eveuly Robiln, l hein; cltcî4 ownsaen, s lc harrasmeti b, rreuc 0 0 ame wbn mtrihi !i tht grît>c it., tao 0r ia. 1er aur torluii Drter.] jalwart, Vu, fr, eWn, andi, Vers vrondros diopîaly me lntracuitiiily asà ta Prisent i niai lacne. il, 'atfernore initer ,rnery te iccu litm are a hmndred e C haudiere, but lumes nuatra beab. nd sure ws are, faucia tht rcssuu, enaabuprisirig i-. ares tai te thin la 1-Palnter, te tité Ilb1hhe, agnîthr amnual, mnctis ta6 waulion maou Iiacnible rtssi. veubld b. a tiienr >pie, seul teiuit .ad fulid. l'u eto, hili7 ctuttte' tiject in bt.h die- janycas1tiS coutti i bis tuai, Heiry ho viewe. lWttt lie lisau Cal., o in tbe buiiie,, tbid. ua In speir articaiiarb.-(l'a' gay lai, as liae la, ail Niagaie," 16 eosit.g fuiut! 1. la front oif lis part, Capst. Soit-. eka, ai %se ut- if holding bAt i tit of v. aid. anr- alaly plecti.k e t bat ruitt itcrable tiCuti- thae bs-tv, put ta ckvilbo ilcisuti- [-Fionas nov tnt1 bai boati of lb, ai oen. huard ihé reca tomet La- Lil, anti the aril%, r vert, meraousl me man" bas sies paru, origiiislrd ilha laboaaeis gi. n sud4 moddilit Fry, in tiBs 1 laesg Mern. ta qualieé a taiS titamni cf )OtC5 mal probihli be ury gea cordi« 8; oùm aif thela loed» sua le 9111 se-W) ittie c"utlsit nIoipiti visea a oqea f a it ani fr am tas teaig meauci m S A i a n s § a t oit v a i r iseaf fgii Aine or la d2 - il vol i i ml fgilgIe t, im, o. a th e fus wbmI tas lfls;,but a qnustity t So athse tasis. sas alii ~l7 d in abmoisthall leur aras ta <sa leur miaules rhraatoal bn.Now the ii wbot jtefcu dm0 ar, sir teritthse le st mlibr; bai htilitre cogouig to- lo'.c iijhe*bud a!the.piS seogklieti Il btibarn asat rn y guandtisougb medim Of'buPresonn Ontiet ambject ,auld bal#va asitine or teu dtollars, a, in(n timej, i ta aiMnSu la.a ma. I baiale hes a idit reeie b.,kwaudt Of Ait-- iies bcanmauri- ~ ifforma~tintt.Ugite Pre»s; i. lardly ally elle of tile:,shaut ,dprtb. Omlt'fumet i@tao a bur t~fîrmser*-sis,.ay, 1 danlt 't sl tialurg butt waevry one inows; heu ift, 1 amnotalqualîiedta 0write nny gui he pble eye tanse; bat tes. sa a excuse# ; if a fiaraer vattli write n h,, sesirang. 1the Edalar woaal ciwa oli rnoa-0 10maie il At fer lherpfeua o1dtuttice leeof il. salunch. AGUînat FAUX»O. badiiaostlfougotteionsy, that sasytaptos , Instaits as a frquent îic4tMsioia ef pig ta soratciu ils bell7 wiilla its&led '.t.Ti' 1 ppîset Ifirst ta s octaslon- la, a tors. f itchtng; hatt aber the inter- éxàmninOf, i have ne doutaitil srois- a te paiti i nernal inimamatietal. )b.ELANCtiOLLY ACCIraarer.-Mr.Brs- c-, laie Qarter MaalrSargeant of lte i) heguatit, mel villa hi&deatla Jane- r frquîtaile. accidentai dicarge o! lsia JingpiteO. r. B. il appenins vent out lan te Mors- t te neugbbouiooil «<b. Don Rivet ahout auie: borrowa lis haitaiipoil- (roui theickeeper of (hoeIbridges ta 1r1 - osean; andi white gettingita<theobouaI lie-it guis in taone hantiwi< lihe ranz- las ards in, ati(tha pastilluntise ot. te gun by tmiae accident %sant ao and contents pasacti in uithtii riglît brenist ail assiaithte smttudcr lMoade. Hel. imteilu iy, retlrneu ia) le keper'i lîos-ei- iuuiilî laethie warlion tthie bouse, 'si am -ati isal" and rquaitiglier tlu Ia idtp tteal; %-lienlie ftl on he i.gr'onandm par i n a feue;iaues. A l " Coitn au tvasiconmpdisteilr ido onLitsby:antia verdlict o! 