Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 10 Apr 1833, p. 2

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H sEN G T',FI. AD. iFeh. e rrc.l tu nsother provision i emoni ante tacosait tileul they would ters bave beets greatiy agavated bY the were taken to pursue the murderous fgi- 1obiiged ta psy a bill of ceta te f 1,1o I, o r e fr r e t n t e r v s o n i u d a h e R e . M r . I r v i n g ,& c h a p e l. w a n t o f p h y s ic ie n s , m e d c i n e s a n d a s s is t - t i v e d u r i n g he r f l e in i e . T h e r e s t r e i nti e a t 'tc t';u l c r f N o p r a c c d d t I i r p s h i n a n c ; b t w r e g a o i c r h t t h ' - b i n 0 n a p i yr n o v df w h o e Iw i c hmksh i nalsrb E,% L .G ilr rsen"anit flinoqt pro- 'coî,iA martial Iroil, future Ir<iecii tions-didane, of the cangregation apptar to be nezuelean govcrnhnent has senta physician on whom, with the forgiving tenper ofthe tien ta tie aniant Of £350! Iftîs rropr fautid silenacp. Iii Lordalàip requested'th(- 'l'lîs %vas essentiai for their protection, and. muchi ediried by the discourse. At tile and proper supplies fur their relief dying Cssas,ra it was charitabiy im- 1 t add, tlîat the tees to solicitors cott cierk tui reall titît part of bis Mlajc'tv'ouîll hoc iîî,raceîi in the present laiii, conclusion, the messengera inos'ed coff foi- This department in reprcsenied as one of posed, we trust that such measures L e 1tutaa about ttr', thirds of the whole ameunt scin reing eig isura e eiiiig1ong'iilte oflîccrs wouid nevert;ioeleiLeed bs-an immense crowd. Tiie eldesttof. the toast fertile ini that region, abouisding ,adopted as Wall bring ta the just punîiîh-i iebhfcss"f i Ieli an Tia ue ecn (lotie, th ue l'ct In havo their condiiet exairanil by the .uessengers did fnot appear ta e anr' in rich pastureé, wbhere the wid caie are mient af iîîsofiences, the unnaturai nionster, io h il fo.Te lces te th, (,haln Noble Earl, cvidentiy inucliaffected raiai-t ap roper court martial. Ie trastc& lies. thoan 22 vears of age, and the ther quite a fed, the hurating of which is oneoftheprin- tiîat, by one premeditated blow, sacriiced ceilor and Miller art' Onv ly but £13. ed ingluwing cniouir ftle latrless outrages presa tic e%îotiîigb ourage i eIa;alt ud [C-iýno apr]ý cilieplyins o einadvntie.J the 'eisngoflaiatal uio nal-te[ib.] '-'e-h- '_ il pressfo î d in èctu ;andsipTHE -[Lndo Paer.Acial heezitene c lii wfeanî thauor thailetexisted in Ireiand, antheuipaiîîful ne- le xiTiigourae.[CmTRderiAL. ofirIg f her atl nin.[i. csgiy [is Majesty': governiiwnt %%,as Un- 1e % Ild e pped gritre of ieaved ity TE;<TI>LiEFuERN . KTîovs TEmPxAS.-Seyeral Of the thm eae t ! at tie srara- ii.tiujlasal'ety l4 repealed. If a writ onder tromn the iight lion. the Secear fKnights Tempiars have been seen waiking O rdysdStra aI aewscl hci u edr.aeaae' git-u1io liaents estl. .,urireadebusisisid frecgilecntthhatresaine Parisiredh ther fourthtrnudlbfore a tecial Jry, Jui ti.o ireland is t ceffectel Ly a4itation j hlscrus ,,l ' u~îdfraî.State for the Home Department, Sir F. ce th tets0 ais t erwi e trij befere Spciai Jury, Jdorobllainer- a adi'. O ital tain avrcî fi~ and t tat flue o'iiiicrs ar tu l)Imgerai',peu-son arrested nattier the provi.sions ut liis 1 the cliief magistrate Ofiloiice, issued a war- mautels, ornamenteit with a red cross. este.iiOiurwlelid e d llcoîsiderabl istrestn rgl. rd sclectedl matter, ;ad 16 for bringiîîg about tbîjs en i. firinSasidl tîi acf, t slîoild be a sifflicient return to the rant for the appretiension ofrs.inan namcdfneao r Bacad bog n acomp .al îue c ll: a" piece cf iflusîC, Cftîulej nofate wa rreda neasrues are, %rit tlîat the Jorson %vas ai re.,ted und'r the 1i MichlaiLarragan on the charge of high NAN.EN, oit NA.aKING.This article tio oe dage s L BaincLaerds.eoSmith andc- aulhiîrty of flthe t îetio1ltîe fcnierce takes ils naine froin Nankn ai aalife.o fib isf ea je slz u n îe ss e î tC h in a , i nh s reithesrnt lett e-yet eot hthrin g ,L in d sa y , a re s p e c ta b le m e rc a n tile f rir os f o f t e I)u c b r", d e B e rri." W e a d d th e t a reform etige clurch-you înay reiliiovethu a rr uus u u eest fdecs ~~~f1uc eassetet i adofwlîch ftle atoll is made waa originalîvtilîy e aseipiemn ne aleO 'rtný OiSsefr~oîg 1s grievances et'Ithe granîd jury systeni-hut seeniCdlto requiru tieîn, andl by %hilaine- pon the governmn omentrywrilu n tgadw r afthapýcsst ln hycol cj;iid.Te1stsid.Els ieBw-tetofcr ws1tefr l akeýgoe counrlee pn bEuln ee ro:inusîygaepav er difcof "ai esî')damagesi, tnaljuryi Sdues-Lo ios fliern uly Mur! 4J,1 <i nohapies, 0flrYoad(Iotfur gIllepeceanisvquiestion lor tîjeir Lordslîups was. whetiier intrusteil with Ithe warrant, sand with great East Indies vast quantities of whîite, yui<, motion of the defendanîs this verdict wai srt healneofer , t h repe ll tise Le ,ruo t a case liad liCOu mallie <ont for sucilia uifficuitv succeedeul ai a laie hour on lri- and yeilow nankeens are nmade.