(lje Uppei~ (aniz~tî frtetb, ~ sBIspIi.laf Wiimw11 0,in the comtat Iuayasd .~ Z Ofi4tf MWai lm Ocei: In, je mi tinsth Counîv<0. isi; aM ou ib taOctobe 1 a Loulou, at oj made 10 the A t. JOHN B., ,~ fb t rtnrinfonaa Es1 )AR DISTRICT. port Credit, a&td Bhonti, 1 sdClet"y , et daim CtY, on the fg on the stemt TucJt ýber,suOtbr Céryeare At Tv ghmlLnsy; ai Peteri. md uJe.ae &on th, r;A *, septfmer, at hoi iag maely "" tin *ad Weded ttc bd Octouer floel o 'mae tothe Ar nt o ttc 4ah )N RMCDON- MPeterborouguh, foi foiber WURSTD[SMDCT. et in the Countiat of Lentit R%, - thel W cdacdav in Wedneatay ln Jold ;Aojat et fadllsvua. .it Richmmou; at the Ttai 'TA WA DIS TRIjcT. ta in the Couette, ef Pccset wu otn the 2»d Wednceday in Wedatmday in jti)., Auguat; )e followleg. 1 at lthe Ajreat 1cr ec nbtets JOHN McNAUG(H- at Bytovu, for fure inra. b. p"Cteslar Lots te te Nild 'ctlgalto the teit of atsdsud il) h. put up at the otrau of C0"i of the Peace Mm4 cemspcu ?h i &edu)e ma te tnd , miaiener fie ro Liads, mammed Agents. feralm the Piladnti lm vWn»ch tistre are Cmnn se for amd Notice NOTICE. dicta fin thte s~oa Isaciveî, during ttc pemst ND DIS TRI CT. BELLEVILLE, , le the. County of ASTINGS, Mh JIy, 201h Augeat, M01 toter, s&d 2lnt Noveait. N.APMJEE. as tin t Couetita of AND AD5>tNTON, ti JuIy, 24th Auguat, 24tt, tuber. &Wt 2Mdt Novautai. rNaTO N. la inth C4osty of boUUtc, Mi Joly, 29&i Augatt, Và M«be, end M0h Noyautai. ErLLE'ViLL. ftes, ltins e oitnty cf Sai M uIy »at A1gilU tj«r Mmd ;hoat Neveeba a, ltin t Ceunit cf A» A»DM ONaoo, i M8 Isly, M01 Au' tâ ober, s*d 25h Jovtc& KINGSIUN , ves, lu the Couty d< "U Juay, mPe Ag, %à tober, sudi 2M8 Nortbma pstticular Its tubi sSlià citlah th d a4ulaae« b. balas 40 caner Wif» Cnwa4 leia< yEIEILT- TUE SU, altu l.- aI L~ M s8s b,0mwlp pfjlANI) WUUED »Aiff. ELIZASETH TMONAT BER? !NET9OmESTIEt1, NALc&Y OPltOSTE THE MAMElON BOUSE ,VOLUE XVIII.] [Jou WAuZD8T, Editor.] KIN( TU .I'EVELLER'S EVENINO SONG. roxssca, guide met! Day derfm, uItW W » einds e athe pint; jo'ei thts*Y w tuons ghma Ws'dd D«theconvet'm bll Fas.ithe Pmibd noulta ialbo- tketi; te e t-slai. Nia thec ssior5veaPer byna Dits awsy. Fther la the t t" me y st&yl 1sïe lgh a mI aitisýverlng Whall ". Of âic lautt, tst lite iinng 00;) ln tht d1ai nnmffed tou of te es.wait'es Mantmmt; lin titdep tinta ofth8e tky, T'here are igusofet-Matt niglu Omiecai, with sulto ro0und, Faut th lcsig daim aroemd. File ue teg liM thc Stoaux d m"dau 04ér the vii, oh! lic Thou the loue on'sa ai- Savc thy chil! Mmny a swft andi aonnding plame Hlonesartia through thte oing 910003 O'ar My vaY bath ditteti fast, Sitre the arewcîl sueaus pmsd Fr" tthe chcant't rutdy bheu, Andi th peis, uose lmvand dii, Wtere the wakeieg igbt-vlua uide Thrmue tht laag iels moun(ully. Huasevard, bosevir, al thicgs hasts- Qed o! might ! Slitld ithe toneteta sidol Utevate, Be ie light! In his ditant riie-neetc Now my babe is laid te rest;p Beautiful tiis lunher items Wttsa glow of beavenly drenis, Dautil, o'er that light leep, iang soft eyes of fontinesa deep, Wbere is nouer bauds to prsy, For the loied snd far awy- Fatter! guard thet housebold bover, Hear " tpeayer Ilmk, trough thine al-guiding poser, 4 Lead me there 1 Duker, ailter grows the iglt-3 Net a tr tends quiviring light 'Tbregt th tMassy arch of sade By the stem old fbeet madle. Theel ta wtoseunslumbering tya AU M ia1thway optn ie, Dy ty son wto mev dsreat In thc locély vildernes, Whr ne roof to that blest heati Sheter gave- Ftter! thieugl the tine ofirejad, Save, oh! Savei SELF.CTION AND CHANGE O075511. If tà an epinion beli bý mny, tltinl cutIva- tu, Wru ce ecerY thîng depend auosa chuge o gee, and & t seadcotinualy sismd e e à- t fia filetc tenereliou et csmtey, viii reitt:ty dteriorate, andt at it nlia is vhlch eaders achtange ecceaty. Others, sa the cos- tanY, censider a change non advmntage whtever, aed manaii that ty always selecttig the beit leeds ftem amertirteliest Cemp, te ied, instel f deteirir, wýijl atually beronne impiovçl in qnalty, fet tlareugli these ciops hi alaya rais- et ntete aie arBth fhflat ousaith- eMt qualifiations, arc erroneoura but umder peer limiàwte, tY arc toth lu a certain degree ttict- y correct.' Aý