Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 27 Mar 1833, p. 3

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r, Lieutenant Goveraner, or geriag the. Geveramsns of i dwilr the adrace ef zeu eCouuacit, in purin,- ver in bien vested by lis lfally resiat or ebstruai the en in tire executien of their monet o persoas, un beimg tb wilfol disobedience or vi- rutsand regulatiens, or of r said Reat Officeis, befote Fis Majesty's Justices Of tbe listrict where mach effender ide, saai forfeit and pay a iran Twerity Shillings, for nîy Pounits, wtaicr Ralid fine be leviet and cottecteit by ofouch cifender or offenders Uis, under andt by victus cf id under tbe ilant ait Seat irefore whoa luch offender Il or May brav. iena conviel- i paldit he bhanis of Hie icr General, te anrd for tire 2i Province, and bru accotant- hir Lords <'ommissjeners of rreasarl fer tire lime being, r &Bd ferna as Hia Majesty 1 te direct. r %or ariacieil bij the cuthor- fat this Adr arait ho and rce for one yen,, and frea bd oft lie thon neît en§uirag Provincial Pagtiausat, anit HJERALD. e.tres.y, ]R.wh 27, as3a. eon sornewhal surpriseit ait York Courier a tetter froua J. ùsq. , Ilis Majesty's Cornsul aI His Excelteiacy tire Lieuten- on tire aubject or Peetteir- rirpraso la cf a lwo-foild nature Ir. Buciranan aboutit adopt urse cf addreaaing a letter to r, Governmeat lirrougi the rabtic Newopaper,-secouitty, s to b. acre auxious to figure an loafnford any information ave really ucclutla tirte Coin- icinleit to builit a Penilenîiary ada. Wu cannaI irelp, notic- rcularly one paragrapr ia tire in Mr. B. expresse hitc" rs- mntteaen namein l tire Com,- ire rneaeM~ie genlemenr wir t'Ork tast year, are can onty 1 ot then tae much trouble respect", or eviace bis "«deep Prorince"-a circunratance, iota we should neitirer bave ait about, bied ii tetter not iary semsn ta meet Mr. Bu- eurence, provided t1he Con- aàiltei to manufacture noting hîcir, tire we-iter asserts, are urnedito bread Iran atones L ia consequentty reconamend- it eligihîs placre for carrying on 1 transinutation. Pray whal ffhanan mean by Ibis sentence! ellegation, tîrat lire aoney andt avo ireen accetedto bas a mrat- mime ia utrfounded."1 Whira- the autiror cf the ailegation, ,igty pranoucc ib unfouaitei. ure, in nrakiag 1he grant, aras irely by lire pressing necessity lue- a Public Prison; and wibh r "llocation," tirey selecte thlie r confrŽssediy lire mnt eligible ý'royiace. îV1th regard bo tire r of tire preseat day," tire utili- ay Sclioots," and Il tire Houso for youtltut itetînquents, Mr. perhaps quit, correct ; but, efereace to iris experleace. les iris tacts and reasaaing an tire aiientiaries ne-c inaccurate anrd ~ANArA.-" ire l1h Report ng coanaittee of Priviiegs ait mas been presenteit to the eul , argneit Lours BaUILDAGES, Et is a document groeaiy ie- aie Gorernor lu chief, and ia- eetly, la irring about arhat thre rty bave been aiaing ai tor se- ý-a dissolution of Partiaelrt. r disappointment i. evident <rom g paragraph. rernor in Ciriel bas nol made Ryal prorogative, whicb, tipoi ronaibility ire mightet any limes se cilby a dissolution of Paia-5 ia ia violation of tire conabitu- r.e tas of the Provincue, andinl Sof tire pririleges of tire Hou"e, ne, anîd untit lire present limle, in county of Monrtreal froua be- t ed."l rt concuites brus: iec. circumistances, whictr mtsl a evcry, feling of gond ,inder- weeft Lea Exctee tire 1,0 kief and lire Houa. 0f1fb longit pertraps il suspend 111 medin at att& commuOnication wit ei ExceltenCy, Uti1 bu nreation for tbis brelacir 0f ita rvileKes. Tire onY iy cti- imay inituce thevu b defar th@S ien et sucir a itetermnitiaOl te kr in Chief, ila. nipnal Billa a B thti the rieur or P'f. a hm= entpalU "iY preper systein ot quaraBIiý'! tir haterai Morbut. Orstu dt- tire Logiatire Counseit for ieiprisouing u itbouhtfrair, uti bia, ie bMr. Tracey cnd Mr. Duvernay. But no it Putrisitedith ie papers, in order, lirat eV. sa,(hogh he ottr nay it prprityry inirabtant may ihave an opjrortuaity e, rouir h edrîaywt r cyfreing iis opinion wnti, respiect tua nie; -IWetig fe ccuh h urealiat waute bùrd im and b is heirs fi _________ Mr. Jefiers aciat on ta say. that neiherq Tire attention of aur mrtinsrconnut fitir etIwo formeurpMitions tiir y any sueur lis teasires cf a rnjurity of thre ir ta Été attractet bY tire Adtresa of the Logis- haitasof 1Kingston Tuiai w<(,>'ld n le Counceit af Upper Canada tu Hia EX- pattern after Brockville. TiraI if wc tir celecy tb. Lieutenant Govertror, on tire any change ati, ware tshave