l b . M h l e O b m ' * N o ru et the d.rjim, M." te*"d am oe- tmayb.-*- tb M~'âgPWl vals feliags PIebtW, wowil 5w lb ps lCve b p fum m a 0 h. ma avo a ur aotâe «"ti No~ %»wboiit mq bu a- vouded by d ,g ,,.(e <thA e q.wet the. NmgleuMda molmm d pouie buM» h. a batteho ha iihêsmi M Pubs r.dni* te ab= ofr 0 KlUgeMu vilheutbm e- o Mad mquaem ie Iolest mmteI b. undmdn amofd" "d4al,&M a&W es bst medicia. t"t kmlncss r..omumudsd by thIePbyocmo*lsmt. $ iM dkodmbue momiu& » Enid *M the liste 5< t&M cil> Md ale Qme. mus rai> abrulug «or- cSut of thbmravages ete Choiera, but w. amrhappy toudMby ma«meUhuolomlth. Gamelle h4W lb. e die, bus pmmly éulula et bth pace.s. eiiuâetlithe0<ami- grange se Irai> dhlrmiu&g, .aa otism= ara witat nmy, ow aveu a lsmporary #beles, uhicin ta*coq,> ai' i-K h te ig on dimndo th lb e dlciug nature (rose sud expmasr M sd prvabia. Ttlàh abeiulmly umauteyn. te A mmame. l.o ta jw.v«t the diaoidnbmluig introdue- ed amnuatm Tisera cm be no meeemmy h*vi- der tse - prenanthâoaIa, butanad va"almouani alote«bUalI e aud mch amiarm, ab ouhlbv, a diustatm. lion appointedfer tisus, wb" waismmie wean inmoraWsa ti .a. day se*&muil Sancm wrili.g t. heav. me have remir- d lthe Mklwiug. EMPOAI Tau Km ubRnAL NOARO or Kiagsto% 90h lu.189 Came, - Adamisil dinoaHa13 m.- Desin ont 0< of fili, - - Resmtaing. - - - i Jeux Ri. FOIssyRn, Sorelar>, Wta2H55z.-III Cem@& th. eelu" l tbm but et "mmue as"q,>umcmlaiensd but a assoi potinuof the yeuvcm, ho nid to b. plumet a.Pum.. npqdant o da<res ae axpoumi«U«1.,t. la h«o p, or bum tup b> lta vdent eai...flou smaumm but hast ilers cld., hIlminlg co..eaponusuh.41er, and *eqmodty mlx ed together. Thisers u .bau extrmer- dinavy for is violen m rasliomm m eml ta cold, but petbape »verm oe eu tIbm. 1et Sunda> and meay. On Su" et1 0"o patind h. dme.tr e"nimél et ln thmebais; euddmly il Jlitthbiremude- grec, andlin theavmlug tb. air became quit. colti, cordiningseo dariolb.Ou ight, about summe m e usnmetrwu mIlm as 43, se powmafilly dld Il apmsa ma hes h buinan fiase, tbat peupla basilte reot ta Iheir %viole ling, allia lthe day baba. the ighter mumor cevug lmn e esbb Tise SI... boul Q»eaMuste toheIbm ve ning Ceu.te ourwhm~ havlag ber dock cavered it mirains, vise bad bae lbs Ihat day .z9...d tasa arms sg -derlg tboit Pomg es nPteecoft, sas emeeiauins their pasge ddmg Ibm fsllomlmg cold night eqml, e«passa, It nocebua Mey if Ibm graieut mmtb »es aamt mbu wftb comPlsltI.,-f«wttlàsumoim mpbe te imagine "lb h.. m u cell uppom muc estremme expsear. Sanie of tbe emigranmrmmkod (bat e hati got s a asil tory clma., and (ba t bey liat emed freis le',ldkiumele l s- pod la toV7 meather, ub" 1esee- ta gâtgo patakt of Ith epiiemle qasitima of tbm PeeisWOMWMgOM ,s Md Ibm