Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 18 Apr 1832, p. 3

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'A %J '4~4 ,l: J I - ~ I ~ t MW lb eielnsof iper. cf tibe the ftep. Sove. bic Ad- mci cf th. of P liti O ns fa Yiai, 1vs loaprinci. bI4wethat Of railn- DOi cf de- le. Wi@o, iy dons ifopen i. ttiold bled tu pie- t prnie§ s, sulti. theiti rî cent t0 youn in mi igiatien et Cannt il i I tuaitic7e bititrate, yal iniabut- ibc ezprem. viaisof mve aiueady jewespot. biîg tudr tlui poster. ir King. Bitih on. ly iruli, vi isreidient ini limlted ,n-- f yonrMI- of ibis Pro1- th* iiadmi- encd imipan- DU afeD iog rery moeur- rotagtives tedl, adif ili tutmaire leteisitub- eand iv- ti.r go- men, te itutiom- litaau., % parent, iiiThrd, h. menao- deremr; religions he, tb. aid eli- becanre ,position ecorn- equally car Ma- In tuo wbich (obat- ne Na- utIove s g s t s a a I I BAHIAMAS..t PoLITîCAL AASVim-On it*bMdfi0 Manc ,Sir J. C. Suyli th Govenmenpu- nogm eel * eai 'Ml4se l ian.dit a em a long speech,.of wch tei 0 iactm is a. fouovs: Mr. Dpmaboend simd almn tie 4 i 1 1 atm coaeliera ta prorogne liunI Asimitly, vith a vtsv toits imnejate dis- ' solution. Titi ieep ragraetviticitunicreniet.- Conts". 1oli ot Lt fiel et leiug corapelled l todisolvia limerai Aascrbly of tes.ae Iean asefflni time, sud ithtn su short a priadinh essenlially diiisluei by ioy conviction, not onlyothe lb soluel oec"uiy of tb. messoie, but thai foumyn op, as il necisanily wiii b., ty the re-as-j sumption tof mn unqnaaiauiobeawm D eti-t tullonat igir of the Crovn, bil as m bien allove tueo long ta ay drmnt) il viii conîibute, inea gratin digrei, toaads tbe future permnnut tanquility and hop- Pnusa or tiis Coîony, than ny auber eipe-c dint vbich could he adoplei.1 A proclamation disiing the AssimbIy, vas accueil the miii day.t Tii folloving letter,adreua. lte ei- iorofnhet Commercial Aiveriiser, gîtes Ihe Mietl aaisfacteny merount v. havaent of te discasi Anbicb tassai te pevati in the virjOity of the Niagara Falls. NIAGARA, 44h Apritlut13 A nov. iiordir, vbicb froms tbe number cf cases of it bava ternoled foa,1a.lbasbeu- cilci the public felinglo m n etnimps- sible te diacnîhe, broie ou &bout tvovweks igo, ai Chîppeva, sud Lunniy' Laise, en1 titi mtl. <round. 5sud ai fixat wvas id la Le lie Choiera Mobs; buitis îilstimgi iing featua vry oemcli <nemihlb.9choera thai 1 bllet. rio med"Irsmaivil may po tilay l itii mlaiy. et one petio ilvwu saud te b.e a bilions rerittent lerer, and as- Irmaris Ibis copinvasugiren op, aid no defimite nome islieuv pplted le ih. The raidiraI rmen front tovi have montatidtus- ly attempted itea»Certainthelb.dersiopemenl of itIicheneclenlatra. ami lb. Lieenant Goerrenbas ieon appliete tele ni rosi Yenk aucb niedical toun as uay, viiihaose if this pari of lte Country join In findiher i- resîigaîiog it. Aaaeonsthey cei,! vil tend youlbcein opinion, and if an! paiictilan maie oftccoe la pioscitei. I clr delaili i to yai. Wliaiever Dume kt May go by lu- futurie, is of litile conheience te the Public; irai ils violence la ils ravagea et Clipreva anl Lundy'a Lame, viii f&r yeare b. restait- beîei. h in epidemric; aid saut. apin!ens, andton Ioeentitlhsite respect, *57 ylR It- logiotis, ani under 11.1 Imprestiotthle f<ai- ilice cf Mesans. Clark amd Sinet bave Rires-j =yrmoc te Buffile: Major 1.eaaa% e't Ibsloo xcepi Mnr. iomuarl, Who ne- minseauti tie auivan mn, vbp lia lJI 4h, nocosersetiiidr..