Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 13 Nov 1833, p. 1

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ci WADA KINGS~ON, WBDNB~k~Y, NOVEMflfl~ 18, £SS. i- -U' WU10b paso »viâmabgnihPagonb4. be lmm UIm~iewo ..vPÀse. L70W -tBI C A IA XA. mu Ihnmbve ac te trmaL 0*006<madm, alnv"yo ui&clMW lu instluma a"choonetiie. Dr. f eum, hle" iOfflcsr, hai atniveai a O' la ieetiew le 1h.oel.of ete iamonlt,*ade iml taith int Ihat, upo ofatsiol% un "p#utsaly renecetib, u. Gevmmua<,n e. i.law of1ai yeerJ ig =spumI. 1 a uniloubiei <cc1 Isoti- l , e ho ii whhà; haut a«651h. hy cebaea ei0omu" ,lag tbe iup.. aried et %liau tlb. oour, ma" cabelieve one ou dieitm y liémeai Amati choiera, auj bt kPlacetethîe st:z6. Im ciels mav. Ilti imisemi.veryprl t l ad net Ioah. arismalpn.oeaatlm fl5éam s ut tk ta dstte, w M1i, bb ieau pofIy &Milet umay of »1e levas lu Greal t. i"mi9mlut , gi couli bave e-ppearui herm., The ho colt a" the "Y tay tvellibis (ut: &*Oeuragse foDm amn a loew am. net te b. cumataicmcsi y he i ai Crdthe ialroïlaion eV s teu idsma abliimrmlity, th. la"iiigami cle uma ouloicuaiamiog th.eualgrmt,l r baem atmuer diomgt an aivatage ev* iencusloma ; Ilai.mavîig dieu e nuci le expomve ielmy in Qmclac, ia p lu, tint, asevery cm. ha uammrkoi Mdimmaumlat. departute, e. their roue ical.iLa ies U B êe .mlbilimeaiil - hem peefiamsteBgamati mm of1h. public, itemiavs=y d ml- andl h.ttegrplbbÀ4 ecamd iti CF- usful -oc rcy. aail by Mr. W, la lavte ea anuaaly=eue <i.tellis te th e trade.-Tfiu (;imaG.] *6uslom-Rlouau.Q»bee, NI Ot. 1 bà IIa-We have i. plsaitr ërIm tint car dis inta.nulimaoet hIjB1ma ma Wu" .nIV. pwodat lai t aiSau im the lmp"st Pasllncsl"taintf le mliVog Tob «. triant, G~~ . A. Goa, C To Willi.am F Inlay rIq Cihitm <e Ioim <TaîséQuel U 4- 4M1 W.Rolip. 6, ESc. 4 "Prvldaiatuysaiaid ho it lartlai actai, liat #rom *daller lie ont Jmar, e boumud Met ial iu uwvms m"chetenAdt thîe mail yeuao r 0 eigof Ii, inttlied. 'An Act fur »puhatl ta. Dubuma la lhe BrIiawhiCole Plantioama'giami by gavrai AI Parllnetmd.ud me tle Huties Ina by ou Art mie in the. Sm Pertiemeal upon certaini Es t auiaI mîpadmid frami Gret Brilein, and furt MRg allerDm11.. instetidiehrso; an f6rtlu cencou-greoapatimg, mmi ringse»rmi brncho. thenT raeut Kign, .mmidisheBrithh Donum, Anstbca, as limpour a Dut7 on C Bhe gmctb norumcranem Dla oo1sn Pmmalim ia Amcrica cm il aI teoi hala ny e.6., mclaG m Plalathe; *atosmiccii diuoh pemmed inlaIbefeaummet ysar oftheo eig, hiiu A Aute toglhttà ofBte Civil gorenwu i be 1im lae of Québclain ha Amil » lsm emiy Daolas e. MaummsesidS, pnrtei or brougl ialb ot. , and tBe nusam euyipaa Ibghi is Ad, n la Ayode Ada te the. ea" aluimmmoll 41wCâmy (Isit) ammaî i. se cu dis C*y ias ena ~~~~~~s tk.eemedsim s81meom 4 m nmb amt t.e ld".Vumtermhy Tbe luff amsaao bi o Or 0. u~b. i le~* mm w hvu about tou.