Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 8 May 1833, p. 4

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UM"SALE.S.gw'&A& ad irl t, N avica»& ite IMudiautidwaa r~~8 Oat T. vit. , tvenly.eeeqday Ta 't. 'A1iuM n e ofJUDO vill-buo»L at tise ccsIHeupin1Towe o ifs 0~ eef*y issii hie OWIiI Klig5 elf,14 f5uing lande, dat ['"any Utit d . MCugPt eny rse eti t lus tan Rautlon eiff eut beongng04 Rhmtlileez, iicih of ie yma MM1ir*d District Cour, a- viahue c a ïEemaîoe, imtsonet of Rs i gain îcopi BIe, t tise aioeJser Smith, 1Mjesty's Miani District Cort. et the b vax is u rhosut qmates Lot No. 18Iftle suit of Eltettezr Draper, via: Lot latter B. lieTno ofetKglu, su4aid lutsNO.-13 sud. ile T.owun etKingitu. t 14 la lb.etti coucesion Ot Looghboronaih, Sain te commence at 12 Ooccea ou. t eoatelaing 400at-es. Att persosos avug claires an the %boee Ail prtons, ieving daim§ ou the aboie land or -any put tieceet, by oia r Il"ne e anypart Ibireot, by ciotgage or oherivioe, am irequestuti ta mk h ao othoraie, Smare equcatedtu tomaieteaimue knowu tame on o arte day ot sata. kiove le me on cm haforo the day oftsale. JOHN MACLEAN, saiteacommencee t 2lOck pmehIy, Sieriff's Offios, hrfu»r JOHN 3MACLEOAN, 0hAprl, î Seif ts.n Sutiff MD. *:I<YIC E is hrebygiven thathbyvotuet Sierugle.Offic, IX 1 .fa warrant cfbAtaciment litueS Putd Kriamplon, merch, 90,1838of.et iMaesey'a MitilautiDistriciCuart,1 WJOTCla intersbv <ieun, Ibat hy violue I bu salie eos ivel tellas n ecsoal, 1c fa Warrant etAtiocisentWood ti 0 allmamaeln. an ascouding oceneal- at Hic Maesty's District Court, cf the Midi- eti i"bor, ta nIsity Thomasicîrt- tee la-ad iettcîai thteisuit o umao & R.Bon- Paumof tventy six paunda fourteen aitllags, aouagaiut dci estate tell anti pm-onal, sud I bave iiea&th lee sisve i a, %U haso f aeaout, voebors sud pape». rea, outhie sid Joliu, Paldenati or,- relat thetofetCornelius Chattenn,in th nid JhluePalieu, retucu vithin lsc onu r cenceale eat itr, f4r the mu the jurisdiction cf thm naid court aud pet in of hii blten heaction, vithilu lrec calundard e ;haiypotsggîsilig u eteht i 91 oa-f Jannsry183i pence, montâvt fronti tiete esldteas velià ilaspereenl, o e amsisiCorolisu cha&Il the.ouate aI. nWeil rueas npennal allih. -ferson, lantiune. lthe nid Corne"luaChat- sa Jolinas Palleni, et- su mubtiereof 1s 18e4onrturu vithin thm jorldictin et lb.aay b. neceuarY vili h. heitilia-hie for lb. nid Cortandijutts atPeb~ti40 s aid cdaim. JOHIN MACLMN, tic cith e ais ebm.il a i'Ml'"n or 4erhlefieo,KaIjin, Si lirese oiendar msecntitatel.datebeseof, -let Jauari TSe18U n &U tIse rosi ani fuetal oestethdcalï Id LE'I. Comnrlim Ciattanson, o et u ucithooea OMteIa May mt, I .mey b. eec ry, yl b. holti able fer Tî t Ibmdvuiling Boumanad th. nmii.fation ot the naid clair. ;s« pre aise ely occupieti hy JOHN MACLEAN, 0lo. LGlever, Esq., etBar- -.. -Sheriff M.D. aieii, @ rpartktalaxsenqumo.f thoeuha- ih- cr ~ t.L.,Pa n sUAaco..1V.ri. Steitru Office, à Kingston, Mat-ch 20,1833.