- t a mbic W lunloe 0fi, ies teck 'OMýatuayby heis pestties et <se -mrerot baste mera m b"l t.ud, wshiç auil ilib ge musud st, as upetS a try agss.. Ti.y veu e 4sargeur.lmune te b f"s b« .0q < Usliyogeo, bmisg gos le ougt" ath deyteI. pet goïd nr bsn tes, and thair ttmehlet s i sonmbercf orpimus insiste e rt to m an n sd sarvu on.-{Wuir- 1Winregret tu Iemm <at thce eeslty mile 4*4 te in dis Waieri>rd Mai, eec g am oives, lm ea eeatbsscuri. s. tarasnbetsu temu ..iebutat jIbm cmlUniy busgr.atijLoceww "mlaei- aimaI »Poo i , v osinformai *btlré* banse re ktoth stuai oia- laut lat ntmiuw*d pesta, son e mpidyed t lToogiau --Wi ee uie i er te Is Ç~ybad uatUafrrirod sîil baol fi <olwsboom., she.a un ù~te i s o th h.., ubiclé upeot b«r plemilto r"lte, Conty ouseut a le hl .ulbrvsusaed 1About aues. nomm- .bertsOf iiae obteeith.brig t m dd" Cà'e.shme ansdconmpti.telywrmh là* ocoo.*evsuing unrr YegiiaU-C1e mays a Ioter Irons Limnerick of ho l6tIs af Miarco, «I vas thoes 8157 <ing 1kLii. mia. ufthtie sarouudiug ecoutry. Tiie chisoteabas*preand ail amaunit. The gev. Mfr. Nouaita. carats of Knocbany, vus bor to-day Le purchas. coffins, alun e Mbdang ha*& e.nnghiin abat Placeos ole . thèse * At thebhSpial. to-day, the u-hpmries sud Ivoire er hie Bock are dadsef chaesa rtY peasons sera sttsksd lt st ight *!th t<ho Pestilence, eut of wvieicm b a., »Cashler Mil1 victime Lis its <mry. Pour Dr. O'Veoel id ma eyssisday. sud appar- ad te b. Ia ezoelsit healtii. The. nuc. outdedstb hing tale. ofi. <bruor iaa boums) basacnostef urm feeigCfr gffesd consternation <reei t sr- voquiing country. Kilnmsiook, tee, i uemrly as b.d. Brure antotelly déesrted; Fédamsore Ataed et ll ie; the liar. Mir. M'Cartby. is*pariasb prient, aud ho coadjator. haie heen collesd nt iof b.d ta et. tend t<in ick asudsdring, ceteron îgits sa micesicu. li sh&rt, th. panic isiru- t* country fat excééeeanau thiug sithai ti.rsYryam.kansuitnd sielit, ln tho;ceuaty f Vian, bave boss hikoe visÎted tteu lsobse.sif Lto provoke i1< ragethe dsluded ihlitusrefu is te ttsILb hospitai, tierse*Véry aseensryM polded, but riai.. in their as.n jebib dicelngu. Upwrdaefaiztydemthae.ste seveo U-sro itchd, hareoccurtefin Ki1 slOr.<thionasWho st.w scm a.,.. romsain cade remmet, a sud ly si hae ncerc.ln a aIothr p ou in th ipfothé kuu4 Ua4mm. vas xteaj. bot air j. *W idi uiast<*n*vylu irétstir iftalaiet, mmer. h r 14:a *ai wa ttund the furtZ. lTh. mn.eon pleved is4lae struture, whicb js fornid e bricks mmd litemau consent, contnued st. d7 nt IaisarI ly ho ligit ofa scande antitl it sas c.tpletcd]. Andal itvas n (il ho luseteat the bambrick and wuaspep Maeiy ««ait gin" as aver an a.hSPP(mua, <jrsu b. ay.cfpersauio[btatlo dis eev«ed hiserer, îsnd