Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 11 Dec 1833, p. 2

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-roa- e ý W.- - '-q- -..wF' . s.eo t m ura tampumasoas elv s,.Tq?.l a *ju nm * ubeaiY'-, alqb.cbi l mly en"'- utroutte a ulIuu erlmarch- am ouri edeculvu froera Madid, a dhiéumlet aieas 1 a latia.twilyctho ommey bfiaiUme -àr . k.ttîaik»«-a. au thas-lOli ae pub hon du -M, Our A courier triestiMadrid tlm*ataerosai Oml hemii elma.e" 4Wmcm, iticlaihug a TolasaaGWzmeleeaindf'îlh ,1 bu trantuu. Coniuiuing tuawo creswiulb eadaaedi es Tia 12t li ipoilmansud tel <hie ebéiii- ManquasoTaV"ls pi. tlie Builierza.R ae porin)coao«À auid di.birli day boit, Verouny. Avion, chiai of thinter- or the. Caunundt-ia-Obihîd a aIl b. crawm- rectiona ai ilt@, Vatiesend lavone. (r ad ilabthe arels fa î-atory abici a ilThe tnlowlig la theau recoiitaineil l in imrala chaiene, mani luaionce more ti, Bordeaux papoe ofetthe 19Mb OCteber. foe aidb ft.e lfood 0<oriliutrioua victiots; lIe Sus-aargve-ov Oi& Octo- 1T ihrtiai oflPorugalandl the.Oatli lu defenil her.-Tlaa timinag inNantI. sla<cuisait; '- 0(à teCeoaitullema Charter ad dta yuulli- ery uli.re lhe peuple bavetisin latrmitetaiM& lui lattea. thi el uftheii.pretc,aand paîd' aitb tis bu Povsarv..--Umc -recordîng die Soli et dis, conivents. The inu.rgeais baie in &hors licial mca. reaive te the geie.us mareliailun Vacarlos, saboee . iuigrrc- ope tiuufoaatimpontiu ltla.1 m 1h iomsai prs'd rapidly, Wtoi lie.. aeulaneos à acips Mreve lth Uoaing lligeuce pbai iviousii beaut reqireil by tbe priails Col ailé May b reflaMo. ta rang. theurselle. under the banner of goî Tii Ïeýiflhj retireil in the direc- ChaiotesV. an lo a1 Lass., Iiei lle e ai as Pàas, Oçinler 22 -Tbe Spani ques-1 bilcielup lythefi Iure of Baron de Sa dma tien bas Band.à m pragre.., not- dipiemaîî- par EauoMra. oik the.trai! ofTojal. and Lr. esly, ahîiclàai tire« go, aeiiid ignifp but ton eiededii atiedirectiota ulgaiitaiOii5i. 1iblu, but& mealiy. if 1uay nsexcpresasnmp-tdix vra is.te pvemeoptainî ig hi it, liht iaI self. ver lie7 abahibrjo4et;r 'big. la Démmnr, ie OOirPAI. der aber. Dm is 17t.ltibâi ~rerorFordinandtiVIl, ai. boraai mi inLoren- "0< mî*~M ýobe lIt*ass 00latu ctw efpcit ruda sG f îhe7mr um au»l goedeis141h of Oclaier, 178. andl eue- e ebe~tIoTuueu., osi e thlsthe r an of1 11etMarlà,e ea.-U i unon tti lir tqf i S' f~Hie Majes ail fautunr ene.rt77-bl.dt O boe, md.tb Me royal pac ise te M~hak u lsc. ie. Aa m t et eoWttà.0»*é llb nttau. pe si Fendilmand, V ., KDtiig'ofsii ,i- 'es bpur@W -i'4M tbayoi, iil gr aimierliés.,a. ea c il. IiuCsg80s- _ f qmeayoa9. ko Va trou condly, ta hbllIaM le* lit làds11h ~~ 1eaVa t fJohn VI, King, c(.Petiuih a vattiVilw= mAPi.agbt 0< tho, diie n tlie91 lcme, 88 brî ~ udoi itorlres eAmy pas..! tle tea Maria .YuaiAttelle' dam 112l': rt ui~t lir. imilai <~ iii., brauher t Aiublae, jUmgetm. V.ttlp..uomnd tu, îti,îî p ay, tras ie dcon tleb. l e a lm83; n niet l h culnedl» iuotratpor naud faunîilp, teMaie-Chritine, damgtarie P~v, uiel"eç auronanp toitti »EtFrancis, laiteKingof the .Tae Uéclies lai t ( endmIii h b.lipesflthat lih. ceurse Wotai boraon tl. of -edMil, -bs at or 1ediX Itii t faO m4ie iotenbucle.ami survive, lie Kirng. ait Mbea.y la Tis divisnoff Ès" . Sa da, Band"oi6à iissus eOeily In o htStMaalaolag hais'larmeil be ctW M, the e iscriemay'Lems, ovQue.. t Sîaiai.born Octber à wuasoy~amclug rpsm pc ui'efam10, 18U, ani MarteIaoLit,.Femaada a8 fi i W ~ epecl.il 1het -aqelil yeslerdap boniJanairy0, IM .Fuedimasitbu oai- ho f"ýpjura«ieu-nmmhlt.