r:' * - ;~-~ ~t#t ft~- A, /1 oePfffE TUER NANRoN ~é~UCULTURAL »pp~u~voeg~ m&~auiui ow tex yOLITUW xvuI.i. [Joue ~ 2dlfot~J KINGSTON, âg i- Ira ~qi i lia 14ue Mac Nel aiEn ueen-mis.. 10raeuv mli pckn.a Ioe si u u Cf«. èf fieh ay<re sei lisime belb tl elABO. a A4 ill cit dase c 4"due f sud Iy Ye.dc nhooi aontPm abes', 193 viti ip il faurt i ýlullaigt laI - tyecs, mue tic fidua issy CAKMRON, siaevnm eimat b lanem, suda 11, Win euie t0 hlm a 1 d'aises 0(Mlfit"leMdm tia; mtDyisb io 19*c £I aa amitt loefog'!&*"o I4scelle oa Mipeofý itlr MCooaL.qelfrum heu ha 'Gas, boocm Pih= = 1e SALE, age fornerly occut4wib iaLm& , à# t. su reccivqd amd i la»w e D £R2Emv waiI -g.. "R USDÂt, ,4Ie Pm autone lOm ~whlch Y« fa-. 6800dlflrPu eady mite.of 13atrýtte im-u=làdbr atle- diw iîm esm e bul MW ba4gt je . 1 'wie « hn le ç edvmod. ïîelw - WOu af8 "ti f h ma âeseemiy for thee th d fu'ilal Çkvi ns fe"te d cuti W dur Io tbo"ad fm. a sot~~ badIt1cpe thtwilmcleh sea Iatapse aou .1 my a 1di g y t nw i t . o baaIdericlill ii Wltdi obi-a.O sinma e leameutafh abut £50,OWb. a@t 1m Ocieqen jti.si î, but is àtlm Cfolu idinibail ab-milicaencu csiqorte lybu £OAOO14 ahin« py or ntrud iddbelIth fiW hWad ,di-M l1inafFi PatM,d-I;yaanslcmettMaditi.in 1a es ppoaionM oderta«e adeseitTh Wd débttie -011.ct u, i ai rutgpte abo ut fr fic mm rt.IeIflbnocetewe harob. ig but- desqftMcs.uk? Cealuit1.psaint ru- S"ne bWliii, Gmeit ci aeti due' ef- d tho punwn 1 eenot ail wboagLt p riaiet aoi axsm the mlC., ~epcam M i sok s heinratl.emait ?esEilis oeW jyia rMy latMseof i .àl b.o euglwdt viihma àlvesso fMai rr tieh cint udletiplae emîsrp or m-h umcoaOù lyra 1 dCraflmsthe prendalie km e il.. oee dili 1M1 1tIL ISoMM op il. a tes, soyayvi tL e carUk%.l nimvet herie bt micmbuif thiia tok qin t im ef expd ccueqseofilic" "in athe mreto, 0 m~ace Emt el alierrcf; nis countpry siihudbeenm eîemluestai ait claMeoauj mse uiiaba et.intereat, il.frad0< ni y i t aarpa I wil tincî eav rt be rove M, & ieYebJ<larobsit fi stock " nsemerla à kâ ad vici te mlnethe if wil' P Msic ibepr camiust c dloraedbd ar, m dicI, thIe siGlvenvaia fo ti. coatr" ands àfrifiesmfemru6pr cnie r, instdoflh!ual iredi taagOnc 1will off, for te, ros lu. tecme is ieve y o csou n .t in k ' Ûei a li s of tbp reup4 of tA.i kmeat. ic m .k Pleint fao "e lofceaitoe oubi noc. the àk dvye nie lte ounroL. itPl id s fesunrsaik adebtp lducîg'onyon P mUMYlie WeWe dhié iovelf jea e iiait ha md ecrestis eaib3el ffAtforwla.r 'iMfilY fftel blb kcmm tbW e rin .. cutia- I "Màiopussushc a ppu" mamyotempiquonse.t t Pr-*!sotutuda lth m tmsould e xli'al in ,es'ig i, d escription M ect? teioer, sno elsmc'rnt Io prosy euppo pin ion t 5 th4'is m i ln V~Lnd@Kztmsri CLAe alertha11 tire.P? !tck w mee ticgnernmcY ta csrxa fedi tok je 1lef'uw aufate £50.00 aing pr cenhothd 6à m st dIce liiiuatesionf m c ~hVe Ite laeaiaesci.'tiof eatil!. thrin Eno- c bealth Ivn ,,~tuat c at for s Caot* or le re mmajîta Ofclarc if v ii giv Ia iatifent 0 B m W im leitkjEy of%, ou f (sy £60,B-« (B-) aidIoffemitral.leV te9im ai rheéDOrrw.rasu "05 TIrFq ypaid the Goveen- 110 mat ieiaon tihis pioncî- iutlmJoasit. You pumneive eteâevei he Publie frouathc t Md liteitis reapcuaility ta Mmlii ite Goenment becasue ni$ltst osa onundem!ablose- pis. safemie it igves. 1 ýc fin misg a dijereffl intise lso rks.,1IilL raileune fie li'e ather tbbcIStSkleesà' imlng the liffereicebeeu Sail te iftereareosiveai0M bat thte anleilakng sbwuldtpay umd * er1 it iulî Ith 0aï~c the aistock. Ierauril uaires tbthbisehicw-a be mea~o'f or etonoi- aaemue,( Ifo cen ti e hrfeit c*iBethe MIl iself of ny' - n nVwri ~atOf mYime cUremq ct c- lysem, lthe Goernnut MSd mia ciuàf tapd aL %MMos MUtY te fl,.Wpurcismausuhave Wise hencit fronst a i.- l'ancs re m ipar ta, 110, Uera sto fie ccntry iou, lic 0- O pier cent or upcas'abfor &crm Use Govetumesiticam lym:adtitis Leua Stck calleiam d s mc incumw- aefc bsierer lgayi iasiePric Oa bl 5tiuqf Me kmi, theaGo,- premim mfieo f abri "do &Mat adionNoc Bis',1 'ilteufn les a leiture jtitU !u Aa a wtt acare .4il teGvmenaifbositi Iode- Selle a millon of stock a AND CO1I IRCIAL JOURNAL. I TEMspîr~4 P ERGp ANN 3fWRN PAWÏ N Â.NCE.. - - C AUBARW97YA5..5J.