I. uI ntqel M) nemvwu ouamtai lsiMo e umaule £ 6,O yoo. WMt ,cise li*OmtS b. t4 ou im 1h. c0 » b« tue < I o t u mitea naatllmmt Meeso.e. atba dinmluiio %metmletlaxallerouiame » onUnM 4,IA-lam, Mue uPPMbiicA Itumtlit U a mMWsryueaIiuo Iboul.& la,-laomsueIe mabo4 i e âmor jn nu buVq bmo zrecnupuaI. AW &de lb... OMe.oueasem.yv ~~Ir.us4 ~utih. clt asb Thsb v umm~ maistmp.muIO 'Wb"raiepeuoareilev 3~lon,~MIOui et 'sav. icte M bI>'mrenlig lIlilu liulmcsmeci eu £SSM w M imepiuqlsm r goum = Io-Oul!mo umppeoroài. hem lieruelestaîio cI..mai. fr tmestid ,.sat woo muaM net Sy lies hrrperlisu CIte*40st r talaI eeil>' entier lob. alc=e lesif rl c e4 aso aminuta l a hbubestltislforiaimoaiparpet a bel Me £o0 adliOoe Wlls dI,0 .db b valbt aalat mmn nest 7l ipl, e ai, Iiltomouhdhae deoe l!4Ismcir ,asrçdealueuL,.te.aj 41W 7t MI bt t dmarn et&ci ilaSMi.- tita 1 I!uw lm Unie th pgmabos e <wa Mim nsi, a redocts ,~~."» aeuu i utenaue ansuatcfm, eaatl.bild been cmai.tea$ a b ieu* mull dra, u beeitIt t e " mlaliaemi ofL IS ai... bis Nqble tuS M'foawut l be c~ctI M *&" btuast iet V» L ceL o»ISUthe pregiemîobmnrg. casutM., réeew theie of Abinvdom, .stabllicdmieolW.1 sem-itàg a% actuaal»vie fL 1 a1 aiPPqm.bub- lbe POUr Liv Aoausmt Act, aàb Be lbild nov doute. mmd le cotit lbl newtil mrdueliem ofeopmiiîuO fut#10in"0m'~laen the cemamuI., u(Wbalt teiq ~s.niPet a<opaapaled gtau splace..4Ou60Wi Ibsbait ubomu teb an, 11. lbe.gi 1 S~iU~tmlb C.aauiaioer, tovm. , lbal i eaee<.cmait>' c umt but po"m iols.lframedidix th«b.itoso m eou u wonmSé si. lihatmaay e of l the ( l@* -led rt~ilM Wcél,0.O linaheeomr» ofIbbcouci sîmmesimutispive lie vila l"athelmmpst 4"19g fae v ethe la uniat expumilmiO. lbe.uia *« mlunce "lthlcerai relmoaee" of qbnOu"v-* 0eft oMl. pout, m&W b. hoevea étoêee dm. lic eatry. nuce fr omebang diminidiawl sbNe.tueuI>lb. peor ragtsM mouaudesbe% im eeiad impeg. an ta show stade.eb ia codenomAtla eilo<ae. ' l Obc~i - natt aIdolais.. amy îBil =-hW 1 n wf4mmu<ccelha luerea. joi au dciiiqme me. lu a saiaetaisaIiàta îeu taàmiai ithithi e uemeappolateil mdv bi tema onoaja msdouplaodhlibeemr. &&W lth*'asOrses" Act tau "Povisld Ùforîis. ail acer ôilus kî at Tt e M lun mtéi lm ratMbuil îo". pMvludud thnebaait cifnu, 01 oseu tl l It p oaomia a mai 0080- *&U M marsu.mt Oubloaiia. Il votlb. vomaorable profeate iia.iedit oet Dsg- an tali - à. upme.belatnte paumittw hut viullaminov»w kd higlteutthaat il evea did ie- 184 va. helSafier happeti. <aalja.slgfthtie futurefire. IK tht>' Ooma" e r. aat muWh 1 h') gren them b. 1gb.deriv ai toheb.pmujje il vanise mnittmalit e rate et W hil moisey s àaee ol sa>'thaï ltera vas erty resos la vas borromel b>'toreige o.