pal usir*"binth ith M, pnt assd =IfW en.t = go ifl. rcfe, 5ae,~ iuduay I oslie" k trembla subAsueat âh er wly<h ve d- ~sditIeu. te0bo adi er vison uOlly boa lest Wà attusoion, sut lth*suaier et youmul ahtion buasabotm.. Uf. cae vas urat Dermuay, Meh*ai lupuizt, a " sdgâlkldy. IHeî mai3 22eusne m avea, a»d *. bosam distugulohoin asousy lit. ly s pascafer P-% n i crn, Imd blb.a.uilt W hk poFit. ; enicssest. muer« ao omae. At h. ug of0< ammue. Mbstas married toe eDoe.ugyone et tisé houa.,of lise Peisl ar,cTri vbtsms. ived iha el ltsVMrslyoa; vian e. a simdon yb ien is e Mont bearbhe. sanns. la her ses"~ Mia.comepomni sveral toris, ci Whicli thea puesut asMo » iselid efeaesnqatio arnlJ.cieze ise gloe W e * ien to bie werkt, sieappeursie bars v inn uW munîtWu-titb occasionat thouigis, "e. hy Calbian Tailot." Messes. Chsrey and Hart balle ptoliasent a mnlaure volu Mudrtlias tille, inteudeit aua aily seligiens euono.The înbbores vas a frseind of Mes.Carter,anditposeeed askie- droitspirit. Sortvrai of lier fugaive pisn, attacind t e Ibis littie vois, are familiar bu lthe ctses" cia. BaghàulArhhoies. GneobaÂnc,&. N*AKOr.-Catey a Le. have républsh.i a large octavo, hy Hlenry T. de la Boche, s distun"hmissetgeotogiet, thieibIt à%itt ees acomplote cposi- ice cof the preantstaltetieae, titI Ilimglaet disoovaies mut opinios rglar- ly dessilai; sith a ceplcuiidx vts by somaotifi mon. ceimotusa-,ricl ros Teunsg Mu.- Thi ethor et« Aduli te ta Yug Cisl- tien.' s vous vicih 1~I imudi sndait luclatubnga. se s es tieunion bmthevoe tille, in sasim.. 0<1.- tees, in thicis IMexpas-ee. e of an e.- visvmit, ami lb. temptablona d nmd dsts, bettonthepericts f =-lioctand aaue. makoal u. oitiont, idi 00- rulbsMsdratnfo t.epstot. b mi ogveernm.rt ftho young. The. tyle in peramicn;ýanadthe subject iii tsntéd in m nasanes hich is vii onmani attention. Ilt. in isued <rm lb.e preas of Jonathan Leavitt. Mmcutnop Tal aàyn @.'-Carey &L.m have pobluiso a Prefieniemnt is etation on Ibs nijsct, hy lcMmBss ville. Ii amdi snsfiiu xis ali o f di. su4dc, fAv those thoeestudio dg MolM teid ho thebiglier branches of inaalbasaisal and mockia scice.. e mumie eisa afa îbu intandet, nas ils naine imépunIs, for 'tise lu- structionad inprovisaient cf the aperaive Clamsgeuort1y, lhas beeu pablisiiet hy Careyad liant. JIin th ict part.of a tlb.41Lig lad= , lmae~7nd dis eum.otlie suijoot of Captai laor.- The manobjeol la te show prscisaly that thie ecurity of pruperty islthenyfaotsm- tien of accumuolatinansd that =ulaisecrity meantIexist, vheu h. Capitailetand La- bougeir am otMequshiy paclectet, as flmeex- olagms-[(Oameuial Aitvortiser.] C H OL ERA. Fmbsta slThouahês, uslsig tthela.Asiamele se Fiit.-ll lu nohroius bast ibis diseas.e esiginateit, umi raged titi a mortality fur es-eoding a07 exampie in its prges tbeîbce limatos ami natioaae, id the cenr, f =s11 ,amoomg h. Hindou, who live iu a greal sues urupou ri",eOt no clandt are t1h. mostteoqierahe people lu the vonti. *Sconly-That its motlily sud exteni bai diinihuhed lu proportion as it ea nsatss, wvi.babilas, and modes à( liv ing tRr froit tis .f lie connlry l in tieliit disease ongmnsei. 