- î #e& olmwd.omiimmw. hau. met As mque&,"s I Wu&j uàAba &C OW urYork, W u h...tfli ",Mi.m o teOnt waaY~,,b.e4=eq tu, iapmuaila4..lia <lasfa a m MMet Um qpoauwtàalbboa - dia, antAtiOu a00allsentica a»ma bo limW b the. éM b h bmqq 0<.mgnvi*0 anL ~aeut .onditin 0 or if orsbacanIS, apo u, . uudhabomauu.sindlt4«pua. maI à eawatee l ilmeallty je oci l iï hlguat - imort.acleka »Wu .UI.b1a*.*dby of t Mab- makig flàgbitY a impur te di. emr co, ni.0<dim utmtkmmaeoawe hslm.,l M, 8 am nis thek.WL-{DaiIy =z! ~fAd FR-m W.moiie.nyahO GaadL.> ina leS.Len-J au-itS thm~se d.fclleuinadvertiameaaî,Wei yntergalucime ur UpperOama: - lia- ada subolbsem d <rcmi-Il. phu a dis Pauama .m leue. 0<lgh Venaljt r h or Choseory, am.moe non"«0» Ietr" dm. cmutue 0<Thmof th aye.tbeyenprlate. a Lieniuaaea, ia w the ud agime" or0<Fout1l, »oead, (ulao lii du- iedet ut riolinUppor Camada, inaAu- par t8 uat,9134 134) ON, flrthwith te *sonunamd the rW two thor#ba befome a i. t Ba. eau auto- lourdUl. me aet the Mamw t 0<ui i li the aild Cwl, in IcutmpI'aubeildloif a ahi., Caasy.tmLde;or. i doMamUire thome %Mywid b exc«W t"bec i ta the Z"midje? edd e. th b.ge . J15LY Ksolm Pmi. mer. pub- ~P m ealm.) (A 1Ep.T"ILa IC. tuo i ruai- uv.-simp .Aaz et £oréut cm T dairm, à utr pbikdi theimp. Oh es b tocitimîli.ubfmim and abits eh0 mi Je acma n.detekd &»aI algl am -- tli&ag anaiy d.bom o iigat 7 Vlt 4 h ha" emainIbo hlaOluimba.et Ihe Unmmitqm O i g4eoBevidmlloedmlis emimm&ny gcvdera fh mi, %lia 0! Ieoaiebuof t tamudNe laite.llrnfe, SUM kmn oenl.ly e eup oeff- -u Ml m11It 0< oheaafelae* 9an0<s decacI mmd dirciescte mtié hai et iueigaen ào utao ie statu& Ia lbis iab. eompleoi eraimommeIb .1 amitem d neutIuabb m; uai lm buou aiemUl a p mmbo e au-a h h. "beimo lml aià «tuueeday pblwdb bemtIne id ette mm a ffTh delt. o. 'bol ia U m. di. Io ,, adJ, =%ua, Amri;&&d bute uldb. mogmli et five doUa,. bu. Air. er akmnaobto, pmsalmad bveimil ba. treon. hel9y to ex m &W to a thou o uslalmegqnese ké s 1 mdwudb metoc mm.opet lie,. peoitci id r ai *bocmsslit . lbsldi m 0imarfeaily. mhtotlo'eohimlhaia.m.fer utw o -crna.1 i ele easev in mmaOb*b ou sia * de e - m i < i. O uovi eigitufe W ands mentaure lam iuaae1h.tmon a taumnau ed 0<iinte b.clmh cl. iei.geoail e- «ceodm"a ta hidcaneteu i« e'dmach ha a and Bu sv.mimgdmoelao vem scta- sof . for 1hesitk . i maf a uitlIoythe hmsalne< lis pesidiaifOut ' Godaeogup a.0<uw itater mmd pcel tua au 0»pr-in eetlmsiatllhe aleegaof bs pheof miepro- Or Act dy 07=emliamm%.elu ete aislierate onS ~a -MR »,Mwelglty maait, relatan mies Sbao a fonid Ie .g.v.euimt 0< liatatuIn fiege.mlosuor<dm him . e ippl e on'- e umou"m u ma cau eltel efv ~~ t tlia peud *snfmim, lee av fbumb ne the i.pntimaalmnsm.b t n ima tue, dioal a indie, dm bu t mli e<ak trous i. laboebm ou e.ime. in ordar 1. imy <te "av oeull a fomimle ié,ecoo.iy, AM or la iqhaImemaem aa»d te