Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 8 May 1833, p. 3

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________________ M ti -w - 4 ... naum1 V"lub« wm bel~rn on*h~~ * t. e vlea or uMe usnpvstlm- ln My siunt iie ae -mmavedl. ~~~~D as a hs mvsel, - csttanudauagthmin v"e ---10 t toia e o:: eMnit ns~~h ietpsme r.W bav,»ne laVotesa e- îug sMo li»W un sldstas.et Jusph tlaaim 01o,' B omviII Ire =2 ta *MWjefrvsad*Wg 1h oantnuod oi.1 l fiWvoedfeflfAse, m u oAin eenila.- ise <liepub "-e Pm& *" mi a s km bas em ic0944ls TUE HMERATJJ. MM388 Woom'sn v a , Mi-r BadnamdmL U 'le tm, un esebhfl e aot u mm ovvneur 0 mâtue, sud uleCye07teg-o liteMajmby' Goensit i s *fiun <i is, uateeta bel ensis- villueut i*las.iclayiag twer , a oueiese e awat. -or bting lie te ibe peicywirlttL bant'~~sedvasd go paume. lere slM. Heromnsieuld adopi tii ui tiuooatautuutenlum eliot orthd lA eauti e i sea tos*, te âlbv tise diof stse ett.rs jolgumi, listbae gceiel Ira Majui". cosiuedal, leouyea t ho l that bu cus e»aneaavlileute a- i mml eff M a.d o .1 -e effsaaay = 1-à a ot tab Id e âtais Oa di&. sTown, . 'il pi.. ftfelion herraugs. 'eittoo e l t letj nt upon ' gns i.thia, his, det- Vus o Pubti Te hsm I*5W55 N. ierdale hn Tgin. -nivsu eaut-hise t" f'a u ,- *- Ne lasr dateftfvl ugbl&te iâopaicIl4 th"arn tebe relier- En DisatRA or UB KOWI oric toir the lutin lhaspausd pos thou n e&p FrsEacl.do, wkCriceer v wîcathse cü* oqo th lie li V t ale s a b T: e Wn acot ops tt d spatci vuM stsaansitte ~p l<114. tel1t.bale m Ragtmi: CMevOnt" et Uppur CasedhA' ,,Es Ibas icbr, . 9 resua esiel a,'lic XM 4.81A COLOU<r, L e I l e: là, loievicgubImm eteflos. Tii e "em . . <id te eva baihou t oies. delPi- York, M i .pi, 108. l nMr% ma le hea uowmtd rismofaist haiu-Vedethliecsamon ta iui »ytm o»y6k r .oe' w Paroleas "M" ualicntrie MjsIGe , as, tas hu.' tsaipop,,550 Vti-veramuut, and mn pcauv l,' lu àlie ab- mm 90 Siving hW it5*er n e doing.Id mues elie Sliitor Geerl, wbo il qua tberalbre othe enea lu in pauienubeau ly al5tod b,'tle nomme5 Vins , 1 . féelil; dmtabtn e nas te rvquKui, it] aasgaedr.hmet idabm ecindy preeved atlic M= WiI bav te te f.mna 1 tie'uea"*i"yi, apposaIte lie police,'i 0-me fo hm k vst ireacx opblif dt,' rit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " RMeu Uis mvAenet"v ahue bua.idriclsate envus eh bave nma1W dihnt, isovever renaît vs i ti. inse,"&1.1 ulgi, *hO u - ihomo.i ,zOPg< ($item) a. 3. BO1ULTON. e lic eevé».Lu assem bue b. ubi*- To IT. l,. OWAN, r ae " ati a" %»& a u sfi osmof t Pnivaie secetelr,'Ite i ~ - Es ~.~ e ~ LmuiSr,v NAuenotae. i ame m" eutitai,' ds<eileepm b risse u- SmIiApeui,9aI b pui te UMu. ettn Uanho d f% u»ýlsbn.