ouly punisbmemi lb.y wii lb.th, ad lbaj Party mmm, i" thA.Abelgbly meld Cama lb,. be.oeteimdasl,te aA.,"d Ilh. ex ponedas, tbry eymr, amlmd1ego theaumme pivations as a jusI remrs<w IM tepublic sroriga tiey al brouglst upon (hi coeu- h>y il gSisaitpublic sltumios. C HOLIERA._ A a meting aille lah.Iliambe~g. %ton, heM mlb*ComamHma, oolk Jus. 14 11183%," fth* m m 0 et,0* iale thelmmii. Ep mm useaur«s lu nFou tv=if*m CHOLB in h A e u" fraolvedTh t aue ymstaott in thm t l, tlbuadlag s Mshma tsaI th* dinelmla à hbu bea Ipa1.1u Europe, auotdmmretelm- mut iamienammula u tatomcA. dmy Thai ee t y hividase hdée.1i7 jter 11aI1, l in A.e IpUdety eame boom- bine cba y lysI. m mem »!I" us niant, au4S olà i Infarlu = e.u Thtt ille 0et mvakglA tise ha ý . s t i4 tahe 1 as stma < gosmw tUfbofA0e ot vu. Wo utto mii e omoit to é of timaau ama eIm Poumons tmre a. eim thae nue dm a li e thlle 3uliaai bA. ula oeluladte uaI, eh t.mA. ilh» aolt 4A. of t, dam &Mauni a tam .e-a coméolellb. vk. TI. tende. te mprou l o wr& a lieugl A. rate hlanIt.g fiubiW"tead crl of Wood mWihacasu Femeet la"masud A. pwmlm iaeet1 ! W,'= » dmfumoot hor o A. ~ ~ ~ ~ I *ups 0 sii.1 dhly~ raseyumvsa aata ai> .- lIuts a woihed abe nmt e wu Uxaeie my fr r e- dup MM k s> b. h*A.poret , lut * omuite bue ArtimitI fmei, Ob 10bom viI b emsgo A.ag- - bu disp«uiet A.01.@, A.*ar-l suaeg msotA.e ek -4 a"dau aIl- er buu s ue mm" iàtheA.ou. uma Ab« urlea catMdO- q bu mees:x On A> My DaIm Geateme OIRe. 30" Kirw.y onterMa imiEm., . . 1m.!h, KeqWI u'. b", ~Co.md EC . JJoDafaa qh.i ce,. har. A*suxuud in tisa ity .<Ibiurdeoimu aâlea, mhicis haviva sd idi gpont violets.., bhm r ore m"ahoppyta leuas(mto hels.oumunt Iestimey -Visem oia dimai gautlemen, r.- oeiedsa eidlaichseck, and tbml lIa lis. aumbuer of rocoveriea a nom ingruelr proportion ta the canas Iban ubel they mere ubea il ami commuced ti laravagea. Simiela itelligence ailla iecrefa.hbiena raestv" betru Qvmc ; lued t bu baen genufl"ebed vait wt ham mtil - motace O be»ob*md mthiea a ospl etihomis, à recevary hb isealmest gens- Wu bu" oi" mel the .sMea- er 11. mampamt!tbut a s bru= a repitto.Piresn A. bomea, esmpuin A.e temmultausarmemail hais., dissu. bu in theg u lbond;wemidon dallE- mm ty;- §topn"daak. îoa A. symietm the bamelle; glaiapp p amOthee>, ww* sink sé Ihir eal; dhmoaamlo «5<lheaki; oin..ofithbodybailnmd fuba mus 1h. gomaui ymptaus. lt isaLrmugi re.mmeud.d (bat wh.fta e alls ir appeas, imasediat. ieaoumo shaultibho lai te amedima dhler-del&are siuM- ly-da.pm p l 1h chpait in A. spona tem smnga cui braWib ofais - t e am1.hiofthadu. mi .dai hem. tien and bot Lannels Oai. ui inu circulaionandmilvilt:t Fme chala as ho highl> a ora..A l u- cmmiJmis. isu-l . n avoided-dimt b particolail> attemdilte, a" olli