Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 12 Jun 1833, p. 4

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VA»" SU&OM~P Mi lve fi jo tho *0 poa=lelg 11eullt l i la athe *0 pqueutvibistoet utmis ta roLs.thegrotor al ftic a*»a'te- S q4wwi, eut e opof ilsuetg the Id3 11*0aîla <li. arm. loi THE LANDS TU0 1E CANADAà COMPANY are of difoause daarlp<SU: la kLi- cd lui, seatlor.dRoervai; 1,Math k«olm limitaof tend, frffa a Thomad PetY1 Thousasai Acre eh; toi84 tU lh.b*4à Toullot,b.ln; a ditrictfelSthU dtàon h b 1U >** uaou m-' Orb- meus erneou3n -' 'WAJ.MUN1W U*6orAkly-». urdwo,= t4îOS li he lb eatR no urow 10 iimîdiani tct ý J", Ols Ur A$s etLoia, Imm 0 elle I 1<da ouit î t- C. :Z". t husiroîcua u~ IM~fi~IO*é"UlWTusIdfK.gsoe.es oU* ta.ic fotxity te aha bons te n Ithe Teumuf ia<gam& awoo e, Gatuorsi hope, Ihool, a "less.teomnce t il ob laue. au Ch '0 a.Au pousmes a. a'lg lua ou oh. *0otue u Oorlore uicb tends are Dow ail- ismc mu Y part tla.ed, h' momigpOu the< 6%fsai * U .9d. te20& . r Acre, do- e<h..uuéo>0». tsqusilsatoi mtie imme ho poaat *0¶u itutionrlotion.t15 bnovute a mo o f.,. tu; &*olguls. BLOCKS 0r L4NI>. 10<51 MACLEAN, me 2&d. 'Th.olueof Land ot I.ntiroly in beItBt,5 elst put of the Provittce situstedt t li M aApurl. lSfl8 uimolard o e b ho f tk. tie,.ad s8HIRJFF'8 s LE conîsitslandd,, ubch for oeil, elimiast m d, at Itit ~~BTAA i poeror prsduti<st, are cpu i, ad petMiladDrit - k N< I" i14r Ibo baps mperW Ior oa bo hecontinent O of i io.Ue téC*,» I America. Thomai re voutly the attentaon la vi .misu i mmtfoaI of cemounitios of Emantt, Who, trou gieibvvru tsEeto matV ioiitily, relatleiaibip, religion, et siy ho Toud b ro uie *paniolua gm orbnw.ish te etle tthot. tBsBJJIUuâDlieC.o>a Guelph, containingupuaRb 9f4O,00<>cteathsTuWss f Kegae, and lots Ne. 1ifisai et whicb the gpester prt bau kaon udrmdy 14 5inbthe61 conset ies fLOOUhb.o-ab't polandie eshort %Pace 'o"v * a taning 0aIsCrà.i nid. omos, Ail pemesa, ba'vttug clamete oll town bas beumtalihed la thoé W' - lnso a u bréýb am, vilb churcha, achola, tre tavene, ltdaolit.pî <eto y m<pp.re sud mUle; 'vbem t <bore aremiaueloku tebme on efu t 0do etla MW o. u overy kmuide.nd a oclety boasboau fasibev'mede thooil, m1eioo.l ot a Whihl Mwetelsle descrpton. Pro- 810 comdmosesat I 'l&hh .v bst"ii as proeoI n vain, trou 250 te ON8ALo1 Ola-spa et fl, *uss ovlmig, boyosd tlb. h.tW Of ' itilty oit ouhi, tb.sdva 'W bci S.rfalc -11% lsttlut 1nt ir blauds bltie cbflsaTTI " htfléssss.