's. cuàl D!W1 t-,Howard. Ketch- reMcia t sun eite Mtion in& gèw.m aia;it vould beoaisrafolr <hem ta donc. ne hoped the .lias. vola C&" dsvouN diaa.ie a c"., im &0. Weevote for Mr. Muebsmilas tking ideMtam i" aotieo iepbolsomaudid am brasue itidedii pon thinotmolofor adjmmet. ubieaIs lest, sud <théo- lion fram 6e oielwuvs. orrddby aoea- F'~L~Nsmr.eurexy. Ur*ail, Claie holu, Crookn, Duncomlse, A. 1raaar, D. Fesse, JmvuJeMNab. 3MoNelledIge sortis, SMMM.uonkouglimeî, Werusen, W. Wihlaoo.6 NsgsMe!ss.BoutonCaupies Clark Cadi. Roin o lward, lRecium, A. xac. ,donnât, MunIrt, Ferry, Raudmlai bln Shayer, Thomason, Whiti-15. T'hecoaliâtes ta visot tis attmer a veferreul reportaulamu Addrmuago thebin.hg aon a fit sud so.d "Md %bc bon" s 'ot iota counasille = w 'viaupon, il. A lo= euAmwy ddnaW c udonverstionesu- m d umovang iaoudry asmemdîneniats e adsa.pnm" sly raspectisg tise ahd grata talOns allege msaitde.view chili dsuwlbt . meaithea lutitution. Maura. Burwell, Bolton.,*Bd sous olh- ais were for amending tise charter sud ai- iowingi ta ogo imb oparation, anmmd*a. léarra. Perry.aWmOdone vers for suspend- ing it for sons. yeaia tilt District Grammnar aclacols ver.e stalîlished as prepmmnîory tu it lTse later opinion prevoileul. ad thse addram m sseaded cSardiglj,-o be ýkq@ adread a durd tiane te-moit-ov. m relatve teMr. i<cez' Mr.iAfel. b<rgat le a Lin tte e tisaeo eeluli(sliwgsgrlculîural .oeet jesina ui r 28e. w siu von rend amAretâme. M.Béreay's MiItu e nder Iugesi nde- lss4n&dUes Pown. Wss rend a 6wstdIlne. », 0 iný an a bilîl ta aiceetain toiqlbipe la be gwuates oi Kent snd bNid- -dit«mis dtg forcecertain towbasis ijta in PouLe"=District . .T4e'iventStete1 juta utt.e oftise -wis.I.pix bill'tqsenend tise Court et re- enska. lr Aide ie hepra m u .O or t~o0<ethem tuses, te oummIttee romM& arotedprogrcml. 'Wtlaae Do Jblet adruas fiomEol but imues , lir .,-a-W4 Aniez4 u nt 'u aa plauhlengage thse attqetaon <ousUgl 2 bue atis estlsiruot 04 5àI.VMW' amnne -ps te thl bsPayo,< ing us.a P0ma" erMotroai. Wl ev tits e S~slpsla osulihs te Sls.nu.5, lç<jume ta àdoaaedsud um- smt ýSEihst l.1p181111àsiof nef iUS <he Pubucet e mse if. uapa 4stiip e apassé e hotu. a gtmaêeulUeid ta tis afftempi. wér oiuý "W imeiocf ending aur Pm@- 0_ "irtis. eLover Proulues vse 144.4liasM'pellou teb reor tae os u unea.uen-b t ietiOur dlcomltiseay tie banoelt tIlîsoot ucis a violelpnees- ingtise ian cotamplion. Forais. 'va cooser tise vemltis, tise tale*4th ie darpimgtIseinfluence and the aoaniall 5*1irttWmbstre in !ionutresl ntudise gre4 deiclano,iattisas.adrambages ilu taI rV.