofteopo» th.mmmd. Uprai itoU Lit Chrilstii..ame to it soatfaf-si, buey alvaysaton the trtanl, lie V"iahe5Perdu ,ami mcii.;lbuthS etruli. iTOMil iaboie, wvi oio~ i kmtbese- nmth.. »ttarcth. Cb*UdmsOuarimoot- en Cstlng m admanillea Bt mat h. ainirovedl ar«ye. Etmidouali. mipne auititltlWeàmrat Thea". tati vseolsi aitMMo eelaitive te ioptanuiotigv.cstaiyitmi- ROR! h ava a "fi. M uNs"uplth ia e la ftie truais.cf laijoumia, am il a liste la 40 CbuaAMne aaa" in ahi sigé*ts alla stat lia * C= fhAu- "boA. speyc o Omsdm vii.. iremi& fu a t& a om tBe "pubpsTrenur", ami Leres, cm aft, by toavbg s»&ià "bis. usu -billha, Opon liaiminisw, -"au i B dk<s 4 "a Ira pgcdsi". ittainusgtoei-vmbIiv gits-cf Sa Gmniimstalk of '«q.m p la ]oti Who qm-s-noi pc. Bepublie o60"t aie.inimt»iM"ati*t d* de thrcugiemi the comaliry> is i kv. Ms wboesk*iag teiidw" 0pui- OU&. Wee BeUiti . B tat Bhe "e is oamutly lthenmouleApollo j sa boisea eiaduisy preveil by B.aru- .ff noms viaithe GatO, t6t it I«i da e ma, * pompiaecda ymme tma- »»e bnte ms.py Ibsumdvv ihd.- Salete amubli eoly efasuiliotta Ais sille 100IIIIIIIIt e 06enrolui. v C om«i W veli Pome onsoiy" bmm-A *ma an esoaai k peos.. vi bava1 il op imao gu issu tb 0 ov0" esiâivieva, amà viadmyais py vil l risila anréY Mdmi d -9, W& wbol= ae.mi d âa ba vai vdsmteam ksbmi w *»ser.eRaOmoýmet IÎW New~. à Pâm Osuw, &W et*&m, n 2% M" *00.lin e tn Làie i M. . n anwaa-4ediffrSaodwo naro»U¶loN ANTED. bar. hi*, «a bu aSdmsbus isu" of Ui latai, l km BsN"sBof1Iseha-- ài12 yun of ga, m sud ukd*ni hait. Amy paum aïwbvlg o ef Mm viiimuaa opoSLVut m ît i isGaPm b set forvari lbe Lont» JohnM iiehhiU Ne 1, *Mb Con of Dsi. N. B-iganiKnaoauilai viii Pluse te. lat lii. aoie. Ofire of<h. Comorclail Ramike ua Milani Dit, Marri 16,14r . $ DURSUAST t. a publie molle. ts A ing cf tStorkboldesf lt5smau*r ciel Rend of te lislaniDisrict wuvohll os Tiursiayll Iii instoal, at tiaCeurt flouse of Ibistovn. for the parposeoefeoued- lgDtetera cf thii mInlstitutien, visa Befnillovmng gentlema veto ideri isly elew : J.Iim strangi, loba Narks. George W. Ysnkei, Robert Drummeni, lci. Movat, &brabam Ttux, Jao.. SCat:virigbt, lohn G. Parker, Davii Joba Smiths, Jobs Watk jr,. À . of i * a ii.Dirarln ors heu ii a £arvxcvRa.vmle taiPtesidient altsr wvieii, oy appoiiitod F. A. Hàaa.ta, raq Csier. JOBJI SCARTWRIGHT, 11 Il pkummnt. IM. A.-HARPER, Camhlot CObMECIAL BANL NLOTI¶CE leusby giron, ltha aiposit oLIf tonaps« cent.a emi uant cf*m wauebseiMi viih.cuRid.lpayble eaithe agies cf tii nstitutlmu, la us bons.lally occeylse ntiimMontreal Bank Agmncy, in Front mtent, ao r bafeathlia&raday of April Mae in. By osder of lie Boms, F. A. HARPER, Onmier. t1Kiagoen, Match173h, 1839 COMMERCIAL BANE. Bak inh i bs- heUt the. cou#t nono» on T'«arny Si April nm, at twolv.e 'clock, neon fortbe ffl cfetdociding on the. tio for nli i he irema"idof 0theb Stock slebt,îr .ab th i. tafi. copo.tl.. Ejoisi of thé. Burd. KIosuea. A. h 17Zb. 1531. M DENTISTRY. MIL WOO» a.thgeamr.t. laforu la dis mi 'atse f Kimaston that hbu a.arrivai,, andtakrea tons atM. Mi jriagaf 5.1.1, vis,. ho viliia inu islthe ucl.c a'oSaa ai la ii.bhranches. Tc.Who aa viab. ug go enpley hla an iîtud t.) oeil awon, uhal ho My havs tins to vifiltii.e othor touas tabitant. ilg 1h. somur ami re. tara teELagahon ithe mest fait. IlgaonIh Match, 1lm. à NOTICE. RiBMlasteo an, peoy on fronpar- A cisiaýBg vo notes ef band given by tii. Suarbgo Sm13h Dartiet I at.sror- der daetheii.I» match, 183, cao fat tw.mty-lvs pu"a, dm. ihiee mentis suitr dateam Bs thé 4mrfa t try posais aid due O1gW moentiOsf.data-..hibm m wom obiatud hm. n fm ndnMl"ant d I hp ave e m rocivei vain.fer th.emsm». 