-,Cbnvsmlii.aav.nu et -b dislame, il sitiup-tietil.af sa Ctppeva sre 81a la luii, md IoI peopla Who rau gt sway are iigs. a ficIiMay iepicled in Ottiaosavl Coiuenne The fillovimg are us y- The diseme e mais ioniit a <olhilhi, invselmbly, viuela cenlnam ou.» patibents mn bout, la Ochiena uroal heurs, aid-hm»" citi <niai preslratiftOf e!taji AIAr vbiieta e-maotaion lat.place, viti peai boat of lb. body andI alrcatg iciniJeu e! bleai tthO b ; intense !eInu achei; in mimus M îlgit voittiag cf biltluns ale amdib the .genaity cf Camsecoisdilouo. Delirim in min, Catis entmu sm e.n Omin in a aecateis ta-ideaib rMl,4mtu ling er tfidaym-iatm »e.. caee aspes -iarmi it . aIauqés tiisly astn. ses ef aur »nm ieM eubapykioo. Mau wake.lameIste Ita49- ut aiNevtpepsas bbh0 have a ianicaey te .ah 00so& *I ioy dugomw te.lff.urA1.mhw UWa Lw.4~a e 1 A~A teid e 254. ouaeettiu m mpz gpflta M y W *Y p Mdiai10 lea4-u u iima 10 i pcii amy mis fysb et ofug "oi~ai mery tcae x-e. 'etat ipe ai mc» taiai«Oral W4. 0 emiau«"mi cce ta cl ii. m torenaami vzvi imb n m uncc theubecat<ayGae duii The Nblivaibt ilîromlite »VTr*R A mimarialby certain quakaraubmbandm rsaiiiaileoeaiBr"ai. vas preenisi tg tit Hums cf, mprmsstatvu on 3Minis7 hms by PAr. Mirir,. etV, payia Con- greta amd *0 Amen iCotoisataagoS- csey. This.memorial, ahhoua Sut e- fireivitbetnt mmcii mnidratota om- mutte, vas amaequentiy after aàvau de- bite vitbunawn hy Mr. Minier. Titi grounds as vhicii it vma, Vr properly as îî seus ta us, ljce ta, ver. ilial for- cie u »ohiMoibuiencouragud ta inter- fer i lartconcernm-iemslofall, on queatioum no dilicate as thone connelmi wîitsaiavsy. Omach questionsthe îSouth isalwl ahmye sniivi, m an meiîrnaba- suri; fMr axanipla, on tdis occasion Mr. Blair, of Sout Caroline, ilkid thug. "Hi eonld tell geâlleuen,tai vLan tiey moved ltai q onallore (nain th Soutlhi W=li ifi ehivil would mai b. disputed in d1 atRue, but in theila eld'i, viere pavieraniemnan vouli o b bir orators, and thbir argumints leed Mi stiaiY, 1.iuleanpiwt,~.eveu te.0 Wh 6.auhmeime la te bu ppued hisor asu . ochaitpk«i. Xitfgulmif Kit beab"th lai; theun- e im lattaiiftdu.,aMiîittî*0dfii Wb" s41 tW iumitenist Wvudoionil tbT P" ba ire,i = ta Ow ît ta a=s, co - pbsmsd ee gw ne esma lmIer ao momat susr sbutlite iav reard sa a mai ce psa*0r oiy, amudnDomcap- -* i ul, i, o.Om pa vtliscveaen iia aubin eor #ibhdsekmies lipenaI oe- %d«ýi i laid devn ny ipubhctioa vilshbusa tenisaeyte pu Awoigudmc &,u »& ofi.trueu mnampeai.ai dreisoipowera liter.,a t. fnmu suiabie i eatytlb.erlons treite b aa 1;as *0 tincy la taintekma remoey alIbi ivheoaammtieeie "Me 'Erîry guo ctiiittai,!If he binkcva-, lti ceine enand mabis ein"u iné boyt la»bi Uenion ln ae prusotere, tf thaiose nd mjo istrenetahenaL tocards oaci air mulualoftedi I puiat ions vhi hes a dimre ciimdninn1 etenti i "a o pvr ond ciin cunn ia irct ioo , dae berms omi saiscircbate«dufreedy, th t ie citxo si ttoeSttea