Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 18 Apr 1832, p. 4

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TusPn.aagu.Tuaaoi g i OC lie "Y -»*mataîvei, vib . opapued te Jas.Y-', eua. je, raI talitise nI.- ftomgajuai lotéin lelt the-anbtego iat lent ru"m h11 ppoadhn inkl . .s s,'tate, la t mb.u t.Pue- cmo,,taia («eetehl.ae tal sta ,o ecun lltheam orJ-ay. sud sa" sa'en.ti Mdt ps.tîli. l the oa duus oe uring diahe . a&erWpeta pu poee vais0ehb.availalla qliw ,pur- pMn utail lb. lattai, periaif clii,. TacOI- ftq-0. âe uabecit that anixpualte limai b1411Man place boîveeni tot o'jmnuary. im inh l'Mu, sud lia, th» a uonfi"eup. Pr'" have beesl voleri, which oulag topai- 'tntnt meeting in gensîul etil anle 'Pibrloum., as oflen ai beont April, hbas bonu, tiel,' epeuitýg, vitboalthetnec- lion, ifDt oiutlhoat tiie iovieige, cf par- lanent-so luinebu lb. trac principis upen ulieta»Maie.,smglate o.veted and efflat la ho"lalterto aclt e.. Tt vulti 8ppeas frouethe cbanulcr cfrlima Fie.- querls ulale-ot, lhat tl@.,antaij <bla ai- feration la dtu sirhpJamas Oi. M.es" te have liea fiat, tejui @0mo té, mi ie deparsiment wg eee I D ba"e a-Wti po. it lest yesr. T4&Mot iiib. tut a Biais, neesy oab ytl, eiW4eid b b eauevitlais veb,' mgaut, net fuar an,' herp.roata t*l!cubrwieb tvted;dttdi pes Hanent qîva,'. ameeta imnnediatey ane, tf.ot bellhriitnas, titere vili sîvays ha mnîkportitY cftgiring due cotteia-1 lie batuen htîntperandhet imlsai cf1 Apw sol Ufurtbsi appuflciles i uplies. MiailuerivWi hbs iéb.relieveti (mmet te ia- putaticn et aapenin gfor ui.paipeseans lb te e benobuie ite do »merlesli ptraitt mateni, unoe, Voet fer snothea, andti ithioct lb. appsret Mlmittonof1 parltMat. The. propoosal mesam viii, le evet,' muspat, thoieflat. unticbedl> prove.1l o.oe»e fa momintuofulnature.- [Cuoamir.]i An instanceoof olidandaiabbaiaînl no" n i olbtd OfFroterie Iowards a poert but teeerving offices. 'TiaeiM g eeys usat li t heanereo etmerit. Ti.offict eid lualthe pare be broagtiat i-" MY1 f. 1 nom t ain heutum toe Yu, t la islam, eteven ducat.; anti I have Vos,'1 feu mono tb.n liaI nuniber lani,' poesa. Omn.TIendouats ara mont e ilsr tue metan thme wcmr menit whieb yen bava a birouet meloti cannl exiat villt o i; % ubeea, ifb 1hobva lIns a r ceutuclet ml-I. #otlk.abrava Mau villaca ibis Cnes, I slillcostlace ltoo 0 wiont baviag lb; anal, oni ta.e tier band, if 1 am a couard, lb. crm» uWimie«maie ai abravaeanhn.- Take lb.eenta, Iberetor a bck le the XKiui, 1% au Étti u uai 1 ha,.esit; anti al, thîl i ni lant of suciah ablîs as Ibm e t mette Mtale d ,uty. h . late eal Ima ea.etbs 7m-. l Faar ,Who. lie nstazI d a sonthahck tte ie ol iv thedi os f amitt amda lutter i eont.iingan batiutducats. "Ny tes, C 0taa," ut. Ftrederiic, "I hati frgotm, that 1 oueti yoau anuntîcal utiuil-,.I me reunMemri,altsenotoaou, Ihffl il îOa viii receine Ilim, togotfprth illa i coa of -ortI. Whicicsa jutI,' dus ,'cam."k, Upenrecevt iîîaguiso mn~ thiefficeiiuie epage,-"Thii change. liai "oant ulteKn li sip Ofi' Lt.rtFeeic l. reat] BOUSSHOSLEATHER, &c. PI~HE cliscioer a e ta latrm ceunr,' acocalsunaletbeî desiers, abat b. bas nov on banal a ver,' estensive amolaneult fmens aattpeggeal Boots mndt SIces, Caîf and KtP de. vemen and