i mixai mu fie. 01=aIl- he s seat square 0 il Mx e vwbm etlr ai nu -~ liaF ~4 tas issd. mamistuile a*ppgkqi.nâitefutgian e*k aIS abo~ mu eaetrubgf e tlm~sfa, - (ced, nama ~j~h~u, efreul. <auveulms$ysrd, spd .p- a ~ ~ f w=t405I liiaipe" hseegk a umrc cx I easaittei boe-Wu lx, u et o o ilkaces oib p ingbict et b i akmine ii t VqeSS ateeerb maliebuiiali»mVilla aer&M useacml<edl "a ans >laoi *b emaur Pb 1ydam Mbs p ea gnasmt ateet-i teace ninee dia cia mt .ld U0m pte icpeople M liui viiru Pm et lhesa" ,ta.efbemqa the bod ar t or*0 t bt ettia tau ti" asB0 i ueiaI sna u 0<10 ora"l luise nul metSab.e et dmg a mai aec aila pieu nim h u". the " maviiad Io e mlaia apessd m est mtie ortbe, wt msiaeat.aiasf0< e flua *. o c oe i *e. titue filem tIms uPeW um e- thelu isweru i ta flermme spo t isa tice hat abu0 Smt WbyMUfila qeig a teude t. lieIMre0.460110.ma e. ie atw» r lamte t= m v. coitlyamaaviUsutuinmani Mhie t eeialmom . *9alaa fisIqth camh (eyof anu Ile gUre.. Th-mroaa ste Ulamue dot e aption .( maiscI ' fiedo ete uoufta etfeboai lamaj bciastthe iby baillaheimg a gi a te ave ep<Mw t iernalos-E ai Iqal; tisae mm ct;ma empiat moem teti ewimiesi endvamtmga. Wl tre m teaaesermor mà poa b as tete stablesorr at fils saie may , bm. it l ie' i b otesly p rapsaneIt int asevelrdo. t' l. a bae avritu *itwthe oupi o W»etea thee% andAothfeir, osae t Uiarsos. Illa ueesa t mhakm tiat fia adoptsio b ia e ha vouli laouùins t teato muotise 0< tmoste groyd *houia esaisios, aiAth urne. a.uIcot. fe banftu ttslieiabai- ille teata bw muhslto tu iniptit ten ore.fit ul mm tosatblea, m muc bérethe amrue w cf bis lb modve m okmasacUmam.ue t ermm trn pa. tic.vr saermidlu.expemave Upc. aua yer VaaL rsciour myeh imipbocnei woa i aleble., ui iiqn bicari, vten trte« Swu,linute ssoc il rees f car mmueth" woui net. i tIn agtt sie thatt c»am ase inel"mka ott: l. thamret Oîll ael) pancl ine.rlb. blond nilci mm a caplojMd hUmocaion o ée Usse, vit t mà,nouer lio P tuer ts tfaceon- oc,ntaelabi. 1 et mil" madue 0 i at uera mie tcalae li mutaAen yuter 0 a éailina" on lI bous aaaaa in p iddleL of iS. ly kaqic guuatqtaic la »t i mmeà et sun end tbà te hno m b.at <manaswi> unrithe in uraofl te am.Te nUm; chur sdppioian0<h e=atte frit. Ibmte & c Yi"le.iamita lretia bau are va laug md neio. Th mais«on, vlSs dutafhum ce vchr; <afci il amrtorbetalai in ii, t picl ntenAse;M theirt b <sent l b ieva by eTisea04àa inamn<lurritane butc fa au i pt n. la vl meu the fmumiâuril ao hm lima salade, ta sselaj lasi b frmni i s=, ay ue tetto S %ktmtistlererai or.iaasm b vuoaleimail lus deo.ule tbeî,misaau. Tic cmcaae. t epeatisa l*Ii Ic, ras1tc 0 yioai.ue i li -uni -e--fli 4 m1 mcs5 imttospt .sma teï grin aecuîm'seleaa.L ineliuuflmerls;m*l, Uua-a, Wune iu~e, Adt nsmt e wNw -0éo, a i.th es t.briagig LTm very important. A À a rin th* Wadb in£» niwwu S, Ediecatthe Nen-Yak Ammiemutilt ti beawry couli eaSy eeeslsd *aui8et 0<M i. soo o C.e. < MombIi Uit> Càa Mtion ci Mr. tm ote a Uubam ,reapacting aîism" Wou don, but flot Li nUl u mMOY baeua kvthor. nh a deul.