mmaim. g."m e&wx.te la imsaiuýt pilé, hp an coa mctiee t h. moumimp.daat conk- oceumm0Criilionmfor Ibis etplasudiofmy- Mda.. f« lthl. mt.This indmd, but atighît iiidmîisac for oms uhela i. oit- aiah ycor OupeepmdSupaa v t tub e ti h .aanr to lai. uiq ' W" guulaavbie m, g ~ amtof Ïbe bmiibmM t ~âw4~te Lueul. ~ hbt.umm.Be. Im las a(a ='at usImab liemthud mm a lo ura ~ d a" kmai fimtedy Ii,, la fts 1mtuIatY wu hhel opsbix - -. < n eaWttmiDmmot api~ alié, ifseamy l ~j ~*j huterlor of theâo ufajMd Ibo di p- U bfaml mt im.p le" mmvelm D- elsàmnity~1e tl u oa lemi4 IL donl a*.rw a nd e m * y r thetel iata e. Atam 'ce i iagl. bom êdsbouotoi0<, bd iiglit Iour or thy îtmrty- urth brlh-daY; =tema. Albms. Wtmai, a foitus caussi th.elgbiou ofdm. pghbour- dada oif thecoslum e m besui hyýmie- (hl Clieek-tlas a in iffoeid unttUp tz"di. nte ilbed Oak~sa communetl vibato,. dw bitle catmo eptu 0< oebee o iè ia btor i a11eva rrdta dimae. d dIOOlumitinctoredWblh si y a Immu uhich IN@ tramger% Igre wutell, end ufme vIciai", li ma .eMsg1ima9,la v of 'iam W n ei wiig imaulie, fim .to a consite- pEapullineil.cwos, omt 0<tun cm ta- SymgIih tml iici tga *bcm Faddo$ mtmgm able beigtmt a pponte liMe ragr'sol he SUDm. Amméib lbum mtgirdi, uhich aLaud licolkm belles], end Ieft the »to;iasd M- lot 1+1j n U urtel eL i.cliim iéolliay dtftppeeyodaitit ta advamta.silwuei&t.îthda oy lcae»tlrnâsd tu telb sot. a sd the ., ls ie' fÏmxiluth. ovemiîmg. h. adkoWolmgianrty anih.cvlaimly laiddc l titlic Ilarutîglihibe uhole <amme. 1<' ~ Roeat~. -attaimbi ab ectw. U4 haa huat Imbohabât i ii bogait lmasoor, mand hielm hart te jdààthe umdeu. q" u4Onk. àkRoer %r Port, oui Conmit aICa- ai au nt.en" uear clepmd froua limecat- de% é, 1% lpanai. hmmuver, in a loirmis- imfor iiisia vub 1911111, ui .10. bu firarmlsi ta Ibis eeumtry a amai doiashaa a mmd.Wdp.atie dola. uiged maBut wIu succeeuir a <er -41, teUinte dthele.Ileyd5 of theVictoia cattseumidc e- slîti aalmugaver. kIbo" as"st.f4 uielafolitâe aprsa tuponh ih atmpaliare Ami aquelw me ehtn by Humnîmtit, <or it@ pii><lctieuim ga el coi, cieutiy gaofed i iéu hiteteotil lenam piral. uswas aldiaansed tt- the orsoamutb.mngie -bUanddedlbothleSi e sht o 'Mdli ls tihlman. md . on ahtia uî aa h a- anî 0 of , liii taf id l Iiiptisieo oserid li.the wagl ami itisr "W *pM ailleW1. A&cnhluln: te Hamitt. iepria. hlm uh*b tobsclmsd >mim &avestelime molo.-la ld.w=t matny4tmca m ssl may hiat fleuir Éa lie l h ie !illot frC 0<1b *tal at tLa Victorin &Rothlli Nb éclatilly t al oeurd mulmmebath Ibng upon ble _ (cli aiflla aaatiqi lt dm. aid "t asis '0" airs,,amd ~Aeismmc asi at i nma> .