Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 27 Nov 1833, p. 2

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9 ;9.uoataou toîde, ailnd eeUalmil ti airalce mtr oma fteWlla -Mh diuleb, o l- theisoca Svicurthéwkof to, placuti vlés re su inf tth clown fIg niv ousAlo. ii.baud ib.bote. pirceib the mall, anM thébi.!'od _g Nmhem, appoeu pon thé. banda ati fot. e guva a vo.. acre attoed o*w* t t bod = il t sta-adigures, th ici rde , &ar .lu.oo, opesutlng *atii. rgia. Mary lagdolmn.&nid the i.hsiles. Thone Godais pintidiguros e éovutcf th comuet elle à.ztsou&h eonu. Bebr hé isI are brning fotyorfl ty tapera, <C"ieau" lithtiioprayurs 0 o e votoe.. n er& eigu nu .E .the. w o fewmb ing soel os ou S= iy-drso.d p aoe'.usonft or- vous peajigo. has oi us. IirPtMI7- aebid t~ r. kiot bA ue. âi8E~Oi tiO L f i * à s4 aure w otervonc eftwr *2ffl M upo; a ituhéa téi i;Va.crodcite rch .vmaeti otr - miure ais l fstyles ofarclatecture (romn the tIvolftl tion ta lthe midiileofaile s ix- tsouti Century. 'l'h columna of -thein- . terir am maais)' ud clely circulr, the. ilieear ofitheasebofaieacb oppeara in- muse; but the building ina ahogether boa- ti ndruinoua in aaveral parts. ÏlV ffl in liae treots oi DiopRe, vith li.o ception oraooieu, have ne fronts et ail; tii.y are qiitu open: the o ga ex- poerlmieal are placoti on coutrs, andi uponui aranid the interior. On lent- Mg an ofio' contry, w.natuWaly cm- parea L ma me launas ii thoe.on oui ouOusat; anti, if ce «ooopltii. pln riqu ppoarornceofaitiie buildings, ours ar frbeyon hoenc.h. Tii.bot hop. hm sare aiiabby. comparai!cithm ssai thé. pooret in Ènan; andl1am con- vinent! that any Freaon, lasding in Our oeunlry. muet ho more trgclç vith tthe vaaltiay display ant i gily àïdbod mon- uafekis.of tii. goudsaoxpoW fw itetoin uirpost, thon vocm eau rptisad by vhat s ourlons in tîieuhuildi& s 'for liat oe.qthe. chef anlerest this Mpla ta", Wb$ pople of Diepp do nol: haut liaI elaéracteriaîic appearance chich vo errons- OolY' attacla ta the Frenchi oauntsnaac, es !4sy aue sostly frh-çlorud andiWall- 1 iu;atiIL i a. th e th m. h*b ap, ying but onoocli aide, ta- vags tM btk i tiithehead , oai mm.tis vssssbling in foîînthe onitof . =aoc vio lii. aproati; tics. caps an*wtite, anti uqatly plaiteti. Tlîcir pettacoalsiaro no short th&% they rçach carùtly tilov the. baie. Mia. tock in a, illàa ailod@km rjacket, 000108tb., f-a-rie res' ' wor or- dothq Facnch ccir auit ôce et extreino povety ; fur oni vohb'wlm t taoa i.îwn witlio bb*i..mru their condition. Hee thora la scarcely o singe person to le wet oftheorderweotarin gentry lu Etaglanal; clijlât in ur maritime towas we 500 continuafly poiso att è"se. Wlaen walking thimagi the.astrene, andtheIi thronged market, I attentively ab- sirid ftii.people, andaet &rataimaginaiti lat ltgvt, lan the. omenwu amecoimonlan V sýèa t apjrered oxhacudinary. Ma- al hMbtne usaiio reîchotly -aid anti vitaso, hei u o ouuversd it de a"ui inteorble wciubbe, liaII s1 posot amis ofIlIum wore aI hast Oiueyanm <iii. Corxusi:y induceti me ta effquit.os staslthea ece., vWhou I roundti io ltist te wioo 1 hati spoken bi cet rsaclietibal s.vont.th.yoar. 1 noversoerach tory misrable decrpilt-looking vaunaa any -Aller raÏbiaong about lthe toua, v. r.