change fseedt, however, asi t la moiu cm-i t),n pratie, ih cf little advanlage, and fre-1 qttntlY 4 ne ans hatcver. Wten the p1jace fromna whict thc teerd l precuretd, resembles Very nearly in soit and lmaîtc ltat viiere il is soya, little I betnttt te deived fira tth change. lOe. m as- Catf'Chort disanceare unimportat. t, 1% aaoltithrre thc coeîrary bc mal. fimaa dt Scence 'simaiin andi seaon is ccaaiers. Bu4i a etat4 merly, even fron dilereaet coua ties, n tes ikely tei pove prejudicial ls tliervise unlct it à perferti e ith udocinent andi diacre- tin. Hnct, inubWniein7 ieeÏ~frm >" ierplice., Icfrso tnd tnderetanti the raicWoaf the bYe Mrdeatib chia change, in oder Bit hi et e br ejutige whlethar he hs likely ta gain orlm n hifI. That wr hat eticavour ta ex-A Aseagenetal Iule, whlen plante are remoyedl t t ae t noier, tbey n trai eta 10 tat ensetres to the cinate ta vlirin . e del. Tus seirplantearem asovel frwul rôtit clmate te a se dtior e ilxui n aon,they betome lare ie govi; they do 4O 0 cklY aditilce bs inattt, but contenue gpowmg th- n the lIe ason a heam0nma the Prduc a re moiantOflaiea aien antile-n ot seet. Ou the oUa., and,, aplants arc renmoyed freasa aim chate 1 tcel nue, the reverse lakea place; lhey di.iasi If tKc o Cwsth, their sessonof 91,11111 10 co"ý shor", atd thoy produre a greatar a- 11,oleseed. IHeure, grnealy.wen »Mse tli pal etieci of a cro, if la mrealvaiboema t o, axelt eula (ona rouler climats. là- aon lthOugh naPposace = 8h1atsm Plant; Orsteheavîet crops lnthe M dalsm Oi.tlîerefoeciatht Mididlea m sdbùns teejld probably ied a gTet advaUge ini elit eccasin<>jl>their seed romntrama tthe .. lTerr Must hwcver ho a hittaho <l, iw t4 POwtItof stalk, U n« taoprotiuce oves, 5a ÜY of atel ai mglt remit insth* late t heurc t nedromam t SP~S Zc0ar pante csuddmyhsy,aadala r fisturhty ee is u 1 ' i - - Whelt dm eitter l in te citherc and middle sttti, md a i stie agueffsof EeMW, han in elther the maiuieapet o eor «f AM«- Wbere ciel» vin Dm t dateno ein deairab Enaftisby cosing adapteel 10the. ciiate there tbY are gowlng, a ecbftluud selectioea of the teW lied voilSI-vYs prdue. etain impowemeL_ lva. hin dteiemth-u-y be ftmqeaty peva- te4 by MjoiiWaiaai.. imt, i if an " t& pr erethe qusO<ea4 Uinitr à&«cor% the see ofwhih b enobtael flum flac ueti, lrs àMotdilays selct for mel thonam nsuh nipen fini; or ifwe v ian * thueveti adef %mof e isvuiety, we eh"eu l ~i thon staub whiro he htgrest sp never frets it from chgaecM, ns dvanta ei obtaniin ' fe esde ry y a tner lire il sdi t, Who avy god and cliansed emsebestesv s 4 Chang,, whue inre5lly itlaosly tobhe aI ted ta&ct£ic. Many fariers always selthir best Moatoue and plant the worbt, andi froin tbis prartece bias rsen the opinion tuat the varieties de- gusarate and rn out. Art opposite course would ldto a diferent conclusion. Furiera shoulti ai ateonataetly impohgti soit of tlaeir farns-they slionld tudy the eNsting defects, and endeayci, as tast as cireuwstcea wilt permit, turesmedy them-4f their Ima it»I Wtt Iheyslbuld drain itr-if ta. tiffand clsay, they shuulda py loosealng manres,-lt light &Wm sterlethee ldmnaksh e of green crups of clOn'et as MauDit, vitia jlaiter, andl ilae,-if @fflý (pnerally indiested by the groevhof sorrel, brocin grau, or scxub theauls- ply lime or mal-auL a n a=csettey 'bonl"P au the erieing minore Mey cm poRe>bl.%o: C.,for &Cod thniag, mid thea ti~o!mas- nure, are leseparable.Iel w, i thuq Dotsly increaae tieir capital by thin acraseip ucti aio their farieveiy yesr,, but they wiii do it by the. constant7 aagmentiug value of their land; their Profita vili ho two-fol , and In their increase mu. tually asceerate ecd h er-I rou tbs LuedatTissafslm tbeIlt (m LEITEES ON THIE CANADAS. Ne.Ii. TO M. Jop* Humsie oeidMr. JohesArthuirJas- Sitar-Trht objectai the presensîIetter la le gire an ipilomissd sMaternentat 4 mgs pepil sud chate o te na"lsuagiota au anT ies whchyo ereset, utiof vblcnh 1 bave shaov I have said thel thec Erat teps laken by ejv erCaada Hoa fa ai mbly te a= theb.cw%-ý aitutien Otwba Prvint., vin i1830. Tpi La e Counacl, or of! nulering ilt elide- Tiarocsdimg vas &r tht very sessionaflar thl nw mu e <ladAssembyybaldo- amimoWLmprsd