Tb~e ~ eoI tt6abai report- ~ î~'gwUa nisI as.aqfredthse etaairg Th isesad!sRiruseôdhmn desaroyed brd,s eawtm3or sud bie wo deughtets peisbd inthe lsmi ; îL .- -, A dipioeane-smvoy la aidavue beuie- mpalmbed ao Crafflwj ijie Brhidaigoiere- sud Fissions. , 4jbw;mish goverçtwe.WA%-aapieleo lbavs of-. off ie ndennilewaoduby uiey, on con- diioi aathle !Rassians evucuaco tihe. ortrs off Siicia. 1 a-_ r', ln de Frenc aacl moir aif dalsaw, the in.: tiéIe fer a poliinl* etrs f l avor off Prince Polignac and hie flio ogq re, vas bat by a large ma"oriy. JO Z. ~taat it iute prorogative cflie if . 'note acte cf Mercy. à umepp g vap haitin lkosdoç. Lord Dud- ley Stuiartin tjekcairq, (or î p ueeoff te- k'gmauraôrereii-ff ,iufferera by ailsîo oh-tslvd n bave maWood ïas Eeglaud<'Tb*lktw e vsel lose fforteproff ber, arrw va.p*lahdd one *fer a*.br4moder Ibe m -onfratihon au,! aimgs. The Jane took cf ise'arev af tlê-iddleau, off Abedeet, aflm# ihàos e ligusemeraecIr; vlmen the ersér vas gui- *4 off, the Jus.baaen boew i nmray çh tÏli. Captale Roie bai saileuphvauiiuoff The uavy estimmai. fiaor -sa-8 am £4,6U651, hsag £445,9U more tItan W ouiSotai.. k-8 m < ibsauo li ab lop eof Calçuta,50,O qap--- in- tentaila Wieiniaheliie*lpqv asala ho a rd. ender Ibo directioo(iapvflap o(Çatsilay, s iad et thoeaq 11,e140e "1a of he aocisy for the'pro-agto Çleoph Trj ie ag pOffPrusM, ASai~i~1hr Il u h~uupo onas mn5ukm. A rame& mnde hy tletauiser off justice in the couva. cf thç-debgite on the Mo- 1100 fora ojiltîul as ..w"%gv#baç*obe The eteMptinNz.wria iasrmg t'conuInmd îm-çen4p ov- la la d. amnm~ e~sq di.ie T. '.isdcll mj s4$~ewosqec of eilu hm 0 utd IbloteBr= .,mi nleter. Ili. report.d itnUuom c atîbhe chutcomiaui offthe ab>' runIu Lbta- emrouordidoapi-e1t .once mpm a gý; nDoalNies.' PbridÏ94-T'et" G euaPStsab Âa *iv-' Ïtthmut" i k. aMg -hm, MWta ~ seu-mili u t ise iauptoo ma>' i.!n.Os- lhuîiq l heJva IL 'bibeeeisa trtied !vt p.ne i eba., oubi te$Slet or a t sfbesd be ig.r, sose aosdde1 Aiseo aei tk. nues.' e widges in 4". lut wvmeie brt th bougg ag . un oa heiFort Limai l thewihlacaoe.heend il a, 4«wa" lt.b.u vppieheuivi thatblagca .MOuIsamuntue go soPpià Sl~omre ed at Nov Orleanes ucomiolarmc ~ Co.rpia&tecpue(U$li; y the Mexicacu under Sacncta. .-General1 E10001011 ballrereaeJ g eomeetit use lIa- ixee. Il Vasreportea'h aa CL 7 iled WMi li.,! and bisa amy annaiad. The @nhaiiata vgen vilg reux laaleo»te lahia.. Te Te*--ama haret Son YTlipe bW-. foré 4Wy aboedona dil.i ""boAua* rmy bra di .amingejoe1 à& osta Io diviaou. non làPeactia cs mmd thé oth7ei in titrr. 19h vas dmin-u Statimonoff the',Teians'le iest"oyail- îhir . îovn4 a, iîi tgi ig'ffer-tibta mo fa Il minhei bangde oa tbe NWxvçgsps. z_ - Rhand.ned. Ll~séeo ir mllâ in the army osftGe,. Houston. -' offvhiel (ltinl a>bathe follovii angp.m5 m"i ddition,(rotai chielàs t-Oppearaîiaaî ho io as. hein destiayeud aiab. t2- liae Teurns. Faý im.tMaerd-.The -iyTes b.v, Capiemm AveuilI srisvod ast flming-han Ma- 8ag ra y s. Capt. Aveuili uaiely ton- lia=tsemelauhjy aintelligence, téuýjifréta iseý Legiater off lent evenieg,-4h..moa L 1asiOestrmaly gvome an,! kdls hvi hvfsfvo the manaaer Sua ita.Il '"pestedtt fosesmec cre ii je yara (alEh ve lv top.) Thte Teh sageu a Elim eie i rmu saller iefkMa e»& *allDO e ct. cieteU b, do %ang", area m'ud Jami'eiu.4 4redt ,lt rci guît. Muét tiiaouof S î.