-[ .%irror.J la aidasntedw eorbicamont ad a e triateio elic Samoeon-'h n10 (ouoluio - lative union. But wliat wae fthe nature of sisueiuion of the oî dinar3 là ws as ail legît-danîliapriodghu.le asvniid ntStd I hoae- - t ilt t aciety of volunteets 1 Il vas nuodel 'naeGeni'n hv îe t~ taken ttnediaieiv before Sir F. Rae, anddiNEW forAOthe-Aplantcaiieiotf e4r50uray as, es alwoalsMleer iopt. led tupon lb. volunfeer societv of li8ul2. fi conipeiled to resîirt to, for tlîe safel, of the underwent a long private examinaàtin,- Oxolis Cren-ata, bas iateiy been introduced dtha uePani c 44 amgswscape-Tue t(iiust flunIer and bis l'ami!, -was toconsistofulistrictassociations, suhor-State, andt on flic pririciple sduus pe'piîsu- D'ne of the particularsaof which were suf- inoa Egland froiniSouth America, and is rot urned,naiineo f the Jury ce nssntingte- Dre -a iiisfor niarred eit ad. dinato to acommittee sîttîng in Duhhmn. fi crema fex. Tlhe neit miasure wiiîcii[aus fereit ta transpire officialiy, but we under- iikey tabe etensveiycultratei, asdcci to.(Can Couant. srae tnderake the pacification <f Ireiand Majust's Miraters iliaughut Oecessary to stand I lie threats were conveyed in thse1 dedly preferabie to the cominn potata. .te put down tumnuls-te supersede the ne- intro.dsce, but sepiaratoly frotîs tfileeent uoit unequivocal isoguage, and that the' Thie body7 cf the unfertunate man Gagnon, on Scîence.-Soiloquy of a fine liîsely'lTu, r. _ c"uIty of tbepolice-tabusid meetingsgain- bill,Ias au acttfor' cluarugirug the venue ii in onrbon befors the magistrats,,iad- The Ox SupEuuuoa, wlich was recentlY Who wasexecntcul on the 29tb uIt. wasssto- tle-London Fashiois for February. i s, ltaueou.iy with tige sessions and assizes tu.ae fai raswureaysêisof (Hear,)-to determineqiîarrls-anîi tu putintimidation lhadtbeen oued tu inuluer.oe ju mte h hrgadsfrraeiaânziitdi o tees a lube, d on fe nthedicig ramof e2tho M'G. ýIMPRAT h orimasd, irors or nitnesse.~Iacr m. 1 a dsire la retract, stated filaiunîi hie isst wsek by Messrs. VaIentine, &JenkioClee ntongta h 6b Oh- lPRAr h 'r mams . at ntuentibsytorci.di useno t bh :Xolgiingfo s îogIelcearieg tîuei ims ere satisfieit, ho shouid persiat in No. 46 Fui[tonu market ; ait met witba rea- Fragi the appearsoceofo the doors if is sup- inemuhiedupes f f,,* 1 f . ,..., .-o h i fr t *wa [eaný %odsiing ornolog eini tlai endeavours tu obtain vengeanee.-Tue dy sale, a portion of the beat cots having posed t Iat the depiedatuis . wone uencalodakoldeetIon odtdrc h . .rse soito unî h'ls ÇuiuiaI- j1anu011 or paenresuit af bie examinatiais was, that ie vasbrougbt the bigli price of one dollar pet' iniftic bouse, as ail marks of violence weret 1 . lour'it. Th."soediW*agOntofthç Learn-1 hfeurlng, the logueLor( coiiclifdu y nsov- on Saturday conveyeul taoWlitehaUt, teun- rounsd. lTho animai, asabefare stated, was on the itside of the toor. Thse bodly usa tlere was an1 error i counling lime signa- .od Gentemau-sent undes' tIi. naie of a . n for i,'ase to bring itn thie bill. dergo an examination bufore 4be Privy raiseit iy Richard Townsend & Son, cf conveyed ta SI. Lauure'nt ta be interred; but tures altaciteu to the Petitions of uhuch ho pacificator ta corganize the sîibodinatc so- 1Eau-I (;air'y saimlthat it was cnly a mea- Councii.l'oPioe awl ath!LngIadasixyr ladhdteCuefta aihrfsdspluei. .cietîes--deciared, at a pubhlic meeting in th., cire 0f nucessity, andmlwas nut intenuledul 1during the 'ih Prisane r seolEl !tc'ong iidabot, sosyea nr ad, anlit Ladtseoffha a&shrfued-putue(3cKenzie) was tiie bearor, and that lhi& cnt longerih til the 'lotithitnibtobifthehdirecionïifEiliotconun longaboutasovnibu dre enbu(iilso gave aveoinfrmatiotetflituprrofessera of the