chil-j dren'. Belu anal lIee f ait desciptiena acitalfo fr conty(rale, vairanled tle b. of lie but matialu and i veriuipa ant i uill lie soit uhelesale at as luw a rate nei diamainie descrpion et articles cii b. pie- carea ld MeaeL. Alo, mveral tans f Spa"n »dldantimltger Sci olaie s 1ofail bled,, boa ctdaccaged telbrut Nv ewn irktu- ? e ti--veral doxons bamioci taamd Ifieliu ; a feu do. beut Phtladelpbia «k tuaaned do. Upper LeMtlar, liaing anti hWe ding skia, anal ail ohher nialeriais la lb. SIca md ant ebr lins.1 Ho btslnaeaIs. ta relua t ankifort lb. suppr b. hau wsciv.d for sevetal yeam pat ed a naIr. bie ccualemeru geieraili ilet b. experte b,' lbe fit arrivais, a Ma il botter asolent'cf goods ia lb. Shoa i»n1 lhé*a ay b. lbs hihino loaporteal.a Ail bnEof brai Iquht,'Bots anal Sboa nov on bia, »omiuaclcrei taleoral., as ssaaî-A goeti moimenttof bust eglieha Mai.s Portiuailabum, Carpt Bases, Mousa skiaRdng Bots. I&c. Ru. Kingston, Tai". th 183m INFORMATION WANTED. W ILUiA»JOHNRim lON, i. S" à , 'viltloir ati. Tevnahip of148bmssi as Baebvîie, aboulthetb of.1Deeea,-. bera,ait, lbis ttte -». i-setof. na lu itatei,' . il. d-Neiis re -al am 19 ,'oat fage, at aiaM d at Ai,' persan n ai ag o hlmbise lol r5' t enl i ft 1 ama Q . r. Agaoteîela tKitI,' Poui(=.-aI or=iLr.d *te bar en ta John Blcile,., 140N' 1,0*à CeiaceMîmono! Bastamt. N. 1-9itors in Knghton adlgab tuj* ut) plebsatg, ab$« the o. FO'RLe"]C ylte mseiber IvO Ira. 4W»*m, mdInl ity o eaoeta sergt, MnaIi ~ ~-l ParWmepofIAVM& ~ J 1 OMM M Te Wit: i' 1id.j aa own oet E tka É4*ip1 lade aU nid am of »» %ima.y our f ]Kt>. 0ai Iba mit of 00 ?gstaantDsretera an w Ie" de ofluomu 11»le. mu aojl o ld, a MaIp 11a1é ai Gauremoiwr Mklitid *%M ~u.sMeLeanvia: C a baoJ et.1Ç48.I.LCont. id;ey. Ai pi as bWiig.s bu anthotibove lita. e Bn, pol Ih fOtb,' morrigage or ot fooa.rqiueiSdtai.lbthe sm inu 01% O OStelolureMeday of s"le. KI~in a. JOHN MACLEAN, lii, ISfl. Pets.S,0, n. MN THE JNQ'S BENCHý Mdidland fDieuio, UN thb. cou of Iame Ta Wit. i1H. Wiw.., i[et îTownâipýola, tib6rmgb inîhe Md- land, District, yeioman, an abaonding or 1cenceaieJ Dobi. 1Notice ml erai,'giron Itu;by viii. cf .1 warrant, cf eatcbant ijaue outof th, Kinit% 1ancia andi tente delivenat pin"t the Esatl.Of lame. H. Wilson, an abat'.,J ding o oct D«Nl t jbtor e atalaf,'John Stîsange ani Douglas.prentift-one bon-j tra &Bd ffotY $7. PQQ#ndu, 1 bag"seietd aIl tb. Fa.16Vun aroissiacal of Ib. saiid je- ». Wiben, tteiaWah aLat a.'rgago ; andtilei helb siti lamba IL1 Wilson sellem wicislboheJatiedtonithe , aid Cout, and pot in baile tthe action, or1 CRU»the lb ila O f tlb.11414 trang. andi Pion-i ls te ho dinlaarged etisu bi t. caleimdaî moniliu* hoe lb.Of h Mtceh, .@I thereai andi personal saaI of ltheld ames H. Wilson, or so-uw* iber»es au .,'hao n ,- M.' taill blie hlabla for the p.ymeoît, beoir. andi satisfaction of lb. claii cf th. JOHN McLEAN, Date4 tin gston, Swarift, M. D. thl 27th lFebra,, 188 SHERIFF'SSALE.t Midiad District 1N4Saluray.,the ib T.oWît: - 0.day ofJun na, t ujillb.acldatbe Curtflcmeéintbe Towna cf Ki tgnton, th. fcllowing land s.ubeitag. ing ÉO-Williaaa Evanisoitd Jameis Alkînson, etatre,' iri. cf an eeution tuu.dot cf Hi. a>gyCoeto!Knga B ach a the suit ofTh0nia MkiantW s:ait Mie lilela terest cf JaMes Aia a thlb.foi- i Ne. 1 g Les vis. Lfot e.119,parIof Lot U Na.