that "the patutitutiou, au tstab- rahe by w, igh betransittel usaimpied ho psterlty.» Their 4coerempaincc lu the intecynt of th. tva Sem-cum vhail. Hume andthle re- tuai ai Mr. V ices on [oa, bal pouel lii dAspofn, lat" upoiit' inais. Bp a Nyal desatc, dtedJan"ir, 1834, thia couvestalu upreet vu dialloved.la I.Upr Canada, mat- nais am eit iforma osptily as)succeastuilan adoption of yor plienean d astyet, Mdmlfr acr aua a ýr fte-r . HuB ann etiiicmmeedil Uni establis ecalot au inledentrepnbUtin rlcitimsh North Aneioia, tsli aIàuofthet United Stateub lis recommandation vaot respoudedt ta y a single nivapaper in UppeivVau&d, sîcept Mn. Mclan- ude%, stan in," eey sandowsly. Nai evmyour papil, Mr. MrKenzie, hai thte tirdihool te uhisa pin the Ehective Ligisasive Cauneil prjeel uili- h ale io <f the Autmbly-, b h leréefo" asopteti amalier metlhoec"svyyouc artemne halo etet. He proceedednthl B eat place, te pet aa1111e So- ciety formel for thiturisce iof political q*eilleos, andte 1hdliWon ot poâ"iica ufiontc. AMte s fese months' veekly 1 turing1 omit s fpn swu ltgas semileZ ,a aufficient nuýmberoaklin*d spérits, ve epreparati for futher ated an d the memmena of tuis socethy, eatm meeting bellin ils soux os the t 94difDetmber, 1834, fouiet thiaselvea mb a saciely; with brancelailth Canadas anti elsesehere, ta be kuavu ty Ils tille of "-ne Casalian Allme. fer the altainaen of thea Mloiag, mang aer oljeebur- vemmenl, sud*the hcmiliton oet he Legia4tïe Counril, Ils.memiers foru vildiaxe noIiIiultifor Lifeby thieroonialsi goyenr. 112. A written couatlutien f« Upper Canada, eaiOdyig i»è dtrlsiithelcoriginal pdeeples cf Th.1 fe abolition ate lawvof "pngei. "4. Ie ints oof thle wbolet iu mve b Uth e re e s u et eBpéople. B CeellO&P-ce, rsa, or Hese iGamuad lbe domesic afiaira et tht.c='oistm. I 5 4 4,& The. lduessiasa et mentalpltclaiiafe ýs l'y tracts Mmd »pinet. saq 7he extincti of a milaopulag lotim ooa"n;he vole by ballot lan theeeoftg iv reiculalives, alderimen, justices of the peffce, Au. «& .-Te culer iute csalliance utinsaydiel- lin asucisàion dat Maya bfouail L u as- la ote solhiencolnes, liavig W -its obje tb*e gruleat happin th teeal"emt atimber.' tmMr. Wmi. L Mrlemzs,MX P. P, Corespond- ing Secreliry for Bse and d al ils bemches. "M"* Jasep b HMme, IL?.,nselM. John Ar- <ber Roihuck5 M. P. a'astua Bganti. "Mr. . B. Calgam M. P. P. <stitor oflino Mountasal V-iatravP%-»r) at in Moa- "Mr. Eieuase Paret o taitme f.imimblyL - er Camad, aogut hlQ.eboc." Aiso agents ue va Soeai, 1v bumuilk,md NewtaanUita go0e smaec9wll l e tm -evsItd -* Piaties te Wb= n esagents ve ith O an- comnnuatiexus (rmwuiafuot eid) et Mr. lime ine 10US-titi ysu laàvhcindaisMr. W. L. 14e_ K e o ft L b . ( W 55 lii ac nad na iC M 4d For W spthe aev bects, ent aulWmn aN lfsscaalin ey is isluce o sns~ n&<ufyaavmueh< sntitm ciev Dém.tLab gi a~.~ca goeranin tiits .lA en.h &gi a s Ma D AIND COMM3ERtC«IàlfJOUIRN*L j TEIS-FRnTM SHTILLINGS PER ANb RNPAID M, ADVANCri- SSEVENTEEy SHILLUI(GS AND SIX PENC& W I' OT SO ÈD-l FGSTON, UPPER CANADA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1836. nti these coaditionsa but ont tht s p.aely dem- emtle." Acedingy, Mr. Pmpiuea% ouitha 4th of lbt Noember, ie a speech om Mr- RoebSs agtucy lu LAntionis reportrl to taie ralliai JMr. Rouk " the talthful iirofc lat ho~a3,»andi tu have faihher oWieved-ath epe o f thi pro- vince were nour merely proMpni,,-tlîemsetvea tir a future sate of poltical eaLtcucevhich te, AJr. Papinea, trusteti voulti h. neither a muta*y soua .aitracy. 1He hpeProvidence lad mt ia view ao lmcutx estiaro su dirk ai thal it boIh iie mo plentingroy atty lu Angei- Ca s a csaasogni as the UnitedStat.. UB ml, (cah faumur, thit Ameica Vould in& te ~ s 0Europe", c aret.s requrel ou, tlaee sge aut INA .b.b Eentn(sslsa olmtt lhi e~ qumule~ yusthIe ds Tias eeyhas C.nibnues)tsallàil oeeayv.coint itàfomation ; basdoue sor eta extend anti multiply ii branhis; hl" minlluformiug seye atl lèifrent parts et Bse Puaselce ; laiby resalations, appea4, &c. atekel eveiy maressnc f tIvemmeel .rtict il torl luna y y vonert ite a lopin of excita- moiu, ana l p aaiefl ey MeMber Of the AS.