gt but irml, ameel, sud bo- maneWa. Peuascrau s» iemvou- tilabla.0<iwliais, amil et" t upwrmc ame rgily te b. mmataminai. Ag yet the caes have beau unvuser upes A. lamer ards.,and banmore pas ticoislyatulabad Ibm. isha bve bu.poor, desilsil, and hadly cltimi. Duamg a porioi of mach distrais, mn adu.0 til(h charitable andi haevotout teoebtais the mesque gllesury te Procura fooeil mail eli- im; for the paor, me bop, wmUt net b. lu WbaeiuaOaa Clera bas bitberlm ap- panai. ia proneaabm u a.u ad midi murmaverltth l.e mo, and boa tm enemai Usvirulcure. W. sai esrauhy bopo "1 me, ah. pave a dhlmuieibt.g imtere ofils visit te tlitaProvine, uand lIaI tbe dimiutiuon.of came. lai Quebec aud Mon- tgna n satve o mn approm etila es boudins. il My lomg eallu» ment Ougme hrits foes May ho rustruléa"il leav- ity ahated. By 1h. .cmnd me surs dma ave nous ecoerred en board A. e cu steam« ,M fous eh wci urataai b> beau- dy sud ladu. adulustereil bY lb. CaP. tain, A. Ift mus a boy situllye01 Who b.dl appumohy beau ptavbomly= poemi. UIèes amme occurati on beard A. jet B, ».h, (raof miicl miftafatal-o a muler of (bat vaml udi, amiA. ollr t1w mara cbililrau boeeiaghtlaud uine. Faut fatalues bave oeurai otramA.la- * "f M Ld.h, Ima oiish ng part af bur «Mer. A casaof "Muemet éoreaies haud .i ibm &LdueAMm. bu" ep.a rapattvaly, but uoitisrof mi b.am chsrg.. mt t epidMul. Tomqpmmry oepitmls bbv. heu amlh m"" .«M A. Windmilhe andin luiP. DssiUre.l, teuhiahsick are iueitoyreeved. lubaBoasa(0Beau * lmmiyeaueedy alicrocm A.helbnug igBUUolm- Rai-pes1 2SP. mliuaml1889. l'ea ofHhmidihave he.m t Palme tamecraeatA. poupeM of aMt mmmag emgraut., ustieorreius C.. ity.md m Om f Mentreel, trout A.e umeaai m ioi0 b sm am t, bat h.> regret te satlm A.y asonm ,smb. te giue Ma exact Reprt aithe mambet of eCam a"d tisai, smsah As <w Me bbu meamuimeil, A. a- ber 0<anuof tholan, apmoioam.m an ml en ai Um ali Iés ePr-.»7,7 hou. n hé.Cmuntry, euoantie Mt Ames àa ta - Repuq t Wm b. i ynin TPAINN.1 FRU Saubmcibuts mio a iattly ire. JLEngla, respaciluUl> bu leasia go ac-i qaaint a. ls.hsitans iKingote A sReli vlcintit>, tsaI Aey have parchmun lestock in T"ad, hlouing ta Mr. Tbeodere Brocbatt, mio bu dudmsi business in émir faèvor, and bave commenceuin l King Stret, mexi don tetaDr. 11Binkyuhata tisa mil eacte ailordsuWorCarilaga, Bige, momnassaland mi e. m iarag. l g ot aperWmasa11lutA. aboie bras- wbate ith confidence tenumirl the hope of almmtilug complat. lafcllton le tboasmbmisey ionor Ibm. idi ihair ptrop anmd bvlug a omu- petes tock, îley are enablai te ah.