-t 'e. ~ h a i. téMdte the Proprieter, 1). K PROSPECTUS'. & uN oll.alUnrciaI Travolig M*f nos Dà cj*andLon-iitun. BAv lul.m dctedt. COjuODOo,, R Bsm C. IL, e. hl~ *ap i ! iclde the wbl.ef tbe »1sitSeil . h.titwodfe etW T *iweg Lo ad civer fa , b; LeT = e Vilq a mia ode Of ,, la ~compiled ha gl slP* ~in the moi fin te en flpb.qply u o,,*P iiq WM~ux,&" wrni ICTCU. elUoi6u, eu throughouî lb. Ontha~hve lb,, d&Y MJGLIBRA. M l hich Utyin. .6ot twork omet, uthueMW publicatiog m wlth ,udi Iloob bw l eveiy imtam, * tben, cee- bibd roo'omwb Mthrnr a ar- mpw~t ~smlousof tbe Lira,'ll uteOligau 4*3 -JO Y- IM UON TEmrmIO U_ -lSu itlaq Mé-la A la 0 be, d05m ilw 1,bich e Id ,ib min lth.eIaadiat be mreof »Ch in Pr @wu «tbeea V I.. bgo;but del incf dia- h ,>uydnw 31aToi. 'n uefthe 0&0ia ~m Luno i MWIT, bocbg émi. by the 0 te.nâ hie aonu uit- LMWARE lnlity which wi euh. OATS. ,p. COOK. ma ,l i 901ce., il J'.'.' ch.US- * TWIGB. mutai ib ut- Il ail khiU~ ,mwIdé (V