- I mncc, 'titit6eeîceptimO0Q.ebe, it in MW 'a. Mihte Msy laàMà 'mliafOa e1u tçuel f eofloar Cna. Are va ala eha"lb. aevur e oit aund &eXeul adsmit hal a Poet of Esat ey nitauave1 bansa gWo o UpperCanaeda ise tise fre l-2 stan~e. tqu earpenait bot l te Lover1 PrOvinces> jet th, proet fivism 0<ore Pr-ovinces lime cotkined m long. -med,»me May e samictièë- bath dlilcand pivate habain ràfou4ud onit, tbst 10c"mairmy sure weui b. gratar iloiOe *n %ec ongSsi divàmt. Undisturbpd paonumsis1 (or Sc amyu e.Ym bum iron tis eera Piovisaq.ricke te UcetroaL L 1 adsms a rtsepepis« mtvoeu fba 1 flolw-tbe putt oflts aivoetèin lstb e ~ ~ owiyjaatisa tis Le.pPqviue a o- I lb. -m'ay, axtouhht iispacudt cill A'm=uby. - a"incis mcandsd, a grety to nualise and corret tise influence af dse Canadien poil,. Bmside, lise very dif- ficulty viticatislaent maesure propoe& tu reniue. vould mt b. remored by il; for las mmntaql lanLate pç4t galuoly for Up- SperCeudabut mlaaafur tise visai District aof Montrent, sud great part aithe RAstoru r ova.is, mcthor. voulut stilIlbave tu La 1s division cf uiti. anduttIe Upper Prer- tince vouki hava tu psy <tiste Lover that proportion cf <b. revenue shica voldutb rcoutributi by tise Inhabitants ai Mantrosl District sud lise Fatera Towships. Tisus, tu say notlîing ofidhe deteralnedopposition that vould, La giron ta tihemaeur* by <lie Laver Province, and theL conseqooent att-ire lalat; wottil at-le aeen ibe Provinces Bise proposeul plan is no violant MWm onjsi in is cisatacter, su unvise lu ils palicy, and 'Ob nugatery ia ils éperatlon, as bt- ffil the censura dral vioaaspire tBaba lacet-moisis- dons, à"u lovera ofliseir country. >h hasna3s50bhe" proposea go gaetise Up- pet Provinces. Port o c n!y in'bisa riclul.. <y of àMoutt-el-as lb. ide oaiJesm, &e. tThsemouse fs auscl a mianTe is, to »Y the _leait, vrty dmaisful. Il is eîBressegly ddi 0colt tauivert Bise streas, of commerce imam oils mecumlomet ud m atura! chumied. But if <lhe New Port dld Élourisla,, h coulal ouI, do su t thé eipexace cf Moatrei, tioase cilionu vil! pase fare Imy fayot a msoetnvbwich, if lb praspe-, vall break up mnuy of tisar emlablimimeots, anal reduco jtise vaine 0ofllaelr property one half 0 WavWall nov propoesa plau isich vo aIhink ill iirbstaraeoximtsug difaiculBies, sud alulsln thre aonanreuceoisl petias. Aumil gOU&W ft<b. Uppar Province munetPaus along t<v o-ame-tise St. lAvrouce. snl tho RideuCamiaI, IetCustu lousesbL buall ai oriveaen tua oadlot al goonds for Uppar Csmsda ha roglalstor» ad, and aldoîles tisey Lare paid iln tie Laver Province hoe afudd; <iean latUp. par Caneada lery sucb dultaesu sibesp- proves. las a rd, let tisoro b.asuBaire dravio en uali pouls tiat jaue fmuthse RLovor tu Lthe Upper Province, sud leb hp- per Casau1s Iery hLoou"alasd our dlficulthe on Ilisaccout atsut suuur& IThu plan lutasiares viths ne ei«tlg haler- esta,a sudsummsimple s ta b. easily car-cil muta peuclical <lsdac. Tiseovnofaitheo guotis vouldut oly bave fte , or-tepuve es bthe cae miglet La, tbm différence betvoen wiaoermuaUpprm t~dalle.; and t" 5*ver coSltlp.y te tise Upper Proviace ýtk iagbd pdriods thseamaut of drilback ce tise .'