NS b.~~~ baiuihi tiiow Ube uaell 0tufl MW aolilmmdmaie aI the ow peeh.w apaure0<1h oqêf, irte a vpartmce *0 t eUe- .4goa taastIgmd. ulibmad hra venbte sagioatt " u t utei y à AnmydE ie Pomusta Fti ve Ahuvo I .eu*biyma amgi» Mésk nauea'. ts eoetporlo. tal mlieob eloolmd eumab~ragaM, tgbompy a mntrai îro zz.zA"df . oI. i .*hre"eh , <thua emyiiaacptemem ttable pas.i vhih, i ~IailUdvmfdm<. laes.l almdoreg<lu Mthe lhats laf ba thev~ Up.. b. w"vso ur ce mprnlan. oflb. llieu &Wl@mal dmluctet, potritum, ami imipemo ffthe gveral paiiiçsl tottisa iota *fh'dbM, nd<1mb naionein uahappily dirmdl, eueateilaiy lhiWemt inm ,eapuf 5fr.. pu1emioluer-m'm<o, (tom vii b a lle.. ,h ier-a suo- di«n. o faviicb se ramae Wece. I. Tbat thiiee .noLhim n ha p.a- clir teaes et0<th. difféenouplitacal par- ties, <tha atssmbly delin thit ailo- <caie roé tellgiaum cmmunion vith euhb elbieo-na4, Iberefe, uhoulilnoe, h.b amaleàa aPsutmasof if;saime here am Blu- Th. alae h MAnsv.r la *0 Ipuc. M.Railaiu theh8w iBighiultra or ntlho i, alem*cu t n md n: .ho i intel. i tiion of Iilloved ane ury, whick y oflaîura- nace, nd lit- of Waterloo., pp9emm ta b. a hy Si Univer. questiomu us t piti. Sir R.* Peul, HaOtes and support ithe pari7 ar lie mmnipi- in, thiaiih talent, and <ah amnaton. o rgane of ai, and bigi-fonuai gospron- makuud, and uin- um. To hie, pot. * vsthunk, bodist.-. * mmcml part. exerions, *Wesleyen y iuhoa itian onter. nation, t y.aoely r a hvin- ta tâttuions ha. yard n. acy; mode- verant n ufu exciteraent, fielîlilt-ô radicel'Ievel- of dm<lie u acalo pri. rte tory- sella, or bing) va in te0tif!.fais aie bhla clima ru- ca Lord a fauirpeci. y ho u- moument Amerun uïnleitec me im- bail ah wovr- vMgsÉ-e wd, ài1 <lae .r v ils ont e.lfwfb uiIa0lium. mic.i iey tai mii -m piltes ueek lieu, 0v. hMand ti gain, sied Car. finie or notimimi for the in- u.tastor vfie ho regart ea. the sorf bane uppic..3.Ta1tie SMfr. <laai mu eictiimes er a tie uaChria- ' fuat < afe s iaudil oréa bomu, la le kme , ny.md nIa abona-'tlet# ,veutcf iaivh vn aouoin;gmfha.ý Ssciarth b pe ' fl4ouMode bil tp Iteu. Mr. Rycuao.a "hlate vimit In £mg,. immi," ad fer the avowai or uhici b. bas aicioete hlapleeur. cgthd ucomfted York Ambasmador. W. bave no rgit ta dambtbo sincoity or IMr. Sycusot' can- vuon". mat*bol vs-at' praient esmime vhetiet Ia"rnr ir~aorect or ailuivius. W. jumea ibaviammli,1- foas tbePubliew-ami let bat Public, in v hin bth par"i have a thonsanii tirae appeaahd, lechuls bots... theni Adueafe OEce, Mula ropalyinfami tut t".in la â reglar mumbe. Ou.e rtvaseo m ei ary abet wyulliebiueoui oeà 'ery dey t comphie dme accosiorcMy poceulnS fa Luglanid.nd i eafuiv othet leforrel ar- <ilae.o osie vawrk. ly, for viicb vsFl 1lrst p ereing ciiiolItplms1Î etthroumsioiug naiforar a aae mant ormi at in fr<r a e. rit Dhcon,buleîhtaoal ).a uèIy eumed <g Lbe àdou"a0 sevaapersat rcetfinu t ai f a otora unaifmallerthaIofnuspie.