Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 18 Sep 1833, p. 4

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t MetiremIcm oticadkmbugaslb ém cetkcalenmia.mn -tche; e 6. Ofthie Lmqc.rpvfarItIat TIi ecu re ab flslgfatme Cw4*8 m.né rp,ue"i.i- c..'b..ta lige Coicceail lt*idila-, te t. hob.Piti 0" Tu eUpper Cpima vome. caca. H1!IC .bectmur. liée r-pal1mFelaeg uri!omot te b,* c or co1 <t qprem. Lt~ ~ ~~~a ctihe ibted..rylal.fai-aMW Wui i m"i Kt wb,,frualea. cb. M.« bai. cia. amrt-oeomàbe germo. Thge petra. ne --fhpublie ist te -re r c.cpctfcly Kbgl.,fti A*sga,i1814. aiM r.t irdoeniirtai. licca crd utai P.. .8 -2atacardciof tam ffis.tgo me i.d uta .7 pefcea c.*1 gare acty l ait-ei f 4Ie. MI1CHAEL WNrARNBY. Kemgut.am, A-ti;m aI ti, 1«. M ISKaLKtACH eai ner,4numi sud the public i. gemvms-%bu 1mi. "0.4 9et ber etaiMblat cgril e-enkmeo aume Monder2Oinltant. Vacanductfe font Docdera Iin-t..co. bPt ;t17b, 1e33 a midi 4 , ~ ~ UTri CE l b«Orby T.cul a gven a aIb>vir- "le ,W ceil.1A'caf i emmdasuedOt hif tbsMj"r'uî aMittland ai tia Cm,ct th.smae 'raI a,,,ipar..rîl etaic otJohns VLesca-, an iac.,mr or conealea dibla-, th:i i . 1 lt,,f Pbrilp, ad 1 tuace .-xd 41 ch. -lafit, . clil i e p -i.i .fttb. c%-M . Pi. is-ay, Rami ur- les- tb.- ,,dIà 1 F Le..oyeyi,-arn anad patiî. mai: trùtaa-ta,,, t .., cm au fethe clmlimnftha. eit .rctn ,Pml)imguýt bb. riachrgs.d cleh. ma tie. aedrmui frime, the dette her , .1ti ha- testmm-me ciliraei mpetion- ai o! heid ultJ. SF. L-aaywill biha- u bc t.8 the cid ataî,,,. W. IM. GUET, bbsubSeif, 1. D. gSembunIi'sOUa- SEIERIFF'SSALE. Msmiad Iiscr, 3JILI. bucli cm T.' Wtt. 5wTV Saaturday, bo gu-cd t.y f ,har m-te mI lie Cout leig Li.d. .eacc*d ly vîcilu cfOra leeeilot, iémar.14iomi f Hu 1jstburefaa xim., m tng ta the mu cuocf 'ti f.. Ga,.Nil 4ri the soit --f PiiIlp a»s ta .14tîl&>, i nite" 01o i.id "ut iii., cen 'ieu of Kiosngeen Ait pimcea biioimm, a Lamas cmn b.the .. laUd,6or&Dy paalier,rf, by iArsag.-'r ý5tmerola, arc reqmsiur to s e uaitb - eau* kw.wa t - mu n uc af.eediv cf iule. ili.tc commente a l.dîl iriey Wu .BT ampulptem M-c'tPalersoil neopsac tcitai. ibI à, or licasamd hrligIt te llitmfi «r mot, neaeometauea.May eppcesttee Saqaille. bTccilIe beLlat tbcle le vi té- - asiha. hou- gemerel petlodical, sca, tIerm "y b. ecaonol Sales by Auction inetikDiatricto, of racla Tocn bote, or a *aber Lobe os i , 0 rm cc.telb.ledis- I Proeêd f , irtd 0<tbeac 8.1v *"le ntc Thc'cocdibiot* ofeovery Si@o by PuigIa AmIt i ii ibuas &I <co. -Oie fourbi.! s the pmcdamcamy @t»bebogdi.c»; Ai0 ie sM", bd*la e1te qt-a*u umimpclo, aeteret M lx $r titc ccc IebametPayable cibag mautl e IA c l b. pub up sanWpmet Prive. I '1ailI notice wcll b.g84"Vthth"lie c inoe the bcprend. cidveutiemi cF i ililb. poub.b4,,cf Ibniineiî.- tce b 1 bputmpt mmcii1@1e: obdl'le Camo na v lo debumaet 1tic upiltpcilc Ii Lid i> bu .ceed loi futa ur, e gue -" m~micmeimer :y Auçcii., Ç'otfertLblanoda *111 le louci kme of ebergeaupa b Inerec lfc tii.Pucic .g a aeet Tbecelialr pealcieul Im *Itelm b ild rfor itios r = es "I towau: le Putri.