* m az M,.,~ aa',*a W' be n e0 plat amiSteisi at Tory edis toymat ieselabucit Wol Ksbends .-eogi .Fe * e F su& Ea " a r litte . 6-4 wld., bb.atbasea.., lbmnsme, Tut" PI~haOW1 100 "IlsiîungpneuCemmetaRict Twilieinum4 nialim&. .a m Tbibptand i 81k Simai; a largoàmftuS a »H«>» ARD BOOS. a Aà wvolt acied $toatoff Ç"."z esriP- Mrn.tlsdLamb'sWool Hesiey. tios *1 GOMW Sla iee, sit, b ta "tis ,Glive S *h, *eap ilchyl be 01adi by tes plece etac a Kiagton Nov?, P~.71 - ~-Brtubeg, mand a variet: of oier arliclelitâi c A S'ili. uneqtaîna omention. The, wbol cf the aboie s"dulesbavkAt, je ~lews. te îeconmend then la, lb. matié or ~ /~'ILL amt dulaP Jrdthce Publie, unsahsin lusatidiei tb.y fore as II andtath.b , Su b.« $tko wbChespf nDot a Cieaper Collection tian bas m Cas eeCitafSbspSoes/'lba bem U;tireofote osEred th . Kci1on 11xsf Ua, eaI bis cbrap IBoo, Shs idi eit. PL I BINLEY vu Lethr Store, opposite the, Marketoture. BrciStreet, Kigagon; )ed v> Aimajusit evecivui a large suoýPlY of Mbt Nov. 95 71 du ledit Rubbe; BOOTS AND 8ilOES. ai Kungumovr, l7iNew.. 135 STOVES, &* n [ * £VÉNlNQ WRITING AND READ- ý ILL fa BR1GOS are roceising trou HU.the si.Muk M b uet C ING CLASSES. I ra" Wrk. alrg upl fan clsaaeu for instrucion ini the ehai-, . F ano Dot PuLmu <OO515,SSG branche. As ognoe thie listppula;AsiOBL TVS wil be rucelsemt nsa Clan,, tieY vili reesavo, Wblch are fer asle SaI Youury phce- 4 ait the bhni of prisatu instructin. jtransportmti.on ailubd. Tbese Stovo, *om M Heur; fur Lods., fren s 5ii6. rg.tleratugth, sootheteiamd mot beasg th * tlemen froa 7 tilt 9. A4plicatin > av be; Soliabitu tea ci. ara .ll irown taibe *1ji 'l it. u dH h 'e~uKlOgSajM te oeiay iik MU>. PoiilUsI, aIen4 ubele thpieusiiMWn éâerust of the sait Lbe Carac'allan iÏ& lbe rliocsfut IA"d, vls--75 me«. b.lng ptlotN. 2otblot OeehOb of ain, nd 26 brie.vet of lot No.11 of rf the "ecoud Ceucesain lbere94l, yiiag tmli of the Napaees iver. Ail pensons baving cdaim a lb.ab*"e land or amy part Iboreef, &te tequeaied go **e te dan.moce aIo me on or befoili a* day of »sai. - JOHN McLEA&N, Ibeiff M. 1D. mo ajilIOffce, Kingotop, 14%bhMyulm15. The abave amli ePoapou netitl Wed- itay the 9'h ayof Decebiber neat Bt the au" beur eadi pise. JOHN lMcLECAN, MSinSM' . l Kingstont, SOt October, 1M3. Mfflan DlJtuicg, ILL b.ea»Id at Te, Wb, thSe Court leus b the. Town of imgutià on tolurt *0lb eomi iay o Jmsyms,1836, ut 1*09- l .c.Wo, b t he bag Landié tu Tie- menta beinguonglO Be¶slnSe.fbmni- lb, sIxt. sta W i m i A Ibjas tfme limitadit ed ciul of His bMaj* tyle juguut )f Ring'sBenci autbchésuit cf Wlliiaiïar- Mti, Vix. Tie West hait off Lot No. 19, ln ah. lot Dnoesalonof