-- ~ euusxl 1rmmýg*f1býdQa,$4 u lNe. la a intëobefCqumaen of t4euitaaqfegb .h~i55bavia1gohna X," « ao "a t m a* orht thth ey of »W o Wét tmqsmei«*S-mae meus iasblIoIasoGare.irtsSyma et uf' b"ean, vubean q wud it he agese ae a£ 4besscd s60» ftiea" JIm theDkmn40kfOWUt,,<ieM- I1OM.W¶ ids heiIcfJasa. H.ofUs. sai Cotand bal t re ia ioe, mor ç6m gus ef scouait, aeaiascaepmpeu tbne. gmjidarmc.maetem dit* uro it *il sji vs ctdal le sIate, s te e rosissprosel,«or asl o aoNtea2 Mayse am uto.. lie .15d .s.aor cl a e asti c iste mbci".lagu ii JOHN DMACLEAN, 1 Sraiff MD. Sh«e Off.Ulice, Kington, matrch 20, 1833a 09 l bm eaoby guve, Outmîby irtus .NoeWpmun 0 Aitumeot .. ff o b aay's Distric o omt a9 *6 midlami District aet te suiat èc ave. Besms. *, gst bm esaat.. ma ps i. "Ad &Il h4o f meoni»=--4 ss ppi nitimg li,of Ji Moo3s sh.saiiag or eoaiated dimi fer u b soU et ivlwe yPot"osix shiEl a"sudo»s pemW, 1 bive oten tai l e le aswon geame, éeoi.ooai f them id Jloba Moore, &Wi melo th. ata John 5Ioffro rt"e "là *c fiJatuiction of the ald Cort b C lJ halltoa i t lien basa "B .monte6tia.le 1:a8 " , aumilthe soi$m WOU vlir»Ies personsi, 0,te Uicad Jeoie Mme,. vli Ee hold labla fer litsemId JOHN MACLEAN, iait IL l I TCE se hseby £~~tafgras est fJlabNsje.y% 0Cet of King% mii al eu~stae, as WalA l as asns Boloao, s. sieco Ig or *sessdmhtea, os eat h suit of Alimu i., buugs aiJouan lY. Lofer h ?lm ý .- =,»1 ie mat c sime vwaas es d'papom nkuthmé asurut i'&blit te jat iact i no cm t iel t.a i ileca i iitin tires1 elda r MOMti4. us m aate. aitseast -paumsiuie##off ù» ,oudFrasmée . muulaor -#0 Mmci theisa qp* h aoeuuq vêlAi, b.ld limite fer tlis OU 'elatmm. JOHN bNCLZAN. llaaiffm. D PItedifi ffis, Kippios. el' tit Mardi, 1893. - ourfmasflsajsu.12ri MimaiDlii agmîmt Georg elvm m sbom"Il ;=sidébmter, oas aetfi. miti4 coslr eIon pmouai aléste.. *mm e*otws eaithemsuit et loia *111te.nuofn ft mepou.dm moyeu a nt mIWX pomaS, 1bave soseoS&Ilth wi mieampenai, or tie sel Enu*t mma" m"tbo iemid ose wwtua. viable f ha jeuie oflm Court *W*ltiai4h..sadar mon tislSIi>dsofabmay 8u% or Pl ta the actiom.en i le rei MdiPpi tueletoffthe -4e orge Basa, o f aa ~ Atfctaot se -puiIIMM1. lireiDitit en tbo~cBI*.ofTéhi E, laiss sit~~~~~a jaestu*autj 0«rem e ..