- -v PoWhLY. ioleUsda" sbsterb mrî ps liu - W e 'My 5usmmm Os se u fljbei, "l iisshbu. "i .»milec tclito.Wde il Thmco rasBd ulires us m. wP ba.lim r c ola . . u l o lhiysflls âte> u Tea~umu'âu A uNI. yel I"ricu .suulUc «mp ~L1eu~mn, els PHRILOY Apire oogis orrsoet c( lb. L<mdo Àa Llry Gestterelte s rumn- wa élcamté ooueeod l m e *0 of LguAm .Il appus laI Ir ycas c., s getleman resdlmg la ,oe1 hou vi ma oelaod Wferhie a r- dot la psuombç g enilciueroooflvsdh me bsN siwe.set, t ensrieih.umumes vili sahlge, mich *Mied aes uex"it Si. mly sud dc<y Ushesel au imfSo.*r lte scisisIom. Tbe siject vau muls. bile y ammncior te"ia"domra dar Mmuy .1gb osdodS omlled lti fia. Use toma"f rolmooeg tir a ldi amis *nt t ud vior ie M. u"goue Ilet lb.0"i ewmwspty Of.uuy;su *» a 'i o iexulao aeirnu a"s Who au.uy o ueibjsvlot De oie.a m. whspdmu~d U mmeyti omet oie deslonle ol tbi ooub.- lied obuS ut pau. t eiomess u- ha he ososui *a< giltha e ge bcêei sd e jeafoli odm Us~V m itehmfti i e tioe, TU TuS rUBLlC. lElRE s Ubocaub *U rae.fy 2M bv (asd, huem 60-ftSis-Bom Rami, but beulo bi Io cou*ml Il cnferrd ou trarel- tien sa" cltads.Te" ibised veoc bls cars m bcl tlebe aillg ceuduclve te f t b. but btc. cau parcbua, an m adoeme»Mt bt à wi. bonscibins. mll beikipatirnge, M 1 àd pie*ouin lacemmendlmg d"aiti6.i ta the tomus etmt sud attention tm 'lb. stsia sd deuscot sdtl for herses :2cerlgesoaieextenive sud ore t tL. iM.rtrsesddlgntsdvi VALUA=LIA4D FOR su&E poNtbo.fmdlmubp4 MS. ml~e i Iiujsibss ty, aud. peiieiszuly insils e seem ;tîseommnulleMll le Bidme.Ceal. l M pi olly ta .11, sud ie mao wb.rce tb0Ie Prtsuod ceunealsm lie bac ioed le Klugtoer;tro&M W"lai- gelpoc anemsd the iommsau vory moeu- i*AlIte li r of" I « ap!,o te C. FetbiI u.,Poolg111h, lerneDhuiel. ?Ttf. ÀD IAUK 1I PAonE. éot1 >*. bea mu da tunder improvcmen. There insau excelentFPrune bleesa Bain ou th. Prmem co.The land le of tbe bot qasiiu7 snd llu Ibm vieauty o<grim sd mwXMalk.Anindimutabl la ds sud imuodiato poece.iou m eau . ven. ~iitc e ey Ismbu, Eeg. Bath, or W.. nomeHailcmll. Augeut 183. ese j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ve tshiets eiudl tm eu-xiu f.ia ' w bummu Msiet toe e pha, belmixt visie mud ubtis. Ues a i led. COUGHESCOLN. RORTNYS 0 BRkATH, A aA %ike.. rvaulibelule bediinebus lie extr balg, sua" n lulb 1Iw.t- PWgucss uaiya eim tscupse. sut tlcliug leuth.ieml, tleb depelve Sm u uold i...dl.t.relief; s»ieu butainlaMM casses viii cR«a cure lîmueenscassa bMvecenete Us Preprl-1 etot's ke 1e, mire ag ale bave Moed, &ad graduel Wasigavay, viit ev-1 er=Yapparnofgig ltea deil;virc, by iaing Ivo oz Ite. holso, bave boec .mlirl.y eCMr". lu1 Autbau,Circule Cougie, dlBcully of1 Brewtlilng,&. n