Szmd iii.i cfth Lto Tomailot alci 'PvÎol York.1 ', w7%i»aa gave noig rci al t uta *nseoflaa mpat ofanAcpvu" in ii Ibo #M Tsr eo<i# i !Ije&ysai ge. tatilisi ve tAgb irhi. haioeâ moi " a,rématcéa <Billttncmli..-4 ~~haw vU tîw a bill on1 meImii¶1VOIR 0Otk taaa ga éliceiscriblaiim i.;" ,uo= xq caniampgtiniremiapres 409 sa mauqay obr accidensbata pManagnsrsaqnyby ti. Uqt. jarwo gapisnotice of% Bilon Mon-1 ,*a agt, I. .elibii au àasytuifor insae piqM M otceoraBiflona 0 bl isth Cosaty Courde ila tis !"«vnc. Mv.Jlvoe gvenotice of a Billtoaa Tbus0<ynet o'ropsl an Atrosed in 11hSSI ..m41 u etitllai«« Au Act 1 ro.- u1i3sngaorthossveamlsl"Acâ ori S ?I ona>ten iu rsmr - dm fie i ulals <JurtA.' Sla-" 0SU v rhh.h6 ~maiomatimden! 9o tendq OMM HFI: si ai . oBidmilw S.ygazest"ado mS uuid; baueaaifor vInt a(idant. -bT ntai. 9» ts jaWo uS xi __î ~~~ ~Mlaiy na h (m teméorw -bit ao a"$ s~m e mys as lb. Mtie .,qe'«c, .neMia i On CbÀirt.!- , . % 1 . b. is. aec « Eaelmyespeeh, wNn. ce1MdANat talie- RMn. os tîsmit i tt.i n i*tc'ta s upseol, a eticaine eth i W t mi e a.e.soqupie 4 di mtom aim1 i wFwh b muÇ mri ett u.l iemma.I memra sotalca ior sehooli àw; Iabec,m aWàll as lu'th.0en-i dow.mMit.a»al mwpp4 o t fr.Com MLB palM dho liai dmm up à v-a- 10 liihosagittrvent insee Ibît «ibord. *y mAttoism flabiai mtia'ttuab. sivl ,els goinai-es mommub*autlyin opinionm W ' ect vaie st ue of toma- 'lin "~ il I Cufte. au» b did ottblbk téwè wu. prepsrod fo njlefunt Ma qq -T Mr. 5.alsoeliereoi il v. euouawy le foles tire lnguee aibie atca-a"i le diii .5<me w vy tileion. m= _is *b ume mieremmatitouis tbai iqirted Ofe. A iltai bis tanae..- Mrn. Brsryvol ii.e-r te M ferrligma- miloion ao f the bai, mentis 'foaMile- u, bat gauli Daite Imbougli 1 tas..b ai o aphia tie port of lt htu sfu i Ofabilisi <kimg's Caiss. 1 - M. Dwma mi&s. lb. bon. ucitise fur Lamenla bhaU-ih«eanombisn e m.mre i . , tuinaamnaoth b e pma, unm tite'maacuteiig My objeioieiint Sien ltu" altedimotibe ampftlooiui by1 aMr silier; ss1 ,ilyviMitaIpeopWd 1e iay Me lehimomier fer aliiilsaMoto*u1i adia pletge IL 48ng&agt t 7_m~ b,1 hlay ms;udwe tci o <iv.**yexpres- a"o Oi opimta iaasuijcii ias ii tee a10be4Iahtvinc toitsa mach Amlsst -ftoultibe happy tomuipootl.noanmwa ice wsEdhi.boa. umher, amaS suae senchi obligea ta' list I-f bh ouaibtelthe U memning tof the'meeauthospmbei-. boy tbey coula maIs. gny extension ofi Un Mr . Mawn<a'aremotbon canisi, umaleha the m é isithe niai. nailo, - NiaIl te. aubijact 0< otcatîoa eboulisamIioreto<esi jeeti lbmhd'timndyeeroy my sautaleetion Meamrn milUnbommbemWho maclaitobion .bai oi' itou h.gia 1 wblmiottso or. ha vulé-bmwre boom blr iniudi-ê bm b- s=qmw.uPq4 mietire.long Ietacit 1 i i l sn~da gendsl0 m e; 'ibu ê vklm, y it boum ho l rmw Et twbuiuab. la."W« lier Wb"1t le uuiamt %ia'ilaimm oidi*P h'w chires Mifésuti hie hWo cauiete ras.a mhlah the 0-»,rt 1h.aboe dq~g vital hiBq 4ea4lt asy a . Feso, P. Praa m i leomfr Jonie, KethOse, McNab, mWhltd., Monas, rr, Saeaa. Uný IeUtrn, Thsuuon. Wern, 3 W1. ,W meut. 17 , t ne mm tbi Wm ld a i iqteituyut Itbor Wb est [y îksassate.