a mniiaîui e<ubject of Lord Goiterici's dcspatch. Ifa trefrG rprstaveG etrer a Great Brilain, and of the U. States, r, W eilignified rindication ci tire character aofmatuai powers, andai mutuerl check.s. au indepenitent L9.graaive body, îtrawvii upf John S. Cartwrightî, Esl. Iaring bue vitb grealsbaity, ait cauched iltatguage calleit ta tire Chair, andt Jouan1'oravîir E iremoaresectul. W. rus t~e Cton. pe)iintScretary. ti; îr 4he St.espctti. e trst heColni-aIr. Crwrgtexplained teoljectc ai secretary aili peruse if witir attention, tbe meeting, suithtie adrantages likciyt sud profit by tire ahotemie doctrines reultteIratire lhabitants generally, troua stiricr It ncuictes. uccesfut aiplication tet he, Iegilature whiehif iculctes.statiirg attire saine lime, that troi ire a vancest period of bue Session, littie progrea We percive iry tire CHRISTIAN GUAIR- coclit b. expecte te lrese. osas tiaI c Commite. bas boutn forme in lt aas tron uaoveitby york, denominated "'he Committe. fur anai secoiaieit by the protection cf retigioua liberty"! Tire lot. TiraI a Commillee of Taretro ger aucimnaion cflb. eubut unt ha tiamen ire appoialci by tismireeting, t, machnatonsof he ental unt hring preplare a Bi for incoepraing tue 'T'w, biled,sani tire attenapi toorganiz. Paliticat cf Kingston, anait liaitley Le requeteit r unions haing beers iooled it ah b ih res- eari jjac possible bo prepare tIre sanie, te b, pectable Yeoaaary of Upper CaRmaathe lait before a futtute publtie meeting teob, canveneit for tirat purpose. malecoûteals are dteeminei te la fy aat Mr. Jeffera aaid lie ntoutitnet oppai miiciief tirey carn perpetrate aider the Ibis resotution, prorided iteroreappor mask ofprotectng Ilretigiaus libry.- toitttait-"TiraI Itie Bill, no preparer,gairal Tire veston asignet for tire farmantion offbc publiabedith ie Kingston papers, sunt ~is ieiyil, oaring a tu Ch tanne beforc thre taof tire inlendet muet thi soiet i, acoringtetheChrstinlng, 50 tiraI £VeTY 'AitPAYER, amy mVI Guardiair, I ecause cf tire ciandetine pro- an apportunity ofjutging for himsef cf ti oWeingsf ome f teClergy oftisectsurcb meetaaor detarils of lire Bil. TiraI ho or Euiglandi n relation ta te iiCergy Re- ia beiraif ofhiimselfanait fiia felea 'aoi payers, proteaîcit againal coanmitingthii serve&.", Vbydotah. Etituo ftie Guar- Riglits anit Priieges to any hyre ie n dise, week fter Week, dent in sucir pitifui wirnîevcrnaay ire îîeiraristioar influence insinuatins against thre Ctergy ai lire H. hait no objection teansy Tiroir. or rr Churcir cf Engianri, insteait )f coaiiag for- persons itrang up andt erbcitying bhie sentrients andiiteason the subjct in aBill teard in a manty iranner, naiandniag flic but tirat,1 tiraIBitllruustire publiaireit; sc lersons whobo ave been guiity of tiroso as 1mb ervery mana,atîo aras tu b. affecter rclandestine proceedinga"! by il, uaay have an opportuiity cf judig -a-for Iimgelf, in bis cari private retierenns, ai TiiEcCANAa)iAii MAGaznr.-.We bave la ils expodiency or non-.xpedieacy. Tira thslauet ckaowleitgc tire reiî the naiseanad confusion sofa public meeting lirrepiesureof aas nt a fit place lajudge, cainlyof the tir e thir dr number cf tina periotical, iearinge of so grave a meure. TircIil wiici, in point of iiaeresl, equais, if nat lire object of lire meeing uiat been a votr exceots il@ predecessors. Tire contents cf thanks ta, or even a rote ofcensure upors - ar~Enaiganthii Excel:acy. ha (Mr. J.) aould net are- aveinerfèrd. Buthis asasurewso The migrnt,(Na. 3.)-Lady Maniha- l teid ilir this ineeing-itb aa aBone- Tire Soidîer's Boy, (Lanttard'à Tale, No. tiig tisat aras la affect nol oniy us, but aut u,-oteaplation, (A Fraégmentr,-Es- granit chititren, and ait car ftutre geners gay an Gass-TIîe Duomet Chiefof Paka- tons-A somethiing, liraI if once. gaI on, gama-Young Mens Society-On Wonaea cocît irai b. eudiy gel offagnin. -Cinna-on Roats--The Naval Officer'a Mr. Jeffera aras answaresithtiraIormaw Dreari-Virgits Poilio, (Transae)-Fat. noite aucir a minin naef if lire thouglâ tacies of the Young-Tie fataipiague of fit, bucitirat tire kesoietion aroutit b. put Egypt-On the Caitivation cf Harri- un ils prescit stape-put andt carniet. Sng-On Beea-The Young Ilolirer- Movet by 1.siaanit Repn Il"-Cans-Tire Girct- econiteit iy V t gi-Thoieigir Bet-A Fac-Toun- 2nit. Thal the foitoaiag gentlemen do Itendîng Enigrants-Naonnem but Boa- comnposc tire sait Camnimittee. vens-D iestic. Messrs. Wsatkini, Strange, Cartwrright, * Bethuno,J.G. Parker, Mackenzie, Oliver, * C. A. ]UaoznitA.a, Eaq. Solicitor