*orwie h ouluj >mair, a.-ataupa tient éslecaimn or Our gamaa- hobaectentâtbigler the. chlieor c (Itueat fciraa opcpeei>' Thewt milen Orale b. eoaa atvy m *ilumtba t f7boyln ,acly in thi to rnI t agiandl bild etotobom h ation. <(= ) a~H. c«eîeiliby lImoki dislb>' eoa.ete mula art "erinig brucli M ing tb.lea .tait lb. patience vihli mhie# thy ugta amUw<etve; Iiedosuil o aje c <brou ey ladedtaimeete a altemcol mieicl à# âlsi. me, Yî.rkbiu e d lb. adueao eoiGleu.<casaIboitbeaieiaae <Clamra.) uln~ ooavteia, &Wnaalei va.Ilseuglbtitbet tho Tbaeeolusionm vern, aller mm e db.l Id'= tllr ceauldeit et Miumaail lb*compeitlon agrocil $0 andl orilereil tube r dcage efthobrier. Darathe b.lai jer,- bot-. e. eSmo atis MofWiltshire 25 per <at, calaiSo.me«-mena liapiy Ibul tuer. ain y thin 09 a vM laie.so»aire 20 per COuL. At1dmicamue lune mgIpouletuiracter in lthe rcamutate pilr- "w o mie s lc*ag bauileinimlucl a d aql(if lteora mere mc oulil mcl moledits t Muut~Ar. Hearer, the intlltigenasteoolmuma vio ai.) lb. factfa, libti<r tlb.estat mx vei, ahm utupMrutetailsthlb.maufactaures, îboug"sit tb. Duke <of Wellinagton, tise leader ci lb. Iuss.,.. eobhletht buaislitgapan aramsalilotposition in lhe Houuc of liard., baFu ft Dffans eex *gwo ri ( thle nartinofirelaci lai, isawelihaownasealin the centre oet lhe le mtel nt ibt ra, le holtre ueantcîaeml ito finit,or dscal benchsud gene laelb.eGaie , wW hIt elolh. The. liai.. oulil nul.ail ought, Winti. Dise Once, lu lia rotent ma» wtý doit.' oeszpace lia laapropoase aby redicîse (taloee hy lhe Dube oai aetarla:i, the. 11 volet.ttuxft"&ica cVINCla as inconsmomî villaB£ailtci Aiteral.n mcdSmoor Iircu 011ev mabmte i mmiuesaume cetpubliecredit. WIi. h igi Tary Peere. Th. (roue bechiqif mot1 u.aevu<t, levever. iucurrsg lb. danger te lay dsortlrd(it tu aeoetm.es »4inacv wWin la a hichohe ui amldeal, lbrovoie <ce or nued .bbd>'by Pe"., aellboyosmgtm àoeu assoleta te iolI.e ofMention midb . hobeaght or egrue apue..T. eisttem cuui le maigle nisoi -AI the ont portet ut bmàhermdt Egllamm, tice MriiefWin-1 the, summ , . a m oambeof mkpia imcsa m oligam uTuuoov- t*fR* vreprml i « fer- * li a S t. gappoareil go b. prmigioms. Ne bail ~ttlieoiiilh. it'lpod MMai eur m aferma.>'dea da mmciWmlbmiosa b. duy., asl!eV». =. ~cm the naIginlmioie, lic mod 'wlais&ab à non ames imumlcm, k-'nd Icqi -et * W- . etisnt ius eugmvu or [dmur ~ eppoogel , ls taaoàImi rothe emi. aa. #hlme r e u a u u e c s < a ~ a b q u o t é » l ed o t sgmm Hippotienthonî4apoe.ese eîlopt 0 d e duslmsmelim e«UlaI'mae taie i su 0s Mrt iscol m Mit th le mtor t.decti £4000.e mpul 'Md sae.Ancbuor q Mer msheio * ~ ~ ~ h cu*vsu ii Juema m.oq i veli ~ ~ g bus s t 0Ue& lb. &oi-te dmwb@ ucb ei uwl ugo' levgftIte <rosIbu te <lau e" peledmaifor mhci lramb mar,« eireai mimdoty cab«"ve. Tbau the PM"ait. ie ait<cader mare crbilç > gbulaasultmovla~~th* te"aio - a te mnne TIse tux a W eprawl minse> b>' provelg b orou bealcte mmnrre, and mueu-1 fulre uid mot a orab ofs ci alu heir.aeitt.la ibis caa.eiho lhouàmi b.