ecnycf(aeIa i t~oîiiLencs- f111l5 ftheoeil w ho staleit that lie hait sacertaineit, that ho Itidiso misai inlthe ist fltires years, and tCollege, wluc have sioce bail the bcdy re-lio t , su-ry, as it liailtupen in the year 179" , lui s li.'eliolleui lu Le aille tu tioi' lru ii ocemaeanalep1anbsw ifWhowigel ihave74ionda tshigii n1unrd ehhadlslin re.the]cosittbodtryiofliloree-~se . uippiy tile volunteors wilhpke,' uauilts relimal blcori'thonui. The prisotier is a respectable iaokiîug man, 1 tho tore sihouillers '«as 5 feet 10 incles- Liy of Upper Canada, depusited unn t (O O'Caneil'«ouit ~îuiIbmn e il <.tI.retjiineL ord Bllu(;.iHîîA i saiti Ihat l flilly con- about fmrty years of age, dressed in back- girti 10, 3-longth ta foreiiead C6, anditet ois iie Ti, iln o teIo fis ovrn Wooul a t Logiguu ('Connel, tu curu-c itn Ille uuîsue. ThelîcCrîwn 'as a-n se 10 haut. T e Wei-it fthe slaughter- M r. John Ryan 'ho bas for several vears lo ilof c ! T i iln o i.t ro se . çt pke iadle (Ica, Iear har) ilitan lisitîlierîuusfomî of a governor, uf it cliîîu- AIjDrMaAN RonERT WAtTHNAN, M. Cd carCass'Wasl 1S9 pounds--and the laerf scîc as agent for the Stese Tew 'Boat ample compensation for thie d0u1i,, thimi -. it wpîkte lunuofithe I-lear ear, e a). Butl ailiguance i.' l uut g ran t iug protection. P dieu on Wednesulay norong, athlis late is, prossoîtoceithIe finest ever ciferei in Our' Company ai Quebet, with satisfaction ltu wie reinutte lisat mnti, by i.lverson . 1Caro Ihat1hlure sluoulit ,n.pks-nliaa liess extensivme iaiue leen alolilumil i*idnei Voliurn place, Rsel mur.,arket.-[,Ner. Adv.1 bais empioyees soit creilt ta bmnself, as lest Mcienzie's tfactotunm at 'arkeriuuia Ili tat associations sao urgaaisacd, alafufr ail,,constîtutiouuai iriiiciplr's '«oili l iave tîeen 'rhe wertiuy Adrawobditie _ _______ __fasitatonn ________obsnco-___ Ii la' tcls, l siu pluld h oIlepfut itawniolt(Ilendriohajert). vunetiaveetaia6mîl ehua objeboutin 161, cdhun tethavet gîv esificetnbaAourtermJu-ntheeboAhaity Genral f edwr ( 'ad. W asiftaho wondered ait ilat, '«iist sulcili een attaincl. île hall the nuost uînound- îhie ar e ing ha inNrt'hum- L oW ER CA N AD A. ptieocyt gais eviec ngaourd t cf uj1ti-Ihox-Atlordacy Geral cfLourinia ,, sassoccain were inuprogreuu, wilie suclu c d corîfilerico in fllue [lnusue, andu in tige1 Wales. Becoming an orphan '«heu ooiy Th EGISLATIVE COUNCIL. cal princiules.-IIlb.] Clerk in the Cuoluial Secrcîary'sîuIuýcrmnght delartins er adresedtetliou, îueelîanîs Othose Wtuo'«cuit imectite it.. lie four menthe olul, ho entapiacodaetflcschool h following Resolutions prapcsed in - hv eneilydattenmrtcio ahoulit b. a generai resistance ta the îa'- alao approsueil o<if i hecause il %vas acccm- of a Mr. Moore, by bie once, on ubos. the Legisiatiro Conncil on Friday, hy the 'ie regret t al dfiluat. ficre is a poietbaeee isluduutenmrto u ila th pateollfectieaou l eq u- anelb maLîFIIrof relief'. ited eattu, about 1778, ho obtaineit a ajuation Hn ee eii epsetinCt-o nat«to fteduisi ieCiettenie. .aietlat the letr fttus, andi Lr LL .R u1 mpprctthe StaiReaiting, in Berkshire, '«benco le paro- miitesof the '«hale, sian oteitb teKingdom ubich gv referenco te tue X AC5ra Lodo'iksIfu *ye c mtaholi b aesotetif00 nîasre atiingu iewîiiedfor alocutuent- 1ceoiete Lnon, sait entereditobthe ser- ouse unanimously :-[NXeiaansa.l tuber cf tbe Couoies.W e do net think misdeed Athugl tues mîtage iuî ryevmlesc 0fut ncusiy.vice cf a respectable inon-draper. '«ilb fat. Resolveit as theaiia cfbi that protectiog duties are just ta thoso thal t W. L. McKenzic, datait Dauning street tat provail avec auil reland, they pervadeit 1,11dmlCLONCUIiY okol 1 i «iluwic uecotoud onlh bcaif<Hus-Ta te ostttin iGoeo-o5tthmo-iPeaitpeinetl oue-2itJnury ',3 sa.i thsie trabe art c hcuntrsouit ýil r a rquuityui flt siartua. age; lie then eotered io business, uitfli ment eatabiisheit by the Act 31, Ce. Ili.icial ta tlioso tboy seein to avor. Tue7 _Itf'«iii be recoilecbeitftint the York ,im eraàeindIbexiatthecfsciavdsuite ýra d in e 'l' iruluis <ifXL.i O su 5pp)ort- soîîtluenso0f Fieetnarket, «hence, soin. cap. 31, '«as grantei hy the Inuperial Par- may bcojustifiable for a naional object:sand nottmei soi viorosiy ut to~n (br). Affr a eu oreohisrvaion lii b~ cas alerhe et oepota hthcmerofmiamet Petitho umbe .Peotin BisMisil as r a bjet