m eu eaudcribe lb.Won-4 dms tuat ihve beou pagfcuudby Ibis je. valusiris Medcne: many vie for yean1 bave beau umble te la doims lu gisaibots ualbmna dageret beiug sekedby the c- camalallof etPhiegma, w(mulcbieriasii !maoa dreadffl Ceagi> ther,mho ilh liculty coeeid lrmhe ta*l inl a recase- bout peetarehave, b, lsking eue domo f ibis excllent Balusu, b..au.nsbied 10 lsy dems etesltablyluntMeis, b.ds..But thm tetinlalsef lieuevbo bave experiearod il# moadrtasl efocts, vii de more lerecon- seaiod en omre Il hbeosupport cf Ibm Pub- liecubalinulntblug Us Proprietor eau smy lu its tavoor. sud biy Potlcim = thébua pablisbé he Iefoi cwing CtodnROS.. ExtmM seltibitsrvarded by JumuIr, loq cf Luter Boxbere, te ad àItaleMr. l1em.iL. II Ton. mou Ibsi Imwu sceplical iii repd t Us mondera e ed by Ibm ad- usuitrailenof Patet MedIoste tbe aun- MWoOséSJm S cins ft sMimd ptete.-1 w ur edmopinés etlooa o à* ante lb.e ect rduseona ssby tare doumt tomnle slad a(Aliseod.'la tact il t , .1 utMo»ilsil avingmeu fo "M u e 10af citud ieusMled iii viatle hlssed à 4 àom&WCoi,' I loch cd ii a vlmgsdd e Ctracd ela nheb meuing, sud lis se.. la the avoing ou sloppnua ntobedl altbocaghpr.eeced frot wopug lb. wmof t ticpuerions igt, I Ibommsst eulry cd, no bavicg ev- saecougbed b this liaIlie ic*hl ad iftlstsaeobl Hsu. ee'es- pile Chir'4.emd 'fio e aven sd.ld «h be beleie fe coouedeld bt bave baaetero bais «h. ebuL "YT e s a hupte maie vit aIseyou mayltbcsbproe! if iie 1.11w LritIs colt- Islau s se lesk tince M u;rAfliL" Mr. W. le ablivtr bEe e otslm . trobled wiiaep geeg,w'sgihrda- of etbuo i >owsalStly ima lyiu llbroti mmedianofue turaeisc ce»Ueltly tuied VU Yhe N Ncarsal, sud othor provincial plme tirs mabocier boputa sanouancetbe balu êtresdj leheuransas.leproe or t Ibm c a&otlepools, ibé Diliy LAmeumias, ml uardanlsiug 1110ta bteMW ~interne-j "lmg etf,* Ib. o »ud prilts.Duing tUs tul h ïotC ie kep a noyai làn y e ofhat Hefinte "tâa"cub Knstem »Nova. 81 bm NéMAhImNHUEHTL T Sebocuioer baiaf suted ibis e'- leuelve" all oueo .sabuainut, i bsw about opung Uthe mtor tuese- commodallou eft UspubkLe lis Menelca u las. phaontly itatei ou lier.BSteet. hba ie épriwapen d1 mcet centairl tet inKingsonensd u*s-c tablimut eof lb.kind, las epuovimneg enu MarPmuIllt te excellence sud cou,. fort cf tuc aparlureua, lunrowrd hoti te par-1 Issud" ld am;naU ai c ilmiib. furuised l inte vsry bont style. Tbsmabocbrbailimg bepilavemr or - vsrslyelem lu acqulrod.xprouce iu liaI line-and V truetst ithlbunrenitting attention lte ecomtorts ofbis gultteb. ii senrt a *bsofeetb.public ptronage. laFu ohebmMansica Home isa large ysd-lo mui ltbiris sa rextensive sud comsedieus.ranges cf ulbls-ad mier. a Ltrery Stal