'Acca- nliii (11,31111relurneti. ,I. lbcaiick s'as upwmrdus o!thirty aus i lac l5thi eMaient, in w luçit le rte a iieli clarater: a i recetitly otain- Ilisittichurge tIetaitrtat willa a suitalle noism. Wu unilaralmuti thlithe body ii lie iterretl tMisaatiersaooiin tieno Ccit ituritigruinil, wilhi appropriates milita. luttors Ity Iu(Il liconuraties ila ms.- r. B. ltas lîfta téRuf a n. to aeptfora iarttabie iJoie -[Turo)nto Craurîer.) INGSTON, T17ESDAY, NO!atMBRR 411111% 4betftre]I o'Cluock. W. aaties I. rcceia ed t'tr Near Y<rk Papei'àbi t eîîimg [bil tey CCoti olateitattll ial Eiroie. BIkînvie ul bet (ounil Ii h ittîta of intelligence. Il Irio t Me Ciyliaat th 0 Baaak E %oiitilt iliiitake a bIll w iillsa ltiee tially J-it Stock fBanîk tinil, 11,1,lr il latever nihier liamesien iii le li lsback. Il'e are ioriaed liai a v .ucirrîil ou Tlue.tay, %vtlena bill of o tond %vs refugiel, muditfur tIbis remi, liuli lte îery respectable nature, ofi 11%,iat & C;. weru ipui il. i e Lnvion paiert waas ezed ut trre,'aanielett lieru It otlogueilui dîils na Itl. ,e idtuci andi puicy of site 'c h liioerI1olill. Lt-lers frît tiCeloa aa i htan cîpedi. Iîrearitîi ai ihal port, t,, hring Don 4c irt a MiIatt1a lensa- attii« (b it uei .i lira tyhie t iitatioiei-oftviar, lilloweca a a q1 ii . cllISi reheek armi±l tto* atirail a Cotrvetîte~. îio liiîîdrV iatSavora, aloi wdittulg fur or- Lomm O()t, 10-%Ve .Ire happty loi il,t,, asati r ,, .eau l'O Liibt alia , n te tett l vit't.N r- l,(lie accialta tit tiiitcniali- p t'aiîri v iii tec(,Ii t lite excibe leîîartiaîirî. [Globe. t ta dceritîed on bv our Cuvartnent endt ait atila.atl rtr ef irgiit clam ati ll-Itlte. %ilierge W,, are line repreftmefd tii a ctirce iaffairs t'rellttrv Frelig,;aI., asaistant ofIlte *Lltnqt,,ipuat ifie, lhUwjqlo ie l ariasc it hll i ows tgru laitke l'iz«îttlfor Ile transmuiission or tnewa. Peri trer Of tie. hut>.llte fri1n niarket i; heury teselit, " u î t I lietest raî carcity of t!Wîciprevailg, a4.., Ille S1,ausil4 üiIný 110, uwer firui l Paris, ias au lot iite Sîpaliii ark1 OX-.Afaîttr tt ane <f Oi. per ton1 liepieu ar ilooluk pliceun theli t i . utin lValeaandî Siaffordsiire.1 atîrli i lictera raaesa uft(rade I 1 -iere is every r Imontuboer. eti. 'lt pce uull be (oh7 ainained.lie ris apipers of ISl i ametonàreport t Louis Pliî1ppe ija ,miedti te i i Prince P1)nacant is eti b mcli- , atîea, tîe otIlî Vastateti thal ividuata ai bt liiresnunoînî lie trialo i1 cj a lit Spring. basbean ta ipoact PArAtelcrapgh alipacit troeIl ie, nluic btaccoiats 5bas beau 1 &le t S- Sebagglian ora! cor aa inI over uIleCarlimia ai Vicarl7 be-je i theY Sualet,Î great los.,« aSmva it cln ou adrii, [lad igiven1 ut.ieut1uu- aud ubîited to the gLa? tlvicVtrainMadridt tathe 31 iUp uîiratiiU tir ,fralent (bt tt 414 4eiîtt ia a ai ikeljrf<s t.troubles in Spainu. lia,*defcated saiedl'yIg PbsM ae - seL l Uaa, su arnme Wu MadeSi ivoar tlwée vebo mgo Ibe gavaine m pms e sthe nsusc ofite aiuttle lnm8te %ham mariai by dm6 isPqg tieaoesg tovaaipm d Ivsep La d twIi ton boasbaaiau qmloreu vs am et inc ss isa teqemoty of