(oacoud <miel'.maxiblé, tiat 44 maoyth* lmon- lima b.the vie~a tmmmi nI.tuul ila laid aee hi am da bb4i pai oiel < AOfi.r gagrmhacre, *toile ty iser." Thugla.liouuer, Ilion oWaatlion. ne it u, îilsaineumie liai- JI he1h ie eoieilu,~ ePia. b wlae0 letlo i _Miamg fantaimic hainala drsimil vuaellv ter mbm.M ir netmds clmaspprele.mmmms, yel =Am 9"il Mud cn longrelcmmbl amt il , "miti coed 30 lu 9S0 Ib.. me dagmas ulecsmaimlg. lier. wu au An ie las coiisti l4* îl;lime c.uld nol geltriol K ulm thdi l 4e ici tbm ,f'*Mre of oaly ma- nit cOelogisce about il, ulmicli arcm par- out <e e*fmm& aiarcsemu1 hicliicthe mnt& milgaL ~ ~ ~ ~ ti Ti c ntmaemm i ,h ý5a. MremaLclte in Ile. bq*flmml oiéSun fnlia. mi.symaaaitry ofthîe end cape. .1atel imaiwmrds.ortme t.eaq# at bu-ufla àemsvi uSuiea.iatt l fiel j VIcluria uheet, f iodoil ieak claeroi, thoni froua anmy larliai ed .obtemnu tmou. It Wscamed DUi f tl, a. a t 4 af f<fie oasrmec ea îe It6 W<Fumrv., uulmd lie Muô umd aît i0<lia. colonn riiicîm cmuesmiml lied laon tlai batt.lu ii.srmtilU !fO-evei d-tudi iusumm-rayodeian the lb.loft My; and uobdil. Morley roameiaabeeito laieof jt m yslcrtusaman. fer Ime W*&mvifral- a ti Oas 1 lai'lI mm t'i.t flirald mvmwmoth.Ith o(May.' lourd., hala porto suliitbaemaau *iemty Iyacaime ll i.eiOînuacil n "alici-lngarued, wes maleqhel. a *ovmd cropimtigM la imcrupsol is e29»blieu ini thé mieoigiboourtod wlm wu asmppum- ucamilied excited wilhuîm hlissdwi h tha fetiae b. vlenIa te 06 bmddofJuly. oei t eh. mai, maid w cio nom occaîrreil tb Morley insed lois liri meaiorîmdi*gqema. tme doage abidiag ohlntcpatmmlal nFe- lit rule imiatuthe a.déeripîimI-ut Ille il pfflible" lis thWiaglt, Il iltcau rit, end klodsbya mmaet gaaitiudm, ither iOl "&d cU4mtm, i EtUlntm, lagegaelnlrhni aaeverlhelcamd- haie sny tlbîig luusalfire»a Claruristi tru ne lmllmee moi's, t. effeuto bame blas ubInsi <m. £S.300 &.y G«nirl vamicïi loilny luaîrds lime satranger, and Wb havs been remad tgetler. Wc bate tots. 0<11i TEImvice te ritt»a-TOa. Lou in. utl.partitm ionosing matitleutded arefflm. hesu meiacled Coonida îlcy, mand Iliais lierti.] am". "Saiuit notMsRyou' oyier atrimgeat me. WhthIon OlImiuld 1 ~MonI sus mmpect Iinial I cure unjtuai-my il sorora At Ke* vu à-frulaAFeeu-TiwoormItes VmavLie A WaAm.-Twe iadiee, mà Go te dis rtig." base lu quetition lie immegity ortledaulitlolie ute aoaànmn applDitaia gSuar£ag imther ammd aiaulter, aaeidod soin.la isse We exact <miosiporsor enidesa mlite"la ve." M«c frt loi atlillag, l«Datlie wu. a mgo et4ai grcultdh.tom e oma £, dimirh.- "Jerl! limaitart thon blulli pullican and .Morley7wu eulrsmely ilaresil, amd aulsi bostBe otia. lbe ldgaciosi a BIh uer -soreuht exceedimin ola iéaitsinr.-, jai<lmr mmliimm am e! nam5 bang lady Dit ahulmdo*, *ed it wunmgt peu. il . e ia. or spulent. ThetiretlIICule Wit thonidepoas tby ribul'I" raeçs aCmii. Il wmm sommiedacysthei«re lie mg beCm maibt osie r eqaaMmld w d aibumef upon ber mcens c ac uat, andho extîed e " uth of a riclly eiai- snlirety recuvoesalois; spiriete; &aimdi ca a fieot, diat thon% ipaomei 0 ofgreal White l th tlsr «»eo wassiul i thte fu 1- latderi dbug. IlLet me liec. vemerbilae ile liai recovered timon, thIme ..le.