- "thu4 etbm w» un & dy filuaby Lemi Atit latuucug tiI.mXinig- rist, P" a séa1v, e lmiasthe id tie ommercial Adîcitua fer &**MWo o<vury Wbta1»"=espap.sfer Wb"* t0ey nUl plas. u tenoumrtbi Lame. -at IboYork AWMi.n.mi or 4cJm- ment s e nigt hy aiemp MocJ>oe ai tû» Ra. A. ieDh.hl, en Treita,te t- caverpamseicu et ltheam«. (Jetheue cimpai iote *0Cburewoue, té. renaît et shui v a riçt foe* sPbkmI~ RAVAA.-1ia81hm .boue 60My&a- 1 K oltie Ciel.. et t4k MW*&ama lms tb eu ,8MM puumoat avlbgpeijube At tclatest êteos, L..v*rit hadmsy is- appsi, fiaâm avenue ordmtw uir ami ezxeieg M. C. '&DgamaSijiorGae10 Uppar Camdt, alfla l M -Tat*iwB ilveupaiNa 1kmbe iut, ll theaciiel dpe DR .. ia T a tmsi- ib paelybym a( w"lli a . etai tat a ator 0"feSpirit of tii. Tiwse...- lepre- mu etale.Vary îietmubg lourcol. Qàu:xMrt ulige 0un-Tbe Veua 1day. v-a.Jeux MÂALA"ý, Iq. vnes Dre-elocted Chaisum. Asu i roqumely tenu cm. bat 1ev 0< thi.e obutry bMogitrotes Wou renan at tbe opeiUg ofthe (Court a 1usomawtme .bregretteai, m*y baie aid a daep Intereut in tii. pmeeoeinp Ofi takepbSc, ani onglt te bmr ane.paiddre of tbe repeembiflty tfiat tMeit* 0*, Faos. .1Juob t 0 i.Paie. w.ale o e0 tito i.ff a~Wie bdI , 5011u«u O t1 @wua. vhic, eooideiing th. spiUurua in Mr poptilatin wa rafliktvuaubi symptoin. Foeathelurgce.'u mpot, es appemu fiat eaSy liv.e«Mfaw im one- am" 0<autb pol dwiing th*.lest tire la eidr that febe "&tt&or<utdon re-pubuleh thune aucee of tho e aii, appeured inaMr Pol «> atle 27th nie. We Vaefarte a"" maute MWe ia u bmeu sigidly e.fereedt a maifialet" sé c- saoulai *Wbhbousalè.r e ,t..a uethl.- emfes . iaer oercive smwcoue eam tj "a Mytle letr emmsS.ufe iet ytr e ofr la tic day limelu er lut. aid s t et otaesmciiuttlà the et fie te r lee fr widtbey sual bave bomse u jeluabd aité mu- amine 1e me; oi fupat'ad exet.. tien Ifd11bloa tia fe mmli eb imàter - iieg ut _N.. vltlè le ehra spimie.k rm udua ti P"bl10 holb, i If lt m.lmy 1bflfoi suIl healti pifei., ortan v. et 0tie oreder ai direct le pep«ea «Mjcpàoeuhsc preltie lu Uee i memitemv rR luolmvrsuait rmi te la d tiaea uhichin lutiaeplulmi .1 thé sahm» ;ufi BS, a am y 1wo oet lb.. ay «&sge lie puM bleaul; am la cma tbo eeu. tui t gecepl&er Inymch emes hf megifff or relu.. te ah bm c<mW usd reefloueet MmealIOieceeh a lbLtm àlSde0" bel.j c tu6EmlbO~arr a Irem lé~tir Peme. Ocars, mi mchetbr i au..I Prbà*m. ademi-s. ticme mati ogl e.t tuy be neeylue veor deUslrrfie iwmtieet s finadubi GemagMer, Lcg fa Ge Mdaibdf egh(u~mftrm tbé 1 Pqam0#ar »b r 'obnàu ftlé Po-ateroh" p«t wwa Pis ourep-7gwbut emlaw teeaie îii. Mulbll&I. may éti. f ;uZWWfeRWilfelè #y "~pâa.frbIo lvn 0 àwkêei M0pudwIlIilm «. bo Fez Toutx.