àDon Curiesoeboom Mat 1 oueda Sm.Btroy (th i4. ôqgiuotetmm t ioof.semerl, 8W I.Mail cvoli y 1raine ourimndete b.commuud Fraucesca il' Amin, iatief Portugal toit 0Couitde Panrahet, andl ue o snpaim bim, alisob hai tise. »«e; luaiemncttbl of imfistry Wsont t bea, UcBlei and Ai- de PauIe, hotu March 1&1674,imraried * odea<sfoab guerlIas alidit-etofpirates, Juste 12,0119,1tO Leu"saCtiaasPri-cM *ia v ho iwr ùecomm4tiimgtlir asat m-a- fthe T.en 1sa,%by ububbas ithres the totstnuetieme asi upodulit a-son. sied bri.degiieasud fiMrieales.ah pi vrto icl agWbhiqg qith U lme Unih ii189uwi~emm ie i.%:, nloari < led.ittuan sd conser i e aohgFrancis, et a yJhdii Ieam!hemNaples, b! aji IOP 14 ims and ait ~~ugo la A ali, Coueseilerof dimîbtens- tk l So t Jiaum. erditandi Kng of1!: a au feeuihpreui.seagailuti i JVu.àlii*W@E. M,, wed fto.0ffi- of et I yeumag Qe um ibtoa bu by olr i &mmwhu'muÉttea ~. é i. cma led flbSpebk Sev- san mUbtgua est ii bithe #im* oflihoehI ielin pumelgaelby-Fpillp Tfôluilthe 1u?! 4ýt* e1P g10iNUi tow9r.aOBmiting ef Moirch,2, by abill hi b cLAwauc-m' iio«Ç isehéi<ltboodi Pra&r- recgnhmml ac<uee ùaltplcp!-lit2i a.u"rdesaa i.=sira lai nIhes l. thé liSM" lii smcce;-amsbaei.eaueas h doue ta«u pallins laTorts. V ia., euotl awt e b i. i iurie iew lias-' P bam neecuvbd i té rose-maumiibunufit idointn p I ate -han ~rMuiionis ÈIWmoitunfinoreuumtPetOtI-Alls,.l.vac Uisdiédiii llie ilt ~babiieta i(rm, teri-.uparts ~. i V* dte ramtip fl ui.commiunis- <ogiel eatesep.illiveip lte i.ihln er 4" tisa1w W tiroved wmithé- rer etfM. L de Buralt , lb.te nie f itus it "t ~ti.cisrgei sosie itilhcty i.< l ibopéieus aW=fiitau luesamI reaeîuim.4j th i te theea 1. lIt ang., ~e asiplieami-attaic»âLImeW. Rmmil..- MW ", m ittake De bjulnedoabt mp ci. lat Bons- pou di.umoypuiin ileaileU#tlu*l't7Ment huit bean a traiter t io aiwa eunlrp,14 dfirice; taIt g tramten ua ad tb . buhomigat thoies, t.ais, prove a b.ý *smana, onsanmdli the..a.12 pou 1 ttriller teril" - 1 -1P" gotllg poesession cd tieuîisitiossamnd Gatàcn.-flto follealuug ilr.cet s'a tiintai mfdieul 00eamuiOul. aai leir item Navarimu, datai t- o p. *~ad -Peimet a aV uyiereniatr* te i e- te' Fro,~i. K sui5te o f Kin . »Msol vrS rrisr i batpreliilpod tee*~ on] leA FrRO mi tii. e ei di àvit"sou c i5M .Et.EOIa cm Ha Rd b .chaseotremîitte vrëb- me. ss i a ésâi oie'jer1 îblue emo,Pu m ai iekuI au tlie Inieril &adbauuuo t icountry uit toaffdso.rl dey-Uaohb0aes, 4bei iblimutetie - atin- iqi culii.ti7ugtmh ,gj. r. = ! »lanent (ereiguico-lJl blwsad~aînMmitIi~1ItfcMidi*-, and i eiy hUmmeeoae4"i.aMsIsefqu ,l ia-laAibera., mailbis s.