- addti im M tn de ,i situer .1 eo mmdeimt out. ml, mt aO. * sitir hait 1 Dtua ie nlle dvàied.Iltioni of tiat aîy.teriumbsum tu lioaitai ma t itlivi tee b. ghmp.oujut eihbaa igb gIahtocirai.t mbondmvaai-am "eg? i bouart fore fnesRiea a hggar;ali a dark samattuuellrs Ibis tmlurc peti, ro lancwia iu.21ci.,mbte laits loiglagm <Oneedar 1h. imiiglterlii t«me olmight ai- (17 livery bouma lthy caliac. 1i ablaihave iruldfi (mmely iammude lai perplexan md Mn. lie htiieclght % Meqalme. limai Leaalsu wt theb. eriagirl, and mgeir. lothio tb Orartomie kaavea mrii f i iuet tallen. Rle laidau al*.,Itte faillemai alad Iudhiemmoi pRem aeimid da limethci . O..deil ml-uobirlbd lsîelaapparcl istier; ftle glft of vsiicmmaatimii. laaimt appealale u thugla . cammenulmelaivmeeiyel e &Romuer. Sieddmo"ais- my do bat thât 1 ea murase cstiably diaposedi lloin rotation uuimiaisqustin, lime nsate mIeo umeldsametle, l i hmi el&&.ybertlcs cliiiWho roseare spmkiug te0111îhitik thoniart suai. apes'eerving immnkey'Il uss liefaomit mîmiqiucai. Noicrlmekeas mli hub..sàti te aupeamator 44 Y » i thie girl, y iS- -" lime blod rsiabd tuo Nurloyml ce in a mvlaeicr ula lie time mlae of mlolim t, for adllIieg oPMber *Beam ilv. ihnIcuaiiaoytmny moder torren.mll "t el lias again îthaonart toma reauma ltu lihe cumrary, la. ctolu t m, agaimma naqtom tai, ai erneamaai ar' amg boom the bl otelinha ~lam. Tii.me losett a boggr. Go to-go tem the îm.direct be l lois f leleclimngs. alalis m'floa. bappy a bhie mm', 0 l bai ladneapgrt, esutuoiim be; but ahylae a-"o!.. apeemnm npuîaet aca ioa aimu n *e.1 mah <lo in tu te. ac :eraida memifmm ou quinlmce. dmesix- Ilieg M, boltemac." momu, by itae prmp!ietgecauîtiuoa ulicli h. Met lady, ôO sumodet e6cjImc, aublg. e Ehm-"M. corMoie e sorbeht I"Andisuippose 1aouti refusetiy de- hlairecsiàlitbumare o(Cla verng. Time n.lenma hmusegmsté a.oni ae urldiu h o ot mn ioit imama-tau art net à îery formiaeis aumd a chanîge oficene, bousiver, aI leiglhi li lt.Th tmmtaif céoemecm.meeme l r, taba ber i u n' 1ev miodiet eumoa.iD uoalmenturiiiilims iodlat. Idiea realinea. m.<liçs rau l vthe Umdwmg tout pio. oDU agug fn the bemtibludis ilse Whalmo! e-l%.ion flehimmd commpel i.,, The mmrmug ntbond tmhe le nmemibraîicmf ut uu mfe.Tl.budegraut ut Ut aWW- [g" atlloipr-] atraaaov muai carmtmlty. IlCoalie% iri- cvemtuelly becatame nu longer iawaila. 9a94 tioled; -*Ithii mhj.ap orac 'aa.a AtlutaiM*bturma a xpemcs citt pirclaeymaar saui- ,,Tuo c!,antfl'ertliaseittenanas 0<115atrm ,Itodh lm i.lt ib<oa> Cd-utiiIrltoE 'FeURâlsi" emili.emitny rota any <urtlîm ilmtatoum: ce lke te Ipeibisa itaillCaer Imamiiiua lg suit. Thot houevet dm5a attor ai gaveanotise, tce Uatimray, ftlet ho cas lIf aixipemac cemllaui leimvited halài- W ierluay ahaîi.amd, a pur, fbut ml iamportance walh a gmmlenmi uta...wiliag te cotmct lut a certain mimmerlagutaonne, t'airailmer bl" uthe t t h.biotlge girl ianlthe nemgtammartiuai. Tis. mamlorr.emedéou umunote atalaeicn- off lis, &UietItdisraeuof< cm.penniy per Zcimdm thn gie ilias. ens. u ;ajeymp ,rley kaiu, yet otiieli llasforce of tisa. TI.aauckMallaut.v.rydilmg dea, uiilia provlioltmino cat. img, or p.