- tuaiued -ta dine et lieable, i..dSe- hai 1 lojaro, I woulî Cive yo a tuûre partie- ular accaunt or lthe campanT, wo they vers allonge ecuti toorva record. My neit unighbur eti "Mnr, cas &French gentleman, aaountslmonstiaus amirawbcss uliturall ltecc look wasconaldrebi< bug- meneil a lrge ir eu 1 nus- tacliios; 'ocm itreutfai ouds antd Jet vesa alillaut decidedly, beur, muet- bey, or maon. le %voe, aLuspnticti 1>7a 1,111e reti ritîlati, an rnomt.nted ras; a kanti of aider as coimnmcuina Franceonmathe litie of esqutire on the bick of a lettor in Engimuti, ati often appliet i vîh au hbute juil prtenbion. On lhe oppoite ide sot An pidbeau of sixty, diessedin asky-in;o euol; is liands ere aconteti, naï bléefin- k.rscoveredwvahi relici-peeo nogaNot ta iim».a pretly hly *amn, Who con- içis8t ou.fmillanly *ItIt ait 1M gonilo- Iftu hat I a@ çieatly mopissi viion 1 round sie cati en anir.et1isagort atthe bositi Conversation aeemied aà mm"iithea objmé b-2ttentý *he ibl-nOpasîth whsipart)' apoke togetiior, anti niaa Immatunceasmng voitiblé w no.* . W. go to- morrow nitruing go Eut. in the. diligence, andal 'elne leur et accidenta ini Ouri rati; for 1I aiitias mions pectIo1 lie upeet in sbroad-wheoloi waggoe me i anmof thie diligences 1 have ametatlie <ot ofout latel. Imagine a large cdam- syccuveyanre, like a moîing Ias,; the. ;"icîe lsing a high iievy coler, studisti diih bay. upon titear necka; tiho anms cmposei oftopes, andi tii. chai. lariug a Vary a5ibiby ppeitltae. The. poatîic ridsl cilla lie legs thruat ito a ir or Jackiiots, bosaut round iths nha; né Mboo-wolghà 0(1v poncl,-in md%. - tiattallemimb ifr tiie borse.. 1 an locilmeto th iin cht, aIinexpodi- *mI. af'ussul . edibrieiolle consrucuon, lb l.da on tMa1111»h oe ind lth. Fruocb; ,«le&teligiaer otAII iilei, tliey es- or lhe tco nla nn U iil trein, 1 vebk altiriim h4 l83gand sliogli b. a rnain 01.0<17 g:;ebln. Wo uo voaa gond asingelolla fo henat *;oud France a lighit gay lay, vlthumclapeder, tic- sel, anti tiwdry about-lir, uii*"hkme off some of t s a,#a "a movesalng. Far asveil, uaifiglsi<braq't.m, ies. d VA ~ Aus pommer.etesl Wb" 6ass.fmlstr bam lop si lm Ti.isS e rw.su 1't Lic esea o (m" ti mui. 1 la e~amer pten te ia sue A lis A. sIhl rrueé mi Wbâ Iei4»UeiontsueMu laalea:t isa .m on $ahs Wbce mues mahiee.gl A s - h.dz. -tamatlof Nus sPsR& md, d blie oa Oie astge bssv<mai i.I. A umas 1:*tbos.lm l is me mm Wbo& a Men iSasa5.d l m ii a.. A Pstespre tim t teislà ii peme a* comld bave ileehuIy bu ses., As bolmgdouasvgiwiass regoh iho -centdent uic s.d ihlo à iosto'st 0 untd hlm: Mes kssday bopu il.sotte aba wjbséA ins, vu is1lwdadmy nie *bou st ehm ur Sommeasvei.ety thsy us, MFsmt tienmmer MAd dm s wbemencemet kt t s usld