FaustemTouwn, cilii Mip fac. id aito, Lot No. 3in the 4tlt colionsoc I r est Towe, contaiming 114 serge with tilla and echer aseproveme nia rbeson AUt poisons havln dlaines ou tb% alseve 04i a uypart tiereof, oaro qusaed (o Uko te asknown te me oný or bofote me day of sale. JONM-Tàl nuis at bie Aclads.y,naest t ela eW ilu-etperiar te any ciber deserîptiomeet ,cast- teplan liciaor as ishie tidenice, Peintbange. By JAl SIreel. Kingtaie, N'or. 10,183u. 8w -A&Lso- sbetiff le os"ic, Ki Titre. Rivera' Haries h..aid A. BÀM taiOctaer, M FOR SALE, lMtON. coniSdatetI eqmàl 1e boit luette, MM CAÇADA fam PiCKjr1 Rusasd rEgisSi .a u I0* prie.- SflERIFI EJ7LL ltau n &Uiiiailuttiale, ber en- oiaiSwtI e eKETTLki9Ste"v~Mdin u~z~ ViaInlngoosienfri, ber buil bas un.-licaDalilvnPos #.Ticu erslaaMosmut cbmregbrepaît, viitn a Kitlon, Oct. 3, lus. Mar a wv i@t~ la la ie ntotnt feoue hndirtiin the.TocnioetKing eh RtE, loli Mt D>y7cf, Jesisiar pane, ubeis bar decha, beoain, siai upet om b olcn catiks "0 ibn rmod ailue. mis e A acl wcicbarêe off Beur adatait for amsougnt oute, lu an êltleilst I SIM PORT ATI ON S. 49ce«Mai llit.ebatis asaboat, colf adlsp tedtfor bcbg, rmip ntssnee adsd garesor cangb. H1r speed k tesinper COmpiiÀ5uNoA In5AL fa COMPLETS,~ ~ icer, sait mre-ice *vorei by e auFTCK0 iati Fc isit of bc vasber cou'STObKo()pbrstrect CUun of tbi a l extroely loir for Cashi, or part Cash STAPLE AND> FARCI off Thopasl Kititrig pari Credit. BsheIleou Iyiag at Tororato. 0 0D eterTown.OKn Fêtfumler pstlicuaas a&P t HEDlIos hvi IIUGH RZRi b8N, Tf inC.P above or 0"pal THE uA""îNdOt Ovaset te m Tbll f.orm tiàe ptilcliai n r te i di10e fsii b Tlte, oNov. Sa.185,ceivngby thse reguâlar traders £bom lildyooai VÂI*ABE P1WPR~Y jaL&RGE «SD ELEGoJJT Sinif'a àceKi Ir£ùO lllArl. rocropa01hoccii,8 1UIVFNULMILI, ulaiMirbit teberviii mai lia epralw ,rl et 0U I3 tinelé ii 40me&et lsýnd,inc tklagi.In the ïaboiUnie, wbicbh 'vl*gIliëa ,,owaiseh Lait.' earfultyséléctet bylimaelf j.& ie uasm.-,urmct,l ett» liIt ý80ea the lameuidtr goot cul- For CSfoolst 4t nâ.se12ij, l a'ok e, ReisCASHs: utlaconfident, htV .Lani Md Ti"menl tl~tIm4, ram. foua mm B5it 01ery article ivill hIc f the best ïmitae Currait, soisled iy vis .iis4% 4Molpiuotevn ; Inlecidiistiec dtePiu 0d g-la 'açaet edrçe 'Ine M.ê.s im wh varf, 0 acress eel iut, ,auJS.pie ei. iis1 a-leti I!~adai umlltoain. hd Of aMY ùpoein o.ju iig li1y Cout bof iCIgl ~a %4 6lie ta .UMalaor Dm in lthe £Cuadds. WsitalY N. Bi The lowest price unw* n y. hvI 4 TA-rÀSI!N&BLE TAILORING. bly appears ini plain fi ue neh A itopanonspai Ib IMBliR ÉÀTH1SýOm, article. metsm mhai * (Ip oimoe.*eMr-.Ai.Duaa.) Kingslon, Oct. 3, 1835. lb. dey faule.. 