Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 16 Jan 1833, p. 3

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el1 1c abhgpie d nvo. u bl me M G og eva, vs bo u*IOP"' m. 4oli w<l@(thige u ~I~U hERÂLDq E m TA» -ug lé " ni* ls- mivi t UwaYlui villa Luudn»s9uet SDue 481and i lvul e*,$ borna bui, vammmusi ii rsa n y n .s ",»bo. Astweip TIe v luv"1 e "d§iaw 0, m ai6 mt.aog lb. ___ éolt, l6 éa apâty equaite 11.1for- lima m liuoparatiss v.»bar..glvsa lu Mr M- exbmoii. Tii.Vu"Fe.é u.&oioiby a foc, inu jst' ir ampoaéma ta Lie i t- hamits o Vliy Nov. 1Mh,.maluwhn il clou" aieaop, the vofte r rai, as- lie peail iw.S mahmeut ta lim badars. ~- NaéajOui uuMesGouMdlChu. t ilWin b nt4e dm bai Gorutidldeut dia-. negloo teta la.tit6te otuaiftyhelb Cty,mih.u bs aksevryhuma.. pua- mu ndsa Pa"te .pueaoIClame iavlaag UN M am Ow as aem ce iez. Wb" ih 6e buluimitaistde.but valilulh. ain Mo o aua qpn n0"m etfudm and v ato. mubalay, hi hdmbras.om. *mt'li àg omatay Vi bava taemun" gpailie Pi%>, mos 10mW pstbsluhmro. T" atuai q. mis ppquuty boom1ousibeat asv- ~ tlmtsussabmettbevamvauihth. la 0an 81. 2 pmance au 1ls. ns y.90 mbâ«sm, vii. laveamsotms arrvbe, ai the anos. 0<1k oea-maadisg oa"a lmfamuiupet *d i»ad asmaghmelt dii The sige vil be-a mmm.. 0mlg lis WY Youg sois fMalr aM *Dum oui" '4i. r mubt m ai am pai chool ta sdi ~ ~ ~ l rueab utauma noie _ Ai'im mqp Oni list 6" Wm "Mle or, te , d uloi-là wimZe lutbe=a ut@ Boehgaudsup' a. iteIot thebsd.bi"«tbsnaodmsWt elu ho au te»0wMmdettah<e FRhi- tw 'wiluu OeAu4tgupMWu. upmeauneffe mtavei, - Thble gi &Mwçlat. bopad aiaa ail6et ouT4tamrvi it3peofsDes- Ih fl.A be md amit éem Itbo a2 bThe eNulgt ie&*«s-a.dt b tallaidt li rvsi.Dt l ite uofolo<elétth e 1.1<- ana taéaal b ri aa i iu niam ALliuIa ui" a tauilug vIlth IfolslaMIdoapoff'"y qicoo u it. lui 0<lgh 9 sa oqlty pm Leteat Juary ollg*DÉ Pr i~I - s .IV 'I à' r M1d lm tbieus pm pou - 1$ b Jo.e M r. Pi.p, liaI 1i'O M .- "Melee may vMOI, aMd a u a bor Mdii. Us atug (aowe Wsep ia. pgis <1hPem o.'aS*w mmi tvu, Immla..batqa 0« bbhkit emk. aLé I iM -do.w wu latiod ite Ï, bnhal. hob puaasut tallé a. d.ow pu b- imtd"briaoim mV" as»amb ptio*muy if iL dm am Ot M et of 11.1 Ova4@o pStOMg « AhM"I "* t.....w. bp.eubn daY tt -4t tswube p<rom eiib t i estý.ds mn ti.b. &haté. luse i PO.e* 1luiy Mr.alléoertin yredoi vu,» 111h endeto tii. roouom uvmst 11 TN.eN là laauptla the ML'Pa asos.ihi Md .vnga di. om, alolly mai a BbMW gnrd.' , . le tubd baw * tabo gethux dboii- a, mM tu iiv u tai Muoagmo M ig1ymu .xPeosnob o uot hkm tiiqr Ispsms- laivse Tiiy të m« tais.ti . A» Vm7 ihist peposs Dines vikig tbe. aore vo baveui» omevd the. foleig «bonaeau &0lie r.