[T ià.-H.BlYL»r, printer.] fNIMD3lER 9m~ aucunm unm apc u r s., I ah havu iseiafacin omet 'adopfed I diltiw necdeavonotu shee thse elderualpeuli ble io lmea lte.. fonids, aid tb. certi.smd na, a it lib. mode <ortlic uney ivcaicl if the. inteet b a ataed guiauded in Eng laid (tiougi "ot9et ota"cca a meaw>and the stocklfor tfencie fvuPaunadsi ndpwards teninea lie «luiit stock" cliiheu a .f per niai mare uere M fan y e4Wccretbeai stock, and if fie p-nt <miWando aost purelme lii stock te Goveaumt unld , « -ai astock at 51 Par <t. owdj yimm ~noc airly Mmchfat eansai thftle"t itcl -Menutertet cliimske il e- cesa1rYlicheGovMerMent ia lc T. econa cresteul stock vihi1 icailcitle «Lo«i Stck' for £500,00oe. muy atier approved usmtil, tien i n dasbtl wBak w" -- ----tc~pus dmc Usiauboi, a rt i1irouldrecome ic IiAm te pnn ofge au h e »'à& pN ansi fie amuWul=hcMocîkholb. rugu-lu the ùicatcataof t e o ndcaaiticir Iveehumeul soutiaib. llmittefa liIs _ rAnieae udd- Isiair, 1I aia u lpr tblly . etacteg frcl anid accouad creatli hiou M I Mciiimuecun you of bhc position tisa GoveaunsuttiecGoven. ment Credilon aid lie Bailstand. TIeGs. ve-CRumbhlma relcaicai ihelf bns. thicrnlp M dclii aidtas merci ely ldfer mc er-,Mmd buian is coleu (1 )tienfiru.mi eBanhing C7ltm al iColsny (eic iti out usder tL es cfii. tAr>-muiénear b an cmwecam<ai acte! eeiire st, und ergnlo'mw a 04 Md aifcoulaintb.it eryunMMs :eh*MniiemtereetcpauatpmldbyoroUn lipotl M isa, «ia. r-i lie GoWveMmutc i nd a me A Puar ayte m ide§4 am "y le u ic" c dila cingaisola a ear 1a Pm &at.M Md lutâcal, in7 a te MU itJbr jie6mul ocbl y eftcOibn"cEvu theu-C. gi or ont ou m~ N Pdi th i tc mafi i aamm o sli Maca,uylam tcamw'awplm S u fe p e s g a ha a p b o b u i * tharafeathis &l.c k !U av ee fa h fisamenéeiy iaçna lg &0 gc àMedaicoeq of ths e .cuntlry, but our Cami 9 d fwn y ja0moa mttefp the C; E Jo, irstoc wucreatud fa borsmon.ey u laid of ouis aa.in goljt~ stock th theia in * «f * Ofpt e uxu"t deht out ifhàm rit 01itais e -as) buh ouatamrVement t te ceai . 1il wi a ery w eam umakhhaaps.e_' tg y- n d yo- mt observe chat 1 tern fV bit Stock i herflvolu .r tlredto mr 14cminor the Mnte ssu = Iwutaxation t> fbui.tat. L Jyâ eAs1itadrmeaui Lcam. feesti ii W iat er uut.uuti.he icve moin eilhw of thift caftdehive aMy mua. fiam the rsa etf is Saockbut mi plaof.Glow ment 'rig te o>Mark'et a frai asosuor s after fheol.d L: ring toa certainpsice and sel] il ai he « %*islupie., chich if cam do vitaJ llce; (infaCt " lsjutic ouli do n» cic,). ne e aimmenSuproit ti amtitaccrue,=ni Do yen icI jaurmuae ta Unothing more ban flair exemplilicaticu of My lie ecuresc P pie oasly iadrectt lal .Partait me totaki transit a e,e of e&.ct ifuhm ffl d ia luii avesgcmnly. lu tise h uaefi provided'ta the aouM~ p<s=tnidfarpulic provemeut ami dl-o notes payable on denu oriss t e c h.uimà vemeuts, tititat t1sert,1 oulai haveaUaiUfmcm.stocks made lega ic dur ta lie amoit o f # tem-la Po" aad 1 ord, Uic ailvutaige M ofs la1 m'utI b. aelf dent eapecially te lic Beuiler or ap. - Mar -Q kBl endr at ceuld enabeflcEnm tain« u cipre-si -«,W cdptale in i malu5J p- eng<asiut foJlr it besides bui çslaethatevcr uusount îthestockmèy ti ti. stock beitig manie legal tendur ai csr"p for any a&Maunt aipwudcOf t euty-Aive a prrcr# tfhe Bansail (rm vuxtiou.aàp1jca&(àa. eahabîme btatimoant, but if a eer4oe itis o ls .preateftit lbfor ai agneau M onu Iefer ui'uck/ur,Jlb alould ai uco:Naiec th ame lightaa t wu1d be nuc 11k aualdia or di DoItp., its nota« an demanni, buta cireui stance of ta kWlimai mai, li iappei acuja Bank bc in vury bad reput e. This faninlaç 5751m if carried mb upural 1a,- aeroinsgte prevecmuif) vrai lori~anunj C.aslubie bond oofissues befuveen tiie Goyenmma of thea Peopie a bond thc met hladiîg tiie bond nieraI, lte <]vehimeût ciii bu placeel in a lms Internsai position, chat Shakspiuzu gays of nies may then bie juutiy applîud fa the. Goveriment, iem.eth him that gaves and him thht takes.C " smot fond of usiag porfieal qoltiens in hal og foreard a finance 5751cm, SscI Iis "li have noaey aid es ut preacrt leau pioce uq céiaeshthfis it la a oduig Orieef me tise Covemment hein1 iD that altuiet estc liow me 5& per cunt. interest for if cith e un TOballiiy of! peafly incrcvsalîg tieiprpncipali te anvanceof thsestockl1purchase t niut D a biuiing or a henebit te a bountry when tise G viaient ila bl,- Ioadvoace smancyfor lacmux *ps'omwucssaithout L country for Cu ed. T.