il lio b. ouatly bept, for lb. aceosomeailn cf tellel. Kington, 941h Ocleler, 1lm. CANAL COFFER-HOUSE, xcmos#Tow, uailE AAA w njx aarRELL tanders bis iis "»&eud a urones pubr bte pasmge b. liu expauiuoed urn.ho bau opeueithéieaboya FAabiiebmeul, sud lu fores. lios liai hoe b asmmcmtedx- DATIONS FOR TILAV=LLBS-Tbs miii s.amy mentl, .su d sdition efbtéig Blabioand Sbh ia, m a soptilons, couverIet, aud seco Yad; b.ie p«, b, strict attention tale bm sfoit of bis eauta- mer, te seril s caeall srof publicPs trouge, isai 1 eginIal repuiiuIbm PRO SP R CT US r LAPiDE FOR BALE. Mude . t bsa the Meseisuu fU e tho blma roccived ajost of Wbr e ~1 JWu Ila Pmdaëe, so.uulIutof nr sudv um»a& 2w re Islnde Hllud lamaudtoia. md db eMt ou» B =nd ,.c ii.eae.-Ic orgej urrpl o meler~dfeul u lup eco f dffrel olua ba shi in e lusof oeIy Sa um dth* C. b7 o 11.51 ue, ngi a aiet , f Bw kE.i «sortietfdrGeodl, Creehy, ai stars,asud sncb geodis ta *0i enbia WIl. à seIdoUg = eur; sud tbe violswllb ucld ou teresse sdvutagOocc as te dp4 o msu 01 to t t led fbits, sud Idwrovin.. Upc. bm ar* of.1thmeta opply. ti bsebr t1mud theI badvauta- g. bie I ablmbt bt il E gi. b Ib itpo1Caadino b etu vlcblb Ceis ieacde odb lie pbictea taZ hulciafe.day teusbiadtiono theCv. al t a menAe ibAN. KlngstoaOsleber febz1681 Taf rikessu&d l.pà= c btho ban re- asoed bis Wholesaie and à ail Ha.lware establishment tb th. stre latel7 ceupredby Mr. A. Tmuar, store treel, wbere ha buson band as umal avy 1snniawcrlmnent of Hasrdware, PaintOle od:ap,&c. &c. sudit in du a pctale ofa urtherma- roni Bivmingbarn, $hemfed à o ,Bristol, snd Lâirerpool, the. whol-eo o"ho vii siiun ruaaly low er Cash ersbort approvediCrdit. 6ddoz, . lasy's Grase Scythes. 9Ualoa. Enoffish Gem.sd Cidling do. for sale uuomnoullov. UEO.Wk YARKER. Kaino, BIh Jone, 188. scrier, censtiag oet M1eilgsd out bousssd sere rets of excellent lsuid. Fer patticasea pply te Usher. Jamesichardsou, Kngston. F) R BALE-Lot No. 3D and M in thie -W ifb concession eft Mnay eci con- toinlg 200Acresofet exehiulLam, iis land Io aitsrîled ou Cole Crack sud No. 82 c*mman& a privilege cf the mater of Mid Creek, it bing a Most dsslrable situation for the .rectiou cf nuolu-Application te b. Magde te Mr. loin lcbmm vioa ilv.s id. Polaing, ote p pretaiAdoiphua. tovu. INA ALUN. Mmrch i121h, 1830 TEE BSOJIUBER cicr, tb. follomang J&valuabie Proporty foriSle: Vixý-I000 cre of Lsad in tboTowmab cf Beubroole DItrict of Gore, mithinm a short distauceocf Bnrhîugtou Block No. 3 ia the 2d Con, of sald Tc;musip. I No. 38 l inte let Conceonlcdcfthe Tomnship ofet ErnoaToma, 9 miles.ftres cice nt&lnlg 300 se .