bot; Tiot oy hala ."l.bolput, l'ab «P"mi»We, boiSiub h zws c =buda lier imt't aîlsuy lsindil Cma ia-iy bu tunewetd-os-jhm4 0u, ii ymski.,,...ks.p et bhu, Te Make My chis.,<c hlî. A li..oa ,.hiwê At test iho'll Wonder b&Ium, Pleeau .taes Au mhiiss â.abobie T=cuafarchimemu iom- u y ash$Wbimpboss ReuoIvd <Mi masi. booka bu oiuei An m ilai.a.tzQy the dms, Andbe butorlot bi ane e hum. neoulmot hamm,,outalls He bg= enuosd et-ss.'I yéop"a, Wbsh! domslie=tiUZa-vec us, Yo euaamuae '<ces su ho mld, Tes, Isidio@ ia-l ho usd1 Net ride do"Umge. Wiic a chbu ,M. ne, Reremeor te sephvyi0o6 Hie o; Md NecatmSac Me y d 6s. a-eaeh< lotgsu Ti m =bo.7 b sihs meisa 'r vu boso ile' l TIc. met ho .nultmb li serbra- t.bas- Pee he o dM" m Idbue s; Nauetumas".uhacuediel amme obic huqa t arT*asit NchuaaidLest a un Imm v . d e Le,=j:.ssis uy, ab ondeber urete u op Juaay; lia belim T. e Mos dl.bS, mo!%M q4q&4 Or.tdo' atomme ds meo Ai bec, m mysu.ige ass Nao - 4 tbane ,UOSIU, To neesdoerc.,o u VI i- lobh im. Fan Worddu w e pd et i~ ]Aeod tates<5 1mm c as WhIZs liwu, sber bi. G's'tset BtlIaehdbh Mm'ioaouBlie'Zmia#& s, Ta-ued migb.'Maes, Ami eaqes .ys.Asc bmoa lis tibe u. zonlaesalI FeuOpIIéIe ou du .6b.homos_ swOaac PtRt Or Juas vus thi e "0aid mouktbmuI- bd8 leady of bar tim* *alvast.ho <onad lu *6. ubel .isy»uRe iii. va. maiie te t a a b ubt hor-bl nd u(rieus; sand hsospoctsd hlm te baves a11 Cams f bor Naesr,~ a chtbroundibathonlaIiie s. esilet ou»s.peîfecly bàmglkL 08OnY.éda" emiesopeti down te Pulhwdm ef~I th e «Imd retci, seizoti civi h leau fitofjealouay, o»d ulscover- bug bar cendodul wbite mark &aei o,sM& ,dtdl401Vbis oaeu, ouiat oneblow sa- -W. bsqusuly Mii th. rond te fortune. euh. sa mmcii Ito he i. aut of kuodag tii a is tuau u ilhlugno ta enter - A on mmho ha t toilledoa uiplung csosbwi hbon'soiis. hat îtme=*- tes Iput onstah.ei.moun rpils, 1lad- tus ta l cubte. il," «asios UAWO A bul.d ma, eonryi ga lomua nbis bâc& mid a pkoter ce soalor, o teisrni oas nigbt ; *bon a boir- m.Bthi..atMii. OFoot <lay oui aight oie 10 )ou Icothinga libs a&i dkunseand lugt ae an .Lour' eyua : toit meW.aofliat ue tilamp ean ho ta youl The. blini mam, miling. saiti, tia lamp uuot for my uase,1 carry it te vain ait thon «ho, liko jon pommmsa m sia blini nad vithout undortandinganeto mam oaiciaiue anti thrawcldowa my pittiier EXRAORDIEaAoy ECCLUSZaSi5.- Thon u a Reiere at iletCar.eaof "- ca1, murMoilla, viio alcays osais baus"iPistaiola isWupoeginatise.île.lh a mmon f Rorclmas sature moi rtbag strengh; cia dsmoiis a mod«era ua hms for broast, ua a viioloea fer O ah". li bepare swau bhus), uMW quot lar o(ball wîcs, %u nseiraglil, aeruoga glass. 