viut imag ine, ibatUnin long telieos re uir eaeié byh murl aIf sufhpublications v ie javlel adrc tenr e ueie vheld tea nd allnat inm a chommderuct ion, 0 are , irag blist pondliticalappinfe aensaetythecnttin fpaevStinats nil stninli lb. boni allicUnion."reathr ile-b apper Iat aL uçh ublcaton wcar usblas e ihicied re irt cf 1 of - Tarit State Aboupltial hSucine- <saîtly estabîlil. A citizen of Jefferson Ccuaty paya Ibat gentleman. vie bas long bieau sur rueiglibour, tic follovimg veillimur- lied complimelit. oIlunoticing thc proceedimgs cf the ne- ceni conventl n ibs City. viticlbubtu-a. selted in lb. formation cf a BiaisA * 1n- tAral Society, Ia1 am t' ildte0 oseve lit s voumrble citizen o«Il J v o eniy, lames Le Ray de Chaumont, las biealec- ms acre <,mnantfut oure Umulnia of th. mev Insttution, for Mr. Le Ray rnay bu îîpscted t deoti biraseif ie thc dotiez cf hie station, vith a sul and expezience1 ponieed peihipe by n.o tha indir idual. ltbe <atLer ci Ibis gmntleman, emîiy e.- biacei lte cause of tb. Amirican Revolu- ticn, amnu it iibosomianud,La Faette, was arong lion woaiatthe French court gare the dei aimpulse le pubic feeling, vbich lad lte tîhliance of Franc* villi the United States iin ecbievimg cen indepen- douce. Hlil dos on voen te0 aIlAmen- icone ; bie boues s. b.eeof thei Amer- tcu munisters, aland ic frtsswuderolci le eiiceuse of Americs, la thea punchs.. oome e. f tii. arliiet upplies cf t*0 mu- nltions cf van vitietcame te0ouirrelief Thte enrly yiers if Mn. L4 Ray vire speîît in the. sjeiely o! Franklin àuni Attent. la tb. yer17W5, iut heagsoftventytve, ie ernigraled ta tic United Sitis ; in 177 b.'» birame e mentraliseil ciltsen sud leur bave fulOlie t 1hdoite" of citisemship nit mors fidelity. Sean afier ismaraii tase country,in l'MW, lantte spirit et antan. jauibieb bals d ngusu ic titrs h r7 coadietd ltae final sttlement i lbecama lthiec«As ofais Mesi ullah.ta.-a is inigis ivs fr.m liaI tim bien devotei te the imaprovemuint cf tbe conuir. Te ie opoing of roada, *0conoctenciion it bridgea, mille, andul ic loediArse, hie itime ami foatue» vire di'yetei viti s lite rai band. Operating apen a ountry a! <rami maturaI capaitllly, bi labours vitre croneasi iii cce.mmsuhob. as a»On sur- rounddib y an active amdi atalit.pue- olarien. In 1817, iv. o es a efene laglala- uv. & ai a. iiteei < l cnaity agricullu- raI societies, the £1minof e!M. la Key vire 1enecuuftiily diictil tîvauds th.fe wmiln of jla#emn Coay ASOIIuhanl Ocity, viticb, nndr is esipe «ia ear,as ha preduiemti.a*s eatainea f hielf te ibisat smtvlring lthe vwliithravaiof aseIvuali devonets yea.The Inilie c ettis secimts lirai the apiculture of thi e Osty u c au te lb.mrat elasasi = taîe"%t bas st- r4et sad ouaoi nt,, sudsin rq*tt loti, et'es tlil', dm oldt *eh"comitnue A6s"i ins imgqalemahiy c=gt <i sdi u Iiwmse tai hatitesInter. cmne ardj etmis. if lh4e abks e hi tb. ot !e<i Soeiïy, IIi ýs Ï4viliie iui th.~ Ictoif paI tie ue.hhsmf l atoml iluhie liat N.e isn sape it Ma *mrvm iit. Ult lavasmeaby"à 217 *4AUPI;4" bai regection vilnlc Bucsukstwaasdeah ia.' $kw ltaI bis enicturis area o aiQeebu.