- cmaaom. Vou ro!-ay, lyen mey riia 1 etî happy libenalily ut'prin uîte iimCmlca- mew« loui bemlay fort ho cedisaàt il cn esse . coulai lie accepted& mand thl anal aIrailikoa pecCuck ioqund'e well- t a imuag elle better Imosto of liée tend. sbeing" m1 hm.,"9ule" mmun ed omsobmréal lémeicmaum be&"&i. So- mm l i riaitibl,, and nmufood cunrci isma ~- surtesi ain pWaiira t tloe grreluti- W ovsrgaliBliea lIthlianme- ' ru aimnt i haer-fendentmendmi gMa.--you rol in coider tma suate a goutte-tai$ ofteurmmiiîg, Orit ilima rclmCOla, dai&» yod ho ivu o l d h.me omm e malt. eh.«<acle" lunuedm a lIeal. "ma tif oir acimuotfl iMbun 1uaméila"b..an ha noyer allameil ut for a nmomnenua eum- lme i. bO e*" taa me»O a iewht *ma, *Wr&impsasl; Wanen- lmo<i.tii ati traa. <mav.gouader a llaoaglit, liat'mci a rffionî c- 1-osslhom ,chét aodi# mouhilinei helme. be l mai el o twionlwaemI Bmét y att e. od&ite iib.nd n aefiei ls u rsha. rie supoefmiVs- 4jmiuI ÈamgoIam < i olalhh-edlsa ., nmstgu!uc me î ay Tar e Fllettdesliagie lrift o u t n riial toplait Imin t u.ec li&( Imitai~~~ à" boBik ej.iu mmhp- OIhe*uhclamumId-(rlghtOmapef ui llobe n. Tk id m, .nlcum a ii.u l uimlbssetlt asi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oo sumd eillmlsusbe m -rja hylgiilareeny in bliiilealf. coainmaiiegrimy offeesling luwarimbien- amudmg i b. uec-u h ui Apcm till hlengd tdieposet solei- cli1. uisqu-tal. A word tu Ifi e m(; end, inuapila of flime anmgerlm maria- enmai. daacouple of oit ied ai boomsnt tertbkmsbeca peenaWeiulîle matchb csre ia ui.s-tiou't lk&l, uly thonarert bomri iag. trealea i immam iisikuaeeion., idi Sln om bèforia ale.m.lie. The «mm-a v tla t iha'ary of Tnemî sibyhelu min, N. mie botter thoan ily kid, aid ort thereforo canidele iummairmgmr bt voiras geeamidi.he ii plantrlbiiBraet Schile, CausumS of<Jstice ia boran tgh ua .(oiedl.' Pour ysmrsa uipaue n da mitîme lrlemd. me ts e asilioes mndait. A*aieltho i& t bistn u. 'lh.e. un f«leayieg ape. "Wbat imonY01tou itsp oflime couine la boitabae. CIa,- i t i, nldisb.yeusg vu aa s le the SM. of amumniud u ndilimp- "inmmu, lintefinit rlue. fihlt 1uil not .rimag hal ut gimmCitruflmIlmim&amlac oW- î h. Im c, lit i. probemumel abat .unulhlg po" ie he dia 1wchié Schiller ever glu. the valus ia a i te blep-a ta uiredut, atiokn lIb i grote, tîsougli ia u buppneta liîa.43our. <Coi.] moideoff. Tlimele .tua other poiu iun 0o ivlain. 