4 ~GECOIRGICAMEIION. . lillier. iith atch. lm. . - -- - - 211 upp Cam ,)M TC Asurl T*Wit: usaaunstca- tacnet, .i uo t f BeKltgBU*e, sud t1meia'etoiagsau lu"aNISy-'àrà mmssaig eor ealdsetoite wci mmaasuadiWillim Guil.lth@ omgr fer thb m of fournt eandmi agbty pounda sud smien shillinigs: Il.im misai ali tii. state, rosi sui pasait, of th* nid Huma SP&fOrd, and unieu thid ii tam SpaSimd rtet hin lhe juuiedicuion of lia nid ourt, ami put in baillae the action, se cause e laimscf tho s a ser'Rucha,.- a, WiUlu Guild Alexandler Woudburm, Wiliam Guili ithe yeungr I bedischatgod wkbiahiroe n immnhe f.i-m Ibis date, ail Usniamiandpersunal casto c f the nid ]RiramSpaord, et se mach hhereof sà ay hea.cur yull b houliahe for the py. menl.t, liautmdisatisfaction o tcflai îof ibm said Sue BIlchanan, William Gill, Alexanier Woodburn, and William Gild, the you . JOHIN MACLEAN, Dstci SSIi Match, 188. SIuufl ty. ). . CAUTION. A LLpearoms eaebY ci.,riucdagaiaiit X&purcha.lag gym Notrs cf hbond, gus-m by the subibu o Abnam tCoillrd, Junt. on. for Vive pommis, , payable en or about tbhi Orsi of Arl,1 tue ohhtfor twe peumis, tte@titillis, gâyaila 6. Sm cf April. , mne ia 00m im-bue rpeuhv. cd for alier of6.0ahui mies. EDWARD CROOKS. Louqgbhote. Marri Otb, 18M .Sur Mon a f lb. obourg Mariant Co., lot Marchi 189. TvHz Dlretous el theCebourg Herbes- J&Company us0issironsof .tsilmg talc Contracts for th. fotmation cfa substatil iiooikwater la front cf the barbent. IXAii amers ami olieparsmm ubaarat iagte contract fot a yart of tht i n are m al- tei te uimias lb.hthour ai giveaua satinae of theu tarats. pplication mmi b. madeauornboteth lotday et May meut, aI ibis OMMr By order et theii.Drectos <ignci.) GEORGE M. DW iLL, serebary. NOTICE. Govsromot Mours, Tortk, 21Ud Tsbrnir,lS39 Ç 0 RDEES ia Coencil vblcb relata t. s- tillons aid Meerisis for Grant. of Leni, s. cocaaetei v.>h liai subject, viii la futreb. cozmmnmtcatsi ta Memerlat" by th. Clak of lis Ezcutive ConaciL Persous Who %My jne# raceiva snsvou te lie r Putitions Win lp ta the Clark of the Exocuti. Coac= X FOR SALE F IFTYActesof lAma inlg 1h. mest N«oey putof aIM Ne. Tweaty, ln the Siati ceassoalen cf EtnestTown saisi telérable gc.d anpomeals sltnal.ou th. amin publie rosd lesding km . Canin aMois &ac. te KlNone, fsrmarly ownsd by John Mllaer amioceapw iby, jaMe SmitbhaaTaverà ---dnov- -'-t-'jiseuto of Johial Clark. Applicatien le ho MA"s la amai Clark Luq. of Cauis or th. propdter aBSwb ALL Clsvaeaiss atti .11k elela.Pisk Corbeti aui. Ton=ov, mu iesrp4 b me4sate INO. uhoe3delay. . KN. IRBT. MNO. MACAULAY. $Dsne. I:t. .1 m v*w- 1 a -L -h quob 0» nubm kom the Joumb or the 1 9ý- . 'l- 61 d, . 1 by *va A. »". -, - -It i

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