~~~~~~e mtheaieariatiac b dut>' vit lam>'l.. ia!g uti scy enolmis ed , b. herevemsae.ilspoeudi ted... lb. du>'Irrmand ta 2L.4bho l.pn houe~~~~~ cruaimabe tst .os.as Mec. nmpiob.jathe m. md Soriçu drmai oul! balje ils»som pruportie etaWM eresi re maâ un .a,. i w r ut iv .quoe UU'rtheli timw aufffl m is""ste miat for. val tbe cmasil feBtumàn.u tbe hird for 4a " mdth edourIedmmd b t ii cosu s% mmlw« Eim.Courtes>' (racsancremIbody i sud tucqeomIl>«Peu n la teRom ef m*Lt 6lte ab>' cher. ebo,) bocovot, &Mec# a .Peer ordoloestgn9"ie tk* it la»ua4 r ii beemsplsus, cm the bigheeel or deumi kbo"c* b«at ot t)g"<al>1 1 Lrdeo r tak* nuspmer vem'cU bae*l*o. bu foo in eta nsta Oak ru plaft mm as ie: Lord Bitos mborm-g a baron, end oué et the evon*m tmlaciam ude,b.d bilver>'mai ecca lb.he O)ui. MXdibuail ousa oelan que& rtien, -ame mok Iatht ilie bleusre "bled tbe prepraaly M gaade ms te Itoums ORs lb.e uçttotb molilbe *"bld ille mmlauo.moaiooe1 ercaie of tiaiet a-peke!"'1 >l mho vauo c e educôi buscI. nIte i Md Pliai uclotca Mo4lo ui. oMer>, emidoall' cdli a vlawcioSoppomntgRai modaetuWbond; 9li ater mimq = 1 aim aare MIbu, mil Mer>' murat pol Odueus. IMioM lt u . bi s nq e datgoi à» l d wit cu afi alcufo msc ittec. On ltaet memcuajai. mra lqp, miea lb. King venit doms te 1 oue.and audielem 'proreueilit, aotblmgo teo&silmoe t isa la ample mottes tai op*sajelicnos'md dW"seustod paulicu *bu le ore t.y eoaboadaagevea mthle beuramg Mlet>j-{oicjLiterr Ucrapea avubv unam.-.y t cLe iMiieifEbeer -i 1 %W udate sae ,, iiptooi#âofa i eésu Sm tie. 1mdai d,.teJâ& mihi' .mmd W& s. Orn ett« b. MWar, lb au iii..oqSt à *..tW qiý hdia hNkgoleviP4 upceile.j t Ptihniboscag, ~ 510,000. Ti reulc et p m P «.d B~ P sc a. ii at .u *0 mhremd *x o ualema irc savnneofbou £<.I0..UuslsaiuI.s aO-Tiersia.be Vuuy noiel. b.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h tiadbe haitgl ii. rtie5o for nn.dm s ad W *a4 6rm i e* b u i t u l 5 0 ' * u i , 1 tu-ne alliUs.Cpe-cI,1 Ui 4b Iwo aca Labo Ontarie, or by th " g t(lams itoe et lb. mue is-s A» an md otiter pablafeth itbs imbu. tmy bou Mitai ail theicnter colm lne "Camada. vith the couie 0allure LàlS Otariole lacarril oen lhemg IIII e llmi idCamai; end Ibrogh the Mel e bmuIm nom elea a d e "aO.wfq ' Mmd e"mpt@peehntamlrio. rapidly ieresa WC in impaienae. Te the