-înlati 'a-r4 ViU-wiLhi..hit.br quwsi ecIeaimicigirepouae,retmbaitt na . id moi t wu h.vilp icoî littq canhiqiacl liaI hl.erle efm-tr AsUéyd.esilaiug sosii e fur he l to, I- foê* le uuii *Wcwn etseautelui mlie ail te eutapl to bç,*Nwy aU mru, Vix.tes-Mpy leSultan% erIdlait dauoglt%ýOalboty, im P dmh. tuue . b. ecatWeil b5 the antLit"Pa*aimit 2er Iiaoî fbshrtp e tkeo="l4it Iuoatbiete ehlier parts ofthle o0ha pe tI favoaites. G"ef«wepemtin et - -' - ueama li i fa t1-'~7A pagi!)naisoLu b*,ai.wu iAmui- ' -- eI Cpuni R«oiee lu the cipct 1iEGAUs v-u.- -a&-p-aipileoa huièL. lce Z;L- Tieqnater'i revenue obt telNuontml - 'emihngou tl10h 0 or 01Besb.t Oibtsa A tet t Spai ntina!», decru*asinisthe Bl I revtsoot sorte the à ai lii.Q Légeaccaeeut, to-raisalmoàsmisbe Iise> £!hh,>U -cotuigianedil thfe ort- ferm a ~ ~ofiess4lpesbu empatf ieugio.-onesi le eth, or l 1-j @VlmAv"- dl -maioi buds- ,qedMe « --« 411l1111- ai. ' ladulge. Dan Cariai bu, %solever, the «13 te màt i ail«osutae ufmmbeed a. Opposseinfi- etaite Z ' 'a' o -'<w-1 Di be baueacitm 6fa a.fey ur rpael.iag.-3th $Ocle I't0 actesuveWý, ýýsg * lb.ie iilulwnguliêb.e prou,' for biiu ine. îif. dmo. eteedeoFna.etIiitq~ apgeslef lalotale, bIt sl but Newyaexariai amue sa-z -lie av t~~~ai~y s0< F e sons ef~ ttiii ee~t.AItr ~a~'bae -bi-ibmtiiysi.d ie ~ tos pa .Ma4l. s.q<1an d-nr.dNvusîo.uat.Dub eai «Le dihp.a b. le l au b -em ~pr~ .4 a e li eont I ',, Pme mote tbaziar 8~gs W G amyéti Oit e lOfill.ritre leeu -lire ~'ou~sa.uypd 6is'v"ioWefo Dc aisTs Zomti.ia Mriel i Pumepilbow alI. idjIsulsagi iQgWprla~bsOas~ metalo uhal bu wusaieie tic B o a - fdoiarai, dl oornt.t. eohi Th oilatut.uadeshjei ti a aes~u~aâ iefusêeeibe~o py 00 w.,'l p ti ,li ou, u ~ niuntan cies uW. in qu ,ie- h baîte ayay; lb'prau * iece4j=a d- ,.wq(~a1Cs - lvuti ar bav.s t iven ha mtas tilige imu aarail- rond fman 5r" -ta Palakmra , r. îzCno.Laut.-TIb weoitabai = reset IDram... Norway, the ZRoyal eta 0Stoc&bules huà"ed hlat tbn l infactsd. man a ad.d, &Uaig Ie poriu liet Langeuird tgoSwinuotaud, tigausi twoeîia bMM pligais, a vieil antthe land r aiu Norwegim mile <boni thie casi. né. Bard gêailukewuo dsclared 1he gava iZa,in theii. Dqtchproviaice afOverys. et Iel.cted. sud agoiiujuced, ail lthe bar- "ra thst Lii evi eo, asai ilharton ate pruolici etGhmldorland. Foua Ds&Ya L&irma.-By the Avis, >Pt. Colli, vaur.ipplied viilainmil- pec (mom the. uty of Mesico talthe nd, ad thelVem r us le lie bila juil. The. eatire overtheaof the insurgent oiry iiiellic»iafounca»ed, anidithe.s- oratios of tiuiqility piaceil upon a footing ba pmuo alilie hpermanet. The. go- ,ennent troapelaid ailinei a viclory uni- er theconsmaid otGoLWoUI ovr the farces Gatrain, o» of hé bolehoiianmd he ewhsietIri"thet om"ishbve lied to ùuateml@4 ma e rder ct Cuuio. The Prosideut Sauta Amia bai .&.d gre 0<crc. I be àa ha moeli iemuIde â9ietfa dutjea, but tlb Conre..bat k prolper tau.omply waiail, lielaid F.b.=-.« LATEZr FROU LISEON. CaiuDeveru *@*OiJDmror !voi et BosAn o n Tuesia *L. nIlm,. Ho reprathet ve deys befin. esalel, a Pedroit.'Mgte àilof ewu midediliel, sali.i.ai L1.Jage, maid drove ut th. Mlalitea.0-.gigot Deualedre lb.d tire pasianiion etflb.emtu coast tram Al- area te Oporto. Màu 9e T ai e placeul in emr banda fletLiibouCpaprihlte tb ,of Octo- or, inclusIve.Tii.y eomuie uomuug of ateoi except dmily reptort eb.continu- d sccag e oflte Pedroe. Thi.forcei of iguel acre bemgiegod nt