-arliimeat, au a ludistiatribunal, aroe mdif. ferett ront tbe people as c ias eeCourt off King'& henccitamiare as competent ta comvct a public officer of aacrificng the people cil liteking. The pailiamenary tii- bamnal, in short represrects trot the people »i distiazgeiseuh fîr.mthb .overeigi, butthie ssveremgit, the people, the cnstttion, the eternul puncipleisoffJutie., omaniiy mani Tii. king himimîf mai generîlly diriaia bis servaunts; but le cannsot, ine strictece off lacigliacm, jpisA themn vttbout lie mncon of& mnliary orsa paliamentaiy tibnîoal- He. consttof ltriove narbitra. e vil disqual- iffy thae noM'ar li uervail f,, Ffuture ocm- ployaient. Thus, public r~os ~post ami hy tihe ingl, ase dite, ly responsible flot èis lie people but ta l lNlMjmty endi indiiecily responsiblo noe Isthepeople but to a opecisltibniaal, the igseat ilethie land. Tiso trnlh is, gihai to buccal Ibe power off punisialag public deliaquecais ither in king or ini people or tn hath woîîld bc repognantý Vte .soand and biamacs pricciple, thal no party aboli lbejudge lu bis o au ; ad liet-ce arises thes csmsuîy sel as the pbropriety off leavias; the ultirnate docialan ici theo comparmtmvely dteintermsted b'ady' vhich aonstitutionally boldo LIbo sm¶e« even biveon the people and tksa iimt9-. Tise ductrinea of papuilar respotnasuai t, ther<,re, contrat, ovon if thera e r o ohiier obstacle, bie csrried adeo permion lu Uppea' Cacimia vithoult the crecliefioff à comapaenet Iribunal for the trial off îaapssci- mollis. Il suajmaml possible, that Il John Rolpi" oight i was t tdecide tliasaction off Soiît or nnocenace hv a show off tLe del- icats banda off the peopeiibrcugsoat the province. '-Otiier obstacles ta populer iesponsibility We &htal itcrafteî discuse; but tivoesineno coins 1talite doctot's Ibird inféence froni "the lainguge off Ibis tae" *hrJjThat they xpappointod btaad- thte Mg, and bat Repiesentaîivo, open »'Us. e5'sa. oitAc Frouae".-no particulai affîles ut.specîfied: no limitation Itiacy particular dose or aubject. loh lp-slop miereprmntocietlos are o-j Il tal t? hé e praisod ieâtaîn'up. hma ovaItty and literatry tesle. Nons dZLELNDUS smi DELETUS eet "ehc Rolpit"; anad *Il tiat survires off him,, agni utminis ombra, Mout b. glbbitied lne very loyal ï9rnal aas a fetilol example la ail o- hier pritehdera. This editonsoffUpper Ca- JIM41, latiri- ou a bonogeseous population, enjoy a itriisg .dvaetae over their brelb- rn off the lover province in expoing lte fl Sthe disbonesty or the ignorance off radical«, demug neucanmd rebla. lff'jebc R;qkhpl lud isseîi in lte Toronto Courier. aa~ofhlm p osizne must vhîneu Ibe op- erin; if Louis Josph Papineauoe imélsc- ,44 *m le aMontrrul Harold., eot on. jeua :uw of sdeuai hows unyting ofîthe a0Mt5ra Uni thite &u adigression. »l ls.llgthe dtto'i" TAiadtl",1 v. là« tepedl. nt alé charge cf garbliegqto tiYorMaisesaanet *cent lu "the laniuige ÏÏ tiii.it.utott. .Was l cet conauncatme impudence in Mn. Peter Pt'r and éther Ifleir goff go fnio" a garbler cf quota. -~~r5eina Roipi" lé lbsuli Si, Feauvi. Kîsg's iu.tpuctiie -a,? t I o mala ia'0 poIdt, .defllJohn Rolpb" 10 çaove, Ibat ataflng te 'lb.lingugleoff Ibîs ttt.' lie execalive tIounlcillors "are appoinlted h s4~.tIteKing anddthb Rupremuîiv." ,e b aoly any ti b oird the contihul.cg offre tolies off lb.Curci ai Engled. un Seie 5l1l condescend te rend thb second l#llt1ve Conneil& Aumbli""aieat. ~otgdo advinseIbm King and bis noprofme. talives upon lMe effails o! tA. Promueg,"; a c eMîv outicillor'm coumision la r Ï8ra cibtînsiv an aih e aiviing dot>' f tbe.lgW&teve councal thnn amy documu uhalaver1i s ai o Ibut offtb.e acuat e Council. Theaserion, Ihal 'no partic uffiri are speciflcd", cannai b. consided as any îbing but a vilful