&amIwbvolub. escerl asu u"em ta> erv idt ave a uty. Islam *MMu t IMa enjoy *Jws piilege ftalkbg -Oteviam Nor souid <lis plan require a marg a. udumsissat o'Çam ty i nte effect. -Ma CnStosRa. aieon tie SI. Lsvrimae *Ws muothsseatS y Tests, £oUloesa the voe teade iselvees IY<T3"«sud Levw Canaa. Wm isn Otf gmly o00 practia eeieite ourase.s, hah id, "&May peat difRumo. ssevas tise lppu'tad LaverOaneutsduts voulut opesnfiee Loaç fA, m.alint. But lis olajotanu mpowi ,4mglyt» a ottai Mnty; and 1<11 ver. -th-SoeItueMoary fie. the pfelem ýM*sUlag isaitfthedullala Gthe WOPror. imaeimulai hotise sans thelis asable msent of CutatuReMa, aut tise aregl autry atal gom als sing etwev eautis <o Prgvlucega vowed nableus tuaèeataigt pmiqà, Gm ouatar 0 mvemuetaeaiUeli v eseenItIi.NorilaIis te beuy - oseusudt Orn cMor plms; fSr Itl grsatiy prmte haserns a eu osier- staningbelveen lth e. to vines.ler- marving tisecamuseaetiheir preeat <ipus; sud asrtaialy ev"rlover o aie counlr- erary thitisil friandil i a jasliuGar- enumeot, vin griv. tap aim bar- morny, mmd t.teunite Ibm IWO ProvinceS&luu peramanent baud 0omicable lotoreours. A àPetit i«ootain Romisu Calisolies et York vaspresemutaul thedamAnmbi, lut veak, ads ud" ll.ta refier il:te aselect Commlinesvwu v.ry laiopeady egativoit. The Petltionse are telis. mvdimoontenseu "ufvldumls visaadheraut ta Mt. O'Geiy. andmut the slatalny aofisr Bisliop ut dà-ý fiane. moroyvat tishetition prys Gt th ise ,e Bas.0 AsMbly 'il!l intsifore vI t-lghis Gtug ar. oml»Y gmmrsnte the caîholicet <Caadatait<Laconqauw. (VIdu ldth Ueo. 191. Revend-Statts.). lias Catholioe 0et1V. Canada get- a- v "e beeom .slteitde.n suabjaciseaosp ed lishepmtltlp, Md tfire it l ouha a miu<e a nvmioe aorliseur rigisier, tise Legidatmte t elrgfa in haesamanmer dé- slned by Ob Patiomsre W. ir. Sfuai'the Yurk Courirau e coiaat of tieuim mmd" tlsugsL-ng Paint b7 tise " gaeon LIe Bâie. T1" OCMM #t a-j aa m MM B atvaPub- WW hgbe vilastabellreugltb antidepl et tisecamebte *e.ttil. qui. iahb. orpupes aseor Is ivers.. *Il salsas, be Il. t"W"%" Ubd-sid*stdtiha Peaimhle aaa W bei-gMdaimisl, maute saasolet yunlswldemut a Sr 10feehdsap, lot lb. eon point viser. lise psopossd cl suw ah v ambe.cut; su aid eresia- ira; esnovamoaesmry iu n e la sienne a sa hanneal for vasel, and a gondl for- baur on balla aida.su ontisaeoamg cfa Peon tum Wemt ide la prerenl tise chanel (rmbolet 61Wfap idhe mad. This iulormmtiou Lasrecemb!y beau aoms- nicatailgay Jolon Barrie, .eq.0 of 1 )Pitta lils EîC LLENCY t hy lia seul dovu ta tise HB or <Aamb,. Lest Fridzy evening, Lady Cliarne vms «gt Houe" t a ary of bholsean tvcma" dire. Imunureut persuansmeoug wshm t er. <La membruaoaibai tranchesof dam Logis- laina., vidla nmly agiltde. ranis, beauty .ad baoin anl mdosear York. ise distanguli- e auriseoty of ber Ladymlip, and tis Es- cellancy SiraJhnuClhare, vas gracelitil, displayeul on lais occasiona; and ise Duos.