Soulagenai, mnuIol- i peuation. aliicb ubey acalilmoan lb. o- gedl te abandon, sccordlng te a paier of M I 10ffT<tiathlie privat. ia dure-Irtkuaxly a autt s bredýid- bugb it Je sai îhbey boit large Mores ot roat, but sekWer iii.te pied k, agir ri ab.eeaîth te bbiil. Thue" to boa* ..prechiabigl at Es- rure, mnd il aiu reportail liai Coige- te liit d rltred lin her tavor. Ev.r ftblng a going .en mi! l L tboni. DonPedro ad .bseni.wd a foia deys te lie polace ymiigl i Wapioui, b«itlaid receves id ad aias sactigea» over.-' 1 Luîpon,igubhOct ]193-41lâcewe wite o Mb ltbinstant, ige t.y et Des ign basbiea ttackeul, bout». mni,.- aiti about 60 tmil"a firai tiese git ait s*mille are unis. la tlb. peolhiea ofDona le-id asibo qmity cft abamion nula h rein ,uud lmore emlag flua lia uattygiy largequaititta filar trivlag km eaglam.l andl TrIgS, vit luok ilytfo a derat ftahilng thé soide leur. Tee, ebedlent ee1atoi ' ..P. Hu ltrit ce. ATUT? FROlif Ni~c> Tb* RigetiGraves, <re Vpa Caa Ise venlng,irlurio date, trra lauM . eutgbur 4 aty ý it Juo, a feu dais Ithaba @fae rme& .amoteibr diliien lui op- eiion u tigb.goverme, auditheb.cou. kni et Colonel Maarin. bu CsIpîtmlie id Dugra i i. bail led kmouGuanjuat brtioOmeis, bilboom% aing Ijea o- ont, alth a&l hI.Ooe, *0e0 waiech biy >nid lmersçape, airhuM q tailong.~ MM %-z *fOrgý o e i, ruesi ire' gliss tho0e et l(.thepou"ble. Tb gM eao.pq diee in tigeb ira.'i ofug Vm , lbTvoinae bâchil pg c"0 mlin kvi en i i mn ooop eauoqa boe<b se"u- lt lea.n wouesae et ti.ciri- et, la ui.io L'h.~eusùou< Ihe 2rj iheeai a Sessa gritaseai; a Hom udmisil vont ao a m.. &li. i4neom . zmiopeu, aib.so yUesilluoi a aiaebp me*tnteib cfM.:B",al u e . Rk W Wdauesg .e.IV 133 ita ~ ~ t qureteleeenocob .N Sa rodrdm gladiss m maini ap wlorcl dm i lA.F ie 1 aoum 8"ar, oe, Ka te (tiAge mel Malae e ftnaa ila as s'isi butai m ig "in .outaomblà i )à' mwm gNeu 9$lo uthe oil oelyi miataen lb oubj ore tgcpiiég.m dê sim.PMinJB. Mru e r ii MiiÎ 1 WeRs Mjei>r'siiul ju lyal sali. QaateCmmunaof Upper Canada. ini 1-euum Parfumnent aisenililei, humhly roquant peur JCxiellecy ta lay betitias koi e al li 1ffla "y. s m eible, ail audit ocomanicalioma, and instructieirosan Dk i my lsuysGeveramat mlace tlb. irsti aitheqomt a( the Provinc eate teteI codiltioandmireguistiens litrt&0.location ofet m" " - aolgptenta toia"tende i Pra-Pic rince Iny V. E. Leauias anmd MtiimdW chargeil olficer. anti e.idiers, pemioesi :ad mgilpersans eraiie tb grange of land;1 uatm msa arerite 10 the purebaae of lande by indvidul&; iogedier wilh a full sud de-1 tileil taiernert of the present syatum 0ut gratngandaeIliug îindso0<ub. emwd.,, te tho ahov, desacription 0<pernm; siang di. puçes, rgâtilons and curiitonsiupon ubici tboabveoeveralde.cnlpiiona fper-1 anme are permaileil la oltain lande (rmiteà 'Fihe Bouse adjounneil for ant of0<a quc rua. Memboe prect-Memm. Berezi Basaltes Burweil, Campbelh. Crooki, Dui cocio, Elliet, D). Fraser, Homard, Juines A. MceDoaald, McMt, MsRobtiu, Sac smîý Shide, havçr, Tiiomio% , Wenlau Witle, W. Wilson-Il. I a HeBoaItots moisi! that tho quoreum ic li twnomedo couut0<f17 ostmo028, oi duluel ituaugry dimam"nisiesmued,aiad wu aegalkvedbyamjouityoaie. Tbelpm