<ha"I e: rad utus l algnnut. The isme plns li ait Waame oAiocualfm* <aeiàg.bmeti th Oe Buron Trat, %beneuS I. smtv Ditiuit cod"uithM- inher eva ine oteci3 t sAuf lar reaulla laséDoh'ut. ntt <inm ti Jm.'ii u> Si.Lb.heUOweaTract-Tsleo*h Teon 4 tio luiSt'ou eoh.bo aa tand la Amrlo, tlaieagli a 's.e. th ailla Ib(ho mpmoy bava matie tim ie àggt e amI oàlIâes on Of epll ; et of100 amiXasof *M5 t Ille se oio.Bts~~ baut conmulbn ofet ulalol-uav'owe a eseui sf MW &da". is. lcompriseSs lemudt *- P tesusulntomid -cwtuoliCbmm lablabatd hotacmb ati sla toa auv~t& ct y olng. dho memi o "0-dêkor of a"eduffaront cdbueff io néu -b&"~thho wu su lioate ar ct., olb ie i- avur misables, lunlbthe utlara part et thé. N<!vi s.o h.wwby SAiN. liim trac. Itl entib.sprboute oWie, thàaI iamstettctie.oi Wblcauou:Elao od-IW'n s eilse scowofKSgtii *Iqeleever ïamouos, uftuiblava on ei l "isa pffle».l Irla" A. diffcsly i lmlecllsj a le.atiêo,a'uléuloWRms'bo.mta àto0efdd t<ba i .acuAaoeg'4b@WOet vamau ls sla e tEii poêikuU la tb-BurouI«Met, baaedetmio-te con- lMma A. Wls, cal éuleelisM * W tlhIbe' taNo Ou <lit yen te allou t IlftilEs..A. Welleoeu;* =6 = 6.t1o *1Ic0 11u gd*M a k"bjdistrict, purtlaulmg o180 ËWP«Iâtau~iI'o um. oeet tha Compmmil, the .:pouss a Itmffl0 ¶ht otenvepsiCOaI atpulatloditife u Q1q#.PonsI.h ds atltisil0 b»-« o Metru*lttbond heof Lo.Outa*- du 4N. 1*é<e2m duf talriovoi4 ach fhmly te con" of t~ mbaillilttlowrî OfMm5' adaite al&tht.. elildîcu, bj tiduro< iam mA. éWii ul 1141111 f the». expeiesIfrnt th.en ColmaateM si d asa. 01MJu efthle pucae-money Oolair fara.Th May* i,~. > promet pricem cf lands tealsnaHurem TrIac lrf' fie mitaIS ae rsesm8. 9d. te1008. proinca" ci- y -------------~ <lâil, ffoea adollar am be-us.m1 T I hlabueby giv.m <twb« i dp IWOuelespar acre. ofa iemmfalf tabmom< Isani e" lThe caosopersansO db"llrequis"- in Oef bi N&meaiy'a lapid Imtlut.Gesà Uppe'C»aadoand WhvI, ct N crsvt5alait l.ottsaiol ulicreàsa floI it be.teed te tbeïoplpes". atlt l qiJStIa e ~cuai CslaitVanera, Macbssicad LWe-debter, e1tth ai ut cf tiboqla luit es;pole et largo captl emm Oidpro- t=-OZ 6t4,' teI SteMm i. iamuiato î.i Publie csrte latter helmg tmvebd l.al lhr .811 o mâ~ sideraly blgsr Metgo '0pu 1ês. 1 1-0 omdd <ont. m s s~t alho, on aus d mitqeoulum0t5U5lithé t ignrpîobe accurity. i m êt*e U.NalWO th, bta gent otnh* oapt <11uanti er5 il0ti100 cm. - snous la emt"th" 0iaoM <hrs e siamat .e~ eh lot; and i a.TtavmabOf biasae Wlai Oi n Se aras <la, i ho sItul uiab %Lt1*4e <halaonDg lot. se oult iuitoéiblW 4b QI hi$ parchmby h#abliy-te ps q Ors întalent au M.t coprtlh hieR e ldi< aiad down bylbI 0Gawpoap topOheptI oflU t h.Huekw Tlku. Âll flatheinfomtion umy hieMelaud f4ommesHlait, Lopes & Ce. a t.