- ruf atviici ion otat amouble 0<on peny andte tnch1imf vehavUe r loi.y mew. auapboff tag R. *pm efi".S 1ndm u inich tArgua, nIloi e 9,( 'lI- te fi anda alaenolis e liyllaaulu<i ouwspMidderandLot i earme . nov "<simd- 1 >Mafol. oil mmay Canaila asb.mlie. h Oiulie auy aliticIIjlrna par.t et aày lu"tiie o o f h.gn the qualiiacvibersusmy lmai oubande et at, a4dpomis09 the ben lutter . Lipeatiiruie no <baoni amy fis.,yoccao. Tmmb'aflie" te mxe tois Polting 1 .uar atis c g mo*hxbmatu ewiemeusA.otich, *e aa 1foreaa mg m. a«<bpba tM the Smdaaiax etaovr.ab. ýMR "W. <ahi up fiae peu to redeouio plelge-but va tuer ve shalhardly le it t.t evow a mlisefe s anet inme odn- natation outh w e ridq u. _fi l I o u&r ko w u< o v m isees * - the hW o " a. WselMaroewd poetmedEhi- "Mmsel <b.haf e sa. be iut umm -atlil j Mauy bX" e lva W. OIy~ *boimu.t àlim .am , i aiui.wut sdsmrIê*Elë fapv -uirý sPà ve sa t tte eUnion<t ha. uhaen plae ha- temoai th.eriish a&ud Canadien Ceaf.roic. es, I< my bu Prtoe steimthe.vhvm'mi ptueeth. lliiia Weolyaus la t"- dam etbhm e. le h.. boa»m ueBl al ib.y mu. nov aie vlh the Caaidian Math. odmt - .H.. fartb<huaid t<b.casme iflihbh <vo Conférences, i shah moltm»v enqut. if et buho ort, it <i taeu of the<hadmet mingulsr coalâiinso f amodeusm idea. Thm <ha B3ritiob Vaaferec. @boula tosp fr-oua if higle tSadng, ma" voluniarîlyadomet.,ituoli by amumiag he odium, mmi .mantimnig ihe practicteaof th Calbadiam Methudia<m ;. mpecllly ai thie Rau. laiemSoButas, Wb* la a hlichty in Pe'ucu-Pi, aboula ien- lily hi meulE uih Catuadan Radical Refmu em, %Bd give thns h veiglit oEhitalni" sud inluence, la certmîly a met sud repul- sve-ano.aly. liamomly May b. prly explaineil by t.eisg laelbheeud. ERy- er.ea'a maimeaiatetheu Weleym Mission- ary Committe., &Bd Coaféenee, mnd vhiil ual orent, appeute have beon u.plicl<ly ore.diei. h drill thugmlie een tlaImli tha dlaumeonsoma violent poitical mmeildli f the Camudi m thadismiwvusatoïif;agle. oei~. ends, explasd éavay, by ÏMIL, aMd emuathly ruacîveil fhâte éspecou- pretueof." iti<i <lue sablishmut oe a demicltCbweb in Cauada i 1't. bit. R. voe pecte ictaîinc btte.. We hmew thuf iie vould, eceM te tmhaik t; ie boa dotom fi elle:ad uh@ lrésiek Ceu*e ronce.enhavecominufeltha egrigiimeaurez, cf aîarqntthae r. i. "in mtie par- <il ad madereptivatme a<ofate ef wr. Rr so, ratht hm u <is Iiaeèià" * .1< *wu Mhaiommti asmd pinip l "Wb. ustusetaR le kamu ief <t- boy have aý gimai set <hasie.li .4expere." fii Wb ing ale <e gradilly thagm ie aa,ofth. CamaleaMa<mdsudm mba"çm dbevoetlbq.. ' eà te i e ai a a t g a il o a <I t i i t '4 'I 'o 'I I s' a, r r I I. a At Kir .- M la<e mur ml U ~ y<m m. .I Om ummbqbut Cuàm&.s, »M"s@Mmet WillIam mg"sà y-ss atoncto mul-uity les tito e e%" ke tet. *ràofs. t- ' alcA.M M. NM"EAIIA.