- Tbog&iY,Uth3mmqy U Ro«»i.n u ounmIt., M mutea iprovo Tihe CI.k bolutulieta by teSpueàk ta tako dova etum vii 1stu aba"v1 bis -M by thei mssMoulu h.. Aq- ai. mi Migê. Mr. Pswy) totla Dom. mimbaW.mtvuda (1b. h. Hoomaun a C 'vuc.ecd"m teSq*.as11mWuisn Houtheue mmi Amm Z be otl busflate y 0 U H m aomamthwu ibeobooagbaiVa 41 ai M" HSRo. msbsr 1<forLmnox mai Ai- bom ~ a pologissd to tii. Boumetu' 1 i8w . ibidi. . tiiOtiti o bTMlb S.*w. iÏbm s118l ie dmlb.Couulu* loe Ilues mi aut.Tie»* b i. dy M' M" bu scliM ao. 0< wtM«houim Wbe os W11oa 1tasnlng ad b bselvarde ait il Madebslborik w tab ». P"", gsw uMM m, "Wu mt hum. AtW hi tb.y oomuist aMroel a"ls si otte g ti.ptomha baidfl 0 m m "iti*e ponda" is. W."a tu- .1 lI lhsoa d ... P" t re 0 i ur Pis.ytipoo. lu asigiami eoisimr6 ». «d eybai bauajbr at Yokt i,»gIs 81b eaviimo... M. a- vaaib. vos laINaitg auImd atYooh vui iii. poli bol, botI»bd@& lb. algolp ho mSt bave o am utmmuimhlo, lkpposimongsaIJu.s.!I tuaeoemSq obsomhlos, lIat ti 1 -cuw<W a vihut hit prose.. ds81 4ýji lag0<un opwolen. tut#l li.âfpipp 81$. Pmovloadg m mo-A ai». " m-uobdol *i pty i< adioL.,, m t ly a diltaacrppv.dm frpSStiAnd huila S ort ag siivivtlbYuigttu0h n r ut. AMit u i opy dMý t toi iéy8eoo (gts %'*si lroiqo ga yul in ceedeeti o ~ewammu a- mwt*a-y e:dasbuouW isElgia, m (m .ola, t li ionly, baruouli metSinlMus boo . . . .. . . .e . .. . .W Imimi dago uja,*est.,l saoPoshP ~dibat1k~asgbuiM pslilgq.4t. ~j~4 41~tz~3 oushi (s Gb Wieasie mu{bdsp4~p aoe.~d I que 271 W. bava eosM"btolî.emabsso<et MW Swift et"b pspm. Vh Ocmii.l a.rtb volt osocted, boudai ly -orbeatil- 94 vignette corb theu4, Ubanu, Md v wb, m i all a.h Tii.k- tmt viii mmc appoar Mem the Mme 0& ràgm Nmwvsaixsm..Wo lii dmy p sont thie NSes«ta cur"mies, Wbe hiý Jup rallyna..al h rms.Va "M*nmut l 7h.pamur a aat<- bst i e tenot c . enie phàg*4 h- ' loie b»L &WeurgeMsUt MuMis an tIL 1S2; buo adiimal - bahmins l ssmuc-Sen s. mai o imlbitioaa vlt. hich aumliumi.. a i li Ibis. Nei.bmvo mot i- bwmm@vyubyteoiumbdem Tii. igm« on &»r ceWednx n e.t W. lut', en bagd s.,... Commnie*ju- teg i vkê va vin attend. Galon om po.l e, m i érffl us. i pur- *1Wh ia l m isfumerbute, Ont jàmrm vemoe.ritu tlu or#bt cal 6"PeliSSimam'orusie, slla "-ousà ,ajWop«p., amteli mo t b ie t One t oogimiO& .At the. laid lf» vo1b« hte .1 We bkv. One ah. qaaas oi advm . 