-i rcui Vort, 'endUllitea tsýIbo ctbWr iscmlaInii *um iutau&Qinlby Town. Rettelle, LniaclCbtc, Oibe Um Tue.iy imJly;ani bbey aril cotimu.110 ttauate be ellia cepci .uabbaaiit er theat «Td"ouIin laNeveumau wt . cien rt ceci botiaranigememnt s aml hrumae my tic Gavectiuaatt*fIlbescecd r Rpniecm eubu "tlte rcpctn the land.uIdbo la ofei0<le the omerit Dliricts, by oppllin lotie fonllclg Gen- tlemen, Atebta for tba Vouusma of Clocn Laci-rvit: DBbtàw lDWWet, Mcr. JouxMcàumao ILDS, Byte"u. .otenc Dirfet, JUm@ Paîuen.u, Pls.,Octznt. N.ccait Dlott. ALm.MCDl*Z, l, Eq-. Potaboculgli. London DWrk. Rcucuia. Maîvir, Esq., Dalapace weatorn DIUVt, Hau.av Jous Joes., hq,, oCbam Tb@ Commlml.n.cfr i r" L".net- jng as ceAeet for l5h. sale- fCeg Rofeevee1 q.îeta it toe l at 1» 19iI u cb«egy iTm eubae n et > o bbirta cucupidby eihirtor beacet tb GoveuMmet, cmili b. ilpomel efby 1bl Aïce"lnWàsi, Mer l deio&d-Iafl Ssii. .-f Orecn Le=',noaret = emalUahOte be. dc, aveilhletlanditbiet t'bief P ettwfrC wIe mouevoa ciiiconîli. M, Go-tinq -.*411alo, cmnetii. reaicinier in aie acusl Imilmeutu cfa tm ccn **ob, i "l nbwm ouse imlalstat, te 'ie p itib Is btla ceaLt BuliCirgy Mecve, am bav, becsuboas- ad, or occupleal by tbc aàtbb.ety cof tii. Goicementmet bpasoemd.-fcr by imiter tý, iii- Cemiuima'-9 MceLieA»&, mi suie daleaicf, iii b a y Pnlvate gcie on tien.. tomm si paymatm tic AU s1*kd eioir. belAletorota partir« miguon c» et iemmcilctelcela- d t Il* &&em*,uet\temnol. uàpa >Ment. PETERCI RODINSOIN. r tcabls f cli Lae~ OMM., Yark, gritbomer . m Ki #Wltisa lomm#wusc> Pleprg Pewttuadloa b.1oeil la 1 ar h tens ii boW#eru pat. 1M Ps- Lots 9,17, an1 bd lepibmof li à. b"Y«- L eol 7 mceci port- cf - 10r~ibcoibis - - Iiiio , ~;;ANADA, ~ ACOMPAR te Upperm Ce s tartes wlicb çaaffl la ix hmaalments, *8*0 quc.âmggly euie fifth0 le pe u~wqE'i~tien e mUider an l pemete mmcl lii itb Inbertest at six Pm tes kolwx," tUi en eabled teaIt lÏb. tclt the cmeeey le- "M ~CANADA dascriptloeo: lit lu &StiteiRéseve, aie Frm or Lote cf Lied, fîcu ose huedred te tee icndred acre. mach, which sans apréei *ver neuiyaeeryTownship ile be Province. sad in mamy insances are desirable, mat oeiy "c aceumnt or 111.1.- ol, sud ether ictrncic adiantagec,but their value la mach enhauc-1 ad, ibe &"b it rnIgrmm ecoiJl, bYI .beir*"Mt pelml egbte eon te mille, Itecaiete rGemmal ebffm,, UcicclaMW The prices, et whîrh Leeiarc e otol-« lant âme *c si. m Lte 9SOL er adc- famlupen l bth*iltiu oer ceice. BLOCeS or LAND. 2ad. The Bloc*e et lAud lie ctlrely in tien part. of tGo PPrvince Msatmîcitae iietatcd cftbcboncuet [,lsboOtrie, mud contais lieds. cblcb fer cl, climat. and = f Mpreulucticuareeaval. nd par- gueLier te %*y on Ibconctinent cf Almici. ?he are wcrthy the atteetionq of ce*Muobicaof Ruigrete, cha., fte reeutry, relaltoairp, religion, et ay clii-, uv bondi cuti taeiseuls togetbev. - Tic ballant block etf hie b.d là the Ceminy'a possieion le tbcTownshlip cf Guelh.cetalimg pwadtef4D»O, aoeee of ablbe ie eoer paut bas bacs mkeedy sold, sud i h oborbet pace ecf Ave yemya tsars ec biene ccbbliad n tbc citr- net, tratbucba,ceboolastore,, tavre, sied mille; chiefma,<ar eaebanicu c1 evety bled, cud a socile ybau bien fcr.ed et a bikhly respectable deccciptlc.