~~~~~~ ~~ 01,Nrsu bi fLtN. 191, and thebothWea halfof Le . iJ n hb.it Towa cf Kingston. i Ai Penon aving claires cn tb. above1 lads or an,' Part Ihoreof, b,'ânerigoaor il ,tb.rwi.., are requosrd te aielbaae kcevn a le.nuactbefoie Ithedey of sale. Il Sala le commenceIo 19olck.a JOHN MACLEAN, Kirgmon, rby.lth 1332. sherffme n. SI-IERFF'S SALE. iidland Dstic, dNfaaday the h Te tt:~ ..Fdaof April nasa, 0e aIl ba sold at the CourtHague,lin th. Town pl ?f K it l.fcllowing lands at beloing-- îBqt George Fible, seilei b,' virlu. ofa iii cfiratacioa uti e ut cf ies Maiee. tCourt Of Kiffl Beencla th ita of v'lus, Kerr, via.. Lot Ne. 0. lot Con Et- th uest town. ta Ail POrns lihving edaim on th*. .8ev.a indul of an,'part lb.rar'f, b,' morlgg eof si alberw.cl, at rquesaedti e mi.lb.hea.ebl knoun a me, on or befiote idayoet"l. Sa Saile acommente at 19o'rlcc cf JOHN MACLEAN. 'a Kingiton, Ieb'y. t181 ,Sheril n. . pl SHMRFF'S SALE. Mlnd iDi.1cîa, "UStada'thel9tb Te WIT. 3 day cfM nu lb.soldattbhaCotait Houa. n lbZTuwn' I, of Kingston, lb. fcllelng LUnda,"s belon3- ta le lsac Lewis, soizeit la,'vittue c Zrt cf lietsa Fadai issueti out of lb.eDis- acî Court, aI the suit of ClilienIH. IMciC 0of 1a, vis. Lot No. 13in lb. village cf Bath, id out on WLoIN. 10 ir. heîteut cn0F mant Toua,. r-foi Ail peîonahavlog daism ethe saoe ,1 andao, aau) parttboeof, by ma-#fl.or l bIluai». ai.e oiaqm oleauaab. e a... &"WUe M»i, oMor belolueah. dey of sole. , sale i te amefetac i18 e'îleck bau. JOHN MACLEýAN, Kigt«on, Feb', fMd .I bellIa. D. SHERIJTS SAME. ' ai itt, EY vktrbof.4vraI b Te Wtt:.- 5»of Ygnditia.l tâ- h efflbuaatiau Of Hi aasytCortoet m each e drad Jet the. sit ot 4teà John caumingEsoq. wlllb "W ILb.h Cct oue.mtae 0Tova o1fKing. on nSatuirtWb.1*Itday ay,'Oel, »t$s24a"ndfauthe pis.. D'A inlathe. ho aid Tov Mol - 1111.ra Ail; pesoaaavagamon lb. aboya Amoi ora»Y paut thosaof b,' mesiaffl or tbauma, ara teuesate ni ai.ea m ue Ion e me, aua' or er. 01.4,of.sal, lotocoamumea St 8 'dlaquat- 1 »UN lLAN. J Elngsten.F'.i 1m39. if n>D.the U~erOmaaga, WGIIE Île.e, Midîadltoice, gluestiI , v b o.flasn. M ofltam Gual*it eb. ,'eage., Iliram 1fipa11sit, anti ales.tlb. nid lRiram Spafforalretuna vidieth lblu taie n e.f te ia. m corti, end ipqt in bulei i î, ror cause lia.cchiae et the ai l InaBelan. ea. WihhilaiGuilal AUexiadet Wootibaia, William Guit ienha ,'eue taehaedischaigeti ulîlte dire. calsiaaimonta. tisae ibis tale, iii ibe rid and pitpeni este cf the sait Hirsai 11pmrd, etr ewinchi hereas MIy b. mec w r' ilibu boit hiable fer tb. pu. rmet, b=enesu datisfaiction ef Ib. clin i.ai thae "i lasé Buchanan. William Gogul, Alexandie Wotiber, anal Wiliam Guit, theye ng r. JOHN M ACLEAN, Daleti 251 Miatah, 18a $. Sb a . z». j Ollice aifthe Cobourg gerbe.,1.1 Ce., lot Maruh lm9. T EDirecters of the Cobourg Hurlet Centracts er b.thafrmatian sfasoliia laisabuatsi in bfro te airboar.En- ale.rusimd echier porsan, vie e ailling0t cantact fer a von alfIbis nature ame a ltid le examine the barbota suSetgaea Muissile of lIeu terms.Applicationt mou b. modeen ot beloee 1@4. sI a,' ofMay de nomeil, aiis office, B,' erdeî of lb. Directers, (higneti,> GEORGE M. BOB WELL, a NOTICEL GevomentcHoe, York,) o RDERS iinCoeil tubic teinte tuho - ~7titiena ana lMemnorialu fcr Granta of Lanent o noed vith lIai subject vyul in future b. communlcutdte Mémorialte b,' tle Clark cf tI. Eteutive Ceune il. a PoeriWho vay ov nect ies aavemu te . Ibei Petittuna vili appi,'ta lie Cleri of n the Exécutive ouoocil. B&NK 0F UPPER CAN-ADAb NJOTICE la berali, given that Beokis Nwi valie.