1WeJ1 eprtfully inform the psblir S liaib lmacsueie la bye ipi'RSI pu main UIIUui ' y inhnes li tigStr.ee15nesriy appolte GR>21Ve ~TQMPISON a. lIb Scjil' 8 %h iiiiiiii of 1 Ms.. j-. D ryefa&C. -*NNvcvssw<LsL EAIL Ue li l» perseeally madIe artacigemnto'sfor iEW iblml lia ppreved Undon "e :fNew brie it anci, MtjluTdipNI,& a vèm N W adooodhp sel àwdsus sileniicu. W,. 244, sM. i'aisu-ci, Ito&* <5 mm ~bsnalet.cn, e telia ite t ESPECTFULLY infeos. ii i r. NcoeinAt pnbcabolsep. 2.M.e Mebaisoff tie Ut*rendamiLoiser Fre- bas- boe c uali KingtonSup. St 1815. nc.,*aal l14Y bavnvi &bd an eteËgveIoUsE, ..d,r Iles s »Lislot PURS1, ef evsuey iunIea -fîllyeampelmt to tii PK"H R dieu ets çergyeman mlngin uficturedonde[ hieit awni i 19t, e- The ilominu a uamb , ué îewn e lifr,outleayl euyfoliUpa oSLeerOulymaetinc 01 u'y.sumg ladice etdiai îhbreotrucoaes.a-scipe etami tb$mi at t ent onag g sbsilae. ,iisteiâ.t~, anui sortinent of the bveteneuanei truea tro oiwr chua hulif by latter. tîfpid t cle., as evervais offeredi l e .pQýllc, aadtékîodte lm VAMPBELL tumntas; iuci ae:- boso jdidî"ce li ~s- DtIvIleNo.?,1.6.lottie Oter mil be, ielel» sa ý;fRSLOtter said Imitaion de. <sel comithliaiti uivaessoWts Sei sala Sis the M atlaîti.n dûs. do Frfertos'fpply (i 'idase on f'lemat liDrchee.lm a& ~-North Westu IMarens eM;Cao I itvathlfcrNa>. D, i t c Iii ea- French aid Oetnau tde Hte . ** -r6lr -'J als c Muva,10 ille,la No. 23, Long Rirtetm tieio alcl!CP- iér 'c <n'h 10Qfl <a u ocuêo f L*U.dtbaotii, Short 115w lb. CAP& !Dsuulicean #CenaISAnd #Scrtod' FalehaaiMeck db - rTH .KRKPTRýCK. aleki idi Rcoon itiOleu~b1pbq.1S3. - Fishcer aîd linitaion de. BIIhiii, wîiiagflop..laBerric.- Scsnakin Doss, Oer»aaniColIan,, Nom Tb 'W «or tqM 7 sqiilttel MuEsTwpi ;sIIBl~ Udapilaxas li Ord*KJRKPA&TRIV M4Antliet» . ntiile,, ase Mth ti theT~ Oetobsu' , 185 -làat~t isuA suOtpir Ovetfpelerns 0No Lt - LniesudLtedr vI~4Bati -TO LE?. î<jt~tr t taiasei te u te5L LO!gs,;qo. 79 aid MSsig "*on iI~s8jt4. seael GIOE Etaqiie offlAwreneb 11IlWiaer niE*;qUlrirtkrsss~q J'pax 8Sfa, beDr t *, k. ïua Dnomww4imtneoy J.iratie li & VAR<*l A d 1 m oe A o aehgavât ~imp.,'tv. #îad of Il' prchaglm 'Thu esteimifismthe" adiros te luU TO N .>dera, an thipb -x le 8II~~I1EVPit~~C~C'tZ r« asi Ie iltpempK ,easas mcc -. ~N5.X Ll2~n - t- i ; ~ 4 -~ ~ S4~Oe.