>. ]Luka mu ait,:,ocfte tie i>%lî'm foac icontrathfy couvvta flrir vcu.Ied cbp. tàl jute P;o!Itablu (i,and nieasistienta merl lte d munais et) then vifihfàr grec If e faciity titang relent tic7 ecid,&adMuecqucut., Le7 a icreautisheir bhinest di..bur ocu profit and 1 teaicnq ofo*ee0 tise public. Permit me te give a îlot tuat if acteaise 'ii prove Moflic p geabesaanLge ha Buaka, ai 'cula protect tisemin la agre.t maseire <rom fi Vationsa dew*iads tUt are frrqnotly maie a âem for ceii cilla no ot er malicemolIois ac gr dés,'ru A.,tsruby curfniliigt.air pert dcount et irir cen kuas aidtab c do 1 *Ieial. y Erventive pliai as ta th unk'sda rmro 'prlp ene's r mrae Io treny lenanai maie on semsorcash for £1«) o iperds, for list-nces I1taec£100 or aipwarda ta nk of its ntioea, aid d cs i ca sh uhula tloweai te give me for tire. noies %abat 1 maj ti*ita Gries. lapayooa ou ti cuiter adi mncag iwaerws, tdiii Bthtic Jsiru of li race the casli muaI ha forhccusin& sauely a m taI uiluralandu Bankin ecaua adac<.t t ",. VPPEU CANAIYA. TUPU»,É'v )b m wus -W bi tvaukaeiselnil eoud Moe lie &bu tbefoIpe,.g tuba itok beWmig Si pti. aunurmt .... mceithbias lni1aa e-s- SMAàL l AmaThTe.anva vcry titis a itjr , shout ehich forain 0general are for tam i5- sip amih-t stock bi ="de aispie a -ox ya-'.tcsL The e att hià3are nlIc.ced b tu goc saLP mUit ipado f leentyfy4vc otnismrn a a 0ecoie lie and care, îviifticimiporantta<c Gmiy OÏobk toit silIWiairetisael tise tinlathal every thing gresî an uompeneiof plias, ila casa ls aramyepnin u ua iia hs era sechu7ovrioy d If flicpua ta are taken cmca aI casa UG~gja lqe"coehip bm b"ei fith e M d lb.ewhole lasSalk; buaD eglect of il(-mi x~eb I an morecom~mercial anelcousauienjy mut" ldWs-ly eases serions or total lm.i. tlaethcgeci1 c tba itram fliis lagemecdgimagin4all ar "cell grscaul maltera in larming lait muLes secl an au- Mm> nli~propc t tA Coucthai mir ntma rduction ini the profit of tise 6cm; and mor 1 uro d naet rend melbCu anjagriculturista Sfi cf securiîtý coipree tcms- (aM aream fit len cohs..ei Iomalle ltemme,'seqaec of tits faut tjs. iîy etlaeror pcrai laid graea.goi #bte. Wily Se teMeic & Ir. for our ail "tees put togetiser. A fîw kernelsntcemisesc Unk tegal tender? 1 woaii comevccaliy u* ;#ni nos ra i utlamoutinhyoarr mcc wbit, are sqlao mat- lelib a Ïmacnlkaet umake AiSde kW dOfaafJflf»tant.oMthemalves, but lise inltu2ce lhey cigrale De- <if. ,Precaing tise ai:ahal talc *Z ta e.on tis acrop a eenally a sceicua affair; ym$ &» ri oti c ai toc, liy wco cou» s .u lcmany deem tliu presceite so smail iaatutbs m5 iiesfie pur cent, sock otmÎmuM r- am bout or two of fanning anidli iigl ad I 1.1,, ut lie %cban0e(osiMai E*, Ler illet .4 mime liecen ay. A shinglefo tir CI kr)msitel., ne lb. Public have eai qptubyotiabrse amlmtfrumcitsa V.»'igEiaaaae ita &eapsalass Fe'ega i t*k kunworhynotîc.,ytcht sbIý a- PamouIaaddte ',~* ivemebt t blio~ilm.-tdcopen@a aplace thecugi 'aniici theiser fn a itse Ca2- _ " Las 1maicln or moure prmperly utiier IMitise ebeat or tic boy, andl Coes saiint dussiaei in~ ei nimi iebuteau amuiMt 1 plalay oce, but 1 du am ntheratuerta py for a theusal ahingls, and Use1 mc-ot menfiOMç Simula1 Imigu t bagitakiing a uapeOf Mputtînq hansen inlths.ebrgain. A4 tairomande or vumumaur, vieMofieaubject. Ian am in frott naithe.top Mlii. fence, a boarai lnîok-m uiag perfecliy conviacua ian a leur mentie the 5s par ad CE tise gale, a folelnade under tlb. lence by tiseà js cent. stack clii advane fe £110 (and fie 6 pur pigs, ameaise amoîgheseamatli maltere, ltaI f on W"u cuit, more la proportiuan) thenu te Govenimeit msr y armers anocy as ancorthh of nutice. Yet ýh aboulda ad ta if. former 56 per ceai. stock, a ni- weucih.gelsaîicl ieainemornaasg, und iaIs is è la "lion mure, chicitit. aulda ni fer od ae at £110% lier*h patitcriîç ilibi s whuaf, ccaaxniîg tiese r le- accordln aag tl.heicPgesformrly laid doninluof saone htlf a dozen lied-esen b.ie e ateb àri- tàa ltter, ebici il ilaoa toesetWhlal pice, uIscky stroller in te ihs7 taele advantage ofs la a if saock Ul ui.ld.