-Grau Poili, mq. Bol- brt SU*tai, aq amiePUfltauuiiEoRaa Wmlam QamilaN,, e. Jie XIuq.q»Z NuasILs rebL at q.Ihla MaD;P- ougl Eau Tlo,, Dé. l'etr, je", ui, Doq 0-11 O'Reily, r. N.V etMr. Gee.. Bultohw4 .-Ja"a.G. BX=me EeqCelMe CM %- op-*% aTi.p-, F.. muosvenor. auwsaiÉÉhi. Eh lyy» il".. Maaua, h.oie 5- .- vgt, Eeg. Dr. asagea, Jasas. bz les. q. Joha Itauge.Re t R C. ASOe Joomj"% oq. D rr -Coq wuf.etetff.abtSo.t UEAtaia duit, e H0aKWOOi = qc i ta< i lmmus i -Usurattr&ÉLon i c-Ue ie ami4m M kW ~~nhdbe uttuaL AéU~ IY 7 ÎT lise 0lm. tee Tneaty Our. "q aumd say le levwi mai Co;ed bl asuaere mid " of ef nb efsad or o&ader Geais maiciatrie, *enseuiiyvhiaci a Wuasri ioed elaulor the fa altd 3-61 ollie Jaticasbetarm ba eciMet ffende ci, andddUlb. paid i ae lie boul. fciBt pelllc Oses of Ibis 1'roînreaui b. acamt ai fer lhreegb ibm Lerds CoimWmentais Rit iieircy's Treueury for lie issé ost la M eciaius mifaim as I11h Majeiy #"s b.e te" ladirect., Te fi. Kingefon ugeteMen ue se ibéaus 5& CWne nn bted Et, fie ludt aum it pesiesuL t. iolepub Saisi et Tort iy M. émerge ~mtf, t pialali et le omaiiathePalriot nei Lits, e udeafain t»su aggoi <an laïm, w tIel 'emignu a fIabisu- try. ami niceppeaut. pésins ierbily md- Aisirepe W I.e qami t. the. teckhbu .M"etbsm Meadiolmtmait t. eIie tie fl& mgau in eSi" i h si Iitugmagiç êkietSrofm Wor.îaaSo"v «lu Ustb tue ain, b.wunen ut ta nemi waupeiaMhntmg.IM vondsetl Abbots- tai,affseieiy hW as iavtp dogs" Ifinsex- cotedinla&astyle iigiiy ciailtabia thti .11 lut, Mr. S. 0. l'ennui, ni. bu fie sceul .1 being tl i lt, an e7bee ethe oaly lighegraçéie peint«ilUpper Ceaia. Theii.t e thuea sLlaomuryMagazine oru: Tb*eZditor'aAUdres ta ticpublic. A (mu rte oflthe Gise Emigoflua, a Prias P".: . ; r R.msmhenee ofid»lute. mr. N.1 Lundy% Laà». lTh.e Miar ami bthalad- srm Ielouai .1 etBimor-. aleW. Epigîmdstram ic omw.0<G s mulal tose allisau Po IN* . Ii oltf Ima-wit natOm lit> The CoavWt' Witt. iy ]NUL ea. A"lbar,« Oii- tal Te.l*,by tueecame. Aueddace Mom.- ia'. &wumauChAba. ! nia jau hanve yjurutivu Laui-.* CmaeamuSang, Ly Wr. Ioie. .Tic NatM#hili if0 (AU, oeslt. A& eni.»N .ua r lbe tat. Viseent Es fa.Tic Stelsa ChIliAà(Caia-Auecoil S-rmax-»uuî-lltm plendilibout the Gwd &*àm proemd iymmeaby te Pous- cen, bw ciain i miieoive be aiwSitr, ami mewihlel>'aflervuuisecucoachWs rogsllr tripe. 