fulschood. This ity pedarssuffred aneaor vietvisitations cf Provimnce vw il bas -eier falea t#0ciii lot (o viten About a qurter paat Ivo ocloci e la.9, pim ie vr bogue ta move vili - traOhârduaY relociYt tthe imiland sv acud.tensmnstio the b.cneei, aed ro. nebr.Tios"ieeloS tMeA.Show bas bom comploel>' ov - tbrowavi> uaiaitise stores îaede'aly have, *u u lsoeu mbliit tam icdivickml bave vilten tiuir nanes on t rooC, Tie lare o tone i sebdlog Mt.Jobn Te', and occapied hy M. Mitlelberger &Plaît, and Mensu. Ha 55 itim à atalini, lie front balgtoa àcouuiderable extent, hlaen Tise y dtin a mouess frainea 1i yame ol> .relate, a lumîl hous ado tmocpclby a coopier àumed Wi i hma vifs an,! (o hildien,. bassan - i%44bquv*anaclae. undi iefmt.a.dleun knouts incsttes have'bhan casaite; t .Wbitlim!etered dm0 itoun, buta sa e 4t-p Petious, ta luis hi. dinuer, yes- Ieo gremi many min have been sinaploeyed aa"ce ta fatal occuirrence in diggicg up tise lc, ite Iapes off recovering lte bodies, bol lie>' muet b ncruahed ucnd manld that vo entertained but stigîihope. a, saccess. The o ontialdestruction occispi- id lau lima ihan voalbai, taken to witt th71 a$siption cf I Tit. hemle aipropeyty, * tu. b. groat, and the oxpense cfrenai- dth.accumulation off cm elb.the unaves wil le b uomehimig cocsiimrabhe. Tva batecaux îiich vere onulthe icio ver.lift.d or M-th<fe mreel utthelbaLttain olih (04 hte1riet, vIiero Ihero in caler cnougb -ta Out Oietm. Sinca. ibis.o'clci, tbe valet lise baie iaing a gond deal, axal feues are oelotmined Iat ths danger is ct pet ail ovWr-(Mottral Uerald] Ths labourers at lthe ace» .etaihe latè uaelancoly accident s-aeedad laut eveci- «ail sexcavalicg the bodies oflte unfue- <anale sisliem Is. Taopressnlod a mont asocàiig uppearante, liaving boiec icaI ai and mecgied ln a drsadslunnm»en..- Tie er. dimot 1 ecî ta sconsidorable thel. ideandmi js of(tle botte-1 ViN 9*44a.ama oper in the store off fidmo. -Nadeeerpt k Put, ad vus, iI betwà--à at diurne bu ea mucejiut Oc- ÎMÎ--libody, liat o(<is vil. ami off b ie vo»g fallait u. uppea ce> tri f Uzt,- ~ad tthelb.couraiBe, Uw Asambly viii b. bel,! at Neetrul o.bd 3d Orjune. bFrom a body which a»I ino eeWIm eprsent the wealth, iotellmeuséee.4 s i - î»of the .BrilàmuIrlisé; aad Aa.sIua ipopulation of the. Irovince, and ta Sgv* L e spse"o bthuïe opiuionaupo theimammy e meione off Roforin whbi r boirbeu 1brouxlht belusi te publi, by mimaioff tii PMilloonmd Declugatiomaof Io. uega rAssociations througboot lte Provine. vi» rIook (oivard with conlidence tuoa a"eti procrediog, which in rftilcting hoodur up, on ilsei, viii condoce ta tihe permtent welàfre off Bnitiula North AoeriSeu.s-[n trami Courir.] Fromm the Torouto Courier. saturday, April I&. About 8 o'clock luit eveniag, w. meni Up te, the Heu.. off Auembly, sud teund Il in Commntes off th. viole, on a motion of Mr. Perry; which led for its objet,.ft as vo could lharn, the uppointm*et of Cou-. mnsioneca, ta negotiato lbe Sala of U1* Welland Canal, 10 uny parious wb. miolli guaractea Its constittion, nt a tlnoitouthe proet .etlay off £73 pet cauL M r. Pury va. on bis loes, and vusuga lui, that a» aisepreentecd vas thei. ! hit Canal, and n tradoceti, and vilafial, Witte ail personu connectaid vithil by 31". Mackenzie, ftint lhe course cciv proposèd wua the most alvantageons one waibthe. Hou.. coold panne. Mr. Mackenzie re to reply; bul bis voice-indeed vo mijat say, ibm wbh off bit pbpityal and mena -powers »ce"sd imulta.aously to bave fi 2- ed bim. e.wuayalled te side, by tie Speaker, and snt dusse quit. unable to cd- bact bis ideas, in a muener tint vwould s.