ý ,---ý_- . .- __ý 1 :_- -_ - - .. ýý 1 Il - 1 . . - -. . . ---.ý'- - _. .- __;-. - --, .--.ý- 11 1 __ ý 1 ý le . - 1 ý 1 - 1 ý 1 ý, 1 ,ýý ý , Il . 1, . - - ý -, D. * ;ý . !!! 1 - -1 -A ý à , '. »7. ,7!ý ý ul .ý'rI- im , .1 1ýý_ý , ý .A aM- -, ý . j qi ý ' . k n i ý . , _ P . cA_,_ý1N1 , ýi'm ,-,-- 1. Offlag. , . : go .ý ý ýý-Êc - .. . 1 ý_ . .- i_ jVj[jjjjj6jjýM _ - -'. . è--Iillll!lii- ý W- ý% - oý - muluw2mm ' - - i . - NOVEMBER ai, l"s. [741uig»n 1qiý0 àk. ai, , - ýý cîL'_ý î1-,ýý_1____ :: - -1 1; . Klxcw$Toxg W BBN" RAXý 1 . . * - . ,,,, iiiliiliiïlmgmliiiilïïïi 1111 --- ----- ---.- - ___ M I - Il -en- - ý - - - - - ___ - 1 ý - !*(-,Md __ 1 Il " ý 1 - 1 - 1 - mtdçmrftibý 1 v - om ircruiS ,.-ý -;ï,-,, uk0lii. sidai _... N4il« pe7mot Aatw*»Ifflu - 1 Wdbpo-db Isasa In 1 elottobse. 014 change Il , .j61ý__.w - garbat- lm .. gez fiIerb. a", :: poqomwbd walv a huile, ., t et or. lz end. la hié Omo M»mr, thât W 'bi»Nmu ---ý-- -- " moeuum4bubmwlec:;rwm"o" Sù aboutit is th« the , , thot ln tery 1 - --4 Ée , b'"d ,by t A.. y - -r km,44 0" mepw*wm tablait r;= *M-dmà by le RI vIllo, F = .. t. m - vue " plomb end albieul.1 thît I, em = Là, I.Pm..wy Assaimatictond «iti. "Mr. Prier. eue%& reque« i Jm W*" oeuâ»umî 'Z"ft.Y on mate of demutimtion sioce 4able #:ý#c*=»4 - - - ,IBO monnosés, of living su ab@ Can&dim bc- ,hall, amie, It vion oomMémt tuâth my a". fonctionne lie wu mg ý î 19 N alowimâlinte ý ý ý - ý fer by4« mes Mt Wbellé. tw» foudy . noir La penémi j capitale timi it tratvm a 1 r. 1 1 ", but vithéout esperience lie cou baie 'plan le invest ewr mmumy "le a li" bimd Of twe"Y-6-e Y«M' $tau&@& ,j file earliebt titues id whicit ore have auX re- - 1 -l - 'tM"--Výe oberiotimom car Wh" in thm mm the hall" le vmàe-it lie mw»- bout haleté dallant loti yelont a Partager -= Ibo 1 il mm op 0" m- amorti. me kikaw blottirait with bertablity ý l Y.Z iro2wi1«mMoàp".iA"Mýwý '-ddý thot condition of the hW* savem irce?ýoork.- = 7180, intimminc illoit th& @mm filiale. aman after my lotbe, 8 ri Tita'»Xt mommg, bosseler, lie about the pa tel mes* ýù their teilla geste. i abat loir 0 ~- - _)ýM__M_. ý .affl - i b; à - __ "X Il mm a Mun two-sim bolide? a" being of Rite Wou m le , wu = 1 and Ide re"m à» te the gapecits, or, if you w iii, Ille g"ý RMLI- î Il - ' ý 1 1 1 ,air" V-z-àw; ý-- - ý lt flânant deaund fiàr puy Ment km If ýý . Zd 1 in ', ý eounuo«od of wSd, gotrery mm in il te- ta 14 locale et the . = = ",,:= . 1 1111- ý et the . 19 ndot hie 004citum This obwp pue" wu ev«Wg.-(YurlL IV, bon cou bu certain. 1'liedm"cbomw lwaaoum«-MWW. ý hm Dot herft cilitivate.1 cet or au *Diluai . . 0 *»Re ----- dmmtbmm mm faible ma Io finnutatumii. The troubdý and Mr. Prrinmr W the nu" bitintud la #W »0» blé the *£»ri&. Cheumide.) floue 8. k..:Fi.tfTîiFo(tb.P= . »»,*"[&. = bagarrer, did ail in hie polorgar te tige èeWe." for the hm , a orge tien abat My tailler midom" land P».Ws. whhclo!enâ4mroté .grr,»;imâdthoda-, mise ,--.--- iiiii 118,1 O. elitése wàtkpb the Roketidffl stilb wlLièb étoubla a bomr 0» chm«- ouc whichl toi body prégoluctiti. Mit er4werw» PÏiWIer à ilissir phmkm of Ilower of sulph« et amie dWeFha-t 'lever been bled am et 1= 17i mmbepwwptm. :1 amwem won quaking te oeil acmotbmed ftumým»«.r*e,ýooànel~ ktbe le te . ý . . &m le -bat 9 lied canton tsb UA duoifisbor himwf, abort miervale visels the 0" or Inactif body et #W'69 tràle. Sn al.0 w agent gro ý as hry P#4reimm«&*U.-oiz shom ma »devais. IL habite Were invidiotuly i" #.: Vu lien, Ait aérosol, the Mottai wu "Bd mm followed bv obst armo. Thisi wu burniv« in the lire pban*. wili stomatite est- boëley bore obéit lbren etittivated télot «J AutbmM@@4»d 7jeboèck mbmqm"tb»mlbaý = ý = it dîd net require three impmWwo,-and the âÏlence of, taie tiondi, perfe«tytog-l. liubd,»Viaiaaetbeme té a i l lion nom raltinq am in a chiionoy. any qxdm et pul*e, npa her have vind. TI"MfflqWeMooýý»». 4L abrot ý ý seuL ayez 0 ive, that a Obturai dmpm*tim Doit «hudre the »»d. wu » the sigh et noo"y. incurred allée = Ity, end in The mkàpàm-im vaiblour bas Battu Ibo Bad- agir belles &% finie lwen grégougeoi. %I a. Ilubuèquutbamdm. Aidé, lm oc 11111 ta = . won «cribed ta pride, un- of lègeaisteingloir genette of'** wibkwuem de- on such cure. thumch the wau'uudis- of pe"adiwg the corevions and m- w ithie nom m hmitab as thegogg our ce1w 1 OOC«- e.tbabuh»«*Nbm .5p« iný.l:».