-... Mi-d *TaSteamer QUM lm Ir e 11 i ot m.ita~~is meamtlma"«i l Y oko Suna1miti12 o1clock, a o »esuaierlimas .of. tèng aserl vmihaviag iriven the tidu. ats esaaki.dsIgè-vin "0 otft 1h r ourisg lte re b .iasaiexcorre mubslipa.aum<h u pg. t1'h.io erMÂaoGAaIt, clCaii.Aî mr .ehsst.Jeh.uanc" slhii for hurlingion on, Sunday morng.- P aetheseaeLeutc «d»,a ai »s.sd tie lée iti ar IE Barrais is xpei etahs «e Sarstimofaihé@ e.daei -e00 t.ie ,Par f=ecsich W cinit. s aie n«staai t i*cia 'PrieraittIbis evening. aei P. M. Win bs Wth sme Md -414r .~Wi AoaîuLruaL.Tbe embes 0 lb.' Mdr sie sdosiit me bat de h." ~Iid1anid District Agricultunal sociily are -, =ti-Y.tise 51h Stmume, ci ii a k cmtnied ltaitthe Anoual Mueeting of ti una rythee rae i m@ k k Societyfr the etectie o f ils ,,fficm viiholi ý slia. isahae mbais essaI" si ah. thegte bl tQ-OiC, chers h iistis5iaehm Wmu Amuans« te e aidiCourt Hflous n Tuemday thLeiict." Thi 15th cue lieprellsaIuaithe as- *"tday of April instant, mi 12 ock rtmi, Tors. sotieradetems.a etWdii'a Mon. 1 armyc h.diea sféV w7e et aQm*oesThet A mailing ofithe Geluraoj a ill ub. etfsraGaes.( e ss eile)] hidatiiamilaetlo'lok,.i.STEAM BOAT NOTI CF', ab' ;F SHERIFP'S SALE. ton3ld District, fIN Suurday <biet To Wtt: 4 clF air cf Joly nazi, il h. sal t thle Courorise, in IhoTova ingston, the follewimg 1ad einod by nie orfa wit of eri fau bu e"soutlof iMajitys*Cou"t ef Kinge Rnch, set te t 01Charles WeIlaîd *ain* t tiilan k tenemniansof îthe laesIThmas, NoNe- iin tie bande of Chaunce y Wolontlii. t id 4o9 Renter thonoin theitirait ceneem- en of the 'Townshibp of Tb".w on ea rit ifl ot Front sunît tui Bolivilie. i persoa. avicg duas în lhe seve dai o73 Parpt tleref, hy micuigage w nousis, are lîquested tl ake athei.M« Devra 1 mei, on or liefore thei dsy of mie, ai te commence ai 12 o1cloc, JO1HN NiAc L'AN, Ipril IStb, 18M. Ahînif, M. w. £D00 WANTED. '1 iofFive HtoDtred l',unds tu * auâfoi faour Pr five yeans, uý whicts le ntereai will be paid annually,and valu- le Rial EI-ale givein ii eclity. For Lriher pariiotilari etIqiigc ati s ciic. April 111h. 188. >11 lb. l MisI,< UÇIg*usseI13F9%0 Mutrrit fime, lta.stIy ni ar abnappèa ai te* 1 f hiiipiesadbu dispose ig Raosa m .' mo t h imases ain Waeuu - ce sheme occumio»n. Neilsen'.ê a Q u& , utat.stbat Mas- daissasbu» .amrved for auone<thb foliowimg gentlemen to the. Logiatativé CoomciI of Loee Canada-via. M-t]eoch De St. Ours, Fa. A. Mal- ali, Jean Deunlisa, artholeuy Joliete,1 M. P. De Sales Laterrieve, J"hnMaion.oý IL W. Barwood, P. De RoItebkave. AMi. G. Couillard, . ..Ducbeney. ad PeI <Thte- Nasg*ulveCounaiof ft Pubi.enov ei o Z% »».ibe. tem. 25 arM eativas cf ithe province, six-1 teai are Roman Catbolica and sev.ctsee Piotealants. Tii0 MeWnominaions vill croate lire vacancies in theAmembly. MmaliLn SIlux MiETino. W. minet itheofficial accoant of the proceedungo viticli took place at Merrilis Inn on Tbursday lust The Resointion pro- pusd by Un. BinwaiL ia a mont insuit- ing orne. Wbai! domstheBon.asud learned timber for Lenox & Adigton tui ay portion oflthi inhabitamta of Fronteeo ig- ouamntsBot to knov tbat tbay have arighi te mieltageibir publicly and peaceably ta comauit concernung amy subject, and that it is -jusifiable in aay party ta disturb