& co maUmg v te ale h.vurmaus dmpouemeiaeofth<l ,N&iuc service. *Pd the IL Y. FifeeCampa- uy >,Y vhcs exertiomuerig the diussireis1 'rie et Frit.1 nigladlu, i leleis apei$ aflevitail; amd becs t. give mtue., titbcb. rfer the preeciruaneuloliginguat theu opn Ilotel wvies be .111, ai ail insu, umyte athendl te protasionl bomesm; ia i it h.h ApothecSry amd Drugg5ia1 v1o ill sbon 4.ied uap Be the baick ig et laid lbtri. Kimgton, No*. t. di 883 ACARD. Theunmigedhepa fa retomr.bistamas tek mui u tesa <oas fiiende wvi. » ,y "siaed limo in <".reamauofti* luny froua the confagataionvbich ioak p acon lihe aigha(the 1l ut s. IL. SMITH. gingatan, 4tm Novemiior, 10&3 ý-ý ý-., -1 - % .- ý - ý ng i~~autmIi ms im teome- b mplaab.l'bia, utoe mm<aaekamo, o Pftho opinion 0< lb.. <diWbo supeonne ends hi.muicetal Ies, aa" whvin hum- it If( a mmaisiaulordu taesud msetlimg v«U>-«ton boues.,am iteh.burpolby 1 et advantage. <le. e- selfhm. oeimay. la faut 0" muesn- i = to viulastien or %bre.ou eau pt rm or .."Maais a 0<Imtalhai,' a ampi- m litfias ph"iste o p -u-eMy forYunmg Burke, te h. mtkàM t bat the boy vorka,a M. tlu smie, froua himeeKlieb*ehppy, mptoeeitd bits diet h.oumaha, Vary- agw bie perfoarmianoe viticot hie poulty ceImam Wb"migmih. huoiuel fW ilutde rateaf actor or miciamef h.day. Tlb. my almpear a hall mybubt vo stand toe « But me <ho boy et hans.. &Bd vo. rmlea vomier t amy <bisg liai b. doma fpan the stage. Tiers-ai hi. eae-lf to biume-witlou a rars go please, or a îsar <o excite lbamtlstaft, y«. percute tha coant awovathage of the mol ef esm- doitin ti.he oum ofa abilS. IPina mIsa,. thafim se " -chat et the table, yen ras-. ut pis »amavamfge 0v., iim1 ltakiag be airly; imarmug about sommos pie cm. M. turetcet fat yomr amt<ok. end .1< for yeut vIt.L nh. Yeu tlek11"m LMGaeek tu Jus. Yeu to iit.k-hlme fa lh ava i hie yamrs ; sud, eveuitta@Mi e trianipi aver bhie liere, lie viiimahe Yeu Eises awkvmri ah having Mad@stheuea- tempt ; antdyetavfi sdllimiuhhe.iu lia- bhing 0<fuuive foraivmdemi.Ho rnma 'amd bana miomlyen viih the end.muing reliacce of « famcy-his heurt as fuI 0 ofdth uveoim et < if.'. Youn mg amingu-. glaaca recals him vitibiahuna; sud "Ch uy ou mcame sasommeinches short or lhe claim ofse oal acquilance, ha caifnnt il Yeu "*good aigif." vithouh iiirovimg his arma~ ~ ~~g abuny àmc. eusmchiud al- Met ns<îybeau by hi. Crator !' I TistaxoMeule Soci au-A very ptais- voetby Intution as bu s haa blisisedane ti Town., ceilîh«Tha Yeug lien% Se- eiety." <th. abject orwhich in " te proniofe the moa adi dntelletual impravement et yoang men teuidîig in ibm Tovn n d vide- ity ci Kingston, ani engagesi<aueambers in "intgSooutofaBmUmenm m.<ey bae.op- poetuily.1" Jua. S.Cartvright, Eaq. h ,Preaet of <ho Society. -V. unietand huet ahehapressât te .0ftheCourt etKlogs senchlMr. R. "thd leur et ti.Tovwnvwu admitted adsao mau nAttorney lu aU Hi. Majestys Courts or Law in ibisProviffe-At lb. mê.. time Menaus. Wellh mnd Shervac veo almitteil lu tb. degra.of Darristers. Tom L&nir'saBons; for September cou- ima the foloiag eIu-Bcrpis Netoair of Lord Byron, ih aspimielseeu eumaved l ikeaosam1k ae-IN*Socan- Uice. ariniai-Inra<of t he Barth to Maraimg-Tio Daful lWo.ir-Rouemu -Nlom'. Pilier, uwSh an EMogaig-The Largeuf liasin<the Wori-larniume cfaJuras-Ceanli dtaSgtm (Çom-Ti. Lont Goan.