-oM _d*P~e .bo* . t tÎî ý a ntI lkà t tetis dey amet.uteble bbemm almu hal or e.romal i a. léglaem 'te a avobsabâi ang an~ agman, infrengbti bh <ie -ande -ortaty sot el senit ofProie Giailiem asela. bolissu grsnièd leiotirAvklotsa *bd 1qlt lsge; anad prayta; bima<atIm0ap value b iio* -t bise amai., - 3&he v the cours. bo inmltai<o bve lehlelo " maio, île bliasgeimimmWhoa nov otiojulatt a ntbg lim ite*Wh. d6 ait ibuemuidt e ,otsed..hbe msa » (Mn.. I)Wm uaiprue "lie .suo e tbis sareiam,>5i isimal teabaveSthemi.- tenn iletes ~oaboma ilt*a*-t pue$~teioim -f mryt heugb imestro. Tt$* eje su md mya m mor s le jeutosenel -lb.pmec te piist lomr Pie- tremlamu,aleve-ieoIn Undsidmiâ9vi purpoow, mite i. suhalb.pdluie« theshu.. M& hrvi.'ew % te te For M'ta bail ta caerila an. cus suialla eoeaêtlmo5 -*ad esbdo n lt bkd â W la-uuwm aesalbille of smieant pma ms moa aLAiM e s"otmi tima-AdjuUrr*d. Mir. Jarreta Mbll for extendi4g the.limis cfties.remi "jeOalali am htisviae soad 1a bird inea&" pematL 1. Mn. Be afl i ttfy UWMA àeaienti' te. UNW ii3iii.- Mv-r.flaas.. itintîl iin i t ide f«a 'bc uuumy p-uum t r :W= .T Id oeud f Offkn <o Z nE oervf 0C»P OTO m meTO MMPW C amW 7 fS reàmIf1O oto@= SI f APYO MCAordm«tAWA. à I 4. ome 1 il il -1 41 il 61 71 et alsymi tts~vl brui bore b Woîe tUde fii orth p ici. se go hbme int ai.iebbjflbinatamas te iin.R aîdlt maitret ta b. respctable bod 0< pito1 i..~ uIuut mma oint0 Ile e o~a- e vaw. t rwho6- liae, mm n. m« a m wgsauIchnil- b~fWr of the psinici M belbwmpooetheamer g t M&V. W r eiJê;t *»' pi ho la i the bill be th le . d matths.p=eupt .yslt. ci pu « sib«*'Vs.domsby tair rftm ; às~~ te thalsmutand autaIdlie and lie(r, P.) con- t aI perions ttus entitied ta te #IrIium mhin amlaretofoe.. Bu.itîeri the srviceso tf U. E. Loy- à O*b~attw" aad lh ari owo l~~eta altfaciliieslgoanotlaer Ct e ý' Pý@n&.wlVa 1.0 tamson tMr T',éct would say, lis opinion vwu tui tehole syiste11m 0ofhladgranting thuallbeguatedhy law. lb ina.chang- tmg ory da, ant tere vwu no knowîng by poisonst a distaint part of ltae province w#ta te4irsat rriuations wve: on ro- m Ù ok t 7 ,mighl lind ilacintotafly d aEsÀuit'roenm waI 111.7 er on laug lusse ) wol tdoe systm 4, . ageaot by la',m, and'ti opersonabDentrus ati v the nmaageinn fit ii varaumnintoresa tulhe coamtry. Bie voald ltike ate as- coiain laow the héide ver sMMa. Whist *eW*ndàni given taoU. E. Loyalit for! For services senderoat. wl.ich more Worth nmorta lte Governinnt thau a ll.he ree- ramemstug frnsauthe sleef lta«orms; liui tbise services diti flotnoirincreaso <the caouls andi