Ge- Toiret, Dr. Armnstronug, Turpin, D. J. nat ao Upper Canada, arriret froua Yor-k Srtti, 'rreuax. on Sncly ]standthismoringho oft Me- J. G. Parker moyed, liraIIis niante on Sndaytas, iit lns nohaing re c ir esetanaittire arbe ofB. Bidreit Errq. Kingalaifur New York, ahence ireani inserter iun ils place. cmbaîk for Engianit eae-yi n April. Tis motion aras apposer! by soute on tii. -grouaid It o. Uul.ta.. à.. n. tr W. are requestei tet state thac nbtri. Ejnaere- rcween tire ultra, anI moaitely itî tat aSorethor. aas ef an1h.lit Lyai as exisîing la the Cannmitlee in its day ut SorelIlose ws lft n tho slepreet State. On tIie olier liant flIic m of Iarti by twoamin, arbo proceedt 1- tien aras arcnioubiy aupporteit by Mr. Jef- wardi, Kingstoni on fot, ant bave not besir fers, andit aîersr on tire grouni thtit Me-. emce irearit of. Froin1h,, ba t ete cf tire Bidarslaras as loynia man assMr. Parker; ire ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~bt iaaprleieitaIheufruae especally iecause af tire peculiar iceit i aprelinde tha th unfrtu adr tanînges lire Comniilîeo aortit tee-lis merà are iroanet, aidt lice frienits are fruit r. Bidwet's great, iegal kaowvieitge thei refore informait liaI tire horse can b. mîtd attainînents. eir taned on apptying te Me-. McMilicn, louh Tire action watlally cariet, anait1h. ci lre ite l'ati.Resoiutioiawiti a isameadment, wna aise Tireaptaitri Btia tie "Ctiax~- t wasa thon noveitb Me-. Raber-t Jeffera ThAsl ndi alatte«CmE-anit secontet y irNe. 'o illsa LessIie. ILonWedaesday evening exce*eeit re-tThot tire Billibe putilie in tire mje anticipations arucihitd been entertain- Kingston papiers, ai least one MONTII pro- rd fue- ils aucceas, anti pravei telubc an oc- ostliedynarirtrem tngs ciaon of very generai gratification. We ta faake pince ha va neyer seerslire Ladies cf Kingston apTis motion having been cariet, andai il rissar in greier nunniers or luelucre naa- bavnqni feto, xielgeea %nu, atse omitperirapm ia ils issîry dit 'b ' onr effeiaeitr! enertat lp- thte), excite acre pleasure btahioir pe-seace 1j7,d nion e efesra-elIa r oatt more lustre by tbir-benuby. The nno , buaIoiseft te oiisittytaon- large rseanbiy roon, artieb was uus ailla esToansi enulima dtahlracammille lircin- ru lranrih elcrrct openeit b>.tire Bail exhiiîe t seive; nsl ehet reonmîtee le-oa 1sicese ofuiusuuat occurrence uaong us.- tîrerise rouiri have restent upon Iiens. The atmnnier cf the company, nmounting te 0Thanki haing ben rcledte IheChair Deani> 2W0; tire ricir aitditirersifieit costume mnfor bi hghl bcomtgandIrecr- of the. ladies, mingling aitir thegay caloure m and ,impartlgsycout iia nitchar rnte "ganta af tire brave," and tîî,ie - ~prorPe-artwIrli maetus c la tie hair Perar ee ned t!'he:pre-nceof se monts, adtnus gsbe acknuvlafcit- iarafdestandacopisi ce;l a.NVehepketiiiongKwi ,atà; hegraetu mvemntsofthedane;es for tie re a ofKigstonlireacecu- h. laie- bris ait brigirt eycs thaI eurivers- cd te toucira c ricir vbratei t Ircugir !dif, adtte tirigoe-rting furiesof the mu-asaoecul lp ntirrusc 1c,. att couabinei telaproduce an ctToct eqtîal- pt.rse,, htetitiet il....nd hotsofa aniatig at iposn.Tis e-tire conviction ta Mr. v gianisotiagai teobet b Thrariau Cartvvrigirîspd.., e-uonrhis ihert; ant tie 5:r aicr lmelmanersee y ie irtei ; I meeting separ-atedit rttrreanimnabet iuz- là ure iicirth asnager arav.nd tete a 1tribe tirer ate eauroea r at 1 Tire Reporter, begs ta infornMe-. Eti- 'ria teijerlutes the 3Iireanaof raga-aile-r, tiratIt i e ncdeit, ta gîve nexf rceck' ra, eth astue farhnenacial f Kiner_-ond a tufficieremussoafor a Ilparticular "seens reainter! us, by thaeie-color and t ir redqiae.Martint prolchecktinpaceritir e itii- X13, olthe unfading affecion cf tir ber.dlaMriaîii Io ic u een iaelaundt, tirrecent aniiermur> cf wileue luielar saintliras lbsen ce t.»-«-- trti 'ihhvseucb spiritanaitliheralitit. . POSTSCRIPT. 'lireanimrents cf lire eaing acre rontiiaueiî ta a Ilte pericri, andthie progress Our New-York irapers thttr ne- rive b>' thîlII"gtowiag houe-s" aras ecseceiy irecr- yeslee-tay'a mail, but aur freitîs cf the e-1, arien irappîly 1'ciraseit" by sra anny Cironicie thave kindi>. fan-curet! us aitir lie living fées." ore n nurrofte1t lfr Tire vee-v excellentl supper wiricir tireat- Cure niE~arra ielt I. rn tntion and skiliicf Me. McDoiaald preparedit aici ae extracî a litiemns cf lb. tatest tIr his nuaerous guests arasIl"tuty apr.