% 4"ry ý .=. e of ##Be elumaiOO4 Bond CLXUPI«ety loin bà»*Otim fieot; and fur ae4w **" ý . - , derva ueing tho» atmmg whom la. mes my peniageftwep«. IMedattorfiMowedr». pulocil. soutan- *d&imdml.wb obligation vrkgm diablotin» MI dutîpy tu -jouait. Ageeto" te a lot* liheta, of # relnallloges corati Mr. Prier, Baud ,The loir aiiow& if, and the mim awarà&» &Wobi«tlaeSmb"»L Arnandcafout- km«, titté parent race Indy, in qW ledit biblanlo, à*~ i ý - 4 ' ýýebwa"eeo-diwoy- OMM d"«-bou, ,-fils leedffl Uew fattée cetoué. &à* *«odn» trild" the volotrit. The ana This iftdtklbt; llow@verI only verIffl the f4md bon ellectagnolly put out, sa à fuir mi- main. hi beligre tour eye% Avery dey, géne merà .. , . - àwmmutubeiD= tbe tary did »M mit ne; a" «eot*agly, in. bitwhh a crash W iom#»W-mç ibun&-e, pauvreté Infini mye, , il mot@$. a fire in à tell chimuey, Wh« the yet tore MAX tant balle fi- Mortes -Ykniw-ý vassalisait$ fir hopertiait te bu &Q . neier raille but it Public __ AI!10 nmd of timing et the «ord~y et téta àà lit meieu Nature ment abraied et oille a 0 6 a finew me Illave, or four yard@ alo.ve flic log tain% it la ta). Il breedi gr autificint- inedf ILI mvmv in thoý ew«inc. enimm» cor moka ma Omo ber innocent ..nLo topb,,-. 4 asset " obuuU lie lbuug bekre Ir liait b*M soing -ïýnr... '.'t" issant, , h me foire. - - Wbm tlm tarit Won rettimable. 1 &tffl . 4" . 1 Tetwmtwad» U.t>aem" 'in ta able ýuèèic table se ligisoit, and »49»" vital hie unet @ma, Ida fiolliées, mal n'a cd su m- Il î - -1 1 r; etill,, car, la 'r« the boýfbu. thmsam yeao*, vit , ' clégifige et et*: .à IL b«Màd.ý abord, va Crimes& 1 do roc* mn4m" met &*,oý . "«M-ma a abat, ealtine RI - bi-buâ" ý . **Aý -A- -4ýt ý . IL-- "y dl bu ilbis -X con . ý ý law»" *0 t"oroaw me 06 te, ý 4"*,Obm- le ItQMxqm wq Ce - maý or Ibo * *WB aa".bq"tfw détanifilla soir idlbdolïtlbiè @--.nal tè* ylwbm.,ý i 0--m- latiar 111:e - l ' -te 'h - -- W., - . C,0'1ý ý, . .."-tb..e.ýqb.-.Pmy Tout ý ý goï, 8 Z.2àloi,ýx1har ,wt,;i.». P-g & 1" = ý ý W " - nid "9>etl$W btend-ptbM ut- yawl [d- i jw î ..t. , .. , i"iiu.el,. 1:42. L' 1 W» fwtmakm- . wu S, W i= ý wtw .. .1,11117 J)tmimuouo; ho ont My attend à obierai liuoë, nos-misson tw'em- - . vi on ý aràwiro« MIMA TitAmne figrellé huàdr" mee"oem in the 0» enlise 1 _£ *0 r BeRave, làowever, ilnally, . Z, *1 *Mm Pt-oç!junm Aient Rover le(t. Rage goï W-lawèred Bute tbe'gmve. it-wigý' hm- hg and alarme alimentait in file Liftier ; und M. ý Il ý 0 $0ý ..a thing, 9 eufterired ' pwom *0 joutagi et C*MUMCM. bd --P-»- .... 1 tèle m wâh a W kou«04 8 won "imr ever, of-~ - obturation, for the detter poil- Sur riglait ta ho but MAO id Io live, Dey, witai king" ý ,ý, ynmuadyr, ý . 1 1 . mental »bat iota hem* in". Obr ,ioa Pa»init iltroucla John-atreet test Priday, i*. ý Uf» , :;0e6"z-"im. kt ta t"k thom, vils »Y tbin« m ed a îýoî-u« wbutey rouge. foin boý,, sied to Rang, tilt the experiguent id perféru- agira. ý River ofoisine 0 ;mïa lien in my abstraction utatil 1 licence . a ctée; we drainait prosperity tu the Cil et Cveek*. mon y h te, dise«.. 1 the 1 vritnemed argent aise mut lutriervue scentm' ad as malny fini", wilh agir tiiittg,*«ktrb 1 à* In Irish a L'm- -F taie armm'ncrem* in il* prou a- Appriiedsing a large cullectiS of people. in posé in à »tale of sulfuré! Fven* W *-' dwor (T oïckic -" Mun plant- moer à ted viril the soumettre cf the plu- The aime won etimen in compliment ta ý . - Wh *4 am 1 louait the galbera Midw*àub V ý ý 1 "J nom Ip. the . - a the royal faitàify, bath bew;um 1 thouglit il Rainsit O," 'L'a are by kire. ,ïZt 0 6 ng wils on *tentant of were lity Rut die, __ ý _va Y« lý As nom" (ho continues, in a Rallier ausýiebA» in il««, and bmu» 1 could ont fnun Te ingjlsst tailkiaemi*iug. luoidemtundihatthooffi- bette tour.suttpbýemm»eatrhiantpienInSt)tlh"etrbievery vrity ý udre fi , ri #rîýb . ikin te 1 football il. dit ium mode cf expression)-,, dia mm m r«oUect thet if lied ever bave bai amd IlAs 1 land 1, titis time mesortaticetit bat Mr bâti experietbced no little difficulty in a r " c a* pleut a " sable doulestic and oflWal or. iniallibeki»X"sdo"ieu. Aborth*4»- cauung hi a liait. This word le the Rate Smk