7ï 7i tallinest seOcam" his evepeh cfet lv Mmca is,< ofir C y me"afyb.inpeti at Chien Mbs otainoodl tho, mai -"etigeho l-sepwMphgJevtue ar go ie Pub- li e au Autipw sMedicine.mol eolY as n peev»îCnive-»ua n peesl niýas the r ,flii dresololsea lu gooi peradg ofltbie Medicine st on powealiliAnsopti, sud calculateit ta Y«%vnt.if poi'iihe action of subtle rpsosot lou L It s-hi canîibute tu 80. atetseislVeveut tIlentos, andt r cesoquon dmcM n~ cf il (biis na- om aiys~cu t net oly aues prox- rl mu cme fdiseus, but in mny Camsas a set oef aAIaltende=$.) It in also a a pWb, , "caaiie udyl i body. diessiyceveairng ia part, tliat <&e- 9teresimsioupon àlis nlaetublae, con- s titutiuOg ViOlera. l he i.disem e b pean sd 1h. peuxsiral cause hiandis Il %taid the jimdihaliis ýMedicine viii poveurnhy id othiern saaieimq tis lesty crculation Ma cm - '6te tavard 1 thé cure, and ia ne casé pan a£jadicscpoex~- r.$pit tbiifoae itlie e th~w limWiavi os ouqtm.l. Asa -itmnyb. useditoude, exeaslhysn theie pris i amitly ruithlldy vitb SanaI e cttonc ttaEven spinis. iag apactluntait i bi lIitdicime ai- lrnutely titi the chinteof<hme, vil! ho singutLary ueuqfuI. 1Tihe Anliseptie neticin. Avr the eovn- sscnisei, titi rpr aetau i ts nu. Wiib liais <edcia. th. felloiag ce- lp iii ho olene, hici May bc pro- Ch*italbApethecrysniob la sdt ieton by h di njctit il ltediseas, as indi- catiocensuml ceur. ab inteevats 0ofbina or dire. days. Accliua Muiaticum, - gui : f 1 Aqua. -caonseo8 Byrup Sinsp.------qa.of Milice. r A sip af Ild bis ta qlaIo ccaomny, vIosaumch thirst is pincent. WILLIAM HUINT, M. D. Graduale of tie Coleg or <Pijeiciaus iandt Surgeons, N. Y. PAMMATvUI919 hTLEauxy-InCiOe- ra, muscuise movamumlao pauaincontinue oftcu bor seven boues slle doti laste anl &asmracet1lerceplS- aceef c vobssted byail tho have oritt« n ouor wtuneset t1i. di;su d mitiersesuaxt b. nquestion tinl ata uient. vble noter the infiluence cf «Ithc iniiuiunue .opopiumsua e manfo terievmor sîgitten = îia s sYmptosa Oe evidéeof0<We<. We ancr that os. bave unqueiionableautsot fo stalung, diat, un anonigIaiiomqizkl: v* lage, a bey wom theyr ver. carrying alogthsetsin i cofia tubis " ethcr barue," kicked t Iem; ihat a oife vas laid in he oin ; andthlb lit about tb ho naîled data, Wben finulaiet inbereei, at liice th t he auiniet sic sabouit atempit dose. BotS o(thc individuai aré atb, living. W. May mention flsriber lhi n a lownacnt distant, a M» U ts vife bad pui y iiciofeboleva iasised ior ashe iialslera, the corrm u.s fournit ying on its face. ««W. do "noaug extenuate, orset Java augil lin milice.-~ Andin hafutierovidence of the daln r pro mlature ictersuent. te ,May mte lia fol- laving <cticuahcrredfewyearaago a bscity, aot tiicis uaaiy individuas will reinelaiho. A besatifoal Young lady tas neizet tritha a satten illn.u in th.eren- inDg, sual e loua. aunaaveonu; lbh.W for 1aicl id vas pracurait, 11<. appoe- mita . extin. EXvey endelavon, aaw-. over, tu restore suspeadtanimation vasj resorteltal; smong aibers, veina io vaniaus pariasO0<he bdty me oeiebut the bloual refosd to flowitbey btas Ihen laid out on a tabla, te ail uppeamance s corpse, audt ths sfficlmi !amity aller giving vent tIode Ment Poigmnaangsb, retirei tu toem, lav- isg tis liaiy lackeit up aIone la th. spart- usent. Thé lancet wvounitealashad it enter beau neglect oleie obe s affcety hantageol or mccl a ceouaany hait been ait to tis asesid ai as nnac.sary.i>u- rig 1hDigit, i*aq syclehl, viicihait enly heip. sseaei, -hm$& ansd tlik huhaitumr- Dma tcichy tuenable tle unfacrtunsbe8 Ir im elifon 1 tic table toilbea pptr 'qhie wu f= oexomain elintbi-rat blon of l* hphu b' bilvellet forth (roamlie'vouta nfitei tuhopresereIl ib.