counâties et Ul»BieItue M tiser by <b. Erie. c Wmilrtd CamaisI.lb.te mu amtaam 19the bout *iSaI c e ae A>aîaed:Boti tise a O* lo i aray Circauitus te LaIt Haros NgMIflgmmip. New, b> actatl'Urvey, il id <-tzmai abat thm distance hetweea WeU4in Stelscure tabeai*l ai.Ontario IdIeW »on Laire Bure, do. m n r- d1mie. whmbie, betlvte lb. oa f iês f lb.circuit of Lobke Eri. b.mde mii g eea 400 and 5MO miles.- et. Wiandl Canal wuli, lae tb.e ve b &uchadirec ail short emrlao igopemed np beeen LakesOnaai, 'j Rosai, by lmemeanu b.rendereuu"male but it ld ai eutrmain lbe medium er in. di ercouue betlvtel.ftuiîful reienis vbkl border tlitesou bich il ceonnectu. Bu, àt la bu$olulelyreqaucit*, la complets lbé fimagêirtaCai mn of internat commuaies. tien mbueb, :Y mmna of olîr Iia mail rie. y 0u, ce hope ila afem yoare a uo la fui Oplbeao, te bave a railroad or canal b. Iveca lb. pointu above-meaahiotid, oet Lakca Ontario ail Huron. Examiniag thb. characlor ofibea propoaci route, in hoc fer It wvol, permît a rail-rom, boing formel, ne section of lthe provinee vo aurcocevineo, could be fotoni bettef milmpled for a Vmo fthua bIna. Wiîth t exception ni tome bitls ia the immedmîte aeiglheourhood ef Wellington square, t t -ontry tlareiagb vich the romil coutld pou ia 1aW,ad coyered i mlth bbut Maiteilais tabstb Confit b. uceit iaformation. Wa ca t lY acar *rl, ro tth lne rpendn Gacre district»a mie among t. he aet taets o0( lalb.theCanada, and vould cf tlIeu atseves auppil ceautdcrabl s tade te the talromil, independeat t fil.tua, lanlt.ltan ail ofI <ce lu andl prodiscebelween 11the p par lakusamailthe uM. But 8au apeadous are the remuls ch amy b. naturaiiy expecîcil fru itsbiscaler- prise, anti ubicb cvesy one muai et oaci diacemn <bal; ce Bel il: ta hoau ii.vraste of cords ta mai auy laboureil attempt te f 10Samomdi 1. W. ma>', bowver, hu poraitoi te retenr, Ibat a. lb. Upper Ca. nada Land CeIPP*b bu aold mde a par- chuse oetoe MI" of etacres ef land, tbraugh bihlcthebraiva>'mpassepo, tua Il. internatsamre teriamy arccormd iatIi. 11819,118 fae liaertaiiag. vhiel, if Beatty piroemted vould *saancte b. aluet the tbeapaay es tar du se me wnt>' or Ibluypur 4 ChatriUl, voun feraail, b. souglit. Ibo pspcedllvy, in lb. mcx lesm- _t e lb.th e r a il- bMm ea i thustS, Lawme . *Oiaieuni Lae.Hap, Mlcbwua, aa v opoormud'w er um enaatribials. = sWdmu 4 lb. MdIU!Rem.uamui "xamOat, vas i ei n Thead> (y' test Ast. a bidt, amci bigril b>' h ni 10leatI audIer mun lism eeeueamffy. Tonmue oam ecuereile lroogi the cis- .Oubisilemal, lis foomua Caut euectbseoieof lam l*l!eraadi bo peoplbicla p4eut vielemueon miecssWàvaa.oe ma.md l illa- 'sm fo l>.moibave boo