Pbai. Oma farmer reMovel 4301mk fWrisa pri, emd .mny otisem lihme ysi considrable Marna And the qtsaly lae w"muesttsoi eais tii. quanity. This a m"rv!uwMts taehly valeoma, e st a ova t th bre viii b. bul tile poil Bam 04»i.hée Jeat, saris« to t tth(utrae oftiaitcoin b, tis drougit, andi iras diease amng tlsir bogé, sail IIshows liai tOur agitiltural' "oam tra lithe atatention tu the rais- ing endi htmnag ci stock. Theiy viii tis supply tise counry titi provisions, aid keegiat bous-thse nmay siwi n owgoea *s picai Amre &en.(ama,, itaouIy by Meemduly paaslimg Iism ys"tstat vo ais t ender ou country lidepndntio Iboih lSats, and show suffmeit tassa ftaxiag Amricon poduesei.laporle ioto, Caead.i-B mesuretisai vii .mmi proie bly, be aile introducati mb oui Auambly. W. ieep <is sihjeet before tihe publie la aider I tsiuaiatm a»l oui lainiers Io cepy lb. exempla o( sanie of tisit nambet. Our crs imuit b. diretedte ttipenduces inthe countrymai (bat wew vî, anti vo hope In 1 sas à comsmencemnt eolt in nufivtures belote long, etpeally tlb.meusetue cloth. lb appare, ihat "lIS le Wetiamdsy glite 1Il1h instant, eoigtd dte tisa Atheti coul, aid viaseita- eat Newv-oek, ltagi nut muci damnage va s sstainet in tisat quat. Onty usaithie ae-&ogauam. buste performueti botttip vitliouh satbeint or aeiin; aheilar. Tise novvieisfed ac the 121bandst lth, and wvinais aiglibmutd barely vhilamad thet panai, et Mdontrei alfeU tlalaiy, a h etvy fa o mevW", but tiS trm metiaDMotte have ax- tendit fer bayont liais tevai. 'the gale of the 111h ppasrgto havi been mar dieau- troue On Laie Ede tisa. on Ontario. At Bu"aleneseesly great damnageva sus- tainat. W. lasva giien partieulara filmas Duao al iper. O. Fridey areniog lit ve ha4 antiotisarefurie"sgale.The «houmar Iiaton mibtdinlathe moeu(r O(lege. auid afer procaedlg part orthie vay. marn ta oui anehe.. As the pis inensauset lid le slip bh a ei, aia mivrovi, scapati aiipwree inlartdrimalug te dit' . lcag ber hait bovea cachar andti forty (attogao! ch" aais.a-le.Tiihesu mboat litqpktIia deas into bieflay. . 6ii'. îi ý'p veto bbauv thy iagtgkg ber wdh in ilaipitfant; bet mmii9"deeut Bisa gale at ancier vith thes id of bert anglàe. ise pcemtngtti puittietatic saI o! ienovlodg- niants the itscapisiae, a> nt Fieto! thae Snokvilbe, fk hir catared ahilil du-i ring teisgae. Thie auisttsn bhattlied s k a pnippe blovu dovu et tise vienfiu- raaag liaealu. Tie Robait Ena. bas bean loved i ito Sackets Hartacur. As tla navigation of lbhe la nsasrly Cloud fut stieu RoBsIt tis sesson, ravl-1 ers vili ha intcremted ln beasting tiat WUal- lèr'# lin#s of Slages au smett iln boetw ceiBellevileanti Torceata. Tisaes- riages aid orfae ameu to b. excellentl. As uon as tIse Bay isolustil hy lo ie ts- Cem sl ho laid on frtte Kinigston tu BcIle ville, ilius Couapieing tha rouie andi pre- ilervinc taintetruple oni amaniatiota villa SToronto. IEatly yetray moraig a mev siorrn caue ou ndattcoutinueati dey, covering thae grouadtiAve or six inteites dsep. Win- ter cîrriagea a&e ues, but ties ieghiutg s bil goud %et. 