(NO NotisBitan.] th M#rdee 't n w4 s*r te vrere, lié. tas dFflet Iha"tfur lj.,1 asomcAius.ssep eoôWV.bmgbt Mle,ý eteni , ason. i»ac fl e .lvea Mu -W u#<5gas,&dwith Mlb. eý' 1tance a ba mbou, tevent dmo en s e gtea .tc<s. holtoa. iee as w di net expemenos mydi"feky la I.eetdmg >buta aisoaiesasosmdanoyod nl. -We Dow cfaened a dog te thi.e d C bambob, eghteon&etlong,and eut hha*1 ove ha cm urwatch. i in cmau & d, s foaren seconds h. (fnlé iibs back, oUest Meebis limbe, or look roissid, but eoutin-l 1ed te breathe ci ilieueatu . etis - mt i nother, e==cute .gottosefrons the bsnsboo, but m'lked hlabe the other dog tau lyng; li. <lien *gond quit. iii, Landi inteot sene ilie &R ceonbis Aie., an tneyer Movel his limbe efWrwuad; o- I fiuod t<o ettsforsavn W*te nwtIrisai a faiv, wiiielo oued in a minute and a half. W. thon Ilret ini anth0t, D hicit diidboite touobirig groomd. Dus- .ring -those xpeunti te expetieSd a 1he,,y shoter of rai; but w. won noaiteru- tese.d by tthe W sa, bfel=ns, ttstt wc 1didnotoersforgettîngwet. On thoesu side, oa larg wu asIlseakeleton of a hum"n ig. Who muest bave purisiedon bis bck, wt. rigtarsunerlsila; 1rons " esn xpotodte Uevemher, Ibo bornes vrw buaoed a ubteailv"y., 1 *,sem svions tuta eue iis imt erny alternoft ta. g t ait would hava-i i madosa. Aller rsnmoing two houts. la titis Valley of Death, w. retuenedl, but round soin difflcolty in jgetting ouf. proun e t eavy suaves, the aides of the. Wal-" vaeu very lippety -, nudtliait it ot beenfor to.aaese behim u s, w. might have > ond il no easy matter ta escape from tlis petitential spot. On reacbsng our rendez- vous, vs l iai aébrandy and vater at&m lait tbis eatraordinary valley, came down 1the. liîppecy foot path, sometiunes on acm bains sand lîuds, tu themain rosit, mocwe Saur herses, ai returned ta BâteQr, quit. plcased tith onurip. Tise humacin El- tou are supposeil ta have heen rebels. whe badl4 het. main romd and taken reaies the dfférent vaiieyn, as a wandever c=na kisuw bis danger titi lie s in tbe valioy. A RzmaaKAaLsz A"ZCOE.-Lord CraVon liVed ini Lnnd-,u wnthen ltesgreat plaguse aged. is, bouse was in that peu t of tbe town ealled Craven Buàliiîge. On1 that d saitsmity growing epidirmir, hi1 Lirdhijo, ta avoid tI'a danger, rescited te retire taebis sat in ticcountty.lits colcb1 aud six vers accordingiy et the d.,erthe bagguge put up, sud al things inu;red- nos. for th joumuey. As lie was oalkiug threngh tbe hall titb is ibat an, hie cane under big aria, and potting on bis gloves, in order te stop icoa is caenlage, ho observed bis negre, tho served bin as a postillon, îayiug to anotber servant, «l1sutppose, by usy Lord'@ qutting London ta avoid the. piague, tai bis god lives iu tb. country sud flot lu tntu." Thie pa-rneegeu sd this in theipiet of hbisheurt. as really bellev. ing l apiîriy of gods. Tie speech, how tver, struck Lord Craven very seiauibiy, sudi made hi, paci-" My God, (tbougbit h)1 live4 everyviiere, sud can preeerre mse lu toto aes teli as in the country ; 111 e'eu stay wlsre 1 amn. The ignorance cf liaI negro bas presoied a utelal sermon tu me -Lord, pardon liaIubelief, sud liai dis- trust of thy providence, wbich mad me thilk off running away from tby laid," "-4 itOyota,,alit iiwe.tses ý,lu <rom b. c an sd the luggage te ho hrougbt lu. He continued in Loudon, wsst remarkable itsefol smong bis sirk ueigb- houes, sud nover caughtthlb.lfectioL. t TutE EXPATRIATUD POLIBH AMAZONSI. A nnmber of Palli femaleo, su ilI clati inZ their national uniforin, paseid ubrough 1 Frankfort rcently ;-oue of tlei elving ranir as a lieutenant, wbo bad been wmun- t doit on tiree occasions,, ttracted mach t- tention. 