- sebiy, mda snat every ther public man seto vis kuovuta hc favouabl ahihle etabliheinl- ititties oethlie country; bas, lait of ah], sent ta tIse afficera o! its tranchet ans) inte varionse pante Of *ac province lminteti petition a l lte -à semhly- agailhat gratinq any supplies ta Gaverisment, and 1h~~~ ~~ taozfsuaglcevyapointaI Gavernor, Sic É. B. Iltii, bock (rum wsenc La cme. Ti ttc agmjouty ai tue Assealy have resalues) ho do = e the taisupplies, demaading tiecouasilof S ic Hacilea), anti a nev governar rasd gavtra- mont uttpcnsible tntelocal Àsamly,.el a va- iielyo ottier tingi"tao miumeron.satetaUIo." T1i l me moen t t tiprcgreu ouedc- las lnivohullee in Uppar Ca"lwaich it la âe. cesy a 0"oce forthe information of many ment- lieus pf tBs Bitia Pafilame#tq ta0wtom as pre- scntet s fe Muentheasmice an active volumae of a ~ ~Ammbly. 1 i&eInta etate bowt at volupte vas ga up anti tranamittedtat Englaui. la tt lagilmivasession ofIf183, Mr. MceaJ mcswtifur the appo inment Of s commîa, ss ringof hrteor our ed"hiaseli, 1ta ae lt. conlilratio certain parts of Lirai Ripeue' diit te ir John Coîborme, lated Novemuben ,I82 antiu asairman af lh. committee, lic aualet i hm- syf aithe preteait andi epptuily thua afordeti hon ta *ml Bshe iccitues oe!tBs constitution, and esery = r ofr e ieGovienment. Butot 1e van beard ofitBs pcocteiugs et ttua nomiite éduuit &a. session. Tt report Wvtih liiersly600 pi gea vanlpreictellis the ibouse untIe)aftcr ont o'ccrkin the morale1 ofthle day before the Clev- non bal given "oir f his inntiiota pro b tle hgWaatum.-Mfor ton bai! cf tBsmeinsleis bal retirel for tii nigial, tiaugi thcre vas not an aliease, mou tit"Canaden Allance" maini- bsrs.-O crutef 84e alviseibosa ai the ulttt~tb lit sàedof thebetion tehgla blaas (iMdltsu 1 ippt id mt hawmyt jrpohita il for tint Informailois at berssud"1h. pub - hi. tht rceti. 'is Paaca tiar ummetonq9almfrtt m ae or lt Momberanai al ursmoe cf proceediug, wde r auti la On o!leading Conervitive ment- Ele t. goeldythat a voluminous ripart et lascommtte alhen, at a veuy late bouc, pre-. seintel ta the Bouse anti ertered ta b. printedl sMerde i lnairder to learn ts contets; but lb. report vas mt teatbc uat, aitter linttecherVe' office or ilu my et lic committet oins. Just bc- fore lie prerogolion lie couplaines) cf this ho the Hou,sudM . Mrlasszie,on baingqnsmtontti,as- pII, tat te tai t eisineta 10 ea t1h. e 1aci fironmay member ofthie basse until the clam otilla session, but lit bat) takea it ta bis own hanse ta gelmaome pcart lcapied and sentta Mr. Papi- neau, et Laver-Canada, snd ho Mr.BHume in Lon- do,. Lool cetaplainlu meaetftouneismaIesa- se et -d haesuio but = lic oAl>anchpas ly vas accompisheti. Thiesseuermed n:Mlai repent vas pinlel, anti sent home hoaHNm MajestyNe Géeîmt mm d lu Martay imbera d tBs Impe.. rals PatiaSent, as the Ielihesatisntiments outheb ~ppl ofUpper Canada, spmk irenaginmr ripavatehtives, and vu as l Bm ais elab- enute lespatch f inc aLrd <Clnelg Is> Sit P. Heiti, latel Decemben Ili, 183& Tet liis aspect vas neyer aven reati ia th. Asiemhy', nuer vga a rma- hluion fer e lirtive Legilative Ceuriscliever useveti, on the qouetin tuer liarusiei, lu tie Up- pec Canada HousetcfMamnbly, unlil since tht Lo- gina g e rt pesentycr suc , Sit, tht manner (as 1Itnmin aly praus hy aboat rettrencea ta tegls"aihue t)i4)l vohiehyoar achemes iave hen pramolulin Uppir Cansada WIVaA oul te tiamghtof a report oiea select committce cf lie Mante ofÇomtaoia hein; itus mode sud senlt orli ta the seoilt, embracing the consitiution efthle Bonse o! Lerdstheo admin- ishtimof ojustice: lIe precugativea otîhe Crowu, the vinudiquestionsif eneam su pW c evenue, oicb" lmi tta, of taxation, &" P1' Sncthe aeampl tiét s begwvenasent cf Upper Cauadsbhy MIr 7. Bond, &najoely of the AmeuNy bave. un- dstahsuie hua, as a nov Mt% qemelustaita ft otvui msvnmamtm là&muet-Wbaesrein p-à»IuW a" aMueon.peedMp arrae b 9100-d, mi ls ais ettavaaiem« I3bave Iteà *ad% Md thBs"PRles balae, bin iheld iqae)c ss of th e slussly. Eut linir pmeei-' laçi lu My of "nu estionsprove mabiug as le te h « and alfeelings ofdaipeoie eofUp- pu rCoadaa, ammreitanthe sepeet ooe ~he coum"teess on gelgy pevrwvi nae ttga giuul tpaMoouo1deCaal)as. 