'il i urning oua itarbour vwu frozen utce <olt Paint, but titis iflernosn lte %% imd liai cluangeile lbtheuatis, t<e vot- er ls awsre, saittise &a nd mii am arar pull7 dissoiing. Tse fcilowingtaesoft tli bave beas as- l4UeblsisutIayisExaeiieaey Mr Julie Col- lçame, fo(et oduasu sections of the Il- deamaiCasai. Me topy -froixthetIt00ceal Frntm Kimaite % Dg o atshumor Toua Co CaltaPmssigur, sit Ckiédream à&n2lyau al^ b. eP sit. Win 8"suwmm i e am a. It Md a S, l. M iPm ton. RUe mii -be lui pma'çMa ah, Bpu Wt a"bps Pusam.. I Pad AmI. pot»IL. IL O'ak, pot feutixa]laitsor @@eVau d.ps Pio.uas, aMdru «*timeeroP, uholmbin tlailug.pot15511 a.Sê TIiw M pbl44re ess s la fi. T&"@a K .=. 11-. ¶%uaia tIld. ma, 4 sI ~~~~8a7s On Fritiay aigut a blacminishop ou Long Isandi, iabuasmidevanby <b.eagnu- fing of s at o!cfcharcSl. Tho population af Nev Youk b, thse lest msim r e.sium. Telm. l ea.. u mm 83 l ~in[sssîa omet kr ptt-hear omm. e l=egat Tler; aM "0 plum a"aehode The ppoutfe!AU inl 13,712 14,M1 Sa &a" rom, rua w4x x muefr Tlié tasimitiaaidatiezg- thepeir a"" mtw vwd bo.od vessain t baport âM L".ehkh lnve baeeshoot te eienfw ewe. aalma. Atm m.-emi"esbave (sien pis.. thouifa ieldames& Bs sa31.4kv i Mmd 4% à 403 abd ede(ai, w @a pa.-1 lstèsEtà crnuh lowa, qeosmu i Fs.ou a.-Tae oaly nias isiceour lait consât of about 0 bris. Finée at 2 a :r>=s 90do bMitdinge et hi. du. a"d 15 doIlea.Uk tit, (rom the Canal, 90 laya. Pnovitioa.-4§omsnmaies ior k (o 0co1OMusPtion, bave lan place ait ounquo- taaomm. Butter h» ld et8d per lb.es". KINGMTN MABEET PlîIcE Fleur, affie,pr do........... 27a6O0O .ourdâm, d . ........ O25a O O S oednm s o d o. ..... ..... a e0 0 e Rurbey, do. -2S aS ltye, d........O O poIns., -..... .'0'xelO Bads.parlSb,-:. V :oàs, do............ .. . .*Sa 0 Park, do.........S O Do do........O aO CaadP., ei............ 7eO Eixta.pedo ........... .. ..e3 18 I Saïipar cmte........... ...... a1O3 Egga.mperuam. ............. Ss85 o. prmerane"l,........I 3a 0 .pa r me i0 aasl.....s ea 0 e RaLmr 614..............e.o400 o45e Waofper oecd.......S eaO Deef.pewewt 00 11,7i?6 Fl lon, d e................12 O aiSO <'ieIIi peit Paidmiei, by île Ts-.AieS. dama. BstmairM. JaIsm. i I if Lealla Dmat.~e Evuas e liWi AI ara. a ti M i t hielii,. . je Je"iy , utoite A8mas uy1 Celemmicoq. et P"ns-ait" .f ir .Es rq. of Cauemx eii Isisas3=e.thiad àmaueoj.la udmmodaet q GuOry-$ CneS At Lawd*mslei sbrow, m " 411 g.bu t.,17a lai B bCuç~2eaaaWm. Lurd. W sdita diaemer r i bm DWv.TiiuMsesfl Z Wav-W àr a . rs. yhMdl e Ipai et. hem or aIbela ae u*a., sOu s eS ul M. coeu Ujile l'je' e.w Md, 0Immall Îb§o oi.im ame in» Umiml b=aibitV ndvsabihmnil dele aerverY a*- ttàna dy audàvsu, .1 TO LET. Ç,IDVoea16Wieao telODe- ;,qboer aoit, "atlar1 u d extaumivej Hp* lI im TvaoriKlmsont hava 13-M My~O2L iJ~ 5eaaa vile ,asLPiaui- I; zwilb a largeasIamsa. *d 11éi sooa. m l emitty le the lda 'IUeis a iToast, l.ie arteleuls ad>a 1r kat, aniuds, iCourt Mou. ,Thte are lar at extenive Stables, and Otnt-bonsm, ii da sat comaedjuu Yard.Thi. preste vold b. Letfor sny perioti muter .Ip$lcations te b. addramid.sLI paid) tKin stin .18. CAad, Nv.18,88. bsmy Arpm, TVl"sOlsarvar, Uaheisr Dally Ad- v*,tbur. tiae.oPanasaient. w EssA, Mmd the O9ailà pA Epeitas, Win avils hebslae foartmeetima. ~PHICVLLAGE o, TIOROLD ocCli- Spaiesbeth aides oathahuotit u i tda or asumit level of thea Wellîa