8h. looked on aiionly, but te- fud b to itdown te tbe dinner give% ta the corps ta vbicb sbe bclonged. 1 lesent that the. death offlier son, uho feulu nbis soveén- teenul yean, figtiug by ber sie, ai er a. liait bouvet beau wvanded, pcsyed incessant- leeapon ber spmrit. Sb* vas îreaied titi tb grextesu deference by ber lae compri. ionsin-aroas, bore a crois of niiliuary r.n Our on ber bresI, sd ud asof masculins fita- f tare and pt.t foc upen observing titat one of Ibm striipling arrions, tho rom t. hdrink long tif. e t scir bouts tastloit amoug bis uiafjet comraderaIbo eaued b illa ab ne aria, far above eveyry urroundiag band. i Tihe muet dislngused Pole tho hba s i made ber appoesoce ameng us, bas beon t the. colobesîrd Countess Piater ; and lier ad- t jutants, tb. faie ceunpaions of ber tiea cloun- deol olys, are heutiîy expected t h. foet ber. la» anAucrie »den* ppetil ai é muait..Ulowel roitthe pub=isto 4f" poulanctou ae"i. nc aboi. blême ; aRes ulôc, tionCommulte, ortan- si Boadet,toate tla-. iiny tia ppreprlate, se reâeeved, Ulm iPPlia es t their dieretion. The olitg6 ed aufuture cellea o acb ohates, tlbe #*id tthl Baers cflte Cos- n aLonon. 4.1 Ine ethelr.tebeof four per cenot peu *snu,sisal!b. palt upon thbinital- ment, afier the expiration ef one jear froua Ibo dt. of lic Ciseter. 6. A depeote of j£1 par chare te bu paid1 et sncbhime sud places s tiéCon,,ittee. ci Mauagemnt, or Bud of Directons may op- ,aceeding £5 pet sbare shail ie mode at sne tiae, and ne vieser peridthtan ait monthe. iitient s meeting of shareboiders, speciallj suinunnesi, te taiete lsanie ato considration. 7I. The management cf the Company te ie entirnoted te a Board of Direct ors, cousis- ling of*s Goveruo-r, Depaiy CGovernur, ten Direct.r%, titti paters ai.d privileges usas!in public Campanies of a sîmilar na- ture audof fouir Auiditar,. The ixsBriioard cf tirectore,tader the Charter.saoliro- main lu office dires je,?., nt the endt ai vbich, four shalh retire by ballai, end the §ametmber arnally, but shah hoi eligible tae ho e-tlected; such elections ta e hmuade by meetings cf proprietore, convenaid for thaI purpose. The. Board cf Directors te eldit tiir owu Go voersud Depuiy Gev- orner. 8. Tii. qualifications for a Ditector tbs Il ho twenty sares, sndcf su Auditor, ico 9. A Board for making purchasers inuth. Colonies vill ho requisite, primai iy ln the Province cf Lote Canada, sucb Board te tonsint of tbe Anditors, sboeld lbey hoe op- peinted in te Colonies, or of Commission- crs of viiotu tbey may recommend thse mp pointaient, one et Quebec, and oeeta Mon. tiont, witih le Superictendaut. 10. The appontaieut sud dismisaiou of ail saisried officers of the Companys*bail lie ai the discretiou t of boBoard of Direc- lors, annd ou salarieot officer &hall bave a vote et the Board. 