1M Tii. v pilai of l.Chuc a fw u mly aàoulier hntth@ ofu tghae Polmila wit ii LaWekl hUnaI.., adusi i, ntciuitaa*iug ihm' pouesa aIdig«to.I , maca ruespclti.W onDow ou- FOR EIG N. TWO Ta ATS AYra500KE OGL.Axj5. Be. aMeal ah BWofstaihie sipQuai-- tan, CpanCracei, frmmnLiepaal, va1 barv it rein mLandon of tlie oiag1 oae.Mliof Ocol'sr.asud Liveped etaile Mb, being os. dej latot tiama pav ioada-1 lise-. Ibo folïeivlag mmary las copiai <rm Po"e" xctemet uca-saIsiin LsAes, by thedeali of aboy by 1h.eaMe tory, aacmelord Ity iii a.gc oftau ove aso by nocf.Josesph Edcliew. TM" boy butben mverely bosteta epeaetlyo an ué rocson" luaibeeu ban% p y 1s esci for several Minulas by o a neil vas labos doualivre, but casnmc lajuruti, asine o e. <uiao ofan ollentila mares tcausebha déata, villas &bout four aikb aftoriani. lit aMm appoet liaIhh. ai beauHI oued end t tiuneasunaSilfoi-1 isiist.-Theoiiohancu cairsiedas theo reutoe cause aolai ieth. Hm a ck ignuei cwu injulea s mt. induce disuesinlu t40 ::po;d juy wicheston hi.case, ba i avedcto am ghter agahét Radicliffu,vhao cou ta boIrisaiforte ai- feac aIt e non Aomaaa. The 100"Mu Pape. ofthele Ul, m amI- rant if-lli.7lire ocactpimi viuiaputl- timont au .mist s pain, buthmm Bsoa- 'at et lni*.lonceta thie ifnaull i.- 9=10002olM. i.i nsca ira. lhat Dm ar- about te nus.e Vms.lit. b. peashIMi nfer" e ut h liri V. Ail oaa" uidlthe Cteegy gaetati)', re saut to b. favoralet1-is sous.. ila thougilt tat FroasgevWn laks o ieCidsd' parfl hi. r beQue».o. iiet h Mremac pspers awst, that M. Ze Boma- das la esced iieto1h. cousacil et ragea- but* demeuoetemQums, basai an "g% dtiobb emuhuam imin lahae Peut as m10151er. Tii. German papers continue t. delame tht te. £na.aorautAnetaM hte nunie the tItte o. gIf auar oweGnnay, aouis até bave au ineriew dihie Géomao Prisa- an al Litor Viesand uiha&" Cmua OfaiMiilis lle"ain te. A=h moibdi m wuca stOeilaoruen adu-iits lu A* n ct ome bloo u s. is, loak page belcaethe mifiuy- uai ib' l habitante ci Durkheïin %lu Batn a*9 M3h ofiSoptmiti- 1 0» te.arriva! i e. Enipfto f Rub aINeun dpafll n to iste c0"1- duum dponlaf, ha ba aolui ta»»0 à iua-uir;biautM m est .hOi e amic umimaiamitaotadaive.stalslOi liumeuv in lu 1dm eis.ioe. Thin enotiig jera t (rwmam. Fuse., The Ring amI Quoa 1.1.1. vot viil Pora aue. lothdoeum, sud vers leremmm udamlin daat mpibL hm&U"ioftMe 29inoMe ejlwoas, brus- 'NyLib -ltgut eleste " 1- e - or. thée isla at f lie Wb"i vsehvarii t siSk teptIte ms se ~ ~ ~ u B« aqa adtei umt 0 moumesw i thl.eubia Ib. ur Suces- tgny lobait i semoi a e OsiS.-. bas Enelhuyîl V l a$jo. Tii. <dolaIpsuoieasl idgut a ue :*Le8mrdtimoma ao uu-h td" " o utom~at Oed. M 0511m7 i*g mid iabhutt uit is.uq*las mauuag cea d ii tbb *arpus, we m-eeals, - W. hm wpl lhisbAis eas el Ivays es ole l o etrimipu%., ad wg.u Tua vouT 1z1»111. UST. Vinoouvi -A aleme pralasi bas boueadoptaib7 lis lieus aiAsmu t his Stand, agoim* ate sol o1 f thri- timha Pacisaint te luchai lin satoti bal tecueprmsed te tr ooulj ond a-inous to the Isand ; liaI the cas- pemmlla tt. b. alloveaiih ntons tonthhe value fheaia p=ot~, khoandt lailthy raesv. te. aig nI m <og a iier ouspemalii. Tii. Conoeil refusai oau an te. Protest. 