« liantC. Huebasa, . Moru. I~S M~fKerby, 'Iï wiais p -. A,~ lw4 tjle y ta umsie Mu aulo de *0 .hmfts. tt. gaIN. cf <homs hk a iv&éau Wu. JOTTIE it iinlvi-Pit- ami S <o loa y. Lk l, a! L ie isu Ie- re oftb.h'of W 1>lko, est ,. eB eaueA *b * .b"muwopol b, afer talisa gpqtr1g.uii r.a, I AeIpouv I bm n"d *"te "0 WM ~ asceunto ily ostboî klt MaIMoC La ,yag~.-Lop*, M oq~~lagotat tr, sudai allenb ýe. h oblat ppli ppa.St g~w~uaiuau, ~.fLpai * ~ '~'~~eo t. MMMUU"--,- <DTWIGG. ylie<t thtos* W. oMiste bm .,*a .45 ~ ..qpooms ai-o h,,#t".vo C"pies will lie 10111211 effl 9» bon d- tfo «,,&fl aad...Alcore. inomp SU& M 10d4 . %* 10- s <hobou maouatia.sfoiury of dis aboveworti <boumUi mailla. be dds<.a.t tbe Prietor, D. IK. odu# â toam u Llham ollseoi loti. p.Oatu¶~~MA* itof <ho mou et bdh', a Comrnrrcial TravéIjj *oolglhowaik hslaaIosl fYECDA a su d mOUT181ax91Anite~ k"OuMgoosudot» b<- madtaior Auzalc&: lsgo bu"j,.the Permission dedkcaed t. COXOYOI, à& IIWMBIRET HARIIES, C- B., #c-. rc. &c. by . ou tllsd *0pa ,IBtS bpivi, "Davidi Taylor, R. N. Vuecfadime i t <hs7hPWl»i UMIS mrp wit fada"othe whole oftii. .bge f in =.a, nu-kx« J&. Camd sud Netbeoi tait.. of Amer. RT MERCAIU - <qfat South as thelatitude of Waetin. en», ras lten is *mbs i mi-touoauWieg Lakes., Rvers, Beys, canait, %wu Ras. Towns, Villageoi, suddGitant., by Wl -TIt Wl1~N l~I"and %rater, 4c. 4e., 0on a #nie of thrce mioi -vôim. V leit Ioh pletuelit" tâe %tdetesoflatl0d, coepiled fta hm imlp ialhaut . hdfor sUt" btetBUthtr, su pertêfttbservaions VUI coaiis" e to i ,, s.h g'.j1 h téitha lm and Un3. and domutie; viti <opi.s oul.làoo *en 1 -,va!CWip vili dîfler froa te Nt.i,y sud £le,lu. $)wolb, 1b *,»ao- ouly in being put hp unnLt.enusuel font psa sud América1b slèle, *i...a i tîe. cipubleattoAu.-Ptice, te îubscribers tif Mfj ot.wuleetcthe aq.oen tlwry, taritdollt and a half-îîo obh aert JW h 4 ecommisubecoiben a thelb.above Map, wS* mes t.alu si", à<~lOf etu¶llrla,.ébu G. Prker. ~ jJfl»j~ DITRiCT CIRCU. ut *?v~s~ii r spctfully beg lesve e» ~ l ftbSbé éëte t"rlifrends and t1 oat~babmen. ~uhWI~ hh mtmblthave hi. dey faim, veux d-w CPCPIICU" IG UBRà. 1 m - j w . e ti m it s c . R ; r 4 . ~ b . ,. a" e ; h ic h fiey ici- V5U~0iJi5.......',.tZkiMtipeas4F ils worlr. o! tbe umme tt h le gielilià »itirj»-por. sed qop t,b*th,l y in the contry dieurs froetil aMy ~tiewiLlisuch Books s<oe<ota e oupdu.'