mthtole ihbs mmj u hag complcloie ser- otles>'4>'L..cMmm«auOz.) W.adr~mitea Bv bkgsgte * > j e e tbi , c o B i , c s l u I o c l i"MOr of mct i vs, Weil MUs r u a a A po rnosb >'tlisMnana aItp. on very et tiie t Aime St t Leuonistric. t -,paoPout.] «Anau vaincOIVmItyuAIL, e 3191,SUtE i*» DV îe oe ràd 10. t De be t. d b.e Waoght orvartthe a»Ilb. aioq oue f idont Provincial Pariment, Ibm cugint te e t b . c e n a a o p î m i n l i r Ie r g l e t . b *e reltaions belveen the Imo Provriace on a pasent. Tt e.jaaoec te Upper a. amil, aidl t e érve m goni aidersbauiag b.- met ou e euProvines, MMom atera ' alter&. w teomémuet ieb.made in tlb..ii.miuarrange- 5 Meule rscpetimg t<b.gradeand revenue af th IbmconIr>', Mat tlis Provinceaa>'receive leler anilosateil riguis. mnd au langer b. a * vaui lt .tr ip.ot'ls "rle. Tii. cm làI maleaUdl clajees aiancoil b>' Lver a- Canmaa.n the tlut division oft' he duties asma mde, cilaotiser ligui"ect in ois- i Meula. aIme bal lier, lano dilpiiicn ia o thb.patricte ftiaîProvine leidoum jus tics. Tiamaxime a"relocal mail ho>cau, audiOL ePaIl te>'gsi. 'Ibaipaltioimu couefote iln g temeacl . lb>'eas Mr lIe.publie revonue for Lavrer Camails, lIa, ttal.> @Ms>'l9" .b tter du i lbs w om ct . mr i la#" tepiaislag t pressairebîMMt uM"rplsgidlslt authacl>' v*r the Uppen Pnovdme.Tie f"othaI for seFerai Joar. t4b.> ba efuraudol uair M 00par n* lou, '*~tisI o ivsmciiag te ex. pool froue liera bal entai, leglulaesandil laima1 aaroedMce ontaurviglt.- ?ra evussa 8teImperial Parliament vu eMm a iw à iagedreOtcar grevam- . c e s , le> t in s a tlp tlo sa i sa le nM s e ras m viii am Gl>' <iv. lis province ber dues *m Of. M b dutimu IaiW tQuebec, but 9 ab1 eim MVU ot et. hi>'dalua ainaàport <1 b e r o v .a k. le igaly iugmding.aU isjniromi#0la "il Prov. ine t Loeci-&Camaishaold à t« Ourtlmparte et ev'pleaure. Wabavo nee m ule. uer l erimil in t e l A m ut i>, et a tb.>'tex es go ey Pham .Tbo>uMy ifV te'111t1 kProPet double ae Irebl b it- 608ue mm uaiarticles as are Mcc09u"o4 in P iothe Ptovlause mailolte o reteso. llntccmusla.el ithnot bcbrngrepremt- £ otan iltéatisa etk esma. Wlsil.U P- Pot Camails cao m su md Be6 , vo mai- et mitb@t tale 10» Poaideics baut c ltaI ai mie ara rapidif rmching ame qoail>' mliiias Me Lover Prvince, and swab0,Pumuer a fromt smi i.-bmaiMg Iban eduemblbite, ï w.-u msobumete t ofl dur, Otit, X, lU>' lndelaiai ci etLasvr Cmmaim aa lion. Vf, WeddVUmgVers deberred ly sam. toi* kem 4iUMAPor~5~t W4dewn jurie- te;itfasvers tlam*sboialedmmot raseg *Sebu luhlspuaii., as.;e il Poehlmty 'fM. t'W "a imOnur eV* e ~ -o. ,ta.a'- m sil ml Oâté «emdcy mibe m asusled d hi6e.s mecete mS> rm.u.Ami Viw Mstej àpgpotae iv. i'teai 91N JIet iJa-O l a jampenwp m in itWr ca ba~~l eor «Ok" up du mbe ilrlMIw e g Qg t* il Neva taublth9igaut vils b. ond in ar pape. te-"y. IN.