orua àbie no.n.tise heeseuml h. Weontî lai"lteOhi meioyai ltnn'owk, -ami I ota au the townshbip et Sopiambrgi ua tena, aiMilima. Agrep@ly la lihe aider of the deyh r umqthte aboleon 54 r.lMerrisa re iu ddnesa la the King ou sclaol ul as »tia.!d, Mr. Witiii li chaIr. Mr. Norrismoe.!a ameail ment le lb. (ourdtlà esolutbest, in ordecu t abviatecbjecllens aiitictt 1sd ben mail. l lie aording ofîbat part of il aliich, speak of tie rielorallon oD itee". Tine oe, hâtions au. amphy deeiumed, aildlthicmr a ille. rasaeaid ete idieuonsas imendel Ou lie Speaker îiLng lb. ciar, Mr- Bur rl apposi .tshellotief, by meviuh cee le ammndnt l te W" or", .t1oej au. sevrally terni ira. the chair, mai lai the pea.amd nRY$staeenasm. i f ui se, ho isi., ptie prp.oeoppcwarl rhi. 7emlluacd l. théim.nte eft lie Narris'sseaolansmaver. carriel by tergi mejarlliisa.and i mur. Cracks mail Bi au. appuelntei a ceammillee te liait an ai mroete, s am Msly liminill on lera. bMn. Soc"eta Rosau luroagit dean i beie tm. - seelleukcyrqusol" lhe m' lut jsei l tunlIlnog LomtjMA ourvey cf lhe Ca dtq e sarbooL, w 2~in1eula met*m-ateo retin liretu averforroi e dc eerc. IUduhien, illi Baue.me, ftuiiamud Werdc te reut BiSes ucollncy 8ie. communicaleil ce ri PMoft memorlprcaootid i. itiuby Mi MOKMinal, uetir. le hue expahiio1s, ai4 his aniar 'lerele; and calling thieW allen ~pestaUou0:FI hoet t d Yrkr. à m. xar EEuat aZzsiy%. for lb. »*prestnation atirecosanty orTYod dunpg lie prement assioni. Me ?s-y ai, . oust ceofas htalasur pris 84 he 0adbea ieso. zgeueri f NlastauiC, thl iatitis lime-cfda*r h, abl eshow seûguea en urthle illuis of à 1k t of oulaYr.ial yl tijmt (a 1«i hem hlmd Inthatitshoel sd , i fartu Und lMai b atreated lieurmuid apokua o in a iSuacie., miet te m @WgM, udsed, Wvi ag ;i. esllsUuioioitàojo * eleu lb.aes w.. pu0'y um Imsi kpi t bt immuz CaM Al. (m.Pu D5 u oeposa 'he mole' e vwdaitares. s. H.oia noasaitm ae ita iMt.o-,mm Ibi d1 Wàà r nt ePlr~vit ie omuty . Yorboub rprétoeleiudring lie prm stock m. hauidbhâve tgoto " Lgi- hlOoe CemUIsél, mail Who Sauild tlimi hep W*Rd mil islit hi usasdemi for "Wu mneilIbu bonoireoldebamedigam! comi mot A gentlemen 0oftte Ieegroe liai ami, biaersliâe peophe bai etectei Mr. Miekeule liey eugt Dmet labo rep. nsoÏted-lbat ai s epetism aidia reft- fflace. Il u a violation of Ilual ccuia#- talion mwliiai h ein gainai andl defeudei UbWld et aur torethers. Thai gem- did b. nahaMuidofeh &cR m«e_ gueulas; amndihe w ite .pombieU w91- beaihamed fRS hlm. 'Tie.riglit ofmre iemtation wu theb.Mail am dpoes.ed çt BrSI atsiibyli-. virtually mez lbo-lava brvZi i asgovenbed, ndL leit 1100W ot -b. fuierei ausy or ina d taKatasa, mev anqitovarthe P»Pl* of Baglaml, vau lb. «o .SquS or thei trs"t clii.rglt ofthe atctivo*an»m. ll"a treated l; Iuth lerity as peupi leuiM wpre <matie, taleos e ste pafter amwiob in bisteeabam .hur Lait, and mou fàhrýetoaidn.Mdte h mo li hca, ie'y totld bot luvo lad le er diem-io="r.te pellismeni <or bone t tauld*gu ofet etiStaeW ueIUIUghI4Ouraetel, hl usthe ~5<Céhoasate taioite»,dtheb let v e stablitibel &lfut i hi it tei theepleupople. u"ju, atlme saliobaylb Lcil méblol. k a-90 *D ret ienaêusa tel oltb i elr-ami lieoreIbo .i m D«âme" ep li our iaru th tçd&io rello.t amiMm voia6apme ie eco- 1;a IWb teir.d 5wse igase when te G-eual,' ut al *WitMaî,I 'f ~s eur *515 orusesra~m~~*a.,.