- Engtiehin rteigence, brougirt iy tire amp C ated ;" andtftii.assiduity inuilta, by Celedonaa, ariicir aiiedfroua Liverpool on birertu renter hinaetegani Hotet, as cenvl- lire 5tir Febua lest for lire occasion as possible, aras tire easansOf awaering tebien tbeir gcieralesat- azzaT oîr TUSE TUkEtaI HAnue. ________________cle. We Iea.tn btIis arrivai tire enlire tefeal Forthet7perCam Hra. cf tire Tue-kisi rm-ty unter lire Granit Vi- A Fo tie L'perOSsata tersd. ie- b>. tire Egy plian forces conimandeit by meeting cf tire lirabitanta of Kingston tire son of tirePacha. This ereal appears *is caliet iy requissition on Tirursa>, te bave excileit great interesl linlire capi- ~ lse.2Ot, 132;te akeîatr cnetatson tais cf tire chie f Eae-opean povrera. Tire ~lpe-priety af petitioning tir.,Provincial itestruction cf lire poacer of tire GanaitS' c liamtr for an Ar to incorpore.thre niarwaas serioualya ppreirenîtet. Rusasit wi. is sait, was iasteating teahii succatîr, but ;efore lire meeting aras organizet, mach demander> as tbe peiceocf ber intervention. (ulloe-yconrersation t-o1lc.Ta-lrecsinc i.cti.picpitec - I _______ j, ,Aa en erbo adopleit ty tire lac goyernesentg, tilli elVircIi'sr,î rciiteauiSIR FSS.. e- arouitcentataa bu very probable. Import- AiI'u. lS1.ij.ISIES'Mta IIERIF'SSAL.Ar Yts jf a i h nr the reative poaition et the~ ca u.ropean Sautrer o lb it-1 ii , lit .itv reentil diy W_ erto beeon tha Httbel .,. er bgsl' la>lfri heI cf Jurse IlsIircsurad rt lire (l'rrrt 11 tn... teir cject ta preront, adte e hnsand ipublie of Upper Uîa u oî !Kn.tî,tr riormglir. o r eat f Lotssi acatit re h iveidebta- bin, a tndt ieIabiiaiedIy lipeltintram Iiurng- seizedi by vintue r'f air Executiair isrt.rtJourt cfs terflir entrse iin ten frondeiofb. duv et -bn ii satileiict nKingson as: of Hi, bajesty 'r Aidlignd District Cout, a- as trertiss certreun ire iants o Mesa Ln5'iOîesaie andr tlail le-aia Moirger. gamîrrlJoieill Uer, .rttire suit cf jcci Suitir, o- Alil. Nor ia il probable tirai Austria, aroIf îe ihallon brandiauvery extensive and welitriz. thirî.rrrireast li.ter of L~'t Nc. 1841lisi lot siient>. permit titislarge addition ta the ieiletdStock of llInîDVAltE,&c..,vii Ile, 'rin o.f <mrs.radltNn.3.uî ad Russianbterritory cun ier iaiediate frontiee-, taso f iitSawsl, Mill bats, Cresîht i ii lir rum onrdsrndc LulotbN.1and1 ire oct perhlisitaI ie aonrît féeeappreden-tosa 1-ct1 i iettss Hcsio fLlgib#u-;l of sire tisait i ouitnitdany poitiveeau.cngtl î f ail'dadScri aStru-ilimniniuiA ibls crlimr 1e)ar...tia i iear thta litaI possesser!by teCicr, for ic nt Vices, singIe t dniandi dcudc1. Aîrl rrau at ir cinl'y11i.theabolie might adi ire doublet arietirer amilir bismate Percussiona Grain, a large block ciIrlî, .>st tqu.te rrr'yvtise masre ea alrent>. aide extenteitdominionsirif pou- guIstvent Riartoat Brttoils immnect fairiu, IlU a% in'0eos,e ormr if à: ie l 1 cn 'I. îq pied as Iirey are ait pour aire is in Mnu- ant a huPerirnr Needie for rTailors' %use, Sitacrmeicah!r'.nk ixîry nusr. ecurces, ana>extensian of leeritory, Sl tSomecirirtt'lu ýlàtciey o f alie acmain ycaacs ionosait ButtOlti alla dStuds, Lrrrleb' goit top 1.iOILN iIl':N f l : ccmpaie byan ccssin f ad rap Ear R ltg.I',able Spo.1, ira l riSireril I. D. ta powrer, bult'recause il arouditrear hissa c- Fork9, Dessrt Kirir e, and t"cks, Fir ý Sitrit',., 0llit e, a tualet b>. s senseies ambition thb l iils po- Kaive k ti nsut attrnTsKt ,'0)13 . :liic ta restrain. Aller ail, il is a matter cf1 bis ltdnt-i atrneKt Kingston, l,r..îr0 1833 l- doabt avietirer Nichotairas reaîtv roqiredtenSacuce Pans, 'les l<;cirns au bas T C ihir"$b as teoua(lire Porteay sacrifice: thotte la no cc . ..ttoseln,,c çewsf T. Cf iula rvgien, lirst Lyvrhue autircatie document as. yei been puuaisied a auperîmar qualiiy. lron rrm, Mortice, a nsi Wattrarrt cfAlt.ilmeiit ictitàdourt talaowit; ire maY antertere î,etaren tire CJouit Lncm, Chestt, uau nitPad cf i l Mjest)y's l)iattricîhourI, of rirt Misi Sulan nd is ormr sbjetswit th Lcks Brtana ieta & rontini s sn itrictal the suit ,f J,,urem R. Bmr- Sultsane iawit tis farasin abe and, wtt BrusIres, Planes, CUTLEI'. Wro<rgirt slgirttr 5aenetaticciaaî r- sTerot r eve s ipecyn hecuii P t ndcas Iiran Hînges, Cabinet bralla Foutd ail tboaoks t' iacceunt, vouchier.. sortprrpcrr a Tie rpora repedinglireWarun ar-ry, coasisîing of roant Cinwant"reacirer Itelaiiag tireret.,, of CoreisCh tater.oi, a r ri tugni are varicus unit cantradiclor>.. Il is Castors, Table Faistiters, Rlack PuItier,,Cr bctdn reîcaittcrfrtr ui bc certain, ioacrer, thiat a change bru lakeon tain RldPules, Hminges, Cuitai,îr t'îtîa of tiiivpo.tidsgi-ht rshillingrs alra eterer be place in D on P e iro