%- rpIT bau improed ie value fro et. 150 t o.000 outml, hua ebewiug, bayentthe pcc lty of a doubt, the adrantague hicti teh@ plain adopted by bbe Canada Cempany lu tbc iettlemeflt eft thir lande bave ceouler- red opon tb. Emnigrant. The cai plane bing adbered to es the Huron Tract, there la cvery flacon le expts simlarre tiemb. ME HUBON IWWTORY Sel. The. Harem Tame-Th ise c Tract cft i aet léad la Aumra, tbreugh wbicb Ibo, Cempauy bava .d.tire raidi of minauda of 100 mile cf .210mb, cf the. lio ecaemutlemzcf chici aàn»Wcouftry adulte. h. comprie.apo lady a village e ftty iebabited beanie cl varientot er aittiomeeteý, ecmulmgthai mly lm0 sababitants, wbo. numbere ave ,epidly ba- uaag.Tbe tours cf Goder"cl, erdwuIi* cmLbo ure, meti9" mmuis et the Ri*r Maitti, ceetolea amoie(or Cgnei aepi), sud Bret cf ribe digirent clamair cf wctieg echeanice ase .iteoicbd hers, but mot ce maey ni rhn u louent roqurias 'fbere in &,ccMWad gdisl mai i i the iatevidci- ity. and i bct.r M cf etiaer- m i prope lie dligenaloil f bhe tract. Tiiece sni" ii e aMW Mill, oncàbi'gm ca]e, en bbc Xiv- et Aux Sals, imbue ceutbere part of tic tractlb IIcWeld b. aupertue te abaet bat wbcsltsac* &a- etteit f gbd tant! §c« fe partibion, on Emigrce*, -a bedY efRas. lgcmbb'ucrnommoncs, e, culbm Bun diaglty ilelt la location eited t. lbtir tiaiteoa er gsotle titre the ailurc , Iola" L e'. mu e t e- Omtme bW tbis yearteO llcc te a jbmdua, &aMW* lale, scistrlcb, prcbaiîg lià" cerge oirmari f b art" , bexeUc >rie, alleclng eh fa.clly te coum et t qadulte ced tccclde,~r eubn hbae eexpence haýmîb e Bra lniitaim!nt ia fim 0&. .té ýrù&mt penial ccurcay, bâeiAq 4ef< dallari bi.salt yprCassad. amd cho, e caser, mill tenreeltdlcbekpmrpu.ccomall CapitalstMFussera Me-eeh-cdLa, ~ epeailhWe cpitealo 9"pu- la- OP O0F GN »F" % SAININO eue acte eand a baIM fwmvgam a Coal Nomu 16 feet square, al 'ittbcliicfitai pmabectoare enelc.d Ec eet i M bd pbeedofn LE fer the:tera-. et een pao Mue.Frsymib. -A1t=ec th nibc a ter &b. hume WHbhaet libertY te remeve di. buMuithol mey bi.ebecied biereon, if ce~~~i cemcutta"% cith lth. brioe- Pauouea eeb.-gi..ou lbthet c f Liiuiisv cctecleaap~-Mc. oh unasccutmx. ii-ly K1138000% AWiuvl lé, 1888 VAIALE PM RTT TFURSALE. VIELot ami Tavcrn Stand, itutebsinl the village of Rart4fmld, comicbcgc about au acreof <round cithbae <ced ratneV Hfouée erected thereen. Likecise bbc.. fourtbi f an au ecf greunalcitaregoeai Frac »elllng Houtsainmd oneeStonel Bouse thereon. Application te b. Mai. te tb. gubacribex on tbc proise. WILIAM WALKER. Poiem IeRnci. 7h May. 1853. - CAPTAIN WHITNEY, <t PrYU, .eallieg aet Oawegc (Stata cf WilU lear. Prucn i.f*rt Ni er W snoamceageWmm rkvfille, Kingae. Caourg. iocb HOpe M. " eck. Pamansmeieeucet taklng tue cc- voyance arc afmoe labat aue omngcmb bsbeen mad i cbbC&PArrrRîcuAitD- ses, cf tlb. Soms-Paeaa a, ta tale lIeu over en Btui-day moreings a M Nage- ta, clibout anyaditonal charge. 