~io If .kài t. lb s.w& peaibrases unâluse4 umula beaU .<bbuàIu ha lile~iw~ imy lia have aa Mainlii hem; bout huit h. b.eadisquiioedlTii.berasdiuianliînk ho uni and tiefasepixaseither roe- lain, i lbci aisujil ist re lb.Ifureter, 1 uerely expresaang thit opiand by rremuon uherot. <by realon of t i.former sexPremeti opinion.) h. coulai net ait and ,vole;-ot as oipreteodoil lie bail coin- àmilii ay newofanco. tou, aoald amy petesmilai veodisquatmlled faim, or 1 Wldl h. b. erpeleilby resion of th. for- fmer volel, No tuan would darto lamy e ail ilierefoioho ihamghi Ur. Mackenzie as the legal repre.entative crfltsi couuity of Yorkt iniliant hotte.Andl fur ibat boua. to Bay ha alhculilsaut have eul au* a a doctrine ahich aculdi mue the greateai -evils an ith e intry-m doctine, aliich a- tny ieauber aho upholdaboulai b.emnarkod by the people as an eneuny te ubair coniti- liuiional liberties. If Iloat hcuiea i.umed à the rîglut tu do as they pleised oratrury tu .law, the. peple'& riglits aoald b. fritlared away, anil Coulil h07 mid fault if another brauc he bleffislature aasined the aime rightl The. characteretflM. AMackenzie, lait faulîs, &c.,lnbeau assisti up aith glas question as a shielil, as a scape guet fur the prooeedung. ne (Mr. Mackeniea) look up ton uttela limne; ho a perionli in bis romanks; hi statedie lçi abila uere snut truc; lie luatchail up grievancea, &c.; but Mr. Mackenizoie »eot couicerned in lie qalesuicui. th as uon. <vital inmportantce altia i.elsecIive lraualîi.e, lie ilesreat rigi t'of lgisbmon, sehelier lthey ebould se who eIdui repr ntm thens or net, sud lbs i of it uld b. quo eios. a pre- a1d"ntfo eher so eceig; sni taireflieu îmudredthlaI Iheamimpor- tant qusion thai aculillb. decideil in the Prenant palliaasent. De never coutendel the. bouse Wbt à arigbl lu expel a men- ber, but il should lb. exercisad itih dise dicretion, that they mlght net de more horna Itan geoil by it. Alter tlîey had doue ioery tbing tainjure Mr. M. maid hu- er hain uthliesi mation of" i.constituants tliey bdeleele i hlm goin; and aow thaI ost aepriforwardmuid suid le thons, W arbeor judges ilh=iouof bis citer- acter. No porion prau to l oppose hlai ai the laut election, for toit ef damoniug binusif thl.e oezsoetai uhe respecteil consiluliosial liberty andl the elective <rau- chia.;;muid if the peuple hai net electeil ail re-elecle i helb.yua li b. nfit tlb. re- presiit y u"rnt Iheir n its tlieb lmp eildo liai lies.Mr. Mackenzie bail t. he eGovemrn the ai.nii et, adr adsnt downaà message aaramuni- «aliait th. Attorney Genemils opinion on ldm sot ter diviliac tb.cohunly oto lni. dicta, tlîat it cqu asher the constructin liatil wlai mol atenileil 10go into effeci du., rigthe preuet Parliamo, RD- 4 tu a- l.a -Inccud tako place fût ;i.ocoauly.