an al filet aboie the level of LaiesOntario, sail isinovu abepapeurlybaUg. TI«ari r Mié«Pue momarskeoin ils vicinitv; andtitttands in the cenbtreofa sie and tolU-caltei tdwaltcoaaaia sdirect lîne btwfta the City of the. Faits andtiUt. Ca- thhrineas lan1the Niagara District. »ut à yom Cau bil atet i fou ate origin, anO se I*PilY bis it progÉes et i sa rw costal»mu mre thai 400 monls; taro Churcli- osa "Oiabaume, POU 0,Ece several gooti Shape, andi s Medicail Establaishment , an extensive Fleuir silI, a Brevrery, andi four Saserilisý, vith Bliekiritls, Carpamuari', SaimlraCaiuasier, Tailur,', anti seveisi other Tradimemn'.establismemnts, are t(uulasark. A ew Carding andi Pull. ing M.11, uda Griot mdi, ae ncaiiy ,eady for wemati, eta sgresi nuaber of atditionsl boumas se Marly coupietei. Tieataadirect eoîa.unication ltaLabo Ouotl,md Laie Erile, hy a constant suc- ceamion Of S&hoessers a ta mrding pi idvsnlam*2for the convoyante ait *wcbandii@ snd atieultural prodece ailietivnt amktî. fTho statue buia fait forty &ret, ai ipver te au axtest ejual te prrpelien iibnery fer Roy manfados-1 ib uli. ,fer vitei *kg"biamilS#go* ame hg As&A oil Taîauery could ieb. orboti CIgeu qavnae.bak being e eastly tided t= ïmlb.fouisie1 Chifpeva Anti Grand-River. ise Seljacriber, ln caliing the attention f Mnlfgtuns andi Mecbanio. te tit is. rit vinage. lers nta e sen . very adi- ut*goeui Lots, nmodermete trme, snd tomte oasttsr»um oaly. 1 GORGE KEEFER. Illert, October 1835. ' 87M OfZSubacriplion IBooks fer the Sock A o te GREBANIK vil le penatt ith fiinstant, sMrdtclorai e*&the92&b tM r asflloving jlme. 40o >de de *do ebevgdedo licîiie de do Leadoni do do lAabtarg, . de d de do de e Êt d n tisUeiAeba k1m de 'eesiuk c Flaz . delaasBout Sb .ad. Leather Stuge, opposte th1e NAlket Square. i*> Al»o jSt raceived a large iminply of India Rtubhe B OOTS AN.D SBUE. Kingston, 1lth Noi., lm3. CAUTION. AIM Pomen r aby Zforbitiden tb A porchase that Part of Lt nutaber twaa bh-ndrtiant ma17three ini the Togib f =Kin tonaimmniîoned and described !a the Deafor thoemarne frona thte laIe Josephi Da- ly to the late WilliainUsbtcr, as I bave a le. gai dlaim upon the. mare. C. 3M. RAYNES. Kinaî.n Nv.16*1f. IM Z ron New 179 5. &m~ ua Ia SeGaIR mdPaa -,- $miab sanîkem PM&baie oram t M . r -Duiasa.Ps05; slum, a.0 r autgé.,mztoBanlbumi, t . lMin Tourss te elTeva, il in 70.. ame »-4ls ; mabuti.asu ù&Mam= tu By Toius, é& Wk Isltsm5aiCsl. 28. pli t. Mluet 0isMdualal, bl.pmki 0"i mil IcighILeh. g*~ e fl u peasve lfd " aw. mil Pout. pee a l id- PeAbIbr tom4 Io. 71dl. boaA14 es I. 71il. Ls,, Bbi,. Talw aa sa m ouea,pa kbme o a&,Id. Ohm Osi ~irveê,pst toisa, S&. t4t Id. Boer barrra!,lsliuaM. AU eilue bîv b u tel ad výva t a"aoraam" a(ith with îe omais w th Ami We de lu.by I ""etie bmmi rmtma and due&, as tii "m i r@ eriesaulmipaulaly set lord4I," bi lxsaeted, leril nd aillaita, te and for ian ue. diag eau plasa t te a rateo et su atlas ilmi hblae laby tinimod sud autonste be i. a , "dnaiueae iimetae vis w la A lan-- ---- b imble ma" mv isi AIW esael cla«" à esmmil anl Sbul idý bi*uCon.mutbe,z ale enwbemm lb uay asseau, te bu midias ad !a be obeyoal, and mbuhedms preeom etsne!ar Pu- tacs teolatlsep oraeula; u!ulelaulpisa lmrb= t. ta.emltutl ""amie.,~, -- i. o.