ALS. N. vo1t~ I. .UWSOW1N "am or 4 let Md "hbSIM le jooiaam »ga.g MLspemmuto bLesTsmflr»bd * ts irtt otNr b a ue. Sb.aigux4 eai b. alob5* MLdervie"*er;s tmedm amimelleSa 1theMdMvEwhMiecuaex th~e mai d& (ro m latel . « th e sianc a li e A e . CM d lM t Pt e «athe o Thnia 40i. 4iOtbiI adit -atp ue. " - thaem lsi umir " hdiete aCu « itb, to bias m*do., pdo no « thse mee, Tat t e.i t510b -p es ffl brulueor ibMfolwua- Te th"msdhads4..1 Nthahi Cthl"i. d . i l'rthe ut y" d lse4 i -. ymsmi -te tbiid de. de M ad. the th"d d. e theeids d. d4 thetidst d. o ths e tte4o île ,eceme e 4 znshemsd de. de. thethde. e.4t le peeme do. tbsmesel de. "thetld d bo =I ls eUm.j the d" id. T e u s e*arbete ot b Te he=h arabe éAfvietevtMn Fo es t eW.. l On 4eéth' - -§ W Ibhe s u c inmami, aboteumn ise rthhhdne. «.0 «M. lest a t lC t mll ls e « h uteeed d . de. the third d4 "tke od de. thé bfri d . 43 Il. let ej u Wiàoe plim ek.Um.e 1 =do. " t e.e puteeMeMa*et "tetird de. @ou"Se. 1. àidhdseewehm,1 fTo * hsm"g uasla ÀuseSWb Mareatoretste rd oelm emti1 Tthe u vinte Somi tce tWeo Socety e thelaia> mm nt of (arie leusome, tri ii tt show tte as thsy~e te h ý o harosadM the :ues aSsé Focn ih - elou,.y'etSid-m a y rimzsssa. 1 t2atdésit dethe amté;lmsm de eS ror* beigmi R edmm u t he sa - It eeacs y d olhmeg i emgelos I'itsgul o.mjuetly auma mfsitexp.f ls veadrebuMais i tea iousreê y, blb-" s tns Whog wMcIWb w lllby li- betsla Iwmm u Uiam eu".. NesosCM"s a.ommet S.0is Ppra. eg.. ehdswbeffemasug,.= b ave wito«atr otb.tsa citoked hy is e amlin0'Piln; ,(thiciinvarlabiy causes a dSaifut VaogiJ nbIer,,hot. ith digkobly coul breiabe et aUinlua recumat. bent postue, bave, by tkiung ou. dos eti thia excellent kam en as naite .lay dosa conataitiy in heir beds. Eut ltaý teotinonlals of tiant' ithave expericed ie wondeiful officte, ali do moure le ocom- mend and »e iLe hti.suppotOf tii.PuIs- ni altait i h Ie Propieter caosamy la dIe favour, enid by paticular raquasie oba pisbumbed the followang îxtraoriaryrcse Extgmet cf a lettor forwocded ity lamas Fair, req of Lustruthar, Ro)xburghelimr, te ?Ar. k.nwick, ofluiturgb, viietoaud.k adit i to Mr. Powell. Lusttutber, lti Jan. 1lm0 'Dear lSI, 04Yo ueows b:1Iva.melcal ski regard teltaeWendera peros.ed b, lieaa MÊoisîration of Patesît Medicine*s te te ne- meons complaintsetf*mlici dpteàb.-4 have tics allered my opinion, ett oit in se &ri as le the effect prodotegi nu m by ts. dloses of ,'Powell'i Saluaiof Aujse.' lu fa«t ils wasquit. usgicl Ravin; been for some lime affictd mai tosoe.iod viii witt s tbroutIa «'Stomach Ceagb' 1 to on. teaepoonful et the. botl) Sent me, mis- editiia wln-glamtui 0<celi watav.4nW meiulug, andithe came on te venlagos atapping intobail; aitouigtpevsi.i iresi eeopiag dia sholsoflh.erviensai1ght, 1 tend myelfonticly mou , mcetving a,. su coughed fSoihs lite ta t. tua .périt. of et lest aal:!EklRaioneofe 1. Sor- pile Cbhre deeosdei free Heaven »mal ,b. la viole,' teelliol proditscd omi aMt bai.» bissemotoe meediate or ofictsri. «T*arm et lutrty te Yuait vause aMy titSi proer olliu lettai, tforlme iZ: touts arune lm hua tea