- pover bhiu Io Spaak to the. question, We bave seen Mr. Madrcuzie et difléraist liai.,, and under diffierent circumiaaeceslý. wu bave me.n 1he sergeanî-at.Arme ejrt lia bou the Housoff Assmbly-ile have seec h. obliged 1Iofdee to avold pu- polar violence et a public meting-vo bave ut otber timeu hourd his lanuago oqa- oeio thteska.by mob. deluded by bis mi- phstry and declmation-we bave ut otter lames itoard hilmosueil5, d"pupingj i tice from the Boncb, and bai» bebeldbé fil1 the responaible utileoff Noyer off To- ronto, bot nover have we-and ai epiak with candor wbec ve make the aussrioo-. witnemed inch i metamoiphomu hlu the mie, (cor coutld vo bave bae preparod for t,) us th. discussion off the Welland ial Committee report wrooght on bie yues- day. Ther. sut lhe test eigbt, the. poai. flcation offcongcious gultlookiag eesni-s sconfumded;ý wmîb ait tbe seLl Suai- dintli around him deserted, as if thosn vory membera vito heoetofore abWseay5b- nitted to bis dictati a eaiedtablv. liait contagion SI 1oucaoafy caIhi nhe rond atuospiter., wfiicb the ladre m ifq caluraneimoebreaîhed. lnudsdlh. aIL- en poM$ilion etcitiod t our .fimu*tion, mica ie t l aey rielngs oet exultastion over a politicai fu.; and lu pity, vw o paiced hua tth painfol er- alet!j.3th e aada off wh ky:»À ~*Ira i vilâtion efaï tasa.1lu Bal' puiliailc e off 1mw ae. Dever testrill a Maua vbsn tâera. LaaIl 1w1wvromequmlly n...-Ê.b- aazînésteotrrai UR psmê ta ¶sothe co lion$ er.~i 0tho onout sudifer- lesu diselsarge oPtlbebj douaseas uppoegiilon ail occmioupn le i.conduet off Mr. Roblie and coinesomhs who took part in titis &&il lbe Houa. vouli neyer have beau dlsgnsed byý tho publication of th. second odit ton .1 privileged lad« vitickin a"aOut t. aisàr ii s ppeurunce. That geattlame flmly op. au uc~lnof the Report, .nlbs proee.dialgu o.1t '" Cm- es ol mMd udwr,-tiia sm eoff tise gentha iorne namemveté utahot4ad aiveàr eridàee.. idéma on wuproffmuodlly ffoonded, -Iliat li, thog a IMmb. off tho Com- mitti., vas bot à ailty to ilie ffîaoiaag off it, nd ltat opporihaldhom rof»WUn. Mte disfl cuomoepointe coetiled in i ta wbicb h. badlatroÏ g oiam d, Lla &Mpublic hier it, hi Mm z. AUNuxaak!4ieueil trudrawn iîp by A PERSON visOWAB NUS- eizmEa asEaz o. 'raz CoaxcyyscoJR oir -iRE ouax 1' Thon ffctshtgentWe manb -.rtod la bis place, and cbaiienged contradictioa fipm - mnymeeer off the Cou-. iittem.. AU ill iib. broghi to liglat i damessn, andi w. rely coldntly on thoed a 0n4 iâtegriay off a rellecting p.. pIlot o uard hocor te wbom. il lu&d", u&" t. Sxthae ban off heu diapprobation upen thon on vi.. lt ougbg lte t. ADDRESS. 0011.3E TEOUBA» SAND I2WUNTY ilis 1 ciAnirA NruoT aiO PTsIUOEOUGH AUD ie ICINlTTr. £À&D Comader of . ya enroai uclAicOctet, aMd of Me MiiapOrdreof 3Ment, L. Goe u n t.Province of t7pp il phae Yo se Excelleacy ete indauiaed Ina"uata off Peter- ami ihs viciaity, beg lhavemmle- l1 te appruaci yourExelaywe On Outaimucore Umaer bYeuraun- g, mmWy, and atzagbdorwaM et you am.med lte admims-1 the Gevrmaient off Ibis -Province, va I1from il a Binet cbeerig saiec for funture, and e.rnel-hpe liaI Yser Fa le =- uy ai.Don «Vumetoaller thet1 0 sbae nably tsuci out, b6e Mngt teitoaibi met the 8gewmma. riav villi orrow a" d dapgmrae. tai the vile smilmptaw" al beli 4mbariam yogr Exaeillamq, and upai cciyon, moi,, e b. e am dm me mu abici y.. bave met thae. r. pergectiy vlliieg, sued v ie ot mprmd, Io support joui En«e#- Ibu fer Mmo '~<aou.. »o .3boo" e lomamg i.thse eWea." above tise ~patlbWowotl Md BspoDisllisi dmseDov Couacilemeos l.cmuaitaaaMy 140 MM ie là**S i -lletItlsh"samforced toi bolieve ltai the kOn ,or m atv. i Il L b f i f . 