indepenthadit :r a mlmniy Riveté for " as coin"" 1 a perplexing. Unir are %bd tu Tanner in Imiduna k»' t 1 dit was liée firýt bortificial nielle --f fêter- wu aw"g eh* mtilvu by - lie indidpe elàWf doigt, and ennemi farine in O& 1 liult,» which elums'L render a doigtier in- mg Lobby tinoufthmecq1hivaiepriultici, ttait ana" of Oodia Coqidio"uifte blond rangements wem made 1 beffl wy mark Jemaity, fer fabulai the commun Y votoit litt- m ait infatlîble remede, :rf .O, 01 colignaination.., Z 4.. But titis î j le ý il lobby lie oa'*moiuin tell, Ira maltraitai urdilicisou fer the galhemil 1 won «ly oublier- fur the bite - L: jeu P , a ! Allant y tir bry. ony i ta Pro- ,Ir what were the etrêtris of il, even nt . lie Snake. . 1 -lm »ri"y began Io déballa; a but ta rite ohmty; *fui the min, whirh tmdbe« assied ta &bain fin arrimota or au innaity et dates mit re upl'n the t , lm t, on the end .If one dénébulait or of tain thoudond 'idaL .. course for carryinc un the great look of lm 1 dmin-ZI:lte performance. bepn threahundred polio&, IthM, lignifiait irre. r , il a lerloq 1, seir fureté - . cette in This Plant rOomMu the tubolose, botit which ho land the 'a "ri" gularly arid, 1 land long canulard -ILI) 1 mm 1 r lttbwiilgoncrytugl« ait yearel Falli(,Ias tir crillivation ettalaKeL air ý charge. On St. Gdmg. againtopoLir. ltt»yappeartudiemuste . . I Il un radiions of agir thinir cloge, ond 1-v« and in the rolot. but id borier what W la My Penser. And ride sp. «ALrll but brittatout 1: untili gestitig n'lie la of in bath ; the faible@ are broader oeil longer, dey ho foutalleil the city of Guettait; a maray se dont 1 look un this incident- passait by the em"«at" tC I«b'M" RI- out lie , tioexclai .,,If cou dont ne taie subtect in one id wh.clè il is iinpooi-: ý , &" aftibM below brilla dame fainsand vitam we imagine tribal liait e ty in - -Witt$ gravît , tant in final 1 am very »riou;l diable ta gort amirale infigratation tittuit, net> ý ... VOIL My il one , end table à v - dise fur altibou Guelph id oubit sa idisaied »I ways m"* boum tante 1 automatisai, end abat lmlt. TIR mit Tou m les.,, Lis Pro- à (Robe tailly, but on néon tg, nàqlrlb of 1 amusait vrilla, end évitée if wu entindy owinc ta odwwb but fidfil. = , Bond 1 ami , and a cumpany ý leu§ Exe- #&;IM fl-."4d tact Y. 1. ,-we connut lie rem- River Io become celebrated for remigil Dam- , kt '""s -omtk»;ý ý . blý«à opinesur prie, m-lb«ýmu il finctiorir engagements te m. à lied laver il ,t 8 uch ai the change voust fiaveVen lait Cu - in à lissar ortion like allât et the tatAtmon ding se et tarit* i-serious a demi- amm, the location pousen« mmy &droit- lrllne" and. libre ail thenretical promteim, ikn»- : test! ý ludicrous, semi-subline, and ilemi-f4trcicid toges indepelutent air boint estomteil cm à «K-W any perphmîty in mumv miam. lien 1 Ca IL . the Orderly Sergestat film an impruvement, nord *tmoeiiiiws ilke ý a- but aurly, twice ne W%. Illable Plant 1 theftfure submitted tu the inactivent uts- W a duing tain cellillentil. battais, &fonde *balai titres test lait, aud.opt" dit ou lion, wilh a entre* réding boum of tangue of rend ourragublèded hy a «lm aO4ý lWam ma tdWr a rem reàectiom dmugg«- oser, ho ad il obellit ta impassible tu reverse. But filera id antother difficulty., , 1 a EY, the t ta a or a ,%Mmte dmdif @ta&*» W r end amimement. mpo#ow«on. Il viiii bc main by the '»P- toit by thie paierai agnation of th autbur's proceed. for no sabolber was a Dame au- Wisat grangt changes are made on Rite dur- a 1, Tige fmn&t" of a town (mye Gait) arabe PWoole». thug la atb" elnuM In, face bar il country, un taillera fomte are î! ý OHOopiw. «eh= .Olt a paria comer. temiegiv di sepos_ biogiâpky, me #W[ balosact hie @Otaru con- acéA& tabac lits 1 ,,, ý .cor *» certaisoly 0» of film. (alluding te se- tho*eentre of the table-land, loi «owd.--one and ait. r,«- changeai iota open land, and membre in petoilà absout &fi soleil in breadtb,,AWiêod ce ý ý11 into à cap or Mit. AkLm wbetà gowmbin cd pomp won te- talon raidi èr gala grest labim, @&"y, Onan- chosion. poindrai I«uzat.» and file Ordedy won un- ý . 