1 . A Chjarier aud Act cf Parlismeut for t'ha Companiy, %rnder lt.euaite of or tille et the BRîTI ex A.vicacàz. LANa iCourANT , te b.e apilied for. This Charter tp bu as igenersi in is views and provisions as lis Majesy's Mî" nisters mnisancutijeu, snd viii apecîfytiseprivileges us la voting, sud lb,. Dame, of t1. original Directors, as, toitas Ibm gaussI ules for Ibo manageme.nt, witb power te incremie the capital of the Coin- Pany. G. R. RaBsori, Chu irman. N. a-Application for sbares to lie ad- dressed (potpaid) ta tbe Comriiitte ai thti Cgmpany's Office, No. 1, Freeiasua's Court, Comobjîl. Joas GALT, Honorary Secre tory. <cern bm GravilesGoustte. E»eruscAsrrSoci-ry.-ILt s vjtb feel- ing of unfeigueil pleasre ore publieb tho folotiugprceinga of a meeting, fot the purpcae orig a Society in viet ofaîd- îog sncb nuigraba as may arrive lunbiis place in detitutecireuuasoe. Unavolot- ahi. circumstancesprsveuied ushing pues- eut, lb, ire are itîornied mach gond feel- ing and unaniiaty' afsntinaent prevsiled-1 PUBLIC MhIETlNG8. d FRONTENAC MEETING. AI a meeting ad tic iniabilsta c f the Cotant y of Frontenace beld at Mscrltt's Ta- avem Apcil l132, .te coasidor the prso- pniety cf a nespetfial adittess to Pi Ma e. ty ou tic state a! liaProvince,. thonr lien Waood vas appointed Chairma anm Mr aViacent Secretary, vin, previous tuasccepting lb. office, uuggcsled ta lie meetinug the peopniely or eveo tise night of hîmusolf or any ather persans reaiding mith- la inthe ùmits of <ho Totno f IKingston, ef votiug or taisingamy paut luibis ueeting hecinse the iah*b'tants esidin"g itain t9. Town of Kingston lhave ladsa iuetiug te express ther opinions sud sentimensan d have vatcd an aditrem o hie Maeety on gubjects relating <o die publice saffioftis Province Tbatiy voting ud tukmng sy part in ti. neeting liay voulu tIherniy de resdouble opinion on thdineas ý yugettoaplaces. Sorne pensona froam the llora clsined a ni g il l vole Ani Ib ieeting as freeioldera r lis Coaty, and lb. baud ill requesteil the atîsutacof <tise inhnaitant> tithaut distinction. Bomeattie inhaluutb o f die Tovnship Mid th.y vlshed lihe meeting to »peocee t laavcid mîlermsio. Tic follotiug resoltatien, vas mveit ly Mr. M. Bidweil, R evd, Thint inuareubltoa i igisI as Britisha oubecta 10 -momttog1ethe publicly mut peacouil, to cousul cotacrn- ing auy enceoucimepîtaupon Our pcivile"e, e alt to petilian frliaheins cm f exislsug uievances, or tise adoption fe!ncsmou- muet-s as te may it.seeury or bebefi- eisl,sandtbaIil tin u*iltIqu iny¶a fo distant. sncb stnpb aIty tti i llkthonsrWhoau. pua- e AMseurinSteltai. mais suleào sd re- *M sy çoïm6wu Onn mma the. loyal eddiree t bu etmlst809m mi1 iyIauha.iilsts d K.s.;s coumy, anit yalargea-d -upe- une ami Glée. Nohe thsume f e te-ot- b twthb w purcbUue0si lu-Qfyers, lb. oXclasiva rigbt te thon eha=lem"-S erectioa ammpciau S OUtettaccoWme- dthelb.visitons, wmieh viii h.ready fAv ie receptman csf coanpany ia tise menti cf Joue next. TichetWbol iswescern- bpleted it viisornewbot cdi.. thePavei hme Hael at Sarataga springsdthe ain building being Iiee etonies ligi, sant tie t angivo stenie.. itenlie engb la ii h [-uoe budreit snd sevenleon lé4 ,by lftj a ourirnlabeeaith. i ili cotain optant ofy a ri;taen u" * kt ahiîmiecf ipnavate roma for fail e&sD adiing ruent cf sixty bd y cigitecan. Tovo ranges of seat galie su iglt