23d May, 183. Ta£ rAeT SAILIXO ITMAXER BITANNÇIA- CAPTAIN JACOB HERCHIMER. U3ILL eaeethe taed of bbc Boy cf Wi QulTl r.foer y. eyiori aniPatt. C.TT, c'rcY eMcY nimd Tbutmuy moln- 3n abSc'locbl, md onchîugat tb.inter- in.Sdi.'te Ports, Il11arrive, lb Kiegaton at 4 oclack la tbe cftcrnoon of thoci icys, and eti arr &ive et Precott le bIne* te mact tic Menîreel stage on Tueaday ami FridY VA LUABLE LAN4D FOR SALE. prrs h l ir aacree JN Sfotb Crosby, Comyof Leeds. Di.I ryTnem Ïd ycepriday aftermoon immedi- b1 e ometc~BlgN&.5, in lot tly *aTler .arrvaI ef theb. netmi CM., and Ne.4,tidCon. ofiê"d oc-Stagli; cli 1cm,. Kingien nab8 elcleck shlp-.clîuaied on wclin wcdkd ed Wh»'ik- ercry W.dedmy and Scturdsy ecrele, Jubralnch of the Gananoqmc Labe, mnd oc- mandciaivemyetabtbbcConying place tu ,cQlmg cou mir. ide bbereof-cenalting ibthonte mccl bbche hStage. eetIMcY Of brobon kota ced ceetainieg By an arrangement with Mr. Waller (tihe chiot 94acres. mraeriof the line of otages betceen This tend in geneumfly cf excellent q~,uali .eM anditheba riyieg Place), the fin ty, aninl particularly raluablo-on iccouat roui Orb.nrg te Prcccot. and vice ver"a, cf itscommumitatoe di tii, Rideau Ca- ciii b. bbem»m ce je chargedintle c ake cal,ita c rcx.btae n limd t bonte. Pamee slram cHeadl of bhc boieg cnt cier. bbc Perthbrond conn!ectà ai aucmMe 2- cithdm bck road te Kingoto;from whici cii1 arrive e m-s y nd laiter place lb te disante«Ilyabout 25 mùm Frl'"y oreuliR Tubalete ewrthy bathe tfiou Xingue", Stb jly' 1leu of puachacersand thé term er ly dcete.-A pply t hEit e b oliau MOFV' Se Beat or te C. Fothergil lu > Pie ili, havIE AU. g ilenfo Hoe .Dittrict. ?tî. ev imd lo FOR SALE j4 OT No. 7, ile th 511Cclmeeeioe or the JUtownship cf Leeds, cenbaletsig-150 acr et cCHOICE LAND. The. lt rue into South Laelm, cbich le aavigubleftbm bihe.S te Gacanoque, ileane 12 mils; and 6 te Urewir' Mille, Theroin au *os- cellent Mill site en the lot, witb a Bcvet faitng aaimn of citer. Thert ie Il acre, cimamd,cndincaop. Aloo.bhafrm efa MWcMill 60 <cet leng. ch 500 m o"ou bbc ipet. Tbc owneerreac or Ic- llirgle oeout cf iUIbclth. TbcbIbll ioidle. putable. Appl teW MomeAuctiaeer, Ortto tii. valmcrib.r, st Brecer'. mille, ubo wdli show tbe Lied. JOIIN CULLEN. Kingston, iel? ltt, 18u& FOR SALE. C orbhelly port cf Let N. cemty, in bic Blxti ceaceio cf Eret Town muder lohcmble gpi Imprerreecta imuated 0on bMc maie pëuic Tosa bading fron Camedm, Sbegleld e~. te Kingetn,, ferucîxccuid 1by Johne Miller aiecnPbdDY ames B mith as aTavern and cw le lbcpoucmbce c f labial Clocke. Appl latt be mode te Samucel Clabrke.1u cfCaudea or the P7tton, 4th Pieaty, 18111 atet .3e> de7 mm Btec fmwEugton every blu- day cmbb a0 va4 c .Stc oau-me non. Fe r Femgbbor PRacge opplyte i proprioter Rcar Duamoni. KingaoJl 0 83 KINGETOrI BÂT WAIEE-HOUSE A OS. Smith, repetfuiyle- emTforms the public thst bey con- bleiues