- roissrasdaparled lliaght llgsmead vida Ilîir accouipiismal nlorlainers. A Bil b establis a Baok ailH"Ilton. in lis. Gare District,inu pamd GmeBoume ai Ammbly. WELavroecceiraal th. mesage c<tLa Pr. aidanthe GmUnilgutStau tu, bathlianmes. or congSrs.at the openiug of <Iir praseut esioi. Tisa amesage givres a avourable nvi bLatir varions (reiau sd douti. t-lAitions, mnuj congralulatais.eimebers cf Congres. on their couaitry's rapl d silae- ment in u ltis e mn ufainational pres- pety. Tet lthe onplctadmachina ai the Aincaicn Govet-seant med& mot ta mart mc iuoolisly mnd lîarmabioumly se miglat La expocteal. Thefleromtening storu saiseal by - NdUWicaUu" lias icrcey lasa isussai, bafoua dia gencral Govumment is imeoirmu! iu mrions ditffcultias vida tise State of Alabama, tu rolatthe Indian landg; and lu tisa State of Minour a mkind or civil vwaanimsa. b.tem areligions net caililtua Mloramotes, sud <hou vio- lent pahmmctor;-battda bave asa(ouilât snd eraral lires lant on bath aidar. YOt 've asoat reasrd <La outrages ouGmé Moe- engelle. as fIa, se of tise peaplgeaoraliy va tink Gmýt tise great body 0< Amutican ciions vilt suiryai onmsama eont- rages, sud vil! nt Le ske. ta pou"sis eair perpetrmlon:--tsoy Lare not nov ta lestu deat penneutlo aiy confir m heperseo- ted lu dapr opiiiss. W. gareauscb parts of tise Pmas au as euIe relate tc, I.fg- IMnit,&bd shaHreveil ltutise stjed *pgin t s future oppartauity. «« Wita Grau Britaha tthe muting question of our Nartdeastern Bouutmny te- "matill uadecid. Anogotiation, iov- *ve. uon Ihat sujeet.habsemorait sifce lie closeeof thelabueM; Ma tus ýG«ovenmt IGm w vev ai et lois- làihoa. in snfiarnî ida <la. thezooe."a ti~sont% Gmlise ueiguat hy tbe %anDi.Tisglis a e ulsem- lonkd fo, s it Iedtaiua shape al vetuo ey lis &_lyhu t aatsthe- tory~~ ~~ adnsuutaIti Imotu, alter.c- t[at meme elle.wiic, by daia. etida. omfslas iseu"*neo.muTia. vt eteft ao*khthgier istss ii e.nul sem usdlîspta de. m 0 uaI lthe Uvisaiteat hal lahena hap onlt. lusceoa s thtqussorpoltimi relaIs.. I tud oucs: -. - is W"i it toby ate asm.,mm gs meutim ela eom. a in mlat o"%"<mut, sot oalSudWntîlitq île.. cosy b.stuiaolniy ltumlstd, but mesmss at mbsaitsoamdlng prevelt- Lw ait tuuoy vsulg a fa[ ofmmv omumeaceut, and counued vitisout jeter- Mn" ouil lote oen BuR netsemIm yo- émn& 1th is hunal ta tue doplisof iibut 16 aicis. lat moasquance aeray description1 of vinter aoveyanc hau bein harequsi- tien; bul, hu tisa axlrmertuary mldnea attise veatiier, aautiag te a madeeste iiisv ve ceai isrdly «sPect Bisekiigng« Tise vtitar in tdèes petau cmuoot <a tarzaithbisatesmnut Il vsepubliaheu at-vea ect qg il ilseauher or - e ty peiUt, neadouit; sud %aI m oy (gie te camelude tGmt bacansofe sdeonet ka tise I Ant"a. tsoutetX'e du sel"MTho ntor aif"i Pesm ai s.tue Rarti saunaelWO. iua.lde, bretisu or eGmlord. Imbu Wes. 1,>, ma Iw. silmame d am0Opinion or de. lot* Dr. Adam Clarics. IL U D. F. -A.1 EL& 4 opina, seatblsa mf peeldr.