andat h ~2îo~ft Par ~prounsclit Iob lej tinoutif1sur, Case bas flot an %6:II * Vam ie onfi pncipet1hecse I e drssa flle ot eb.Had ulla trg4e Tjpa-os rads my Ut o MtMtutupmivide forth 41 ________ ~ aiSfathab theÇ icsm«ty lt x I al b oraam fietr jIn t a i ce ,the ' 1, alà a"es ha We eu biave gvuit îin aamer but fb ails VeIcmSU'land to have careglrr kmgh-no allewace for legal quifle tueu th.. ureU7 pct COII. ims. hrwhich the lait was pled,j -fi bëetes- One s that if. ï , deemed (acicrctunstance almsot n îl ftioeit frsale, offerm o ~btak, [1i ___ neC Klem# <ove public dînner tu »tes for ptcîaw lo e ~t!o <ge"aimyee *OC blai "I ldhba- liqidad the d,0, 1-a itea ts plan would answer thi e po efli ai Io etseyar(lq. wsll as if the ,,I,.,, nnns ad ha ftem il 4mgma ieuIxPL 9014 el ba ein1 chie ta boy lai d br" s U,ý,. î J ro*ayt4igt auqi. ile ighest Possible ideo e ( .... umwsvd oveilu the forfeited land sold for 41 'ýbe I.abovewe harvâý*.ew l- . Aia.%iI>aWa e the original projorietor; i si,. 14 mal jalâtbe auextrelue toSuols case si ~ ~ mShOp 4* g~wd~Iu5 ml oth as coulil ual procure isa n ot, ffl ~m Iati-d., i weau oka Ws~ #< ~pé i 1leao I deu. ti'a. for liquidation of ifs iobuo ,za basal UR uw t ies .ta aâ l pxj.W. -uqi- a tti he r; jour own shewing the Bank bas ïP W "Ob fo rjlI âl hmil . e t the Ld, Usde, ~ ~i k"thes% flIo bie teethe yreseott wXAM "Iepekde h lIr.. taa ______ £4E0 b eet£1ýissOtoued and 1.4 qvall ifao supexuorchance- f * my pLu r vigntnsl tymil ms.- a' )f irclafomtrthey hecome d,,asela adfooYEak ualpayable <.on a~" 1, RÇ"t w âm*àa1I ift sg tins muc nt tdd m Y" bl maille, *0P sr e2Coe atktr n your 'our1 *satusN Iseil 1= *Cm' a aatclearing many its a ~syu4yl~muàp ~ ~ -siOtlO~e ysk 01mw- man-frOIestthe ic eneral o11rkisf iiieib 'ORia h dOCt ,bo os s e m. Ionls i el splre; N be ~4l. '.-. bî a .detmed ep, a tbolsblaad*ulm ~ ~tuuu.urà- K $ils .iumold fztsernhoperecing the yte.11the n Ui5flBoWU , ýn4u,,-oviha. adyaaadtespectfully îpet, _____ _____ _ 'w11%ra the Upper Ca&& 11=W. ~ ~ ~ ~ ouopy ual- WHEE ARE TlIsI yoN __ * ka bis le aauOW? - pasefrhênp777 mlu sais MW .b .up.umm4u a~~M hallobtdffl - *hr..m ia0 %*y bimob 0u lu dmAmdý aIs Ck I"p tduea e am ~I-, hnle% bot M ed4 d e oà the ethftbby ts tu" me0dt a m ql mor Ma <mSilwua- te*. oww.miâ ae a ttpua Miiacr-* a mym- lï elEti. lis alp~~aIadL ntm i - th.tW eUeelyraetv.t un i -here u e lteearly adîs Of yenthfsî love and innioc!ente- meîn 'Aue voul ing ber eveman; las Ad llods 4a me for recomptai.? New" h m la spirit Say- lIsbM ""daya have passet yenv Oh!1 nM al he tenderS,% Tbat*rev thy Smuts, and rheeie461 hi Dear mar -Do thecorld tomtm Caupel ue single tear toilaitt?- Or Witthon et tlzy heaÉ SHilW, To wa t timss-Uvheee utrbnter nu, Ah 1 wei I1 kow Ihat tho., tiiq', And ot ddst Consolation SPini, 1*9t au, thy vaadeng sons wbe e *Adneyer, neyer could reta BW uVrip. lily eas, there yeî ies, Oh. boseama hild à here &aime. ,Aiatbouh e a frasfuiendsansd loe, 04 tgel on abowestr aoe ~*~blpalhway vatehes 0cr, »U4 9eomiict the wandering boy,, , laOstis boue, ta thec, and ey. ltl*f '144e ,October 3I1t4 18M6. ftllboflsstutbatwhichtwoofeh f, 4&Inle iu fh AeWy, Mewui.= wsb W. Tbompsom attended. iTbe bâriq j~ n*" vee onnmimouuy adopiet. -ýAhabe-That ve canaler thte wqma bue atap1 t.ia4b hem Tbat in cuequeme ad thse diIpaeky iU ofs gaGoeemuemuslma i b. P" da tlb lavins the Povinete bee. a"' dis pCFessPiwe>-41be Enguobhiu lié tare odtmbeseegàmnqto "àa laver thse pler c bBl-~ ~ and ps ie 155 ~~aen. spprenh, pro ena tht le trae d euei ~~~ to anpei bemw emIosv,.ffen a I lipr eent te MmM '-q. .5.; or - sa-a .alSuplumboe [~M ~s il Ub.nd«ta ', . - .ý,1 lobsrm a. Pkhm fat w. -s.>, miss" NvBSd5 U Cl'. Ilagar- ~leu oe~, si mu, 1