*poMM*c& et . M ecson lau udu ist t b. Du ilga , W in i b. Bi e m il i r p . ~ s i g v .a e Ie. M I e t e . . a1tb. an rdK lg m - T b@ a m u ¶ e i aer ne om anî» S gue y deproae . *m l o l i r me tof théb able ar prdomtel.-beig proprou, mail boom& ,t an m stom of e l.nation mois, beflt. On uievaou lre. ocam o*0vebave ad the pless me of &a ru iag bt u r frie ds a" d lh . publie lbun v I res erow m t Iat va Md aimd o l sont apdbm lma. WO have nov lth. graiàletiof M tatiag Iat1 cUita th c bel Ibrta l v e ha" o receivedl a ,a eon c M ae ry one hu dreil e v submiubers. H ancd men mailtru. Te tisc sGenloemn vho bave kunit>'intere t. ed Iledv«lvtb.pruob ei.circulation of Pbia p u , e ba l ove tlute" dusou t ame l c orda l l am b , d t b.&m asur e 1c , n d l eut otiten um a c i . a nm d lhe publi c gener- &»Y*, tal ea&bal enacaîwPur o reder the VpOr tCanula érali aili more vorthy of1 tl4a terai approbation uich àiloce llat> roeev.. Au lhe flral! bmesacirculation A t eau t q u a lte m e, p ap e r lan lb.e O bsIict, wirkan con ai lculy r ec o me nil il ta o r adft rtW mcg (i o.sm pe m il>y - a r ma- Fie-raechlly eofthâiachu w.ho are Ottab. ho ivet teIodeProvrn laIel Joe~o .other p"roe~lh k Cityad ma port for L4 Promince. To that port-th t"U(t 1 and -M aieb.changeil to ht«ý comne uaccg-Iet tbe Capital anaelen k y aildi'tnuence Ébat are embarke.4n th pUPer Canada leadeble taere d "bUM » b. aga h naÇee.rrcd '>1 by Cà-adian piejudim ead p.iybt Mauil bail! tup a City <ha ai tapcacjî adonna the Province. IWl frci BYt6vm an the aigbbourho oi,tsi l le .disturbeil by tic riotou, P... 1 o<a boy o violentme, cie, , - su d. I u k s r , w o a e i , . t ,ý M n ýa- T h e » e nea h a v e m d el e n , 4j lacis 00 the Cmnadiaau who arc nen lui tb.e la0neOccupation or on Sten ma1 hu ave chased i amway. uiow exteniJig <Jiir enmity to (lietai al anstores kept by Camaedia ne, 60O ihil thÉat loverai merobat Peaka of îea"n rDYtova 30te li more peaceable îotn laewhere. Mr Jubosova pruaieu a<k lova ere lately burncd, til . UPPoaw en mnoeadiary. Mr. j.. sInlhired -*IW. Tiie *ahabitants of Bytow1 a pIerIto #aExclie Sir8wJouta Colhom fra military' guard la ho atationcîl îin lie order to put dowai <lacSIiaersto Exrccllency lia.sdeclined colplyjîgi h. rcqu em î. T he inhah ica nt r C rn. made a similar requcat fur a guard io prenne ri* pon lh. canal, mand wî brell1l ai on. line a Esiard va. Prîîtiised ce toally; but, ath. n rota bave caq, t6 guard il ii ot hb en.t aaw. Furoroq Part me do nt pprove