£110 before tise Goverament tfl iifert in bs gale and demulii flicremainder0 in ba disposai Mfils projaoscd ameus, ilabsoutilam- -mni clen lie finds tisaI bis pille have deastioyeaa- flamalty iliAra. frome.& ticarket .a aller#, li<en acre of potatoee, rad mzd. a ferst of bis l neiflier a tuaile GoveemmeM teallIfer more"agouléen vegetublea, tien lie begiats ta thiuîk ve c *£110 f111 the adck lWedoliaie a lurthser&Aivanceamiutesaapent in preventimn mi clciats, s1iag.& m <£ ra te £115.,TMaisangacacit for la<ro m pure carelessnets, coulaib licIeter thanaM ir- Govemumenîtdispoea i fsock woaslitpvevuula cak s eîth medyingorepettiîgtum. Tii.k !~"avat aecdatu. -ucanl otul liai <c reailaimana who neyer pays attenion lta mal isattur,, a purpoieea. Do you ct perueve fiisp, p esa l'peieiy oneuof thoue ',lo senfers meliainomunruiy e o uttofthe powerf theGvmmisf te make ea lte iand homae, bo %pendsthse most mouy in a option eitai .IerrBugll ccouf! ia Only i- lui-air,andlthe maitl imse in repairig damî,, termi lueaeuld lie tedo the iatter,mandif thialwesu an<ih iont"ie eri ; araover a nec ef, il Sdoue by esrIflcia cecums km excluaient<ui a fleur "maauredly fin tisait tii. wiole cannot lie grent- i bg accAot uliprevua ifs deriving anymy ift. 1 erfiau Use puits, and UsaI lie lus untng on a rock i mes fhikit higilly impropor for à Gorerumeut on aY nye sbui heen tise rlai ofIcutans.m rit concernaMl a u iie leby fictiol aunao Vile aire cher cimaleet netsu initlely !I e4causa afluctuation an Use fundeal propery, or lunlthe coectei pecliapu dii Sur far msinq se tisai.in fer curency a coinry, but panhape iil cayamie haee hava hanluet shove, vel: ehicit am equaily,adIla m out oflac for mea bexplaiu chat is meut aitipeliu more indispeible ftetise rueanol cr f fI MM Bean anal Bull laccouaf, au dcubWWiy mai y of ti( larmnes'.Ille mode cf life chici a mai leads ci it your reaicis as'.neft acquainteai dli lthe techn- i" amiy-tise manier in chicl tise aticles leh.i ici, cala of "ChampeAlluy." AÀ Boas' la apeuses cie p4viaica for tus ofaie.Mhs faaaiy are dispsel of bi sel aiastock tb b.edeliverul at aCetafine, mpcoti- 4h. traiigan i edation oM lits ciuren-.aid m a equetliy.it la bis latercat ba do ail lin is.powerne étaillemi.eaacquises mied culfivabes, mpy b. nm-ti cle'or wlias doapis lie stock tisatieb. my have bord amen. Ues.. Sepuately, Lb.y axe tbn pi- as <a'! bilte i odérier, bise Bullil .eh be ys, suai euly considereaiof lutIle consequence, iet Utelhi- M- cunique.tly ias iterrat la te ciduascur by ail alhiies'influence iAe, cilmust ubeltabc rlht in a enl manas trusae, or lmsaup te stock tUat lia amy fiane.thingu la rery imapotant. v 101 resdie more, but tbiase are gambling linIs oM Tie. appearance Mf th. finit deeltiig, tiese kii t 3Y transactionis Usut la my fuadeaf system cuotfile aho in hpiting, aid tii. tu-ti e cmbafiihig, ea Spiac onl ona vey lini edactaln tiat cuailuin ares MIen rankel amorati te maltnmâtera cf tise t the *Bu accuant, for lapn a rite of fmai'." or dwaiferncr. Ton mciv cccii limain., titlte far- i. ai cimwaes flic Goverrnau " a inlaif ifha amymer basa no husineisa ititny thlm tut fIe ploaglioc 'tdemni for moiey <m m hamg i i nu ba=?) rai l ndtiie boe.-btis a ol f nocorisequence che- anaueaistely piusha. ll bancs. . 4 ihoac er bil.tai, adishua mral ail intlilecbnai quai- if Sitriatu.st e sjsi-per y of their. Cbnly dl Tirtu*in1Wb nt nl its oc ienchu.eh caniaîy t1ae tse ovcrt cf.la fthe y lcaity mal. ail nu- ih ryhle matialo . kallaagh a l lmîi Once o male Guvrnrs cr seitsl--nd lialatiieybit >ytihe fmam , th'tockcili isl, fit icir are ccli oriii hîforamel, vaociilichir conalsaflbufie mt apar ii A liewglahàfssnalih,' ? ot It iiibave judicioaor injurions, înu or cu-isitohsvet lise se cci for di. py Plaîfis;r a fret lfeOrnemnt or for use-a rase a gryl of ils intfeesb,bis amot raice il tea-, ad bvci haifor ita fpcmerce eid ite bruty-tiic tue and oi cm neucrils Coeik .