-.!muer and Wimtes ~vaima-Ceteteis of 0<Womom-im- 'voction-Ta Mary-in Italy--Pu U al a-Houai--A Wo*-HaitlaDamih Bei- lI"tlioet0<Natur-SNes EngimmilWam by .1.R.ChamliEnq.-Balum0<umcr -TueBd aif.Vtrginia Water, thé rosi- deo< .te Of IY.-E"mimliâu-Pim- lelpia Aima Rous EWbfl.h-MuM=cl Compoioai-40qu la Lr;for fodeiytli MtatinesIcalory.origmuu-Tim aFis- Tic Arcio Lova er ie Ne Iea-s lava, etcRl-Mis1t. *'Mussa-Lapes la Vegaerigaal-RmmhMoute, oeeil- Loaliuorig*tdl-The Love Lelter- The. daihrr2Reopta. range fertthemoselv. lios e, e bagzana coupes <bel, people te au- wwa.leyMNinistia sid la lm Coudes have retved met t e le WonU" veilthe h.Canaieian m b.dKm.'bKk ton Wasleyan Society explic11 ,aÉlm tblela th.efalowvmg exrt rbtbet trou t b. elya eciefia. . men- "The <eme. oion, Y« viii es,. malle noprovision for introduc.mg Dew =uim mantugtheCanadlien M.ahodisto;, Met raie urrenhler ithe Country enfirelir .1.e hheit bands, and l'umiah hem vieb mes- pie (aînés, puet, sud libety. t,.atouel su mmleblivit<hair Aii-WasUaMI pieoiples sied pau.e.dimp. the espacios ffp or a Bpaldical simiio Party;--tommeib the honeur and aa- t.my 0<Wtdva Methodisu ; toe ajoy the hlemings efa Compai Miiebtry tha< vaeau lova, hooeu, sud profil by;-aMdte o- vide lb. -gosse paturr sumd Ilatili va- ton', e 0 pur. and ndeflleilmd ~ o mai the. *oxious tares and bousterns aves or pallentl strire, fur the. thoasmndsai Chriwfs mark vi,. mnmumtly hae <huit na iv. cutiwded ld, sud @premd ihmiatives ovetr %basa siiemmive regios. v. orede- tflee tu 0" ahe iunion te the utmoote l@Uils b.mrimgm. and teolutte ove,,' ueces flr step ta procure a ruapectmble IUinhcit for aummelvea. smd fur theountry gemerm ly. la puruing <hes. objecte. vo naturel- ly peek thoe onSoeece ma" ceoapealionof aur nid sud long Irjedl Inonda i. Mautreal sud Queber. Faoril faorme mmil pmnt aur cainplainf <bat aur eamm.zu vwtt tigem auhl b. viountIr mvrmd;--4hm ont District dabe rudell dism.meredi -<ht lf fir sudfruitffil vin.saouli have two af ils iourishiag branche. tomi dowm sud tramapled on by mfrmmgeraumd <luit n ginmcluaetnm atfered to the vild beau <thefaeut. .Ta <him va am reiucei bj the. Ummo. Thie mifo vii..etu love = ad w ls vahave proi<ed, are lbon, iuIrZh ,eanmd vsmmi tha, afe1 R the "aumata or men Whoa m epolifice Demagoguem mlii., thameraaie<ofChru or vs mut oeuh Pmm<oes in vh v.ecal conmide, sud .h. vilIil"aile. fie deefril à o Gail aur Saviaur in &il <bing..L"IBoi -b theimpart or <husaimteravmi My basf IN egfectiedin he b. ecf of aur .erloum lamai deraiien. and umrmaa pumyeraFur wvile v. are ihankIa f*at yuu-bave uempal. fe the peemf, Ibo iti et storm. *hioh, undu the mans oraaunion le Promoespeece. serehrgad i ii haheelesmaets foie, ou faftaion, sud tain; 719, b.d Urn.tempes ave.iOver yaor vineqaud. basailyo homgverdlure, sud peafvmid