*Miuss. I '0 - Sbenff blid. Dst. a' Wàyvr, DéoL Sberadf lutorn, on U.tiimhy the y "eS, at 12 'cock Ilanrdo aad; Iseoentio, y W. WilkWon de- l1 of ., ROilub, Ad- by eirtîoe of i Writ of ,ut; of isi Majesty's' la District, at lbe SiiAl ci, Vîz;-I.ou No. 3w0 aisié, wtb the buid- g4 elaieupgiat tii. art tbasto4sotae req out- me te me on ot belote lIN bIeLEAN, 8bOO& MiMi.t W m -rDep'y ibent lm8 SALE. W ILL1iendattbb Court M0e4» in klbea, ,be followIng M5 bélobag te ikufy aidneý ot h aWuit orFiari Limud «if RitsjMa- o ti. To*nabip of Byi- gclaieusoa lb. aboya Wreof, &0 requeite4- la lii te 2»On dr'beore JOUBM«CAN, 8heïff lt D WATT, ep'F Iberifi:. Ji bie lagitutiondi., liahed a BGARDING ~enlte1 ofa e1UlB ào marnagement IbesooL umhy situation witbi " a&bal-Houe. lb. Îl b. paid te tbi coWc eniiomen es may logosa- B, au a2i0 t bair uwosu bosordlna deýi"ftUéI iwr childreit will .maté (if lybtr o~e< il lb. Dislrkt Udb..î r" t. Peu7, B". y laathtis i- kiff <b elioIsa cflo$XaS fm t" WéleIul 4f Lake Guhse'., s siçtdebi be a ou.f a*$riIle un w4~~ln.hian2oesty lea àdirect li», b.Wu.rnlbCi of the FaiÏe antiSe. Ca- ]w 4 leett «In b. datvit *ou it, orlgilm, a»i e uii ly bati k pneres.e;ult iI ao caual.mole t la.400 aouio ce Choieb- ee. tbbà bobsn. ,Pest ofie aovrat goei $hop,aid a Mediemi Establibaest; -aos eseâlisPsFleutr amija Drewerimi. ami four sb-hoa'», Ceilmukere'; itýsiiena', and 1«vsm 4cieýr teadeneueto esibllismnt»#. sue atfullwazk. A utcw Cardinmind Fuit- tmg miii, ami a Griot milii are stearly remdy frioari a greal iommier tidiittel '17a.o me ircl oimanicabio tele i (M aramtL i Ee, iy a conatu m- cession etf Sdtoonlers manBoatamUlmlg greut. sd«Mntaosfor thecosveyailcme o erebenils.sei sgricultural produceo te dgWlt mtIiarkets. Tihe iaer bas a a li e fosty (sie, and power ta an elltest equal to M4iguakinty tir ~msmufailur- lgperpeso. fer viich e.UgAiI. il rites ea bde &ad. A geaiS aucarycoulti bd voaked te great ad-wmntage. banle beieîg ao eaaîly ucitaineiels the letaeot Obîppewa m&at tie Grand Iver. The. ýtaIjçrlber. li calling lie atienîlon of bhbâitObfe.antd Mutcanica ttoii.ris ing Village, oSfez.idle. si cons vef y ad- .alitageoua Lots, on moderato ternna, aud lon crdit teactuat settiera rmly. lon ccitte GEORCE KEEFER. 2'Luoli October 183. 873 MANSION flOUSE. KINGSiTON, U. . 7fTH'; Ssbscriber continuesta occupy ibis extensive and wcl knouta etablisi- mentas a aHOTEL ff [ltii.accemmiodation ottie Publie. THE MANSION HOUISE. Jo plesantl shtuted on S.Sto * t, ha- thop«nei'a.andi mctml stral *tiet in mçspaoi4 i be businaespart offli. oe; as çoYainijent l tb.differeuct Ste.,. wia harves; and uta establislhmnt off the uni lain the prncie eau."