* rkwklb- M of nre iu in tee nochailifor tlicir a-reuitie rppearancý-tbe but le raieba4.Ecje *i* iskbs tc oii f dcIsracreries fes' tiiegratifictii cf the p- fie rit rrollîtal tai cn Y'10 an4hile ifto psybs c raIe-tii.traiigtise clemîitica or the. bitfucsscl dom a' ei is defit much les . ips'icaali, noteo the Cao'seoi er tic wii?oci te t-mper bise ligit and inirah suh le- Stock exceputishe DEhbit Stock) has the mest su.- tiei.nsil t birI vivd green ail civipu filageAli aieZ s"maiity anet oely for tihe payment cf ifs in rw i are ai rankfel&an1atletm iui olnatra by nba i in lfor' lb. prinucipal iscf, theeti h y itss yitc itfnerme,rlUsthe uminutes' reqiirel teman mit i te if l aiument impsulie fnr it hbain&equsito puis ail thi, ta l.pmcl by ataci limne thriiara- dlp ever ta muliteaîadfor il. wayT. Ou lb.ccstrry,ce tisioltise.v.ry lie h on Under ailitIs dic.bilities sac chat thaiia l]es det o fpeut conscqu,nuce; aver tn mi baiti id- of Great Biltain basa donc for il, it lu natue a bpro- plantea iala betiei. sne cft hr an, for tie.ap. ie mim e icmpjor part ef! bila a-litwca contractar ae fc litaitgo insensible te nalural heaufy ~net teni ma t par 60 (Il know IL cas> andi il ncsonaintett bri h- illirz, in (uxriasiig a fani, ta py te-tirn cy £S0),,Ot>0 au a arlt, fer chics tii. Cousntry je thi; extra for ifs gratfle-atici; an oide ia t tiend te liabit fortbeinte fr.af, bu osang le ha sopry Caibainacomfeut rai lieformele n h iiii jor OCC e- ?f be Cole ryor - ha.CORsfsienZacaiadmit-. alof tsrs.btiunM et ~îmalle apart. altbJ Il ci tg ru'so, cs'mt, f the mssaof mm lacohnpsa-l of parla of doluesà--thse ony4est 1 oraIcin bw uÀ< limies inpprqs;, titisstockl rom ~~second-ha f a' fiil îîxi1~ rdlt c Or la licte tu 90 cuusequrnfily tiere etig prcapeityy chta. f.nnàr very mach depein on iii > a etes htWnrred milicas of s occinlaihlsmrk bhestrict observaisons of smash mattena. Dr. und be ducs amust have hersa pracontive 10ta terc Fr iklires niice lva te t;kmcane cof lit e *lr, abat !Y gcncr. liy f apicfit of£400,00fP,0COforif-io sandaItise ela as a tiatterecfcourte, coul a ie war '6 t £60 erd ccti Dwne, Il t M901imuetli,. cmur f tcirlc.I ab 'l ad 50par ceit en ypr" isbemjaicmhavli "eeteFrm ah ne terait (ail Use Goyeemenimt la -honnifor) [ Fam u]ti -puille but aur home, Government dm "a sion ,Fronte t e Ten«"mma i. bal là ce sute alvaulugo..position foc acting axaa a o Or'STOCK, t parti eu fusdinx ybcm, site Coemals deegg The. fiiowiing Ries are applicabetth Ir f flila latter derivua hall pur ccett for lifs M o ee upectreacf stock: be10ts . nattitan it pays iaahilhties humides ru 1 . irst 7r.ed fronm Use haut stue ok ca àtprnipal of des oêâka lions ac Sucpày onau e.. Têislitile or no ifereuce iUee an i= &IM Y. oraisih fn e mii ilo îodeethlis-,, cort'a tým 1 lmcrYOU May My ken teoti, )o..*ilitob3Mand an ll.made,eak aildcefis- -sitiaaaut it i tail aerita asis Z og 1 ,e W Ieq miaiu, ciici, perisapi, iiay b l luio < u f the ammniandscap4 but tenree tintaa$fW. BELL - ai cfbl agfemaulmussu.1tnithlaC SecdIly.-Letlyor gork lic cel <cd, Walil- aIý li ma ms tic. tui (Cr)>Cet10, b tadend, andin every eret wccli salnuleeto-ai 1 I~~~~ uoîiyutatscisjgepeeo feasved animal, uxposci te evecy laclenSecytl. thUe alvince.cf 5 pur Cf.stockl fruit£60 t ~a of hc ceallier, ciii ittain te perfection, iindisaiy Ado -stock beiari Il pet rucnterestithe tic m ciiduie uadeer suris trealiemat. Il lu batialej, one hai but ot&bt oi! t £16i, but bt 'my of te homdiesta nm i ds~e eSqosy;but în Hm. -probabilitiea I1iiWallyrblie £100 stock ta hahlicfshanefaif eae, thia oteat any eshaal; forth if £150 conaequmtty Ue b as m csrs £» beauce; il. snet ony atend l lsa dlinm itualai 'on the£100 uditabufpcrcent. wchen opuy s vle e eigteexpense svibttivit fcey àitproemUacs'eeuen o sabih ri et k 't'm a dualnn saI.oM <ccd. ouf 'a tey = imméi 0 et jar, , Tiiirély.-Lcf',-eur animais hlie m reg,5.aly u- i >tiCMLple# arcnt 4r- ? va*apiildith a wth flbood. ~Cccid i mis.cont fou roman lal Fii~ir o ,~~OeithyLet your fodlie propcriy and ecci- juie placeai a Gotemment 10 Ibis posiion, yet mion ~lrjard x it Vit i isl re lit b.esaet ru. plaie te c ly.