--- -w 9 110v »wuomhandtut eaalasoit- H m e! STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS suitable for the saison, vit. Neriinos, Bombszaîta, Csrnhets, Watt,*, ed Mot'eiasBonities, n, iaci tripe, 3maik and e calued Gjo il. NaphmtWmer- ed de. Wlaci and calouret 811k Velvet, sa fov aamadm BaU Dresses, Arla5qia&Sow- are, Fancy Rdau , Blonds, Frenchs Cia- hata, 511k lÏasstryandkceclie!s, Shav lu, Fus, te. l&e. Bbeth. Bluet Invisible Green. Claret, Olive, sudi 'Brown vet of Euigland&matYorkshire BROAD CLOTHS, Csslrnetea& Biatkskini (fiatGent's Trous. ie) Pot.rmbains. Pilot Clotho, Flushing$ & Molsinea, Biankets, Fhannela, serges, Saimes, Cbildreun's, Lailies, & Gent'i Woi- sen lbiry, PriciediCmlicoem, Factory sai- ton, Steai. Lotni do, Sn irting Gingitamg, Ap"a Cliche, lelal Linon, Bead, anti Table wo". uhie hîy areolli gATI VIZEIR USUA L LOW'PRICES anti ms (hit Gocats ARE ALWAYS PUR liA. SEO FOR MON EV ANDCÂREFUL.1 LY -8KLITTJ) BY OSE 0F THIE PARtTIERS IN THE BITiS MAR- KETS he, lait e Id he un blicninn tig eeltKnsla, 4th Nor. 18M. 3w873 T4LOINGBUSINES. JOEH DUBEAU veli respactfully isoithe Publiç that lhaucommen- ced the aboie businss; in Quaarrytree*, di- retygpste 1. r. Jubu Mawat's, whsre b021. mgnd ca t n on in aul is varions branchas. Hoela atleahabit ef receiving the latot FASHIONS (rom New York, anti1 fas confidenît Ilfrinisusdtiotbe ad- vatqes, that his work viliieb.dan. lnaa style te pesas.&Il toIhoo viausfaveur him vils btir cuaiont.Gentlemenroil- ding'ilotie country may dopent,apen liv- ing tbeir ortieri eîecuwd .itlIh h. tiloit diiapaci and neatnesa. Kiaton, Nov.- 17, 19116. 873 1ADVERTISEMENT. R E SUBSCRIBER begs leave ta n "aI' tistie asmanufseloning, rd ii ii o-1 lo abave oni bondiantifoa i, for cash, aI . mtabllsment, nortis ent of Quarry W&ttantd oqual if net even superier, te any Idmarket. Csnltry Marchants»ca b.supplied i vil Candtje andtpinpl excisange far Ttallw or L4, ati larmer, with Uaap for Amies. DANIEL CAFFRY. PU>Pt9», Nov. 16.,18W5. 8v87t AD VERTISENMEN-T. At îloe or t !ilsupper c4u"iaald. I A voite of vrarning anid instruction f onoerningthe aigusaif te dates, afd tise comi of the SogM of -Man, tu, judp thse nations eand restom Re ET TEE ,wENV. ADkm 100» eURWELL, Si»ss assyet uWîova. plaait b &,b4Wlsyi usuehomil àtthe asudi.ae the Lord bâilàButa-dons ilt alp tht LardCoul wili do aotig lais te"is ie secret nais hi. y.. l ou ai. eviIoeeIber appoint-. ail toimes; Mdithrlg*Md tils anasud thé uval low obeava lb tuaeoft ilir esrng; but pps Pla B« sthle judgusalof ils Lord. Jrma T RE anewig in sum aryofthe subjectl I. Exploitation o ue orn e 1e bole uset in prophec v. 2. Objection ta the stotit af prophacy con. siltreil' uherein la ibewn thse danger of isten- ing tethoitsa ho »Y aI praphety la not tlobe interpreteati li aller is fullinent. 3. The teacbing of ibis faise doctrine con- cernâtlisofuth! times. 4, Thte C rouoiogy o! rusbe as fernith- et b, Daaniel sud SIkini Johai. 5..Srsptre dctriesud deelartions can- cenunçthe Jdgqw e!oflie Great day of AI- mihty GeL. Scrpture cour of tbe timoeWhounG mi se th' ngs miaItbe bfielha" udDhnleI'sgreat pe- riat aof 2» dasncompleîtd. 