'llas Amsonily, la traus- aaiting lie prcluat t. IheieulouenlGovos- "W7 msir jur xollecythtMt preoocdiag, lier. iia ietumi&ahiauce Me Ame bY.1 t, aitr u»sPpa'te mmcl plans asMay, (aI ime ta hlm, h pieo.. oelby ti a 'eoGo nst at boume la carry inlao eh.abolto. et sloi.y la li0Clay o<lay the fonafiofn Doi,..-Adyk» eo it iSslismi bv b.oeurecat bie11hmt. The. sane troubles saint in this lland s m et. Vinceas hthe i la oiiot lia£mmras i, vote autoulainedt lat lie chiera cmt moke ils aPpeaimeave. LAI Y 50EsAIN. BY lie arrisaali te bol gNo"es, vo bot. rcciteda OSe of, lhe G" trCirau- luj e le ltbamI la tl« eys han aur ,avios àicis.ThïPae or Octaber. wm 'rua. propos e. de h ., hlonte aie. Mcml frominenlt aplus in the apsa. 'J'e uuMbstof came.iluSevinle an the Mlior Sopumorimbeau 00, asuite. nec sa- aus on the 2thl, me focer lisa 177. Bu- tilaso a plauludn mi tlabout umo tbii of tht aie. cty of ow Yo&I. Tii. dotis in- Botillu haît. on so». tajo les.' AMr lion 300;-.Itàe latoat pepers boy- ever,aeta bt the di - me.c abatatl liaI City. Il wcaSut l aet =liao BUIeVa, Oljve»i4 W.a, ouimaya aer place niait impartant cas.set Ferdinandai'.ii hâve bien palaishtki heliauen i-a « thaveasoile K dua i- *9 oou,e vilhIlbo. saisiracecfa ee- cid, cobpueçaonsi obteNu-ay OsWN4 th e atf imaenacolaGe".atah th. marquhde ha Aqimilsenutil>" 6as tuBa. Javier Cao.The asdauftt i, 1h. sal th ttetlsg <pmiu vp a uqchai GQWSIlt&r CF - tise 4h cOf=e hbo, dlasaapoatim e snaiGau boi as, a, gi&r la ellyeuun gu m, eOmmis ue of gW vc * Sela Io nui o mo todeus"m eiu sm M"A« tifgaso M ofa b1gti.fe iooh ezsinc 1 Sej.ta t u,"dus if wubslao iue qba.uet~ TU - op«» !wni aa ou liWlais i eauuoicl -r TE HENL». Ehetowe Wsdmemiays ecs Iv, aiea. Saesà-us.Englaba os isoswe VM caomumicafiug forth. partlculamrug Nna peau mBits, and that by ou aiavelat Nec Tan direct fres. Partugal, !enmldajo la 1ew, infosmaLtlon gaven; bat t le vogue ou Tii.,Speeh uaIHie.Excflsmy th. Usut. Goveomue uou inagthb.pre sce -oi t Our Provinaial Legimne asl issVu laau M~~ - "y.sud eeae. g9 afihyieg wlai "oll. *ON>, t " , l ,ere-int migea- tisa bu amtproied se carleive m ce w tuhihomutiipte, 7-t «mep'o i- Sp ieEmgrst»- smsufore- d My tghmobuv bu',disgpésmf ili abovo laI lh.Eipm.sus t" pr ro "uai thre.gh the remes. l6Tbe. Ugsé mkaS Bdmon"at esife Clora a'e quostua; vu nppcss hepo'I ua-Msa et »mY <luiit. louetlem bau iHmma- ah. 40euluy Moy le anjisusteb Mk op hou, tae oclIthé ssMd@%oui um 0ibis «iqtlg maer 7 MLh les ctm e. aûelià_ u Ds j P&sa- L num ieuttgî,051aq» et é smas uoronss lu ~a* e It s amus 4 Ut *~ -àda6k* if bg »CL7we o î- by bis iajosty'ob8~ in au .a a is te liUlsggi,.ccri taghie habit. but cib- ia *a tu, tic. ï e ck ig Abjeaty1 exOR csenmattab kcf popoy, whha in * tveminutes tstuluaeaalmupri- clo anzistonu - Got I aayhuop Yau, At PaaimeC*.uo. "MANUEL DAMIA* Para., "BstnOAIAAOTAVS. *Sée t.S "wlhla qrt o 0tiare, on lia.day ibella plssd G ai Io bina ia.he aiour dursaou beloîsdhbushaud. King Fer- dinani, li. o »19snjoyu aultiva lbuse; oui a QuseenRagent (Goôsruou) iurincgthea. d»W lcatraly faelfor noemiaaent1 li tâath e scay mMUM4 er, nie er.ting aroasetanoo, may ho tabou. 