1ý go Ta , la ýTBenLcn»I flui Maintien of fontella ta cairn illeidit, or dey alther change aber 1ý ýqùu 9 " tu oittermine se liether or net the man in coni&ml* thech&ng"ofltw Rge); and accordine 1 appointeil a na- #ici Simone. Régimes and £rBe- and thonk clinutaý FS ' The KAIP*r ralli*X c«. dimwom A band liolydny fur th bieh les Rive river, the ïfZd m# liamwed ito je a *Wp mental lie ëmlrre«ide, cor in il la mm on flic imund. Foittliiit il noomary Muet . J. 1 DeW Mt bhlg*g yet et> the bw, it myqvell the que a beau et P"; but the ommie»"M ta bédupt Mme lather couange, ho total §hoi man ,je. correspond; land na the wihi oredue- a. Tu. about the aise orêt aboutit Out. out Motilité 4w cretlylw»detemii=l."h.nýUI&7.01 et' id lby filet filiy Ubreil band or i thisiodiýiWed'a'04P$O& blaguai » ta ho Iwid in mmembrance, and CràWj6ià, And et a short dhUmw âme int, Of am boing kwSd tu it hi extra vapam in that wh« a came vrai colinot, if the indivi- lire very Rouch affecte 1 ý He.d, , =,, ' - "de in " upe. - duele wiflind ta avoid' a fille, las muet im- m'lot l O changes; and lhem' , a*r.ti- - bar Mack 1W mi& jet ore comiucted » ta lie only bapparectiy the, Grand River, whieh My be-udd ta lie living, Bu iqPrmient nmulatiuu in blui Cha n finie ambatint in tige ego- 0 . - cidesbotally impremve. la the mesontime, navigable in= " bro«e et Gaît te toile factu, MWIPt" alon m«tifvibg «*$Cio@4 auý"ely mrch in front et the conymuy. fi ".X.Mti= or tionge of the nid tribu. Nipplu, « M, tir the site' of large lentils - titis de ebp«iaily, wlum if id vecaàh-aed IW the But aie bouclier liait lie autttbunftdtltià quelle la .) Child- barwhentipe, ifshaken'wili Wile %il. - 1 i-gined ,I, would not lie diM.ùit to &W a diabm» af *"y 80 am". sy - botta of Mentoi and or aitinulu, flué clair.- persuade the directorit ta erect à central or- the Welland OR" the *àVmion in am- inguérai oNiMtion con never lie armoriai tilt cf portacoeiling thon a hurrah wu Bouss& du ficption of nature ln the full extrobit faute tcbBlirnb Ibo toit of the Bâti[@ Snake. Am ý lacliau ru for the comrny abord, and et a boitel tia»d ,W lAke Ombrie, abonnés by the Rî- the " in lassa Taie Isoler. irwlee& in se local tient the Orderly enuld net aven lacer ý . jaroviégod vith titis gpeèàfic id in au foi . rantageulm tu dialogues by eseu4*iug tlwm ibis Baron rom. At length a noms Wu the hereditaty specide eh ractent &ýe ; and ll a bras indispen» lie. 1 met about rocaring de" cami ta the Grignai Ottawa, 'Whieh sud ta the ii4froiductaën cet net vert : &balai theý touicýpenc« of a bite, nabick plans. Baving Rejailli a kind *Fondateur 601m inte, doit et. lAwrence. and by Ibo bain arrela, à»d giving théombe the Stower of hasard, end thélore man à Rentrai tub lem- Ont . but of oblierages aitorether #te*. ý ,maillot othervigne pte#o fatal in a lem mon- daterminiog igit tiédir etors minds, aller liée trala the ftent The clairement 'kt 1 1 ; f«iàlg'lmd"lr faste in ambitectumi dravoine &W timing L«hW» Cafial il cosamunimi« willité Méal- dit iy May, but must have ý@«" y for Ulm 1 > woundr4. ho tabilles a in c«»quem r»m the period ainsi hier- tout. obail thence ta the «eun golivaistagest crmb»rge., vohén fallait bc tra paid. NS digeorpaiseil the Dempsey end.mm 1.0Z . :et* ý _' of the * Witt il, apostat a . the cage pndttetiuD@ or "bé quai i rom çwfà C»dkiouille, Bond bar- te militant beneâcist iota- diers "à citize» ail wptber Ili noie &*ne- clignAtu MYES. . els, tout ta et t Rio a note il& #Kg, tbokq the wh" rom illiand fowno in thon whole wtM ore " Varied ne illeige are; dam et the Rz suce m mot, 1 feit. my i*dependmS »«- ml tante buarly. ýý, entend il, aplaties it tu the part fn» balai ding elliguld always icadiente cite bout of at mda a d4tnS fiéroisi the Moicon in 4 or 5 boum, il cuieètmli' 10 when a close" faite& Place in rilliti ut y a&- O' plaropriate ta Il@ pur" , 1 thmght §M.' sol Street, .4'1b.0ý a menied, by "ing fait poverty und ' At 1 èý jumate" a 40W et tarbar W» thom, if ta%* living swo&jel 0110 truffé the ffl"»IL" .ý ý a. 1 héïd, botrever « * balai. Rond t med bec, and Nom thon bav ing jaigrec y eXtmdR,ý abat " conitructiag of a city aâixW au »Bailly, (Ne afterwarib infiwm m.) if cet Rd' dl 'Ref eumibdu . Ip- -.-lu -!09' ' ta lie "t fer llSi, habite » m to'.