sositeetu Klogstonupr Caed- boualaay ocptwlby Ng. TitaasE sd, k a "weos oaie-bêt flote, ,but b bu yti.conSert It ese euontrav.l, boeeadae biers psque lManagement; m8" hoes by mi.tmile ta tprmuSvo lieu aMWcredil.T. tbem ** aiatyos- blein mo bu tb.tkot. u.d au lisa 6 'ai ebut tittm Obl puscias, ami bodmbla net bat bml *cwi Plameinastanoemmmig tir , Mmmb se dum e mIm bm 4 a lltimu îhey timmelvm ablitb.,. s.oiv.d. 1h. mMabW id eilte, mcemmoitemm fer baosms i "cariamen rtexteive a"i .1 the &b us.cla w m &tirit ami.0llP. piuipartntsasilbosatylped a in U r»Oeppiramdy. me noe te the lmgedtue am eet osuss. me oýo"a. ilaopaaub,tbo bo»uma iWbu lie oescis.r belle lamno»M a tIhoibot metabouus.te peccri e WtIi ban- eut oft a. geto be 3h117 LeaionTime us, me uuoading ita t. he ii mml Ici.,.,. týMg of ail *a Loodma piot. Duriag the a it kmbis pu 49 de .q& nover fait- rt supply of"lb.amitoyitrshtat caob. olblaibed. TREODOUR BROMKE". Stase Boit Ilote!, KieptasNov. Sth1ton.5 le nowi but oesng the MMcfer Ste me- cominodtion eMthepublie. Tii.Manslcn Boumse plcamntly sittiatai eou Store Street, beioj lia. prIncipal, avid mou ecentrai atreet inlu ostua and ne te- îmitlismment of the. bind, lit tbe provisuc, yu spaeit iin h.e ecellene anmoi c.. fot Ct lsapmrtmnins, in reparîtboti tepar-. loeurs und bed tourbe, ail ef bicit villîho lnrniaii. in the very best style. Tbesuhscnbei having kepi Taaruo bse- verl)yeara, bas acquired orperience ilu lit lifte-andi b. truste uhat siit unmoiu attention te the, coifnq ft, bis guettai b. sill ait a aof he ipublic psthomgef In remrof the Naaeon lieue. lea large vars-lo wietcbeitotuaextensive m&" come*odi«ws iageeofstabbma-a ni siere a Lâvry tabe wllb. consalmby iteçfor Kingston, Stth Oeloiter, 1830 CANAL COFFEE-HOUSE, lusOesolo, V1et CANADA. ~JJIL1AMCAEEEÀL lades, IF VV umet gratefil .c M.wefuotst bighi arfui oia. gebrosupul !, fthe Peuton e h- obas itàoas4 Once boise oa"" " eaboyra bisiemu, amd lW fermea tie bofut h si aupoto t hum »-0 wlt.À=,« A L 18, 1882. TVAUIûxxlk* LaMig»POISM&E ~u g esM b.Wi-iM j~ brandi . m issu u ltaiiy 0<a,çeleuut qusali- &" mo-eVniu l vaibe apaccount ImM rO.itle Kiageten; kouuu suai10 it ee ditoa -y about M sel"e, in eastale lus«t et ortiy the Atambn suia da mi ibterome m ry"sid. veApte 1th.blre F ft titpopet'. ai -C .0 Peilli Esq,.Paclttlog 1011h IISuAIUL»R ANeu Ainl ilond, t.,amles hem i e Vitip be esmo a 2 o l l issarmW bdi' ses ii. AildaspMUmi. ----.... ..imrutdtaîaposssion ra b. given. ty e flemry Limier, Veq. euh, or Wan. »I falnwiel. Auit18 FOR SALK IIHAT valuahle prnperyas lGrsp Bey, *or arri. Fieldbelo.gin te tIbm mb- be0hr. coaîs' g of vansous dweiiing muid bon»* &au Pud everailaCrmsof< ecellent S-Fer prticulau appl' ta ltae Rai. sRicbm ao, Kingston. -~~ JOSEPH DENNMS lCtnUSALE.-Lots N.. nd 2in lthe -e Wh couceseinsa et ,uqayy cdcon- t01siag 00 Acres of excellent Lsnd, tuas hpdàt esituateil on ol. Creel mend No. 32 flo, i balin; a most deireble situation à. therectien et mille.