& la Eisberehy givîn tbat by vitrtne ofaWarrant cf Attacimemet imest cul et tics Maesty's District Court etftino Mniduauti District naItha suit of JamasRi. Bmrnoa, againpltii.heiate, real aund pason- ai, ant Ial booksecf ameaoi, voucinersansd pasrelaîiug Ihecelo, et John Moire, au ebooding or cancealeti dehior, ferthlb aSm o tet nty pounitis six shillings a"t e.e peonr, 1 bave seizeti Il Ibheeltaies n vlt Mei spersooai, eoflb.esidiJohnu Macro, andi maeu thm nid John Moore reteru witbila dce juriadiction et thidl Court anti putaiel te the action, vithimi tire. calen dtmenthe fions he(ie en ero. Il them aitato, as vell real ase ptrsanal, et the said John Moore vîll b. Itou hiable foc lie nid cie. JO14N MACLEAN, Siariff M. D. Sherfl', Office, Kingstono, Marcb 20, 183., *OTICE ia hcreby given tint by vit-Ina .N of Ivo Warranta cf AttachieonIt austi out of H-ia M*$ety's Court of King'@Beanch,t a î aInIthe. estate. ae Weil rosil as perseusi,G e Frauc1nis X. Rocieleau, au abscouding orc cenceaisti teblor, eue e1tichesit of Alexa.- der Pringle aud John Maculay, for tine §un ans e igit pounds four shillingst andi Ave pence hafpenny, andtiolIn er at tl iui etJohn Macaulay sud An, Macaalay for thess eoftereenpounédi e.gileco shillings and iAve pence. I hav" seizeti 01l tbm es-0 tt astu eal as persunal of tih, Mid1 Francia X. Rochoîmnu, anti ail beok$ ot ac- sourit,vtuchers sund papmrs retatlng tlerto, andi uràes, thesanid Fraucia X. Rocieleana retoiru vithin lie ,priutictiof etIhe snid ceurt andi put in bai te lie said actiuore cause heniltabuodischacgmd vwithil ire. eatund.rtuonths iotruiltate,sill lhe ceai anti pertonal Octa of lie sai Francis X. Rocioleca, or gon uihereof as may ho'f nleceaoy yl ch bod lible for tiec nidc clalca. JOHN McLEAN. Shes if M. D. Sieriffa olEfce, Kingaonu,W20h Matci, 183W. N O inE lereby given, dccl by virtue -Iof Ivo Warrants o(ttacltemnt lasueti ouI cfHie Majetys Muiftna District Court, againal George Evans au abconingor con- conaei deblor, one atheb suit of Sydney Scobelt for ton pounnti euten onhillicg,, sod the otier ai tho suit et Join Dawsont, for ticese cf nine pounde neveutshaillinsg anti six pente, I havesalaudetiailtoestl, as weil rosi as pecional, ofet l. li George Eyses, anal unis* tbe nid George Evas iret-n vwithin lbe jurâilihin o e IMnid Court vîthin ti5reo caiendar menthe trous thé 2*tItdey ofJauuary 1833, or put in bail to lie actions, aillte real snd personat es- tlet ohlb nid George Evans, or soeanucin thabrootas inay bu neceusry, wyulhobeld Il- aile for s"siclaires. JOHN MACLEAN, Sinr&#i Office, Kington, Sheifia.n.i Mdl Janusry, 1833. laIC, h etebygSiven tiat by virtue1 of twawattanti ci Atachuenute isamal o liHia Maety's Misilansi Distulict Court one ai the suit cf William Bradlbury anti Jolln R.berts for forty pournis, anal one ai the suit cf John MeDouell. Jamsca 11ms, andi John Kerr, for tocly pournda, aed aie by virtueofutwie varranteoef Attcmmels battent out of Hia Maint y ' Court OfKiug'a Rouch, ant ai eSfat et John MDel Jamea Holmnes, andiJmhu Kert, fer tiait;] ais poutiol. six abillifAsuat orponce; anti moc*lihe isit et William Bradbury anti joie Roboeta for th. anc, on. Insadia anti mist>o ennounii aseu t elidpo peomai malIe cf Thèesand Gerge Loe, snuias e Md Lilry antiGeorge Levrry a»t" s vil aJtledieof ethle nid Court,' andi put iorwmil lteo id cilons vi hht inc tueo- londar Menthea trou . tin day of annuy lu% all thm eaI dat* perseta ami ais tte Midshom"Lèvry 4" iGacsp Levry or ee-jmceltbaet osmb.lie.eumery viUieb heM iaifth e ite slinéu.' JOHN MACLEAN, OTIÜÉirbéobi v«. h y vittue of a IW.raee jAbacent eiseal eut oft hie. MaeVeysMltiletDictaletCout, atalaul Job ieIean a seondiaor -cou ceaieS oebl-. as forer« !Tita01ckt for lbe sum cf itvmy-oea 0""*.ietour a!l- e aneiaval rosi sas pai, . £Itinsnid Job Hei., ami ne" lb. e "gjmb Rou rur vilthia to e imfthe4 bmai Ibo deyof amy, IO d i?" le baill lethelb.nation, *Il ibelticiend 4 fl U5*, ltlC eM idiJob Hxe.ou wlb.,o- et a.s-le a ncomiy,, vilie MW ifflo fitis"idobint..