-Tiere culsa anud 600 besring Apple Tmais te L i uCsrsilum yo i Luolu Bemineo u qalî aBoe Wilime r lakse iqurooiiu r o L (YT No 5i fl hCon. Bas-, 100 AiNo. il lu BIb de DartisgtcuI0O Sol 1I 0 4 th do Maripoca, M Lo N.. m BIh do Marmis *0 Pautià m M de de 100 per terum spply oIe .~L uu .Eng. of Kirasglcors.t. l. % rm c IoHKW.,FERGMN. Adoîphastema, ci Msrb, 181. K' u bm Sti -ouemAdLonà cf roder&lchu- iurg, bilg Lot Numbor 22, contaisiat 200 Acres cf Laud. 80 of wirlcbaiesu Wjlg muoef cativallon. lb. aber. Fat s h atastu &boutl6M"ms tain iguoM, ntéYorkRoad, &mllbla are w mme e ansdsabars on lb. premsuss sMd ase menanot matou. lie vieie viilbg s-Id cb.sp for cah o sulprvdcredt. A ly atUs HeaidU citj lut, lay LITHOGRAPHY, FROM CANADIAN STONE. T NE SUBSCRIBER hop te non.. A 1tothe public tUs elhibmffutofac Llibognapbic Proe ies>uoEuntr, by thec nane eft b. Wax.r.IÂU IV ase, mimeC mii b. safted al indiotvonl applica- bis e t bufi aeflrt, ene seape, Plans, Vient, Circulmi, bMuet,, Resdilof Mer-v chaul Bis, asuitBesî. Bot notices, mm l thé ske cf tie Boit If requlred Blank. DedsuddMemrilalu, Fanerai itotices,a enheihhed vith suilable oublemu, Bille ofi Exebange, j-e. 4- r. Pans. wsungt anyhindof cepiesofiheir omu baud vrllrat CWall b. u plied viii prepaed Pipea ud Cheica li fr iai par thep ou.. NB. Caricatures ltdbyi kec q ap Kngston, Aag. 12tb, 188. EDUCAPION. r lutendmSca ttli e . j.atoaun h uemlvor eepeod, fer the recmpiunofetPupil% , muio1 veyeclair nae.Mr". Bibul0 an expiecd ma à bmcibbaineana- ggdsas an Assigat; sMd Us lutien tfes t"u lb. Eulle"Moenanet.bav e racm- sd e d a m d.uo L P p~ c s b . s o c e n n - 1 familesen vry medealt oos. ouue saite Mie ifutmafMfis UWfstr-4husyastèm cf«W tofe . 4t- nisyle muniée th le Vesor aléff16 Acdeam et ilea, uicWhoi s1 Tbîe fie ait beashliplts of t eViIIgs cf Ba m en sc'elal l;pli% Re= igWrliufen11nislc mse ofthU e bs) AtMd Motbmùaieo4- - - - ------ 0 latlasudGrook,--- - - - -- nflqll. ý. ., ýlIr" l= -1.7,.li: 1 Al Ili li il ! 1 vriýW pem" wiU be comantly empl*M .1. ?IEITOrTtHTIMMB a"D LIrE lx 11KW-YOlE mwsi, s "a ndéssedlca be, let.e Isueosaunsmeus, hblos sd djver- ofen. 1lite . b , besbave b.e .imted by tbe prususve omceouraguwnro Md ptitous preos.of rt, of masy pectablesabhera cf the Now-York comu. ily. It l4 t.e acet"iuxtent, afieldn- ooiupldby otberusmi omos which il deemed important tbe fineLd.For Wilsetbe pîi. titilins. lb. theologlaussud rbe litenti ci micntybaveaci tir spemte Oracles lch(Iikatat et h"o) rclal. alond a" dd« theurMT= îuresonsudnd lut. rse tb. cause of fssblan, cf pleasurable a>1 stslbmamts, cf taxte snd reoeeation, f8o4 but fom publications cf a&prbedical kiod, ap. T0 i.,"lfastiaý, witli. out tb. ariêcial .u menssti cf romance; te sak cf ids propensities f~orneLI, its