Mm<etvidle ami ttelve hagh . iiisarroisuthil.buildig, suit ud malnch la lb. appearance andtconvenirneof I t hol. i, Varennes offers mm n mlcementm Av b. h visita off the Icavellor, iunemarchsof balide or pleasore, or dtie. sekiag hoa<s«Cehi saîmmierftraintih.beallsandtient oftise CI't. rhe communication titi Monsuial i b 1niaintainet iy a estemuiomî bronging tu Mr.R.L which vriilouve Mantrealivîwce a day, ltlen A. M. andsix P. M. Abrlte l te place viii Weil repay lb. visiter, n enous beiug anc of lbe most plouslay uit- i tait villages lu the vicinity of Mootreai. e ànacel extensive and deligilful rse vili bo eajayeit froui h a feasuy oeUo tel, embrraciug a viser 0< tise cuîand maou- Stain a! Montrent, lb. mebtonamn of Ciam- i7 anal leloeil, suitue river SI.Lawrence. AI 'the Speings, thicli are about a mile fram tha HItI, a large building yul b.ei- lrecteit, canuaining sixteernseparate botbiug roaseandttwotiîîiug zoomes. By au"aay- sia of lb. minerai wtesn,wm earu liaI tisey sae posseaset cof valuiable meticinal quau- lies, ait arc fric frumanythiug deleenous. The tuait fratin Varennes ta lime springa icads along lhe bonis a! die St. Lawrence, sud commande a fiue prospect aoflise. pas- sin g sesmebots nit sippiug. Carrnages vi1 alvays h. lu reaitiacsta couve yvis- Ilo.. betoveen lbh tva places, as yul as ta allas- oflicir uaking plesaute excuesions 1about lb. contry.-(amette,] Ma. AàxD Mlle. AuiszatoN'iCoucrt tallitplace ou Menday evening, sudsats ai- r enteit by a large nuamber e!fancust rtes- pectable citizens.-We amehappy ue learo that tIse campauy mers biglideligbled s-îhh Mr. Aiderm.u'i singiug; tise piaadiîs vers lent ant frequeut, sud lin tarerah sangs hoe vms cucoreit iy uanrmpos tslle. Ha% 'Sauoneen uaoDieffius vas partieulanlj anied d Mrm. Audersonsi, "Hérets e Moli iesbou" cotlUîc," ws-uslto re- ceiveit titi enltnosiasir applause. Thse thole Fetforouance goies fan te eçtas- liah the. igi ciaacter ef Mr. Andcrson as s sinager, wioicb report hait brougitt hero h.- fore bim.-We are hippy ta observe tiaI Mr. A's. reception in Ibis cily bas heen s- cordial; il canuot h.e chbervis. lan gruli- ffjîn.g ta bim afcer uachas@,-ries of uaupleas- aut occurrences us bave fallcen tsivay since bis arrivai on ticontinent.Mn. Duff', iccomspanimenus on the Piano vere dastinguislied for carrecînes sud good laite, e ad Me. Rysu'. performances ou tle, Bute .trte conaidereit ta be aiuang thae moat ex- etranrdiuamrymtiîtmaslenly offortu on Ibat in- strumentl. lu execullon, taiteful style, sud uaniiîY Merltjîn mu y be prononceit te lie a perforezcf lb.hesrt rate.-[Can. Cou- rant.] quisir~; mutusng tac many peopis logetai I I - ~ ~ - .~ îd W. Your Majeuty's dutiful andl loy. Releadjects, iahbitanlasof the Districtcf Ni upa, in the Province of Upper Canad., bambiY ask luy ai tihe tut E the limone, tiesecOur sîncere txprcssinouif iqally and attachment for jour royal Per- sonssuid Our incessiog admniration of the aconstitution of tbe mîqbty empire, tile sce b re of thlch, jour Majestycoitrouls. P 0 W. e.teoîl seaise, mast Gracieus Seve. revaga, liat the true cîristîtutinnal Channel 9 f arprc1iii M j u "fIty by puile Ad. fdrupso,atbhreuugb liuhe pnptilar brAun of fle Legisauture; but, ai thel preseut criîî. of p., litical dissetiora, tien the tranqtîîlitv of tii. Province is distnnbed by Ilie iniiiu