-I bmwes ithOhet b 50p.isi yc thugs gouy jelnad vilthlic msij oresin reiite yeur latter oftbiedu ,I tble s Ummof mmby n t-cý neW& artLieuan i ae.ee uds te lai"la te Vident *ie, b,'»atispawm csth e st ni *.daspais <ef**Soutorotas 5m- Mant n atr, b @dble pa. rai issuEe luar,'alves, la tiat ,cu sad lie (A. < worti,'te blaount la 9i»e Lsgulatue of aitet mm er e< tse laulexm- E Uppet Cwmasd-bui4 b, théir vame.an - ofug ta eoer ç tthe s bjulen eId-tIN dmlg te amasimn lien pdialgu wvilé eeau b msovyed t10De m edsis- »W lit nssnlil epsmrvoa dslbemtvee, b,'aeh Mmmii'. Gesmnmmd M bol' mi issi r.solnu,' .s~ntsiwee,ili le concde, cumuulnsted b,' il.à %i th e aewng efeTer,' Parlisut b,'fithe uL1 bav te ii. bo eo. &a. ( Le.s.t5llveof t ejmty. Wli tic*9igsi) W a.ROWAN. '~Pbfutlis %veIia5u~'thuqustonTe H.. 3. ULTON, Espire. e the e stmblsien"tqeslo-t vaa ____am msIu e<Pieuiw, 5a" .itter e09itivih<.il h semisilm lo e Whvitpans ~U te,, *uMiboy ltvu-ti iisefrsuÇ(etaken b b,'lcevoWolutiemrPren t e mi. fie CIoWUl inister un b. jusidad wueau improcion mufavovablea e cPro- a ar, ai a lmnte dinoover. Wii UsiuCet te vémelat Govmsmsel Wu vin mt give P te Il"ommufltUtidai clij tiouw w tii u ahontane. A ltter km su li. Meam- p eaMM c5ste Ris Etoolhso,' tlie lehmbsapre alm i mCdeW MelAvoate,M lui lit e v.deo tuou', Esthlie itaêtit- ter u»mW« iaot rewmam loras b., l av tam las- deinicg ts pivlqges et paia- " b lu va,' sMu leudaossCM- ment, i t I e bu aaineeMw» el é doogusts, Md eMoni otle Mlle 4béemeofepeivleg. lim emebramai f et hoc luà, "ajeasd imge. 1W, two gpent llataass 10 iterfare viti thece@ es- tend ote .lies. Zauua EnBruhas e ispt eetir. uded,12m0r0ud et-î i elMO maun. '1%e qanticom h lie paad ulleesv.b m av.teiid .-= éed, ain . aeml uIlgar no," Vi, vise. Tic sdo<ticcuivomm Lool di zwcicw mtmth* 4«»1à ew, esas Goeééulai nlieght penper toadoMp i ilMMr.UKenaleprotsudate 1meaw anset regamitelle CewsOMM* iuet Uppe Ca- bel hot Provincial mil., ho e adà, mutbe te puvent gentlemneýbot- tenanet e igeutat onu ils beal--Miailp cre ul uniids"elai m and ml veee te ewu vsne osio dfeh lât i bap#* ttuMofi ie, rucs eterlug illate RAglanl d ovea- lic truli, rt. r thi e r<lie e o fAmsubi,' villnu- luisIs., lUss a,' oliemtW er p meelmai bu.,' eyvente«* te vote, av«Masunt. sot,.,cft estain Tevaly, vblab a saeretpvliLsgsp, cemarya the aiviese seric e as Oi fer b,'à atise of ti of *e selladLo*buvie as,' farlie u W le ndIaulsu aveyail, snd set in nons, m ing pruide et Dovning seo4thle hm oet l in use ,'eus.RBeulie grant ed >M lumaiilebu hir punhmeni. Wbtistacmm lle ichte uvlutaoasvweud mau- "eh s dits filageviior Win DM t&aIUme10vensivea 10 afaver. vases lc pnspntye<oueeai li',e exanl atice orE te b mon. 