such m1eliDgal What pecuara!trait lias the. aro- id gentleman ducouvered ini tbe ciaracter oif the Fronternac yeo«mnry o varrant bîm in oluring tIbm ibis deliberate insulti Are they li jealous of theer rigbts. or lmg peacably inclbnid, than tbe inhabjiants of Liai and Addingionl W#. ist a;and thetolbre, vben Ma. BIDWEL.L again in- teefer i valli 0 &irs, it in te be hopid h4 yul tria u hm i ih ni osepet. As ta vbat scaled th@Lmnox & Adding- ton Addrem.wviici ma.BEsovaLnlia, MR& b's owa, vi bave oly la rapiat tli&t il inaa doctamint replets with« staiements which are totally at variance viti trtnitb"and go, -e are pervuaded, a great majority oribi persone erbo have sged it, vini discover befori a twelveufonth elopoeit But vbst viii the publicemay vben ibmy hani,tbat tti m-arne sres, olbjictionable asif in, vau prapassiby Ma. BmnDwazlibit heMer- uille Inn meeting, vithout aàvoWoue«m, -MeSt or .xpmiuom% htasily rend us# the. Siretary, ami adoptid, lthe persogs ao p-ed ta if beig prahibiiad, byceat.,<oý m diomuing lis meriao.! ; sad t*0 Mn. Bru.- wBLL., lth prsteneled fiied o<f fie discie- doan," ofthec-librty ofthe prse,-andeo( 'lequel civil ami roiiicua riglite," mostý hiartly coucurs in tbis ffeggsg renadu- tioo! 1Tih. number of persons amainubled on ibis occasion vas about MO, aud on iach divi- sion the. majoriy appeared te b. betveen go a40. Tite Ceuaty or Frenieau, exclu- aive of tbiTowva of Kmgmton, conWiaiS i rhatmd TMme Buadid mad Thiry 8. 1 euls, and at lte Zomnai elociomaniarly sis husi,. votes are u.mally poilu, W. mention the &M lo shov the abourdity et ,eallingt theuseting at Mord"ll Ina a ment- ipg o<tA nitabutambtc<*0duty of<Frais- tonae. As a meatter et record va saubjoiu fu&mmz »amhr. TMWo'pulfdicy req.at .MoMind ividuel veuli aekmovleipa thé [ luàmuiaip cfthiaproduciisn. lsmau*0re amy evIiencproduced ta show ltai 4u. .due mus ai bons umiiitu, cieulate a cor. tain adireisand oltain signétaire te it » .By lb. vmy. va letux atinsita -8 oa" radiremu" (viin alte Kingaton, Addrmu aMO orne vicit aoy hanta u m&Y mi. . riba ta) bis bien alrsdy signai hy 70 Of the0 "imiabitanta of theouniy et Fronte- 1 one.CofnL rainu iibi h aitit .Tcvmsbup 0ofKiamie.,niie , P 4* oif Aiml aui. t 11*l ON i.AKE ONTARIO.t Tite SpkidiiNec Sm - à= GRsiAT BITAIN Piepelildbr tos EnvPrisase nes of 90hanse VTiE Publieae rsPectflnly informeai he15mads for tL. mientheof Apnil, May andl ite. Will leavs Priaroti orery Wedneaday morniog, rommeuacing on the 151h Apnil, l6zh May, I31là laie, 251h Apail, 23d4 May, 2Oub lune, 2d May, 30th May, 27tb Joue, 91b May 6dlune, Toucting at ockille,Kigton,Cooirg, Pont l'iipe, York,a d arrive ai Niagara eanly on Fniiay Moning. W 1li hanNiagara every Saurniy amen- 0000etià o'nlric, corammig an 21ci Aptil, 101h May, Idîli lune, 28th Ap i, Mh May, 23d4lune, 6tL May, 2J luneî, 301blne, 12th My, Othlune, Calling mi svgo ivery Sonday morning aftei SUa May ncxt l i, Kingston ami Brockille, and arrive ei Prescrîl onSunday aflirmnn. The ladies'ami gentlemen's cabine on hourd the Great-Bnitain are finiaied ini tbm saine manner ae the Newn-York ami Livrn- pool parleashipe. vrith 'sae iroms, amidno experts lasibeu pared ini flniahing and funnisiing the bbalin the most rorafertable Mann". Every endeavour vîli b. mate accomqedale pameengursudamieneb. l gremitstresr 1-tty. N.I a.Noice villlb. given cf tie an- rangimetst for tht monthe of July, Augnet, and September. Preiect,. Pppar Canada, 9t1 April. 