~s. *ieça fo li~.fosa-um m lili es aiismem itascm b te ethe aga«. W sI. tic Maiiy c *= fas<i Mid iisuso ~TO B£ 4ZT. M'é Ïkk, b sdin .te *4816 id**t r-, î. vIt*uh#c*2t JJu-m.atmc ei h s lâl OJ¶FI*U t iWrt oiW ii D, icjýt= a atési* TdecB icin .1 lbs etqsIsm s çuys oe enflas %e isb f--ueswt. wlu ioi» broim uea MM, u&hIab attis lumi hPs wau t <5W1p115st45 ofiie eosonletla vIt s Mlm ua,Pdmý lises pothns e a Mitla» i iii b.ag ec v En..ie Zwfiaoioc lwa p.. l u ta t ciy e**-ofi Th*«t. Gaseusetvet l msai. a"te padasua, mmli.tira.msi. m. ibu mm eue et thes Blia oiUué &a**u. District. i *P laelieai 6 "lsb, wa b mM ticBcs I . amomn, A" ue Iaie ~te mina. i vet, ftmee i. il m111 tlow the, sud sp i, i im 110 Wou lita os ta>1.cua mm t"beaii hs.ottc émii lob*. 1*ml miutatuo =Ete ew esCi"ma byissr5 aI s - sLu * liOTICE, Aismieml'eitn ci Nimoittovu, desususie I5q5OdS.1I1OU~ bevlirn1elsiss - eM mÉts*slfo~isai -:iy ai- <s ~~him tomés a d~sudh oie Wn.PfIITSH. Elagun. vi Sapêsmhai, lUi bmd»lmtpsym«M le1 Je" D..t »M .Yi S15?MA UALsVNSSim.a bogis. avoi4, mi piss thea deiiiciwwatomb te "b,.ers lia, Gmt Si,1138 UON IHYfEEs.hain sle. - #M, k nadsatlo thé W .m> lkilmsy lmns 83.1gb the lauumhe i nome t ns~ad la iuvti tqbsehcub hpTte te it Ue inpbte Koited 8milit~iaWam m à ot lu tisnsê teSe"gel Cai m isiorbOe Kigotoff, litViarU F10 SAL.- Los-s ,Mhe o Waerlovis.-Lois NoiU, 1%, *Apply t.Ma. Mib.Ieqatgu SAE...sNo. lommi Us lts a prie of »s - Cr, lub atig etiorll.i ls ~LE?. SIematvUic. Kimnioujsu. wiI7i~7 S-. -~ -t * N0T~L A~0~L~I us 'Gniai# et O.miem, an q~ viii â~nU~5Uset lie 1mw, bu liS imiocaibea. ~ MsaobiSj*US. pU~LCNO~1C~5àU5I fra fat et e. C8astMgsq SaIiitmse aIelsL m 5 toumgloisOsnIo utiîm 8cem the OOM* Ai ie e am ,La Ne oeua âa Oaa. ~ Iii. iadtatlmm viN h. 005* tassisoilsu ci 1.mimus~ osai ~ ka~i*iheeac1ooai t ssf la ~skp lb. PUI~I~WI5 tItiS i.,~ 9,' s GemMai. -- - .- - - - - - y l p-«: .1Jmty se ,Ulieeffisvte b BosaI A Le mrzs abeswsa r Bm, Ibm, 1 %*Ag wAdur. »WCASTLE DISTRICT., Nom« l a heaaiy givma, fias tis0a-1 isaigasi Comumlim "i viioceivi te uoract ,or easmahpouot.xSset v0 - fflwie-To cesufref aàLei et the Bob-1 mgU moie.amothe outiel h ea flanai-1 pou ad Pc ligeona Lis, off about 29 flotile S<lum.-Tse mtracl s Loe foae i- ugsedas t Perd Mill, on te 8IcagoS ive, efi. ei op DI OP& *ad TassyBoai Saliovenet les.than 0 fmtiinetlisd et auficq u ti *bte mlie Ulosnos iplg 4<Bot l afeatopFm ne &W Io~ wal.~UE ael at. pItb.-To der Pbthesmd.eiesVian vali mni Oloabee, fmiebwic offWbit. ha, xapi,te tlitt ae mi.uaPalt- xWL wTsclaet aidmisé avi¶1ble ferBots Cva Casai fa.. lihe =men s *a Oonmis e 15TatgMs'a Mil, nta Cvsn. 