-Application te b. ;d 10 Mr Juhn Richimond Who ie usad- #mial, e tg the 5uop .wter aiAdotplaue. tosu. JONATHAN ALLÂN. Mah121h, 1830. y K UC IBSER euoe" the follesing porbi ft fer Sae: r;l OmibfLmAàd ntiteTonhîp o5nw"uk Iéof etGore, vitità a sitoit 'Cnco of Eurltieu, Bled No. 3 lu thte 34.of.etsaiTowshmip. At Ne. 38 l amla Coessionof tb. ,Ibvnaiip etfErneat Teo, 9 miles resu F W en ceutalning 300 mcis.-Tbsre i_ lieuse.. br, ans& MO hoarhng Apple U en u tiie piosises. IsMarpmuesM u inc uuire cfa «r the Lati boo Duieo iriomrkn 86 i G fi Kt . #y USd havasi colmi 1m yard% cetii tour] decks *aa tIII brou# guos lie ho and a pe te= hi taI lois o 10il4 expe*' ftet [NIJMBEU 085. A milse of ommdeg oshuieg 'LN -f 1 . rit atones atme mi, U W5olser- o(seventy-(our gali, wi it t e d*bps, m. inmiedimîeily co.seo tei th Lel- lenlltte nuirs thaia firtaglit mroarile, r, andi siuai noe.cesât @DaceuatlY vse ocre oesined te aveisàs aeverer Man te astthewiho Wseop bond. la ;lo Ihan an>' îhieialiai it exp,.e euence orbeilg deta15oiinhtheolgii- in Aitoukir Bay;andorwhieshatbo DoM of liiCulodn-tFmiot ae ls y connecîc it h mIis part ;Ï0f reeable t isioml, in Ovtaçlîiaaau, gire YoU a =_te te iluâtion u ic in wh saMswuibSce, sketch. Dg ai about secen olockinauthoeOiCt- truck on a rige or rocks, lue vik5 LOVtB AT IR9T IlOT. Mle scene of action-se wsu. laW ln Lloi, i, . su;tomeu engagetaciet. Il havie. bearis aay e n ftry ajieoe ldantungathe cm* the . ~ loeksug girl. mttl néttîru mi er. f,( pien stio aders, ual theoLemnilersite dati ber Ltuesit.-hte Eliz».atî g a iuchinaller shiap, and f et tataci aiuo'etOMIIa tbruight up y 1Mr.l'hom- Wi suetml, titan any ofthlie Frenicht Siip# "1h.ePollmeluperunuoiant, hu the Police ie lie, as on no accoanut teay a f e 14 »MUse reet, eliargeti b> à Young b aOngide Ou me wes ainast in a. a of ctalle appcmrauicc, nata- afotpruar ea!helioi.eppoiatnienl, sup- ed Ma wil a nstpsg anuiti msmuing 09 thin. prohiition anountasj te mau ex- bhMi sto shiiot andi tePlaesa. kmi train uartsc"pting t.the oi, r tTbosiulim at ha tie taoet es ouutiict;t, iti th i =ndaaoedtrm ay P . Mm Psi Ftay hh« o se, onpau, *t if Wb cSla)tla s ituale i thlm 1 inteatrcstsm" te t fa Staio nsgim utthe i.mle-outt11 pisout.»iteodogiut a Mrottie ltter»Uipwi atlal&W cdmfe « ,"yM Sir. 1thave a gristdsemuy.- a% ietace, inta ti. Ofsa Wbvhlhe, <iete ondbetlad hatyou aor. a suai te pour eut rem ofmde ent u>- mraaiMu, andthie latherof e lA*hià- ~ndm ers eitctually, tlin lem -dren--Uieavenseekoerle. my amuis bou mi.setcontletely dW -« b at" Wtisrpls id. FTe shole of ler b. va ver. 'Iertaisly net,'* nmuidaed lier rame#w Ilad = Ournm @bae t s te itiber se straaça me laquire.; upoin shlitbaR saii, a vtbdreitilprocion, aseping" praifl oglie , Bir, 1 ave muddam y theo danse ais shici th lenc, a0 attaclument tl eu salaicit I luths un=oe- nonc.o ethbe mcouil e bic.qiuie". PitY and targve tmabut e&r gi t te igiathfle bas and - ceto ete sc>'YeiDow muid ltem., "Wllm he onlY gen ais bcitcoutlb ugliithaui* nsuwbmht le naie oraetrmage M Là ue a. 