territorial revenue. ,J _Udie. houacoutl sot gsI<die destred in- fehmsbkm from te lo <vonmbeso, l a ma 1ai intentionIo mova an atidreis s0 fite Ma- qy. n oethal justice uight liedons. ,wi as avare ie mas mati, tIhe a'guiaion vas mUan order <o prevent the lamdI et-1 ting ilo tIibandels acultos. Bot bb1 mosotacles vers trow n tadbe ms of £-l C' gtting thir lands, 1h.emore tLoe lamm& mee sthrovn into lhs banda nt ispecta- ale.,. p e. siatsvsd i inot alsiard ta ne- qute eiiaiethsmnbonthe landis. Howl vas au n , tnqtance, to do an: or *Witbbedt cfa 1U. E. Iroady !- tlkt on s a ste loâtOsil anad settie o iti veitmen aitle dogt isuai n côurse il siocto.wWmd,.Rotwlttla bnng aUlhsasitisqloj~ bai ilia.informa- *.,J&Mô au ams in lavor of tho muoettbe sgumhkamesusnSig tamIs ILaaSj .> .Loyafuli vu amas saasd4 auie iad anis- Y. aEs iphuata g. d om ;& wmi,.,--INM da mam **." m Ai V t~1amIshhmy suldpi, R*iwld b l~4oiUj ýand h. o i 1< ~MI~ 1hgNwp eîmahoe vun- 1*~an asOgic"bd ll Md sa - ast ~d". b..lwggý0Ui8 nsii. -I t~~h iS4UâO7io8cubi*l 'Gonomo, am lae b C h EuglmnI twd li. iaà. i c~Ude tbem 0'ho nm.-w noe mreatdma liai1 W.* e.s go. that informaion voil -do no mu bi. l vas Doi long sintiée tiaq,almdrse loEzcativeGotreau.uoa1 r.qàoddag that" "isoudi pot b .zactsd <iom, il U. E.; end if iteir laid itW em ooujt.4di*, matindle immdate m saemd, thq .v etd WroM4. wha4a.bru as ue*tgi b110tw si thw faums' 1 I@bdiéti 1od t tW JitYN *ýW bww *bAttendsdtoT r~ alidw Il iv~~ere ld, vare uot 6 *9 'iWorm fort Fit, g bqurd lbat~.Jsiet li Eetive cou", lh. MIih tàioi_ a oùsdlmsowton-at sc~~~~~~I ro. iarmi.dldo it uslm baise. Mri B 0"mdin mformataion c"Isdt dos ubsew harsi. 1IP» U. B. Loyalltà ru b be*teir»es mut b.ving cis eet tsb* ew tiot Iissatra d1 asat* e idwbu iof t«lbe coutiy mmd~ ~~~~~a Ui ljl' oennu;mho1 had cedoub t woeliarteout îbaî Ibor- doris smmeil ue~ tb uet of cU. F. Loyalitspi"agthet lie su gup ai Epc-i ubao. e.,&wma mief r evlahoilaho ves gla ht.y saWieno volt. Tf,. Wom tâté pbpsey ut" «Sua; anad b va 8h4 tmg*f* ,ml -, e oanmg nut iteimlslm tu.m&g 0 ibe M . U el»«b Mr. 71«»o a.. nl lt aromvor uihave lerUteaisub#d~aoSê tsforslitv Mr.Butaasslleilat ultneipaina entnt0<hé b m e, atlo m.ia (lemt litaiséa ieab' .thaali loaith asenat @m'lbm éta, a, vMd.cb mmm ltn tiewl amds. 119 certaiely titauglat ley in tIbn egalielby aàinjonity of one. ougkt te, gel thon in auci mannera outd The. imte qpsiuitgteeon (itie do Ihm om e ng<oi. -atcond reding omeyoerat bills, and alter The maaion vu. put sund arrieti tnani- siua(g tti lqhiaiosoe an lne,î1 EDUCATION. place. pnt)I ThbIouée vent tt.cosemtt.. an lchooi Th e I acfeaci' USmJeu ou oa,,î anda ubriltetU àseinsorreiolul ions furman der a'tbe Bath, Lienteaaa Cesycrr 'a ith, ,, addrm t MNiata b eo n ltesubjeci, ne- ine of M ba?.ad bMîy'r(,osenc, searking. liitI