atrouptu cf disaffected sud disconuenicd detisgogues, ta altonate tie affections of a hipy snd contented people ran heir aill- g&ace thue Kiug-yuur Majesîy, %-a trii, iipardon auj ounusi lor irregular c musa ad pted by jour subject , te expr ess their dimapprobation cf sncb seditious princi. We lamnent ta infortis Your Majesty tuat an aisrming excitenient bas hocu creiesa throsugiiot the. Province, by moans of rej. gienu soaticisn and lte oxertioas of de- siçning asi rcoalisasindividuels, tho, by mtsopugaentation, sudsabase ajîteun cf open auit avotod oppositin ltu firitiali rule,would (if misrepresenlatioiitee permitted ta pir- vail uncoutradictod) disseminste, peincipîra leading ta aiarciy sud confusion, sud. oui- mately, oeertsimCculony from the British W. further bel; leave to reprearni tuyour Majesty, liaI vo denoseil a duty me owe tu 0u King, Dur country, of adoption and birli, suitounselves, tae epress, l iibe muet unequivecsrterms, eue just indignation, ai men, viose actions snd tords caim fuil tn convince unprejadiced lilids, Ihat threy ain aititisobedienco tu tle civil Maitral, snd set et defiance pesce, ordor and good goverument. Up ta ibis lste period, the loyal inhabit. ants cf ithe District of'Wtagara bave àiitel. t!onally sbstsicolfromt auj Public expres- sion nti ndignation t tthe seditiaus acteanda sellihdesigus of bte inaiguing sveries of democracy ; couvîneed lha' the loynIty of the inhabitani cf titis aid and wealthbvdis. trict, afior thO Privations IbeY have sirciady endureinludrfence off jour Majestyli pos. semsions during tlaie %sertac fiiiîrg und,d the insu rial Brocis, vouid ta latest poier- ity ensoretihe confidence cf tbeir King. That, as descendants em Ids ritioli an. ceitorsand many of us BEnsi y birth, we basat ofthat eng9n thici claires affinitîy ani sileglunce ta the BraiihCrovn. Thot jour Majemty'a sulijecte resideti n the Niigsta District, repose uuliinited nu n. fideuce, in tbe îepeentatvm cf jeer fNWm jc.ty, thoe itenant Guterse cof titis Plu- vance, via, siiucolie bis Assumedtheii admi- txistration, basth conslituiionahly and impar, tsIaflj ,aintsinet eur civil and cohigious in. munii« uaiopaireýd.asdithLie digu.iîy of bus icalted situation aCroit; tbereby sffocding tii. sabjet sund the sovereigu every icour- anýe ibat individual rigitsand prergties cf the. Crowu are equally pratectrd, and if properly apprecinted, Cetsonotu bisole ipîaer Canadiens happy sud couleued iob- jectoq. That w. hiv. bld in reveceuce, sudev- or s-il hoid sacred sud unimpuineit, aur go- veermment, frainetby Brill#besttesmen,thii very trnscript cf Eigland's constitution- ettoIevld -Open esur ancestors urolet hesas, pices snd reigu cf voue Majesîji paret, cf glOniaus Meîuorj, King George ilieTurd, preuerved inviuuite ta us duriug lhe ucco. eabi. reign of yotir ilustnicus predeî-enor; aud, ai ibis epoci cf political and religious troubles, ih, snd yullcontinue t0 hc, the Bultark of Upper Canaiens civil anal reli- glana liberty. W. dlisclaiins lie opiniosn, liat, Iecause te inliabil s Coloiîy remet. lsuslie parent state, sud excludeit by geogrsphicul pos#ition <rom à direct iutercoutse titi cilicerCourt- tries by ses ; vie are na tbefore, equally iutu.reitedl wilhhr aubjecis of jour Ma- jesty inavrey event thst saut tend toauthe îi rengtb analprosperiîy of the empire, snd