o liiekidttht temhpsrotihnittceiiteertelne lb ehiLoo crss si eteî Iemcve, fIhsuwrecdîe iia lo re osraios "lumber duties in the Uniîed Km <ota uere Goderich ftlîai:ho uas Ilu ieceived and mlc The wole f Lenste wasin ths stte ;wBridge tstreet.e, aHetiappaears PiI.fbaveBrigeaseian.'soappeabteeavta inbabitutibeutg ntabti thone ho ro-o-g andin unter, f iLeionsb ius iofhiaClae; areuanldaI unu, at fic iou o ailr u cumnencet bis political carcer ir 1794, vinles of Queise, andt is the sale foundatiôn made favorable ta tbe North Anîcrican Co- ioseu uten"b, tue Costitutional l'efiios TanitioMunsere Courlsite s rkas uit .bouroeui. u' 1 esu b.brought frward a serica ofresolu- cf ahi Le isafive Power in tiis Poinolne.TeClne i e n o hm iawr owre hog h ýet aitigrr'e simiai iuli;a vsMnaFiray 1.8. ions, at a Common Hall, aoiosadres'ing sitandfilue joast dimpartial administra' but tueY '«ee suggested bY th e ei ti llulePoine of Ulster, lu a great ex - Laful GRPEy novedtigle seccodnd alimgaiupo hewa 'it ofoutonset race loncfthsad evroen u al îttoflngrifbisan binPdprovintce, atGvenoafnd Povnc, n thuefu leont, speciaiiy in the caunty of Louth Iltue Bill. arut eofoacîng the necsssity of' a relorsa b oecessary ta prounote soit iniftain their ocary oppaigies cf tumber, &c., by lth ie trerqeseprmsinteaie and t teir Loritahipa bhail boardt froin a No-'lThe Eari of WicicLoss apoveitof the, Pariiament.-hn 1818, afterhavingleen de- peaue soitjust rigîîîs andt privieges. bosctiiityaf foeirci nations. The danger thestatemntosof,and tesiguaturesattacç IlleLord bebîndimt hu'«at was ftle coodi- iueasires iropsed, but regretied tiuey hld <alte un scn'eral previens occasionâ, h.oais- 2dt. 'l'at the Act «hidli besla'«ed on this may aveisappearei. Englandt'is the ca ta the sait Petit ions. 'Tle feblowiug s fiaoIcf oaoy parts of Connauguit. Their nut lenlrugtfraitbr.taineit fais eiection as on, cf the Re,)resent- Province a foria of Governont inadelleit eItnjug. ahetiier if may recur ; but the Lorshis 'o .'; ., thaIbtue association of 'lue Ear! cf Loxi.ms-rtis conduemeitflic atives of the City af Landoan sitshurth nsly acrustne «cl di nClnes arc vcy gajigs f'la lLr oic' ur raga, irnte iecntet uthth hese cul c as timuueane of lu aqus u Agiulyaiiafteruardsutalin the death cf Sir Charles that ai the mather country, by nonm. cf ber fcste.Telme riebsbe 'isutrcett ttfrVu ne rae, 1a L atIa hyicese sîeGvrusn fIeci.Price, became Alderman of Farringubon gréaiest and w«iseast Statesmen, '«as design- cretet soit groun unuber the protection- mation, tbat in tige abisence ot any ecitc lb 'vas spread, asoithfut tbey lad telise Lord RaiLN sipporte tIhue Blil, On filue 1j îtiîl. On the 25th of January, 1,19,edtetaprometeto he ueifareocf tho inhalait- Ise detrtucf ion wculd bhorinous b lthe an- grouud for supposing tiîat Ilue ignafures te tbjecîs uhicus if avowedly souguil. Iî a grautoul tiat smch coercive usuasures '«ere ho mate bis maiden speech in Parliament anlis of this Province, ani tet confirîn their iividuals engagei in the traie, soit injui pettions trsnsnsitteui tisrough lIme Lieîn- t.um@ that the feunaders cf luit society udis- no'« becoî,ue necessar>'. Ian tige preseatinent of a petilion, prayiog attachment te the Britisiu Throoe;andsotIhe oueIotathe country genershiy, ta the gri- ot Governor of Upper Canada t e olaid gtaineansbthe tus fa i t frpandIles- Te MaruisîfhCMrquNis CfARrEdngesey foa r evision of tue crimainal code, the ex- PIuandiprosperily ubicba the people cultural populatio cf uhich, the personaslataie file King are spuriaus, lent ;Ode olenc of te lan ilig at they Cinlloyed 'l'liîeDulie Of Wi:L.îaoGroa- cunsideetlu Oclober, 1823, ho was clioen Lord Mar peaceable suboissien te the Law@s, sotheb principal canaumers un the Coiony '«ha are ;Rucba sscrutiny as Yeu propose t noder- in the '«ork Of exciîeiiient and agitation tiie prescrit ineasure to Le essenliaiiy no- or;andlin Jul>', 1826, again hecame eun.quireadineas uiîb '«hich ibcy ihave 0on ail Oc- able te pay for whlat they consume. tak""ifthuat course of prruceedun, suere fletb bbcy availetiltiieuiselve4 uf Lis profe' esarY; but àiugestldBorme aoendrinents ,t(h City Mesabers. Alderman Waithman casions coin. foruard teitefent the l'rov If is quile unfortunate, that '«hile impor- deped th - -ito - of'h--' - er sion cf Pacification for theiç o'«u.otectioo3 