h i u oant ienti lu, dipcuni Mvv Atm "ex ~ ,, t thein aI that laiehtarsntntotahaveoMttiona W., mM fiisYg »Mtiidaîlfel and li, ,,b laid on iths table, tisa they miglit tbu ta- jes, thé lbitvo Vsm.ciiortahe . ,,,, I'f lien int consitipilion ataieanry periot P-Cuomss laPrevincd ism UOsaacmln of tue Session. Aller a feu neananke frocslata"tr05F r. 1=1tf cel ,hforý o Col. Bunvottatting flint lhe caine Io tif- f<- asa. .IssUOftaie PP-ile .,.ada«,, forot I anlmloiaon the auhjiciffrals Mn. te 01 iàshat.s. je aam otttmAa la Monts,*amd meald optin.the nosoluttuns, commautav, n-àdatofvnt A O r.Ps m ,i. the *wat ué ae anti reportait progresa, lTSDSiiri, MF uVs hvaes.*fý. .h " te ail acain on Monday lieu. eCcd 50 cz wntea sv, e i ..~ Tii.fouomin ar lis ntohatonsaub 1Zv'deg"iwç a t mai etrantred la «.p mittoti hy Mn. Narai la the conmittee: lu". aas. taa ofksy manpae.g Ma'c nd ni- Resolveit. TUaIil is pal<ying lai Ihis vesad by thISàitobof " U-94ha.R. fait i uate a '.ra. bY th el.tsrinaorfation, oflah saOtistiralc1anz, mp , bon. Lord Gienachta hat tis Majesty bas -M- aad rf aii..C4theergY di-ala.yr i ah,, bices pleasei tu exploegsa. nin anr u tlh habatat *e< irvince, in pmrliting by ,, . addrueof titis Hona. of the 23dt Decem. rnobie, ao inpmnare hear eemmaaacaivn, sba berç 1831, bis grec'aa'asdeaine, tht II tlà AW«stla.pofa.aa t he muanis arieing rois taénie f0digitportion ý iarjel:g"r Ellsac thelle,,. ta , .I, of ah. Scîméoot Lands *llb lias put bWsnab*g4 a.ecsiard ah. farda . tîry as .i, ' dtieddy mimateai. ami& ulatbaid i mb the f-a a~qbaof le si daada 'ua. 846 orscfthe.Raeo rGenerat, le a. 7a OTMnl1 3<~.., b plie!i in lias promotion of Eitucabian in auct îlaieàaaimemkliI reeperia, r o'., niner as tiie Législature unal direct. -ah. wmofai ae Peovice; amm ameloraî,a. aà. Resolieal, Thal il appears b7 al éalet- coadWulaimehlaborng elaaa.. t.hIariht aseffava mut i der tatritish .,t or cellescy thé Lieut. Gowornon, that thee . 4i,a seeaaatii, proportbe.a or dutîes m l mhole rservation of School LamIs a inmunt- iJaprCsiwhis ntilsi a, rlaisa; aamd @ a tfa il o iltt <o740,275 acres, vf miaichta here tiavrteg,» if arbat cdemtioa. been convoyai tetindreilluals, Acres, Upssah.e i W<Rte t. ea. 170,719 ocemaisea* Ocalh. ta; i awi, To University of King'a Collge. 2-5,944 tai.ndraii'mbiplam a h To Uppen Canada Cotiege, 66,000 bcd fslssO*olnqrti u apr ý s To aunvevnrs btor, 19,29-2 uaahI4Feii imtaoiis ma.i,,s.1 Anti rersining applicable <o i. th . mooraaigtsiaiea-a oucigca suppoetf2G"amar sctaoo1s, 2à%= e-soda me - amit «tegasttea "Mm the laaoedi, - C atir e orKla<a Clege,, acer 740,275 à 41 0;zle miiaaera.asiâ Amnd ili thhrefore obvions, Ihatnau mm- ma".erm lis Je smmît ' asuablel of the viole réervato '~ u so sWuàffltlia Najiy bâi 11111 been fur ta larpeesa sd,, tn ltVSyV 0the .yilsh"ialten t.anfi- cId o r inesivmduo W ho madte eàilUi*0 isbmagu amlesi lagialative application in the yier 1797, as tetbOiw S Dateeys. voltf aus taof0the Royal Oqice-io, p M- jjlUw.»iestent aea1e1 tWuo. nce ves, aibor objetia miiivers. .maieemdi~ etitit. oamm m m" nw toatme omeIbappeet aidhtuatton l a ivn els a the severai disticttaci lie province. 