'ie vilS have Kingston fle ÇMhcug. Y-1, and Niagarau riiy mseut lu fie d mttma. Im Uanitd St 1 addau MOnimy evmuig hmsOgima- lb. »& muter »wem e ab ieou icum in tisis Part, isprtaiBufernewge. Tic 4eesstm loftKingtu krUsenppIbf .if6e LIemyutaidmgmster, It bàçn ber esea.i p sMa..L h. imrjoiaa Eiesp, tic RWem, and fe P.reMeerse (OUtTesata> are pying botncea Pmocof ond the Uuryuagl'le. The oevg <seme. bavebeau op- pointai ]Rhmab aOBcru 1> HEra uodiim tic LicnisnaaGovermor. mader the at ut passae ing Us lut e»"=of 0<parmi. VALUMU EPROPERTY 1018»0&ou AT MICIO. Ibrytelbti day 0<hIy,1l18t Ointuart ille, about S3fiAU0bm a- eru egrad. laving a sud "Comme- dies limn Bume,Bin, Stables, *Me. MWd ether cu bceutéwltb e» excellai val thieu.; teMaaly wed m ecupod by XI. . 1. . i. à, ad«btled titim buivea" i um Mda&mna .1 titmeoale. . M. AN Apsi mlii, US. Auetoneft. O Vm&f Us&tib0myiH Boa, mà frqut " Meutmmeat a-MM 0000, mete t (Mcs.Ah.o, Cieciend ami Pbdi ni. sale ga ceus. m«ensch dayot ICO *%Wb. Ooodlem se te b. aietetheti»ii. euete- VtbammIcue aia lIi ~~?lbeee aii*dotviiib mae m - a lie ofsge mauat au Nkaul et te &amomU.,g el .igjarue eIem ib~~a u ti U1TInma<Ue*am'at m.lae leme. W]Adad»* laueu teme an mruietie 4ti At LuMémo Kistoned RU Viiky, ubat b. bai opened a vary fiaa Acanstsetis etUsmueti, racetvei fieis n eof et tirt aist ta loné be baumes in lb. Irmie ini toi 1sflae gpi, lfor the ari"gI tee-ahtn a(plala md aitey Tue-. ce yCatdauéy Walebou., & o.- ai,, Daistbeuni spht Striro f a vatiety af mme.lis bus aio 00»4 ne nc Ause- motef Peiramofa tlb. newest potIons; liace a maofgatlescen's haver nats et the bat naolity; b. enu ad he egltuli limt thoeblict bc ha on.anmd,a vety extomftemaut efsime ema nouaipe GcedeniWb"hvin b odl et eeMU e. duaicea.On bonisa wAssortiment *tCWe.endyans.Aueiituf tLiquair ua tl.. bo e y best Imlltî< Ilait, MniSth, lm8. N e A lot" qusutye<Salonoued ubm ufflmem te o aâmes i PII"do J<MuI W O,éf G&ânoPAra H euâ, C. : ui Uba" boo* be avMW lira is T ~~~* Mrad sitcPui fKuso toqua woontIQI ot*«tu Wmo moià awbw séea txiEr. ubi futs! tis * ib" isttrt.baea.#M.tattey.s oasPuvaba.kgmwio. Ï4shm M Ias*S 'M tP vew t.sul.am ni lt HARDWARE ESTABLISHIdENT, BTu'ue re, luea miii Pund blicef Upper m-, i. de, thut he bus lately arlved tram Bukw4rg hamw andi îstabtlhed bisejfin luKhuguemab s wbOIlqe land R$til 1»n M"««,t me. ham*on hma a yextenetvisadil alectetistock ofi4fABDWARE,'&cWffl consiost iiPit ai", MIiUan*1 c, 8mwo,, "and Sans, oShem is ., %antiu ol*l dewcrltiem. Smlths abBllev, ntAui mai Vices, singlé uni do" barri lLeu.bs %code Prcumion Geneý , aUtrm 1seei gui t m'a cutBottoe ew"aeâ*ba amis apryorNeedil e Tadss"qae> ShirtfButtoie ani SImd. g te end d a>Eu ins.1Fo4a ekwe Fnbk., Ruèago t cke, Plèb KalvepimlWau tecl. Cnt lieuTeKeg- lie, fsace, Pan%, Tam Kiluréa ntbio coçbim îm tew l'à" an, tau. &Scre s aupe'rIa t ql ty.lrioru, Mantie.,aid Clst Ln ii,, CZ e. CIp osi sd 'i ~angeavc WsaPeu ma amt r.. ua W tuilesmuSi Irepà the w.