s C ou nise lers, t ie M a r - D raw er K no is, 1.Ui a tr r a S ho rt e - I h Ve se iz i i i e e t l , n n i fPl~~ Tiesdm cnt Heel Balla, Cat Silos Brada, ie'cal as perioat. of rire aîd C hiciat.I sequis oa anneiiairnrîng bintacoapetiedtla CopperSheSprig,Aai Blades,Siroetacka r 1tessn, %a t rilesstire sait Cornrelius Chtri- n- quit Ibe confilientiai situation ire fluet neair Siroc Knires, Situe lsomtnrsr ant Pincera',r tersour relue-n rithimatire jurisdiirtion cf tire di tire persan aittISovereign. Jp dadTne iresadRouler' asvCutairndapi blte eati,,o le Il in saiti that lire Enperor Nichaair ait Bucktes, Japaneil unit Brase rrels, Heoka 'ýcause theire c oairet tbircirarge it tiiin refuàsedtotarecire Marshrall Maison as Ain- 4't. Riing anuitCarrnage Wirips, cogee ltr-necalenitar moîrtirale-atritii,, ite irereof, e Mille, Engliair Glue, Curry Combe, Br iil the rest ant persolual erlate or the saisi b a s a d r o - r o t a L o u i s P h i t i p e - T i re r e a s o n t a e n i a M i i ' l e s a t C t . P e , J a a e e î e î s t r t c r m , o r a n î î t l r r o f u e, asigneditahrat lthe Marquis refuser!ta ni- Trays, Coopers,,Carpeirters cuit Siip Atiesmay ire neeeSSary, wirubc b.relli trablefor .x attend s tete aI Vienima given un Irenor cf Cee-iers Kaîves, Iroî aitn Wootadhlc tir satisfaction of the sait, clamsr. rth peo.Cienrets , Brocs Trinak sudi Chair Naits.- i JOHN MACLEAN, lie1: eor lTaceait Oz Chiis, Spatesa naitSirolis, Slinenuil . D., BRITISHPAL MET Ruies, Sctea Beauns, Steeîyants sut patent Srrtr fie re ALAET Weigbsng Machines, IVateir Makers Tuait, Kingatoun, Meah0, 1833. ir The Reformer! Parliarnent cenamecet Main Sariags, Verges, Goit Hants, Gui, [NO TI-CE i-lu trcb-y giveir, tirat b>. rîr-ttue lirte Session on lire 29tir January, tuet a M. Steel andt Geit Keys. N raWaerrant cf Aitcinumcntisgrreit SMaNR<n.z SUTTOIXWgsie THOMAS HARDY. out cf His Mjesly's District Court of thec arscetet Speaker. Kigtona, Matchr 2rit, 5. Miiant District ttire suit cf James R. i 9Tire Ioraiities awlîlcirtook place in the- osnagitthettrsiadpsn-i La Bouseocf Lords on Mn. Sultan'. b.ing pre- Iamm.eq ories nssd Ornsesc ental , aabos ioaute, voucahersoan- kt seasteit for bis Majesty'a approraiare lan, P.IN'TIN'G, papeca nelating tirereto, cf John Moore, an i 9 obliger> to omit for wanal cf roca. A brmf GLAZlIlOPApE:a HANîtci1«s&c. &C. cbaconiting or concealeit ieirtor, for lire lfnotice of lire pnaceriuesin tire Comana Js HESubscniber bega teare lailoera is asuo cf aenty pounts ausisillings cnd ctte r ait b loaitbelar.f-iendis and tire Public cf Kingston ,penny,i1irave ceizeil aulitire eInate as wadi w i005Eh0F coue botoa. a dit is vicin ity t it ie ias n co n n ex io n r a s perso n a , f t ires meut Jo bh n M oo re, n H OUSEay OF e ore ' a aritir buis aokir-g Glos nd iai G ing estabr- an u.. hesaur!Joh ort urnt Il 7ucday.-eforetara oclock agmet lisirment,. ommeirce,,the, cirte butines@ i wthin tirjurisitiction citira saidCt a )number of Marchera iller! tire louo fthie aIl ils varcaus Bratches,ia Store Street, in put hanirail ta the action, wittria tbnec crrien -Hou.-At about twenty minutes petaro tac irSuse ijoining Mr. Watkine's 'asa-rtar mootia hismatirhe date irereof, ailitue Itire Usirer of tire Black flanappearoi tltae arare tuore cuitb îpsbyare le- estate, as weli seal as pe-otaI, cf rte saist 1, itbe atedbsoseofidhe Cmm-et in thnermatatgetir r ith ir tirtrate Workmen ta John Moore aril lie bellit tabte fur tire saiti iae ttndnc c lr mmnsiutio et a e f Pu2biepatonage. clains.li Bouse ofLords îo haernthe KoyaI Comais- N. B -atc ,(iaaPty frJOFhN MACLEAN, slo rosit. H. bavîng relire, Mn. Ley, SaIe -ens je al, tlr. f BN or Sireriff M. D. ' it tise Clerk ofbbe Bouse. atemidei b>'c an- Kingston, Me-ch 2tir, 1833. . Sirifflm Office,' tI ber of its aimberasproccite tlo tir. Hoase Kingstonu, Match 20:1833. of Lards, snd boin-gtirer. ireard the Ceir-. BY AUCTION N OTICE is hereir> giron tiraI iy rirtrreli missaicnte-nt, returDedi ntoltr. boity.of theo rLL b. od, 011 Tuesitay 9tir Aprit N r ftac Warrants of Attacrmnetit sured e 0 w Proxima, at tire star,, af Mra. Peter eut of HiabMajetty's Court ofKing's Bcnch,r Me-. Hume aras flue firsl mearber ta rtc., McDonait, tire idiote cf er DRY GOODS, cairttreetae iaIralC cni andi, aller an calogicin upon tbe churacîce- coaetsting cf Superfine bloc antdiblackci Franir X. Rocirsienu, an abicoading or af tlieb Speaker, iei ont>. abjection ta Clotho, Cananiana Cottu, Fusîlens, Drilîls, concealet tetruor, one ct tire suit of Alexa- iris reappointmnert being i@m political pria- Bengal Stripes, Black Velvet, Gingirame, deon Pîlîgle ait John Mtaculay, f'rr Imle cipies, cataaeit ta>' proposing Mr. Liltie- Land. Chiitzes, Black Boîsirasins, Checks, auna cf eigiri pouidis four shrillings Rair i ie ton as a fit ait pe-per persan ta til thtie Selsptes, Steain a cua Shirings & Sieet- pence iratfpenny, und ittie utirer et tirs suit e Chair. ings, Cotch Houlants, 1)owius, Ber! Tick- cf Johan Macaulay. snd Au ia Mcaulay. for 1. Lord Marpti mave t liaI the RigirI Hon iirgiik and cotton Handkerciriefs, arorsîti tire ma o feloen ponass cîghrîcen Shinllings C.i . Suîab epoetbtr e Ciir= adCotton "OHse, Giotres sait Mittens, Ena- and fini pence. 