&"asail t i. ezllen*t "d Coufpi t fils spuiala, i in r.gaid *bat laparloura sud lbed roome; ILl of ubich sua funrnishe i n ltsevery beu style.The Hotel hau beaun rccntlypaint- Togic ambcithr iaviug héjit a PuBLic H asf«r atày jeans, bassqdired exps. rlonce lu tbai lin;s;uad be. truste liat wAtt uitreitinag attention 1tetise confort ef bis gene lie wmli continue toe nt pubic Ps. sM vusnsua etoT-pas wséMe. àeusu vasa à Andi extensive Stbblmg, i ï&viere a Lir. ery Stable la .Coesaty kepi 0*-Tb. manon H]3m» Cartbie ansd Parters cul l ays be la.redimeaI o cpm-n vey Pi*eegersansd Lgse te andtrons tie &Weerent Stean bats BYA DR IVER. IUVILLutil forîber notice peisrir. hot trips 7thle Bay 6o? Quini, on Teeedsya wdFrniy daj- nirtraset( 1 Weiuaesdsy sudmiSautaiya. - n dWallKeae leiin far Prescott on S..ý wil léve resottfcr Kingaton mmd thec Bay cii Monday andilTbmtadayeveasloge off- Ior, th. arrivai et tise 1R"eta troubelac. 1 Paseugra onMontroal Iesvieg Kincs-1 lou by ibiz Boat oit Sunduiy eveeàiig axe aure tu oment lis Monireal litee t Prescot bu ondal morcu Kingston, 22d lame, 18m5. t oit Idor Laut, HAZLEBANK COTTAGE, yitiO Aceà offcliet Luandb*wmtbioamâ.moefora lutge gem'. tes n . boîtlle itfîetiîip ili.vmey e- qu ate-.pad velladapted te lb. li& ag. lia*t ilimtieMi.mou pw mies, b= agon the beaglas f ame ami conud l-1 0a ig vies, urvaledbou batiners-4 esti .~river, suIci"i. autsiulofsthéb. fl900vabiiig i of et terbCir. .Tho Or. hoese ? mtemusaot4eàttpi4k , and absa W4 n>p1êslcilseig àoit o als Anad'ueaqhelmleî Ero,,.a. g o", tohe. Bioaf the ItoAi ,. :TALIQI k ta *et le MJ e..UaU~ I*be*(ei-usdenlgm.i. n f INFORMAION WANTE.: UXLN MAN. rom raatoe coW i- rnsuuScu~a I b, - I. sali AMOImEm~ 19 'J r 41iJ litnoje awarIyeloeen1 Pny newmp.pefasboampub] Dsrt, wh la in asne ti wiù uit ita ,in a y, e"pression .1 l.lr antaanti 1feelings asidopinions, inates sendimg away several moinre, the ptirclatà off nevrapapetaii ore;a"'q'ppoaed te u Woye. eyo,, ;but a IIboU<IIeotdl is King, bit Cometary, ýand the roffCanada, b. will always b 1 wiilicig ta expose aby kov Gloy.rnmient, any depanre fci let tfuu in a servnt cof ithe Cru ad IbelA4-Ig .ll *ethai andI fitule prtspe#mity cf Ul taun paoau[Ails cannes! "mPire, it cii ali amys vaur locheuisi>thai cu>nneumoi traie lb. d osat up.. ut igi.Woula crals to4eart *Tepuabllsher-of the11avell quaîitied.with the duti.. ante rmo ih cKbeeRoe iet ho eabot 1 sd lie la determined go devIte lalesita, te the support cf ir àcOiiS1iuîion. the. peneotion ai diffiision of uneful knoialedge provemet of ute Diatsict i 1Andi whil, b. will feurlerai oCa opinion or any poliis viii cateluily collectt and pub etboiesiauof the iqouon, enable hb ~rée tot judge foi mnd, byý a judicialus selection cial and agricultural hifrma ansçdoiqs, mmd olhier aufflsgaa mgti exzuisele, hb. bopes t nalle ler ,welcoqgun wberever1 'rThe Tra ieo will cuintailà cliants et letteà pire., mund wi wibDeir type, on gosa Palir, ed to suberibers in