y.r glu ry, vo abauli he e v eh alW.4 Ira., ih e apemibuiy of preçioaingumemsures <e ru pair tha vaating deaalmfiom."1 The Mie viN nov me tieflue W. e. e <bity ofKingston have net feMM .1t rinemples, mat campramioad te ;:metr.It h., canna unumvethe. vu mmii viii, tegiate for hhanue; mud.i etIisi remalufiau <ha efli e <eymm Societit Ilita & o ffl scr no <hathe heuretitih N 'M t. uagvmem i.Chutce b a a i WR« mm miom<fluet yltmev.r, u hi omie asuIble. mmdst big~ fmebip suim iImhoi E 1q"l NdiAmericall undet his ou t-e4, e ill net be eft indis pemcefoipo 'l moi"a of his PrwMv mcel.pluma. hie selfoce <lu triomph lu bas gaim.d tea h C jrt %jht hmt triumph wv iéii ha h Om R Wealeyou lad m ite ai. sp uheir iimciple., the rema.n gt pu idhit; as il ne, liii. menm 4a #te~ pilters, hh aentra,padraio4 ed qp amspmiittat uviiiea*,lç the exautian et hi.eplam tendus te inimala <uat opposition toha na", aprlnga (faon emasfy toltd i. &Bd <l anmmeiltaNeveýPapa coe wlc. ithb qeatib bd ethoaren i.... Wbere s -Il edl le-IlM u Wu ma Mad bolov, fbow*)à bfag 0. e matd d miS . b. vvrse Wals hne aay fluat al <thea WOIN te aisteia mud Godeét em la. <h. C0nad".art ai ifemi.. of Metbadiuu, hepmuu'a <ey mms le hum iacamahiemy, diampivo f h.ib' - pion, met!ric thunio i hih 1rui Lt is uileraimnd liai <h. l.iiie a- Wa.leymns are e almaljocl ebus cote; - and. rather <han ho imoorportfa vîfle te ChMrh, <be-y vili procure Miniatres (r, I- Mo ther lady ident bave lhasmt teosp W th. iglui pu cilm of ieir Smuiei y- A ;BRITSU WESLICYAN. TMn' VI LG= -w~~ovAI..- - ~ .4 spatuly Ëtemtltib. 2= 4t1Z I me oytia tom promsasle FeehSist, varet~f le wiemm ie.1S-alami ume mé e eitls, p<ouy mmd ceabEsam oneWtv ",ufiri aebo u..etutdit, Ambbfi we = lelsiexpoohse lt.u CWMSt4eti itti ,a.eu eeaiua tlua !dubi oa lelomuensd Eaktag mUubbgml. hi* Kbon"eys, Fiane eIanessg, a ""e'"Utro mmflai au t . e fcrtlO 'if lieinmO,,Angolsu, Bomwr#aaoA, débt; ad hua EraI ad cher atido..An kh sf t hinbutz"i, Firarnte eutatmod Sofa-' duwiia< lome seumer lteasn h co.ided C.venea m l v tle. am Lrge A-e*mtfnu ait ver bédé ha hai erecied s large cibotera mica.10ho, umd Iîrevi Cas. siubec"-- vhich'Wlnie a. epi Siil l tb OtIed ing, Cotton and bine,, i Bed<'Ici. eeiur 1 aatr,tfwbui everyntii he mili viàmed wite'Canabt ehu, lar-n«ýendmi l lie roatfeufeîeo. Moili%% andcal lisadhueeie., 1.1gb Unars 3. C. ie annortms, baiebabau relatai. s1d Lavas,' Linen an14 CauuWuê Esaiker' ly roeiveil Item Englaau, a large ohapply ebIi, oli lum Table .inon. aitd Diapos, of Landon male Ccaift-trci<o t e lbras; evpatterm Table Cevera. figured-vaiem,-d q.auhy'acui h ieuoUfer, Wholeianmd plein(m osdteaSpîe i <flh ue ..