rensmrd<at hb sau w"nrlciig thin the clatIe imuend c osa. -ais Buit impulse was te poili out <h lait fow bricks, sud tibm mals biminef i plâce ofsexit; but IL wasses ton lje t la esmonst laid alreidy hsrdenod, and d". alil bis Ofertteo nde shat ib hd oui das, lui <isis troniug diemme aho rM 'me"dfura couiderable ime, caliug lu vrAief-Ir .pH is pitoful situationuveta lmgtlà dWecvmud by oc@ of <lie ceMuo svradens-au taese mo, Who pieromeNd eubeiu5emiy suceeedin aenist bien Irmm. ibun pdomunst...-tn. jipe tsolysvIeh., lal or<atnfsu industrie» moe&uio.wbo Isênsi Mdexte. tbpthhjmc.isoieî .Who c*nueig l pwe&q béa= y iMasekillaMd p.. estsue.aoot aire "M- btal, u iEWt s.And letait bene«mbuwol ia tilb"ot<ilti sattaiui5le hy mila 5h. o W heh*0sud*apstaçai kueshaime( «w<be humes.. 1 usa mistaksde t ualtrofuio duisabout Wber viblitadli ' md 51ha or. fle i d iet e te w - u a l bd =l a nettiusait<0 mrs, leoeil 9p iées u initat. Fmm7*70,100bn..et t<o <' M mhi m asel .. e ' ;j4 &Po edmmdeteonue adi ,*O Omor itralmbi Isi~s a Iet ,8=uuubotseos a bkeetw*" iU',pe&May1gave 20,000m - - arbe ot tisePO- peut<Iesiu= cfssPMP".m erift â mm- et4U &ma V" luu.U.es emils.. anisaitIeme unghuê ume buttet * tbe1etmiemlyiUte e.tnset a lme.uiléb, Uus as mi lulaticu . é um ud A tsomhtier enti jes-« st fe <slr bag issapyo ~ I t~47UL f011 Eutà omlite.~ i MISU MLLA NY. la <tli e anget sulin the ma oiu taim 0 <liooa, a ulgbty escasole tesueuby *0<i. olas mmeulves go aumrbly &MrI,sud la anyplm 01 byab limautse lisls "sy~ et =«Yaattes sudssdsimpaaMd OF soekI.ir~, t qv lEves sud*ts. mdeshy blet0 utx#ie etmýes. etlbe Ih t6 is. $epe Uaomit ùw sospar11=-1; et uibi4 UN'IATED STATK5.gý toop lg-lue e la ordCM"te ,if 'Ia" se. <hainSilmuaory sd baet <sdi wir» t <con lb rouisd <bth el i& et t tswu tantiy vajpsinl *mm'~ the water, lbtt lieu ege< »sbis Pm.it, seoiealvbalijpov- *0bons., sintscinýg lb ater te = bslgit< svuemgroat m cceetatly tebugt labowttw ,btI a aoesaced toe tma- ty <bot lUs ippOorim Orthe bbuilding souinth Mt te V$& Tirmiiure, <svelsu eut- - 0" rerosso Whomm eLiq te lb.tua esk ;th s et la.t tgen tbâged Imsin ce d tur upu lb vlt wat nda Lpiete itu"ans ews a mwuo. Wljrsd@ch" M sd pts ets0<misai omwtu lbrani muroo a lly bons, sespnded by bus banda la ald-*in amg wusreaovsd intote o iaidnv tisée lbo reps sa tiroli. Bwu eupsuien ct-F loeaitheo ml empi., ut w& recsvsd lt-lE. mange. W. bave ms yet ioard Of tilelbeeuSdwwàdm the r aCfivbos" âm 4u <eless.s. ot. b een poepuagsvf- soo*» n l Lun-koop otpcou- etan »xity fr thisfaWy. *M«owoiusmiaimurelittle.1%0t £&gle sud the PFasakil s vluurame Cosaipau av*areerou b mmees l ftul ter butmue.te«teMlnk.p- n ofet h Botet, Un. Jeaulgo.,ut b un- ba, <bat misa il melita liaOvU1i bey