-!tLC hWhalpracticablu plan be. adep- tiseél m, = stet, msaIiystrmg e d v"the mosnue pcluoelbted ler: Coi r ~ ~ ~ ~ n tnht, pl c a a ro ta l mle vudiu e u pn n i eof e s k h s <cu l nie u t- o f rt cete 'um nuamofih1e ,il&- ~ aliuiOf il. I cre une.. 1Zn mure1 bave prougcai tii. mieci As bui M ofastck, wete lieisni ho Pria le eualmitta eur seqlpscMment-istieieii olih ut ete Ca I fiaityuucii Va el fhuinimpsspnon the ciii ade- i tcmbc the a fMalliatemew àt he l i e uh i mit s fai. ape e. - e n i ml rwl u d1Puagct infeedi ad strict tainse t ene liail il acma&doumgielie o .dotethla i!r.matf or aingisse.,but oM truc lanye à icid éaili iSofs ls , iaveu40procuu'c f" for itcsia peut extent, con"sin l ynar the impiemmsenat mlii.VCommtry cthat arse-iipest y au Rccmmtte a postaitla ed m, soultcun 9 1, kesmcjj fo a.leti t BY fc40<lim, amy aalisWiii, blitsh* a oftém r% frellctmur el ePay for Udheai e, and mgi 1 desraiepupeemd f ie la! avehe__ma. Mai emun aleid dos adnleai lise Gavemlta 0do mandl et ~ <tisaIs'sustamince. U theammne bignonsae dtc aticle u eliet thse lC cou.'-lmiope *a c idimmeal.. he IMP- M no aum a f m. l i e m t l a m o l i t e a tl n a ae l tm a t s1 e m m "i l i o > i C " c o l t e e l uI a e n o1 w G e f o n e t e a i t d e f f e d w 5è ~ e s p y a g m i a 'm t i . 7 mm&tipvmdmsle ~ be m igm Oieh"am »thetrni gocal lieed,"e 0s.c nulmaof lac tosceoc s'enihî. ise lin, gentleman flus 3 .@ y t l i a t r ir e m i o u ! d p r rp u n d a e u i n bt h c e , n o N o t m k c I i î <M . R u t t a n ) i c 7 5 f i e l t U s 9 h u: m aruy f a I so ald <arasa but a sec andacy C ourt alould lie nem oven i term A ni phs tow n a . c gnmid e or fi t t& lerc a a i t e r p rerqu'ai bc tm ti rhe C e.unty of H i chn n,- s it il' a ia sep-,rate w fh i c Ce iDtethe coam p sitiona ai f .g ae ibreclles D istrict, thàt cwty fad sco nem u rs in thH aute Mheysox, Ibat une of înfiniteiy more momnat. Sme, Ib preitect ils interesf.,...ts. ,pe rcfitet country. be bi surm , cher. a far mner or pla tr las a large W e ld rui-r go ta te Tu r i K ias'lou as amber of bands, l ià o o et, but Ilen to rendit Ccciii aluno Lie popo ie of Lenx ind AddIn0.ton fiat objcct deairabie, il must lie attainabie ah a itali and tiser. dsaesait on. meinhiie Midixasi Dia- frosi. Eary mautian aii'sposition ta fatten irict ciWhol nd aitelais voire c "init tise imend- ane, tefioretraits uf cisuacL-r in"à gondi hr.ci" cent widi falt beei male. T.s. qa 'atiu fiai f hoa,% c hrf a o u l ai n e er ho o e r to k c. B u t b e a Wf i s cola- u rta! ef an, an al ,i , t he H o ,»Il a ih wiii appear obvicais ta aurintelligent mid, cai prepaicc0 iî fiermil r in ihtaan z orp t ut iceever m ucis a bc., muy b . pre ei posed bt e e -t an e tio ss f t ice lbon. a sai let n eî i Solk i- eariy mt ihye or ho talie on fth, tisa t tat qaality lasr Griseraii, it coula ie iu aglaaui ta go iii o eau ane.renclencilavailabie cher. bheInesimal 'caemiftee upon il. tle weil tecafol; for e-cen a Ivrce cf gisants scouli b. Ma. CRTnvierstis ai alwiys thugsf tut tiser. teiluâce a thbie s'ize cf Intadf a feliy r idsandly we. at icesihy of alterns;tUe place for boidm; fold ou il l# coaytayh the i>en'ape.a cf animal e- tise Court, ail coni,îaered tse Iîpsuer Miiiese a* om msy, laI magnUiic und olisne cail be given im uch bettla situation than Adio 11Wst.n.....t ta e &M ca ant ofeilaer usais or inuit, w o dur 14r * w t e Cotanti Dmofac ftseuiea as. et Vibtiv W 21 icun lvidell ftqNn is.Idk A". atfiee an tumainiool, tDitril. mudati li.ficcicsqaence? A mta.gre, lt-Ioe- I Mn. McNcu as in faveaur of the . tiosn of iî,g, unilesizal leing la preameair ta car virw, aettise iin. Solicifor Gen-cal. No petition iallbrrr, tise period of hismjrty-anl, ce could ait, pr.es tcd foritise nenoval offlie Curt, and lie8 can e expert a hetter LIe tacvaif bte fieg hics tiu z dit, tisaI hin; sa , tiry wooid lie peccecit. shbarega uamular treuluicit? If ivdotce moitas- i n ast emnier in tisir Leçlathamnai b. aur e b l l p m n f t e a i a u e i u t . a re m î atu en tise p iw i lde a clai ec h uutin e t h i i u a a c i i a f p re c e le n t. B c t% s o ç il 'yi.dvlpmato iemlti ucliut tisaitie Curt short 111 mlireman at Adlph atiin, ce cdll ai aurely roap a rica fiirvesl ai'ciianinMli ti ut ho knew tf il axa lie he iet places but & ilaappointnauent; nature, cisebier presentedain htie tisaI il hai iecai th-n, for many 7mars. reqliairenients Mf humanity, or lIme cf lc more M4a Muascmv aid thaf the peuple of Hhain-s humble ansi preentionlessportion of lie famiv Ocfhlaidfolie vtl-rjuýt!y conuuaind f barj o' sile-wnietier Use animali bodly helani ta the out of tise tcan of BIllevile cauatendl atth.