te carry on tb. HatftIngleci- nena et bie oid stand cpprsie theb Kliegaton Hotel, and Ibo Court Homae cher* b. has,-on band tbe laeta draout fiehuunble patterns for getlemen and la- de' Hati and Bonnets, Ecaer and imita- ducs, or approred credit. Cash peud for Beaver, Mualtrat.endSiP- pfF Nere omber l2d. 18M0 . -.Haset oond, ail ecrGoml- mman'c anal Touthe Fer Capo cf excellent qualfty-ad Ico Balie&cf 3uflooio, wbicb ciii ho ild very ec fer Cashi. THE AIA'810X HO USE, mibseta&public Hotel. Ta. c ii mcii Houat.ila plasmeîly umt. »ebmiOn Sttoe trc.b.ing the prinipl. ted ment cenitra«est je ing«o, in the buaiMeciPart cf tbbe 10cm; ile cmvenieît the di&frect team-bosit Imdinge: and ne "oc*abugent cf Ibe bled ile cProvince "lx aurpau l8 lthe excellence amd cordren .1 lca %ments, in regad itb te parler AIN be-rccm ; mlc.b. bacfumg~ lebb rerythet tle. T i 'baubr bviril kpt Tavern f«v sevet emiyar, bac cqured experience in tiot lie ; cnd ho trusts tiret Witb unrei. tiCg attention tb bhc cooiîs of hie guefp b. will nmeut a Saat.of tbe public patte,,' la bbo -car cf thé. Mention î1'seil& large yard, in cbicb thaeo i an extenive range of Stables,,aed chere a Llvcry Stable lcongtantl> kept. O>A Carrilge -cl b. I readineen t, conver llaggage fromm bbedificrent iîeauû. hesto te bhe mamslon Bou».. 9. CARMvINo. Kingstoe, Juste 2a, 1833. BANK 0F UPPER CANAD. DUBLIC Notice il brfeby given, tiiit at helu tbi dedl, lb won reaoelved that the ce- maming 60 per cent, due upon eiesmr Steck,dubltbe called in, payable ntthe b. l. lecioib elde, six: lep.eaiâe -i -ipaale 1,t Mioeeay 10 de. . m dé,.«itINredmay ln Jasy. 114. 10 de. thoâ ed. m lm Nid&Y in.Mb 10 da&tbthd " en t om.y i.o.y 10 ds. aithàde. onlit Memdy i.July« M4 feirtir xrecclved that in orIer te suit the cebveelelce cf tbbci. . tockholdeti Who May chesse te pcy op in mu, tii.> shahl have permission te de»iti c cay lire before tbe Onrt dal of Nevember nexm, and cil l b ecftbîciteca prpexibceate divide n ithert- e front the date ofiuch payaient. Boceb cf Uprr Canada, York, Iti une, 1813 THOS. G.IDOUT, Catbmer.- RANK OF UPPER CANADA. NOTICE le bvccby <ien, that fromandme aftle i nt dmy cf Octabl x, t0î ceuiccai f uy note cillilas permibted, un- lcm cmr lotamemeet ofot Iceat mn. chird *hali have beau duly pai lu-cead Lucer, tht I bic =amet b. made furtiitb, cm th. n o te ii m d u . ciel* e t c p a te s i ii b. icprived cf bbc privilagecfreewing tbear peper. I -By erdeeof the Board.-M THOR. G. RII)OUT, COMMERRCIAL BANK, M. D.- OTICEla brebygiven, tbît et a Misai le sbbc iretora Leld thi. d&Y at t ve, te rmaidi or mont, ridei, riz.aiteflv&F- 10 par ent on bhe 15tL September, 181M eP 10 petcent e the 151h Norember, 1833. ab 1 ceu n tmeb151h Jasmary, 1834. Vyble uttheBb ank orilis Agencieg. B vcie r cf IbbarBoil, Omo a. Al. HARPER, ts Commercial Bank, M. D. Caber lh KmetsBhJece, 1833 e~i t 'c f ecipipensb.ceofaocq.e ta emu smwew a, r oeted to£0publ..iti ami ~ âèr~ t lb.bueI 0"hm Y7~7+i r - 1 - 1 - 1

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