- But thst w amattilh ~e iadi ld tlli-he had tld soutetiiing ho bad no rlglit t tell -1luà lu ld auat acre lthe votl» ofnWun- 1 jof liai oas. on thie quaifu; &W lb. <lie -P.) dii proteut sagainat lirgit of rOb Ezcaîuttle . ol a hm i ovtlheu et memibeof li ant bouesebytaisag natice alUnir vals., Rtauncoaatutlunalanil illlfurthb.beond et the admainstration le laliele it lhl.e otmeufbcnnassascf tuat hoüai. If the volefera aserw ulection band naimcd lutaseion isirucuti have lieoef- iiim- te n w a ruid bave bee ou f- e luebr, tihre ýonli lie saiediinlo-et. ~ laIlie rgmmeioe dalu PlMr. elaéie4amduu sderuiate lhoýa- iu.eikmli.ule ia un rît nÈii- âuin". -àAmid amtthe mam ajeruy vole W or us w antiAM ba coulaamY muembor face hi.ao00i8»0t" a ho voe- fer tbe on. amid not lit lté, ~IWr Bt li hon. member ReDurham. uni hi. ioIL ui hgevoteil fer lb.em«Powellale té fed lioed nd t.OWIOB Mwâ end Ibus t me6*h"rWa * d &»F»md e té oi* lue o chareag tb» *"hou, A mié b t» Mll dieu ietabomlu p sti e& aih.1h -m l os i it 0 Ih t u M.P. moveda >Js iaalol la, 2;% ic, e r 6ie votimpotueal«mthébor ilUlé tourne and liant il V84 «cigl ughr bilié, l qak of tbom u thelb. vo t ion. a Oint u'*Mr b.iepreouétil 'tehm gcel- 4 taacy reqnnting hua le Isy belar iliens 1 aty dscaicieshbunamybavo ecaei t ma- «ming the. diiunm oai ra"ntsam of a a"e «roaa offcer. 1t ne lindit io or thons olmevatlma 4e ý maki on the amnm lut iei h. ronposai. b' udaiki brimg hen. aneaers up le ldu rama*,r ma" tbea W tthons dbdeisl ieïsseIve lh.be cId, . liteu noe-toit abat y angt yo. "rueaa ebrast" il vwu atm. piuer fr lb. houft teaea lihe Govrnro O soald nmalhooalloued toenaavertoen thep Voes o il& imeom- Ivhaire uem lue iLtard te e:ktmibe ia uther. Te amuler ur entoalb ightihorste wben lb.s questio Ut V.' rita ai. un- der coilirtion. Uaicrrmti hes "' wallons hli opoil the motion acahi fin suport& i 01 a mm ««M de more te alesrlitanliaietheluPaepleai"t »Yrd e a...te 'siaui a« aulse, adMMip fieonin à U a bé Mé,7lberamvli# ort. -the k«. *Wb*çflbet o ae . on a@ul u ld MM"eeteau vols am efthao. Il.t s tirt, oui hmil l i bal tma .i Wtein igilut lb emoiti.; ai Il ler. r W tg asud tthoiell4hm.le ia e t luieal. tait teb. a<a" ie Il, e m.à" Mo git Il as.is ut 01a *MMlipoa le flaaosatby la tIWiy IR goseuri, ad ire a s,topmiàtm te, 14 l tuleoWly drasu, i4 itflsi a aunyp .o -4 Sped One me VIes bise.. mou sotoupp.oré. iaui9 7/571' cI M ten eIg qywwUm - u mix um ri ir - wm l I Oates=UIA MY 10 IUmc *ogm IM A. i -. mi - h ai i n i i I ul mi ai .1 ai .1 si mi bopoIl i noDveaoi b . îaucdte li,,e ashirr.. aaiisot di. resolutioo -i as ai aing a vote or censure on jais . 0.ileucY, the Lt. Goveraor. The anug usaiby ui (r. MeNab) on th , ailer 1 O U- e righti uniglit bave been er -but ho would do so again on the saneM. rien. If lia laigaage am@ totoagl rregrelteis i. DaidlisaExcellenye,, metubera et hat bouse for the YClete bald veled 1 No, ho onîy sitoatu r the7, fiact ilmat Uuey ilid e. vote., l scl h intlenioni cf the houa. te ilhuif-l mtlit, conîy of Yerk, mandliaoitopeil linv ould avail tLtemelvies fthIttruc maennil ulit i ct and iasuea uni tfora oea elecun Mfr. RoUfs hhougut lter. mvai no uoin i p=aiga bill after ltae opinuion gaVeo by tI.Airmey Ceneral. imid u i %a t-,t if thev Passa.d a bill an tuilh 1d îo e throtgmail lieastages bet.une a "rit could 1issue it uould at ot heîpresci eauin..._ r h could flot b. 