à0.7cg.etldb«4"Wté On. 1 beg Imwe t IP"re au the opportuaity ta edify posterity in allie mat- all, %bc land in the Towqship of Cvedph in vm.hoàtag« te moWy., and w»Fac Ion the cocasse blanchi = = best of allait ffi«».,,,« au th. q eion, eomewh", ter. . Acourdiagiy 1 iméliertaboir î»y»W ta bocW . et liberty te ýemou va 1 Dm end vrbay affand Cet the Dieu tu fuite*. Tt ma% change, Ratera in pu soir _ to , . ý Laîîfý, end et file bougeai m" 1 Rirdel, . Il ý a . ý . - _ térassi ve. but the] in ravoir of lie ;:eiofrfflaý 'me RotriltiC4 dmw the ment problematie dossign ut the oRdý lie odqMm«ed, bave ibew-,.ili ïï ta "M a MW . Vu - r mutes 'Îgerigoh- 4W,4.> -_ 1 - ý _ War the ooWwmgvl le "Wb _* iloivice viablog alléert Ibo jLèIý mqr,îýW , cou- ta . - lit" àemyf ; .16. i , . ,ý va là bDuse-c*rpenter iutrue- pet*# ousit. 'ft wu %Lait 1-L" ý e . . 17 to inti- 1ýeedeý %igi-unk"wedni Md - , cortabal P, pl, plan ",IMOfe,!Iw .a,_ » __ on m es ortelognait or cembinute, tilt vie îý 1 - . - 0 elle .Y= MM ý4 ý a And direction for,& to" tlWlàud"toétàýlý »âr 46 1 --- - - ,--.- -_ ----- ý vois M" op là se PMU@ .1alede devettéMd in visible end tangible am- en« the imkiws «»- Th* tzý 'UK& allons 9 a Of ----- son certotokocaroorthe» .. lie# 8 . iR . . 1 taverait delivering ta faim, like à Sir'Oricle, thilloir il wu Igemibus, for raies mat ry. 11, a 1 m Reliait, W bryon wenittstougm.keourignt-raticetbno = or __ýý - ; rpkdmtbmpic atroces du tutbd mi r t ili au.known 7. = -Aghz - Ulm die MD * bd m ta the fitness or inificating. by ilbe monter et liait ematry etomw bbut» .- non over un, sure au a owwm or âgerveus action wheroby ail the M , Ilniturrimim « pm»ible. but it Bras am Xun. Advient! ta Ibis thing. and an- noblenatire of naturels wookitig ; fur thélugh Mattbew Ilik.Y. a mobcée of a building, the particu- setèled. »M Guelph, fi remffl a »mie OubJL 1 Omll fief, ballotter, moka ml «Ah« ta abat, Outil the officem fimud attelai we bave seen them cases only in une *àlt ,ý Cboreb dfifferent fonctions et M& are Reversait. ter us« ta which il won destined. Mi ai" *êb", vras- até ail cities fiaissit wilh - and. genemily opukint, periala in anotbér-. rvicu to ra The di*gn" betwoeu pointu and chat*- dra7 g ma* of course very clonaient, but a bigla destioly, the cause of quarrets; Rose- turth«ettempttudraw sopouthosympathy »transigeât ait ouch laclined ta du one ,,a ore tant ln mieppou dont filet in ait.. m rimain the id ment marked in simitatit.1 of eg«t; hie zat &fi,, as the Yankees my. 1 go im- tolus alléglir hila broillier for happinir River the bar 4" mon" . tbîug'» another. _ i theMorannymeuure.-powerrui.coe - Mu wboieview4dtlliscamý m a Mari- . W lien fêtreste of one kind of limier te eut rie main- relve mottai smash. 1 Tt represented a tw"tory walle of Rome, and atthmgh Ille history of Ai the corps lied no missie. no tome ofoitié d"Ida. Dow Plants aube fier a 8 ý end audden, deqwwes the Am# socute atten- ememe-pbm Imm, Initié a podiment; but my City ho net likely tu bu ho»ured by ki pacbef ni the instant iLy, » oreli ogs bar- hm- Baud orenuffl »chýo» mombed on * ppeanw-; Ili latoly fill, 4iosa and 8 honmly lm* ow jhés intomi on avery cerner and comice, « coin and muraille av obie if yet gare " te a centre ;::971, Of imPdmmumt fer " ,1111111111le Witt "hg'own h"." The Caétain'*ao net in sind there &Weii&nces Met roc", libérés cf ý &MU the rqmailolk.vio fait ý .1 . - puissent la le Bad eninmla. bore parid'W aven M, j .wod bien - qmuw. a " i tilt. «,,,,wm6mé, ý ol#Açiafeehàgcoed" ltio"ioruate ImMots. end gosontand tu mut. un Plâ»ta La ý ý i %Vith'reqýea te illit escy m vantairel mets rom@ et gbmu, tactittes, veray a litir - coirowncounqjry. withoisteaw rose i sotoI4,11ous - ý Wamipt the Win, and vine demntm! Modo frofoil the dey abat 1 cmo&4m@«IW bi«b or inquite iota the umtiu»wh" coidd illaducia authority thon the Ordedy, sotte wu cm_ W _ a cm- . , taisioli cd P turc. fur their *Mîna have nt and d"y »M« et the bite attifa made .Oak., P-"-bo ' roqmmbbg* individ»l ta peloton Stock pbWy èegabutred rrm top ta tas, hefoo left olus&the sotrand nad boloriond by Illon 1 exhibition aà did net require a man ta thÎm awwopémi ,ta thoýdwectm df*e C»lb- Province. 