- JOHM ACLRANO 221i Kingit.ou, 3rd Aaril, 1838 TO BE LET. idetcfCelenaIl Waight, c.. cuied hy Mine Leach. The. FARM bilneeging taIo ie stte cf the. luxe Captai, MaclCnzie, M the mfront con- cession of Pittsbugh. Fer tbrus equ'ic c JOHN s-TRANiGE, Executar. Kingst-n, 26th Merci., 1833. 341f VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. IN South. Crosby, Ceunty o ef ls, DW. trier of Jolnstoisn:-Boiatg No. a. inlut Cou., andi No. 4, le92d Con., cf e"it tn- sip-iiîuatei en vhat la called t lnaWJUe- ua binanch oet teGananoque liake,ad oce- ctipiug ont entire aide thermct-conuiting eaoirely et broken tronts andi contaieiaa5 about 94 acres. This land le gounrlly otfm«collant quali- ty, and ila particularly veluable on acc0oa of ils cotununieation viitinshoRideai Ca- tai, ils near proxiuity ta a miii, and il& bing near widiote mPerh roati connecte si ih aci rosi te Kingston; front vhich latter place il la ditan onlyaobuutî5 mi)«u. Thisa@@te*is weill ortby tb. attention of puiclaauers, andt ii ternes are vary mn- derae.-Apply tate , d iet Ibispaper, or ta C. Fottiorgili, Eq.. Pickerisng Mille, Houe Di tiet .177f. FOR SALE. Ir OT Noe. 7 in the S5h Contomslo'i orthin Li township cf Leedls, cotaluîng 150 acres cf CHOICE LAND. TIselot us i,ito South LaIe, wvieh inavigabe trou titeuce ta Ganaiioqu, distance 12 miles; sud 6to Brewer'sM ills, Ther. iian ex- cellent Mill ite on tis lot, with a nover failiag tt-auof vater. Tiste ta Il acrea clearei, sudiluceop. AIp,,tic ism. cf& sav Mill 60 tact long, vijla 5w0 MWvlegs ou lie spot. Theowover's reansin e ,mlleg la gis accountcf il heîltb. Tinm tile sildis- ptabIl Apply teM. Moran, Aucioneer, or te the . bariher, t B re wer s m ille e wi y ll sheur Ihe Land. JOHN CÎJLLÎEN. Kingston, July 111h, 183u TO BE LET. F R cm f yeau-4btbaextensive eamnPocaisecelut Ibmoccupation oftbe sobaribar, ituaI. muntlb. Motreal Roud, about 9 millea trou Kingston, having about 100 actes underculivation, snd proe- sentirog tae inIdutriene sudtthbengi l'arguer tb. (incit penapect et succe,.. MARGARECT FRANKLIN. Pittsburgh.utîinNoV. 188m FOR SALE. IM 'YAccu cf Landi, beingtheamueat E'Nother ly prt of Lot No. Tweuty, iu the Stxth concession ofEouet Tovnu under tolerable goot i iprovamcuts iluatetion thie main public rosdiclading trou Cautn, Shlefflield IIfc. ltaIKington, formoly ocnat by John Milicetand occupteti hy James Smith a a Taveru and Bout intbopoeqmalun 9fJ.bllClark.. Applicatio boum"sad 10 Samuel Clark. Rsàq.uetCauden or lie preprieter E. Beachu. Kinrgston, 14th Februsry, 1832 JO R SALE-Tno fllolnc Lets ef J round mn the York Rosi, oser the. village -of Wterloo, vita-Lois Ne. 11, 12, Ajpfly te Mr. Marahelaenkeeper$ingoeon I SORALE-Lotz Ne.8 ei&.stibQ taioingw(0Acreof excelent La' Iis land taieit mouColo Criai anti8. commanda a priv ilege of tetive et mlni Crack, il iieg a imet tdIsirable 14at fur thnerectice cf Milwa-APPleUtlqe ro b. maismta Mr. J14n Rkclmooti vho livea !ad>joeg,cr lealthe profforal Adolpin- Ie.. JONÂTliAI( ALLAU4. TO LET. 11 Stna-tvlie. Appily teN ý -ý%eJOHN 3. SMYTWlu 1>UBLIC 1Noticmeherety g*s, *iat l .AL ltr.a&U pecsoaaeutisg Tm8ên10 lia Crawns LuAiaim orClaqy r .eunvl l LIppe. Canada, ufabsulLli* kmï1d 015c, Witt ho mFi2yPUnlIb,uêl Tisebersomstt,vwill b.aind ssd "laits Jtaj@#ty*s nas.. pETER ROUNION EDWARD Do'w?