4 i . a O u m M Womî e t of it i C u u m l ore s a r ~ . 4 i. aboya theie l eeil a anouvieta gain credit villa the b m 7Odft, Laie Muns94Md lt; daflemec ountry for liburmi feelings and intentions, W SuIve.. tise level of Laie Simesud vhere non. retlly existed." Wiat flrcetd 1"e i"r. 110 fle-I.41Jtih. Comtmttee to believe Ibi 1Cndour 1 Î1 cOHUDULU or T5TLE5 or 31MLLO Trutit ¶Justice? Nu: il vs enwi.dter. oltW sobarlogMe Id m.@14. b pa & To impute decit Io any Mie vititout sut- Ou, a -â 4,iSII firint ovidence, la wicled. And hal * a A g . p .vid Ic tia y m a l ai w m u ~ v id e n ce Lad th e C o m n ittee o ff th e tru t it o f Usmrno mmresulag ils ~ Toustiseir charge i Non.evitatever. nis$LEx- Auomdk oxeiltheP"omemam celleecy had ocly perffornsod tvo or thrie I psi dmiag ce ui uiet 0f i - isll sels off Govornmet,--appoieted a Colonel es,~~tl "Aunamiét vdmitels t the Yrdl acs rvative teathe. * tofe Miliia, uNise dotiez, rank and rewardi ellces et Townshitp OgSSm i s0f Pare nearly nominal, and snone aiher auch 14,iimur idati <ut 1v rmp f oarti, eh@"e ~~mltm trifling matter,- ivhich the Comitee's dis. 'Aume tompale11. sses nd oOflt5s, tempered imaginations pervert int symp- toteqi am àOi»artupamed it itv-tifr jesiulthe r.tp 09,Hie lots Mmjesty LK4Ilaege toma off deceit. Butal manmac oi t e ho tinM Tsaa ie n t tpr-oviand Tce tilem frcouctad ua onder fora word; acd ittese 1W"ti@ ilPzviaee. as rlate, lti.heoffice et lance- tva or ibis. appointmenls îîad baccncally1 v&mdr ead isirgdbyoirmr.J igva objeciionable, tbey tfaim no pruof of deceit.1 An -metaleprive" ainu e opestovitia tciii pueo-1A ma»& chaaacter ia to b. determinod by1 vuiii, kWhetei.g mmmai ta prissiPon of Jluite geneoral tecar ofitiuactions, not by onea tiaudm orf liesoCreedaato;tinont pot missbisn ,fr ~ teorepeal aud asad eetuimpaisas » rtvislsdaceanIuIhlineai poW itiheiletirt'I of theielgof inlg zceflecy vos lib.raliy uupplying the1 9 Ora- the Third. esomtillsd'Aumigte *Od- io&msombly vitb ail sorti off despatches and1 for i.aaamgthe asauuiO iof.li bal.isepuablia documents, usofful oruelesol This4 Ia Srth iner lia i mmon i ueasoa osg = t n.-ivtta ii e ne , an for otier ïn - <hem fot lookilue deceit. Deceit sceka con- ra eaca emp. t-cAu'det;but [lis Exceliency hbaadmittfid1 àéa" ta opomCetinpran fan m the Âsembiy into tii.very secretsoff Ibmgov1 ideud vailii theaum and ityli of th i Nia anmd' ercment, and if they would have aided and1 Deusoit Rieril airejeemuimaî. i apported him, ito wauld have praved by4 Au ont ta tue eo apuay te ouslet ai Wa-oilmiBlge and fte=LuLba an.1Z. hie general tenor off bis amineistartion ltat styl aid tL *f='Gii»=mindi iaitado-, ter. vos cna deceit in lis profisalions. Sir icItis m otttl 01fFrancis BndoBond andtWlfrsae andvope auMtemeirpo. Fanc CBond ssd idter thei Stylea lad "ofteity peatiumte puay m ueSylO mId gnerous lieba decei ver. Hia wholeà l a te ' a mlie eatITrt.ai Ilit »ute. nut sneh û«d h rvni élté l a i ortie1adm brigMeP iaPy. "ausIte l.aaerpernim am ilaresemrthciioves ltaI decoil formes no part off bis char-c style Midm of ltheismalta catir vwor ma. str A* melt #lr oecstipg uaimspseaam bimdamorit Niqm vr, e t or a- Q*smtam ilu pp« ons. -Father: in anoà&her part off "'repart,1 ds. the Committa. charge is Excileecy vilb Au b m lt.e ha aiaMarket lu tie West Word o -uga sia es i aet' n thé Town et Bockvifli. . -i-anera falbsajdei- Au A mtla assid ma es mat i e M