'Wllu regard te d ope , ,otemaIUe ueus te cruoU.. mmtien" Ut sb*emdsmaia etiaheCcroire 0& »4btheau -pted pohum ~cers ktaov , seoas. «"(lode nr- voua,' aodkàg. beSuimte i t te dom Pl," abOut ue-"àapremp atllettsei tMnoue mye moticu-beimorne lave Olba dandy exs; but vuoMaynjust urk. )i",ei'10t qira e trliauma t litepotr ogeetmaali,' counetutviitjustice mmi loàrdeliu- ilette usa,' dbCabnets proueut. Tic big joke lMI eEenie% if*cWis.as- loge<Ruaju,".Cabnet en'bnftila vondeutl h el isag is.alvie Tuhl1a MWt Utile CoalmrIUwwr limi. leierlb,' bas mautet ath0 e olai of- Vert,30àh A!Cl,18M $"ie!!, wbildeelitflui Wmskpov-ý ZBaa-RMving 1Usd Ekv lis m an age bt owsieme nceo = * âÏustée f& Aw llier f te d oIe"% .deaunt fthe. 81 Ne- s. ettbôêFrevanee vcbo, otil itarn!Yin lu Lslvis York mids ilenI pevuassue ntjin lappue Canada. Ti@ Asussiew., oy- çsrrt oeu 009W tJk oT t»dUuapatobel iatttip es."flusa MaSl ., lidMmg liehosam as Mr 'MM stûe"buau.thelienaît aus qa he le asv.islesv. 'usesthue ustoua0@0a, e..umesaso semesato r ma.Auanub,'4laAüSteene, d BeiIar Gi-1 Id. as t as'ilestaudoMiamy mte ab vftaI Mrtbise xPuin-oam LSd ceelias o ie hé Wà m stipu.eielfotEu.alatvislie llée<, ai, UilOil.utsyt lu ~i lv hm avikan' elum.alie oaA ($W-&) » i. $1 B ULT". tl.list e sxe-ibavate boMi nti6ap iis<.uiy buil rmh, a the îméi»n G- tu, to e ugua ie n neMugt wa mii,' sRiepthre M»d,* sud .dees.eriof; al la y.. a*re.imm telesUfseé fac« dm eyuu l bt <a, ueunsIm 'es uesu h la meméillaahoumUtmtctia uetiupss h Wse. - citerusIOpgO. 'bélilwy~ *0B OWAçQefil ou u - ai a hYorkd5 bu bmpéredthosui te lievmeuIbo ' I.s *am b the service.o emsefsgluaqit 111. = »em ud tii. blasimpaeicCiii 1u0 'a-1i17 eau Insu,. the sges et Ibis an- 14 «-mde , .are peruadeisdtic,'are P& IuM"d ii.afsvric,' sud onivermeli it- ta j"atI excted b,' thi e le and loftI,'eh- tau vorof et preaueut hotevc- =-The whole pj"tyceesioe of about' uiirty, tic,' embathe.ul Inrewocancem, and vould esertake, at Bytown,tbat portion of tic expediion h asecmpautied Captais loch tuEglani to Mctr.aitnIMen- treal Gazette.] AvOTRHe5 NUDI 00 Wednealay svecng leu, a Masuls- eu fuxas tiadestrions ha"te m&W aâcirce, was attaclesib,' tiretvil- usrticChmp dla seanmd beatus le *dresifl a maous!, thgtiet i ilslsont ay. T mi e poisons gep LaiiacuJean Baptiste Feurnelle, &asl-4nmcagrie, have beom f011, cas sulitutfort til crime. Tii. prepelratflel ltè adi issi*My, beaulibeiraed Ira. PS. îmes the day tii.,'commitistei sis esi le. wbici tbey arem ew te ho hrought later the isimsofthe eceuntr,'.(Can Ceuraubt. e M wlti~ ~ anut5 odm'fWOB for Tbc*utla te %ob. dslivwrest theba dL ane. faibit9:losrab u .scsatud ou applia- b tien et Ibu is . icub Te nrpua Rlte Cer«tes.,d a th& 1. u~ 1 m. ~es.s, s nlttel d T FM AnnueliMeting oftile Fzxa BluevoiLsnss Scar m vt <ah Llc swedà" u esdm,'i Ilimt tih au.. one. Jeha Eu,' aet 12 e'clech M. m. Donne;,Bselai'. KEnsgs ey a,4, lut ~ -- TO IT A ND PossESSIO gCe inn MtbEs lO,1 Esýt couemedion houa la sumtunutj opposite te M. OU lat nows b,' thec nM ofslit JablasORIL, vti a large ym»di im. 