#, ussiyhleI an futaie b. cosemuecawel eMIo rak by liecler t k fEte 1408*ve One PeaMD8a. b. jn« etruim ve em ta ticir Poltioeu vS la l"eClrk.of the ExeentiveCeaueil TRESubcriorba.lagtkmuI late"a et ads4.lcaîoeon bm tate of lie laf. AinalisePetctetFncstovn, deceaseti requcet ail pesotte sng aims gainat leh&l*eaanbhm t maie iviail NOTICE. aibaviaog cla la ginathb.âne, vW Plmeesplement bois accaunta te John V. lebot t Im Isear rqueated te mate jmcdiate pajuent te John V. Dolar. JOHN V. DarLca Wu. IL MoLLAR. Napaumo, lZe. 11h. lut9 NOTMC& ofAtoreyt:4by the hu.A. C ont, lar,- log b.eoe revokmd, & a moane ara berchy frbid palug &Dy accette te bisella.. or lthe steau Bositnoaaor John MO- ser. I JO N 3405EI Nîigara, Oct 3d, 1832. NOTICEt JOHN STIANGE Eeg. hasing clin, juiahedt ln.baumfciset n,&ucticnmer lhe Suhacriher taies thua cpportasly of Wu ferming the Publie thast haohau taIrai eutj licmoue at lethai capaclty. 111eatten- tiona te inuinersa antimodralien lu charges, vil,b. apa, ind=casinaocftbobuaine of Kingstona. A. MAN&IIAN. Kinguton IMilm ale1u2 NOTICE. = M fisâd rai rate te awly teplermevihi laharbr nos NaaneMîlet Aoppîs"la . b. Naach e, l..IMtn,18 PVBLICNOTICE. eb qvntâ ANpemsor pabnsatilfsdtseI Ma N~ snaute oId e "b.Thomasceuclon eft tbe Townsip f Cangèt Team, itadae- vile b. poacthe --vi t. eh. oat tie e Ibm thonvW by ve on emandt.n R JOHRD D C.VI, Sais acch 19, 10( 3. e, 8 flBLEDiCNOTIe eibinmreby giasseta Pittsburhenesflodçt tNovemtailut, a or inie er bérTtui@ou lb. ownwds, aroaut tisvia ld e iot rgoermenante Liv. Canbi pp«ada iY Offlce on pOoftICe-AIsu peainteo"t at adeem- tJit . MiARK&q0e tino h 7enil tbKIngt. Yoama ofast e s t...,Inwsui.o wrthsa Tila do*ortbuhetransatrcitionfbnaon, snuday i. iebave in«.ead aaii liezt eatat te o couatto bpe eiseu dri o eent uyahetcli fs 9RAeDé"r .M ita b a3 lteckur. M..u P Plbrino . . 1 Novoublest, ht-nde te.,BOn g.vng ovvads CatRee ymRscATla snr treelmat- ant elairens. Jis.sI MApRS. Mt atc ii, 1883. oyOmconit iugemEaiAL atUl"b ai haLAis» The hpo *nfrlo r uslmsaif mbu shoess ap cf D camut, MLo, ct hrd NotaiMofftt fr Su enî or nclo*Sueti Knson, fs oept=loftaIbevn , s A DIRECT IMPÔRTATION 0Fý (dlHRLES RB"78 balately amiveti lovai thtbmfviab powrdieâw4 wmIitalu Uppeo.r or;Lovetàiailpae. Klngehaon. Ot O, lm. 1PAM H ANGINO. ,1 100OL??uee lu 39 rb ÂCCo . - I &Bd faer -COir, ailc oiuit 1ND 831.«)i$ w I «ë i e.enle u tdsy 91 .-Z%4;tý -- - WAHIUB, 1~ - Bakats. 11... ual nnlesahuoenauWegkumu, - asti ataady HitklS. Umqukmcllita Kie Udu VeK 1~ Mm~ F xvstt-aua~..1Wl.N rea saut A~ ItEEaNAL NAVIGATION or Tm lKEWCASTLE DISTRICIt Y-jeoTcE le imrebyiven, hbat ibm n-1 .11derigneti Commissionsra viinreceive Tenders atil thb.finaidey of Jumes.tita b. peneu et acc Sparlantienl'eï fc, >tqomg, frese suein pmeo aae vik - 111qg b centracItti heperformance of lb. tuevig yen, Ai.- r«ut.-To conaîruct a Laet ai ah.Bob- maygeM Foale, an the cutiet boIve.. Stor- geeai andi Pigeon La-ici, of about 28 fot inlu vudth, h7 120 (cet lu lenglla. fecou-To conitt-urt a Loci ofease di- mondoens at Picy's MilI, ou tb. Scugeg River, ias the Tovnship of Opa, lldr--To cdar tic Channel cfthie (lIss- ha. River, at DangoelalRohincon's Ilandi, aud Yanioy Bonnet Sinsliw ove euostIsu1 46 fel ii in iti sud em soficimultiepli te admit Steamers draving 4 flt atas.tePem a-I tb. loveat valet. Feurfh-Te dempen thre principal entroie te the Otena-bée River, ftrou utc Léaie- ibUlA-To eract Pienransud impet *b. Chars- no ofet icOtonaimu, trou thobead ofWhit- lus, Rapi, ta h lit 111e La-k. near Peter-. hereugi. Nix.