- Upeelg oaida.Ravd. Sm"ueIWemsy, Dr. CImaise mys,- Me VU ttes mg nb is1 sesses strese.Ausa Poo4,lm ebsta otflt teas vasy dlatbbpm iche inlise Tant. Pb ai »- Fuai t b u bat peentat m trang u ti h s«mé Wmliub, haro lota or Moisla n uell t nt metamemi sPiau S e ei quai t Mad se. d lia. Wmams aissfur TilemImiubl fr ide~ bsosom ami se & miUfpepIs mati lmptia met il-ghi umem in. S lemtie miaidis ns ile t»« #0 Pd& Umm uaImMaW s,' ls palie ilimgie e v mSoiM us empeafon te m~lt M igtkeipostu lsma Edftoaaî sqbCale, p wa mupea Cirveoperatiom î Is <lie paet, sit te"n -OuronTarma. awkileutil w. mes he. Berth<le BM. D. heoraally a M.fd Dur. Thee nuanerous acinm of Sud grnouer foomth<le writinga ofithe M. D.Lcl.arly alias bis Btter iucapacatyma acriBla, anal the wcttlle-ne.ofieas maarkm on style and Orilpnsitmun. . e lthe 13«C. Mr. Bior-..!"a.às Le ta fPt"slaped runerk. rapectig tua Folice Bin wmec.&hae i t Uxof t fA..aot!Y. TIaiteLI.s aka ofpatiiaaau hoa Kic, in litet (radt«.. bol.8 rfonel hy a LibiaL G-,.,nor. l'h. -puie" e.eh. .,.oe wi-ie. te p .. fe »la, su.dJùhe, »d ifho rIIv ho Ouc, hao Mat h.ow the iii. ia .71eWiLh au te ths pauusîet aimer afassa, wiei h. isea tiaught advi.W a it jtdaau ita chie Ceue- try. hm. 1-g hb«. tohowed ..d.rs.auottuh.w. int* Of ut bbhd ciii u£.Md».%.tueat hie bairocesara. la»,ein ,»allit optMsl uh.olbs. giron reports id nsies wh.»ia .7 ypm:i.issbu h. .. s.W taefaC«d. ches a. aidt.. But a.ua"Otr.,d pi.a of operatioas doi umit th. Dicý-,t i j snugeux cmeasra.at C"ie n te forget. chat h. h.mca ssoid, alihogbi k ià mot f-Vonaby othandtina lac day. l'v houai a p ha. marnai-y oit thi. .caca lh. Da"" be imIbhttr har» sua ta th. Ps..a4a.taii.e fair. wi:t tt e.ig tue oliar to it, tic h. n.i de- P"al hoeWilhheMMt cOdaIt7 d-oived in th. raalttwt*difauudOn oshie. pat th. be.ibut o f a or ' n Miptute, ui ssa tht. NUmmynaeiomat BM M eie es at Mèneura furc the nomof lie lCouty. LUI. At Breiie en, Tuu.ay -sie a set, by la Rçw.E. fleaee, Mr..loeu. Le V.A.sua vit iiibL atove.la.Kisgtt.,îEi..3v, third IsagWeaof theia lais itophiar Zk>l, £s. ef I TmaOat., os Thanday, Nar. Mot,, hiae Re. Peter Feguim, te. 8ev. ANOR&c BELS, Prooby teies M"eir uof roto, ta Etux&, eld ea sji ter t ticard W. Thomsona, Eq. Tutem.. At SielaiXiii, On heia l Wyti v, blithe2ev. Il. ivimuMr'. WILL.IAM.BEL, Ju., te DUss Ra tuRaWosasa, o etie5ield. on tha Mib Nova.. by telie., Mr. lares saon, of CesaI.te Misa MAayF, Imagturr utJ". Obi*iaWhodJe, of Si.Uuid. mita. u6.siea. . lmsMe. is.s Rosi, A. .agi THE KL.N'GTox spECTeTORL TOHN VINCENT respoctfully informe e~ <apublic tltat hgbu lie»849 aauc. mente vils lbt. Palmer, the p9aseat propni- clan ai tise Speciator, ta raeir. tise ofica et the erminatien is fth pt-amnt yesr, WLan tepublilistisai paper on iserai astindelsenudent principles, »s ncbinlubig jn tsteill peofalo the gromlait parnîble p or o ba i sa u mm ad yr oesperity to tisa rimne tissu làa o med prîvileget e- dur of peou; andltGmgeneral eplaron ja, tisa naneaboutnit La ackmovledged bat aeea anlmlug (ra s ueuior intelligence, lunslery, smd ecauqmy, snca bmltise onry rosinut- 1 aval ehametaimcs iiidlsirqgnisiom i mun bau anodler. Thoem mtufgle ha BEngisuit# ether euligbtaed puris ai Eu-i tape lat ta vllirav tlba.se muamulby curiuf.».