1 At(Signith lIi yLOYAabnd.) e.theal"e, Sept.2. Ta lhe Duke PridMont ofthle Royal ConnciL'. 'As Qou Rogont or- liseIsaim. - ring thi. uinority of mi belovs4 4awshter 1 t=eDou m belia IL, ant inlu otse li tisadul do ay r&Mbkedb li Loi&in Ferdinand, Who no*e se- ~jcohl I » 1bceby conunlihe orttDon flacieo do Zoo DruoDan Josopi do la Cruz, Couint d1'Ohhia Dan Juan Gualbsvto Gonyalez, ani omAntanio Matinez, lu tiadradmin- istrtive fonctions;' anti My visina t t it slaall o, an t aiyu communicate ilta thon cbou m flS crua. "Signai vith My Roal boni, ea hei Palace, Sept. 29, lmn. "To Don Fanciscodo Zeo Deuuiery1 oraxTENOLEZar. "Bingplument viti Ithe«cgondindloyal comnotfhe Aaahortiosals 0 teKwig, and dtisrom hha heliaffairs o(theia lai mmmuli notmer kmtoua eiathiof May duor ant blovid basho. atiy Lard Kin Fer- dlaatd, Wh. ovwenjayu uotl bus,! do,as Quee Ragent, oudi n te. mus af my deuaxdugiter 9usoDonnaeJiabolla i., confia mailI anti etory ans et to ins. vai upite lnlas soomi ais, thon OMM cossthevuju, cligaeannt a - ioetuiag justice tuMy epuopl e o im tb.y O ie c.paot. My Win in t ii saliho se.ansd Ibat ypuea unat la thase viio it May cousin; 'sigoed iahh My Royalband, ai te. Pame spt2918n3. - "Ta ltasDuke, Preidmt etfe. Royoi CaucuL" -I t . Il p~ ~ OWoe 47157 bm5ayeumu. ,Dm PFoa bh- came tory policier. Duete uncse iaily .muut in <repu e t yfDom Miguel. Tie big Oleaumito Te uit Suw stiNe i au e.îU of Oetalor, in she r, of adiuss tra Msxlco t10th.M i lie-aaough 1.er tbao oui provesi&comme' .Auaprose arriti ai tVerOresa a kv miaulsobs<a te. sparisofluainentiin< iv-.iisu.ent a gSud engageament bati lais. tplace bW tues. lit.Auna sud te.»W simol oolu chiclithe latter vco.totail7 dafooi.Du. ran escpei t.e. tmebumus Witte Iseau- val".aoui Artroiatodta Gmanaualo cilh te. reuant of bisetrooPo. lh.Ana liai possessiofathei.main .utranc e te. lattai cily, sud atieputation bai come cal viii piojiastions te sureis, tiieplace la prst.uh uta boeg take. a y@taes.. S"cba reaino by nomcas inmpobable. afthaugi Ibis. suasats d0umee, i nrevois, ae. h hbtae oeag, are aleoje taobo reeov- ai witi 5mm0 igreeet if iis5 Tii. coa'he t hefolis <oeaa ta iiocever, in grestly motoaiby tie foi- lcclax extraocla <ram Mericaftn tmn teahaJ oer ltet docl ats etiihe $th. hicitrodteuisi li s aorecottuti où he lev sa ofdepjur t, log.llaerproba- ble :- MarXin., October .-We or.eglidta %a*lt in our pocer ta loy bofit, ouir ea- dw th stas et f e.mes o th le reonI atm y comanei by lhe hers of Zmmmmnal; husremuamto ae ciiodly i6- va-ibl th le boly cause oaite. Foestion. T1 ii."iiesof the raboashaiing benu - fos'moi liaI te.Cannet la chuef hai coine out fiom Ban Miguel de Allende cith bie division, anti knocung aima, iy lt pi sO te. turieta of lie Ftva[tropo fito Zaocas and on aLouis, istormanu tl appose hhit unitoti foices, anti narciset .ith ail hie coalry has. Guanarual.