wtti jier adfuis irlais ma jmoe'vî, entthlei 'Au aet. ii wte . a funse utals m .i'lsuibeToewmsiniIIewo,"tlem. Titis charge coaid oniy proceed Mda ~ l . late f mait Toca. n& oritappears tIb oly *F& 19 li in " ivgTown. li Pmiuyvial e ord vuas omitd, and tiat ouiaieos AuCn maad assid m nt in tha vas uiutetiontil. In tie extrat se giv- ilhlyasdlàma . Y$lvvmi "Aumdii # onby hia Excellency, he vas ordired SI10 Mtite . aosm Btismalagmalems," mm oanmcate sucb and soimany o ourin- Umlmg the«i maiteadiite ho empi@W » dmr lMestrtactona,". vich sholi bava e n" s«uch ZË ý h o m Oletm i aea m nthofess lo tuor instructions."l nt e 'n th em« f tepr mis1.. . Novif there ho any shude of diflerecce in hoand ai cIopsy. ltae Manning of the passages, it is more 'A. ont.tesi"Otetmhllm-eaof Mutsim. in favour ai bis Excellene la viocs viten susses campWunth le mmai dlstrieleof thliay rkimilmAuie ie*ried. ]Pon the clause mighl Au ad te 10 misdtii týi of samm.. el. iàho constrnsed 10 monu tuut lewuaIo Au il m ro~ d assiOucarbu. fsssau Csmauniat. pacte off tcsinstructions orily, pai " n e W a 4 b y ur ofa W = C - b ib o u t ude a nd lim ited b y "ld ffl e", style M twéthle " - imi n . a.- bt " to tho Isn", il might me&an ltat ha v.ass Omgmay - flS mdjgs, vs o commuicat. the îg. instau- e iwoa *"ift. " ilethetions generally, ae non, are particuluniye of& rond a4.,la. li to. ir th a m. s~pecified. Then as the omited vurd tell.t B" * diEmk fKlWmgso t p.O a= e etan dors tiie passage more an f. vour off his£î- I 1"Bt Nitm mld fir t herpalipos thiuaisanceio- iLd 1». c@eley's viewe, ho aould not bave onitl.d a 1Au inet toastise al saM of the4m4it of the l <+iu Md c> eau ilm DI,<TI.I eadw i iteritionaliy, and thereffore could mot in Au duite mr4a»thslie ima ldam open have gas'bld tîte extract, and Ibm Commit-. ,m u a i& t l a l e %~. a r f ag~ PriisilsisasMit ta mamd n"veas iafsde &Itvasdesagoed 1 Zis i. bsExcelofl-ig IRESI ltauite mEofotiar pviMeu-s, cpivioet, but lhey bersia, aniy pbov' Vida et l aIvil i etila," mmi m$" r thir utter igorneu off the uaeaniccgoff ia. W rie ns ltifmvrkw* forli lg lm piag u guge, sud thair incoapetaaicy Worthet 1aik p te. m tieo*rel of o md u. hich they undertooi. onith "aut un m s et lueB la )-mlti hnae saimn vla yeareu ame but apollinienN of the oeil «Wa lu *4 d,. Amu mt. e he i d.. ur usthat pervadea tîte report. We bai. cein ligf d Pivim," 0 mi. ~ ime ta examina oven, sentence or para- of tieu ISvsc oiextesuig Z, duilamslve rpindblbuwehvsa etg n mimis. thpe e etalbutvobav midtmaaegu" en5a i mdm i epoamta e tu s hav that the repart cannot lho truakk Il taj m oa md mortai, amaies adiaeei fer It purposely puts the vorut construction, on th 0" et '" 'S~~ d lmma' agao0'atmboth i@iExceilanecy's ces and opinions, pi 0 .- m in l smplua.vturc oAd. and on thune off the Haine Governument, ~~fhHmsIAsmydz.emest yul. il displays %Ilthtetipettafouggicgouti - Po à(4au t olite he i m. i ntheinc.cla mny ty Led tact vlaicb the COMmita. could Cf alcultive Council ut ail minc lr soaM"pt'Ionothe goeeZ Lord ai r*àiOmie Ezecutive (,, :uri sriglal(ci mdvise the Governorî.. ait l fairis orlte Province, b 3 h gond goverroment, thl r (ic1 Canada would laiil bto0 timeir 92 reecqutiona or insm tiinftermnable cmplainîsI, t th a ll ia ii e v er m en tlon d b> te . ftimble reformera oC Lorer Ciniaa, fi e d j t o a np r o d ig y f is i i a d ,h Dby thae reformuera of :ppr nada t. 1Ibis paradox b x i er(aiJh 8have befor, romarked, our rerormra ai i d a pretext for quarreliue wit! hfic ernemrent and atcpping tue lpl tai srenglen theo