%..i and Refi. quaniilv of Cmmuieaf Cii-ena. invie colora, tieh Shalîrys f-r amde ett L.emeaund Oraga ol. Neliefl eslui- u0, a plebt&d id a4'rimetleofaiRibenu s ft u sa Mhaeure every article cf Cerfea- iii and plain. EBlesadi itai fêLco*- tiuaary neleeteome, having Mproclulin i- lekh.White Pink, *-nd Grecen Crapeo.aad s-elf vrilatie multine of au Iogli.i Coa- Lee etM rui liiVeil«, Sente., maldfanS. rectteraimt. H. lisevie éal e, tbah, fot <be ketehiefa. lloorua ae.., anduiEgimg, Dmbd comveiieice of cuetulmners liviung mt a dis. bineflu, eu.Ierbed alvoilhie Sauk. Woreleml, reirtesi eontim'«a etaeil Sluop atandl Cihcu nFrlgvom Bheb, Whaie, and bit o#ffttàaf, eibil ie a. upplieif uvety c..-el Salk Mandàutiefe. Crspe Tfîbet.-, mrpqing witi frelatagooda fro. hi.eBa- Wor.<ed, Wfflm@udgm*ithi Ubm*e, Ladis labquée n a ailfJ4ni'abs,à %»meli .menua.m r hciot;Nov. Gîh, 133II"ICta i "rI= àt m euflv i a hl",a SALÈ O F CROWN LANM. S. 5k, CattonAmî oe, W otmed. aid Woc<. LAr .iLITaT asSit. Sheetu, and Drawers nd oiLumiiosdo.'La-e ifA PART of the laie Millary Robservo!e Ore IlPit «-l s,d Wit., heaey inJI lyîmg Io fie veaivard of the TownetI apo aifOav. ld. h.bher miid ilk 1. York, end djoilina tbe Gmrriuean, ieviag OBre ,,dlks uid Saton Stocks andi opére o0 beota cemtly Sorweyed by aider et Humiooîl es. Lsdt c .lctl d nd iie Stya, Gem- et MmIofy a Govetnmeliita a ertaun tentatieIemes.,'Save and vmsi-tIhuGuiei t.Iofh.aLots, bcludiog tfuse frnitrg om fine beaver Hmot. adLadlies rîdimg Retso. oe the B&y, and Ou Dulas Street, camttisnlg Childen'u clati Caup@, Oi Cuamufat Floas,' « about ont Acm tecc, vill b. ofareul for fioai yard t., i yard. 'ide Drmiggena bond , sale, byfPublic Aueion, ai fie Court Hou" Crprimavg, Ro"uMt., turie, bair,,enu, 1iun <ho Tovn cf Yo.rk, on Moim-dey the 25th hair Seating, Table Mat-, emd I Dcye*'@. on dey of N'vember lin et t lhe ur af 10 largo mud @anobi. Shoîl and HaronCc,., 0ockccA. M. LLdles cari Home. and vriî Bmg Deohe, ar- on Tierniof.th. sable viii boe, ons-hbird <f UiiFoeiiedaiPlumes.. mn saaorIa.n< se of the maruchansmo uaoey tie haieillva, OfMootningJeweliv Galu Rags. 1u ne a"d tii. remainder la 150 esalammnuai la- lets,. ai oek Chaumas,.Bracolet ani Parue e. st ilbt, hInter- a' .1b roue aI ivaue, m vr, auperb assauenmiof 1Ladie. a- per ceai, on osacb Inostalment, payable svili Nuis, Tippffs mci B.oassAlmaan reteol- i- the le-taluemi. lnUutmmie mr.LquorsCr**I. A Puaet the oruey nmai bu. seert, maiery, 4yc, frto., rpwiulaavknown. et th. Comnmi.- mu u. WILLIAM WILSON. ob Jnber o î..i. uuIA" Ssu<.mu I su 4 13 Cen',, <Oua.. L«* Offcs Yul, 28S Ocioei 1 . POUND. JN lb. Sireeis ol Kietgmon, a Not. of band Moclmt. Ti. evî en aorecolve if Ou mp plviig ath e Heralil (Mie. Kunguen. N-v 4, 183. À Meebnuf <ho buldinCuifti. helI& &hiNov. 183, hIl rewmlveil thet the .cad Imtalmnit of toi per cent. en tha Stoelî Sobscrhbeil b. <iledIn <, payable te tit lrassurer ena e, hefore thlu Sîhet Noveui'fbsu liai. STAMFRD F. KIRIPATRICE. r Ae int Sée. 4,Items. YPUDLICRNOICË. I.. oiuaho, li theMidlindisie tiel, fý>mt <le Sitt inof 1lis Hourd of lue- camio iiiha halboit n Mondmy t4t idey ..fjnmry 1834#nov enaaiing, for 1h. mut- dit lm tffhof r reporta; of vh ib hy mie t.a. neige. sad a.nltha. la atcu.dimkg- y