'unie information May ise blalneuiby teJ . BdB.., Cobourg, or d.P.tebaoagm ma te lOt10 Sy eMay met, byaiiclétmé i Cmm- sa aura Mill have imi lie viol.iuloSd kipma oovaasuroveenmd fropeicupen aivemsslued. astpraninest tsctory un o ricrvim. litatendersai vi No udltqial lUe etre i mIe villou. livé ataçlen Surettes for h due perfort 8.BEWN, uesNEED. RIVE r TENT RDE NI'KOEo i.roby pivon, n mi- -ut = ~m'TavezialiiuLTr i fÊa. suai perse us are 'v.ii0agoau ditaimIl.eautftnag ofa Bouge vme'it NAna Trout, aý ear-Mpeafat =, an a pla n lmla ltie Cmtmani lm5.aI Kiaeen, of lit folboving dînsadoas j.eMutb &bout:: -----750 1Pé«. Rugi t s 25 B.sdti -32 No Tesudsrwll i. notceSuniepltie pr- mn effet prodceus mmtucoy 1masfihat ~s'sMuit na5Misd sccwoote deis- eaisdie ---ak enfsufilet sm*roiées vu i.aquir.d kma the paenacoituttnug, for t9 du» hiasmnt of te Cantret. a. C. WILEa*È. xsxissa WBInu. , $ka. G. Buvauaa. IiTrentt, lM.ah t, 8lu a IfPis1~aber, sio o . ~~ds~l18 h. slbiicrbo e b.au- Qmsu timot muee WCi1lve Wm té satndtethelb. ders . et bu wviamy favotiatienm iitbuir eaIma. ThiU u&> sartméselofDry Goods im vu oui~:Bve oeyatceala t lice; a .a. "4»b Fimemels, gaewhaie.-dl s.a bobz llsMack &ad colosd Gtos dei Nqhbauiua'samome, Canton campe, De sRceiu.îlimaslà ii»i1Hanum- éhB tb " iai.. Chintze, oo, e d Caniei4 IrishtULe».., Dlpe, Jaconet noms xoo Mmala, rPud-ecotch, Eo.- M0406. Cleta. m Igit &Bd' Sari pcnitd. bhsIg "dmilweahug mnd" me Itb Arp Ébd pm Futur. Ciech<%0fg3bona ÇsuasRslula" .1 love.;vitib sn te . oit reesouable fmu. ina iaior l.uaema il Uifra, uWl wi tee" gk ffay hui Woù b.0i dm Uetut4Iea "ai*wut m'ému ee 46*b miii vs~yEev f., Cati- .iieht.1is l fs ara...a P«Q..te cau a is W&Pbeu e*athm eimaIs f wav bum m 1 nnm%'JL7ng4A »W OMN; WW»mbýeý ad *Omtot*" 'Im Ift~~liq iZI qi lr -. ---. ,.,,-e~.' îm~aar~.. ~ a - r~. slo * < a nvbt le to U piqm l n vili OnÎlle IMe __co aU aimn * Njý ana ý-v- by Umm bv*"Aoll.*.Publîeb" bi -M fflie- te Mfýore semmul, tw Cn bu= kà *am mmt, mg be duR i mon* PJ"""U il- 1 I rru ma kir ww r. coolr- 4o 77 -lm ,vol ï- i- lame. Ibo otwe, 1 wýW M ý ý-- --' -1 W, .1- ý -- -- It . . r, Pl il be og su»d demowi, op ttheisbeur of depsearsreft is mise, sentiami mitig. 11lectiu ons i bu wt iag mi Ue Mcan j.auasl, logmthur vti s Rovlsvor NSctos Bwo Monfmfathe.1ni ii s Puilicatias liaitbaveimwuirmen It Rom dertag the ve.k; il bu lle a tMorai Pa-! ro""eusau aivertiolût popo, mai liais-1 C.s natute s iwd»tgea md i5, 1»- rertlsli is hedaiiy p a"etipl- lueoefadvmt.tnbgelu%= i.ta: Wa Ly AuîîcEICf i .y doutasMU40Wan te! dditiaF xpm =artx= sd.tu.par amen, in ai- 5amd-Waair, Volume 13, le palauiNt Ma lurge imporal e tof si mqlrppur 6 vii conitain li ae @bnons, bbfoodouj end domestic; Wiita--u'glooheto h", liieaary abd aCWeetll amami e aU. pe=md Aumei$es, ""Imme«lMs of sIoff ibeMWnvpbiatoaed da. A collunu or mmlsiims t.deotIsiLe sala e 1 ,mal kprouuilbo » chemqias .pcu e, or KOOWWa-, h e, IIE viii serve, tu glveuulsy,vhouIeii eiir- leg viliiiuleeilee t *bft bu bas i Iaaatde doec.aw -sutyNw Ymai À"eitdWii imn otut" aPrim. eamno »d i UsaiNote lm bteolioaw» "ba( f Sio s ei B"ae.Cilesap, Réoga k. N_._i- a--jly aepmsfr lt Temen, meundol uer pet»atinalad- luita2r-WsekIp hueras.comiaima tie s ea i tie alsa ln the ibAimppea, and amiefaon îm ayin eft4 !Kfimei so sItar. lattlof .1Mar ' q leu ho Trl-Weekly pmJap iuhioi ta 5.v Xewl-York. 1 Itle Toy cuv ti flim iof ittou- Cac, e& Vry teepaie, fiat Gentlemen thé Stry, ho wÎb met oeily te resd tbélm* o th de, ut,%lbt viaht la T-WeMiy, a i s ef "iealy Nais-Tek .iuurkam.,Winilew louýin luaï. lits teth ne sud aK atwfl el Sité ey. M ioff si SfsdX o.dfsu sud Niel Note Tsile-"d 11 LeSie o orlai ue bat le afdlpue lie, Saly pepea, lie aiverhissusua m s ne me oftsa p-UbtisientalaIr as la Ole-dml, viicit cubl« ea te glesaIl lie n"qtn aILerof lte Daiy. 1Term, VIVE POU-&%%êaupota70091, te md -AUMCAN EAILELOA> LOUXAL 4MeA» TOCA&TE Or xu,..IUUiHU Volume 2.-Tieeroml Immtoe»a e i oien lot cf J*»Mum, 18M WUslsi»ad pis sutasciber. li tsW J"ladooa tus seond voltume, vawikt a Ge #Osso Unonci'vuscietm dobte*$ a*a » W t bed-7;-as i t'Î;w is-e i Ï i mi tssche ào lbSHuosiieeo a en! .u~ ii .fsil y the iagtnm t il.li4«klW. b 1s mm mhfBgild4 out àw me a rlagsa lu saIsune."yautaBap in" la our mm Okew la lomuieac thev metefechl.'at m boss lmate iesgmvlgio is &ca.f nu aw u ea, lmhscm 4 eS t.timéaly.2 bmoafsuetsa.ngmissai plcas Amrule w ma=li tàe tbe toWr tud efsac.IlMbIO cOiai. M21 d "vd Te mCieul, vi . lguBW . à" t 'upt Wl giÀ *dm- nio!I ý aimett t4.ekpi iê 8lo*%o - u -awha~.~sdt 'r4IiUi l Pea IMIIM, lsuadvanea te s&W& Oasubm,1 or ivel"s ceps. veill e. antfogitdNpaidimadso. Ait c». "MaimeforRauy of tiheh.,b oet,. mats viaddasas e thliaPropatetar, D. K. PR>3SPECTUS. Te Ee puoiimis, a Commercial Travelil,1 19AP er rosi:CABADAI mmsd zoaramsunSTATi, or AMBRICA: Br peramisien dedicated ontteCoaiaoooat RoisEaT BAaié, C. B., 4e. 4ec. &c. by David Taylor, R. N. ",18 M wil i aclud. lie whole or th Cauads andNoriaaai Saes of Anar. teâ, se frSouth us tlatitude Off Wahog te.i, sievimg Laiee, Riva, Rayé, Canis, Reade. Tos».aVillages, adduitacesly -lan amatelr, 4c. 4-c.b an a #caleoff lîra iselaS tea domre, etlatitude, compiled front Ieo tatest autios, aidPeceami olaervaijîn boIe.. lieé pomma 1827 adiB33 lie Travmlling Mop will'difimr from th, eth«a . ul ie bin put up la th usual fon afa.ciubhcato.m. a esuberriSi,, ets.doivaay, ugodollars aandla5 Estf-to b, doelivesa ie 1epenna. 