*peaaitenlia. finit day oftn-di gut naît (as there ta a testricttvae claus. mn t the lite chatet pr lepcait ils baing dcae, e until six menthe afierlb.hepaaaiag cf thea A.et) lor subab.cpiion. leath. iucreaieal Cap- al itl et Ibis 1ak nt hei.lois;placea ta wit, la the Tewuaor Kingston,Nlegas=, York, Brecirvillo, Perth, Sandwlich, Aa aurulbang, Loiton, Cobouarg, CotnvaU,ani Hasmilten in the Distinncf Gare, unit., si tie darectionoetperarins heifer te b. n- tndt. THO'S (. RIDOUT, lei Casbier. h Bani of Upper Canada, York, ý e 2411 Febroat,', 1889. S 6m79 ci N. 1.-fn addition tle .Carrent haift n. 'eari,' diviteni Bonnt cf mntlmlas ban tgbbt par Ceat as tateuidei tle . polta thean- pveuent stocibelters. T. G. B. ra se FOR SALE. ln MM TYAttet Lant being tie met l cNrtleil,' part et LaI Nu, Tuent,,in lhe.i ha asmion cf Ernasî Towu aider tleeabigotimapevme1s.atu o a taapbic rend isîutns (rm C&NMtI. iefam ta .lKingaton, formeil,' oune ta by Jebst M#Ilçr a&aloccapleit la Jmekt ahta as a ivetu ationov En the pauiestionIl of JobiaI Clarkt. Applictionan hob. nad. tht Le lumel -Clarik Eq. cf Camtien or the 1 propioier E. Beach. bil Kingston 141h robesa". l188h. TO LEASE. b. e a teriDoe xcseding lea yoai, antifia' immealuate poamaon Sainn, cf That Vileabi. peoperi,' il Green Ba,'or Ott Barraeflalti, containgaIebotfivo acres ef fat minableliend, geuil gardesi, ae nnimbas.t ronil hoissoie. ef wbi talr eadti,'a uaptoit, butlb.renta tbers'rt umliba rans. coi rotte epoiersn Wu hoah lobe a lesme cf ' bowblalpsope'rî,'. bei toIe ee le .paiti pueinll,' aitbthe x- f taltion ofeacl quartear. oti Furîher pmticulirslme,' . oue oop.-1 uinr et lb. lerait OfaceKingmton. ext Iarcb, 111h 1M32thei READING OOK E< l 1PREgentem«of K araonloin ma i pemet, Ila oeom,,es patotb. 1 ct.d vii b.he rol alti ceStore Strat ne il,'i la,' »tathe t erme eolulacla ll Nu eamde- kaievia loifeudau. Kingston, Pb". let 18M9 cel, ['RE mseribur m nbas nda mu s nUl,'fn uit RMIT IANAJCA R, wu bab aviii MU l h oginatlierce; or batr-nu D for u orhos In oppreveti esedil. gro H. SMITILn. NOTICE. clef F<>ONNSTRANGE Esg, having rallia- i qssieti lie bmu of cun Auctioweer, ii aSubcrier abo ail opeeiniofe!la. lie 1 uag lb. Publie itu In.teamotSUPi claisse elat i tb ooehyck. flime t.- b, an t.eaoutone d moeainla deug, te i il,. laopea idueaàilione ile laies.MI] r Kinston. A. MIRANAAN Io xiaptma 13m bazk.lm889. IDARLES Rlissieufody eeiftd ceau idisue an*a oft ia b lc a ri mgland a soigeoeral eti.eOM ffepM wu fismicah. viseri id esfs saaid wre se e th Lau i, &. .À . IIt"-... oea adu a Prim nep si si. - mi 9, foi eOsu ieg.osaea m 'la o ' .U é aams, I m e Ap- p~imm,.i4 yum aaobaeIIi am .t Cagibi. ON a AUt a,'y-I au..! rCbdm.