of thel. appembi tb. milittry, as tlacy are îtherel byil iut contient vith 1he people, alla an onjux prejudie. ils hus cxciî.d again&a(le e. uiy. Thei. fnda of order andd or tii.lait are .nucb atoreetaunervuas tIan titn tr.1W1 #Y, and are vel able Iti pregerve <lie rjý» if tlaey Wvil only c in Concert. V i. "XIl COOWOmits have beea furmed in di&. ent parts>oM lhe Provinîce: let ltheilltia, tant. of Dytown orgInize tIbeenselvs , a ride coepny, larxe uhair ti.,ea lea. thesecleai satetd limes. , ifa distarbanco recoursiîarcl in a hody to t6 spot, and capture or disperse tlhe îtteme, undl Prot thl*.peaceable, <te. we tîika be a bellot plan chan catling othlieto0 r>' at cicr>' tomul ait may occta; je beula it cosy lapo.. on tla.rfeîto m ises... ilit f i 5nt, yet whlien once tit avil-diupoeuil mot <bt Iinisa pose et banil that oea brrqandm lpunisial iie bhey vii b. ladIo b. que. Anoiteucri bi la BvtvaIIIa Ithe vant of efficient os giiisao, @ii bdte dinttmo. rom thlaCM411o .twPurtia, vii fa wehc:ieso, la euh . ýQi ili b.iemde otu te b i j n c e t o W e c I B j o v Ù a nm d th e. m . ruadiggtovmabipau1joos paraî s 66uc £00 t* e ou tir es em a on a he la. iâi. ital haveite*lei and prcparcd for a r * ftéRI bi@ %celisecy Sir JiAclii ons but tbeY bave bh41110 o n dilialiia es, M Otv hep. 114 1.7twill bo griîi. id befem loing. Be ailols evisteis ue aI 4 ohMa-n bual guiti' of the mismu. Henry '011, ai materne. -v-_ ilfgeutl the opinim Ir. teother J3«4%» amuIthb.taken ona ist etlav. - : -' ,tuiàRobert Mat"*$, wis moatence t o h. i O I h t t a ~ p f < w 5 $ a v m f e r F r- g e y . About Solock 1maiSaboril> aoain ealmo* a~m*jy lra i of e» 1AvmlOeftt »d E0 uoe ami ra lask Wbvgin amia dis torc. lie' miii R bcmm& ArquUetç&gnCidreurs mnd lthe twuaQ v qut gi, chseeiand cagaîur.d it hW,~~glieil lao. OtarStore 414AR ia,'oalaet Brou et least huaif a>'tp lie amog beau practiéell a , fnsWuen1 itercur>' or Mttciy "mo dim th. po.c WSvek. ubgue ahin. ph...te observe État tif lic Worm and miii ab s lmle ewuea iilt ro4w OWailmt uafétctit s <bCeit e ciseuu eviswut .1nt allerMuttar rWbel amhaenii > ttile, or charge ýveubbe I» cp mu tba 1 lse ta"#m Cemmie nl ho be, oel nu>' m b î le Q 1Lord Pluankol -kc part, lhe Du bal ag obWoi ote i.to reqolales 1a mo. is d eL itea pouetngthe "boteil Plems ,oreseseill mmm .4 Lw# n r6oj eqamosa M eje lia sali: t Itme «Immeillalsl>'cal! eljadvamcédlandi raIe aexo Ite i 'um roieuetlie. homedi lt egI fire mers aj[rce Prty le fond lb, e.6 tbiele lchte. Mo<@uai ti ho dreorqq ticir ab*i vbled; ii I-for b teil lb. v aI boom bu vla Milne. mob tbia drvl ungbyo îe ut, ut celomlmd,: et alace, fu i tbo MM MIl 'asP. A. m i 1 m