bée resut0( Jikogeolige fyni, e il iliouisitthe sgcd eau onho could ma ofci Iejl t sate standaidsandi net te inter-a "Map oI.rhetthmsurfaare mt ai-i Imsut. etas ums.sellnpjtliitat inte a rds1o ionastex, a I iïblsâetme -S60641' ciiends. aMeui etre uila < ishaoqe, bas anits i*eU ut.o et, . o eut Orhan, bsiug et as aboe 1 Motes gn bslg in demb -its tettem e ib-convoilent oa ie l tisuatM y oeupoaded ai<muer, osqpc thot chinais,, isic ofleetbecl*c4and1 thoesnl nmble. a bretvo's sca vo;. legbli chr lansape. t-i'.amet s Soae aaaa c. Tn ap irbas evetela. ssli -he a.ex-i paplarpeOfeet tugth.pamyguunt f1 Asl axTse&.l rulaste b.eni coirh. viii sucoesainlaMalaattemma. 1 Sii. ihtao Cout atsàt., th.é o tryUtft@ bslitra vil sias sotinon u le0tet Ifa*b. Wt.e< cab <the nig dusr-pto-t mt4 Mcru leg Megu(e iand ho etamateil teoM , oéz£19 làse titithe umgwl, sMussiat N,Mryal 'sous£ *nom, t Se iai, tuber, bc. le sidak.tsteaàtu. lb au at l<hotw oàtr he Citdy et Ezaier, la tho par"lof FsriugOaB, la tbe county eorlise- imou. la rsems-ing te il& Urlit bid e s and <bat Clya< Peisco (as it mas then cailsel ss u e<udtt aSt <ho yeur 17, by Iiluimp alter eoesnisa tm. d" ii sti ts salle aedenbuesibaeli t <rmlty k es «« as "St. G e rs' spt~- Dluie ipisicu ruudured ila e eufete Ih.asylofr 12 bind, "uima or supor- annatdClergymon. 0f ttals Chaitable - utttthse ouij vestge. teguide <the -remarcises Of thesuauuR, are a tes rcrumltng o Of et i.outtéipi si. cAbout thé year &,aesA t lima- o p$ Clysa, wi<h te mor.nr sud reyly - ss u am s by <tue Crowa te Ltili RseI"sprincIpal acter la tue aas andt troubles <of tetimlno."e Byy <rme i, lin he itery et isant . T'h. prop.tty reminodu tea umit<bal- -ily certainly <ildmiee .go e <ha.,I. anuit utle blleved <bey parted wUs*l it e r about <theeau, le, vie.h" utds- Uaick Priery. Subsequethe aim aj f daller and Boe âpoeies.&<a ema= sBd nu the. Si et N.eambaý, IM, <b. thes miner and royalty wsi«e eod <e 10 Thaomas LotitGraves, the lut* mobile os- er. orth la mcitpalace ihos. MW ne- ly vromainsupaut orthae rig isns ic ,ororily constituted thoeia St. Ga- "I istiosaithe iiid ait'epti. muetab: , roeiof th.eaaa-bklpaa , M un il ti ituma a es su1' e si te- * leutmfert sdti ton for îdelo Md50 e- leng minas in tih. Erit4ih.Beusm et Lord., lé, - se. Lovte tb-as tOnrite u - befer Ucol ai d nt.ngals Baimmtisia -%doa mecs Li t trsrabeu d abettera" 1 iIf see. hotatA" .otai af Iii Aine le cfie.. mb. vu inlaen 5 repecutheiqjailor, la $t.lioeos, vi soucli M a auori>'te excite the p lu.letsymp- * bis. ethiihonal sd siagro bl d tise watd. Anda"Fisea-cou ORcou- duel 505 porulanregadtehim, eau t et b. eprusputed am odemnea m bytieparmiams cf thitalle. mpero, o. th. e and, sai We m MW . l. ituatien if« MlIréiisn, hiMslas, p Os. tqWa - dslica.y uniilcalar. w&<ooone I~ ~~~~'h e<xiiwapeuar5~ fOcquiroa ho >' tas Mes.