Ç' Ibenifm ro" ubligilg la lia Toisa of Kinga- son, ]Province et Uppu eCnad, a MWv Wuekl,' Pipçete buastylesa Imm AILENDJOPTRUTH. ThiPaperis tob.ciitcedupuaplInn b . co o "lisa th eb. ativoc us , Der t. e t ai- tere.la of anuyparlcular ml or Part,'. lie gions of EVEIIT persaiesca. Theii.Er u bipeacetved.. thal, mcml Pe- riodicuhs set oct vili aval; profesior;u e! "Motlratiw"-a dcaria aitance of ai'. coaitrovetsîal majctm-Giving znuerons - u« bsol thae'X~nreammu The.Almbic cf Trutb mai.. ne machI ~ maee. honlt contras,', ita condtari peamnadeuigo'bt TRUTH cou sar Maitrain invesigation. Re liacretoro an- I ritassach ilnveatgatien ; b. challenageauch hmemin.-Hit colonies abillb. a Cbm- MON GROUND, uiberu ever,' lagetted, i ,a", enthuaiaical, as Weil nasever,' mcd- rate,mnsible, antitsblo min cfeotar, e- t nid seccion of lb. Christtan Cbarcb mi,' i inbtoaitatii)gly tatc hie.Osoaicular3 jaews sel!bave tIein provati ourefehi.1 ,cerdias di.,'mn,'b. caona lmidor huiarial wban voîgiietian the impartial écalsui cf Tnitb. ProvialedtiIaitsitd fli oeil eplîbets, anti giving etiona namosl, hi C cente sitif vdaproducing bis liest argumaeais. lu fine, lhe intention of ibm. puablication le Tait D&MONSTuATiON OF t W-HAT i. TRUTIt, and ifthere b. an amunit f dimposae MIN» on lbis ceoltinent, suf- t fciant lu sah ias "migbly ebject-it %all V oc allaineti!!! p la thisage,orliait nol,&n "ErofLigbtr' ý1 --itoe ntt1hewemli cf lime appeai as if eeming stilb NEW productionsI The p FEpiscopâlian Il corses forward certain He ir (tendilias" Tiai." Ta. "Prob>.tert. t a it lac n les. pretensions. TbOs"ai uc full' e. confident as iotier. The sesmagr,' tu paus.Whîl,tbe contucîer >f 'The Aiombmc of Truth ' deaciaiibel kieus ofnq religioca denominaîton ubicb He believies bc i. imparti, ant i mufoa tea eliate, gial, if be cocld fiothe .min uhoni eIègiout ereet ismoeliberal Iban bhie e Nof he venid al lke cp liaI mans- vieus fi id l,' down bit oua-ani b. ia equall,'Ic lne t0 declai. thet if it cana.c stimfacteuil,' n oveti, that, an,' parttalr Cborcb is rigiat ii I lis foametfClAICU-OEvîauMgC.... )CTRIN es-Dii oc INErandtPEACTacz, ti! t bali freint 1AT muoment bece,.imper. le ie foc bila ge abslsin trcm sntertaiang ut ûmillir sentimants-anti ho berali, piotigea te amalffearleml, ta aveu them. il halrHar dcolsnt intont ia;habis piper a i e ni the spect of" S ouri G ed tI m g,, G r tbat itibill bc treiseLy religions -h-.bC rigol that il saoliecfoiit Iss as i al eE a kr P apei ministering ta the gens-D crberu--tha t ksaoli urnish mdbjecla for Ji mntcent (or secondiboet> conveorii, j. di eo exclusionaofth lb. HU.l'BIttaie sla rle irs elng.haced IlBiethe Il aied long- tW onnettet iaers.,,1M itlei plesngo e evet,'anuattacheti R bis ative laidti-Istiuan uliela ict truc gn 0'e .ieuatr,'viiiDotl-b. Iruc le an,' tling W oe. Tbèe va. are flot acquainteti with l1M a dtor aay lis curions a te mev ut i u antr,' haba lqeurnior atigoma et bit Pt tb.-T' mchb. weciri s,, bîlaitlaetgh lt ianteatitmfIEnglshiarigin. Ho is b,'Sa lb anti aducalion an lriubuan-is ibis glories.-Yos! Notviîb.tanding al 1heat aIEs antiecrimes elfaibstud teaLeMaoion i i* reffus. populatien touadit lab.anti aer counîries. Notvlahoîanding ail the 1 iutesent crimes liowiîg frôli thc e giecfed t of liestportion.oetlis refisse POPUtm no, bave left their ceountry for lIeur ganti,', gec."t-Raglertes inalicotrylj e. au prentisa aitbéfiellesu.irtubruan aue lit enables hi, ta. more flu,'goJ et sa MAu.