-a Sud>'bl n.peiAus »(q et ts maleg fty utb'.1 él 100"b Ugteeu U uaai b40 es r-m- m g .f.mb i ~ ~ - .u eu ee,~ s ma.vseervesme MM boum 6,ihy , - -- ~ ~WM. Pi' *sta~M is~~l. î*U5 qSei~~*s i~*~bl. me t. b. w~p~mi~ l doua r » the r e sa ily ags, mai »s il on- M a le fi& 0". or lisseu anr sd lIme Wutmin vu on i00 dmu nuis th" hg" d i- tisy la i W, ., :-ý",, -Ilýj - - - Il. 1 - - - . - , - -1 Il. ý- ý, - 1 'i Il M!emmmmmew -Vbuboulnna enom a mm DAGHEE. IILL, trem the IStiet Key lii TV 7th of.ul ly, 1833, serve a ln ob f Maeaet 64 DelW .Ch:i Ou mululedc. Dagogme v iii mnet P fsirct, muasKinaote as.nigh ie. ai bici plot., geaiGras and ceaomcti au epreeured tor mari Dagb.e, now îaiug four jle m li, i luxteen bandeanmd cm. Incht bigb, andi lenesmi (b> judgeo) telu aienukmly, opcrlaaned. lRe exhibi geai ueh bea., mnd <rami ouaculas Panai.r. e in. Lecambr, mind b isaimportei tbPrevincn thla l mi lu.30 DGREE wuaSo<t iy MvLxv, a 1< I& y ii Imarw i' o'eleitud Num ,AasaniuSiaix, autel M -NoMAAsuIrai b y thelt Duh samouis, ut AshtenIBal, in Lame. ae caTui.uuocnusMaux. 1< &lm vm5~ut rne ve aieperfeumn pedigree il& aPxrxu, TzLEMOc the feiIlSIXau mm ec purei bouici Arabie hir,e&Wsa1 nown amathe cmr bira 4 e mS djdCenntry. Who] 1"tei «cu n.outAmbausdr i à tam rattibis bom% a,.mmcrve hi cier faîlIelis bauds et tiith aloUpth(b Kîxa et Pimaezà iavieg ru adjy deammisil. b.e hem ul uÀrr sua, via), by forci, bal pasamW it eft le Hae, tram bisArul Onee. Si ne. irauçt te Eqgbmnhorstem Caan PIls in Hu a Ijemryë ocip P.mea., in DAGIE, y ly Muleyi vila,*Oreille by Eeagbiulgi, bo biaugi, by King Forg-. ]King Famgul Oiillle Sire et Mmyny at rota Lionx Rocaras, amoulst uficis et of ss,(Sc aDI Ani, vinm the Wmîs> B1zor" lDon Juaup Emlisat (si latuit> EI.a c Gellver, Master a tac.) OcaiuoberRuiRce Du i a amoetsioumsmlmi hle aimte0<isi Ameuter, aPl S,»oanrla BEM.auzxa lot Jue, i W" W et thebm g" Dme.tar iL.1 f W"" a gus Derby 5sable, et po@m *a.I*A Bo~iA ANK M. D. PRESOOT ST EAU FOUWDRX 1 fie8 U"elg Ira" .lela b m teCourt HE ubffcaubu, bain5 rctta i e Feua- ait"d Ruas, u fie tbtiSday of $Jeu.Ilmete T tah lie edby Snse assaa et directs, ut elevea ecblua the fer- _n-1 d'y, ' o nainsud Alylnt,.*liin 'oint Roses. By aider ftbe.Beard. H-l a. , enieeî ouMr.Agea84 aier. îlor- .A.ARE. hlthly rconee1y i.ier e I uc Cemercel A .b M ft Ceahii.ak l., I profession, wvenu inforafi. da it gtc ai iî. Ces ler î pu ltat. lu noi e eily tamie ~~',à ~ if ..amemécuutM«Woqmm.iimtc . STE ANI E NGI NES tandis ____Of__amilarge or *r,,ll iaies ntthe ccomfsy nulit GRAND LOTTERY 0F BOOK& «,y,,îquire, for Ietaut. Sun iiilIeUn elber r. 0 1$11s Euuig, Mrci 4, i~~4 purposee, eiher Hlizh or Lew Pressua- wu E