'blleLdgeRoontebevse»utde. Ap. ow teeuM,'O IL BOLCOTI'. fINE VOL lOWJNasrtcl have <île &Y lesa eeslivel hais tteMentreal Qoeec «,k bi y Et e o b cribee- RyseaBttiulu Ces. Bleca de. Ao fe t...I. Pidut, in tugseMNbo. 12 « oBet, awi ses. AIse». oa aCasa iélans- ble"eui a * ende Res A Baet .1moelu a"ee nal eums, 101. .» l I. &oteveami vWlic Us"asdmain"4ae àw..k" ÀMMt 14 uàIA vu bieu yt bt late Dleeof mifto. e Aiston fHml, lu Lacashir, eg o&TuLucauos MAmz, b,' dit Pi.- t, ouviceuem . Tii.performances, nd rg;tesofaixaPm-rua, Tîcîxeesut, ,is, »md MoLii, are veli kuovu te sp"tiiwel-.itAtK vwu eteea rtr tic IMeut purs ileodel Arabiaet dal; and veli knewu as ticelifemi buie UNIjal Contr. Whao Bk, 3««f lo at noui Ambausdor lu Pe- blellu it homees,<uduver" as tih zrs odtio, tiat ti eme bed àuvr ti e 10 înt tiet- tu, th ic ue cr Pmsiavlug nepeat- 11 deuasded taherem troits BaaixK ut- cxvie,» by force, had pomnessed himaslf lbeHmers, nou bl Anb Ovier. sreit m e'csmle l>lmd rou C.naantino- ID là aiemjeds i ip Peose, in 1811. PAOREE, b,' Mule,', MuIe'b,' or- ; e *Co.vMs ebv lsulngbreugh,' be'.ninpwUýKm ng- sugta Khg Frgu, K urga, b,' Ihhhle Sire etfusu,' irate au t.a loi XecZam, atiengt eliers Oe. Ai*"e, (sire of Cent.Âun, vaner et us Wintw.) ' i re, Done u ast, Belm t (si"e ef teAaif) ltr," (mOIliver, MumterlHenr,, &am, Sire ef Meatace, MesoieTA, s-Otva, olet Robin, Rectot, . in te a m msttegln su eblance of bePortrit et hit Aticaso, Ssm Pu7is rttiti, a gin uthe Aumaicàt niRvna Moest fo1r Jase, lut *Wi aI id tar ut Dasewuir 95 Lnga r#ssuusDU*Y 001114si »,Fo pêue BHEIF" S ALE- Iîdlan istricts IjILL tu e »M et T. wht S and, tis wes..a.ft.a,â aw e Jli ynuit, eai us liE..,. 1à~ia.., sb s Ase unSenu XANUP&to'l'O1Y Hie, au Hugincer end Agent, vie la igily reomm e ded b ,' M r. .Am e lt shli un, bis profssmion, veoldtlefas publie tiat b. te Dow remi,' te mals STEAM ENGINES Ocaslargeeg epeim ees a se eqeit,' pwpoesqi, itfig or Lewvvvisafose. Rigbh l" PrsasEngluin . la WMsplu, vie sin cas b. groual viii thé gamm aeulat vena oul raurefl le ram E charges, il «roundi othervi. sa., vltioaitEugins, fer Disilleiesae. Lb. Caatigmef almost amu,'diueusmulMI9 Castingaotalantusit". tusmel su fauised if reqeired; cetblis,' amI mmli screvs fer rasang ahis toeam Waceva gererli', 1 emo esinglolhwed lmi etr sarp-A i 1of,1Tut'slng as& li- Mr. Î lit eaisepaid paîtimcotabe tien t ILG AiGelsai love i viii tiai biné oft mi.., n,' test anelS liit t ai v iin loden e tha meut ippreveul plans. Pea" vmb obeaies, Basa CsstinBrse,~àZ 11 fHsvieg .sxpselesceé e b -1l tcejadideet ibat hle«MecivetoliS 3e gaul Wheoas,' foyot sein vli *ete emlema. JOHN àA. IvS. SAULHULBUT,41Z, e lmm *"N. B. Cmk<pmoid «ý ffr Picecelt, Mo 86SSiI, 1l. Ç-dml Rastiqegu iesChiptime, èuamelsn, erk Ceurior> auitea Fm Pr» Ou, usCe*- sibltîes, md CotsvslOsee villleum ismmetichsave tboete «teoah, Ifilabir respuemvepaperm, tai teevmd tbhu isséd % b.