'lac peopua p put Canada vire noyer appealed ta on a ny«et tinss eoititlteseto. Fine Camédifn Alliance Society hIt ati!bane existent.e " aînéehe cltac- tiqof theii paeent Beae cf Asuhly. 'Fias lest bp' vblin a mmsy ty theiaiprienàt A*wmbly vas eËetel, wu dthe. dlssPMOofIu bo pmea dngs et *a lita Auianily in txpillling a uiuba, accu-' rai timesfe Bes aie ollaue; mdlnidiaent- ýy declare,lS% DMt Be imapualiaa of y- anlemàte0 lin.people et uppus- cw"iÉ a ibel opstIti. TIns eiemiiefoni it Us uatn a- if IetihkaeducaAuafatsn& aIaiaImcL sdube à b i. aaimm t*~ Wv.oM- t44blOUtblOtkWiSiOdisth"u - i [T.Il lXutsw P.nî~rir Iu. mia914s 5. = t. i l l OUIAW~ nt fS: M'me ion 1 e 1. 1 m -44boueim mâcm la thÊ inainglibt Qfflwmý - --- 1 TIIF LOVES OFO tAagOt ICLLIN1, GtTfiM 'bout six-and-twety yenrs a,-ýoe a middlie-tai North-coonaîry atteiney, trc exuht at aove !Lve ~et eight inches le higi,lut iineauraly cora- lente wait an oldi-lenlooneti cAî, notîheei yc, &l aliandtsoata noe, settlet iIna large ant ii raMll villintle cWatt o! Lnezlné.Il. Ttcmers thtehlitantes erere ude and outrae.ou; hb masi, Cotons (mlles, matennagvr a Haabakskuk UuUwrinUke bal neyerbt accustotràci unIe. Tliey craeketim as pierinjuke on tis pcstly f e-snt ha cIet, 112fctia îttnnjstIote runjle Vlth pi ak- t9 o u uxpectel atn-a 4 rker sneycd i lethe way cf bis p!saiaâ Rie rolalihave borne ail bis mis5ouugi se de- ceney Lut thet at IIct irked hlm lryosin a- sure; adb s d i e tili lo ruVle e b pliithose vbo deigucti te drink oiut o!flis c up, ueth titeir fol!y andi villainous prejudice, imeasaitiîg a mzn'i wil Ly his ebil at ymnatiri, anti eeuiveiy patron- îiag a couple a! rnscahly pettifoggere in lte vie ii- ity, seloe oiiy menit ce.isted ine hem tard patts-q, anti eexierity ie braakiag the ikufi of thceir cnt- erts. Tte villagers wedi!ei eiîtpatiencac urtil llabakkuk's lecture and ti atti;drink n-r insc! pýomisc erforehaty icdin-u ssî t -tmomieg wcnt for redris t the aforesaiti ?tifogZgrrwho Iteeceti theri ho their Isenit' cen- tant fer neeraIl ngering enontha, andthton mutinaI- ý- adtyles their exrptoy cr0 te settle te malter uver a gaat) feasat. Habakkuk Bufllrinkle inwardîy moeds at the' tucin of hie fellose- prilorI o! the sy rcn, but lost none pffeb Demi.11e aira, atlengthitetenperate. He bal heen akipping avec theland, after the dicii. jade Foi lune, for mai» ya vearicti y cr; but tht ccy criature çotinuaily ivatiedtushieager clulcia. Wtat vas te bc donc ?-IDs finncecs vire draeping, is spirits jadeol, bit temper srured, and tii appetite for thc gondi things o! tues wor)l, ai ligen and clameronis as cicr. Hehai tries) cver plan hlm imagination caulti devise te sin avec the roeticn, but vittouil fccl. Ifele sjasaI "tu te lecamp clandestinely, ant in udeapair, vie, ail ahonce, hi recollecte tlaI lie vas a bachelor t-Mis topes rose aI the thoogtt. "Dase iltamage il la tM sali, c'uec 1ata1l sapptaug is Anaers vithlilght, «httIIhie idea of mrrylng ane of ihemt charming rosy-ski* ed lames, wMh are coutiuuafly ffitting about me dhalineyer have entend my raputlte I1 h.svole village le n.e immense family-a bhIdi of incIta aint.-, ne- phavi uheres, cousinse amd relaion i 1eery le- te m lst egret, tram onete bthudreti If I con but veavt nyselfit latis veb cfvcosanguài- ty, aay future eue anti toe mue certain. They viii standl by oueof thir ovn kn, let luti bepver selisanthy relaedte lte v~ mit. By lt5 l! it in asexcellent prert ! -Pr. a a im la viningwa, atigreet cidre; sa lm evençit alak, andI haeiry àaai." lucethatvre my thiogita, allthi latter end of lia. year 1809; fr)1arn tht ilestical Ne. lmk rk Bullsrnklc ibove-mentiaued. Paranant te my rcaclution, 1 begmn tb wicedlc rmyielt lette thei gool graces o! the girls. I aften met with a veytolerable rareptiosi, coesldereg. aIl Ihiin, ivliaI maey lime, eeary cotupassie lcobj7cit ofnMy hopcm, viacu lhe dain edi»pintneet, iu tIese mmlanct of a ctaI-boper. Pt Aetirev Skelpe-walked l admshItru of tpp3 e tram Tn lpi. neer t:.pt:Cd-i..hsssbs- hid a.i M-ovoran aid-hi e, b shat tht tel- hov woulti tbrt hbis ugly piz seeinme anti the geet pair of lips 1 vaibgi to salute! If suer 1 maIe a am apoinhaelt te cet a ttenuer'a tiatiglter, anl pnatli away au or two vith beru nen