> com- manda, etmetiebsotust notice Thsy keep en soleil, am ilta cif(ON, Points, <dry or f oumfil Btetar immeietae)Véaish,i srpeile, Wladaw Gise, Pisty sud Paint Bruihe, amd vuriona ollier article. coamecteti mus dia haie. mhich lIbe> ii au hand a abrgs a"lcholce amormmenl of Papor Iaglge, among mhtcb, ara tuau- psrh Laudicapa PatterIN, mitabla for large apatuetaais etmisc is lat" mo1e iso Navnim sutlie other elegaut vimus tram ait walier Scott'm NOvelm, BALS& DOWN. 1 Kington, lame 11h, lu& LQST A WITE ANt Ix cHiL;DAKNz. non OD a uD8Y. fira.Deuu, AI&ear ASa in aEâglnd, Is" aLpa- eeeuhie h ie mandsMxchâtrai ou bmmai A.Qomea, ou A.e 2d, luse, uhen hiat remetl groaaam u enmch oreel1; aidtA. suaefaMily amé *emisar. Robert RommS>by meil b A. opluie b. b.i! laIA.hevaseal, expmcttmg ta land h ia on uri; bu the bat bil uartasl, bu mot balm shie i.te ara " Z:a .atiou abot Ca, b1v. 1. pLe- tam tatil lM oblatesinfiammllon abaut TM mite sudlchili.. le lasupmisd teb. *mi A.e iamly or Duamuetta Who ai.. met abre aI A. eu» P"ie. M lm ésep.-8 incea mmhe A. aum. al1bummty hy MtmariegtA. uhove. GLORJOUS. York Laht.ry, Cloee. 1, fur 1S le, 4% 911,4&1,1 , 15 le 08 80, w et mo u »W - &W1mwmeot. 4,8o403% mh.le 0km,1,0»lwueemuia ah m temlIuslIta i trla t me ame, wbuMaur e.hibcaamealuPd My dht ien& is ii issle. mutrqu aild aiasfor Iicbetshymailtoma> ofu S& J. Uirvcsvma, N. Y. sily2rma a Ce. Bollimam. & J. Svisvx, Ystelurgb. EiMon mb& aivealle. or mucisauga mih sy goder.min plams larI A. aboyaim 'leli raapedua pmu SPIRIT 0F THE TIBM, ANS -LIF n NU*W VoitEr. Auti Raby pem "but Ym bî hu5'i% Te. id"omm veur. N oemM.~heI~I u, ar e, paya- et buA.y t*&r. j& pI mre ut abwme-0» alA. - 283 Dar SCECOL, 'Ma TouasLma U5M~PAUSN rqlfIylmbe. J1 ansneaota (h be hite44 K a o adi sviciit, adent Misa kg" ai e19oflame, 5etA. comas aingmd Brook uta. A. late resdme. of Instruction in Emlimh, Wrstsng AritI- iMe.sudiplain Mr diewesh, lum.par=qar bai. Wib Hltory, Gosgrapy &BdOi- mental mark, 91 pr quarte.Esu chute fer Mde.cFroucbma»d Dancing. Deieu Pa ue-x, l ........ ...o public aroae LWIOIWG BLAMa UANIIPAVTOK. jROBINSON, Giltimi, Looklsg Glas e* asudPicit r Fma Mamaiscuror 4y. Tspatiuly informethe publie, itht babas mewr epenat bis etablishment, corner of eh"rB d lohumu Stîeta, nmarly oppo site lit.Georgesm Churcs, wbrmbh.Imanu=e uesna mail lkeep scoudiant asmoriemmuu ai L»slig Gluâes etof very descrptimon bond: comlellsg of PWa andl Chinsaey Glue i.hisogay ad it Fimmes, Dee.- .Gh -Gla ise lbmd mthout Drawmiadt andl New York pattersu md te ader, id Fràmms te-gui, Lotoi ng Glaien»maiivarad and Gilding don. in il ils brache., 081 Palîstingo cienned anti varniahed, Duapa fiamnai or mounteti and varniched Io1 order. The public arc euparîfal> nvited ta10tit bis ealhsmni and jutge f1 tisuulvs. B:tpaytng strict attention t. bru huaune.. ha hpbl.ta iilthe patronage of a gene- Kingson, M0h May, 1832. NEW