that mught ha propiseai in file counitîee. insaiu tu luive matesa consiubrbiic mc sgiotlgrei,C&F"g , Ap » t1x 4'bo5uf$rlrlâiiu(.of-Lenited Li' lliFcq11epe;tifu ' fth Whlit tisey «el knew that ifwoulfloti l7arb GReýy faouufissoslliWf janint nitit inepurpse a Vue ol .1 ,.'ea'r ...a st a** ga,'*nand thse bcteticnce of the neasure. Kingdam,îthe mcre party dissentians in tile ical opuîoents. Ihreutufrlîuve tlu inlla-nue,nor bu praoteet thoefa rom tues ..ieBil %vas Ition reul asecond lime. '«ho . Lemarrieul about the year 17S6, diet .Ta ntibtndn oditio oColny,-tba contensaciflticfemîr for place, lgtos «uu navoiitahîy be ftocilar. cieaquence ocier violence. 'thIe Noble î«In, con. in 1827, ince '«bich ho hbs lent one of bis prosperoîus, tige Bouse cf Aaem.biy h ave. emohint, n pwer,-should hohrougbt rasga with an uaprotitablc massOfnMasre par- lordl then quotelt'rm igeu public paper.. , If inin contemuplatioin tu cliangea thelhurs sons. Tige ueath of Abitertnan WIaithinan silice 1831, Leco making attempts te obtain before it ; sot that the io'« prejuitices and sonalities a discussion aready oppresuei a ot froin the coireeluondence of thue lrislîhutoie sttungsa ii l arliaincnt, tuy restou-îng tlias caotsed a vacancy .r i i rpeentatiais a change in the trnu of Governmeuît os- the 'retched cahramnies and misrcpresenia. uilb the variety of irrevetent tepucs 'ehuclu Govornent, nunerouis instances, u'filue (lioday buils proper uses. iisteail of legis- of the city, and in the nvart 0f l"ýarr'ingitoo. teablisheit in fihis Province by the Act abave tiens '«hich sucb contens nourish and gir, have been intruduced mie it. persecution of 'wiliiesses andl jurera in cases lating only hy nught. In fleo Comnions ,%Ir. Lyail andit Mr. Alderman V'enahies cileit, bol particulariy in tise present Ses- rise ta, ini mal communaities, siîould tend Again, in answer te bhc compiaint Iluat cf prouecuion cunneeteîî 'illu the outragea ine h rvnilPrimnbI On tufl 1là, Mar. Osaait îrserutcuia peti-' h ave ahreauîy started as candidates for tuesochIePrvniaiaenta ad- te gare an unfavorable ida oflthe Coonists Lorud Godcrich liait been iess indulgent te of flucilegal associations, andt contendecîl(ion froîn the couity cf .Ayr, respecting represeolatian. NMr. John Irving, cf the (Ires& ta Bis Majesty bn recamoîso ta His gcuerally. Ifany offlei principal acIers fhitm (NcKeozie) tiîano e 'sata Mr. Ras. fur the necoeit> of iiriuemiately employing noturiai siltings, '«lich '«asreceived with brina of Reidi, Irving, sot Co., and Mr. Parjianuent auneasîre svhicb «oId di rect- on ither aito are susceptible of maierabion, sonie ineans uof puttbug atî end to th is sys- licers. ILloyd, ),un. bhe banker, have been aise na- y tenditeosubvert the Constitution ant dis- «e can asure tbem blat the mosb moderatc tali, Lord llo'«ick, say:- terracf intimidation. The Noble Earl ta- MIr. Col;nETT inovoi thtaIflic petition' meîî. lue flla'«ing are nenlioneit as suive the tics '«bich bunit tue Colony to the in bleir laogtusge and aanner, and thbbcIlu1ams iireclet fna iserve titat the two tel manY Cuat show bbe grosasviolation ho laid on fiue tablie. lie hait a nuinher of ikehly ta become conspetiboru for tb. aiter- Parent Stale. tacet reasonabie in tbeir conducl, are tbe cases are '«hou>' dissiriar. MeI. Ranaia of is hus aîl ha, ra bc sal c bi-pela unstoprel 0f lute saisie ubject, manie gown-Sir Jaines Williams, - 4- That lbe proceedings of thse Bouse cfrinosbliskely le chîsin ucceas before bbc tri- repsire t ta Englant to remnonstrale aanet ety, thse laus ai rusent in force coulai 00etbut ho sou ie p tin hack untltluey Grote, Esq. M. P., Deputies Blackett atdAssemblhIberein refermai ta,are aet ari- bîaoal of tbe British Gavernuerut, lte'«bas the final enscîmont or a provincial Staf iut. b.ezeculed it. ainesscs itareitnot give liseir shol ai suunt to one buntremu. (bear, '1ickner, Messrs. Richard Taylor, Runtel, anc. '«us tbe previously reiberabet senti- ail parties il soeesas are submitting theur pre- ther., suaiting Hie Majesty's tecîsuo, evidence,lier juriez <it a verdict of guilty. lîcar.) Ail night work '«ashid, if itcouht Spotlis'«oode, soit Mariner. lMr. R. Tay" mnuntsf that Moase-contrary ta the uni- enin.