1 mea ai the mâti character et coileo led lien nm mma %g - ~~~ou"m Ie. iepolota of lugai imier tonplmo eut l dttii, Chae i gteMotion ithonbut aamlatilsaci. uitla a=iri Lmmmm rrisfi tis Lloreqml Ondt t Ot mumloeI& lb.he deel aem0Schiller ihlm poommon of0 aloeil ____ aghtl ,tic pir pan- uqimat Pm. ". netispi mi ei A muIP m*wN DOwNN A U4m»tw amio., fotu he oM ha ule ecpreseted tu e 116daalviliR.» ps.teà of mim îery quemeiusb Ci% Uuady moeiig aboU MO R4 e Ia.bng o0< un a<aggmnd obKeroo. Me"<cisliaison"c bud1m ai tjy lss beauteaiM" mm ltod Kiu. bfon sJanm..muii-tIia tîlo, ith but lo. ksan mllatedly zlg"kim frmou, ime iîrsity. Il md lame bemsè olles oun f <yil Kd LooiÈae otiseAimha veraced hly 1h. mannise, of thw myalcrtoaa s.. uaoua t. NolY; mRida siae- INpM f s sslm, Gm.dadr iMimnmttam ltimtfIiWo aichad St e nMe o Thèam wn uealhrius of thei mcrai caey MW - CloIUisuihU*mlysaSatahm.:~ io mui eiam~.li WlI imaamomaièi, sUeCmingi, tuer.wu' M *In, e a m nmemtary peuxmit SUD l# joml l uppemi tma it. vssa etta ul i ea- arma 0<11eyaaamg Prirm. Is e, xi. # iie*Mlaili.c iuaty h1 'ilmIagvicul a oinalaci et aillng lb eum.top uli ieanlt hv Dm a i rUItui alba'su e tim m.t4esmicîa aU- iifaemtymd soaatarcai i n ammbci, vas 10, **, *Sdalait tue o om altlr fdati 4W. tllmiut.rm bimna midtreoohkdauuf mudeepi mtai ia i in ta l.a:, ugpsië abaner, chu un hommu br leblami,& mu eilsfor tbktl<mnemug"ial ppeekmmm .thal Bohèe unma traptie o h botmiglt agter ail, hoeaothillmau ruM«amaw litaap rae..The #"W va=o itoes, Geraey gh net tàj, oé patjea-Jiu dardaý ifle inmemsm. aOlendaahimnalcal null ia.on .a tanmmmm dock 1ty Weoaloid a e gu Baetter <alr jaigmMo.&Malrem "MOtid mau disma y. . 'bir.. aiie tle somutair 0ofh le buts, -Knoules..Keemi. Bom . il, l'amdIrF. Vis- an t. e4 te, imapfile a "BeSWiiaioim aaller CleîerWjimqmlei la nutvvewaty, h. oir baeln haa--oweiacuiagcha limDiS isheaegmlt. 0aafaaam Uhlt imlqÎlem,0er yoiaa Whimsu thm meSunutuabi Hel.e-cel" urerepalé te u temrsteih d êmntil. ue, onmi<l euNs,«i#mi m CldeamMlIf .timlumm <a catera wercm is(i ohst of mmlvmlho» bmas tia, but cbother îhroummhn pv lave, Ime Rlinimaf tumy ae Mi.omandio lte cuaisity Wb"ca e liloui bd.tisfmely F. Mmrey uWm earneely sirev micatu bruai slienln, or otheruh e casU U.m m M fileWtrelvlà d ..Ldietw4 ad -lol ea sseaouir.dni clluloaur v<ry agli otevcmm itsi a in, Wco W#*a. ad the poes . 0cua a fei.gu lmerae i . lb.- h*Prcplielim <Be aiécne ceiw male.tu Madwmul. Morley dently iecjaing curry day inu thm~ armm e lor bu hbine alariari, godai oolglolsu G.nimany. lie Ioabs sffil nm mIo aickumtipitmi 0ailt cIgoe Sel ubt re daun ounlji.U. K., oicish uaa.tiséno miday oucruest big. *pintla, but noet p-louoer, salakI mmaislt u ioquet adte tlamuoari boir cidi mml icimres. dalbat lIte l*ij' . "liée b i botter smes iüld otiiivi'COem Iln ia kqnmaladobe aci.ay #4 ie 'kinemeaUW r limbes, vole «a0oin i,Mde A s gu- 2Mt Paorw. a afuelm&s. Bmfehu lmomtbaly dupma. cluimal ho loo umu mnc (el, a Very aieomIn a e ilistheQ. of<8. casms<id wey by II o vu md; msveierlhektegha&tmte haigh ai te tachainuet. bec»eu.mfills, u imurmd - evloleme.of<tdie miace;,wi n cussoai Ny ayla sbby-"-Wéisy a ls Ebt ooalaou1pdicionm cilla ailiing ou.