the virgn ch. taire th. pper trom, il tivslvo sbilline sni six pence fpaldia adve,or befor titres aonbBaspdfifee sbill anu, if paid ait thé expiration If ï9n by usil, four abllini liep id for p-ab.q asipperd livetet t ai uýts6Ielce i mile. .1 the District Town. foi tva shuilliagis and i CipOe exi sueiber., Subscriptions tharikfully ire* QEgAIWI NEW, FAMILI BOor Tits Roui lise obéira Work, colalu m il il gAziLh Rac mipr for the vart ufr oi- cmileatg t6r d li un l1e eiis, fer Bre*iï'ulgpueirv aui a.appvdls éentainômgt lecreijtamd'i retons uoseMi ffluYutt- Aays.A"'n RY-FMMI abeittboy a e --SB Ml VEW 0F TRI eiabetllaed wl ttuEgrt*laga cetse. This valuable ébeet ai anud Geoifapbkol lfaâton ,carificlly te#fisp1tom e la t Md pai#ropean pt4jbIe% 1 Tatvels, wttire varli X Klmagiau, R.puibuieu, Stâtei laùdg.Colenie,ud Dlstovei Miv, Africta iA"triesAI sirsitîguts, fié abown aetonuegis clbd'dIedimgl. lime, vile t cxtl, eiies., hbliir POP! laeftibh Erisaimiles trom 1 chie, G:Overnmeütî, Iveuue,1 Xaval streagtb, "Arts, Religi A libérai iiiiiooluitbe thé quai men chtUd, tu itUithe. aloir AhÉ.ceuoîrY WMeîCbits sui piFel itb lb. 5k'uveWackson Bble tries.(bahu re.. T~as bobau sucreas, Upuadsofw ibowaa been recordait on the ,ubecel fore thels og f 'the finI ni TihoesW-ô0tbc pe ýr r mortric t tea In lacy il Coe1 btry aga nteetau t nit meoly by bIuig for ganre, buteb~lfldn o insiueate Wh 0 lave b.. ily-itabjiedtitréugithe 1fi Ptii etolb.prae, and by ta big ont dlaims t. lhe nalivi Who,If hédi- adaltpreiuiL amrnîfnlncaihlo ate10a lieett. a AM reui wË4eelb a lt've ène iuc 14rôlaet vole. uidpli jaetond. ADVERTI --E~ béa 1>blibed ix TUSE PRF89 edicaL, té b. At the Offce ot pett~.r ~Cnada ;OlaexA vole of warning and Isrlit Mouiths aince concerning the Signs of tht ,uh.i isthé and the coming of the Son Of tbaTn.eller to judge the nations and sora BOn, of éveiY things. et1 Le prtj udices, »YTI12 REV. ADAX 10i RR rai. for itheDBt, id of BIIUBIIJ hhall BarmptIlleh.blown ilte ty t cd poonds, &, illi ot bcafraid 1 sbailthe" i,,lt l vione sistbe WUrdbahset dom, it i Sorti,. sassanat, éthi e. 1jta. The Ln O~ ~~ ~i ~Bt a~-Vnebt (car t th.oejie Gv ath , '0 bute pr. p b sylA llonsii ý6,7, 8,. y r'. yë4 te sOrkin he ebeh re i , Consutiod .thmna; andu thesotie and t , e azdI oe ready adi lo"»oehe iitume of thei cicco tir 1 abus in ih»pi.e n Saint the judgmet ofthe Lý M L te ensntF 4E folnowing la a aummart, ofth he Canada J&E cnaidered in this woek., ppr1a.d ip a i n o oi tithe n,, ion wilh the in - alle.n> . Ilebis ondea. t. Obection 10 the atudy Of po4n n,,and to feue- sîdered; wbcri in tasiewthe dinger i *, by ulusolv- iogto Umee aiegamy laia rropltcî e,, itici . ilttctpited tiili mter its fuifilInect. DertIl eil îar- S. lTse teating of ii, lite taponsibilii lecrimnXa aigu u etti nes. leI sema.; 4& The Clronology cf prophlly ai f te bis timand m cd by Danîiel and Saint John. e King anid 3.Scripture dostirtne and dtc1îýr.