'or son, w'nîjî te become mascribers a ite be, ,vril pisas mppty tu, Johie Mteul,, Eq. Tisa. Turpin, or loi. G. l'aimé. or POCKET COMPAXlo.y AND rTLAvELg AuN£MIGauRAT' bo eeu,<t Ina. ienialo tebis friends and the jpouilic «Ieel, fiat lho inteaids poi-ý CANADA, dlicty,m sai iicare oow tn acuel paiçarefles tinl; it o*ieicbe ready fer delnvcy sarly ia abus Spflg. Theso Map il l e cagmraedon Coppet, ite os ot pleadid style, a I tel &Day vank of art hitherto prodneei aoflis Cani. da" m. »mh ap t10 mer ly <t by ai bier av ha e &.avamnage of the cielesat prOof imp-rsooeuah on delive. ay, anSth lis vrili liha platte vmuh cars on tiebot pape. Priet of e«Ch, Wtlta boude, K"Pdýtoip i apeftme,és, (I. M1 Mmd ticheba"si vituavoloas, e *tl4 faduie buscessinleà gftd portaile icam, coavsnlstlly suited!ha b. epocket, 7s nie paili"io, in mnhitll ie.he$Mpe le publie eaulisio,hg teCati liii s. 09«6eale inmsuteo htin thé m ou. ceasect infirme" avete titsm, pre e smae Y du luestuivers, Be, 0 i sia. icsltltîyme s.eati, a noail i beiate os icontaWblg notice# if thé Bsatplaogas.l eanmd de- bos ut l a .andmi pe, us ise lbthonurt »dma li tb toces off fie direct routes tliov. My loutvuvilaeta, roe Quatre thrint si mpIr Canada. Mm a i M*alfsMi te semblas claepen theilijW lsArlisimon confidently w a, comuc ta tiens b notice of Traalru, usfh il givo the MWi ,f Mepui asi Wemsil nus le moat minte Gssapnithè is interoflmç ii4d e ,Ucish mpir e. Aslb. dtI b piU~1lu micte te kilnd up Miu a t Jgtese àà g fafsu j% s s ertsof PLNS, Di- A =AI Id" cievartos Towo. uop a-Towauht~a~ isePirovlecas vitimmediata 00 lp Obiewv th.uig e fiboie veit- lit Y 11MES TURPIN. là mtqa lit Aerci1. eTI MID N ISTRICT CIRCU- lu LMtN LiBERY. rju" maetie*rspttlly heg tee, AL te *5mWBeuis &Bd lb i Mii vDsrcliSle aethis de! a-casaa aO eCUA~G LIBRA- f. T aelea" hove t v i&tlay te- X, lomailbue supsasi clmbes of heti qu heeimnie.ssud .f*li»as w,#taom n -bt li!Me>emamatoctils prs.. Bn secdr a ~t li bmaq ite country r~ ~ ~ ~,b mes7wye~c~l ir t s oayte, lb.~viiiprevde nmmefor ther Nifé r- ~~~- ~ j tee1mieshctl o li uemi. f«lir mi au t n. OS ic er emti YL 9. .Couwl a ehseiheia.on lheustm '**f te fiegUiW lu ingtin; d illmy ww lel ia firdu-- lb~it _l~ylipopnIèder,)meise e I -~~enez y m m ~ u oàfi siaeusseaea Tekî <u tiscai oui t. ut emi 17 o1'a laPl Oum tu et the a cma P«Mo ShAub. umemisa ,vice d mut i l Aux, ma tesue-Rb Mme sais -law i ;;.ý -ý o , --- > 1 1 -li -1 . r -1. m -1 ýýl Z; ý- - - -- --= ;-:;-" - ý -- -ý -ý ý ý 1 ý "Il-, 1 ' h. blà w 1 - -1-1 il Ir 1- 1 -1 1 ---, F3m--.- - =ý ;m i '! jý wim L N *lm b«q ebýt m44jËý 1 1 El Al ,ý4» ýL - f- "Moi a da- 1 -1