-To cier. eut antimoamnavigablei fer Beals, Cavan Cretra the bmmeti ou lb. Olunabuc le Taggesl'e Mill, lu Cavant. Furîher intormtilon may bc eblaînuti la applyîug te J. G. Betracmu, Caourg, or1 Theemmt, Rad, Peterboroug, aller th. 10th' day ?f May uexti- by which time the Coun-1 mimîcori viii have ha-iltic viole intendedi luproements enricycti anti reporteti upen by a practical Engineer. Portons lenieting te creet the tavo t..cia aboie tae.tioned, muet produco satistactory tefot-ence, lat timy have knowiedge ofliat kinti of vorl, cîberyls lhi.tendiers vil no1 b. noticeil No rontrart iIib.oulneret injte vithotu-i Iwo suffilont Sondtes for tic due perfect mance oe iauori. Jaa. G. BETHUNE, IA.- McDONELL, B. BROWN, ITarca, NEED, JOHN HALL,I J. HUSTON. Peterborough, Merci 1833. RIVER TRENT BRIDGE. NoeaIcz te iitey giveu hatte un- cations te b. openeti on th in trIday M.~a, nazi, at Wbeiee'Tavern. River Trent: tr»m soci pacsons ma are villing lenun- dortake tbhemr.ctiug of a Bridge acromeamc River Trent, moaulte prenant Ferry, on aplan siailar tealte Cataraqui Bridge at telcof the tollewîng dimenlona Lengli about -----------750 Fusi. Haîgltatbsout -----------26 Breadth--------------- 32 No Tender wili be noficet iteopar- son offermg producas sitisfactcry proof tiat betleasMeciaaic, and accustoubeded b Iis de- scription ot yack. Tore sofficient molltes yull b. required from tbe pecuon coutracting, fer the. due tulilmeul of tic Contract. R. C. WIZn.x. (Sigitet) HExUSENWRnTE. JAs. G. IIETHUBIC. River Trent, Msrcii ti, 1833. N. B. Oak andi Pine Tituber, alto Stens la abonrdent in tb. neigbbouriood et lhinl- teaidtiBridge. H~E S1JBSCRII1EI18b les.. le lu- ilis vlcinlly, tbat they ha,.o opene tistsua stock cf Dry oed ,Groce iLeintlI Hice oadjollming le ng '. ffcle Quarry Street, svise hbey viii ho hspjy te attend to tie aciers of linos. vo uay faveur lieu villa uir enclose. Tb.nrea acrtmeut cf Dry Gootia is very extenisive, cosepiiag eveey article le Ibat lin. ; s- m's'u icin may ho enumeratei, fiem .Zgn sperflu. Clotho,, tbionable Cmte- mere, trai Flusinings, whiite. Wcdge. andi IelovFlaunels,, green Baize, super- a.. lack Bombgizine, anti black Croe, Ecmaemtea, black anti coloureti Gros de Naples, Baladanale Gauze, Canton Crapa, Damai, Caaimeit Shavla, Silk Bendier- oi**, ricin Landou Chintz»o, colouraui Caibric% Iriih Limeni, Diapece, Jaoe anti Bock Muete, Fuatian, Scotch, Bon- nets, Callces, fli an sd dat-k <round; Shreting andi Ocoburgis; Canadien Ciotin, Apron anti Furnîlure Checks, Gluuaus, Stripe Catons, Hoiiery anti Gb..s; vill s verlety of other articles tes nuseercu t. b. delailet; ail cf viiich vill b. aodi ou tho moit cuaucuable terme for ca"oe shcrt approveti credit. AÉLSO- Toy prirPorI, Madeira, andi Span- liiiWiua; liCognise Eantir, lama-Ira Rom; tllmnd Glu, ceaI 11gbautiWlat- Mmy, nd LonioViego.& TWIGG. Kingase, 4tb Jan. 1833. KliEBWIumm AT WAark-OIJSE T"0-HR ii rscfuil la- tsstbi ulic tel b. con- nele aron lte Nattin Bnai.- A i.abieli tand opposite the ehga nHôtel, sud tino Court oanu bir aias on baud th&i lamttant mess feunshe pattenra fer geilmuenti la tien de. vsoimntd Waterprofue.. viecinhb Ilio.. . 