* Court one or Uiceclier-matave ils neceuiticc8cappllrl ail e biaved h,. spke tieir felinz, chen h.e - ifs cantsa mnai Use cra ings of is ppetites m t s alsai t isae t t eoy w d a prefor " iois a u inçit gfi b.e gratifie. A u ccii may ce expecf a lux riat gain-, tas 'do histîun. T ier. va ie accum ma. trop final a fertile field, cithout piper milnotin, dation for ticiin- tie Court thee as the Court ua f0expert biai og, boe .ver goual the heeài Ilcas, cas zain latrilmine, and ai halgan faim ciii provre profitable, ifl ocWel and juiiiaoaly 40 tu, 50 trrnvelîeisiteeplî5 inoe. cci in a tarera, leIraa ed. l, iUserefore, cio cild have ia tr, amni if ftqc as Isot hneonveaicice lhe did Ut saliippio f isc-ieab for fis fhusthaulai, or net nasw hsf if cul-ikewis., Use luad Grand fo lae, mut lin raigil-he mietIlb. libllrai, jmt >aul lit lihuae ummnsed, liaIrepresnatu tishe sai enfigîtei; for truc econoniy in tie, raisia Court Bcas. as a nuaisance. i L e , i l asi n fi aet cf a ay o lier sto ck , co n - P i. JcaKaeaac ftaenç il t o u la i eb. e ta jliah in z a Ina coîaultiig nature. Tc cuIdle then lu TCy bal ppec.Iesa ta reamie,.tbhe Court Bouae, groc, a propar qaiantify of nutritiv'e food muet ie zb.aboutit vcte açminsu il. provie . If Usa gr ew erof hao n expec t a havaoit bis M R. D avoru ob"sr e , tisaI tise hha itants of mnt-boute fihlesf cthout il, ltec aU bc egregiu- Adolphuiuant Saiciaafeil thc emova cf tiecourt; ly misaale. Hogu unay fie l.pt inai cpacahi ei-tise ressentcliv ifhall (cnneriv brun erecicai ther lait conition apon a Wel set cloevr f11ilthnaiçii wa, taf lie Prince Edard *District we at laI inn ail suter, suani ay tiy aito, diriaç tie a plaitoM the Midiail District, but the i.tiua. reifaimasf year, lu tie cccds; but ini ither ton as Inaowcnvenient fa Ue iiultan. cime tise proprielor cliifinI bis lîter.stpromoteail preucalli'. fin; the lfaIt Srasjithoa e iy p!cvidhasz full partions cf racla, ai poltoes, raio jieamire cic lad hern brougit User. 1tab. tie bagai, mronsgol ur-lui, and ltoisepamplias. Tue his aie coîtinedin htie Court 83 et*a, s as u ralin; Moft.,. u wllrequin.la btallr aid xpunse, g jioail. Il v eny frcclu nly h app an iet p r but tise aiufienence un lise celgif, unI vaile, b!fbit ing bin-os.et Court grlloei rsr Alphi.. animais, ciii mac then r.pay huim for hoti. if luwsa, failishe S'a-h.ou udjueice tilttisleliait las ho, are destine e ta n a cliver field, il ccclk. te meet aitie town ocfin 'lon. thuaitiu 9 in oue heru liera la cpoassupply aet Tie as ndmeuî ta recum mait lise lIiiJ lul rate r, mi el icaitimali usutît ie nataprevenfPd, chea tise flouse bovine resoivel ifself juta, a irhir roo u Va fi.lboleth, hocever,beathUsaibeY Ccmmt2e on tise choie, lar. Slicitor Gcaaeml aboutitle buenned amI cuijoccasiccufly parmittet novel 'sai(lih' Word AdOîphuatoan huinscnîcai, tn eange luntie field, anal 7tet theroctu wcihi ey -aller soin. disccuin il cwu î.gativcd, and the maY reccive sitouil buie rcket! cther by steani gSDiil pacceil anab dit propoaesk or 0fihn . u r eifia o ad nl b iev .l[Reparta i l by t. Omitdeaa u, s .] IL bu aaârmie Ébat lngeddonet tyrve wel ifcoei iapuail suilal icidyn o uau w...SL ILen" l It VeRauly dam "nu l a borer h itifaith, unies§ 106. 