ubactiber having recearria reHibPsuetnienDltlflc à" veillera gain tan be grounr! nitw t4a e "me ueolgment o ok, s dsrlla u.asistn.uld bc required tearnnthe ue(e tirm bl Lottery, te ho drawnit &geýif <round otherwj,î. Sotcia, i.Commercial Hotel on Wadesay the nltieuuEegune»,for Distil 1,ies, &c. Aie, Mt 0 2" u0ofAprit suit, 7 o'cleck evunagCustinga, eaimost an dimnenonu; illl -V&bi _ ire niltb. Cait of U. tmlsorti and size., tutu dand BAT 250 1Timbats, at li u, l «eh ela= f jquresi; Plothiers,' and maili [malna , 50 Prime., sud No 3BLA u*s1I. aMwoferàggil tc- ad&r ho of Tr>e igiet tar e itt 4 ahu5voluums sahangmlieu lo sngle., aids squre aubre cSiblèeof the ihmiy Urary, £îO .ad rgensaily,4iero~f rint adsinar a l wilcons" oaiGibbon'a lR~em.~. ,p- se 90Wdutylenringtheaniteld cvpic' lcoplt. etiof Pelions Nvs.le tM.. erOmuae. etkatite Ria uo oîy 0 uelessof KatentM ILML bA t ah. an t m llé' mow &o. &c. lo eML ER Omi lc i an of »*Mndb W,Utflculura itnullepuba. uew!t bi ni ai business, mat rtet îjs*gdsadTcktsviiliho fur mie bo-mor- rme uare*tht fair o mWitthodaeseort no Si rowntiflie rald Offmce i.Kitom lb.euit apprei.ui plane. -, Iif Commercial Ri;Oh 9 Pogh u 'lubCstne lelg ry aie. Rai iLu, ouTeverg; a tise stra ts o s fvr.c atr. u. Baal Mmeamase. A mog & Co,. saaéi î usig.DdI, bor- liens am ei; tcBoeooJmmMac H evigexp.reemu eMmen b ho(»e, a Pe- faimlsa>àCa.aid utthl. e midescaeofth confident thaf mho eau Cive »tstiàben tse Saoâ cramer 0( Clarence und Rarmel I namy foiles hm ile i thmaïe tmeta. mai1 ctn i ? m r SAMUEL BHUEBUT, Agent 4- Euglmer, luiXti auyfa. SlO ARSN ~ B. Caàh poi for 01i,,oiV.» abus- and Brass. 1stn,911.arS, Peuvait, Marc5h , 1833. "9 'Y .08 STRAYED The Brockvitle Recorder, U. C. Heruid enhig FIIOM tihe resliience aoflb.emiuhcrihor ilaotings Tan.., Christians, GuurdamuIraet sa, îy 17a c #l, ow 1fingtrnablack 0w Counier, liamilten Frac Prema, Perti Vue' liscal, witeboc, hit stipsroud bthstitution,mand Curnwall Observer nill pleilsé Exa- tiigbs, ans lothimrebraken. ASu,a one inet the m&bave ihree menths cach, il, thalr year oSi huil cati, celai brown. Any par- respective papars, and faînsird iloir blle ur of son aviesnWiltjutera li e .ubscriber nuire for paymneht.- ni etemy b.el taineds aiieo tIdak- ter ot faty rnrd.d,amdami expeitcet pair] PO T lery, MICHAEL BIZEAUt-. P TU7E F11187' F AYI<EX7' LiZ,ý Kingston, April flt, 183. SEALEI>Tzuiumau mil ho reccîsi ai elLIli bti.< ien.. - s ts officeunutil Tnusy ii th itltit 0 LTferth teniof ifeen^eZt aiyofA prit neailet12 o'clock A. M. tram T U < .LteNe.2UOmniSSl,situaediluoci penoms dipooed t, el lbtheundermefltit-ii- mva * triantKlnutou, appasle tti reidence Oes!tuidigsand gratdthe proprty efllts "C'"tb l Wiat. . lie ut lihetY-tO remOe thle Tie Stane Building niti the Cetch en~ buIng.t mamy ho erectesi tbereon, if Houa Stalle, uni Wharf, itualcietutla n. arrangeant hnmde Withb ie .