1,0 . - . &v SWr 0- tib Pa =i*:;e àeIre ensd Sbip vleg Tues. Noe.elU. SN. 1-Euethe on baud, a fav Geatil c.hue gIe Vr s scnecfàt qeéllty-.tlo les etf bd6e Boitai vhlch vIib. gaId vecy evfor Cai. COMME£RCIAL BANI. lNsut*ot t"icaelaleci Millu»e luatitution are calietilpyll tal amk or W aigoeleet miluiev- 10 petrcïou t b. lta aeApm t F. emtai hARP&R, a(Ju» KMMSTN MAIlLE FCOY TVR W umcRiBRUS tîpeetfdlly la Afor. line pule, tet b.y bave ceus- th fatauiulams mL ouslstlyoasmissSau * isiao tmsnl à uin n" ruetone. trois ti euA *bwso-lmtmua it . <lais. Monumli ent l . l m to MWcn lafor lnihYMP e »h loalud1 tangte., M"tch29,133 .11 -F vhkicitwul .tiehsaw aa et lie dayr,l bath faisg "aSdescelle, op tle ie bu. of dspsrhure et tisesseule, smilla sudmosrth. a lol ctentaine ltoe A ai uilam Smtaclienm, trameIbheat Forelga andI-Amo- vicie jemacua-s, tcgetiner vitin a Reviev or Notice eu Satunday ot meut oe D.nov publications thalinave ims ont toueb.Pres iiuring tis yaals; Il hbualec a liheral pa- tronageosn an aivertleltsg paper, and thora- tore nuitsma e tantaguet fButaaiurs, In- utr-uctin, anti Amsait. Thoue vineBa- vettaa in the daily paper, ba-ve tie privl- legs cf sdvertisii.g ai,. li e Ta-Wuxx- LTr AmzlasicAne, i f îhay deslru it, vifL4al a addimuo a ns1 Tcrmes, Traollrspet suinnu, einase azv-vcax NnCN SRem.Wéakb, Vclume 13, le pelatiloen a largo imposâtl aimIoetsoperier peper, and vilI celtain tho ILaws neye, bath foreige a&ti ticnectie; itin copions s eialufroai literacy sud ecieultdc journalu, bh Eute- peaudt Amet-acan; &at, revtavicr notices afe.ansIt fthe Dov publications of lie dey. A coiun et mooeWin alec b.devoteti te «Chi papa. c ta nmdImpreveas.sMe- cieude, dgrcu*ao, r tiukr, vicn âmcafr e iMTi .sively Nev Yark Ameuta-n viii ais certain a Prie. Carrent anti Baek Note List, tgéella iti mole ut Stock, RoiFati, Couîle, Sinmap. Bota.s, e. fac. au csretolly propos erocIi establishmaent. Tenais, aroux dolla-rs pet- annuma, in adl- vane-or jtves daiers if Dtual peinuativancu. NEv-voax ANEa-IcANj, The 7%i-IVaek*Annercan centainethie saieat italagiven n lasie DAILTpapor, anti diffue ftrou it caly in e b.npublioltet aiery oSier inétalcoloftm ayaj. Thnis lib e culy Tri-*cekly paper pubiahatinl New-York. Il is aie coaveuant meudiumof utineui- ganem, aIs very eheap rate, for Gentlemen in sie contry,Bvisaisivida enly ta teat]i thc neye ot the day, butl&]ouute lecrt viat AtaigiIbursinons comumaunty. l ubu T-W ekise veli asin thleDaily New-York Acurwcea, vlll b. fouad nil uad- dition te Ieo neysansd adverti,.uenta of the desy, an extmnsive Marin. List, Sales ot Stocka andi cf Roa s ati, PticsaCurrent, ande Bank Nots TabI,-and ait for thoem' deratopriceuties iela- e n dcio o1 julor babmprimeta daity peper, tevlles 0Of lie poetage. Altieug i : cou- taine s nmach resding a-ad adiestisiugasu lb.e daily paper, lbe atiiertimmue are net se etton publiaieti in il ai l in. daily, vhicb cuabies ete <uc a&Il te rcadimg scaller efthtie Daily. Terses, riva DoLLAa-i par- yeur, inad- AMBRICAN ai£LkiA» OOrNtvlAV AnA- TOCATE cr aNvIareAt tiJcwacVtMUNTi Volume 2d.-Tbis Journal au commen- cmti on lie lao t fJacary, 188t, vi s a gis suhicrihut-. Il base nov juatcommeced iha seconil volume, vîtinMar ese cm mi subacribera, scatheriti in every aae le tb. Union. Il vas i aienraldo-'otd te thne eu. jea. et Rait-r-ocde & Isfertuelh.pcuaseaatm neya cf lhe day; but Il Dov emuinracesin adition ta lie abave, satiepatimeul for A- =r utt-,sd ancîber ferlic e cieasic aï a v nuin vl b. feuat nacconaut of Msot nowvntmuions. Sncb, iode"t, bai beau theencoragement haiti ont, tlast thm publisier ta inducodtiatoextatid lus untul.