GOODS. wVALTER DeCuaufr reemcfoUuy in- n. lb. thepublie, Ibat la bu rte cetreil by lote imputation via New-Yotk, aais fersain.a asplendid auorlmenl of FPASIONABLÏ 0001)0. LioiemoSolo Lathar, smacturmil B» u pueRides mazei Calf$iskluwax- ed Uppor Lesther, Laîaa'a and Gmaiemea, Beeta, pampa and, Silppe, witb a amaiet .1obé oftimile.. u aarted la the Su.., tao nutmrons t.elilr. Aie, ou baud, To.., Sugar, 0db.é, Bran- dy, Spiris, Glu,,WMous, Peppermiat, Shrob, aid Molases. Kungueu, ISut Day, lm8. CHLORINE DENTIFICE. Pas,..,- . u sN urc auuim, passeuse. li. SI& wu airel, 5c-S. TI Dsific n otmly blt, T butave o the a oldat applgca. tlens of th. uewly dineoimimi CuLoamn COierOVWna. It ilathem oly article lus mbicb ihst imaporant cbemicml agent Io mg. ois tellu thoeruit farim. lu addition es. tb senot qumlissmaof Ibis. Pomier tf« laimg Ild misbiag 1h.otestS mithout in , lag eIbotieouàmel ar the gam, tbe Chiricse. ceahimei mWi i oe readi 51 lis but mathmeut effectumi praveàtlv allaient efiae, MMdthe aesr.t ee- agd impure ail nmpleant brtis. WbavCe, 'bis donse»arimse .an actuel dissous. et lits ueouac, otoe.. intestinal andi meuetuloMîl ilaetIbm preant P.*e mapesu moen s aremady. mmjehmelia d »ETracE in bell by N. PAIlia., Drggitt, Darket Place, Rangs- ton- STEAU BOAT NOTeCE, On ILAKI ulumvaio.' pe Smasapsa Nw bemadu I«bpte w pmas of tgiu my u and Joue. WIii aie Preacat eo" Wedwooim soaMgN, commaucsg au Ibo 1811Apedl11h May,1811 le., 9115 Ai, 981 daMy, lm h ae., 2d Day, 31h Day, 29h Jeun, 815 Day 46 jatte, PoMI MOI». rk,mmi amavu cNlm arl au «, Fugia> Daeag. . Win, lssue Ifloprta avr, satuda lsu- boom ah 5 OVelock, commueucng ou Miat Apil, M Ms al, 1la e 29tb Apil, 98k Day, 31 Jane, a1h May, Id fae,30h Jane, 1ltb DM MSdiJoe, Cadle Mga mego e , So»ay saaaia allai MIiMay nmeut lmKaageouaa Brocivilaadrlea Peceoluu Tisa ladie'sud gemlemeu'ucabine am board A. GrOmt-Zdriauan. Laiebin ml. sue mameure ss Ie-Yokd d Llvý- pool paclat bipm, mi Omo. i sed, ÇA arpe . àsa s ineuth lu hhlg d fom*mthaatbemmentem maum r veuy mmiasv.ueMliie ami te 8as.ai bu t7 ivson, a ahe lx ma tb etly, A$$* 1es,, etf uuCi-ash Are1j111l IN 1TM KING1S W miA.Cmaaia Osmp.ay-Yesk, e mlemAmva ails Nu-s. Jais. NiPh..., i aBsal~e.il MaPhessu & ~e, C Si ADmuva. hlm D.vlinmDeq 1, Même.. lIns, Legma t C.. Job. Putas~%~ L C. P. ?ssailuaIL. Des. u.nnMu ""777 tiatm l A oft . mTCX 1,i~.UBl I ~ a: LANDS FOR SALE W omima ceNDA mm ucàxm m wM 5< ie..of«b fl K s Cfrsus Is«esco oe li Ietes an Pru ausly5<00Acm mhc a m .llgîe u m lte lad ab- tmg I eaMornay"Ib.:Wlis e " MWlttl l *9 Cnsue te*0 onslbesgha Who- fb«aisor aeu Um m hy masatteilu Cal e> shamasa ot chemints,&a itstlos *la ti iity. For th. bectafisi<~patt WhSass &nulolaard te Fascismea tatiseaLI 