by ail, Skrlpie anti s yen gencrai- llanedlolviegyiaina n a hier, on mY or- Ile it t lvecur bibel destroYer a! my petevas et s vilia-gerevel. "h lneyer for- get the.asser i uv bc ram the ggs on whachhschalhbac lazilyl1 Io g, ammloIoked ouit Ibranibits h aîtcoilee ah lthe tieta ofthle back.evout payera e tlil. Re vas calleti spou ho enter lIe rng vili saloyabout i, ove lamîglt, but ume fBealy a comelY-lca&ing hb bol&--ating prerlsely -wvinviddIie-pgd 4Js) vives Icain "s ppseyfilne ofammm, antivei m" ste myho U;ay g. 2 C.egi op ftram tht cool turfouiejoint ut a til$anm adsue bis vay jeta tIse circle, tby onc o!flt MSt extravgant -id lntiicroue pacs I tuer hebeu it vas telseten lie oangaieîy totitle f a taha Uc se jointeti mo- tIon~~~ ~~~ o!etioeen tgg iplinca.Tt101 I y teliow vus a stranger (pin a neighhoring roue- ty, who vahuet hitnselo ti proseca t iggle- stick; te tati alreasly uhled tesabark off am e o! nosem, andthe cgry- iied uaiWsho too- paume thelise cr factio aînd gloytrembleti for tht bttnor cfthem nati Ovilla. An impwp< ahout of appinoso e e Skelpte'i~ rue for, in hMm, il us WC keowo, lina itou eto o Wedmalcbue imf fvo iaI aaitbai ~ ecuL.De suvytl ýs advemiay vlna cu. lentan m naI cosiiblUractbtllt ,U « . g à th at aoe mlcd H e c lp e waggo w1a, He Coolly àaecws' inusu-gumIt pinelM W soh amib In Mash e a-4u* wo =aialyavamkea, éveny 11mb vw u Is anti natal lent motion; hi bilat bsoplà m' hWe, vilin a veloety liait, eme, ai MF.aspa- Ub" a; I beard a toWoual ud us svpe o!bw b wMw allag abou t beaute idtine nIy thif tict. lssks bs ulpalc slWdy thva" e.At tn l ths tu,sI tiyveapts, oolswu jqUilabsot tubie"la*pinl, wbo merieg -eâiwupgm bv e the . d U t*y bMbMows aIwk MY love-suits Wc2 i.nurrrrrate Lct chf tteY Uualiy brn an .d wenî ie~nS'its' keIPIse errer failetite meat mt cil the fildîtinti C.é tai.Te o scemedj ho bo unconocicuor e! t WIs.ief let ,e . Lr tht iritétedtil y phit': ttnui?'ti dere. lie searnCdto to.ear cn axra!iee P- ~asi m, d naytilnçercnldercid tntu essis.i,,-i tuipnecof tervica. 1gIa) nEvýr farxet thce wilt hen he cletced anc by tire ccei, ant i Iime outtecf a ficoi-swolien bitil, wh4ent tn .iMYh lit g.sp, andi thon abuse! cutI thieFt-i bhntwack me for Lieinsu nch a edl Ljj i, thet rcubIeci!wxàing chn4pt fouM ilel bs o csr, ~ . vill thtfait S o a tet ojbet, end Ir ùa . oie ef olét piàt h 1 spn n" AM jcRe !ryla. AndI, frzt, Ici me1 inlsdure gult-Rot h otock, the dangLt-,r of a iqtah milcer, teho rfsidei) en a hii aLrut a r,Ie ta lte Irit of the viqar 1 ercrEtly ta-irsil, about a montil, cedis-tirbeti Ly rny rt.lI thonglit 1i as turc cf lier, nala' a e on c. meamure'î for obtainînn, a diguifiei itroý'uctrc:r te her datidy, ltethe r1.1 One evetning, iffer hling ruirinatcet r mny hours 0, Rutit's attractions, I dcterne.d ta roam Up to thet milI, wech 1 hIa erer bûfrtc. it- hé,vieg liltheito csrried on My love-suit %t ith RuCi awsy from lier home, .t meetingrs whicIt were toc frequfnt toehi ritegether accidentaI1. Wbi!e Iloi- tereti about the Mill. ponderin-- on tlite .st mode of tirawing on cut int-for <o La ne rc-son te cx- peut me-he mocu auddeetly glcocictifuil ripon me,~~~ *togtmocigl th airtree whicb atrtched i t bugo bougha ruer the wte cottage in which te millest tsetit; anti nie theoiglie thora' ws siomclehi.g aintilar Io thc maliciono imite cfun arch %roman, vheu inteut apen n prarni, gboamfig on hec spwMriug face; lier ueeaaary glenccs ns abce scame t a eep theongh tht tree, for lte cx' press pmarpome cfbetroying me ho observation, t!,rcw moe ta a peir. Iliati hear) cf id Grbstock'a Moonde antimainesensd 1 fearcet hlm. 1 feît sure1 oi a kieti andi endeaning reception froin t th, eI- thonyt I came altotter teinvitei&Runuawarts; buit 1 tunniel torsa monent that 1 beerti ttc atluer'sJ iala vtistling about mv tata, sud faIt ttc tecta of ityes riting inm at. My pulu trhbnti nutiihly ;.senditeas on ttc poinit of again malain?, m2 wRay mb thc yod liaI rhothed the bill-aide, w tun s multitude e louta viicnttith gallti- ually hemmlag iluthi Iigbt cf thns soo% uitcl altreti doee lier face, anti re!ieerd MY terrais by sceeeeîg me mbous lfie a)g glaecm. Ire- jeleel, andi vaxel onrageoci anti yourrg lu heait1 agis. The coirtius of tle teat im i nte littit WM gs~.negllgenti demawntind1ad thet siaateraasdry leàpsotgettaug agfampar of Ru*'% Iltedtl s s îuqa~a t alti ceIuet a" dm ef et. th.