- nuse, by ms;haug il, Dual uy s journal *ut tie pretreu et ite.rontItnpr-oocuwule y mesasf arode, elmi, sud OUeMCar-- neages, lu oa. avn country ant inauEurope, but aceeby uaig ilsa Jeurnalcf mecian- ical iupravesecute anal Inventions, anud tierebyceliecinga Cr<rarivtay cf use- fui inermasien, relais te Mit subjacti, lonto a smiller coaame,,anal t a leus t than eau lac fouasi um engaeiter publication nev before lii.public. arrngmenthavo beau metie ta give engtaviges or llata- lieus cf tuda nMvinventiosane May b. tieffed important tate comicsaily. 210 4series a- Vci Juud Àanie" acuU * infavsel Jrprâesmaia, yl aile. cautain 0"mucalteliug sud asoefol «tu"nwpsd Basse medag, wvtue ipuic edocuents ai ma-y b.calaseou eglin reco"r4 for te- [uto lécttrace. Il viii mIie coaau dmll roeg<oi Tables, kept aI Moculei, L. C, N1ewYeck City, Ciarlesteu, S. C. togiiber viti tbfea, hept et fintermedistesue. W. haeculte, prou"asof eMeSteem BD Red River, in aulloa;alec.Prices et stocka, Ms eami RuaI Rti.Priea Co«- t-eut andi Batnk NetLie84 koIte. Termea, Tiu Mi aeart Ruse, uaae oam;, *bd "vw Bel h misudviticui. The " slvolume .ey b. bâiad uluit absouaor hban nî;sdthélie me irolume vil hi farudod b1 umbr.. n tilayer r iueuad te anypaut .et Ie UOiWoauttua$- Pic of biaatg,40 cents, 74 cans, cr $1, accorditatequaltty. amy-vent rAauta 4"V LUaZOAN GAU»DINita-S NAAztitE, hm. Fini No. 1. fer Jauget1888, le 1mai peiblbet. qhis le e.an & aeuvgaaL w uropagee t i»c cuaus miela, divoteti peuhiomy le 4grimm&." ite'- ticeursereo. It iii o m taleftb lntarsétMotes.puaqtaci~.* for iua-e lm eaitespsuùug e gm%!.. -is* a.,l.p-aam nJwc se mmoiiv ieuibme lmpnin 4 te., fa taeelia disspemi.tatldermefe, ie U7.ltegn- onit eut vidseialcadeti epsafey.8unpa-. sntvi un m ±M Multfy ufcih É pubie1 ,u wro mapmm oxude âgum qua"; el vil D e Brault eit*al, ma lissa ipet S u t l5e e'sasmie sien f«a. erI uslugnn esina les eti ia me au ofpe.mdsuy us lb.pset tas vWho de Ba te:1 ecq-l T«us et 1 OvYL1rau qd - wam, ti 60 Po u seU, ina vair. , Aigtqb erillera; et twalv. copie, vil, t lent fer 4,11, f pald in adve. e. Aillcll is *.aârem e theImPropret o1)Ill PROSPECTUiS.- Te ho pub] isb..l, 8,Commercial Trayis OF THE CAHUADAB and noLTEILIR a'e 0esid F AMXICA. oyprslln dedicated to Comao001, RRT rBARIEî, C. B.,4-.r.& y David Taylor, R. N. 'ê.Se TIS Nap vill include the wviole ofth C Caada, aud Northra States efA., in, , unfor South as lb.latitude oWs ton, thowing Lake,, Rivers, Baya, CZý RI", Towni, Villages, and distanice, landi andi vater,lec. frc., on a geaiseOft4b laceb ta degmaet latitude, côiiPiledfbu, th. lateat suthors, andi peruenal obser&ais boteauenlesa a1827 andi 1833. The. Travelling Map vill differ frox te other cuir in being put up in the usual f, of sncb publications.-Price, te subscriben, en dl.rtva dollars andi a baft..h d.livaed (cee ofexpona.. Petionsw00h1, te hecorno sehba.. bura tetheaboveè viii plaae spply te John Macaulay, Thes. Turpin, or Jobn G. Parker. PRPECTUS or aetOA Ke,'h..uu'. POCK>ET CO.