1 MY P""F» bave the opportuaity et ho a Rail ta tell il ma* an Mu. la ellort, da Cu.il"y, my trotdifen and wtvtlodb 'hem WAMMU tu-- m " a pensez, sud H» MW cap, ait putiolord and abieing. alow proorm té the dellebâiliéta or the Mt- ý i , _ us te trvmg. by expexim«t effl au "ma, no ralle vu ever mure uffluirodally il- beon, Baud Weilî sceudmW@d lm My m- in "eh &@Mao"; but me amyin a PWIW> amiehow duoing the rumbing and p»Idug ter washed dawooo by Ille raille and mom, ý ad poli- rang $%= P.«@" taro living makn. labbardand and cennot aven yet ho theuglit -sbift#red lie&& tilt they emli a »IL mq*iml mes& mggm whetl»r the, b« the cistamalté recrived a bayffl imàir'IY by flic re-boctipa ut Ihio araves. If YOD procure me a plant M" Witt a failli z ty.11 ,1,1,we&.. ' * ter. om#nued ne""W» of Mm indir" t ît.àréd the Rdwjgievou taqye as elley Clt.eti : -ilself will Merigçme ampilN. doit, yogas Irait very sagnale " Ille, wwe of allie le 06 very charact"- Ud*t um have a «iruin titillait in p un . a in pnullwmg ý Bag- Youra,,g* a W. T" IPOVWDIIVG Olr GVIELP«. au obbmcy of huit. '11,111,11 . Whind faim, atiéguleil t4owmlv« aime destruy mêles, if the utU *,m-ubd lýe 1ý tic cf John Golf, dail the Inter ( an the skiait érlis adlisery coat.- m 0 'Id culture pu ý 1 .1. 1 - i - 1 ' m Il On the 22LI of Allait, the dey previtus h- bouge aecmk-bd ta a Royal it tonagit cuir hy the dint ho "Md *il' 000. . la Dm i . abat que doge:= in . . . ôrwategbfial- sent clins . - ou( Dire lieu ý7 GA.L.es àu*omëultApuy, veil. fil. te "tim appointed for lalingithe routa- aveu toghéda, tes là lqhào comale illa h*rÉý: , ý, of 9 fil. mu Ont ho Oui enabled la eru«ve Ibis 1 1 1,, Syn. LoW«, TU& Cochrane end MI r.- dalioms of my projectoid polie. ment tu drLbIdôfthýEFüf lahil4t»ie, tint. ré = = tâte id thmègN. "il. up.c,.k, r. .1k ýe1 C_ la "AI m hIký prepmdimbkr ellevation. fur vadcmwunlts cf ici v t ; we dam out, v#boùt the motel Gidt. a Revis situatteil on Ibo bêtroins of the taitami indulgence of ilbi» ý dl i . m Item ettempled Open ibis limbilý Witt% the tact . ii > in bd a "vy am" î sond MW Je ýt 7-r" the La"» Litutry Gamtte 'W . - - r taging loir, «mlia» ait* ý" y 0(" "ý1N lied mut: grand River, whieh my binait the Bonour- 1 lié hftfimlmfte*;itw. 0 > Lý thosior poweroi" by-r»k«&M synagN tmd intact if bnaging hilsa down ta the lével of M$M» the saine tred-me«. ý We bave expwwnSd a trull molaDchey " William Dizon, in Who» township If No! il Witt parfaite of the nature of its birlb ta 8*rdeib- *a hurt a" »Udf* hm Mme thow géolle were un uùfuatirAte m ta final ... . 1111111 1 *fier ommqi, abbé! aie alterago. lm won donc . ýle lange and interut in the 1 Of Il * vàlumO: ila Witmtd. r.amed saiter me long belote the bc ,wm,," in lutter, insensible thon mally calibrai ' ofimn, dbef»elven ajours the passiguel.t. ý = and parlégantinge; end 1 la Our figrefatherd. Ille jarfaitional elméee of'- 001). eut throngla tr.u Of Vent and Lac- Comadis Company won imaginera; it mm or- age, Rsr a Minattre et the »Imu sud ,lm ta the civile Wb" M*Y r«M ligues a etaroi À grand eflort won nt , tenath monde ta faite - lave tradition, in participàting file !bottes droit nt the maturiti of having a t-or IL country mmRý bave eloisonge, oral net : end boharing file du" Pýl - droit. dmkng towArdà hm Idiow-creo*àm and lit* "Penly tu «Nue Imm quiet part ortise mette memamm, m abat torbiela tte, rufti- 11, pointablients, in Dit- fi,, beforel forant v il» exigarrice. lem tiédir iufferineni, in m - Ç Dm Of wb" 110 catU hère they miglit enjoy the bornelit camion the stmflgýl« and feelin for the A ttîp cf observartion "Pm the Hur" ci tratée jaréd absolue Mai cru"theWepdeef" .1 Il el" 1 met byappoisitnieiit et Air. Dixouls. Dr. mokas à pi"nt 0 ,gode ý; sud je f tend I» te lie un *«And *Mr bgdr&IW vithout interbortation. Ta ou ý _T, cette . . r *Laissais, and 'romve taie oèeds mal Taity «= ia tiioing the agodle L: i D»IopI ,,ho ,éclat a toving comm*- * * Wfq tmAr this end the military ookifi end »tht»ity nt phonts ofour vèietabWrmm crtàtr-.ci-ici allie- ý mmen in y a tale of l'a Gilyeriin »ttt«s, wloëm or Inagglogg ýil ebomi 1 quotlohi, and contemplartac, et the Cana& Company, *nid mu irogitirmed b ;, but up» »O iPl*«MPPmi- fi* odkm won annotait Io terni the rouillé. tr.et. 1. burd se juIý the body'* pby"l pmMmtioc"d ,bat loeatim ",peu* Oak 80 Dow intrigues *M - an il,. - . of th IkfLý - Wh" ore placold bekbre m in sa distinct bled the inquiète