-The gnenos 8sympatiesp bis ceuntry' mou Do amasire.nalionalites' borne fSruad b,' lgfîte lru i lw lb.,'Il enthé b.banrri .beart, ta the Brave, oft 1Grealt. eGedftet isclamee and cf va H asnoobuetoeî"the gude a Id Liand h. mies." l et enltgliuo ne eu l"bave fil. r el tiorlampa vil leal."- Ho iasEngihb*l.nma« tiMistelle hlm. i a.faîlta nMt *»lie ci l li,.ancuasar,'. b.h comnet bave &nY Objecionta J' v sa girl gom O e 'vanà" fo ho t pet u IV ithat the union'englslali qui. h 'iriam i relbs.lm, cses, .prèduccedili am"e coMPoulin, blhall alageasisi,~ lqaalt.d, indeati Amica saiWIstile itt resulla cocuequsilopen a amoe. edl ions-but 'el lais Friande cf overy,' dean-1 r mst esallexcus, hI, White Aetr - lb. , t ide of bis Impamioneti sud-le F est isb le a n heman. tiol Bigotteuiaitelity bas tatasti Hibein- Att go i ntiton cf blontiegara l ac n,»etAi îepesai vi wobutbluniewln.'1ii prnainralvigar e! intllect, argotiuc b.é * iv reat felig bicabtog ha Isu-or Cras# f e " igfl fils am> uboopu r, <Iike utselons,) teU >drati.er.'of Ièl aullm-Lie da IoaITiALr,Oil$ pulexlf,' lu ta salut I,cr cse.Wbati toetueiX"iaMe- 1 emohn oie" pie un0 s ~ ~v IODs Ta. vAT voa uita 1. It lis tea nia icrmami.,.,,Ls.. oaa' b. Capemotle, imuM oe afl Mg byem tm l 0iPuap fpiit pa»m. , r fom ll.tif iiatie yaeai. e i Aiu publiherocf respectable Joouafla ar0 rompacfllall' liçtted i fuisntt Ii. prs. pectua-and ai uhe wi* vrimaIlthelb.cause of Truibadldiboralioje ubodmr Publiai. Crlet mmai, Peut NiAI.,." o ros.ais bic fTruth," t eom ëa iss au aallow- ,,eail b. givan, set l panati b,'an,' ether palli. Ordeis for "Ith lb emble olTnull II bove boca recearsit freom ofefile macct remoe sections of tb. Empirs-ihsree ils fbles-d are requested taetendi in their Lisa sof "ab çribersuasomuri àasa"il, e.klinton itaded ibe faut comber shah iboue on lt.heceipt of a campaient number of nom. Topbic wbether morcianlu or alliers, b .: 12 nanoppeitunit, o f adsetiaibg la a Paper th. circulationofuwhica, i iuly ta execeed that of Sa,' tber papar in lhe rivinco, mioel abepting <sur estimable) Dreibr Eortn."1 Ativertiuerments, inuorti aaet lm »by aay uier pi. ~.Tho Buitor dc.. net ledge bisioU to an,'Party' uethar arlgioapoliîioe- but shu alloir that Pi. lailhc te hiuel shaIl appear bout caeulatuti-le loea lb.th publie aod. Mm Tissu h & b ire ap effr ll de OIGI0NALLT, WEAa&LiL, andi pacu- .LZ rUn sveral ubjuctSudti ille. le avse belind bien a rerd of hia opinion. bhal lb.,' May' paisfer whsitheye, or ot. At lb. lin,, cf the.former publication of thie prospectus s numbar cf ieioubted chams- pions ataricd wih feïf rebiom torchaes ç!fasel, t tilg thte l. ont but vuf- p (. cher lloogî)te Ut il enire!! The Alonbtc cf tr h i i is bop e i lli preitac a dilatrent resait. Ail communications sddreuoed (pon olpli) ta Robiert Jeffers, Kingston, viiili e prompt- rv atteadedto. UPPER CANADA FRENCH BURE MILL STONE FACTORy. LISMA HAY WARD, & Ce., York, U. liCanada, respectfull,' informa the pub- li thal bh a@s new on banal 10 pairs .,f lir tâte BaurrMill Sl.in.u:;ho ie aiseto civang fnbmtime le lime a sappi,' of Bont hocki.. mediatel,' frintbe quarnies ta Franco, sud nne balt te bea t f ri