- y. sist ta me ssum a4e1MpejpID: "tbd ptutCfim, ueaLgs *-ec ga ls &-uautiqi .70i "t - cO- Tb. breaufuinsmwpasat.sm uhie(aveum0 d Obi whdo lob.teotu.bs ie watem ,attraroalhiseitS oed, tsgau.d bis<mo eein, t o1 neslj ezaisi la it vua ii,5a the boi, miemsuevab4to» d eu <bo vestetoomaud bidsohud on cns sraits ofth. plamy. mupoe .l David Ah-e, eommaitllug bis foeus. te the Geaif ut meet, img thean bouhat, o Ands: thé sse .moment, the Alibite ile itsaeume dtthmesdamdb.Wsiilb oes, Mdtheboamov.i elaulM tsu-I tlm seIdlelype*ed inathe long lime. dUse starà re6ec, se, thdisbark gideai i&W w-r-utatreaid <bey pos.ddla tes mi-i mtes utitil t.ye>mma s.t Ilu moostit lak I.*lu ho smcm u mm- taluen aoou lry irsg uehet cm liav:1 mxed it terrert tas maime abt Altey cnnver msossdlinu »yyw"yh tacaghoWnoticeTh lg Minseset@ tait> maeuaset the rpoaseasth mager. At s~tlbbut __ ecls= :rzaauîta dlpomh OIS C fi mueoa ebt miowlis etIf mi<ueS M 'ntelu C on Cm = Mm vute , snilm PU&suit eti 0 ofouakin. l Te hie "" tsauisnmW, h. boboit .lormmkm. Thott iumgiy mata! lecali-1 ty ceuld uet baud*"akeet 5< bt sae Olivet; bes. un sas Sm.,99 inluMIl otlsairespecte, iesdiBWu t .it Unmd- impe te<thsenu ho bsd gpudt asua few dmys hock le l luttime! &W.s Mr- r-nosdg bille spsrkwod sf6 ýmynW1â. îud gtased titi nommer palasut t.v-l leu ens p5aO1 031 d Clorions srdm of0i .tSien vswucepessi th a Ssi of w bitoe ini, tItih.ttialmmsnt oftgold, a gogeos ýet on d= nd- <enils, edat, aud ivory,, maiprmeos a<naes,DitMud tIycolonscftt ai mu senuauu th Umetfuselle oin, capitale of < touMs<atep. i, d Sos- lug Mrese.dmcal lve and mtu i. Andin the<buot a nighty tomd oe tit i lsprticu mu liav r@4 nut s Ve, gose ampeeousý,<bs.resl» pres<ho lt os mbati so humsbadpion- neal ttnblîa.muut»ue! e wtiti a emruout tiua invartbtgqae* CPsis t. 1i rmo t>PUivly onala uâht aepsnduual l saa gsoleatI. ai . w clrmaia bl togo elaistoites, ss ngea4 s inetI roeuttecklitbefrdl'hpimut ved .ehom,. 'An baltAlmeyl!' IlIttla. remlly uueieucion 09 lias premsoc. Ani tlbembeldu k-lau, utno se ag itert usotely et emb eis of the bail, but viii Inponiap asdesoate SUP top, ai md- 1AMd ho cMe te tire tbroesud s% er ust sport Irom lb e tieiolaonidail. ftlstt hall-. On Oeu seanob.asle Sgnle,fa &bs ithe cosmne.sttre, silbi ruafiaisi snd dovucaut qe. Bis fout oteWimun bresumord s&ds muverseset.uua lei à*ewvaamouarc la luspie bfils le acd ued a. .