7. Finl, mIrsuaia antipermanent sottie- ment of, the Jewn lheb. foly lianti ander Mes. s8m" their Kiang-the covenant aof(Cod soutiste Pabtris, %anti is aMonere»apranitete l imel loraiait! raieant ierestrnettien Of the patriacei.- 8. Tbe & Anal iveranc et re!lumté(tbe st- ttaded vithi drestfual jutigmeets tape. auitlie istiemalba have oppremtse bcm mc. their 9s. A lemeh:.illisUlalloa" OMalçepiti«au r 10. &IM.SUl ay restored4 te be ppei bons ail aie, anti infulnem-îaite &aoes &U aa lanb j esi-mate aagulizu a tihe ps- gin sdthe basnd, glor> ati jay or »d«W arttea dierdft aid tise Muiid badage of cavuplun Inta tht glea itiyof te chirenofad uti (oin. viii> antitht carIspaotenueecdagly bfrut... "th 44Uh hield tber increae." 13.À Apiay antijuilgmna t <tualenile cebiac. Tee thIis stîtinla alewo Ihat ait God's 'dirspeutmio te man yet fumi ilihait cadedtinl an apw" eyandi jutgmen sant tisa the mis lapredlctet of thec <'saille<rispne- flon anti aiea of lb. Miilenium --that tii hcïiitg féesure, of eseis apoeucy an tbre;_ the corrupio nti tdepirlure front thepMiai. ctples o! ithe iot; tise tstttoaig tîla orutaaaa itceat eintace for tien or for lime Indefinita; santi t scooequent refusai tua belle va Gut as providinga better.ta b. e tdy al wirgt be taen forîard inîo it la pemet t- iihat this .à the sainig dise Gentile churcb at I>resenlt inregard ta tht -Millenium.--that <'ai bas eveaaffered ta taie funivanui n a boady outu or tise oain btiste corntng dispensalion ail tpon *bomjaalget for refoiing allu, & thaîmanme on el... - uf grace, hait cicr beso tisas fa' vouret, as Noah,.Ilahals, adthlie ,ewtaisChais tians. Tise auttiir conhiders Ibis parnt of tise worm pSac'iny important andi instructive, in- mauci sé i btbelieves lte eding a!f "lpras- euit veld, anti the begining of!*1tise orilte ces*" Sa bc ess at bandi; andt isrefore ha h.piesised machcet"Poon [t.anti recoi. .ntde k t. tht carefuaisbiy of ail mna. Afer ien, îlc 011r matîerm of ilapmstance camte unaer constenatian. Tht owle object of the autison in this von 1, toani tise atentions of menau ay tramathe thiaigmud thi. present etiI orlît. mud direcct lisen t t ti hlglat beictug It ier ettrnai pev, tisat a neinmat may be siveul fuua lie gres. tribalatiuo novet isandl. EVýNlNG WRITING AZD UEAD- t , ING CLASSES. 1. m i. NINSi fannint vînter branches. Au net tmare than et;il plijatis viii b. rieitirésulei, uey viii ipecve ai tisa benetaf rivale lnmlrucie. tetean 7,matill 9. Applia' '. my b. n tsal. t sarny.ltezt (o lb. acs #crias S'b olt shi* rs'no. Peint Street. Kigton, Nov. le,8m. Sur JUST RECEIVED) Foi, SALE BY TIuE s3BcpmzB, PIECES Faetsry Cotions, 10005Mo plac e tusLedo. 5W0 pietes Asmotet Fritte, 100 a Breoad Clethd, (in sepeaefa, fine, ;od cesmen,> 1' 20 - Pilet ClethoMmd petî- abamus, very «tu; -. 5W )pairs Blankels, (ln Boie at Peints%) Me icès umel andlieges, (p d, 100 U 5atig ,priloa 100 moipki" U tIuwt&ae Ibs, of GOQDI liebu)1*S=t l t. epson, kb vl1aWin 4 ibq e ~~1AtbrlaaseiImm i141 a ~BhG&are receln 'ro Wrk. *lage .apply of FEJEIPELOUIR, CooKi IIG L AMDDOUELU STOV ES, Which are for sale at Foundy pince@_- trîtpartati.in aildeti. Tb.,geStoves, lrin tb.rsrengîli, sanootbrieas, ain t beig t40 labli te crck, are weli &allown I oi stapeIior te £Dy other description oit cast- ings. -ALLIO- Thige Rivera' Hotte Shoe and Axe BAR ,fIRON, coneidereti equal to liet U*édeaf aRuimalaetorEnlisb bcrap, at low iir,y«e.