'i. teru caue ette k aveval, but declimied te ener jutem"Y ax- uitavin;çre sio1=vy b lte peut- psimtaoet (0tahi§siatuationen titim, or vhere Vooa Ln, lsoonner .m.p swung a 1usd, andi.hty ltei.Ina day Ctwo nom as ta ansome mnadmiritien- aller mte a gminaocnsted lui atini s'2set ta tu=a the. strboed quarter etaourautoç- a minliar wa,sud h. titan saisit br if"mt an, deuil honritromisidis siti terr- bai any ezpe.latolaelSite s"iheuliar Ict. Sonon aflrsards se obeuved a sas very respectmbly connetai ami liat visrmappoarame e oard ofîthe Frank-. sieobaWlan aneoîty, bcid ie prhe e= t of nou bar terecastle au Eniaglacolor u OMe oiderablo pp lÏM1(t eiata<%ma*l- led, bol a'Froeicalent saslyla; vsacei in 1, rouC, bouevar, lie vitumt 0 AI shicitcuir Captain hailesi ier, dld mot 11km titis maiofdezetmaiga floes- aboutadI irve you strockIl ut,am n ho bejg sinot r-tqiiliy Ioite- a wtich thle' FrenhceOptain rapieit l . n Ir"aeiaquawumtaaom thle le !I Crnag lady Ofed bitteilymnit West a> Wbut. db yqu «see, tisusIlrepliesi .ithe i f>Ussg $"yda sie sn em tii r. 1 -eo , e-ay â. Fr och bouse ette situi eeopleyar, ami <ot- uurying cd &" i ag1-t dlatwbmboae bcaass desmude. l osunot gel as ymnm av >decka te nIid0 and t im egl teeom meVilso aM os iimif wviie hi t e mliil," vaute aervautts u. éCOMPoUete tumihom 1W moy; *1but ifYeu saioma. firing, 1 titoae. On lte filles ta; Wemhmay tail dt bn nyelt., situ,.receivail a note, of s hidi it.Au" <tolie fonw th di, ad brinig it and l lwing la a rap>'- Januar>' 2, MOS Wodion board oursliip, presenid thesn 'lDear Sir,-Sit the hi Ieart thati&meso bpt. Tiionson,* myîco;-,You domecons h.e doomte adie li deapaini Oit! , fo o aedu emllt i- Heaiens (ouibi! Sir, if I hav*e tneyed r'osb Yepaedu Utems-ou I humbly eg org 'partion. t1(ise- u & sau bevever, convoyai on board the seirti Yeu are inumîmien in moi. or You nover Mmimce, n Aslio larger asip, tl, muW ien bl las. unsiteti ueas yeou haiedom.. turïm.ds-:bûttnouun lie lbairequsisolMy ealy motive riai calliug ai Mr. Lac'. aie"te lemit résmit Oui sip ; shim u tgaleinvite Yen te tum; ad thal Yeut vii R egihse, i. .slaeésuisamaseu iud Ssicorrect if Yeu inquire of my lmndledy. Ydo mot Ireamiti ts ontept--l aaâ 5sr0tisulystss&iutuotiat theiR e ~>ietassIosimmedsmto uatigiu- 4 =AUSORR 1se soe , ecçurred. W. bail toi a..FVAR oaa derabte llcperceiied lietreblie, e"Pmy*asgivemy imabiy l-isme. auticip&tîo It.Leeveat, sers ciîptni AMr. M& alle(ier reading1iito 0 . UiiinOrpeser agasinst daot* 1yes 2il ; remoîlu; ove lbting fbhMWh*.4 dimti el, miwilium 55 bot 1te Upperdock viiihsas ea» ee have luem'sust rillly auaeym& see ile, wettiDg the.mils, andl atatiosm ho tiMil Lesilm oa imtaip lai ai directions vitit bucila ts of erDciet in. Tit.ofa Mr. site an8 bir banda, aien up te tlitime, auappuiltu Mt bame tb laI Isogli 5. t thm leer dock au the aft« an orf * - à d ae-SiildSes5 Men-t ws inuflanea sscithgvs ibis fut- Simâca liai, &bosevome eïs i.tty u. lte mmj tiatblsa im ihl cutad te 55mg *te i«»e .ly nss., »Poq 1siiemi Sousa enj Jauepper docks. A ostunvtL t . - itsy &muihabat. ii lmceduets iraibou aiae In ' ci, eas, htei umeeamaiuim abus,«, htb lia smil d >besqtotcnowdesi ski Mr. 105 Mob itImtuunyi *MiàIur, g te a i s and ao la 1àk.iOliot bord, andl dito alier15ahalllsùtl -eu isauaî