- Buh the Presitieul ceping o vigilant ecys au their maovon.nta mrcboi tocardslia. taun e ai in aadoirtuhomnt adlietraiter Duran. Duabepu an open a lire vitîs ail hu matI«allaie onet te. ditaitmnof hMo xcol- leucy, viio auhie iii.returueti a aiy cmandnai. lu a foc haute h. mode ioda bavoc an ti. rafiasofli the bea, tht tbey vers obligeai ta retreat the mm aveu- lug; th"y imhiot ai Gamnjuta, viiere lla.y forUtifaitouuslio. The prqjecl; cf the focal.. bolug hue lMied. allier divis Îou fouud cedilty i uteza h leaps amunis bylisgaýWaiberatur divsision cf*ZPeass, asusi j atieni on lie 231h, anoui t o"C-LLaMM onh. âUth Sept. Sa farmialeoricre b.iuig nowvuateti, tiers la but liii. iobt ni the esrîy defaof aie. rabais. UnzicoOct.51-Tii.fulln couaIan ire. G.neral M.jla, u"d«tdotsof Silon, SP..2, as raagiit lmastngbt iy aunox- taoiiuay courielfo tmthe faderai arm)'. Ualgbeauon Inouoitht tic oncmy coutemploaiattackei te. bacimnda de Cer- a-itas, &boot boIt a leagué Wtiln; t. is tocs, ditb ait his fores.,amouating te 1200 reopof la&", aid 9M0eavairy, 1 vant out cilhs.y divisîaioei bessintoa aUlne of battie, epeaîns hlie of my artillet y, cou""at ouiIetill Ove 'cloin thelal. flar. snse, ani haulng sileucci liaeononyslr., Conm baci %0 My qisartois. W. lest in his dau.ly tite hommesa. ýW. eol eoîgte attaci lb. rebels dient t. isfoat thein, tia President thiought àl asie btal e abould aiut <or tii. té: LvisonrouZatateciesseta.ta. lnffct apote = ascoe dociite blec, butthlâfchaci vuiiteealt lu lb. .oeaimg, a <iv boa" : ree.arivfai of lb. Zacacea divisiou. W* might bave epposed tisirovomuma, butI ma. vodai aihdose t mehiuaatrep of cavolry ta prateet thea ornivl et the aux- iltaty divisio, ea vi am ehiak prop«, te ettacia liens ciii te. loaryie.. etuomain te pus tuis îgbt four l-S«ee fient bane; ce Viii jom* t.-eereir, sud abolI hi able liea te commence opraies B"a Louis PD-ouxe, Sp.%-qi Aly eeo ism ea.am aca TI"h le mfa, hem inigtus., tiat, oui lie cahMuY,. na MId»Ottoftiefinds cf fa-es- tos a."istiongst Radical cf gtentaami,- ouratlieMlrecallcticn.,baagrovn villa0% gtoclh and hathgtenedcith ont trnM and as incrpaoti vitiithie essence of outa tJinkig hiing. Wu have a tuti renao. btancet thtisim, vien, dihcltimi bosdimmusasse ceinglei, at tiae immanhet iisk or boing tremplei in the duet, witb th, ropaiuînmumltituese cho tiuogs.- chmg stroot, ««chOu noIva of Nehmg, tl.tavy came"; anti thag uOrjoyitu onp cure soevbat iamnped by the. deallahiofouz béoa jet vu oagorly drc a âlentir .word 0-ha caet gBouparte'. heati", anti proudl>. meng. cili boyimb .xalling cnîhumjam1 "Raie, Brilannia, Bitnia utile lhe avu,; Par bu o rious uer ulaisemY No: aruril i. la" of erect n aunt.0 hé fi*edou, Ilat « Lotitoallie Lion heurt sui agle e"0;" navet ciii dO assail tnt lib.ty-neter ciii wo b. slaves. Be il kugocabiot@JIl Who vouai lliemulve5 a lb. outy champions of freedaîn, liaIif lth. Gotoinint really lateatictiglaabritige ou libertis,al«dip te. slas.'a coller uOur ftsc4Dg»ue uli Ma treauoualyop.og tigagg sO thle tty mien'aeonat chetos.hiAgeam ns