= of athirrapiug dit, sebli sgdwkestceotheiaibisaIbeirli. A gentls top aith. viudma se ber ou ber legs un a moment &Md butor. I culd mach the dont, ahi vwu tier ultbes ohad hW.d.àa pair of viaa l y ' I o,' epîdoul7tlmwn grettmea. Ii vau tieicietat-Tht te dl ens wye alil s!nehteaing me fiusttos eye; luth ateppel lb, MI .itond close aI the fonothe îleaîto., in ttc mart imperiosand tielîgbtfui danineus bmaginable. 1 vas mute wit deligltt, but my1 bippy-hcmruedg Iovilug 1111e damel's speech, afler a fev momentasai silence, gratiutfly bep a thaw, santh lengtlt overvtelsned me seith a torsaI of yttria 1 aO Ihmngo glad-s ~are tome 1h alii; "if yena hal l, 4we ddnot have soraent's talk tgtho the vei. dy gant ont; but to-mcr evenice- , rati the mail, te memni b a&top at home, anti gel dsnnk; sud ai- dicagabîs aver-nig-hh's promises le other asirs mcel likc maillisla tri; rornlngn, nd are quile tugotten by mal-day, yet, wvh ie h. 8075ha li gel dronk, te alsemys batta it vil on catI, anti Îiten "uaes 1h a tailler of conscience reiiocal to keep bis word ; gse ttYeusec, my ina e - pie-,, 1 wcsasck alof a leap-Tl pr oflier sabseaint dise i nal. rvl hn iit sitienme, iluthe, for the eteinal suaine- ur-fauling Skelpie. Ber lips once More ippo.ocb- ci mine; Iviat honing vtth racmesanti smypoint- menit;nMY band hl I .hnlcfront lier lota, as fri lina tomiclio! an adthii n-mtantz tsthd mine of Skelpiesceped tsam lher lires1,I1bed al- rsaay tîken lu a anighty Iauglit a! lc.ath, mintd- ail" ta aboyer a viole volley cof curses9 on lier enti Skelietogtbe-vluen 1I adlenlv sîperlenred a tcthat tepnivel me of aIll sot cf sensation le1 in ut.±snt. How lcng 1i Isyila adeati-like stacc 1 canut coccle; but I reneamber vel e- neiathien Iawabe tromamy lethnrpyranme ftorwviuiver itl s)foul myself moil pia- ftycompresseti jean perhureofthe oak Ire., tnagi which tire nhulditu vero vont la enter in- teu ka eov In . Tht moue va ut len Il her -glo _ffl nsd lier liglit tell uo the twhite hrow me, abhtrSneFi.c Yes, dure ho Weis, tem- isdahgy rouat a e lp-ike tfaim of thei ttaislsia.seemeti tuelh. plecaure lu Lis eixr hicen,1crme, àpp,2itti altogether un- Itvspa i tace rtalr, liant iaan ve pomnes itilmhlItra IW1 ey avm , vieWinffectual-; the - j tie d e retfs id!Ska1- r diae4h- antidie ts h nimgine tust dow w dIvilty, friniIlle fSor £ sa gonov welbeng lathe titci cliibtn lvamettreeneutetuilaunai tiis et etrc. ju >afrour the force of oI) fté freinsacerombit. My va ora la.tua extzeowp,'May hess,a m e n et masvest làte nin of 4ins tae; t1mu i cluot Meaasloet" " P .,u and MIy vertgse lace'i con tin08o1lil., tbat m il eiesyMiuse to 0revis) thon.- I voll ha gven the voal 1tu be trck£ouleig in tins - ftht ditcnor &av bero clac, bu ithe li ei Skeple' set. 1 vas alanost suIes, mnil u0 I acere a h abndies tlu i a tuqgTuec àa or posa vauflti iomu dague. htiami n ri icetit sihtofSk tveated me itieledbis s5tberlmllywMcmlt.bed. Meag vsà noo bwes 0 ao dt Aatl0 m die 0q mSddda 4ai- LEr - orde!fLà sp'lerh W,' eqîsol tia bla*: ' to.n ta pot fieeV. i:t aZ,1rMy r' ,Ihta ruceeerd Fa far :usl'a r.use irày-di na p:iils, wte tu. irh L, sl bal cre el ite u-,st tihe cou- Clusin cfe!Lis th- c. re-05pellui it the ecar wt saisi tr-cdf o r :,. ,C;Cýin e 'baedand n trem(eornIn frk- intL.eOthr. le asg Ctd riirriyclosa np natIstherc; 1i unt'lesighto myct-:u strncbten takzn' su5, maint lii rtNàt a &W peces. le thn Ust ouit eluru- iin, àk sane-r loy ttc, tLat il sio-cd ny -1-i , cul sf c uiveying nay nlsýCasedtCîe mmd rue.nt C jo:enc: *&' iauitte or Unorc, lie gvu %w ed isa sao&ted me h tiths lect nesys lMuitte ciçeoDur Roti, be!' npruk, tlvaý, crPli vert:thi" TItore vas Ruthla ooking cvrritête' ahoulsier, evidrt:y eanrmed I aMy sppesae; Ske'ri's hai!s xere t&n'lisg vec ny Liad;thg itrcnued f.t al c.us cooelmy vaatroal, Istae lia te fce a!the ol ian, tinable te utte rtd, Lut sovLntinz hues a Laitd Luit, anti plailîy expiai. fig n-y fn-os by ury isoe-brmgone anti palliai roue- teunaroz. 