1hmye hiet gf*9ha.meewn g mgr. Vincent un requmwsi y the Vuo- pfflid.ut o mvutathY.mm tam.aisibo Ob the. AgilcultualSociety. ethorvue if lIsewêoqnfirei vwunetMal. u P, iii. Di- tal lu am tonhe Gov.,nmt bouatY.- ne olunvos dat mo.lu cf Ibmois 70<gS- *don the gnau"d8 tha.Snoeuh omY Vont isa It m*cf "liPriatuta W. maI lisattention of oui Tovumus le 81eluviltom cie . agistrat, teus-W »Mi aast Faimy. ta roosvo hbou ra t I aid. sUd>mobit âlb..,Ppo a llur O=- inuq ola Molbls. mJ b. iovbatMM Nua,.Te.gg it Eehoilami ILMay h. mou, ual aem loki bo e "xpommd ig ie xoivaane gt. Twi a uamuiji*t asuâeb.. bossvar dasésapab-a. bim s sâit oeusor tydk, m t I "» wevuy osatm levuth rtu Mer . ien R a i" melugasm . rug.mtatl60om om meos(an.. v «mm in b7b Eg te mi ebvt Nl er. friin lua mdui "lata o 1d - -d -o u h* R.Ute sI-- "< im" m.lat81eout a vo. putiwwpu li lostios.. l s1omooss C»814 u i pi. mousM, fha il tu va kaov a" bat 1 *tW due le , bi hiel over t - 'dtio li eait a o 9 oo .h1 Imtra<jm olu m mmy mima, m lthi Mai bueMr. ta qiobtu. m edetasvbat oitte nb. IMd.wusu ael- *Ëm to 81mm t mm 1 1. r.ag81.ub "g.nlavpremilln. m-e the 1. opseif ho stia.iby yy, la mafrho dut u utaf ie IOU upose *9bum" sabum M Inabl tin o lmmlat.uotho loosmy i as. idlWu qaposm ta chmh dé@a»nue. 0 u-. Ni. b verdiaeîd . oapeud isi-m it"um t auup.ny 81.theoastbi.vii lsi ii usOw *mo, K i. muti py la cruem hm theo. h .shbi a mot ti. gesoeb doa mot peuo.W qisomimm vat ti..,mre aov e 100 vi-1 par on a flbp. w ehoir al. a -umloM albuem ejulitheiai4ma.adlh. the . hu(MMti. OSamaAlCmmy Xery tRpemoia utbagmiu- loi~ 4wtv liu oiyt pe Fi 6 l atios ewa t.a'elv amieextiota em aNea mmavol1.. ps sou rtpah miivoi pro' isinrtaWin bu bmi"Is s.ecba in dei tu qid svlu< ami oo.aiubd a vis. Th.o"d io&Wb" U"oMoUiom4m.èegImtae t tbe tp pew Md afeomsMd~. doube -Plà8.1 S.amtsioyeu = k i vu s. up y » l o m Ma eU aY 0,qbd tig .aa(mebi.iaW fl- .sihbor -_' 4alé b te e abat lierne l hssà1ate. goe. dift M.expti .hiii1<ls.bý maasa.ebek elm6 moma emlsva b7mi aaie iiOMS !1X.im.ma 4 e stnm Ls ihd.l umeusleugg, fi s u ismapixeu ue mnMh ah-d'teim1wn aéay ain ., pé uiai. tes. Uooma11 i egi âa w,ylimgha < e !MIh. Moeta amsuvtour-,,h- Aan ib h l ig agut turned hiisr. bmsu fa a* u*ebjOLGÀ5 lEnaeÏdgmed, aPtactiulo tMed- Gà -m.T 'înc. laely arived rom London, and being by a tispie qofunfiaroseon uccuriomoes Tat» ar* ivehO .cbsictw jCOinelted ta pasthe visterin Z ingmta. it nmr.m in rather îtitened eircocà-taarea, and ,b- **-s ive oa, mu.majoeSmseîs'ink. Irduatihe nmner of Mmdiiai- d My iaDÎ000. bi ist lieu jof ackr.owledged celebrity