- pets"Mlad S-%-arKEITLEgS, Ste&ve Stands, Daatch Ova.no, Pou, 41L Kingstosi, Oet. 3118U5. M72W IEW GOODS. T HE SUBSÇRiBER hivini W returw- fori bur fiienlsianti the Public genrally that abe baspurchameti * phoice muppt et rm&wzrim boo6s amohr, whk Sc tr abwaçl SuPrAine andi comnion Bread Cliotho, Piot 1 rFresn.dg.,qinretabIlut, Keisia Roi*[ Raba - ,.qub' ciikl o.d Dra* r Fel ~4ezlieb Morines,, Bouibaeîte~,Uornb e. *Tartan Platia,, Camiets, RIAt Tw'lttd Chintites, Fai*hiona. bic Gimp, S5db Velvats, Griaude Naples, iThibet and Sik Shawla» a large assortirent of 'Ladiea, sud Cbsldrcn'm, SOSA1'ID BOOTS. Morino, Mtofrmir, tsud Lamnb'aWool Boloq and Glovell, RUFPU,. ,TIPPETS As» OD Brabhes andi a variety of allier artirleq.toe nièmeroug te mention. j The wbole ef theambuve articles harlng. becrabelecteil by Mra. B. berseif, ofie !Ieg leive te recumanend tha othéolbnotice of the. Publie, ama te jssatinale t lilfolum as cheap, If Diot a choaper collection thaa bu been heretoforo al in lb. Kingston market. E . .BINLEY. Brock Street, Kae, loth Nov.1 __ 5 871 FOR SALE, Tu£ CANA»A. S»TEAK P.AcKE, w ELL found in .ai materials, bar en. sin. l a4ouorel, ber bull i at un. dergone-a mentt hatrougli relii, withina shot por bd tg 1h. e aiépunIof morne b aded pourniaé, ahe» lier docks, ttona, soi uppar wurkm wete ail- usade aew. She in ,veil idapb.d fer &ny short route, la au exietsa meaboat, well ada p ted for towin5, pa"n- gels .eor cargo. RU« apreadleai&miespet hour, manti re wèen favored bler ean- nu, Wag echeca igt ed.LS@a- ii bu >bo14 estoerely loy fft Cash, or part Cash part orad«. "*-à$ »W v ling t o n Fu wfurthet partculan PPI t1 *BG RICHARDG, VALTuà a HIC MM£ MILLnlMf- chine, with 40Ô acre, of Land,încisdiltise' ILa. A VALUABLE iMaRM uu0,Màryiburiih Of 400 acres. 80 of 1h. smnuder goodel- Xivati-n, Freine Home alid Barn ;ee mtuati-in lit d1higw~;ÀcuW h Store ffouse ut the wbart, 50 actes,èrexcel, lent Land! and i~~Onn Aflia!mtltnto hImadte 0Urslia a Ailollibustown, 17th SeptIr. 18eu FASH[ONABLE TAILOROiG. RIENRY MA THISON,, (Lait Furew a a oMr. AMoh uflrm.> WOULD respectffly lrîform tllelsblla ,ba lih as coumol led <liav oe buioaineal King Strettv i, nmrlyZopetsite the Store cDf Meurs. J. D). Bryco à;Vo. He bal Personall matie arrngtements for the moa pproved Lonoan ad NOWs ya,* Faalaions, seanpeu burssidijonaattention and reasaqntble termes, te meit a %linreo0 public patronage. 18. Kingitn, %Sept. 29, . 08 R- A.JENNINOS can convêi4lnlyi m- M ACO nMMaiate fieree more yultgouten. mentas buardevs; tbey w'y u ep*o*piet. n imay b.e reqîsrei fer Colage, 114 L&uà"" Professions, or lb. CountiitNg.Heue. A>- plication eaay lieamatie at bis Academypneaî to the Laiosserion Ucheel, er t 11dm tu douce Poi&% gSree.- Kinamea, Oct 561111leu. day iliasoltèbytuuac" nt. Aàltdubt, Kingston, ~ ~ Ib L Tati Sumçaiti ta trus ig im*m&e bis filet"adttise Pqb3iefufthe pv th.at hie late pïrtie,"dami blfasJave w. çé%i in. ne t e thoewhe D in bu niSSie ml lis baak. me-uI-. iii-. _ tM»f bu, -bC ýL Mi &L ,.Là ri