-[Neiison's Gazette.1 uhich teepl>' affectet the interesta of the The bresont state of Ireiandl 'asin tact au he avoiuleî. ( A laugh.) Ail beasîs cofairey, for bas, '«e unteralant, reccvcd an invita- fortra teclarationa of' the Legisiative Coun - body by 'bm e'asdpae e c. diaureu, rpcry nî le u unpotdtdtosuls, hale, owls, andi uolass ire- tion from a large bodty afthelecars of the cii-sait against the '«ishes of sa gpor- Lord Goiterich ialcussedt1h. specific grier- Sîat ho thouglat titeir Larîisiis '«cl t imagf th inga, took ats'antage of the @ sIusdn d-[on afa]tien of Ithe inhahitants cf Ibis lpravitce, as TF IE I-ERATLD. anre uituu Mr. Randal, as heo'«cuit have laciate ta adoliltîue measurea lie was about niguittbu lide ttuir tgly actions. (-,sIauUh.), expreasetl in their petition te Hie Royal icsewthayalerndvulorby iua propose. f i înît 1appear filaitbies. [le balieveit that much of tiue ovils où tih* 'hItsale af the laie Dr. Adatm Clarke,# llgbnessfblue Prince ltent io thse yesr Kiaugotoni Wednaday, Apri s, i@33. of persoan 207thebsapeci i ascein outragea uer. concedtla any ciassoftaco. country uriginateul in Itue pradtice of 10- bcrcomecemt vn'lisea. t184 imonrptiurseiiatbfabfh Gsav.s'mmcnb hai tabcenunwitu1ing te antre- huairna attinga in blat bouse. Why ahould is rery remarkable that this ceebratet Thron, and presentet te the tua Houses W. are in possession of New-York Ps- biie ailier hanit invite a tiscussionocf every duc. a messureofaIthse descrition ; tbey tbey niat camne it-o tlîst chamber for the Wesheyan preacher, '«ho states in bia re- cf the lImpcriai Pariiansent in tIse y.ar lm1S28conce it h dinsrto Ig eaN il ttheir duty, however, tg ayail itichargeo cf their iluty in making isus Sticent asubabiography, flit hart ebis fatber's and recentiy by a petition teMia Majesty perslt.0 e5th instant, inclusive, but tlîey of the Provincial Governent, of oery blefoire their Lortahips. AIt bbc powers at the saune lOur tuat the iudges '«cnt into bouse '«ith oniy libres bahf pence, shauli tigoi > ery1,0 fhemctrepc oti i ae ae rn Engisot. principbo buy '«ich t is guided. Thse de- present possesacul by the execcative hasl lteir Courts ta atuiîisister laue! (lesr.> lia. coliecteit a ihrary surpassing fiat cf lea intelligent inuishibants of the. up- adl aei hanguage or open andt useco fOîsotiuell'ecluab to preserve onuer soit Mr. O'COX.NELL tîppurtet tige ptiticn. au B boc.If is rich in every tepart- per part of tbis Province ta tise sane effcct Lowzi CANADA-W.publiah lb. Re- undiaguiset bosbiliby, not '«itis th. vîsucf colorras the dite adiministratioofn h a«slculti'loufuîpueu nuuseilcie mn fTbacyaut uans ncriu lesi emntaîn ha hse'h av outosadpeOurh egsaav on afrin ie crtryo taemchitr ini relassl. 'This iuil1 'hichi loe'«as aboIut 1n îguuting lu commnercual anal profes. articles of Nartiier andt Eastern Liters- no cîther sim than lb. ProspcritY, peace and cil of Louer Canada, in repiy t l adauirensmationandt uoch suggestions for tige pubiuc tbring in hait Cur ils abject inu bue fbrt uiuuabmeun. If such Gcntlenmen tuought'tur.-[lb. Feb. 18h.]gocit gaverimnt thereof-ubo cao aI' fth Asehy raingfo a atraia a spu,, (in '«ic ligt eal youîrcmu place ta suppress ai l angeraus anu l muegai 1thuîr fpris-mtehbusinîess îf mauurc imîportance appreceate muse blessingafsotaadranlages associafiunst. To suppress, if possible, ail tluan their uluty fo tiuuir constiuerais, lisey IO'.MALE CONe sA mseting was'«hidli ley eojoy, and '«ho are anxious fcr in thueConstitution of the Province. 'Fice calions «ousit have been bbaimkfuliv reccir- uml-sm ;iitarenioletro n Tebl , Ultt etr Neither woilIi lise ailaw uoît inlPortland strcel,Giasgow, en Tuea- a permanent connexion '«itLhe Buisrtis Parliament '«as net praroguei on the lut et) but in furîberance ora direct accusation wokid cît-t srospoiin o e,ýtli h iniso le101,aiîolîîid e tai- j ay .e'neîigîît hat, compcse<u bully cf <e- Emopire, esire no chanoge in the mode of inst. In consequence ai tue Asasenubi>lbe- 1m th is jurteLuent passe([ aI miierent peu-irds hy huittbue En- I clîiu'ceih ful)Itie cduinience of, Muuilisters. uîmale duliegales firaotlie uilreot power- constituting Ibis Hlou»e. -overnor. uges, anoithIe Pubiucf glis.l .and InihPariiamenîei, patticuiariy lNMr-. TTWI ,îîîî dil1,1sfaukt la te uoo acoie i tase' oi nigshur S uitîilisexelinta duqusboerumihola uoum hbe upi blIsot icr 0 UpbiCnll clicandy n fuat ?asset in the $(tlaofGeorge the Fouirîl, cosvenaience