- urtbenoetieuity oftbeTenn, und mijemn- Lde POUeuWOOea le given on the fuI aiO ing thge Bay, (imarly eccapied by the Na- Mmy ust.val dearîmsenu e»an Hitlîm, but arîglemi, ;a iL & i rparticulars mPPly tm Mr-.3John8ly constructed for a Broey aid Datillati ffku rin r . lJea Bule. for nîlch patriea, er fat a Siotehouse, lie A, Klaégsta, April lOti, 1833.building agbt ie ugain ppre riated.- tht PUBLICNOTICE Tiure is a constant prieil of qaterinluthe as uey tve, ho tedesfilS b. re-colr aslie c mdMoiaiy,the Ot là yf poIe u olifra1m KINGSTOlmUNt i lb ITdIifon hblet- ttry Dwelling Stone fBnes, niti a c,- an f« tretpopil, <th'vciatyof s' boildings andi yard, s mlualimeur lie -th ia*prTown.ii.viinty ar iick Gate, Tee de Ponl, Kingston, fer- 1%p b~>7iamuind pecwacuatieni, us mp.t-meîiy Ithe piperty -aifMr. Dugea Me- UT. saof <ythe Coumimiecro, Mamy hasea nell. allez tb. 181i instant, en applicatuen te Tii. building l bu lut fat une ar msers THIOMAS ROGERtS, euru, and s id Ball ,MaJestyle Gavera- enla AEcHITZCT. moent nîush to seasame possession, *lx inétio' ai., Ki~pta.Api~t,îS3.noticecnill b. givon, aid lise wfl lile required rl iseIe à,-apan hiseor liane WANTED. niaiw fa quit, und @Ilirepaire isqufl el - i ýR M ?l*TiUADPOVND4, aitinter laspeWlamEid ,will àbt tb.expeuceOf lia Rigi.giaur or fOve jamna, forvnilaciprty reng ibmei*mo.swhlhare te ho ue.~.m~j~ .11blienon reeiluse. Suas delivréei cin làa ce"l ami temoulob at il l s t. eunsi pounie cannaI bu comitiîo. b 2iti aceoiiFor paxticulcaa anppîy et tlîla Petsite ndering uaeroqutesi deatté nudry ffW gliegsat rate fhey nili <iaepptr u»e. teaux Kugstu,ApriI lOti, 1833. 3-w The .peftmes sumy ba vieni, andi lattic doule A BLUNDinlenuetieîa gitan on application ut the 'M & ASIRTMENT 0F BONNETS. Rayai Englacer Ofce. u. and e ifore iece fOrdnauce, 1. prtz Sd*erber qwct-ill inormlth fKigsto,3GthbMarcil.18. BAIII oF UPNEiLCANADA ie GaerailufEleeoflDMmctam lhe aueting Yeri. nWitbiet at tic I on Meelay, the li day cIJue. meua Act ifelei lîl coiuonlca et tes dlock t heb. torse, aid clou.ait ost ele inle ie aflecn, of tiafday. y" ettute IBard. THO&. G. RIDOL B" o emaia. Carauuaa élilm e Patmse de"lrei e "u tffl invbgithh. tegiete Ai vatconsnoaîor uooouASX BE SOLD 1< public aucie.a Aeclock on Satordal ma»the tetsitte Cemeluart o. mes,au iraned and otier Stores, is. Dm1 mi lppsmrtauoe; a Seon t&c. a de Lamber Sicigi, Wmoadai eum asfiCppmisTola TVU Pca tleppsr MUue«, steve Ipeu . obdie Boxes, T a ms, Pauuiea ne ud ,aisumuu t eer ticle.. 22at.,Bd, April ;,"e- l'lm3 LA :- 1 M 1, Fli MI - 1 . - - - - -- - la wl qe 11, 1 1 Pl ý Ili