bands anf q nMsures cf tîmeir Cu cl Province; nothing Ifred tbat C tcrced jute a pretei t 1Ir tlu0 pue Ulis Executive Couriculail(, tlleref as~ declared b o ean inmils ensa la of goed goverciiierit, Il d c1elî former 1,1ew hua tiny tu "a, 1 l.h image vhicla faction 8set iDp. tIf tinst day timta is Excell P a, Government, tie faise patriuîî played tîtoir deterîiaion b qua , 1 b i s e i f p o s s i b l e . l n e , i i i cuovied hiesII reuedel aCS f'eCt, the cause iî tci ho fou cd in tilt ob.tinacy of tiha refortuers wlio ire with tiie dcuiocrata of Ille Lower proi lt isstated in a New-York aeti acre off hraom corn Iuear Norîluampî~, »Imuaua, sold for $130. We ik our fariers vii began toie Ilabu1 ini sufficient qumetities le auppir l, mand in Kiligaton, and not allo,,ul cash for broccas fron lthe States ant ,W. boliteethut iMn. Ires plaui r gaaud ith broom corn last year bîbalo samiel cause lb.e rcp failed. Let a ry again. ------la HatasEectco.-Mr. . 'k 61 Constitutioeal Candidate, hbas beci r od f-orHastings hy a mijericy otiIl ne reluIlt viii gteAFY ail l.h loyrsn silst goveMQnt'med British concexio. St. Geo's Day vus kept î&Àd Mr honourod nt IMontreal andi Quet, ni;, Taranto. Ibo river Trenat mairai00, placell in h"tprovince. W hal ne a ful 80ii aoorii lthe festival ami &pij vlioh vas ffurmshe us by a gestio peesen t ut the Dincer. il is p#bmig St. George's.-Ray wuas ve beletsen ed writb 00 Mbsaupirit, cor eleîluufrg ed up n0 ÊMuY vivid and gsemeas mth. Ilions Off E&4land'a immeortal hlae.li Irish Advomlb gaves frac auBoswa MM an accouaI 4£ngiand'a Patatai Si @en" f pIhat flIlle st. GeorgeIII ap padoeu îiatheb.account does o'aim mieas. Bod wle have seen a te, altica roadovaiW prohable tlit E£qlg Patron Saint, vas ho otser ttiim Ibis nowned PPe: Gaisanr, ahm là aime Gam*ious vas metaucepMa inc Gonduand "ho hlldampk"du 'eý Ube.âatraeîaaffectionsaofet clles froua hies auauendos rours t bn hbeir Ici fleos achritiauiy, If th. ion of St. Augustine aid Is. partions. s a'5, b 1a mnt,inmeoruer te mueld and ustalein i Tis a fulmva Bul vr r.aed ie celms lar avorite idol, a eioaibe eu it co %*= a héiur, t foi . sgleaU <Counili. The report commient@ with scie. sua AuM aithlaIà-TvThIoammd Porads te the severity on bis Exaohieny's statement ibat Wsmm CasalCoase. Aiat t.ostieti. pmmi wt BmTven lte Cotancit 'as te serve hlm, se thuucgh eita <etthé lbitort 0f Ch eutes m arseopnaamte.butha il ust bimaei(sundthe Couneil le op- La vuadutle suppot iCougoooaSeie '@ 3sac »b position te the. people. Wlereas îL xon el' triât fertca pur18lmMd ISl h tiiyarc Anu e r a adiW Mi bject that h. bas in rievurain teorvitde in lues. Ope, andl that tbe Couccil ahsuli servebt Aui ori eSua iiePirmWIlumDu.ths-ervinghi;but L-.u»ho b Id taac %md WlUl ar am. yevc îa .oaevt As actmet 0 mpiove the navgation of the in eotshow0tftthesut8blishmeut cf a Board-of w 11 d a cf tht adeeNecaate. contro[, vhich ahoul,! govern the country an imnm teant am om onuey for *uPrev- an,! renden its isourees aubueivi.m t10- the >Pugtemsaltiv o uaieâand- agrandizien cf 'tii.domagaguesin tlb gâ Au mat gmramsILm'u amnite comploe.AssmbI>', he is bitte!y oppaaed, and the tacet tiaWmamms. fals patriite >' aff in a tangent fron ttear th*us et thé ;rum amu of ou.> l Pprtasd bn pure, tievadarlng atm,, ta vhs.. w Amrpusthoenmntmgd.ta~meom raodtbh laainassoff darknea fRw ver. me%"act -t'g teUs Mieu & m Or nes re ue artofthe peoceediDngi imoqj lo ibs sepeitf Lght PI a Iis aibir vbici Va cacceot undersland.