GEORGE OKILL STUAI, Ilugatn, lN-v 25, 1M334.06 17u.a<iSkuagtor th<le WMI&Ie A YOUNG MAN, ve. vuld alte himaaif pueful in à Stare, ea ia »el fa*l, &Bd Vie aumipeodoce astialaeq wotio»anm e ta b eacer.. nay atîiion v.muldhlu eccepted--tbe anoma1fààlam fry beknma a ectao. Apply et "lua ii wiOfie. Kuin, 611< Nevemhe,183. SNEW FANCY SIIOP. W UM. HATCOCKempectfyafuy eau te tInJhabistable ofKiagfui md viceotfy, Ihei b. hma pemeila #olpeof tha alove demiption adjoimbhgbo, e eld Offic ev .h. herpe on baund, Nuslomi Glaelm.nMfar.la, LdlmO aWrh basketi.Wimdees Seap,Segmraa arl ,. oy et siey article.J Um.beeflmanmd Parasi. repafrei un th. éaartesi notice. Au.., nmufmeumfred ia muder, Gli. show <rmas ferovetgarasornements Kimgsta 1h. mb,13. M BMRIA ANK, ?. D. N J% 7IWE. inh haehy.jgive,ibet a divi- a Ideud efiqr.u. a p.e Cap- liait inuh p onla e le liaie of tJidy dyboe ~deifurel. sied lic ~m~1me pa 0 etai fii laInmed go bgpu~au h. erou d det Dfembet o,~ F4 HARPR Cier. ThEE OLLOWI*iG ]FLL AND STAPLE GozI> J4w Sried Mduior sais bJ W31. GVILD, JUS R. & Ce. AMAv maO aiaaaa. ras. lue, EIsumd coloseil West af Eng. B 1aîmdbroail lothu. MM* and Oaf.,usi lxd iîb 'Nia, bleek, mueo»& dmimts lgkubr«oa ebandmain , Gey Keumse, ,Et*% desPasy, Stent P.Oesshams, aut'd .oland qmmltes, D<itta Flushing%. ditio mlit. Diii. umkim.sditio 4iti. Grey mai Sommet Pamdiiage, fld iGreen hue, Aumorimi Satiiietea, Offre Cemu - - , Stout UtinmmbPliduug, White, Ra. suda eloUIo Walsh Flameb. Mionît mvmrshiw Vlauael, 9 a &Pbouat himakeis, Sungla land Double 90e0e, ditte Stauf mmnd Medium WIhmy .. Seoich @bd Bina Umnecm, -4a 7-4 lomc* amd oiee lfeiq *hmail colored B8em.pif q EeàiÏ& ise .Browa mud Olîve cambtiie. 26 a î neb *ede r.. own ce OIm 11 à 40 uit. Blechoil duttu Ctuiten and Unionhci n <rp. Pariutm and Gh«aia. Ueum m lemctied .heetug adDva date iite Camme 42 loch lvii led aachlmg and &,.g. Aa meuewrf Ct AMP lrsa4 ed mil ag. REmmp qad Fuhmtggmi Ç-ai, fidateCumil e pe, Uito IJathet., Dittc Trovurs, l. Tea, itte De.' Hait Clou diii. on. cambiet, ditliw Wite amd Taw'd crdate. aumteif sIw< 200Tire ea* -tte. (@itm) bushfiel ege .And «s Ulm",. mruumiof.5ur DRV GOO Dg. AU pths1s tui lvbfo,. t fwis îtin iuessal, mmd iiilbe oohd le.,- York, Iseptoer 4,1833. IMnW J'ùÔR ALE, Sy Meu Dsrfruna I Tsk aMd ' mmg.; 50 . tifu enh. Gassvarchpiel. mI~a HI liAS FOR I.î vueuauaamue ncrn i I P F a large qM m f Uppet sh as' L a i e Mi a f o l e L siin sn. W o e n a o d C d r e 6 o « lwUnt rsit. 0<5011. So À 0 US e.. Seemei coalla. soup amdi tdiol POU ii st1a.insi< GeiVa. anî d lrowa*W t'iefaOrUibm.o.ducermaori OhgFier l letaillai- -ai. - IlI NOTICE. T1 HI Suîbciber has removoil taehe ..Store fator<y orcupiel by i. s na Af&rtion BRom. djoiniîîg the lion. of D. Estne hu esq. H . SMITH. lKimgstm, dtb N-ivember, 1833. TUI «Buolibrihtbopa have ta preent bu Je, iemre ilumb tu Major Gricraun s w.VIbrf-io Qiarter Master Set- 1:t.I.avoenmd ma( thelic15f h Itegt. aive t ie sfetlow Tsoenan fur <li active exert ions in resemîng hie proper<y fram iiithe leasrucive fSte. A. J. FEINS. Kingam tes, 11 oreamber, 183. 