1832. -- t Commmissariut, Kingston, ai 171bi April, 18U2 i TENDERS vili b. received at ibis LficePi rO until Moniay the l7îh day of May nexl rat at eu. o'cIock P. M. for su:)pliyumgtie De- ex >partiltent vitb Elgbt Thcnaand Fi a Hun- dîed ponde veight cf ceuni, goci, mer- foi charitable taiiov mould Candie., cf net leu thb i s caniles te lb. peunid, anu ucl id preorilenaof loing mii shoit aixes as ay M b le crea.Sb - The canules te lie ieliviredinto lb. Cis- lai 1mislariai Magazines lbera, at th. fcllovîng s", 1000 l.b, the lot lunei, or 9 4.bi tte lot of AgnLai 2M00do. by lthe lOti of Nor. I ls ~Or»do. b he b. 3et1of Dec. Jmte a Pilymen liuli.etmade in Britisib Silver er Coins, or in Bals cf Excitang etirb op- iei tien cf the Senior Comrniffla i Scar, if in tb. latter, ai lb. rate of one bundred puia aterling, ft r ettcbone bundred mou.d on. potinds ton shillings sterling, due Po.. tii conîric. vi Tii.Tenersta epres-l.'rte ini ler- gob Secnity iiihi rquii frthe idue Per- l fra o acboerc a ayiientened in int. CHARLES A CLARKg. - COLERNEMON WORKS, 0055 £ LD. FIELD & CAlOON, rroprletors or the -Colberne Iran Wolka bare rfeanîly imuili Mad Pm i 0i. rîtron a Bast Funaee, in tbe Towen if Gaalld, EauxsCounly, Wetr1ýU cLsdare noie prepared tle hon Iat, and vifl, aetIthe apcni6j utitaîaiu,.ribCastings. in ail ils varius ï4rmi, sticit asCuokung, Frankin, Hall, Box and Parlor StOre.> fra, Engl", Scteband AmoetaF- tern.Holloor verte nompriiîg the vori- ou furrmo ansigne of Pots, Ksiîics, falte,- ovint, G vddlem, Gridiroîts, Spiders, 1rns- krtles, Wagon and Cari Boxes, Fie-Doge, &c. Aira Poauli Iettiei, and Cauldrome, Mill and Plough lions oe varions férimesai stes. The. maboaarticles, ara mmbofal nid frim lbe first quallty 0aIren, and it varkumnthp ibat *hallnt be surpseolby any allier manufactury iin as ou% or mth Pio. vince. Dealere m Ibiaboye articlesnjethe Uppîn and Leoer Provinces ean i ubc #àli- id at fair pi ices, thon vho bhavi fer yeara p asi purchamadIton train theStatue caau hi funnuihdi wh a botter agticle ea I Port o n either Lîke ai limai as cbeap as Bkiffalo prices and wîl ame the éJuties nsually pali g iiELIA1CUM FIELD>. J B. P. CAHOON. B. M. Dock yard Kingston, 22d Mlareb, 1UV. MPORTANT SALE 0F NAVAL STORES. '%N Tmmesdmy, the Sali Mai nuit, vili b. ,Y ffined for piublî ie alibi th Dock Yard tKingslou, U. C. stIlO A. M. a cofaiea- la quantit f TIMBER, conelsllg cf ,d hoessnifeef cf WIsif , Y&Uooe sd Red, y.; on. thiri cfwvhoi hilsumd,anttéie nainden difuctivi. Thene i yulaIs bu xposai fer sule a quantiiy of Piat1sof ani,m isi piu, cf varions deviriptiore, ea fi<17 toma Iwcnty g<mn bip. And on the 2101Mayi tera vilt b. offer- ài Mtpublic mie, it i.Nava lkDpot; mt gentnêal,* oonsiaIerabre ,meniy of AA are», corsistttrg of Bc, C'iaga. cable- d, bawvmid and oit ll opa ; round, ,»te, amdilfai Irn, P"e, T71<, 0.5., rom splhe Rak a, tiest, m, Ï14pl.e-sutef tb a vairlay