1 bure seiztail lire cm- r Si . artitseodettire motian. Thees, Tireauts, Tapp.. andt Bas*nug iIIka :to- " aasueernfil cf tira.sait a Me- Mnac-sSaton lie oti. rou'~geth«. sithanandtsemuasrt'rn,,n a~ rJ. aitaç Isscu u, a , aitbooks af ce- -Me-. g hatit augit t do, aeiectiag fdb.the G:;DS. Aiac, c part cf iber Houix- count, vouciiers cnt papiers relting thirreto, t stationa tire ittest man*a aong le Occupy It. Sale te commence et Il o'ciock A. M. retur i anatire )>ucîmictioi cf lire sait -M.Litteton extlleritire tlentsaundt ex-anIttacontinue fIotemday teatîay, ,înîrîmai court und! putini ta ctire sait actions or perience of Me-. Suttca, cnd catreateit %Ir. are disposet aof. M. iltORAN, A. 4 B. cause tirea hobre iscIrargest aritinrlae. Hutrelataritraw his proposition, in con- Kingston 6hMit,13 aece otsfo iedtalter lue-rmit>. ilir ariat appearot tube lire gen- s,2t .rcî83 aid edsronleta frothe aisae tirnci X r eral inctinationcf 1heHanse. Mn. o'Con- VALUABLE I>ROPERTY. Rocirelece,oce- cemucci thererrfastmay ire rl Dcii urget bis Hou. Frient to crer, FOR S AL E B YA (J ( 7I ON. necessar>. ill b. bellit hable for lire Saiti asire re-elîctian cfthlete Spe u e- roulitsNA rs iv' at-uni a staîc ieR- Tirurita>, the 41i cf clis-s.JOHN McLEAN, rIoriaî Billira itacen epe->. beougrlia nto IT O' ., ptîî oxt, aii ire salitStieitt M.D. o tesîro>.. Lord Ebtiagton supporter> tire -- 5b>. Auctiona, Lats No. 193 and SberiTr office, r motion for lire re-eiectioa oftlie tale Spek- a 194 un tueto tairaof Kingston, Kingston. 2th atch, 1833.ec ar-Me-. Tennyson arsiredtla Inca atir-arhti.an aceianditBuirdings limoeonNOTICE.si Miniaters Irait negalialed ith lrthe Opposi- arecteti. Tisiproperty i ta teaIlknoan THNMLO)bghoitattriie lion fcr tier estoration of Mn. Sutton ta ar- te reqluire aay exsggenaierî tatement, i tiresit cEbesa Stimekeerarti IIIPIras cloci uies sSoeepr iht a ice-Tire Chancelorocth. Excirequer de.sarie t nrsace tire vaine ofaIt hmay tl ie iof tevalîng more time la tria Buil. Ou leader! lire eappoilmeni af Me-. M. 'rutton tbereore ire suticient le claIe tiraItirhe CA- ding bueines; andt being iteair.mus of irarung tas tire acet experiencet, andt lierefore the NAL COFFEBOUSE aricir tands on iris Sirop affaire speeilui arrangea, lieliras te »fitest persan ta fili lbe chair, cntditeiet Lat No 193, lias long heen kaown asu eua aceiatiri a&a ccrtt s 3tire existence cf any consprouaise.....u. Herse cf extensive bu' "nets, wi wir l nm eetthîstie in iîaotel Sho crtnt l Coirbett Opposi!et ne-apoiitnan oubt increase sa settiemteni, aiong thire ts Ho hele &acote state ta lis(e-ents antI maintainedt liat tire seloction of an oppo- cf lime Canal cre opones]. CrsIoniens, tiret iirsdisposer! cf his arîole tint b ailtruem aoudIlshea dectaratron Te ternis,arnich atee as>., aii bc miade Stocckun Traite te Mit. ROBERT GLENrimN- p c f ware-b>.tint Boaiea ainasît thepeople. Inean on application te Mr. H. Suih, îrxrrinyabi r alie uceeilt i On a division the nainb.rm are:-For tire Town aloresait.MIG ywohoilleaurddinte2 lire Rigirt Hon. C. M. Sultaon 141; M. Lit- Tire sale aniltlce place at tire Canal business, anr! aire re Iras ne oatiut, ani ie re rtieton 31. CoffeeHote, at lthe bouc of 12 o'cliumrkon fauppnt.eevn f h otnaneo h Thre deiat.wans partiati>. reneact an tire tIre &aemntinettayspprt qumeiontirI Mn Sclci siauli te. bne . MOANA. ' B J. McL. iras alanys an bant for sale, a chrair, amicia ras evealuaiiy carne ri ir- KnatnKinMrcg 1 3 lrestony cf Lmic,.1833 oui an>. diviision. Me-r. Suittanaras aller- TOBth.Kniun,2atM ra 8 3 -' cnucel atire ari en iraring OB E.A CARI). R wttnis anctet b cinie-; ACOMMODIOrs bWo ator>. R. GLENDINNING, aritir referenre thoPl Lord Aithorp moyedouhe adjunnn f'LHu itir a brick front, tIre aboe Notice, bega ta inforra tais lu icîniaaia Lard uetiror mry et in djc-aet Iiii n Grave Street, neer tho ro- ant