- imtu ra ttu poiiety cf omduel ego tt a er-homue"iTho e-cm- Il un tie moinge<tbo nimen C t.lan aorma a 'but a'bWmlg ticeeut. lianiaitue irlaidi tu heuchargemetclliahuaoi mot uodm iin mmca apseb tbeby coUa àsceer oruthe bï~.tW"preuia.~um- kialtreliioustrletr, ea tom. <ait - beanu hmt&aotdleoeait by lia.e bidomu < il go doua, Them&uuis,,bow.er is- Clavueg casu smenui a w»r, mut .v IlHo Itum hona prof ie - ui y, bouser.avasmi<.W~ ied vsry 11111. douae leycai them otdem&uiat ouiBe " ciselmatbî j pruhlage or temiy dly colmatitteibumus < wieg;but île VUnidKiagmio . a min ts u laout Ott". tuuwma;rs;<m Viô So. *5lia asth.. Cnma*g=~P., toi lvvn puist aa pu w4»jbfpate iii uld uatem, «milàa # o u ae ubrSupediu aan b r milrsy tee. vqycu ts la - m-MnlaBe.natesuait ouai Ope. amsaul .mteCmvr soar, vauno1v ab a l eap , gpl.kampemVtmn<Tauaar bo.d aE a B maus 1mi cenI, ii. mrnim- ie edleu. e mWe aslipevaa oai une.. I.a,nb uahix iuey, opa vryp. uiel As.te iimk hab ~itaib.lummuag boemcaiaul y ,ierrtg*I a.via alabacago<ua sn.Soe foa liai pitet.tia.l - afini.clby ItWreth eaulg- 0 Mti uataamtvomieater pall oumlitais, mut mI.oowu m Fe e dmu: u iwy onu lii b limi. fCie, memti beoiimualdb 7y- M hr Masbat5idutàs 'O P.uiusamgdimg Imume eiaady. e r,umne. boir mca. .csib.amaeth uie tate t aber* srmdiali. preda"%:-y l ioar uit losime .1 Do e'. limt-mlut psmiisthe ms lMlmiaUdg bu hieRtu ho vilà, Pma t" oI ligt. cm «M W aaitatgb4tuée.iat lii MM ta** ufhon lueiab*s te s e-eylmeastuoyIuammuue ah.. 1 Y. <immiméwl.ye hiéPeoe- cdaiuta<m.t.Csau i hT abmotle a ipbm t b e 'bréa.aie apperm h*4ema 19 im a ped auWm Niu 1gd.pil amndàa fioBth mn r, la ~npm 67a iiima*qAicmg aà" tbedeeihaulîlephawolan,..bey;t l i i. hsla. i n&iei t il lmeql l iola mi,0Mscsmuma4a anaala a" W - umiBeu -DoI . . phaotm ut bom" ubega i wma usea. U ioewcuaetIimamt mmthf, aberuu o P-dUuÉW Aa"t il y ci msin hem olaliln b ev més u6dAumm i, bmi agi»ia n mU logepu t.l iubéadl.. lme Wsg uaut nuisis euu h.vq edauhw.mmoasmai0,-, bObpm 9 iudli blmfrdkj a'baud m i mbre d boîte ~~di.linupaommu a.mt ii. mahu hmc .1*.. s olle. t m &W" «y m em bom , h*t mi -ad'k m wi*émtFomip&i r - ol, poUd ttwmtiihma. amý#ht ite è el.les moi ut 6 de »,11 1 daetba tedmotd ia*aiwé.'qes cees i di. e bc * -fl i d 1ne.db*GWu Ma. I n i N d .. e h o su eslao-n.MilbuIélh to.ia~magbsojk.éo.t.- ,lu..dS' mystcrhitole1114Uaa tu.e &d hdoe% Be,, Falloirm0 provili ben** emay, hm jissou te *li ot. dmm- utn- Lad - dm*. mml ta si* ideavs00boave t.u'i a muelti" opmal**Mm -_ -- MnI" MM# xlvI]

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