abandonne were amon- -P!",,-. Bond egmu4y. in , tien Imal t fer the craint &" ý - l'évoter album veto furow, Bond the plan There la mumhlng of th. .0.0 kW il. ý y Îtedý _ýand n Xest morMag ose veillait after wijh.mbbft;ý*bmdy «Mièodi*Q=h'îm 141- a ' t «perWaced by Q* et the wu solotout te mecoed' but 't bal'ortonately humau twinge, end édit bave maman ta es. Un* end à&b6oc a light hy the unvarniidaed hm finst $*merde tige site which ààgà beau in dh beclouse, in as Wm: T& 0. i ,et hm, - banale of Dr. VOW 0" W& gesticulons Who- happoigoed abat juat then a cuacl,,»n drove et timir M&rmtivO Of 'ho bioltmPher- Gitt'& CW mierArd. The diotaincas -b-t eigide- And allie brings us tu Epoch VIL, wî;à in evertwy Weald. . ordered I Ion campagne out of the road. ,na ri id Maieribil end mortel, lie in jud' M, «td Ore sa" plit, forcé a powerffil argot il But we have wached Ellach VIIL Wlm ...v la t i aient ix au Exposition ut file ametiobi ta atifons froc) Golf, attifer in the fi~ , but têtus mtmdedý.- ý il ý?w,. mki the officér, 11you mue« depenthont ballon cîrcunistanm» dur collier, Lý0 Z.".-, tilt me came near the end of the raid no la AgRandoNy ta the divisions ai thlg mark, drivais tný i-ni»We Milvithin sage Wallis 1 tell V«" oMd atm Douches». mageriai proddêtion. Hetee va I1iýd thlot, ý lislu .will éàmvour ta toile Op file lestatitit occident happened. Scarcely, bowever the festival et Guelph brocantés epoMal, by afà prince, mw,*Qiii;Zhed &iend (if W* î- ,am Il -Tum. ab«#."emlimmd wIm a Ruban ou. . district id boer And b"_ pl enflait lied me «Wred flic buste, au flic won& aiý tau, incidents w1jich ,musad. ,Ail wu nisy la essai Ilim) normal OMM nantis, fer an- the , . ' 1 tell ynon biblinie. rang thoq't tu finar, end batraugers rem« go il; 1-offlo, um th in dm order in ww" they are bere -0" th .. Il. hàl" repliait Comh», ý.;-- caUedlwbin the doctur falond lm land lent thrivioag, bey.god lançant &"ad me; every lacio, dm occupati.on et bie ilstouglatit ..'. pMmlaiý-n *toit taie efutrairy inereom Far &a- . - ,Îïi;., prèsen" the gray. 1 lails excesgogivel'y &ugrf- for bud, ta use au nid lobagagely expr«oion, - big- in imth- hi@ W . fer abbé dey Ja"Boir «« rIt Rdodif' camelot el l'Wb "M lmstY Pord' Pr thon the pulterrical Addition of MnI gel&. illùo volume commences vith the divis- MMI, un occident id au taille m lion woodoi; geààt$ WiLh prosperity; but lavables beffl avoir tain = Zni=ileum effoi pend Mr Ille cadet, Muskats glioe«od, Bat os ,lie otages huf, wheu il IRON ion calied by SM author the sixth îýondi, but afau .blonds boum» ý IL and devra' like tu develope thenmlv«,-Ilm »ight.eli-%& d- of hie plait. We May 'ý*F«M@&% habom fi@tfdle- vifim, @Bd naîtra d,,11, end idranom cm ne la m*,rt- Io if et., RINGO, #ad $ira$ au Récoligulat of bis mc«u And thée tard b.b«. wi"tih'j»i't 4"m the Cudfut sand thalle va ta thmh *a levoist fer . doidir ndmd tu ahop elun en- diolob a W boy, butte in M"Ial " end le amant La. e. ment important fanifinfal te ca"dit, » the -Ppwtrab.came iota blessant ta- ,on ,tr«pom soreral, 1 afin b"txM, the banlieue frowW»g and golothor. rot" Mmuggwm &»y axe" _a god4eý . the L* of BPV% 0" *dm emyý,; 7%009wr book" M Iraient cm" emmmy, aborrest aboutais Aube of the 1 - plogi ego" of a .1baving aboètýaa-jl- gh, ,,«,,«g"g ,Dam IWS«iy @«. me mu". the tma«,«,^m wM bd, b»wew«, bkh &de ýîiffl ID le" se »M Aie - . . op- 'bu W- da immit. M.Up.itiopm"tbreotmteumu. ý ab band, lieu et !f M; =te &"i in, t4 ilýd'Ue-' dimvemd a init, end ' tbf« et the,ý'rhA,, ;;Zýý je dao hissolory af W bat Dont lie PlIeýý f"M of 0 em*w., , c . 1 agent of immense tracta in gigot; ëMa", ý e" ..z " ki" ,outils. il le siliembles sagod activity, a" ma 'W _1w 1 . 1 1 -- »Und and fmad il inhabiWd by a 9),àtch à livant country, lied »Mabwý "M OMWY, io*&---* en-- . 1 'n ~ &&« fi-M ,ber twm. atudy. erre Ilgas fiagnaît finitude a" "#Dm' **fait- 1%« intreu . hi@ poweci a" 'ta 't'a dboomber. We ma& him umbrst*bd Our am th» coron queuisatie»of tau aie taille ..,= 1111. "r= ",,bu, '0'»dmotnïit." v à--iP- beau quite i _ ý gbutr4te4 tg wwa Oudy, abri es twa« in dm fow maocbw odf 4 SMI #0 the boitent Of R1Rý log condition, and jadumd hhn ta net us où Robot, Our the ingeultity ýor *MW mg-iMer- q - .: 1l'Ise cobdba». confident a( the «Ion- finie whieh tige laser mu eut ob"m fer it, dutiest ho wu Ca , Op" ta 00 - ý 1 "right.pailà. 