cantanneras, tiraiire has jmat otere lisait Pl lithe Seakeii hu bouty o utt he siere l Cinci Wrighrt, Sirop imd Promises in Slrre-steeî, recentty Ausiben Seakurie ns but apu ie centîy occupit b>.Miss Leach. accupiet b>. Mr. JohrnMcLeeit, anceire bcli Me-. Coirbett rose,,andt saitir batl a fea ALSt), . Il continue la carry oma[lire busines as e nacre observatioas ta make. Tihe FARM beagîng leatire Ette cf tIre irretfr,,-ar trusts b>. aisitissus elle- Upon Ibis announceenct tîîe membeoatle Captain MacKeazie, in tire Iront con- lion, ho meut tire continuncecoof the laver HI thtasiise tire flouae rose, si an oaing la cession cf Pittsbrgir. htlîttent xpenienced bthr b>.inîmecf amit1M, th. chair, mate a generat mave toware-ith ie Fur teresenquitcf predcsmer lia cloe. JHN STRANGE, BR G.bon Get tîailtmorts cf Dity Goovis(a Mr. Caibett resanneit iis sceat. ExecutOr. GiuocEalîs, ard SprrnTtyou Limnuona, Su ie questionr, tiraItthe hcuc. nie adjouru Kingsto, 26th Marci, 1833. 54tf togolirer salriàaflear Doren of rer>. auperier str ttii Tiruraida>. ucat,wacs tiren agreet ta. BV PRIVATE SALE. Oit Port Wire, aricirbc ireml i tllvery l icari rrHT Wilkacan, raina-for Cash Fngo ,2n-SALE.th,183 On thie 2udhst., tthe aife elMc. Joh ls Itocat ofahi and plett)I asant property AFOKRtAL E.I acr 1 3 . a î i le ltr.H, ir Soiasbserubel n rci ADIUZ EPOSSESSION IV iEN, gâ l to te Sbscrber onotýichg ALUBLlaAR ir e townshrip taKiguos.~ DiSarc tire follaaring buildings. IN~rn ibi~lr ra t slyliFrdrc ats One areit inisiret DwellinglBoutse tan ialof No. 25, fitirccosaiirn, about twa tire hlant Son of Mr. Mattimecv Myers,cuged 3yesrs. statone,2lMg34 ati Kitceirc in rear, cntdad a ralfmleIraietonsrgîîgec On Tuescy ltu, theely Son o vM. Lea y aged e OntiHessfront Tee-r ecarenaevil an 10 mondat. exenbive OtHuesaar cnonot ofNappane, coasistirg cf 100 ccres of tatdI, fr lu thecIlisof Tanli, ou Mon&ta> arek, Mr. Peter Siropl1SXl23 ati celtar &e. Oic hal cfa 50 cf arnich are itoprereit, together aritiraefris aoi, Waftebmaer or Kingston. Stoe .Bouse 24X .39 fletd Waf-IoBue ilteBrsOross n e At Yorkr, on thre l" ait. Mr. WILI.iAMi KNerr a Pet Ai e .ngond o nat hnlra buefaielirOuioae, ni I 50 ssd and uresetbeibbti n at o"-r-keery un tiiter.eeos. s a fn re rof tic e3oflAsemby, ge yux. P An>.personl prsieset cfe sisalcapitliiemrun trou thecnrer tieteeal At the malesplace, cith t i nâ et. ef Eeitepeta nitdesirous orf enbering loto Mercantile fr rogi tire cenytr e f tireli Fr K* ha iratieutMn.EuwuisLesi.r, aout23,au5inbsinesnwouît fiadit oeo~f te on p les-thrpciuusap> atr uerhr ofDusu., Scotiami, cadeesainte lij ai îbtie î irelies aitjoirruog lire promises. ticrs oIE. Leauie & Soua. al indrealthitutin.o teBsay ef JOHN MILLAR. Quintie, boiag it-ilsteil nene- tie water, Freiterictisbnnrg. 7h Macr, 1833. ancre Stea BonIs andl otiier ceat rail aI COMMERCIAL BANK, M. D_ ait lime., and marc se on uccnont of tie. an- SUBSCRIBER begs ta unIon s is 1 WJOTICE isIrcreby giron, tiraI onlesa rp ise-famens aire sirerouta it i. Ternme T friendi n h ulcgnrly htsr N tOOStaekirolderi arho av roin aunitpaysent made eaty.-Appiicalion ta ire iasiopeeà aStore la Store Street, nextliet riegleet or otirer causes omitteit te psy tiroir ire mese ta Mr-. Joseph mAifeiraI Hailosteli, ta Me-. James R. Benson'a,, arere Ire asrc liait Inilclments on Stock u i orî tin c-te tire aubscribcr in lie promises, hveceast ty on ba a generat amoert-.1 do se, beîcce tir. 151h. de> ape- ix o-.R.N ANOX nt oICW1- alSPRTOS i n irGr rara A L'à Ori., Yoi l, 17. . ISI11 a Ebruary, 183. T H E (.SL T l avi.l;by ore- rée \c. -.qý-ddis ig llelist Sessionî .iutlr.r,, j tir, ttýtiver Centeral to Tasse l'y t... . ;. J rîcr )ebenture., 1 leu umie. ro r i cîns ci ijnly, rou ttire tre'!I dr :oir r.it.., erruecf Ibis l'ru- Viite: t'ril e l -1 .\, t gr.r, r. l.gtefiIi. aja- (y a uUrrr..'rN,. -',L' rai'td l'y De- ' bertur,,, l Iii ti. ller1 rcse,îreî.t <of thes i,~~rr.nrlimte 1II.'cr saint Law- Ae. t iîtI.-.%I AAt h.rrrgt, lN 'I rrro.ev l,r h e il" jrt~Sriu ii ri11.' 1'auj B r r il, Ille, > e cI r da I J) i. t i ie 1i -i ' . t i er s I 'r .... i r o. c . ' £ U 1 i VI i la i l t( ' o r. re ic . u î d e r r;l ie A c t tititler "An Act to pi ville br tir ec, .- - t i r , . , f i t .t , c a c r u e s l re H v r r i , ', a n d ta u hr I U i l i r t u i ti m e t euors. Z7,500O, Provincial Cis re.cy, tailer au Ac[ teîrttmîl,,itArAct l'e aturdiiag urtier ied torw ard a ire c.rtrjipl i i iit of time Wi ellandi Cars&], and fut tcltir puritrseâ tirervin £t'it.Provincial Currenc, lanrier an A rt eirttled "Au Act giaitaIig a mi rfe o - 11eV ta dufrasy tihe eXpc.n.cs nof erc!iîrg a Bridgelivret he (Graind River at Bramf.rd, nittfeo tier îurpues itlbçg- £32113 1, t'rot'irecitCrrrrrec, onder ar Adct iitltIt - Anr Art to aitrd se- lihf tr tie S-iidcir. -Ai, rt taiarrd lts d rrrtg tire; ti.