î0, f moalîy lb cening tie JiaJgment of Vie Urvat ', te, antd the im- ihytid evr epc l oScripture !rocrf fthe tue,,I,ý y epres bs h:ngs êbmll bc ilfi Vieil. au Dace;', g-w [ystPibjes Soitiadof 23W0 di>, cemnletel 9% Lisujc br 7.* Fîial restcration i !dprmn., li the lactâ ment or tic Jewe in elue Nol.%tUndnnî r hboives; Patriarche. andi hie ,unmeruupremiient, n e of DOSt-oct voeu fulfilleet, and catînotb ilion, poutry, tortation of lersel and the clhnwiect: mnd entertalu. patriarces. rsree o the Travel- B. The final del! veraruce ofi Icnel cok it mmy travel. tendeci with dreadfui judgmenu, upon &Rb twaisty-cour nations liai have oppressed tinent re mil beprited lest dispersion. rc an urhisb-ý 9. «Ail laraci'o afflictions ancpiils ge, and thosa for thirnîumerosjs rebellins uganiiàt l'. are, ai- 10. Istaei fi.îally rentoredi to be prtý a pa,*Bni au intean in îfuliiless-exaited ao.ain, Là.i le the OU ,O the fiesi,-nauje the evaclgtizersî ni Dois par a n artnatiosis. andte hiead, gicre, an the sboicecarda under theirX.iesiiaii. c f ltehe !an. il. Tie retiluion of ait ltiuings...ueî ta ~extra lisiyents and cmrtb-restoratioli cf the Auttâ rd Cin b de- Viau &té under tise mileniumr. iitight 12. 'rie boie creation delieredfoteé )r he s2.of tec sec nd bondsge cf cîurrtupit n ni> Ira for eaeh <lotious liberty tuf the childrencu f Und Ra viii.) and heatichii mde exceedingu rft. mived by the s- thie att shal) yield lier uccreasc." 13. Apostmcy and judgiient cf the raio TIMER,,. churci. Under thii, lead nis hecu nhi i ti ttoe.Guesdispenstrions teo mn y et fuffii nti caided in mn apustary mnd judgrntennat PJid th tMeme is ptdicted of lihe Gcliuute di tion, snd even of thc~iena.n, r0xt'àRpE 8. B àdig featurea cf ssci apostacy arc nui. Id only atNo. tic corruption of and departure frot tihrp& iattuiy ~ ftl. tciples of the dispeniation -ticeeetmuqt<n b. isoat 'VAL- corruption a nufficientinbceritatte ftet tous branche& for tinte indcfinite-, and the caceequetitie Ibut atfior- to believe Cod as providiga tetter-tobe» yaioedce & wiilirng te be taken forisard into itin pe=ne- ;nuts rd tiatIibis lste tianding oftbe Genile ciente i.311. a.present in rcgardl to thc Milleic-hnili -a=vi of baslever efi'cred te tallitsfortrard ii àbcdt w in «- oftidid luo othe contintdijesenwn alid n CoMspal:_ frliiinidi<iiint for refus"ig it fais;hceuatm Bi la EE o lectien lof