men arce empleyed in unnufacturing lb. Stone. Fer recoenndatin otMill Stefflaau ractured aI hi. establisamtj vwica'èra aranleit, and acu mois l",. $opa"t M uea n tbl Provi n e. E. H., &C. veau fer le lb, follovto g geads m a, vi ba ie hein la nporatio , Via. Moeus. Clatr k &Strfai, Niapra 7,1k rant & Kirby, Furt Erie Mille.; lRue"O 'rooka, Flamboie West ; Saiel àuum ?q., Aracaster ; Mi. Co]ul cNoihilu 3ver Mille ; Willia Wilso,% q,4 it; George Keefe, Emq, TorL jeM coab S. Shoamaker, Wated*o; The. 1~ lCompan, G uel ph andi Godeicia; Abu,- am Ibid., En'q., Gall; Mr i. bdeacka-i a, lklralfîd ; M:. RHnce Caprou, Doim. 1 4w; 0. McMecktng. Esq., Chmpieavsa. deGbU, Esq. River Credit ; Hoc'blo Pet., tlignon, Ieveri, Mille ; Wi.B. Robin- o, Baq., Newmarkot ; Mr. Joh el aat, i Vmbicarch ; Meum. 'lTie & îe . jesîUblmilMlei; James Megg, ELq., MWl-c art mila; Mr. Josephi Shipma, Vaughan; A~ tiUr Milne, &iq., Mankham ; Mr. A. W., 'aewelr, Whatby ; Mr. Jamsais ampion, *ltb'a Fallu; ?Ar. A. R. Ward, de.t Thrt.Pairs Milli files..aue nov on banal tMr. Melson'.se!, rKingon, varoe 1 »,' c.anb. oxaminuti.c TRIIOS MOLSON, Agent KCingston, Dec. l4th, 1831. HA" 1t KATi; tI XA1U IFOHN lUTTER respect-. bifeu,' teubie oatheso mtroïqage hbuasboretolota r.- ceiavetlian hi'li1,andtenseoma- mmat hb o coni. korp conatantl7 bond Ladit..', Gnloe'.antid Yoaîb st proof RATS, CAPS at BONNETS rmupenior fabrie ant i agnfauteu, wbirh b iii disposeocf for Cash or Short appiav.d l ediI, (but lb. forma, uould be prehmobl,) f ýcefnetos rai,I. tu W holb.ighesi O iça for HATlMQ&8Ià â PNU FUIS. p 1.Havin3 la operalion a patent la. ta tsi .naictring, But 5d4mb. a in l. enablot e foialah an, quanlîl,' i.- sed b,'thb lst pil seat. WANTED.-A .qualit, et fattlu 1barai,' requeut &I1l b... "hdWltm e at i.,r b, bonti, note, or book actoans, le ô I andi oelîlo lb.boa on etbefbe féelie Isaî4 > pril neal, othovasali' by ul b. plat> 1 la the bande cfran Attoine'tuercolec- V i. Andi aUl aviug dewmndeaalut me roqueuletilte cati anti prmlb.o Mme.p kiduofProdace vr Vel Fagm nlb. 2lm 3. lisa tl -0*îaadQ W t gitan M ote , as I I C e u-o ce' MM" uou ia Kinagston a sliote , hai,t ,saO mmaon Maic bagahepta infog *0 berebuts ah Uu.,Canada thbtlibe u soe da peut of lisFai suppy,'of West J ad is P o d â e , c a g eo f B re un , F air sid very laii Moscevado Sugars, Lewed- * alad Jamaica Rues, Plantation CofSee, pi. * «mue. lhnt. Gin, anti Cogniat andnali. * a Brand,,&UIlof superici qualI al, 1' *vs fdiaioremit liern; oStves apeicri,' mirnuirdwmîî y Tis: P t A là Ke les, Sbesî lon, Engish Gls, te. "He sientisil,'eapacus a large andi gens,,î "assortient of Dry' Goeds, Crocker,', Hard. ve ara, and iac geda as utîl enable hie, t, Inppl,' ua,' cf tb. Merchani, sautil' , dsonling te Monîreai; anth. thole null ha 4niod on trse. 0atvanlagenus, as t le iap'. mai,' ons.mte galsapplirit tîom lbre, an prcio dediahe couvonienceriskand e!per, aatteliding the puiehas.eofGondsInth yLover Prvince. 8 Upon the arrivai ot tb. expetet sipply tbe sub.ciiber intent t eail lie advaina gos whtchbhis establiushment ber. viii afinr Fta.th Upper Canada mrchant, whih tl, limaitel iae affriet b,' tle publicati,,n f 1the Chreniclo te dey,'preclodeai, in -neu. A. MANAHAN. f Kigston, October îdi, 1831. 