%Var n liti tire United jt;rt" .CIA reh.' £81,333 6 8 r, r iii Currency, uraier T-. o-ra'I.i ir.n Ac.t t iitit' "Air Act 1 Lreatrrii r. dira Iteceiver Payaleh, ulo.1 r.: l trrrow a suai of _ a, it .i e v , i -r L re p îirp ale s lo rrre. ni i tets ient ie." Tihe re r e . iî r e t . î,c t u e c e ld fi .s pou riels levr fcensureipet aiiiiim lirýf-yearfy, in il isProrvincre, or fous ai, d a lhall per c'-til. in London. A LSO. £1,000, P'rovint irî! Currency,un.tler an Act entittud ,"Ai, Att 10 rais. a a citi o- "ney ta improve certain Ronds ilu the ras- "cinity of York. and lor tailer purpucee thervin mentined." £2'000, Provincial Currcncy, ater an Act enittted "IlAn Act to provire for the ira- provenaent of certain linand Waters ila. tie District f Newcastle." (Tire Principal suIt tterest on the Ivre, tarit mentinnied Acte to bc paut front tihe oîl, &c., arising tterefron.) NO rICE s irit.y given, tht Sealted reinis fu1r sait Loutia, or any part ttheteof,* w ilt iereceived t ny offi e, cui 'ii'tîîromay, thc Iltr day of Aprit next. The' saidT en- (lut; tr, express étire particirtîr Acta tender whîiel tie par ties nay respectit'cyihla u zoîirrr, %vilth lowest rtle 0ol luçereat, adiressedtaofirc Receriver Geieal ofUpper' Canada, andt endreed"Tender for Loanrîî No Tender will bc accejîecifur a leussurai than seeîtyfe pousids, Cessrienty. JOHN Il DN NI IL 3f Receiver General. N. B.-Eitors oftir sever.,t Papers in York, are requeested tetigive dits aiove four weekt, insertion lin atirr pectivc trubli- Q>-Tte E:diioig of Papera p'blisled with.. in thi Perey -ine- ari..Ia.' tequestet te irrurf dir reaive notileuitlirtîh iaApril neat. JOHN Hl. DUNN. 60 EIXj Kv"COWN7TIqCT. wANTED, for His Muijesty's Service ettiisastatiOi,, TEN TiIOUSA tf POUNDa WZiOSIT tif ( GorTA LLMW MOL:LI)CANDLFSret îrent more thonu six casrdtcs tosi8ire poitnai, andin latch paro- portion$ of long andt aiort sixrasneeairaeb indereit. Seaeit Tenders for wlîctrwilt tlie rece.- ed rit Ibis office sanîtal Ttsesday thre second lrîy ot April roeat, ait 12 cock. Thre rate ta bc, exptef"d linaHalifax dur- rency, andthtie nanres of tlwo persears as suet les to lbe i nserîed in tie Tender. Cinissatit, Kingston, 191h Marche, 1833. GRAND LOTTERY 0F B66KS T111- Sutnacritrer liaving receiret a large coutrIgnnrciit ofilu, oi, ladesirsus tudis- pose ot" il.cii1îyLottery, ta-be drawîî at dte Comerc i Hotel osa Vednesday tie 24tlî day of April nerf, 7 o'clock ev.fing, in wiîicir tilerai will b. 3M0 Tickrats,, nt 1$ cach. 350 Prizes, and No BLABtega! Tire higireal prizar wilIie 50 rotuitis comrplete oetirhe Fatirily Library, £10, andi lie Prizes will consiat of Gibbon'. Reute, Ru.raels Moitern Europe, Browns Plim- riry, &c., coîrplete %cite of Peltian, Nos-els, anda grad variely of Misceianecus licoka, 'riaIs. &c. &c. ilsattiils, wih -particuars willtie paire- listied, ndi Tickets witl bal fur sale to-nier- aiev, it tie lead Office; tire Kiagsics. let; Commîercial Hoiel; Oit Kiag's Headt; London Tavant ; ai tireaters cf Miessrs. James A rmstrong &Cu. aisi Wl- anm Wilson ; tihe Bookslore of Jamisens Ma... frlsse & Co.a.ndi et tire residence of th. ubscriber, corner of Clhe, andIt RPî rectta, next dr'or tu thiealors of M,.J-.v-> eritt, wiere tie Books,. mq nirb. ellera a n yluime. . StM61ON HA RISOýj. Kingatan, 2 h Marche3 . RIVER TRENT BRIDGE. %TOTICE isabereby giveas, tiraitire un- *' dersigneîl Commniessiensers wiil recelvais eniers accomspansied, by plans and spfti. iltions t.' betpenrd onthe first dey of NI rcs, ai Wiretler's Tareras. Rive, reA,19 itame such rersî,ns un are willing la un- leriake tire tract sisal; f sBridge acseosa iver Trent, negar site pressent Ferry, on Lplan sirnitar t. tire Cataraqri Bridgé ai tingston, offtie fuciwisrg "dwiir rz. Length abrlti---------- 750 Fet. Higiri abolit------------6 Breridiir- -------3 No Tender watt nli ieit unis.the r e- n offèring produces satis(actory preef tirait tei aa bMcianic,and &accutoncd o Iis éde-- riptiori "f wort. Two auflur lent pastelliewilltlb. requireti Pùul Racer.5.- E4 1 .> i COPYM G T f R PHOTOG UM M s v T UUXU M M w~ fiC roS PMIUOm ooocuwmn mmTO .aw.*O uw. - I i i * sj , i , 1 eM M i1 1 21 3 1 SI j ' Il17 /1 a qu . . m m mm 1 - 1 1 21 . i . 31

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