'aid amy ofthlie propoinu, e f tlhe imeuidinola.faisle, hui t hJt eontucless failut lue auuld moure anoiîe._ Be beliewel Mr. Mackenzie eva ot el. pe!leil. ail Iherefure lue uted agaunlt i, soin% a riewurîrt. eMr. Tuntaoaulul Bay injusticetu bia, LI sofho ano irao f the uliie n o His xceleny, henlue lurouglutt inI lla lbM. jehmsi h mnmn a .r. necsuaytoail lImethe publict. e vey afn eeln g othe boue nIlle 10 1 éut ie vli &ant ourne aille surt- for. flewv o e tmpiesuina ni rr r 1o heeWtam me ue te pas m ara oniner teelection wue notil uan elI nîbut Mr. eaenzie. u it o ld nd y en i si. tenpéole ofIthecll ny lof Yorkii duo ta li nwtht %te viel <lb cu le Ynkh ilu otie-bey ia tuthe ais vIe ua rîî e, t udIt 0<l-hey tuti pethey uav l and jig tte ubeofahrerimuit titeun, arid riîmî or uligm ettilt. ucand hie's a ote meiss o enamtin fora n h ald ot p7agnîlymotion afo nleu il e yto el- Tue the tiesof ais ae ee sity lo plainstii.hmt sivs.cfIion. ail a vte againut gi la it siolIl irigs mli il teoa Wob novinteniencutînt niland l Ilio tihe bintention the ginougit abt ubea lb. hwuldelupeondb.uticeuolbo <h eunir! aeul i de aui jacne ou thb.v n.o glct. +i boa. a meg evo baveynepoer 10 iluaq ulfearn. anyie. #7eriio Ilut -anerbl e. F n erry iofta ad e t -comà utdri lenghvolai ale ai noyailtae, aspui I ola: i ieym m tmstkna d loua-a iCo umbHr noirHoardpletêhuceaDucomàalHd n mory hacrl, Molimn. Àcer ad Wie> -e, nalRola bvrni ihI -12. ':ýutà tnoDr weil. rcays, lliotFrse, A. ran, lDs. aJoneCs, eNlte, MFrditr ris,,Sam- sooncneIe, Maerniîbt, arras, n WsonToso.Tugul W.u-17. Mr.-'hn oe h r il îMkn. Roadbeau hon ovelei ant Mn. ac- W»ze . ee layeacelmoil herewu carit by a m n o * ma udMn. Sole- asi moaiedAbt tIli bouse aW"lDont alloir taira te ata msat duriog the fpresoaI psu. lut 4f tPaaheu . m qn reai l uonrei lit fni uti ?.ie utiolelui utic ir sia iIltu kregkin vetes for hmm 1 Ten rtde ecum h e "» r laio i dilspte Mi onia e btaior culul il beeIilk n aIy urtber proceedings u ôila th le motion waunli e <o .1411 lî, b>t lieu embers irnubi ýmtt b-i tiat, a u sl n orpeien: tu ou .eetingin aita nakeil ilforully. it Ilsk*ig aaay Det oulp conalituici boit » ougghl ;juujt the leAt lthe hemIt mi~Aisanugddal -1 .p the4-ki WVae B *%kmP wIIU wîdw i. teIuL Wb@" - 8tai.L m al Il àl , z âm ntem.44xeJ1 fgimvab e lb.- l l e q u h u i - b * m ou t a l , s a - d o i bi d Wols s resp>aofdthi Q1luituo fr iI t e *" jia le" 4gb or cieeeYtlas olea.BeIqe m rughirgt e ft 0<lbeouml c (luIs COUi aei b oiailén-ie pie- 'le.., ai b. otullvibt. l. id m d p r a v u l e g o a u f t t - i u . l t e a i ai if a»y lgWaluit wuliladmit. a lmla- 'rie. aanderon mcng thnsu1 ithi iglil* îpliai! 4.t litu M4 tîtifilsaiWamun0% b st w iinp wAm% a"a Ym a Cwuapbot ý ll, Can, and~ .N 41i-Mesers. Bra oloBan B uelk Ciuli* à, Eoluet, A.Fil, a»y rSoil *.Jbrsmli fVoile W ioua b.m a w ia zws1 a mmIlmuea ~ektma -~ -andu buit eo ='Oni Yl'- ti. -o P"iehes uns 1 Ï. OU eFeU voie ~hm t th * - rabu i J oW rceka, pwoià.jatvue Uki liMa V. Wilson.- STaie, comi vfril eor me 4rlf aUea lait esnate a<ribli awu the a#aero itTh el ites. vas endom -peeaeor 4"g Il . i . ti . 1 81--_ -1- -ici 1 1 si 31 si ý 41 if *1 71 - ë ý

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