-Ibia neam &r~tie seatin vlm m.ieruO MWv &-acu Bs. Euie, a"-<les at PusemArt.eztheli1o04la.eso- [lJies Que"ne, £mq. 'Tie apse se sud toasts giron, bavseh.., peMhl- in the Moetrent pepeta, "à veMsasi the Cnomunateauull,' he-Cept ck, il viii ho perceivesi, teck 1ev.e e streal nsthei. S I . MWsi e trust ]di, dile ettrprie i viii 10aned viii Mrs-B e bdt tnttiesbave bes 0 vU,' dustroetiv res m ilsheCit rw-YOCI4 , oau t2ticSi, sand ts*U0&- n tbe 3M t 1.Thi e RredMe- 6*m A s.dthc latter upevards etelgAt ~ pelibrs edsriptioci, and Vos- la.Iwottes. Tiluhlu te estimâiel et e buadeu end Ut,' tiionisd dolais *e boumn bolonges te Menus.Kipp * rvu, proprietors ofthue Greenwsih %tu 'feIN*polio,' expim e i.day baeran o Ru, and coasqueuti'ly thrrtmon iCe ve-4t5iilem4 Coohesum J3..ail bavl iees cusou ,t*e tire, mye lia eted te ba,. been lhe vcrk cf& fenil lima BAuue.r-Foit,' dollars Vote lats lrel b,' lite propretot of tic Tre uat Houm, lolou, fer a Salmoes m at mmu rfuostd! TIc prie sked wu WC ame happy b lid that tic fair amibe f"Tan ouvamài. Musuu" doem al la ber euetions le phasse the. pubik MeApcilisituiic, inbicilajust base ri aval et eutrOiu. containeu lie tollowin IMI IlUetye PMOcket.OOk. B the.in sainljond, OuUTre dsecmeteci«M r Athieutai)-Tice Bsmr, (Morai imohe)-odOiau rsa à n Fasiee (court Jourai.) Tasu Coea ma-We wveumoi sgvae- 1,' emfeelaid ou Moudmv eveng bv fie Ml.re.Zaietîsm, viore Cornaet foot place et theCommsea l ewendIalvu îuumul,'andloaiioiy aiiead d-Tb* aucceofmumlootelfor ileecmilen vu pertov.d vili g Vaut ilisd tiat. Md uiieiW*embOaiaihdappiaus. TIe, vase Io.$ ce fi.eluuci Res, b,' Mi. Zuigler M& w5âas Eiaiulnnr--Co*osa- Se, Dou une, t,' tic erma-v TUBE$ ktrulie Opomsset Jesude Wieai Bwe ,Tmoed, G*MIm»Tell. oaNuMa- mtisle;ftoI!banl-Reaixcuri to trohle Oi'fl La Fumes. sud Ballet La muette, --Txuâ vil Variations. and PesPUo- atm-lie vriele comiedugwiliGonsmevi Tb*oadidvum of atse 1& Repgi. vini probby asvvabrmMuentealast c venls i. oGrutnBall. auby le mm se- eysf e E lit divuisa(eet Es&lOi vi Pleesdte fie llppsr pess. numone mppolte 1«ePend -mem e,'s eh.~ ~~ luevueid et lsrenIa, b,' ti am wrbh ndm seat sessm Or et I lAgwa Imom be leve a cqoali ,on, iat 1 Mut Ma ortflendaver e ï8otlmte amm in BBsndWEs esthe t dyul éma u l eenmlcimtoi 0ua Es moes n esuSve te litumi tIl,=c mbusa b epect frailt ImSàor 4 moltia 1 hav e . omo.t l @11v Tour muet ebuit r Vni .1. a. DUMN. E- G., basd ef adouetu'ubee easml =e piao cari-Mn au.