#'ld . = =p vleeu c es %uy bu p&a b lave aetsommand . pte .- et-si mmi!ing lavae.Lliplace tise prepen- masatneruepeM. l Coa" uw e vaut ette.. amd ambitions mI e lelatise duty af a firesand fattisil pros le vattis, daenst and exesmai &templ h iit-imay ho ma". ta oprve ise pe o f the uece.ry 4f. 9usa 1 eqslr d othemuttisena. bominjus- tice and appraelaon, andt mcura la tiem, ibm fruits of thies, idumtry. lb isl i, lymany preut lnetiom 1willl ariase viicis pay aufeci due praeperty mua ndl-, mt itiPrvlua. Inuieci casa. les 4ecimtor vflrcouAtaln th omepih andsau rreu en btùades vishttisr by itd -%ide seEdiIor4' naesa or 'xmt ; usfis a couM' -i.coleout t" boue tae em#ey lb. reamImerttof1thse oubjact nattai lu question.1iaeoym.ts gt- Mudayau pit ouIredkoï inave- rymat nd md eleu . salmoit la, chéuge lb. eider eofttraeW&u a <se.esteeo. cue vili b. fah e e ,aalaiati iic vil cmfe db. best sud. Ibliemiinforma- île « e mmbj.ts. lame ogoploe t eUt bave» ne ch pMadâeisssbut aahniledja te have bienoa-claie eObsevr ef mon ma smuia" ts Io n9"a.m a lias tts bec" s Ibm tbes a fer say MOit at- fatltisanki. Tbuea vll be nu dllcuty Sa «"-n de ag4 t- um boan w ieg djat. 0f a ots maMa bes vonisea athe p. ieuil i, afte m b.e fois il I bmplc nusl pid < LU.Edltars af papou, vlliiua Mudffat range ..vte. .,ufora avrtisy lameligtisa aber..l Klugaben. Dec, tub, 1833. Te Mi echmfof q frs.. IF RAVE ses su m dvertlearn.torques- Jl tng mue t.e*hf vas w mue* te m tai <rbeeem Yeu intestem<sIie inuflwlee ailRoi" tél temple viff b. maode by pe.ou, t 4mai« inrdetuBccty.; admIs0 < eMto -lis <hU. Blues daémlîbtmd 4 ir hmeg IHem4 cempecesi of tse aboe. alseip. am. of Passn. arnugvis.. umaher reai smoe oftis maou praonnmitl U. l lutise Untion. A mEORAI4IC. NOMTIE Te rs Iytésitsbv fffl Mdb""I 4&w*. t s& C . i na F i ns t s t, st e r i l b., et ail tins. mmdy jt kevea»y cou- slu~la41.S* e h.nidte Bie.. a . a g .2- - dl el mleeusli ls t l.am « ms vil Saitltismes rnidet.eueb, ukulp am dssrle glw.h timL qss TAtVEît CENES FOR 1834. Ofb Ci" o( lbo Poète, Madlmad É*5 $t h ~De. lma Midpusnàauca or Te vit. $ d ntuIbaut mde, noticelabeebg g e= tsa tba Ad- ja=elQuartereai di h1 b ai ai lthe aan t m in Kiqa e n Salurdsy Lthe F..urtu day tifJanuus D"(. f4r the. renew- .aig, ~ ~ o mîu emvogoapplications for Tac- Cl m Scai futr tisa a n ag year. ]v Orderi J. NICKALKS, Ja Clark of lthe Pace M. 1). SALE 0F CROWN LANDS. T HF unaloruamuet! Lots Ainlise Towaî- aliip of Tyendinaga, will ho expoara to sale, b7 Publie Anction, Dl Mr. APPie- bsan, Sleanuinavalla, an tise budlanul Distrct, en Monday trio lGth day o1 De- ceniber flext, ai tan t't.Ltck A. M., Onu tc followiug conditions. Via : The purchase aaOney t. hop:tid lisfour ja..- olaimentu. with Inlreit; tbe frîst matai- myent at Ibo lie cf sale, anallthe second, tisird. mad munti ialnielit s Ioilatet- %alri aisear belceen escis. Fitât Ringe Souths ciStreet. Nos 1, 2, 6.,.. Firet Cfticasîj o th Range. N-.. tO, 13, 14, 20, 2~2, 36. Fit Cqîae.Wion, Nuorth Ralage. scNos. 