cf articls hia iebcitviiib. pal p n Ion taesoit percinser. Côn(ti ef of ibisales , A fipeutOf 'enty4rle pet cent. iismoutcy aller the le ; thé remm inder cf the mne.yi& delv- y cfltbe enticlea. A rasmbuatins vil! a llowed for ilium delà,"~ Natval aSera La«per. h7al -aWitea yam Un-Aloma ~Peite, haing lainigfxt luit idme iitoul my consent,i1bepW b ff l pen Dm tnusiing hlm on Miy ameut mePyM ansvaril. fornoadi" cie bis eêirac ig;and any peso.iadbaing u Pbey- Dg " a aer bti* natios, wiiff rnased "-he I lno tb«rLiâqtonPmpers vi please e is 0 onrimion. GaAaNDRivUE '.oJaANsY.-Piraom5de- alruof t<akumg atockt in the Grand River CCompati ncorporateal by Act of Paria- Eie i iAmia uucripiion liaI ai the cf- Sec allOUE MACAULAY, Emq. The stock, it is b.lieved, wiliiLe very profitable. EsIieANaiT Tx BNiLL-A Pelilion ta 114I Excellency tbe Lieutenant Goirnr, I*aying dpi b. viii intercede vitb Hi* Majesty ta imdow the Lover Canada £mi- iront Tai Bill, han bien pnipaned, and vili bi aWinred for ignatures ini a day or tvo. Te ihs Editiof M me lpper Camails Re"ai Sir,-May 1 Lig te inquine nheiber y ou ca r inyon itinal, or Sunatorial, or Mi- - lniicaaiY, funnialime vill a ay i11- .Mitutien reaiug lb. lava pamied dur-r ig tlti laie "uiniof our Provincial Le- gisalrel Sumou of hose lavs muy affect me *gni vaut numbirs of alLers hoe m mte- ially, and are, asa e are al avare, mat- tirs of cammoat cancana. Evcry Lady sja preuimed -taeinow ige liav. Ignoance on tlîeir part iâ conaiend inexcusable in the courtsanmd ranoothen. Le pliai- agi in iitiouaion of crime or errer; and yet bis Majisiy'a luege smtjects are elft or »serai mentîhe iiiorut amy possibe naas 0<macrtaining vbal the lalaa os n the nia- gay @sbjecie ta vhich tii recent acta of the Leglslalire relate, Ilta,Ilbelieve, *0 iglii and inty of lte executivi ta promulgate li lv-v1y lien aucb dîlay in their = 1 ia n i 1muet confeai 1 cannai un- r lai dlu e -alle ofNw York, go violby tha vay, 1tam bWh ta niferfor Mseeanls, a ver! gond regulalion eiste, viiît ur govinnmeni vould do Wvil ta iégitate. Tihe Siate Pnunter ltera i.nuquirat Ilte print a nionspaper, in vbicb tie publice lava are te Le fotbvitir publishumi, and sert publication is tei Le e4iienoe cf tiei stailaima Ar lte terni of lire.montbm afinr iteend ofthebionnai wonihil vas Pas-1 ed; h i asisa ta daier bouni copie@ of the sunion la a li te Suretar! of Siate, viti-1 in ase iWmaft A theb.clo e itimn." If ithe lava asssei ta asesion of thc N. York Leggislatare ean b. printei, banni, ami delivera ed iMéo ou ontcsh, vîjimay so saibar daspatcb b. iîhimted viti ter- - rdteathelava of Upper Canais, shen merely pninîi ami stilîhetil - ~ WX Tvemznaxov. lave puséd Sngtlw"-aeêeas. vere doubîlmasplacedin thb. bandaofi is MajultyasPintermonafhir the prerogation. as songe o<them appeiaredini the Gazette as * arly as tie ti tFebriary; but vi are vans- bie la afinid our correspondent uny futiez information on the aubjict. Penhaps titi ilineof thIeiAttorney Goerai, vicie bai- ina. vc blihe ti e aprepara th. mar- i<gmaI mtes, or lb. aiure of th. Sapply Bill, maY have netanisi liie vont. BD. ]lu*. F*4 j

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