-, *14 nou~ca1BERGEV O EHAL bevlng -rie"ÀBÈIISHMENT, Tu£ 3 . I1 ~ thic cousit .esm twsasaees. for the.padm ts t icUl* àt* * pla.,te ters the lète War mw»iitie Ul UtetAu- j.casaud flie ofllppor Catia- lc; flMa M isy b U*eU . di, ~c<t e Is lsll eu osi<rsBirming. TuMre' mdwuutii.eCa!t-on f&* 1 Ic x- heu mm esablebd Mnitla îr~stn a ectiv aura, isbs aioted il. Eu*»§ .1,Wielmsle sud IRMtul Item Monter. crer GeneraIl to au. lhe«tm 11111à Relaa onb.ud a e b e t uadwel] the provisions of the Act psOWMsdli t letted Stock ofBABD AREr, a,wihch putpose, to mach clalutults as May bu vIS, It nts of Pit Bau.MM l a-, Cresa ue litax t treceive the ne, mand viseel imi ga. Ba ntsaw, sli.flleld let, sud tcils cf 33à pet cent upon theait!rd Ill eWm of mU 4eacruptiOus, Suiths a'e.lVR4 Auvila ltesqttofiMOCurrency,. Deheeu w til @d Viees, sitgle and double haire! L"ot alg i îucd te .Ag.ua vii.-O lMY iNO WI - ads remiaou (ions alargieciof etappolntl d y any numbet ot Cimmt», ;lit Tuit and coat Buttons uevsnt f<asli, vhose claimî tote:. 31 pet cent On &W0 sud s uproNede fer Taim' am, mwatd uas aovemeoeaoue.1, #hall giaiuet ShrtvBtt..oum md Stusis, Lmdle' gols opc intly, tethe suiu cf 50 sud uputirel. a"d dropt Eat Rings. Table Spoes md OICE il iiereby given, uhat CI.usto Wesk4, beicrt Ente«smud Isel, Fs vWu aLoes on spplicatîin si t the REs- *Kaivas pltsd on stel. Comet IonTes t- Csiv m pl' i c on the l1ki da o ei 5, fleucs Pans, Tes Kitchemta i bra 4Ma,' Utit miy obtaiftDebenturs.for I CCk.Dg55o~ Sow mn, e.Scetws et nocl proportions i(net exceedisg di.n - seior o~ility. iron u, m artoice, mtd mi Pot et .alga neeto Clss Lechit. Cupboazd and pud cent.pyae al y ay t nid office. bLochsBitania métai & Item tiu'd Spen, j igecsmauto uhomsonmout di.e >f - r*çese.Pianos, CUTLERY. Wromlàiit miou Iilth ii ttic, or Who de net * md ol ue flae.,Caint brasF d- dsis ete seIeDebenturos the. Eecelver kr a stn Of roundlaw, nd trench e Gerail, vltbont Ion 011-uneends.- S Tabe Fa r iPallion, CuOr L e arts .ermenta fer lth e m la .] tale B.&d Poilies, Hinges, Curtaju Pins, dcndoué viiwen oitaned vi lumei- - Dravee iCobe, e4c. Ullathorné Sboie atm!,' rmiS iii.paymnt, and thecmoue val Tiir»anmd HfleBalla, Cut Stue Brada, bl ie ouaied te Gazette. Cu-pp« eeSpigaAwl Blada,Sboetacke, Notice int0e Sinon, tiiat Wh" thélesenad m Site. gaives, Sboe flammen and Pincer@, in imade in persmt, the indiv"idal ls JmPo*W mmd Tinua MoHrnie«n adiRelier eeqltrc4 te pruduce au mfidv.tsworn b, Es ash "rîseue ad BssTerrelg flH k5,i&bf eue l~ iiesaefthtiePesee in terJWU g md Carrnage Wiimp, Ct.foe iilwlç vi Mile, YEmglbsiiGlue, Curry Comba, Bel 1, A. ILf the Tevit-OP.-....ithe 0. tauola Metai Tom mcd Cofice Pot«, .lmpned District of---dc solecaly sweeram othe Dl Trmys, GCoope. Carpenters sudi Slip Adzes, Roi7 Evsngelimls, tit a ciii. s upn&u X) Ceirises Eivera, iron and Wood bandled red in uy bhlalfto1r Immau settmned doeg àW Cimarosa, Brau Truuh andi Chair Nmil.