1 Subscrbe bopleave tb inforn ih, 0 T I HIOW a d 1116 aPublic, hatlile lis te. tmovet i@ sWholesale andi Retl aasi establishmnto ethe store latél,' occapied hy Mr. A. Trnes'a, storeStreeî, wlaere lie luijon hahd as caal a ver,' general îiiorîîaenor0 Hardware, Paints, (il, Cordage, &,.t&c anal ta in amui expectation oa furlîers,up: irect rom Birmingham, Siiefielal olverliacmton, Briatol, anti Lia erpeofl t h e o u h o le c l a alà i eh . w t . s o u O o i î a a ll low fr Cash or short approveal Creduit. fiOdoz. Follansbys Gras. Scythles. 20 dz. nglsh rausinlCiadlig do. for sae cn co m aam yo . RGEIO.W. *YARICER. Kingston, Bh JO"lm13. ILITHOGIRAPHY, FROM CANADIAN STONL T HE SUBSCRIBEIt hgi o noic t bpublic tb.emlmaii,ýhanrnt uia thograrphic Prose in Kingeînn, by the aime et .WILLIAM IV PaEls,hers ujll b toctaetiail ins otwork 'appli. la tfftolIena,oacb amMaps, l V icier, Cîmreula, M usic, H rading ci if er-, chalate Asd SteansBoit niotice,, cith theoklmiahlie Boat if equirei, Blania Nwd ui lm rlfl, Funerl Notice,, a . e i l a a d u a a b lo e m b le m , B l l, of U m*4# . 4y #- Pera,ns w aîing ~*opiesotirwn hart Wriinug hpreparet Papet andl S,0. TAEWELL. N C dt n 3 e s j i r i a e a l b , ' l e s k e t c h i beiiýïe A4 14 gubOO, Aag. 121h, 1831. *PM1ATIOw. Igablendof"tie 1v. J.StougbMon, tans, iepeno, ferIb. ecptien of Pupil, nder r,' pecltr adtanla. ir. Shiley, ai experiemictiEiliah talcher, b.s bora e- r g das an A maitant;;»anthlb liien fées r t b* Engla i tepatmta n, have been tao e- ýattierbl,'redecor. Pnpllecaa b. maonma- ae wa! boardi anal lodgng, la respectable fimilie on Vit,' moderata terme. Refrenc. a i t e à ali t W .« st f L A A aigia n ,- M e ) ae f i oft io 4r. 4c. ayb. rad. le the Venir- able e Arbdaoh ofKingston, oba oecentl,' visieti anal xamin e bSchoul.- The fine anti bealîb,'aiitien cI lb. Village Of Bath need ne recommandation. 'aelling, Reading. Witiog, Arîhmetic, Engihb Grimmar, Gegrab, (w'viLlathe aoeci cfhebGlobes) Anciant analMoitera MZtbat tim--------4 0 0 Kingston, Jla,'28t1, 182. WHISKY. 'B E Subacribet bas again commencei .1.the Distillauien andl rectlfying ni Whuis- ky, andl vili keepthb. aime for mle at lis aboip in lb.Market Square, anal aliciti the patronage et i. fcmer custnagens, and all- ea, anti trotta lb. qualil,' of tb. liquer anal P les vil! intelw itaapprobation. Alse, vantetie i, an sd Cota, fer ubica el prsce vi e ile G R E T Kiewg u , lot Ja a,,18 8. JOUX G. PARKER, bui rslet, 5Tons iassorteit bionandi teel 50oeCils et cor- uge anti Whie Ro al ent Ploagîs, 50 IÏoes Wiotiow Cisa, Id k 1 alst, 4baieCotten Tam, Scie nalUpper ,eaher. Caf, andi Sb.p Skis; Candi ick ng,Ba ttng...20 ia sT obaco.,htotcb l i p et , a n t i M b c e b o y S N P ~ . o b î "elacca or laedlem, at do. dl,tl 0..6d. eca-0ln.Spart. Lam 011 Lamp Gli a- P e i n t s a n ti O - h , . B n u : . P e d ocr , lo--» barrotsTaî, IEmaln itcâ.-A ve- f gsnaralasrîmceiî cf Drybits,suitable 4re beacn-GrceresCrocher,' c ah pouitfiaiMont F leur Prk "ant e- salles. îfN d. PuER. REMOYAL #DUlN WATKihUU bwâemoveil bit bard- Nealie in fets troet, &orain,' ccepieti hT Meusm urpla à Parir,antiopposite M.Jue*. BlaTeavsrn --Kiegsle aAbis =ebr, 18m

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