196.W2 M«slfl.un# a. ori alcres are in Iii, tqwmjlipoe<heilad, tisa- fomd, rinesanti Proton, antI as the tanda TshIàa, ayut caCU8a ii in lIes. tomihipt a re ntra o nof < C O < amct, beioMilitar obie lWa qulaty, thb. muans. hicb smayl aideivrtie tgeOmse bd Ibemia iiigial. camanot aawqr the abject aa*,r-anaah& A&J. inilih. ijetp propuluio'e- ys Mat mv 7 Mélaay sa~ ii lbé joint aàaaica- '. uiIi eyi aatl aLd 16Wi ,aUj,i ré he *,'« grn r initleth anttiirwltadal n ma id domtin théti.firalt itamme.lifrs. Grain- t deu oit, bussaimie ui*Yr Meslkh, ami Sd«e intbe iseverai district*, anti in miaé te es the p9etsat msuim«rf the l.<aw 4àa pise.ct*ime a Proviactat Semimary lie, ab atte r 'm llmcytant-wvai,,, m!Ieaître nature. ans5y E.alagr' itea'veTblm apora by tht nid éalte- w mi b IMtSuomnusartic' nti hVlrîai ovmeniKta'Cets.ôuIs' iiim a = eeu5aavwees ItgGortthint 6f-rdè m ' i a 5gJ .tmOh in isbuè Ititoîr ,a e imftsh h ' cepiaq( rav cf iershity n .-badel # èresabattou, it Abeoait uttachI bouiltdi iubdteic nitaletlt- aajm me lmu pmanij hamnioctaalise- ppapisdenb in t5 nU aias distant parts <of thé ie'luttry4*ho i dt., teas tumty d;tgio 115<0 itre bsoér t iltrueêii ~n lril -iPu uyresPec ~q 3eom â%4a Oend U"assema utsa Reicivret, faif'MM e.aaefi~ia~ ta~~lé lisigledaoU a~i sI seganl oufflsé ëiclt n1gMOI limas. o eoirti . da of iWý'iOIn fi*l by Ie iomaiqu gPA mi-ay"hics? mary auget for WC iotcissa fk d mrsai Ver-s, agent d lby t-0 !l oliaez t- Uegq 1 lili zan- i m 1,ehi. swâ ame iis Mijeo,s Amsds.oda ter eti tornr qBeheo slp uapomad «for =- m Pa* li the fiency is UXb Gauoaefo fst!aeOM v.euat f - ibt* ei 1 pofà"m aamii ioOflem pro Wêr, iîïd ai &Q hp litai#4 - .-"astui my bl to@U ethe ls< to ehoqb ,l liéploiiiepjolt Ubey Ibiet lyrt * isahiVlit i o' tarli o vildi Mh.ttsboa t in ,i*A5o ttm ~ Gsaar s~Y me,1L~~egloNe u Beyeil. de. a thé 1bqý iMoe tii Jfttmisg.~s, . ~o isi ~ ureil ais' Tudie be viaittSa - ý ilm7 t~.êaea m=~ 1"t City, lausenta ce. The :itbe p " tteoni »«Mon as sematives. wmmd, ha', poculiar- Mh~ae.- "a »Y au a tub Iobe full illguet'. obaubdoamil WUkt ,issu va hd.ghmd, though m iai, lvula '- i-a . .." un taNalasWIèk .s.euehgati. uiikdI u pm i"dgditêotsdd Mt gWit is e 1umqiSia hi b 11 .ai- a nawInt byui~Myulvolmg se tlt I i againsi-il...:be ýb mo#aattef U.,dmF ot S d sce- aM W# , ajhm tu rArma i N~.'~se ~qL~laeevmSmb ùMs tWaiatlaa tit o enquis e eLtk j mai w» the cm.oor r .e he gulmtm to. " i land granting tirFaguim; andl for that p«.- .A au ifl Fi! M