- tA" n t.. aeppesut te» u a sesige mble ptemestia g Lesine te touc ss _at4ialleg sasm à ud ds. W 0 snylaotn imas t maultyn mitai wu parila ___ p *dmie aa esle hsesdtu e ia lmte p ummi "Yh'eaIlen r pas e slis bl Visei sof »diet'~teu cesb Andy.tt ne, mll u'tbesi a . sajm;su. i<bmdain 64 uja, . meuuteal ii. Isee ti t, p u h.spemld disâm -owa UMWMOcsd tb Woçfandt eiem, b s*wi-mhdli »cmt.o ",thu b. hel Th*sPla i 10 liS.a ~ié ;I dg48--- et no ~lswelg 4 -tt.Fw,.liav, b au t es1ttb l -iebblm ~et- as noiu~Ce"1 puit, sud soc. .sbs wtt mmi umabeas, ..d enea irsi n.dl éecuraath ii. ety of ale. aIDlg hoem. h le bamuble te de lutties ta the szetome of bath the. OfIMcer td mce. eoftii.Ganims..,= he ti.moment of the "raisgot.the. pasenlt perod- 0.0. macziuoiia. éwed thone su et- saple et zest s"d sctil "t bethy 30- by iaitated, and et da*,* " mekibs nrain< %igt b. imsuthi e ueut s»d cap"a Teres ef th 7Oh gltg directiom let th guards plat"d ever tiii. bmissle remmts o0< bel ou est.dsguction. W. bave hoard tiiet me.ey, piaa,sd vehushie pro- Party t. a verT considsombie anouni, Wo leoging teome oe sb.soes, wua ce&- Mud. h wu totm1 B, omuiil th<e b ebjet, bat pervos.1 mhdtmd <bat lun m- Dy tsstuc.s u.d.t c-zcts -bbspssullast nisaccoee.Tiho.m IdpropotijeaM<iii. occue.. caiu i se.be eeujectsed;». ina nut t e e ozeeddMIsModeuato cscltoemay be 1uf0 1mfron abs tsllewing setemeut et tiii. i mne.- Tb@ an«toia o S rm S au. emmiMI Mud the brita. la lb. amehehug<u1. bts... the Pà0isand sud mbicL Mr. BAsin'. fmituma owau mdiint the. fore. tmtl ma sdthe.f"sature aitho GraLdset £M0. lu eotUmatedlm h ammii bsyend M£0000@<h.lsetre Roy-g ai sas amord ut <Un QWM» ansd Pkseall m is..i but me damegebusbondodei. AThe boie.of t.then.o . . ,uosa %was lau- -d 184 tho P"@". ai ce sud tborneet mis- S. WALKIKS and mus",a2*msum- ri etth* .ilhams onUs. dM511 ilme.utm May ba daimmed feorallgbt dtmgu <o tues 1arr. t I. té m acdm etf& loarsumisnasse, Pr. Rouxa u sas a @Mure: pug th - qb Nef. Bias sEd t sthe dime in hie thoebou.e teck <iglit sud upeet the. c= ' ow inathe »Pectr oed mugtetone, but. se are hapapy t. my, h. l <atreooig "cewr v.nu miiewE5le A Mi*D htilesy Mteosuraway thi asavine ngubu f uettter Wh" nbmmiuteoeamidat &ai<bewodiofmum. Bm ttie rbisi of the slnd! Whm t <ho gt sithii um<b. sud or chsdared hy lb. deaassmm e las- baud bediserder sud Ibm nubuii oftho pp iti ltleomtyithHleabe Him f MWebo mi lee.imsation..ns aa.cma it. @&et te est humbe S<on bat it mai b. pîuseavd or ilaeits pserve <randmmfiw bs pur- piiimfersii i1s gte. : te guidem ia th<ttae f publiesu d ividual solIst. an th.. qI«meel &.