11*4dbuminthOFfeucti eu. eau bereafter proveutmy humble mm, ; disait , a* «Valley Ovale inbut - tIbaq «' ail tige "cana" kbitellat dévis et' fais comblice "matir* ni«m ' Y 4 - am . and land, agiter " peace, emigrated rrom heiàg &uSiigtýi éditai the.1 adè Of . die«L a dit consulat ic"w*b, toile 1, -[tàudiu.j poid dit au cient ta connexe a large films. fer te m- ta t4 ýr United Butès; theure lie hall oume undertakî*p attum as vorthi c= " yà,wjgzmoKca TniçKrm. - .m. oAd qg 9 tau lm fauttaissit le du. lu@. etitute the a te ariangoWentd sa Fin- infra U Cm"é whc» hg ,falot a tut nbmtW» m the tmRfit,ý» or boRmbo On Tbm"y a maman premmadý 1- 1 the long M* tg W" about b.*'ÉW U 1 . . la CO. boa bWedy . dense MW aligne! lm the hem% Who hemc e- York,-Oct.à&. ý elM.011mf* «" pire. iglow» Il Ulm iwmumtein W of Ise-rhicié, égalifir lie hall malle 40me #&*de, - Te Item the toile cf a" et a pm*ebndmeu obnp, ho, âbered**, gqW metd.'- huit il -hie weiabme 1 Y a-bincý, in abc chiiiçii'c(' 1 ý1ýj P2 log uWepr»mted tu thé Oovemor, SîrP. betterments. lie exdungtd for thekmtitm , ~ , re. 0 th-ab "W thock ai- ALAitu IN »RI: AIZZ ET CAIIIDLW M" __ Miithod, as a Tachaient nobladdloir conn« omqboingtbogmdýef . &«.Wmtbeoru- wilà a bu»" et cha" » a Ïi."*w ba the iiisba in frsoxggvqts.ý ý 1 ý ý in bite écréfalis. or, no ho «id I"mlf, -Je tk.awuurâ(m subit- na" . - 3%:ewiag bbba inbowÀod or " mon Wbîeh ---*W aie, Cacum- messeoir Witb Ïbe tuambi't î;;ý , i&w*W Me iliorgot land for the M& en m" cm cd this . shed Rat fiailly throues, r-, ý- ý 1 Mt ici Sése sarissa - Dulip4 the petIqera . ý h*rewmdfn * hié biiimpb Ttée dia. v -"bu of Divise tutbe:rvemmmt. TNeýuýtW&m' ý f4h , - powehMker voulail ,&elle , - . _118 17ie il . .» W", uni , lune .9w, bio" MM "t - . . 1 ýM ........ -M ý twijkoowomtk& Witte .Wbie lestiv, 1 test " !Upnràrj ;mb,ý -= ofon. W* torialaimar loge fi= mit w on ait hie belid the ie:0. ydr. Vàwile. 'a 1 mifficiétail the skàUo(tbe, wim te las -= bu mw»ftdam ** poom but the 304 hmta ffl el'eim dered kallrm Rd"w ::»2w»mýe sarloite the mukikide au Gilt t"oêimmo'PPMM ta have r"bý $arxtfoiw Of #ai - sied la vaim going. "dem idfosawd in %ton . M i -Oli'l" I"ýý,a» l . th loi ý , 1 - - 1 - * 1 W &040dctbe aum te a - * . A s'Mt te ùr able.. ý 1 it Z The imm"awbetýum.hkbeiag en- tu bar remi odpmked Ibo beugla *9 . bm,,go*e trerna rabbin - - 11 wu am tiff Il e'mtnligtid in Ille * ton bila iuqf if leques 4,AU me ý land ' - 1 - . «94mrmc - whiait, irme -e Ob Ir - ý ý . - - lier tàgà ideg sholiffl : . 'h-Meem"èowlfwrilpamdcm. 'Théo, -Lff ý am ho fialit hem ratR4 i4wmw ia"Illé fVWOML Jk 04W finie il bn"ý te 'P" MMI*d -Tir the dituaoriLà vifilbaisit -b ý 1210tiri *"a 1: - . - lýý ;, "M -ý-4. m - %Q &F - gar "9, - 1 - - mia; lia = 4 the mLý fossi wélWmw.- fitaloluât "ttio Wmq,àlib bey.m4 tt)mrip. " lion thd a _ op Sac le" lie ta am M" or a W open fer Ilirar aman 1 . u i in. àker hW ,I. _ . ". ý 1 . » «ffQý >80le, m the . - ý 4 e iu*dowrro loir tiom 4«%Wmowe. W* TBIBA Jm Oka jehm" "d wmu ý 1 r, &W brick - 0 1 - , - intebtiosag. -9". lx= Z: o. ïam» item *W hobq* - -1 ý'. ý > nwo»d m'W jamiliy in the pethbm,-WýM4 qN,11 ý «Mode 'W ;ýf; of &* mu vomd ý hW. ÎR, ettim W>Mbt'Wthd ' rab. ai; 9, ,Boit ci 1 excob« - te dwfioe the vas ' id Abmg--.wàémt 4rippug wet,,ime &«ivM aldm Aq 6* . wbm A mes t tige hg - @ là» . ý ý ý l log nt tu"m"*r'd@m 4b» 4b fi« loix 4@' -mm Mm , bmdig m ý oeffl of the bu , failli mt#W '>'da = t ëwi"iu bat* 'M' 691't*- téwqo .. = bu "&-M hg- i>«- -eh* »mut *9 ilié. me* toutar miowe& ýu4JW Ref la torm. il *M*, " ,= "W fý1ploo,%r 1 ,ho* ý Keaiwm ma vum gogarry. fiIýbnR» in fille Or tigre@ q &à ie4. deolu* moirý - , , ll*W«Miaqmttfi--«Mm W,&:: - . W - « tt«» dit owmg bu flée uvumtw ý p«rW$ the Di obstructive. C béodie 4D «*"y 48 A,+ ty,"W*-»- --fi--, Who lied nobagni: , (Ir 'W'e" able 0(là Pensai edoMm aud ête« we k &mit Op. " ai4 illy 0 .1 *IWWWpýtlmb fer Broëd Ayy. ýE;E a in *idtb. Thalle wëfip 16". PO-t.M-lýIZÎl. -10ýLboi-0ii -O"d-o--bm tau - . fiiÎlr;»ALrdbgufubimodtý-ithah.-- ....A....-**..&.J.- obte4m« ý Mm« tir danger k" spreïd iip&dii%%W Iblý%IPM-!k*- ý-.Z-I"eà"ý -à& .di- .7ý-ý" a--zâ- the