1 M JR. CASSADY hep to mîsil bimmlf o f th alie staf ppartuniiy teo expromhil igrafeul chuawledgema.nfa ta Capi. Cuti. t her, and 1he aen unler he comamend rif ;Qr. Maatar Sergi. Bewick, end hie fllavi a tvwnmlen, fur iheir prompt and veil direct. *ed exertmn in'auhduing th. demi ructie elomemi auspor.fvrshmivli h onme, - m lm rms.i i. tsvicat sud, mmtl aherviaehave hentemc in <ha laummly exte aecauaai on tihe piglt et thelet. instant. I h la fl beari fatgratiaudu <bat be a* tafndemaishm moot ic.,. ubaihuo t ai it kind meÎghbersand friends vhes,.attention a mi vol»ifl eand edlcient services manif. r"baa tevards biasait mmd amily in ti dit tremis S14 tr!J clemi o caion. m<~ao~ n4lu~cimmom No. i, lut3 ta. pas. uig aI. expoect a< t'W- 'ciab Iri MM.- ir-1 nmBn ro us lm Ume<va brece. M1LM~WELL aEem bhs guatefoilse .LXllvedgema ts e bis itenmou»d felle-lfiwm.ua oir ekind ad valui. bIe auvISêt tw Pftervewuh ie ptaPar<y m th laie e t. ilesboeuem ly mae. bii mer@ .")pl r aobl. of <hit kiudma.., whieh, lubege-mm tf0 heve; ea navet b.V lm~the11n COVEXNMRNT GONTRAC'lS. S BALM 1Tenders wil ha receiveil ai ibe .iculasriat Offine Bp- 71»» euntil oes on Frfsay the. 2»b cf Noveimbet nexi for the. foliovimg Wou* Io b. pericrned, amd 71hiki te hasupplieoilon th.eRides Oerai boisson Ximgagou and thaeIshmu.. il, Deeprang the Sbo"ls elow thb. Locka ai rmga..m E. 3. flngi.ahg bm Dam etf Btra'.a me- 4. Escmvmting a chamne acre. a aboul ait- iateaie*tle. bmLuchsetahBraies?. p- Per Mil.. 5. ileepeingtha Excavationea ut < l 111 Isthmu.esbl.v 'Iuubd Juil.Lakres. 9ecificmmig.e nil I.U .feu<ha fowegoîng i d.:Wiazrkm. a beau sud *marleey te- quisu isalsq ýI h fépid by appication ai tuiê Ve i anatK.sf md latePlate. 26 rres g off h. uW" "O.k20 foot Ion . 14114 Jsehea qume; 10 ---- - aie efa4uf3 I"COab Ffma<e udelivered et JoueFUsh b a e 211Deoenhbu, 9 prect $00 auper&ii bete02 inchi Pin. Plamh. 100 difta, .18 O.k d.. 140 diii. " 0<8 " aido. To h. dlii.re*eingbt.Miflhby hie and appvloU.l. .a-vcurpemtr,* do4qq.Camalmm4pmy.eu<yl baaldeeas on aftr themibc l-nbeau ppre-Void go psM"'ýi h. J1 toinlaCarr.soi!ma tve licuritha vil-h. required fer th. doe permmca oftemch Conracu seasM.y ha enturedi nt . Vlpmmissrist, 3fou 911 oer, 133 STRAW CO-NTRACT. tlspuim, . C. <oS Novanlar, lit j QEAL*ED Teedora cul ha e ivel mi k7 ts Office untai Imday at no-m, a the, d4ay ofDeaiuam et, fer Iliri * litue. oue*.àa ihlm by <huilai Ï àiMmcbk,4 ~ ~4'u 3SMh otflJe,. de. Mo h 09 f. de.,. 0 lmotisfet . 1 ie Taule. t.e«p" nthe. rate in Car- rency fatr mciBondie.PyuaivMki h meule by a Çiei&a b.hevaIMP4 e #tee- d"m l a <bis0&0<et ah. larguaIt Mu- laer% reçelplMSe guitly deliuu ad ..etly Thu e nmqet fin amffl .. <e bamis 1h. Teuders mes loti e. -- CHARLIS A. OLANJf. AOe CL y- 1 . 1 - 1 bleu" el MMIM LAIUMIS %Agace. Il .1 -1. "WM- ý 1 01 ý 1 -4 1