- ..diu dut sct gréatieag lbree hundrmd pcquuds te- Wbta tht prenant Exee tire Conceil baick varda Bhe compleling a Liglit Heure on Bois. eua»gsitva ige y .B .Ulae.hadd, in aie Westena Diatrict. idfl rd ,4atgracsg te fou Nje«y <the cfMM aU Iiis q., thé ysiit àobr,1pi Iudatpoquai.for tlia. pomee e spuir- wvielahotipoahated list in the event aof.the e delliug bousse off the IgIiteM . «»douaIt.of linF. B.HBani, eadmnistra., apt eepr o Gitrltr Pin, bli HO. tiof alte governm'I miolidovolve on the -e" JA, inte< raimu a muaoff morney for Bhe puai, Bon. Wm. Alan. TIi. Cosnmitietapplied Pots" paeteu a moetiga tarosin fis ÈM (ot eep- or a copp off tti a grsamet, and in repS>' tisa ot Ag ac te amud auat puged jebhe lb hi&i Excmllecy sated, -'1do net po loua Sassi orf lis prw Paaiiaucl, enlilied nov dosa luire exisl iCouncil, an>' docu-dm a q' ugraina Uffmm"apor tse sem- Ment off misa anature.» il la sa en- ' tizr of aui a ; =haGo lond, or snoit donne msuai a dacmnaesmlYdiava up rn Au at fr te rlie ofJe"nouhm. s gmd. lb. Committe. infar tsaI ies A4nua et teI. am mmcofaMo-ExoelIm df sat,*hetruiàaI ein- tBm.O cey faer i mprua<orf amiBridges l ihe b.Tiernl igals« I etiaProvince. frta uS et insquestion hbhen au Aut cltoealoa Persoui efr ir"oy, ucasied lobe g aethe nsver; an d aim fo c hCoumde. sdfor otuer Purp e pe .uit senVoibyve Msisex Il u>' m ses IhoreanntsocLbu sii abat as tise doeineeot vasdelivered w j> ".P-vSw Pommtaérais pesuateMu. Allaan sprivaI. custody, il iberefore1% te___________m_&Wetay ____tdomsort exil Cinam»WLP; btti uaTu sbterffuge tea vibsai z Exees.> oul,! eui 0JJJF N, TUPAX, MAT 1, LUI. doili.te a fre ien thut.sasperaion u -ealtoigta flhabood, orothseimtesuumatkt rr mtrsausisbu tve4os hheupe« r as bbut of f itIha momoa.î1 or taine CosmiiuS tise goseIivCeea- At tlube*9 viev il l s 7émse 1, m'mi. m ~ t t e p ose v s a * hM g it a j o r o 5 m l y éo, va#ssvu mW wspac.jla u r Imi;eeuv o.,w~.ts strP*- n .ke eein obs er t ;a.bekI~i.i iasetaaI io~ ~, q.hig c li upof u &iga htybv italyIe ue Bs hir G.FERS DAY. à bi&taaW.imMd d i. "8 :fi* . 1 1*1 cbe te id m te0be iCier mi ch.Day ofliair bat,. tho timmombma s ec hme t inoPen ce lia eirombap, asording1 a""MWtiSb d'a Hotl nt51 io'look, P. M. They nom o ta U Çkeer's Gmrcb, where Un, 11*.i ýfTaxàml.avCiplaà a th. aieSceay, pm«fia cllant seiMi. houRomu. ch. X., iver te5 ive roadrice of lie îoveread culimS o f tisir "Tie country vint a 'rbo mat Miempl. A eollecioa ing hi i Idtb aBmldsadBciecy-toar gsid eemlmèvia li Naacil Alme ta. 1. maboisthon proeededtothk IOin ddisporiai. ras e'l DB eIayamir mIs anfo eswi teaiet amanttIle, 5 e ai-et . ai i tr Iotlié tam imol thg le bdrld tshp mt.mepeu, lie loi, a isia i* trcjo.a u 448-uiWasU1 go.nics,, v pu ii Te wJohn oivm m e , m o s s el s u , B o g v i c e u i tier.i. fmtti e usm the a o r0fthe Soicety- e te Min t ua de ilàiidl%".-Tà, on'~ sUiSa iael m vilMioenPlImind W tbagçIe romhii v u ealkidiý~ t5u11.gdh ni Sta U.1,' td tiencihl.. lin. ire 5pf toit mai mit mhccp lyalrte âme im li pbosuoce by h. PM . cmmyvufioosb ton.ie w iifififBmiBld Sgta'e Ie ta bin, athodaifine) te anliuv Wut cleftIIN5' = d*5 imutrdoyIJ5.. in a m_01340 . hm*.~ atlfit, ilitiowica5 1 in, d s l. Set ssree a.vuic omhimtdce rV*Ua" Bhad. j u C a ce.. 'L ILT RW e acm of Aibli I& Our mw»p-wy a & T i i I?,g« I. madsh 'R SifS wwr e ch ai wsvir L!wucasw "a sMdngl tilial, a eom C =th i<.Z â_omddl tib i aior blas i. ,MII. ='t, orsi c Milo. ham Dr. ~4SZi vuoai k.e i0 t' f ortb Lvs- oIu. I Icoevuow OFun- wHMmWam Fm as o TUim m 10 m Au-4mOTAWA. I - a oe i il a~ Sj il CI ~I ~l il P" amd .ML a 17/ -58 :1 il à ryâ et le si A id