1h. Coampany dilidm thir2mSActelia inta losud edau a halLot, thsî haeamu ofaboul 100 Acres, tgm it A.e couveomts of purcissaffl. lad. Bloc&* e<LaVL Wbem tho Coincy réé mn Os itteimea- iel Townships werm Ssrveyed mwilit r. t- eving ane savemîh for 1h. Cromu; but mismlatasm rraga.entwmadel.rmineti a, tisa Ciovu'proportion of Laid mus muru- ed in Biockm,linbheo aaaavayad, or partial- ly survered, Townsip@e-.ttisueBeki aue situatati chiailu insheGsi. and Western Dsaetcîs- rinplcipal nithis GueIpA, dftuatsti about 2Susmine troisA.theadit fthe Lut. Ontari; i ceamsite of %b.ut 42,09D AetE' oaf Wh"s &"ot 15,1100a"a .111for sae; it centuine moarly 1,900 iniabitaute, sti al Village, hinmiicisara a guat Grilet .signeu Miii, Stores, Taverne,aStisool, and mil iné aof Dachaiicianad Tademuen a Preebyteriaand Epiacopal Clsiscis mie In iaer, ami a Caîbolit Cîturcia has beeu haUt ; a Mminse of atise Kirk oaI Sctanui rapides tisere, and a CatholilePiest anti Olsarch ni Englanti Clergyman onccasull visit it. Fiaes tise clam of Emigîmals (bat bvela.l nnîmgae (boe, anti (roueIthe con- vmnaenceu afforiledinl a selelment olmomae sanuîding, h it ii ha fourid a desirablelrasa- dansa for passons of modarate Capital, amd moalti prtshmbly mibse oil anvratummnt for Capital. Persons delros oI purcbmelng parffly elearedim, aru s euailly pro- cura Ihons la Ibo Townsship. Tisa other Blocke ram Il excellent Lamil, ail moalil hadesirable purcisaneu foi cau- amnui"mof otmlerm. Sur. M MuBro« Tract. Aft the tsa periesffes etianr.md &Ï. ter avauy part of irhavbtg been tharaugisi> mxplorait, th. Commissionerse anusbicon- Mimeacomnd the laid af ibis tract ai sep.iier te auy body of Lant of equal uag. niludaeith« athe Province ofupper Cou- m"s or tA.Staita of Ne-Yrk, Pm.isuyiva- aie, Ohia, or the Teritrr of Michiana. The a a ri l is-; (ha Trea, th. Su- vut Maplm, Bemool, El.v, Bissels, and Chary-Tiulai, wiielb nomn hin (hie Country te iudlcate. the vs', hatland..Tt lesa TaleoLaid, bing tram 160 ta 250 test aheve tise leveiol aboeu, but Ils tst- mit le diverusiaid ioiling; il l aeait by simeamarse, aid pomemeavey, qumlity wiieb auarea cn e"tselemsent. The Town of Gorisricis le tbm Capitul of the Tract ; it le itaa tut ttise asithe River Dailaul, th. Béamin of micb forme mis exceleat -Maihor; itconjintssraml Stoese, miiithsr. la a go" Griet anti Sous Mill lu lia bamedibte .icinsity. Antser Sou DMi, eou a recla, le ereclng an th. Riva SBle, aud %bres Griot end me motos>liauDuMill il b. coamencet inuthels LIe ov siressa si id s is Hae Res; tisae have beau euti ai an immense expeme.. la (ha ,ery hait %mener lisat Rende ai. canatetin i utisaCountry. Tise Ia,. bu, aI Goder"elgivea à a fueisî ofahipplng produise aitlb.