ýtThIa'oi «bimT ;l-F Vary instance, ! Trîi-*molypapeîpuilIbo a rtcr bey ffi PfMe ý"M fer<1beir ouer la< a vey convtoitr, umilt.fJ-ai.*4 h.lUpiilii Mr their $ifscar- igmuc etba vury ohIrMNC 100110111,m iigouod Ç-11-9-e«Iouif <. ln ibs eeutry ail. *bbh mt 0eél' ot i go t4 pIitlUêfMb.LIbBy 1 h.in s o m ett e da y b o t lé b t U à o t v i u " n ub i U a n ails d o s ub ci - as mamolswIntbe iu#Moa m "iMâ MbWi Nue-oi MiadtutoWil h fet. T* Oubwibu.fW .que, et, £ d.; -didth t lb. et. sivtimetaulU;fw3*z:b» otii, tho dal. an ext ewyafuurâ bd $4c 7Ib@Ç«~t ailiibot!toenltheoeau le tca ueR alt<e ~et~iyot tisi m u oda luai angton; but *,lue o on.0» ait lb. P"NS #;,(&m ugl.voia et co tli. talla -Osci" omag U avonet a s lieai iiiUTA alm divl - thc dslly-pQr the ivrlait tu a, o 0 .5**où sbik as-ala *doai t àcluâ g <a *ild District g wtkb iombles nm t. gt .au l da m f'éIf* lbatsa'thlii<uieonwiad ,l moUeof h. Ikuy. ..4ht<e $uWidailuh :1 TOtUS, rivaDOLLaRs le ote ,.-Iitf *u ultlia "aMERCAN EaValOAU IOCUVAZ 4» AD- É%ceaufbl hla t<ir 1soitié, i veth coam blstet fhoanr, o,t i a #W k él bnd ila lb.Smon". ;t mSmmUIOtb55owJouvtoUel. Od Jaliff AVVARLANEC & Co. ' smaoo im u inov.ry am alu le. s-_ EcevE et Nb Vw &y* è but lituldOlm sea*~i~.ltmu0:70racaal licol oeao cfMonta Ici. Dm, he' Yiý aL-PnbIeSythe il ta esill nie,*C. Ciouigsitdan mi a4*mlï; b s 1Dg lm ony jur mq m *o rsmuk ip ]N*8~S5U b opate informe hé ar 1604M. ha omi cvas cty a&Pl'terpobc liam a le Stagestreet, lm 1.1. y ehugIt J fa, t es . .z.hk es*m e liehîall 111m",Sa.sis 1041IsosuOlooisud ohAvetmau1y.ltd sagcental aond- tImamI.OiOCimir poir varlmet 1e- meut ot WI el*"S PIITUM UL- *miamAimalgu.a poeLTQUýý cEfuTY GLASS WARE Îrm boi motîsdbOaa qumli<y .hich Me- bm eau<e *. fau à", uuauiurlcu foi eh. ùmrn aele 1o ' ig O IUfl 04AW"Jf*.*L & <UTS. est- 1 s.e1ao1tu=utli_é 0lii5l1 îb1o 'I0.j..- wu.. PCOOK. lis viel kùmor; Pid b. e., ~110 tt_,g * w5t.hato it-,l1b. bapp - witqoOto lb. ,4 *.Ç subo aMy sU 'toi 'tvgel dey 711beiP4. War nl, saiate u tlet lino;&e- uk" f#ffltu, c. eumeraloi, du iait Soikiuba4.._ a bioerco- M ' im bu- o d id ltetm elum. ao1 «ha hodollU m atud black Crp, *!» s or bomi; aid lbueoo#as tas à$ Boiffl té ued cGros de imm d te PMo 01 m eUa i Wicu us t ey m . , a àidm ma'. alb .,Canton C Tp, F, of W ýwU ' 1i Scotch,.Boa - ~~Csliu.a. IÎt matid àrk toad; e Ï 0EW » & -.Iag si d O e b* p îa ind al < , vii ii » -.' for cash a test

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