é.da, abs a" o b1ectng dos mte soe is eh tn t eet <bis sverotiv s otueetdiscerd.injisoticea viMOhic <ba it acdes baie bee.aabM@sWa, W. statetarsplotd asena«@&edpow- m. tiveut. Bt al ile h»melmdueve- s, buat. la cornupte volsuesitistes <ha amdtwc, sud poutese ooer toethes dm pi o<mm<as be fo M àwus ga- tmmd, nvdutmd -:e idsea of -uk lltcesd ueMi's ito *Iot" th hutausu fwd for sstsl dW tonne O<beIg7bhh, e mtica te~s e<ashgo sd noe Wb".e wsale an ospedi.ta-ou euoe iags,. Bsn ilisifà"i.dotiuity O<f4 b dico- te Wb"e it aissys slus muwe. focato<b.te mauuàse u eN t uss.. Iamad n 0" d b e*t bta Of églis th e setrea Mgr& tdwussmai bu * blmisu<uw barOwA 0< ~E~Le~y taota laem;, igfmtie i oft%@ emus pnirmity 0( Sec - ug. i ~U5.e.~~ut a, ,lt te~ oid etsti.luet," m meUai e eossUs r h. an 1 dte i medat thm MMW O An d et -- - sitijotase s thik right Ouglit to beiong 1P uM;thoe avud snil~uia sted by '<aeet your Ch u rht iinmediately t, b. gts Over te <bue Of Our Cam; snd un- dur i enjoy e dera »eesd ha pun o tuhn mthe C? =ortMt. 'togehr flazample ithe ti Il i tueMy *laitraties te which the past suittuturs bapifsse Oft ho country is refer. al.W'.,as, MO, iu erY thiuo titi <tie pFicaitreden ofail casse, ho inliat aid master tbe inhabitantaefthte marne counry the subtjecta of the. Urne Prince, the 'or- aiippom.'of the. saRDe Diviity, uder ad- verse sud hostile bannons. The gocithtin <bey @»re o efor othor n n wdistant pro&. p«4can sd teia.ovntage sbjch tic, pro. pi <trth.msslvee, imuinel: a goit b besud titi be, to tho sud of time. Bat itas toe Mach to suppose that il. Britisii Goverumeùt 5111 enter ino te vise ts tbar pauty, or abandon any Mu. tien.cf its subjocts to the. uncctroted do- RInknoso th dPZ o the otber, mer,. uter te thoir M"iuds, iitanotmirimer t, tiieir seilnn-iisusGazette.] ýll q- s-ut, - ~ -- - 'Pr [m 71 r Gin it img oI ob- met ie w. lb te mof mon ptie *s' -wth jto teIl a MUsa mut ttt ter .7%f vas th YMWY j LOWER CANADA. jl - snoium 51055 ~ ~0 I monirsl, Aprit 00.' Ai sqwutue oroe egbt hmstov.ulng,a shil thoeompmu7sw.suiugfbethe! al gii Br" eS mricoga efet,<i. stam ofe rue M tiat nouis ail e siui »o nue-1 rems Iumioshon thoir respective ocwuas- tise.. s»d bsfoalmttealarmbadrosch-1 oabse tnetibsspifloW wMotl ehuted gué mmU otite. ltrbdlag ls Msay Ire. qe a te t aq.uor, prdlog a ecene et &eMsila gmeà asud de.ta eMsaly-pi.r- autiin latie iitsej of Moev.s.sa.- Aàbo« t tbuty hle. sud gnteenid à»- seableuinatba tloue bailrs omttud Slip Qenrsd-âie bess m d ether lansias est. imgagoe t,thon <h. hies. udfgr. 1a1s.ge Whdeub Iboe 9 ud e of etattla, sud Pradoala . ~aeieos radon, viceuusD gud tibi toy tirougi h tiv sae bulaag. la> tig he.!Mulei t s o»Cure tit Ogby laddeaibid tbre.ii indesu,ps on- lY sftbee ct<e t <beys., wtioeven & tenukoeau ntj t.secure amY oetbtei haaeor propeaty. Watii dtEcuhtg'Ibs teose w... as leared. Iy tmig ihe os 1 dosi by ldaor pacd <o the sandou tws, <h. fee. rnilulu the< ce u4rn <ho b l vMrg.mb <h.a ed hansa! hmas dmerlptU*% mmd m*li - tuampas thseuppeapovdope. <. auàfvorable