éoassud of tA. Tract.,ombile the Grandl Rivai Ousasmilisthe Sommger lb. mricaud mvgahe, t. Besail ; mandiin l tbeupropoid ea10rouiA.theNitis*lah.mie Pai.,lu <iiî a mtai Cemmuaication homc zo itLTract. Depohu ai Pro. vinion. sand Tool, armformlug miomg tbe a". Lad, aid Tverne are selubliabho ia cativeaient dulistaces fisi eacb attler. Ta encouragehtise etllgeaof thitisa Laméi, tA. Camsda Company hava, fe« tbe panmsa Semo.oiai Iegirematllm ho ha-îîom Ibsen luth. ucetteimil Croun ______ astmothl lau 900 Acras. qr la the Teumél> ofOmelpis and the Huron Tract, 100 Acre, a Pmusga ire.of i eupnis ta the Heasd aiLake a"ous,in the feoinlg mari- mser -the Emlraut timpeits wilh lhe Cous- ousyhAgameat ahQuebaséea m.ofseuy .q.h1eW c= of bish coevyercle hoeA liala* stseui ueaa Pm Ticktf of the . , a" oh a . sý9aue ii.lbu Aisia. 1h rlaid, badieon tai Re thpebA. siulerproes l t at île C)aMpamy'W (UalYuki, end t in te- baa n .put Paymesat i umssuilndaSai The lahtis.aI ofthe Courtai Diec- toea ta the Couusis.anerafethA. Omua Veupsu> leM IoaillitrLAnde me pik-. e paie, theprice. n. uciaralteanma lerme *destgme.-l Piarelsasoril $alw .lepayfor 1hLet 1ix Limmam h tove ya.rs; a pbyiug 1*n<i ob of th~m<. e a psu,#* a. gIsIezb Wma tea ocpy t*a Lo*t. Aid on A. h îl aumdoom halvaen*Md eveemeauIs éie pmor . Le A.bo- et mmWeyaSainmd ama«V«Uetylhgbal i0lremet u mmab l i SPRINO IMPORTATIONS. J. W. Anxmome, & Co. RJ ESPECTFIILLY ameonhe tibar i m&k pring naimîbatom e r the Sommer tuason, Isait saiei g: oipo Dropa, Char- ub, Job. WmlaJ,mmd lidfromaLtvmrpso, *W ta 1wa liemauodon; togmiber cambpri. eih. m a xtimuve and mmli atorleil stock, misel. l.y are aumbleil le effet aiun imorc- TheirWoirercdeparitamnt wli Lafounil le hetopnaImcisiceat melaclion of G.u- lenm muprfina E1ACIr, BLtE, BROWtr, OLIYc, CLAnET, MsJLOICUy, anud othar f11sf> CLOT8S ail CASSIMERES: Fine NEOLUT itl dcomisun do. la Cotton, Worsed, and Silk Staples, ubtt àuflm ever> complete; sud par- lImati., maetion hu iem. ait tathse.e- dam Of étirtFANCY 0001)8. Proumtier anal antion intheEn gllake ouiki mImporter tiiey porte» md- vvagmesr mmir> bon.. in Ca nada ou. Coura'r liacurTiaxill iiind h tat gb.lr knttme l 1anlid examine: J. W. Ir Co. bmug B frui> deWrmined, tisi no, cotsi doetatioa prenat admasilage sah llitiucu Ibm.o te raplesmut m8genuune, a superficiel aclale,.,Joitfer more thmn tbaeamallest rouumeIm profil; and regmrding tise sy- tom of Mult nioe prie,set oui> dis- reputahle htu "If, bul obvaously mxpomg lbaemuvr eussr te ftmadulauî charges; have m *ud imr gonds ai 1h. lommentpas- sible pcie.m,fl.Cma,from wisich no dtvia- tiosican b. mai. J. W. AIRMSTRONG & Co. Kingston Ione 4ib, 18>2. D R U1aS, CismusCÉLu, PMTNT MEDîcuRÇSs, &C. ho Igue jui recoluaI direct tou Lmadoi. and Liva?.ol, itheOst menul»ve and haut Os- letd amrtasaut of Danura, OrfRCALa, PATSeNT M*oICtI,,m, PEPaaUua.sr, &1141 mvery article la bis lisem@ve imporlailirons Euro e *tiseplace,wmicbbhawiidiapoe et '.0.1.1sud nt reaiu. an- -h tlu- m cannot faitatemecoro public approbation.