*PJIio.y AND TRAVELLEA AND ai.ty' TifEsouabergrcatfuly frpart hell lai te intimite te hi fiend'% the. publi laer.al, liat ho intends p.l- lishinj TWO MAPS, wbicb viii conop,00 ,oPOVINCESofLOW ER snd UPPFI CANADA, distmnctly, and which aorse in actuel proeçresu;the amdt which vîllibs tesdfr .lvay aly le Ibis Spîî ng. Ti..Mape vaîlib. copravei on C,,ppe, ln tb. most splendid style, andi cjual tp . Wost of art bullarto prodwaedoft ho Ca. dais. Rac a p te menare tors filt eigten taches. Suheenhbers tu have the ativantage of lis chelcest proof impression fer cash on de4iN, ry, a8d lthe vbete yuli he printeti satté tan un tlabout palier. Pie of machvil itho. butte, adaptait te suspendi inspcîtt,os 0&. and tinom. bacheti viitb couvait, au 48 1, folti, andi b. encloestinlea goond portabla nuas, cossvletly soaitti fE the pocket, lk est, The. publIierje sphunltdog tesolisp te public o»nati6n» bieute stai. dun no exertien bas been spared te obtain th, 11e1,0 cereet lmfetltffi relative tu Ibo. procremets ida by atltait surveys, &c and otiier local ttrnibuétesan d iu oc.dr te ecluge nimility of lb. sorit,a unoteal b. addoil te «ech, coutaloing notice, of Ils dilatoent Place villnte.stages and olcua. bout Mthouemandi stop ea, ae aI,. the hou; sa theb disancaiesfthbmdirect routes tb r, ery lone, village, an. fionsQsnct.cc throcàI Lover ad Ujper Canada. Au lb... Mapa will lb. execut-> in Cai* du" a me ..inteedt te coutotue chespaus vill utility, the Artiot can coufideil Ila. cocmmenthie tem athet .notice cf Trave len, Mçrehauto, Esulgranta, Instructors o! Y*utk le a lai uliu, an lby vîll go.. lthe mot compgeboai" utail su h ti et siouts .1mwoet b*m wguaar iof thas intereallin poidop ef__bm Iima empire. Ai tii.scàl mn eh t bmy yull b.execuled i li rende 4ýthe essai minute rosi lagible atma glance, ain a mpenie attends the undeto.- king, ho rep"atUly melicita th. kind up port of aageeca sd enligtened pubic. ShouIdllbr1 enecuagemeoto ho giton te lb. Pobl'he, a Sarin of PLANS, i- AGRAMS, &. .of h. varions, Tova sel Townships ln lb. Provinces viii immediawo Il fellow as appendae t h. aboyae sou. JAUMIS TURPIN. Ne. 2, Plies d'Ame, 19eeitreal, h Mach, 1888 TRE Mi#DLAND ISTRIICT CIRIJU. 1 L"TING LIBRARY. PIN¶HE Soabecle mapmclfully beg leare JE. e anonocée t their friands and the C11lc in Kingaten. andi throughout the idadDuriia"t h e bu avth',a cemuencei a CIRCULATildO LI»bRA.k RY, lander teIbmaoe gais- wviic ttbey in- tend abaîllb. compoomda 1;vwueisci the ine«et athoens, and sttbe n)lai iu tbey M) maatt fu tbm eb*e. flabecriberstet ii. L ay M t" costbl F ilI ho ctulyfurnaamib.4 vîl h siB ut tby nuy order; but ln .very instiane Bie wf vdev meamfer Ibeir cenve- an d lice .re.ai le r their sare nf* " gqsslmd sud. Catalogues ef Ibo 1 islaanti RegLulatof etthe L.brary vil! >isin b.o aloimdsu féralabie te subEit- lbers. Town eub.eslbmate. for o» es9159Se tu iximenthe, lla. 94.; tMe-tlire etoo.-U l 1L ComnIe, uhocribers, on ltse 'am terns sIbeeereldwla I.Kingston; bel thodu mee4deu mlepaidin dit»l Ilmey Vonihave ithe privilege ele ofetdai "pejsr aen,(uot a aubecric,) moy dois el g tb lîkay by paling Si a Tek la e onooe he lb. Midiani Dituit àCtb us X tn-y -"theoproprietora woild 1 = e &~W it principally in Ih f d.--, i nîch an intcflltgl oculi intetilon teogive tha lshvayasotU a*atr as yull mable àltg coupete.*"iah l at mititutieusof the Ê Z: k"Mg AA LANE lita lnq 'co*g~AJ, HARMI. T e ND Fm &&LES ftb et ape ead Ta5 AL Md etile 14emum fbleusmdLa emtis,- PLAt H., L"MC. 1982.i b. Uitsu aRien la htoblidhIlNd t. Ne, umai Um. C 132 vIRE.hd eOMem bwo teab.iro toï ab. = . 'ho.bO% WSmgliq Wesusay du, I cash siJ - 1 -li - 1 .1 .1 Li U A

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