nmogeent..but. se mneot .w sny, btas maof th. bogrds.,lm un1 ihoveneusto Laualai ~ 'is. use Resana i sd Cr, vo weu sbsq«wesm tMti lmev atllef usmOyyppezly useu.hItbe vii bhlMecbws C odlr"rudwbwbt "" 't' 5,-LBZXA,1 *u " Pememet = h. rexS *Mdwlybuu" "huflat b 'ou Megsranch u4sdbe atu b uA oviepm lwdeom lalasgo Imm,, 1t- P.. cwp... TUE HERA LI. KagmmpuNW-bueaTg Mar i, 1831 The. Charle Cartel msrved at Now York on the 2tutbof April. bringiag Paria dates kit. Mde.3 et Martchs. Tie ftlwing ja frot the iNew York Amenican. hxrii.r&.sT.-This moruing aaly ut miojymd <the ansted tett«r trousHar, vaass et Oh. moment of the doparture af tii. Chaties CanaiL t. ina.important, a MUwag-.-dt<ho intelligence by estafette fîmes Paris b. soit taund.d- -Liat tite neo- liation bts... the French, Admirai, tii Porte, sud .lf&4Au.for cbecksng lt mmci Mlhau. tend bas. dierejarded hi thse latter-abat Sir S. Canning - al <bai tinde Sain ta intertbre agaet Don Mi<ak« btat the Podaotes heai mide a bu tOporte. flair., Mareb24. lise Chua .Carroll te golLg out. Tii luiiett rtirs iting nts f OeiL Solgmaolav'ag takren M00prsouena in s serie ne ues0 ,,aal<ba t he Etyptasn atm . by the= acouaIs, tasmarcha1 on U.ktnpe Tes viii bave bond Osumagng gocia. tien bas faili, l'h.ed9--"bgoveroaaest MigeL is tagnaiDutriad Laiitte wsas e i.it of seiling aiU hiu preopty te psyhIa bts. Theoideaof à agucrm«tovuss etrteuby a triend, and bain Hoolorti, penhope. mars tiso 9% millicue. silà ba purchassa snd givn te hlm. Moly p M.ess, isewuid hlis - ocibed tergiy, mont contribuaesola. <ing, bsu.poiticesamn mized ap titi Onaupagepop f to-day's paper Win b foulithe commencement nofithe Charge of<h Ho30.. THuaC31uY JU@TICx <tii Grasit any oethe<Blense District et tié opuag et th. Spiieg Amin.IL1< las di. cm ei»gatîspetîstit" mal tegal intr,- IloMwaw*. rsgr t eeigly abat tait di.sarev tems&tMm poblisbing <the rat peeu te <h. o pmig o th. bill ebal inird hWi sssien, there oieaieleiisntu.*ma"sdad tucdy- sis* cfue m.puoaimble titi drut r da li ki. Provinceof Bythostatuts ai- ludl o te mamhm bonen redacid te It viiesb.oes t<bat asamieutdstructive ilîau ooosevd kt àNetreaiut he 24th ait by k buub Fla> rivais latllividuals havi ly dMstOy.1i>b tins q *. 0 M5 uIt. T'h. e loi esezubave divided the Tow m asflalosa.te inaia!duwm aste hoé enu th.es«»uf.et usgeado*akamd -n:ssKn~ua ras S lotia 0*rmsomWruulsck trott W- Mom ilt-alied.Mffubl sd b streo, mmi clsse teet- eus ag- the Itou& a" iouQesese, " ofi <b am cIw mui acqisgsou sadst -Nb Dlj-F o n absintersectio d djGmGe abeoeeend aii <o tuidge T~4o, t<epm D.QuatJr. L is. p0ý auahM -ar ot. . Auelaal V tW*. . mith. As- WOhul tul i uumoio *11élw. s seny. larse. il n >il bm, ftw Jý .1. q: 422n L.1%C94M