of flue majurtv of'the bousùe licet, teojet 'Gla '«a and nuitborKing. pcitifig ou lu Iis Mtasjes the u uaa.in i reusflieQurniedcus cir C ananc begage '«<tI(:ye comnuoaly-calieîi the Proclamation Act, SluouilulgiVc isaV toaitue pcuuiar aste or in- tue, heb esuîoes te beaitptta 10 thuone- «Kig, 'oit nutteeuma Province, soi 10 at h179 '«ilb.afreent Ibis aan. nt uce 'ianes f engag-es upua '«h 'uiih [liad for itç culjecît fie supîuressiun ah cliuation tuiîe luo. ant Lezirnteui Meniber teset moentouirss fo dotie afaile. us. tIi bru ineesîsaofls ai&erovin lyal "iAt o 195mp oueatenorne thacse inyothe iek laente,'oui en .u. diva t ail lieai mebigs.Tlut act alan prahib- t'rfuirl)uin, or of uny t'«a or three coller cuir 'as ilieu b>' a feinale, soit tise tier- subjecîs nesv residing tbereiiu or '«ha MayresitaprraQuanneascSpc ofiiceepnenesfIil)pruo i t e t i s n y ne c i e u n g o u î b w t i î u a i v n n oci l m r ( l e r )l n t r e o l u u i o n s r a w n u p s o t s u b o i t t e i t at o b e r e a l e r b e c o m e n l a b t a n t s t i s r e o f , i t h e i i e r v r S . L u e c s b a r t r u i i l s i x c t v a suficenlexuse Ltsvenru-set and sun- 1.A- lois. M rem len ball been requestedi ýtise neet ng eotireiy hy feousles. A Prei' prayer ut the Assembi>' in the Aditreas, lb.- andinesuh mînnera osa>' b utarecand E the Lgîsitu- rise. Mit Majesty's Governinent as lie c - f; uport fli praYrftlesepeiin; and l aiet, Sceay otTesrrwb oealdtt, hui egti-oreenion s materiy as ivo icte .iý tisriie of Upper Canada in a position ed fre infart nd i thes ir Loithpain filairyj c li s, s i,,sy a uc elevulIlatlieCommittee,'«or. thsen cisosen,'«ho procee- praying that Mis Eîceiiency '«iii take inoeuaeCuci.'icsly'«utavtseLtraese r.iitaiî:nuiwswuiuuuupau It'aterabionpt-a> cl for '«ouil conîribîte ue ooictm aue oure > us i s eiu esdrto h ueeti Ca lancoaingtlieisocony cspiai oul ae thei 11<07 c ouit oS thy oi clidtpo tas f)eraorJi0n.Igre t tii le beaitîtansoucanvenience cf d&etdkae.Avote cf thanks'às aainig posture cofaiairain Ibis Province, Ca'an P aigteeitnc faytnetcnuttePublic Service. e>' pe'«es for bbc Exeenstvé p MI blu te Meaubers tIenseuves, as '«cil as ithie:i file,,giventbuthie preaident, for ber canuluct and atopt suci messures as in lit wiadom pcai metiaitdisette on bsoardtare iteclaret The>lrst enactmnentcfthue present cuaureuîso11r elelicient uluchargo of their duty toinlc chair; ttree cbeees 'ero then giron'«iliitend tetranquîlize the minais, tomasin- guiltyaoffelony, and iiobeyin g orders and Ti.lte a'reskueseîngti '«as to pr shibit ail meetings to petibia>InPar-j1 their continerasiîorute tfe.illragualvttions kstu, irjaintheboatitpiona rght anfrosatis rgbiiion, tbjeintcreenase feine representarasetheionrsenafintoIth liainent, or lu discuussubîllic grievances andî i Te ('A.Ncl.-.roîuofîbe L-scuijî'sa i1). K. Satsufoul, tfor bie spiribeit answer tg of bis faithfil subjecîs therein, soit thuste £100.Cun>ofrkaehsaure- publid scta,tiioicîsheu u 1 s ntie.'asqil ciu hahua quesution '«as lu ho hrqiagbt the il.Zeaint" on the Sabbats, lIsat '«,k, gîlaranîe bbeperniîanency cf the ehisting The Governor saay appoint inciical men IlTise billh iich yau abate te have peus v iontay etren. (Ileir,fleuar, bear,) "ie' fonaulY bel ueo fliceiBouse. Ifsaniajorîti alrwibthenehnyrkeo nl.cnelcsbt«ctsccoyntsP oiiîcub.Çatisýtn n'pr dtePovnilAaîh> o nrait ,llirsuch temetig rkeupc teionetin ewArtil olnyadshePalovsiorizeitpainelndngan aile hePrvicalAsebl fr nrelsn onu einAtaihrzdat Ieýnceesholdappemur tus ho an favmu- of eariy sit- greatestbharmony.-[Lontan Paper.] rentîStale. lson '«tiout permaision, te incor a penahty tuge represeolation of lise Couut>' of York fa aaihist ils provision honlia tricî ai fiue Se-' tlinge, Itue couulvliîuieticn cf 5ini,,,ers 'oulilofo 5 a£0,ai b.prasbn-sxMibrba rIbe eevm Iti Bane,befarc thueMagwistrales, svîuo lfisc henue 'a aeui eu interfere. (Ilear, hear.) .oieWsE.i iecri'uss!W aeuc icsr nsaiguoie offe M agin0sentnd teorsoaan-hix)erment. hncnt beau rnfortnsaios O pou.? tasentence ctendis te tratnsporta- tenlI aBii iic~ .1011Nihhuitsin ta 'Incurago pswningsuîfiîî ntaeatch:riyIat bins «ai ine of Basdte b aring e thn b pard. sscolo eatmbeci proe beacurineormtie o 0 tien. 'New, in flcpreent state oflrelanîld Etac 1 meor isilebeesaiiieu afnt is 'ii epe frcir- ooucaet ui b.pesnsnuinit b cniuiepof'iu av eegieb0 bhtis poes hMouldar itlogtrhi ft osrbH E 4 .