- Ibm eotlan bu beau mode fros smofa ibm muet roepeetuble boue.lu Eglandl. and purcebaonl ou rb terme me warrante the oubieriber il utinatum bmt i wli muporacroe lise neemuity et dMoillGeflemuosanmd Merebamle madiug 10 Domîreaior eaha- wmifor ibeir supplioe& Wu BINLEY, Cheumidad Apotbecary. Kin, Street, Kingston. Oppsiaite M. MO- rau'. auction Réacs,lune 1b, 1889 BIRMINGHIAM GOODS. .oiOENWATKI[se H S M eoeil by tâneSlp Driepa mont «W si Ilo Hamre, Culry 4u ca- >." g fCuan md Cam ofaiShailfGonds, amougst wmiib mii b.la@foudmiams a article lu tbat liua.-Aeo, 100 do. Uig. gins,#m Ois. a"il ale Bc ytbea J. W. bu emoet boue bis féorr e in King &USteuatlhous extenisive promisime in Store o tofermaily acpled by Turpita ade. Kimnmase, 1h loue, 183. r EMIGRATION SOCIETY N OTICL-4ll parmnnsmbo:" >hav .l and. fer niaeor Ilouit mliau oDiadeit *te requemmilte0ira notait a atuto- ment milta us.. u(peut fidI) le Dr. Ilotes of employing membeulce, labourra, or @or- o ts.e, rrqumetied eapply etthlie odicaof lb. Regiatrar. B aIdyOter of thea causeuwe. J. S. CARTWI4<, Kingaso, Ilut l u&189 COLBORNE ION WOMK, F"ICD &CARONP»Re1srlorg of hb4 rbuRlt sud pet lu apersittoa BaNime uta*4e la the Toma of Gaullim, Eeex ComIy, Western District -ail ae ou prem lad te FrunkIla, Hall, Boaand Porteur Staves res Enilal, Scotch mmâd Aumemu Pa. toras.ue.1mllw textecompriag ios bvaUî- ou. <sm &d aigu of Pote, Keulm.a**uI- avans, Orllla, Grldhoam, Up!beý Tou- héitesWat»suiCar ou me, O4 -Dogm, keAJO Pewà iKatte, en>ai simtps 140 -sud JPi>liou etmd ain um 82 aîné. 16. aboyea uiclea uta mea«"Au t Md ***tâté*91mai psof kaiIresasudil wammsb4 dut(bait 10 aol nrla u amy ~ ~ ~ l aiemuhl' or e«FI a.o utuco. Daicta i imabsve articls inlu e lTppe sud Lamter Provincesams a ugfaàm- ad ntffr Pr,"ethun.Ie obavefor 1«"v .mpgucbamIr. <r beau llmW ',u* ha àb w ial IIa batte articlsetIoru-'Part os étule LsaeÀmi Wt . am.,u Aegl pam.lm i'Wl me"bda4dasu II uirv on Ctdb lag e s e u A.Ul«W" ECIAKVDPMEU IL . CÂoOM. NOTICE._ OomMSiRCIAL BANK 0F ToE NID- LAt» ISTRICT. heeu t tb. Caoeunom li bh T'u,mon Woimmay Ibm f" day of Ans«. nxl etI12 o'cloch mme,,for Ibm pumposeofoic tmng direclois f« lI e omeiug ton moul. F. A. HARPER, liaubier. Ki atn, 20th Jam, 183 N. B. The Editeof timepapews la autOs District forumry demireti mcmtheIBmo- tic.. af (hie Batik, miilpiman pubimb the raboyead ed inuti lu iieceikntu for psy- ment. .1 .j Ri-- - - --- . -- --- --- - -- Ji L li el ý 'h u