1i cp-ctIedsomi dire punshmeet LÉ' try silence; tuucls)G.obstocta, ater nuivryýng mil f or ae minute, te iiy grebt bus pàse, horst imb a lu I ou, -sized my trcmtlitg henti, andtitloe vi;arous elTut, pti!iclme crit o o yinopri5nnuent. Ifîcr dragping mea, liciplen astaI was, lato thc lu, ad;ai:'ri e le a chtir by the liredmlle, ",,Uc Ilno n . ocitici anti brandy int.omy bandt churklinZ nul '-Wtu,rocks!1 ehmp, 1cw rigate taee iocks!-6riul.!lIErce vas a chen e. By t:agreis 1 stiîrtoned Up calragm:ot a.tailler mani o n k sat aoutlya! bis goalhiqoo; anti, more thn once sciurd tIhe daug-fork, and pleçit hienset! in a thltning eatt.tide, thrubt the pointe of il close la my bietet, la erder te miake me loi figttd agýaie, anti amuse hlm. 1 vas twenty limes em thje pinst of evealing the sebolo rnfer, Lut a single ltok of Rutls eloquent cyo fraietha vareda on n'y hirs. Aflen an hcour's atuèýAner, iuteioupteti enly by gcpingi orbieaîli, ant ifrqtsînt rpplicbtirua W Ln duayot in aem bioa int 10tird- paîl, and eter civilly openiing the lcar, anti visa- lits se a iaearty goon .t, ave meaMailtgceV- oue kick, Ihat senil e galoplg laon î ; eand beteok hitmetf ta 1Iulxgesnu ttly ai Leo.- 1 neyer ceurteti yonu 0id otle miimp. P.ly niaI lovc e an s e P sowc-ookegme.. test. AUy Buddt, the nitre of liat Lolatacceahi tauridea. lister Cadtilefuccov; tatosenaineewatt a liuâhfing-wcrlte the cryingauchins for haesy Mies arooud;-,they feanhret aemore theàa&*s- hcal-ainl-bly-toees, the vitinbèstuddBogie, or sinon tht greul Bullytoo hlenseli. Thet&o lis, village muer ,lyprefaral the mmr.halseo6" cutity wst. liu iL.viclaity , Amy wva* t .y- itenig crougb bApi Iem ; ahthadne q by (el aul enjoy teitrude mu ct , rm atwg 1cm; anti few u ts d &1.the , n o i*,a ohi letty CadIlkfmrrw's tirsepL E AI viu, luttes), s bagty Uleu yçtmabtu id ql uonfate ofat asaiott lake la inse stiUloogi, vil a deicieus beavenolmloeMsa ;lg litsD deplit. I mect ber severai i mes, a ilistabcé frein ber homne, anti matie ber acquiaululel unt tafr rovlag passion.t butâ e latvys rhtllt4y.. C b a ceremenious retartencee b er aasu mna«elne ment. 1laidthUes. evaslvi iecsploa cof mypicifereti affection ta the crell i t c ber zy, antidole lierthboe bttesfWc them. I ss eh bovtjbeut on the tapa a! the 11m vhîci *vT& htok.4ber aboIe, vatcig foc the Mmnt ve my ysilng doyi vouli glitie (catistufotthet saeh ecio4iaaImiel aroag tiihe tsaiensh ai vtah a faerni s axiet; litII eer tilte ouMW cthec orcauslc le my Ide. Ste naîther aseaul> shu-t mi couid ny comarmylbautcetie tuB, È". ing, and fraem-of cvii, é thteswbite stU&f~ evening,là tht Msemmtc's gloamiaThe ps meuteàrut l omen, mit vliOM I hve elii lae,,la batiaDy hot n e ile a tubualeoeter; but Ally Bull'. pale, beaulatalface, soit <eamdn geint). voiciWhascalas sel olhing î lciepOGa my spifit. hevoris ici) like ail, e*eàmathe slsnuy 1 d.ibhu atssreugbpussam jî ;icu ire ie pcsi uel) wMah mill, ant i ofltimes p!svec thîe offending clown la the ald woaa'semplo> tram n&a ewkm fstarluag. la this eercaa tpr vas nid1te exee ny amnin thépeslrai Lad a violenzt pretiltertn (on Ihvacking, or, houime la. n aexlrtaaon,hsctutinl, lier doieeis Cfo o- very tilvieol ffencipe anindAteGWOLIaI tbhtie th-a- gem wblciish nia.gIv, luutel <le nusterlbd 'a to cainalh i4 ber ivice. 1 va.se M alost- eaini conathei.sumit cf the.hm aily teckel leva upu Het.ts inua vod 9we ich gioriei of sehea a rudehanti claîcteti me bi h hled, anti, in a moment, puliti me laciraila lut. su imamense vteebsrroy. k'FI ggtic villain Who baîperornict Uis dailg " ~Irctly ph"es imel eî!tweethe ht andit. cf e aehcle,, >1 vigoriflislhd il tein l hiii. Ivwu hiat- ed, or ra*lneefvtededintotnzOWwlb leg phtullydeaglimg avec Bs rim n,742 ofi tu *bt)liai&evelaeify, vitl il ed thetWp pandi crueddotilV au jVCww eý, upd pae-Ca sd thstum Ca f h periacel ' tbciian mai, d 's pcitutity ohci hou i1j et sec la stooti uacly al tÏS >À cfof thiu ..gou f taa1 emoaedm ratéa e hiimhd1 t t -IwovàIet lI"vinat e tee" i uvatablat Ny.tamses, vil a dis cent, r unljtsm iie lilavet l' *wel y-e 17nemiul o nbulet mu Donit v.aseen t(c my boIg. saEd unlnul, osia igutn C SiSVkm*tuê hi"utrIn,'ir.veB es*d mL . gantais, g ucebium. à the l;CounI sowv lh wbmdtuw 'Pi id Il. Printer.1 rl;%rfnrýn càix-