appolite fer plasmase,snd indulgence, &oa istusacy i.ne!lote crmlUI fol- liea, intc d or stmany muet op vr, iad ».eu e cêdom. For il aucertinlyo ý mpertegor*« rd iiath e ofni, theu t 1= lb.. onem0 111ta h 1h53 le um5 ,,,say0anoble French. mars «la tm heeiet basin.of tifs;" anald heweeu semialyiIncorrect the mains tuay b. a in b s tamistioucof some, Yet il il literaily tins: for th. devoee eertainiy tells plseur in the exerciso of bit relîgi. gion, t"emorcheii*sd urechanie in their saeoralbrasc"e of emclymeni, sud thé man oflaltrs lubit booksa- bite the sports U mireebasmlb. baie, oir attends the ring or thonrace, itou rly nsing pleainres in congs.ialty mltb isnaturai or couv- tellate In presoliug bis m»v candidate for favor sud patronag te lie poblieIi lb.h inten. tien cf Ibm pabliusete e ender Il mulnera- . th »apoWlis adio l.smciftbejcan, i mdilsg the fooings or dmtarbn¶ ar thejqudkcoset oug.-Tbelanguagewi b. wuys chiage, se liaitbe mcst doheste Mayappuve.¶be PstmlltguLOfFau5R couTÂle, ud EUE etRmAL Li Pz, pbereal ulite ermry day exiribitons of the morid. Tusairant,Mu5ssu, sud otheba uable places ef resait, mill re- cclv. appropriai. ucs, mbileotb spBou ri Or TUE Tua,, Toic $UG, tim PIT, Of Ibô Fisama sud lIboFovixa, mIII sugmo.bc inconslderable portion et ateoilen. The proceodlnge cf lie Conrars cvilsud criai- uBd, Winasfier as possible 'e given, uhon auttoeu cf luterostaesu; sudmmnaspeci- aliy tbieuefetbm POLIC11, misse Litein 811 ils formus sud oring ese» allbhly pot- trayedi. i h aie ieltlon cftithe di- tors te devoe a cousldarabl porlltacf sort Mpapo eticéesplalon sud dlcumîuaior cf lb. nocf tbeday la anmarisl foin mih ll der" asv.a idsfsudtfaltbful Il. cord of la l Ipotant paumauges, coudes- dB% à a rge mma. lut.a coupemiv.iycril Wftb boa Inteutions. taily sud faiuîy pmlg»M, ud oiti telic cclpeutsct geai t EIiatuwb Ians urco-laborers iu thc came s ction, mre paseant ourueves before 1a s sullgileilod ceu nuly m candidats for tbirpelrsge tudufmm..Trams-ftrr in suladvaaec. WILLIAM T. PORTER, 3TAIM HOWE. "mPwS-MASTEISs ad cber Ocotls- ma Who ccWiata AGENTSfor ont pu- prby gvimgum net".s eau bave foîwsr- tadtcbmsalassiplcuPapm onsd extra çe1~lensucars b. fwrulsb.d ltb a upeci- Ilu No. by fouwsrdlng tibr mrnsfies cf UPPER, CANADA FRENCH BURRMILL STONE PAC'flt. EIOHÂEAUTWAIX C,Yrb,U. msdiseit pi bu n uarreon arauca10 - bai ie ist et ei. ae-ecpli F r reusmdstiqurà Mliens i .nnue~ ud ew r. ics60Pd* a W.~~~ ~~ ati.NlSrENAce. mcod pOdt i eeb »mmpuloncWho bale *iscal. epxàpm ] Nsg rals; D..MlD; 111w».loeEuLog Obie, D.. DulOndB oa'lA a. soaWW& Pe., âge' ilk~lb. b ~ b«.«au aud5 etsraus.- ub .,I but X*çoMiA Wu~#iUrJ ubepu VaWsidta ~ufl~a~icw ema 'il .1. -1 11