1,13,1l5, 17, 18. aice& Ciieesain, Southi Range. Ns. K, 13,21, 35, 36 moc.ee COti"ou, Noarth Runge. , ,'P xo. s, 4,23, 31, S2I TII1d Cd'.ceuuiîinSoutht Range. Nos. 5. 6. 71 18. 3%2 37. Tbkd.Ccoteui.t. North Range. __Nos. 7, 8, 12, 14, 36b 37. Cnm'r. of Crewm Lands Office, York, âSlt Noveamber, 1SB. SALE 0F CROWN LANDS. N asCEt hSreby given, tisat tb. un- N m«eautionaut Lande e.lli . eeul ta Bm!.by Public Auctioui, met to Court Hans.Ira thea Town oi York, on SaturdsY, thse 14th D.r.noerneît, et 12 o'clock noon, .Ai Me iupeetpricesVof C'y.. rAcre, upon lis. brsa st forth in a oco front tis (Uc, of tise 27th May last:- E. j Lot 1. 14t Cou. 100 Acres, in bte & k as% lot a,. 100 Acres in ditto. lot U4, 14<1 Con. 80 Acre, in tise Town- sisip of Nedonte. Cepmmar. of Croira Lande e. York, à0th Noemsiso, 183. i NEW-IMPORTATIONS. Courmpt til ealslof e Simd Famey SDRY GOODB. 1011> IL GREER bops repeebiu!ly ta Wieteem tise Ladie ad Geuimen af Kieumnd lb.hepubliin ageneal, isat b. baoaewm froneal tmGreat Boitais. Lavlng BissasMmdi peiecinluhe. mefsctnnon diarieis, ai a vory maleasiva sund elmt a- baetmsst ef600DBlu intisaabove lino. Tissas l yUlha bppy le subeliBo public &usfe.enthela mouise ef a te. dape, os fam aahimNIVE WA« NOUS£, cana.. el Mtsandimi .g osisse »W, neBnuisin situE 1101,48Plftmd. laGmheua salsd, La elt us-t" eiîllieattelntion te *84l gi~l e s F u naili ;D i agases DalmhsulBehlua irat ntiton, hluttl- minster sd beamauCuimg a U hsm Rup; sSiI. sud culaut-ul n ea adQulîts cotiunmonm, sud lifsn Be.! Tick-, sIe.. ieb.ont. sad Bembo- zima; tIameet 4 Ta uPlaida;Marias. fa Sr lilrtuugs; blck = uuionsandl licos. ow) «AIRQia iing;Bsted Tualý Onasbs tidConne.; Beavertemn; sehlarsdiai 0"I Jean; black Cotton 4-d'el»trn;apeon;tut-ksy, tkd dltrlpes; Dimpet- ana milu ladb varite Damails a*4Tal 'bo&issiNupleu tlaI"Limne, Ciai misnlc M oline;1 atieMd Choquer. mdk, Sateisandt lumen cmmhel &"(s Ia.se"racCaiaitc Aw$*p; Plain and figured »oeihi dout.; colin. aisa cll bsd »Ac;teoie u Ce. oda M Çowssu .,ý nelCtIsSal... sud Immegis; bled aun ~dim ÇreI"4eom$e; 5havIlk *dd sui$ Slla; L*tmigs suad lismq aak 0"!&sud cita.gluosn vol- :%a. f Ëtand egçt-!rmeala paVisti ..;.W a asd silik hi; t = r~ màrsd SCatch clasckd WoolmaBbssla; &reoiq. Ao block 0« au n sd mhmail gnbisa" sud i1ie Crepe; Wa dla anigd enesa vsita, blacke sautce- = sst S."wGles; blush ite sud e- ieurd "qelu Bllsy; éiIrmi sM mae utuly% giemt vandeLy:cate,evase vaaetm imbanal um<«miudammd Steak, Sjapes m iss: e nes e- : *aso a latta DmvbAis lu- amiff *aPs Ea dkeeho uit w O. MW% vitea, W«Mî a ia bals epttisse pwa auD sk m ir, A mn la doluglb ~.datetbp»*I etM ho.pides'tt~m ~ e"m~ the ti ikaé et bu it~a*uitfatIgsn mmi usthe Ilm !2" MC ad Dec*wboe, 188 S CLDTenders will b. cecefîmn* et Sis Oc mtil Frsdar the. 2?tiismut [et Doon,1 fr supplyinc Ibis Dri.rtment, fer the use ofi Ibo Naval Establishmoent et Iivi ntowith sncb of the w6..Wing artiele. as Meay W rczvauifoëd, dura,,; t!