Lieenenies or liber- t,- if, timon ce oppose lie meaiturea or lthe Radical Refoimers, is mot bmebus eare ltoh triiendeab i lberty lion tlhîy art ;but, hecausi their miosures lboit 1 u ascliyaud aloo, ce are matiedtiasl e already en- joy complale freion, tu il& inilest erteasi, as much as our republican na-glibouti lietacaltes.For chat le liberty! Wluî je litsfreac"n for vlaich orutoîs have de- chloimotinaiona havese Bgied, and patriots haie ble i l isthe liberty of mpeaking, anti vritlng, ani acting, ilanyoay usc plumes, lia in Doualprejudgciaî te Society-.. Andido c* not uey I"i liiertyl . Who a- moaut n us réstraiei lun ies ecotietr va-hep. or actions, u1hé hc lnanègem lb. jaad Acay dieu di lithe delutiuag clamant @faavcakigfctiou, cio, tanse "l.r ovn u ltotoaotpurposme., patent l0 bc lie guly aivome aiioffiedo-flr us amre iteai fiis aioflie gpest possble, stegrpeofi lberty iliat le coumitt it gon gei.ana"euhe sud lie cofagi - W. bave insertetiin out Peper ta amy, s cllly ouidlianiotou poeni-Tle Masiff; andti ifOur rai.. ane n4 groatly smusd b7 j i q mastb. joalm a lemacves- W. hate ahi m . tiietshort poema or a sgaie ualare tm themme authot lbiai ce saaUu iert .coaionally. lThe Po' serpas mp de4cisut in croangy mmcotimaeu5 but kWn âacy vit, aigamuu ian iaur, iu utfcmepeioiu amouf lie time-bonoaatd B di Isuio oTt Ii pauai are se fit- ààýqaoWD thauaIc.question w chetrlimai. ý*4 epy iblsvaviia lunAnerca.eccct eutoua, Wuaho prieaouar ea&isi ci tfl. f&cfaseso f Luaisr, deacriptiveofc & mlarinTrnce, iiy a lady, anti vhiclb5 ligues. t"ai lely picture o( Frencha aociety oui MbOus, inaa<M provincesoaiFirm "bt are seimnvistai by nmoder n tel- leua, amul fr001e. hitorical anti antiqua- ru lea.wchig idhch.1areenriciet, ill11 le bgbul ome t omot patrons. Saie ait,, ~ wlw we & ui,,vs.v scribe hm-- luqI I )~saiur m taruli adgTb# kir Mxi1qae ne cani a. foir asud chia th- -me s s4Weleyogn is ii admit tint, fat feotmilcu sratio n ud peunaul r- ourà,caur .» ttrW cl pot taeUlgbt t"o dgepoifgset&"s.mtrataelu W.btstseiai tb.e a"ehor«the liaiir votasetif" Giesab»eui'PePiaKOa job" e. W .cioti efou a a ehuall l*s et theobouam jet il-fatedir itWe- Ser aoleeg, by Pauici FràmTytbhtfoq. la ptasma, stz-qmbui lilerahure in las »oiplesing itm, lhoy viii o" lisse ostu s u s liey issu. hlse U;'aid ce es" &b-, svee. spoIipub"é ans th"anby gatig7li" clilgp>-"ePhi or e. p lmaci be "dla lic iea. «Wiuatlias prssntig « M- romiseti ilaesoha saceuitas vuumeiie ml* là Wml*ai blstuiy amuaibieumphuiss jas hou stolaila, smdi mpaetat $a siiu t .sd h"«y soar aet met ab"embpm » (e m p ue- die$ - hmim usiustithi"kmlau bi u s.4mugi bu gutifel, il u bath... vis bava 9»1OM eoanesiim a" Oalis n euig bigie *fm "TàL M 4 empleesu,- 1 a sm ln;-lbsh if unminhol lé ,ulapa, bur a am u.1eau. aue» *0004 Ibi, v laa, i, t si wbefsus u glu. ant mBmnbte. M idemd aigiW Eu il lie ~o le.r. Ns u te lu Yhasgr#mèI lmac, ljudle«>e il- ri 1 - tom c. TI

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