anp:ii tm=,ma<eu uyiOft j gTewn,tht lie b,, stleornaopiobabili yof IN ii wihffmiýdn ou ,szmbaio.4tmentainhnge large fa..,!7by hie Profession. biIm~tah diees mtoY Q! ah.ai exertion.; hn', been indoed toto,. bis M~.C*a auferom.aoh *me ttetition i nwirtt e teri tg a %rieof F., frj"Zbfoxý i Lde %ieorsiid EM1iTArâly LECTURES upon NATu- xaL PiJULOSOP&,v andi POLITs LaTERÂ- et le e W h . udr Aq. I te«col-Trc àii se 1 dis.ai lOi'OuOf, 1 ;ib". unwWli e .wpbM $0 MWe" i*Iacquirerneits liing tint of a plain li eenfgps of My briog lem m~i . EngliuiSentlema . lie durfot isnlt I ,004 tn.dhU ru msi s.o.aid tosoisgir e ctoras of a leuîrned or scient i&. char- imâepetotel lio ub«osh, 1eitC1184EIacterbol hop.(ôta1eienablet te dîaw ta- oweras 09e la e .1 fsdt i e e, ea Au inumber tof the usinag en- gsLi roeassis@uàhtotbbe.rn eatio,ni .»Ir. .ho May lh ohi n- = bxoybre gzosotj sast tB~ elynisàaam olby thaimpbe style and - e Mant rof aLecturas vbtc bchow.1l have s o~â er utya.1 ,qe.iqy sayah 1e boom ta 1.11,.,. »»b*m e sist s«tù«ag 0thsgCuoçaw- 1'uglie.h iLadIes mandGentlemen of s4g.oie M os tahe ote id uvar mu ss cmetunaty of encouraging a.a.r ilrn se a oca tte<ilaKhiegehea -fit theau- omêyLg uti us.ly teadaha..0.*h iem ignea viii iliçer mn intradncl.y Lac- MeJe h tid d..., sita"t .tlieSawuIltareuped.lgitural Pbilosopliy and Polioe oe=7, Lifltýa-. toqi *wmm.orrao Ectaig 17t1 leu., t"li;da% esWeM.Myoia' li". Irises - ~ uevilobig, Dtslu, tesi ie t ~the mlder bauéi.e 0 ZÉNiJANS. The subkbap1e tï ettcj eQursié of Lie- Ta BIL e.uwlheP.Eq.etoré atilatedotho bo'gioplyil$, sud la. Ihomb hiFIà" S, * sstrirr vit lho dellvem.d civeee, ou May* cbp of ~~Tiuess dThtiredmy». à. wmç, eq<= omnuuions opon lb.eAiojectl iieb gdIWbb "~S* Mihu 0 coutet Em lprtiaîar Hended toiat bis Office o"poe tooivodut btisajof yeodus- EUWAItD JOH RKtL .. .211 à «'=r"fosiCilowthutjie bSksla Felijownf thie london College oif Mcdl- Te&ku. e egi dte luoe Pr& i, kd Hon'y bMember fthe City cf <isd~CusuianaDW& Loaoàon Jee ~ Literai, amndttcientlflsz Imtitia- lmis ImberOitW@ 094 Cote tae Fepsrd, on Md f.aimmd hyu.poorruismg a.S" engton, In. h,i1833. Ville "Utd.(Czr 1~idi=lo.oi _______à"___________ - us pmzya inu emu,«YIr bADVERTISEMENT. lams u. ' iobe etous. id=t-é»MJSS P>MLLl 'S, DreusMaersdt.c ~~'SWo*er(Iatolyarrivedh <om Londonia ITrdout es5t. s»Moat. in ibm fainily of Dr. Denier> re.spctfolly BOti. BELVOUR, »-'Y- 'maauaint»mthe mLadies, ofKingston, tisat $bc lait =ofC IL.'uouas <CeswmÀ. Wutish ~t~IiaU~l~LC a.citndia ue gr tbhe aiaLb u se -apfo- adirbë"Àt ho ailhppy"ho;eela ouan- 'mak&ndso ili asecute hem b ia hensI stylo' cf th. e aouFasiles,upontheu munt reacobl. tems. Allumsnt Dra. 