et aIll imos equaliy bouni ta s hare in the itsngersamd miafarcunes off oveetar vbinh May ho nei4ssary 1a vindicats t0lieno f joue Majeal>u's cromu, asud te saintain tihe elgits efthe Btluiob nation. Mia Mnietti-'tfaithful mubjects 1h. lobub- litnts of Ibis district venture butu pe thai vur Majosty vyl b. gracious1y pîcaîrd Pi limien h ta e but sincers iand ai-iguied repuesntatïrus coaUnnUicated ta jour Ma- JutçL'aroyal eu, lits confirmationcf cur love fait t an d eons<tutions, and tleieci joue Msajesîy'$ Goverament ta rective, titi a Wllu, (Le. repreientalieeos f visioiiiry enhusan sd met te sacriice substance fur orun, i e et te tii. means, et axehange present posse frs <e ncrtilu prospect." That ote ate conlented tstis ont promînt hsppj condition, and apgsceclstc tIe bleu- Mo gse avye reat n;jojail, and, look ig f-rvard ta Your Majesy àuetosIgracions disjaiiioat. e pomueate thtonuace of Chant. nnimpaired, le jonc Majatija Icyai subjeets un Uppecan spfreniy sapplicile thAI Igs~ ~p ose f c Vailete W PC yem, UaJeYs valciabli 11f. 0n4 t ib. wÎeud 4É.eYe. for jeats 10 cern, te continue .Stuy a sceptre tbat le lb. prit. of Kisapsndenvyelîithsornd. la atiler parts of lhe Provioce. Absa meeting of a numbeo f the inhabi- tant' cf Prescott sud ilà vicinity, convued ai dia cilice of A. Jones, Esq. on Ttesdy the Sd day cf Aprit, 1832, in pursuance of the. auggestion cfhlis Exceilcncy the Lient. Gaveruoe-Tbe Hou. John tHamilons vas, unaonmoualy calot ta lIas Chair, sait W. L. Wiiit, Esq. appoinleit Secretaey; when lhe bllot iug Resolutions tee adop- ted vidieul a dissctiugvoir. - lit. Roeia, T t:bis eting igt' aipproves o! liai part- of i. Emoellency-s Specech, at tlhe laie proraption af tie pro- vincial Piieliamenkt, virc recanunends tie formation cf Socis diraughaut thse Pro- vince, te affluaI adviae sant assistance go cm- igrants armivmg u Iis country frouaGreat lnai sud Irein&i 2. R.eleed, That tie omigeation of per- sons froua the mother eountry bas, in the. higbesl de"re, contrihuteltlo the advance- mentrIb iis coloay ltoits preseut prospe- cous and ilourisbing condition. & Rueoieed, Thot il in tie tecideit opi- ion of this meetinýg, that Ithe subject of cm- igeatiogi le O f paramount imaportance; uniha: t ils lie dat ofsvery oveil osisier tuasi country, tad aal possible assis- tneadencouragemnenîta osicLant des- <tule selliers srn*vung lu tbe country. 4. Risalus, Thaltishe lias u f tliica- mnuy 1au.mmntjustiy due te lis Excel- iec ie Juin Colborue, fon hiscommauai- 00"ianof tb. 2t alia., aidressed ta AI- PlicuJones Esq. - nithit, lu thse opinio of this meeting, lue.euaptonouent oflesta- tut. Persm i, a nng a Rod trouaPrea- tooi(the - fleip navigationof the laIe.,)tlathe Rideau Canal, vil& eo «y gretly alleviats the nee6stieof< b.hel- tiens, but prove higbly itencllcial 1g th. Provinonailarge. à. &sed, Thisnhaeider te give egbmey ta the buman. and generauu Intentiions.! is Eeelletme smb*eety h. »et forme!, tube. oml..l%,PvocT* Em-I Igi-#"Sola cia" itut ita dite. o eonaimef&aPveron* tva Tic.Presidati, eil tWend î ;wkrysud acomma TIs loiagen~eusr ap- paoitdosfcesarlste jet. vis.- ALrU]KlrsJoouz e Fq.Pe.lmle. Jile aMNoniswV. V"~ Jefny PA"exs. &ikw Couavux-Bv.Wmu«.Le , Roeot Ecyd, 11ev. IL Elàkey I» .W.-J. - D. m Md en~ kZmes. L F. âhflip = ra.%AM"se 'Lan exauwi., W-t or loUàl" 1 j à il