- the lasWer wilh the. Unitel *stes ot Tie sud Oz Chins. Spaes sud Sitovels, America ; and that a«eardin.g teaIeo hWstof Ruies, Scoeassieas, Sietlyardemasd petent *y k now ledge sud bel îef, i a. the. perssan o- Welghlng Mciuins, Wateb Malienstocla, by ti namocf A. B.ini ui'bem favot a*sm S.Main Springs, Verges, Gatti Banda, Gilt, oppumr to have eon mlowed by file.Cela- 15Steel ansi GoldKecy#. miasuonerç, sccordmng te inotice liqetof, »- se ublg..j :nishedin the.Uplier Canada Gazette 99 Kingston, Mach 23rd, 1888 When un Agent in suthorised te re"» si- - the ~ payaient, utlanreqiaired tliaàaonsrtislce ta Kmptm4 UperC*"h' oallieprocduccd tram moine oe u Iie Th" bea5utýl fa uib." a@% hie Pouce in ferai folloving, via: DAGHEE. 1,A. B. o teTow -f - in t à$ UTiL, trbou tdmlâth Of May tillth ticsltict or -, one of Rie Mjesty'u ljus- VV7th Oft li, I, 188, Tre aàliilited tiritsof the Pescu, do by ,'oetify, fita1 - umuher cf Morem et 64 Dulla. caca:* Groom'. am acqointed with C. D. oft hieTown - fou indnaded. Daghee watt standmet Peint or - inthe Dltrl of, -wbgla a Fredwme, lnser Kingston, la the. moighhcr- Clairmat for Lomm o iw aiainn the Pro,- Rt- bauofet ici pisce, flod Gras and c- jnue during theilts aie rviti lii. UUni" te M odstiue e ithoprocuraed fer mares. SBtu,.e fAvarica, sud vbe com6toW L iM. Degie, u»W rising four yearsenid, standst F. bi, attorey. (or - hi@ &stis) te sFt plateu band oudeeinch higb, sud i lad otfor hum *in "intaigPoyust of ti M» lovaI (b,' judssto hoereusrkaiily udt mmie is ae beauinfon»runsimd iiae. sof -rpslad l eziits Senti sizo of that 1 bave mn the."sl C. D. vithist bm t ho ns, .digot muacular POwer. lie wattlet patmsxmnnthm, and that 1 vent, .- nt bredlib,'CÂA îx INBasais. at Swarthdale, le*t=,sasiC. D. 10 o e owlivinag. a if in tsagitwlr., and i iiyhm imperted jute The aeedocnueniasas vol[s paer hm. tuis Provinse lu thei.of lmt 8. of Attorme iii hobequirsi .ndupicoml. DA(*9REE wuaSogt by Miir u f RccieerGmsrels Yard, C" Cpsat w*o sirMbA x .0M-A- Upper Casae.. 22d 'i,1838. . a , Ii. ord Je .' cis1tate - Me , KNGSTON THEATRE L. tri mocpied iy tii. GeutismenmbAat m le 188for the2beaei m « ,b MS. DAVS! sa on vWicbocoeum mse metfull e: licittuthe rtreusgOftthe L et ( img tom, te n ieve bertrou euubsrrammt or viiea mltiug but tbcîr kindum amu ms ,nt detebcafrem. MIL A. ASRLEY, on the. above cca le a o, bhm kiadiv voluatmoed bis vaiiebb M- micccsm "iHcome expreml, tmom iW a£ lovilnta Ove altheausain ie power,t a-tange maul faitbein ain B.,T-For pulimco me B lo h 5 trie.J, iiiy Mti, lut 1 t b»p. ieiiic MI- 1 vo 1-

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