trace, ble erer been twi et Mls vaurodd. s Noah, ilahali, and theic eiîbCa t" blL t ý libe ass lsio ce st1 art a I f. Pra,11 hs lie heliev«eeshending cf nbis if ittgw!tM bt woidand tic bem g cf "tht cfu De lèt bed ronse»-tu bc lcar I L anmd thertilurkt t*tArneocinbasu besioaed iaudi , m rpon t. acd rlis V a s ansd ~a itsethe qaïefial auis'of m&lmet. las presIa, uer whilaj .ether fatters of imMmna Pilncîpmi h- eamie i s auiestion. to of E tope, 7be ais eet mcf the uibor je thii, ut pimecaiiy us.%ltecaul *eattention of men sau &y fineli àncean miiin- tbiWe of this prissent vi aceld, ule i the siUafion , bilan tte ic ibnga it bclongt theibr ettd idutien, dW Ille ce, tiat a reesesislmay bce feubà pioo , . criai tribulation new t band. MiliIary'and 1 PROSPECTUS, ion, fac &t i--' îtity.ý Achtl" OfIIiiiidargigned Polisi, Natiunil Ce AIL iltlor lafh U nited Stat es,, PN Y. SIES ~sIihi0gmU ialeical sccuno le ii P P o i e r c a . lg f t onI o I l t ie s e U ite d S a ts, Ir I mt ressont- 1 s I tIl. f "Tto pfc Pls .ll %ouitty(Pot osu fA..<ej't oF O ltàtbt.fth isu ry o h !ý*Rioliibon, and- te b c ccOIDOç 'RO 54 L unt ullo vouchers conncte es omnedth lEUe allie Poile n hue comil prpc fF*rai ta 8Vo. Subbaiption price $1 P nafesbave a&W* on dellver.oBaty. ption finI be-. UCmmtt<ee leing sensible fît "abi e i, ndi.the pr th Vkaferdfra in thIe espt, .~g~nie1l- oloi n the Rock Rie tte clf*11 Iéraliy 1 a R. VI LE 1 VI~ irlqmlos *M~W-oe*,A .8M6. iAiiodc.a» etii. ltld O il sand ~ I'~W&'lté-Ibo Publie Sublil~ thîDBio 4PiÉsEdsattin la .0 no ttend-naaa. thse ttnîi<lso Ille 0 vcuq 49"Lplqït p;ieatilt ilent pid)> l, bc tai lu 141,0Ciaisea, ,lic lMari, Sauueuim Waleb bor £0fl B.ul otie Truuteeu', tiatdeBvUrp hlJiwd~ kla AIJRFIELD, f M e p uîv i ls Vli . C . ct. 6 , 8 . w ~ 1 I U N 1 a S U U D I V IC Y T U E S > 'A OULda X=IIJ ,n jete. IS t» o<uitt the lemiglî o titise t. 1 trav.l oeantC ll Ma cil lia fAltOoi iite t i hal s asi s an r ridairemysau imly ron. the . eise th sotai (gou atnt4i "Ms to ride m lalarge isimët dirme >, hepe of ren ople cfs anosi I ipndemi IM r,à e l ngc liMyedrllecm adi pmlging e At lia t?îeu bl pr0au e s»r sx u h it iga n umou dhtesa 1iaI asieiete Lof alarer cii suan dt dîi e hlteeof laesls 1b.odi t of hde. au rîs picin T ci te )da1s jard Men rri! sr,! sîuard e O d sprtruied n tbdchstial iOta i et lim clrit ni a nititandI itncdeptet i nbd ae e euhg 0U t ,a id beruI t dlau ie lesiterriy14 Ktein gel; nnc rcse. wl tonr à ls. mici t ivelture lasln tr @Ong oneeta K re iv. bolithe lied or deeriie rackd ite. eo 'h4 naleiver, 11s lins my sbe l du i an ii id and aoitme i le, I pesss' foe b r e muliher bdCatat r f 1ee ste tri