- - _ ermeditlisel Lending Stock," rom '«bicit, gatian b>' the middhe cf May, b>' '«ich llnoit. 'Fheact is perpelual. 1he Bouse are uiîîing to concur «ith bhc tii hs'«shu<anlogrbee- TiRvMi. laf1RlV ING'S oSCm1PîE.s 1on sectiriiy offirreul, train t'«atbofi'e pount.sfinie the triling repaiesat the varions iocks cle rnhso h oilti e c'dy te Magstrales. (Ilcar, luar,)_ Tlursday murning, about (en 'clOck,j1migliî Le oblaioed for a periaituf 3 imanthea. 'ilI b couaphetet.Iftis equaiiy gratifyiuig l i ii b.oseeo tisaI lbeyoung ladylievingîthe people atlargeftrainany gflev- 'Flictrialail of umences againsît itis Act il lite curiusty of fige inhbitants in ie' Lackingtotise ceicratet bookselher,asuitetous to annococe fiat contracta aseo tiuW'hoa 'as se dreatfuliy asaullet b>' ber auce, uniter '«iicisthe>' May Le s5Pe.ed '«us proposet shotîlul, t a certain extent, nci.witîiui(d of ChesaaHospifal ivus others '«lu rose to great eminence in tise about la be concluteit, for terminatiliselbur, b. subject leanartial ia'«. (Laudl crics of greatiy cîcitet by ltse anuiesmunce cf bWO ' commîercial 'variai, commnencer] their mer- varîius Canai@ on the Ottaiva, Chuntehs husisani, atMonlreal, an bbc 22d1 uit, bas,taibu" Il ear Heut."> The Couirts hoever, soing mena geobecui>'uremed in back '«ith 1 caaaile career hy Joans teriv reinsais BRledea, sot Carillo, b b wicbeyaetruhteinbtetatycadmn, ezeanhispotebt ecîul '«eUsht'b.go 'oostructeci, thal he diii -o1larehluown loakrelaang îp lseirpesi funt.-fbronof WaieynoMfhadisa.] obe evdeet1nrigaiheitnenounccs. een ent e anunîineiygrav.MH- o'eu'«uu leu .in> x luinupn 1 p-ac".1- f grouîn-i,-:near--1 ,.___I.-_____ .__ __ -- . . . a,-Y__-:--_______- -- -« 1 ango uniter £150 £390 a yoar; 7363 under £230 a yee dem £100 a ycar. inga an ail Englo Tise are 4,8W( gyman ban nuit a1 3,060 are uiter £ ettIhis timne borse builit or rebuiId pi Mo0. Tise <ces tc parishettand cu te £7 onoavec>' gpester part ai tfi long ta e t erg THi Baurasasi val force cf Great ini'e15, fomty-oigbi *iglt--Rear .Ady tainst, cigisî hunu! tItre. Resr Atni therestimeit bah -pa tains on the. haif-ç 'psy, seven huod buahf pay' 150-loi mandera 150-Lies on isalf psy 700-t full psy 199; anSh 300-total 499. PI on hahfpay 200-tc 1065.'Tbe fusai btse tsar>'in574, and t'«emuy-five d tue gunse «Ch.' 20000-.main« 11, Rurasems.-'Ih tise foilo'«ung assIla in'«bicis rumeurs IlSome Ibres or dom suggestion'«a tise Wasiigton ci aur cit>' papers, tit suobiil>' or exquisi '«ouhit b. sentaouta the Court of St. Jai lerninent. This vag on ils traveloiiteo '«Iicit 'e have sel sundry oa ocar cxch «'li sa rumr ait Buler the. Nveil Minister front Engb DUTY ON PAPI thet. bnterpretatian g toc Geseral ta the . a dci>' on paper imu States ofAnseejes, pur cent. Issu been CoiIecera f Custi that article, asoi i niots overciarge bu Bon. Mr. Markiaoî is predecessor on psper, snd bas guî several Colectrs ti per cent. W. be construuction cf bbe b -swcnat SPEExCH New« Brunswick '«s ultime, '«en is E: ant Garrnor deliv toic Speech. Thb. Session iasbet thirty-eigbi bille '«e M. President, anud ouf thse Legualatioe C, Mr. Speaker, am Bouae cf Assetnbiy. lbt bas sifordei te is e e o b ied te g i s'. Mr. Speaker a.it of Assesscby. leuisisMajeSty's s Yeu for the Provisic tise service@ ai tise C fortn asya' tpent ce voer ta renter monet pesas11«iatended. The mest of Maya0 muited in joat ocîhi ramint 'itnes.s, I OtiSrwise, andi uni te revesues Of bise 4 0f tIse Asoemisl>' afL buned te tuiir Saine irg a Repart on tisesa '«hlat" »Mc. Pal grief." ThIe Assmi '«as)Pot prcrozced. 'Oneany deserted tlb. 11014110 '«utai quo ofirant Imfpotanes« Legiltve Councii. 'ilS a vengeance. sesofaitise 2bst of fuil theme for Mc. l'al o n i d î , . 5 i ,t e . . o . tuarit>' ta get up a à Sicno a aiasment. BaOCscvîLLz Toi lircckviii.esRcorter JoNimsanut HENRva.5 have bteen elecîcit Mt h>aie for the sat, andi PeC111oek for tise v of B-rekilie- ALI Fs-.,'«asappîanîec Board, adsoitJoasJr fseusby ehecteit Prei Canttidtt sfor the l'«e JoNas$:Eq, undt Dr. m iesb s dispo i t c f L~U.. * w - w - 1.11 'I 47/57 FOI P MISS~t4 TO IWIOOIJCL AMLY TO PWUC A*OIWS. OTTAWA. I 3 - i .3 - oe t 2 3 4 S 4~ ~I *1 IcoeuffOF ePHlOTORM R MWTO MuC M c IMor. 1 47/57

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