'Balis "oOffl*, oppassite ths marialt place. Kiuguto&, Ibn. Oui, 18a3 IM&SUBSCIB g lous1«"le9li- itiLmé %bu inabiantsof kiogaton a ils viaiaJwtht tia.y haspgsri li. y4f oal0 . Grocerlea, 4o.la lthe iuéeag ujeiniaî lthe agifles Ofias, li 11,a ehot, alloua thîy viii hohappy xoatLeuqd te. thooee W e01t lia..ho May fueur ik Usomviii thoir coisq.litote m- enrtîmomt of DIV Goal. te vwya.teuirs, cosepniviog eveny article la thot lune; a- mongl. itlL ayb.etausenaai e andi aspergmpClohafashiomablecosai- fsflodru biuég, visite rod,<rs s udlow Fiianeli, grus si1- upr Damait, mteS va8Iklcér obisdu, tigiLosdeai Cbiuïieaa, cilonge Caleceb Idgmm, »lp.c6Imut«" Ileiau mambaoph; Dun"£"nClt, t. b'dilai mi f 'aicia viii h. Mid ville BIBI hl'ai à" e é r n or short am«prrédil. Md mLMd Spen- NULIIOLLÂNt a TW100. Kistian, 4b j. l.15. FASIONAB . DNCINGL. l"emoul reopectully to afiai fLthe'" ami andGeaiUs... aKiogMne apaj lis viciaity, tisaI haelbailatly udiveal fi.. tise &4V4 itcy, abere ha ha, gls oni n id *io"lmi lieu (maiu en.fbat oUMM Mid *1elegsi gomaPliisset; *bdt t4at lbas opmni me. JUpAs' Amsahy liappa, alorsb h asmo » m csud gkbug Wu grucion in ail a". mm ai pc&ohiasl su Loudon asud Pakils vi&Se. Wptu. Itinegs, Galopala, ma- soris., hk ra. hc. .-ý :Tmaua,4 DollrspuQoarte. Uses- tir*afflmai ibu. mie. Pueikc alauas Mdys, Walmsiamm amirfd VadaMM fte 6, le**- Ste 10 PE Wi. . Prautatilo, iIodyT. laya,14 aiDaadaya. -0'imu at. Fmubsiebeobtsaio luloia*oalMoabuy. OMMia btet Mbisloiwo. ame.M mae<bum a k Goe, u NpaaMosi, all 6,14.tma. te. Kisimias 24msa a, ,1DM ro kwAy# god AS bb &malI'ES fa# wi * .a inia lou .te ibis tccu iqeuvMaqII. UpperA!w ' vIlrwooins I 1 19" ilRLfElUGIWEN hsma ddommi aï dm. hi lb. pure ovosm liq"M rr* LW, wfcwg*sghu teoa-i ffu PRunrl Rhu.Ipcideniit ao, 6lb. -m oli iEb. *llpvd ar lumeMod ohb.u Sn pm*em booor vaIsn dilni bt*lb dé twprecti" lb. spnayer veom ie, the l"ei flp. th le court * J. NiclRALLS. * Oeilr tflaPimaS. AMu siu mmi e utimea »ofr Log- roD lamottbeAt im. vl ~éey cbil h isme a">ofmtie & non1e vç,Ozortu. Ti. Ziaam . ., iW oqéfe ust" eama. ohIma as m m i ul0 l.im OUi.pivefsigh Bsy iiib. old Quiaf , 0i1pac..1 4 10 Chm* iiami" lu a'!e. -etzt1lug ys.r, 4. asihimab b -Cele mu Wb - a. ax vs uuam oy,, noa. j nee'l ý .1 "I. 1 ýq ,ký -1 a -il .11 Ki! &Imm the wod& + l Mi -1.7 - M j ý4 it rrl.j bilý

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