àc yvai 1940 Viz. Tes, pet lM. currancy. S-agnr, do. do. r Pease, per gallon, cirretcy. Oatteul, do. dO. Viiaegar, d.. do. Tse protïable quanlîly, nd q*îaaly et eso'h arilcle reqmfred, may bt mnown 4a p- plntati-le ai Ibis affice. Securityrequred for tlîofaittiful petio#». &nef et sauc ontraci as amy b. antcied in- tu. (C14ARI.E A. CLAICEF. A (".a NOTICE. rTIIE ceahtneîshiP hcreiL.Çra aet aiedP by.te sbeêrîbet ls ?tapsmea, under thse fil,,, .! M4cpb..r#e.,n8LMsr.gftgoa is ilis day diusoireit, Icointai t urait. Ail thoosa inutlbed ttlblauld l" *Lii»-s, queiltedi t mite i*e'lus..Mt p+jmtetaAI. Lan Macpherson, who a ul 4uîh*i à . catae thesameuai 44 W*,*la5otl~4 againsathIe S"id! flin AI.Ak bItACÊÙpHR.KW Napane, lot Naivemier. 193@M The. business eret0<.wm Crriad ils umde the firnofldacpber»n & bNlmçregot fime.u conducted en thse ite .Premiri ,b P tkir subttrber. A. MACPH RII Napane., lot MPit.l183 260 ARTHUR POSTER. UN retuming hlm uinicre lbeaka1 t iea Afriends endltmqbIignalieh libera! support and .ntour.Cameltb bab bitherto recoivad -.respeaiful, begse 1as tu lnus., hea, It obu asre.eatablâgb. hi- bula.. tu itheilres lataly .ccupied b > Mr. A. Tisibodo, one dont front af Mr. 3.m Moissis,' hertehai. nov res.i*n ail snppiy of TerneWinees, lpir1w melée, k.;ail lof whi b will ulle Swa tusloitthe la voist termae, by wholesale and retal.A fui Caa .f Marmalde,-flb Piekles and 11aucs.. Kithe,, nchmeet hetbud8 I' Ibm estk sofaiNavambr, a dut- brawsa HuMO ce about siii mno id 1 atout biulît, vicia twv hltgiin et, sisa eue fire font partirvisite, ~larg* Um* 55 tbm forebmsil, sud a Wtae @ pot te Ib.omie Wboever vilI give information visaet ;a colt May bm pracured $1mis!u biandobemel revmrdeut bM,.ANT&M y FUIDR.MI I'leutint Brdge. l iii ielev-Dstis. Erneoîovuj à lOtitl.. - SALE Ot< t#-OWN L4WÎe N OTICE isboireby.iven, <btampae UEiLL a aunLoits h isemmTesa et Richmond, in tise isissulD»itl, elUe eîposed tu a.le aS public Aieiidit44 patpice of 97 .Qcneuyssj< TVno..1f Ricismouitiou Tnetday il.mitl= of Decambar uq.at, at 10 ocaaA. M-l tbm fll.ving, çgodis, via. Tifi» ch- q!many SR Sq pale 61 four iuaums tain.o mmie, and e fonus imatut4dat<léinls" itI* betweei msCisj ld oulaeet go c ai bsidlug s Bleuebtsck, or fa*iguem no llmîbta24 fretilong @Pd I& el b la ho eompluteddILaitvnte yens Rob #M la yc ale. For furdaur particalansb applyco C%10101 aîibiimlutdue situation of thse Laie, CoummloÏueof Crovmi La"du004%. la, Itis lavaer, 18eu !2Mail~uImb i sme! WUI betsplàe4 stan <WiMM.bêle re8be l prau»,omWbesj in lems. bei h.u ppls4setuqa *Is.JII cue, ur Mem, tCoubu-à6* Ltp Ofdes mado 1,.-- %bhd m Ba.eay epaine ae te a ie*Euq=i lutkImusatug i~mule, No-eé Tue* é nss. s 5'5 tisaésvi ib mé.iai' or VaIXtiilrsessI euami h.mou*tid. îJ. C. a ie mue. isSiohe Applyle 11h Dei.smlergISUEa wfainer White *Bar- oer. D. s bale, vauIi tlèea i eû v til . 1 . 1 .1. W 1 m 1 : il Il 7t