2ucdiye ven ; the Boum e i4 ra. limansentent au abuse .oft" inai et - MInaa.0. caI.Bill, he i if m, s tleouîy Maily i telceplace. Wliei hbis hg easaIlargebehamh-t. Ieniers tisat they7 ?udact m fioaTn d a ma chance uf hein e hic octiphymmean-ih e u if fithe Bill, es tUsb. rer4 nid nltempoc rida os oesonwchs s. ay grze, heude AIs Mcnpertta itlo t iabmitted hic rea&uiticns. rumenons herbanldlbter auttincc. chici aeve On Wedascadsy tisa ommnkee reumeai, chen in melicumnts tc correct fisc ciervitin; efirela Mi a.lara rue anmi thaliei.cawuewpie- l is excitaiv. vegetafle ail-t; sand il je,hfier.ele pareilitaoredeen tiie plesge chich haJl1ui <vetb lt eaoisalle, cche h a cut off <roat litoe, liaI the'Reina, 1g1 evemnîz. Witls regard to tiée Cicr- le hould ieb.fultnpdt ii uhaltafra sta li.ep oUtyeieetfhemielvchrhli a'esmbeen ofop*n. aon th.eitanefut rifecta cf 1h. couditi,,a Mfbllico lui fiatte user ote fey cure llcposel Moliseetbet- ubatasacea ici lie recel vos into is stoniacir- tee (ns the poue and milrappillnsu cf Lie Prvirne if vogetaite belies.cici ar eeile an char*d ibougi thUe question of Use mannes'of the diapo- vith more or Irufascf meliles, fie clici, if pý- «m al, a montter chicS involved maiy ronalisca- nifted ueoteted, chu prey tapon and viliibt1hicefnua. Aid citS regarnita haUeflet peoint lie puleosiorgaus. Ath Usic hen c, nubtiemuaIitoh tt haflie irabuia i l n heie w ay measistuiauni i nmy ersiiy fie aoe lot au ail olandmas balonging lt>us.heCrocas. Tu. roai, chutecî 1,'aor chai, if plecaina aconveniesî meil proposition cisic liea duild aufia tes rt f tise pesa îiilie . emlily partaben Mofby ifý ccmnitte, cas, fiat il esnet expeaileil ta Icave nai, &;cil[ preservo. them nibuillati. Inaddi' fthe relhiieuxs istheition of tic peuple ta climiee a- n tu tises. ill i uouatai ervicale ta mix mc- flue, bt ftae a provision for ils muniters duhoulie cale partions Mf lacer of sitphur ad oppers prcid i byUse law of Upper Canada, Use Ciurgy nmiiuonallywith thirmesses. 5ftC 5 èsmurete mesac ns of ing in r o- If the. hoga cslincai lusin m pesa altogether, tic7 vision, the appropruatien of tient could ai ieb snob lie kept eîth tc main regard ta tirait eontrry ho thc apiri f M li. BlalG orge Il. Ic omIc-t ail cleaninem~,forlbm iotgisclien r- tel stropciLion eus, UsaI in Use pea-sellstriae cr itani tc range tb.y laxainiate i mot adr , he couantr, a d lhe auld tact nue stop fa enqu e 1crý bise former cirruinetancey, tis e hoslun; fy chat claa itdwu podac.ai rircs am prudent saula ie frequ.îtly changeai, amI bhisehnbeciea las or hefofichaolitcalise countrey icasppnpt t liu t vinm eater vrnira Use hennlit cf peniodlen htsuppot of oe.paticifiar Citrcl. R.elied ltioas. W'lhts le precauflos ail pnoper <ceai, dc oulaIlt t h nuppoella; 1h. rsclution la sgvert ut rugsalsr intervals, Usera la no question acl ifrIon ay cf hlm lbon. freeas, aid ftic7 'linet ocîy Ilanlvueciel, butpIle aindeei, lie baitaimmeifpurliy socti fired is n esto a c kl ta a n y fu r a r h . a ay lry lise c - e p i cu r in a h em co n v i îc to n Ls . la n un o th e r ýinsenb cf flua raisins then. 0"od crs it possible tassolide the qestion tc the iFaraser&Gscaicner.) satifactîioncf the Peuple cf IJPPr Cinaie; li -~ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c u l a ft b i e u a i m e i m e J o e i v e . d i s p o s i t i o n o f - t e ~rco>mrs~agîiam ~ Rcnesm o tiste centraol ftlis m e e w vhich IIOUE 0F ASSEBLY. that Usey abhoulai nutL e appieai exccpî ta Use ait- flou£ O ASEAILY. vietnof i eigica, fte atadcellesor saiparat Tesay Dcc. 131li. eMUseir mniaters,un fa nmec other relcçcua poipoce, LI, àPporM ~Tars TISAN D ax er.eS os fiermonouliSe hy any -eaane sow tise Excutve li.nsnxa T UE: Q U ia u s sia N dxz3c i s r- ta10 c Ston i tiioce chu c s, 'J' wereVin s c gy.. . Mi. SoLicroaGzu=.ie.moved ai amanaulment, cal viecu cofi.hesubjet, cud abouid tiese resoln- at tise filho"Id bo recnmifled, thut thea word t'ou mort lteaoipp itu of lthelusehli alphutaîocn nmi lie b.reinserte inluthe lI (ifltiioaînipropose anohta litrunitescdb 'ing heen atrul cut hn tise Second reau!inir.)... ppointe a arnge fUse eetaila ofa asmnure la ha s. msem ufomia baîn resiemibrence, liai fasorai on bis.., aid te report aronag cit ten 'th liai thUirt ar, lb. CoutlBosnesadaIbau iL could te canalju ad ulprudent Lbsalle a d et- aItd ini tisat i vilagein Lte hurt if a crhl-cui- e"; On ta teqacal a confernce wtU th. egiala. uted com"lr. masaitil as sDowproposer!, dUs. tire Conricit, fiat Usey nigsI lut chetier lfties Dnypr mssoilce, taay in thai 8bill, fia vîccevrwre sinus, bte thé"es nleetlinei iy ha niuloea e blli tere; removin; lb Bou",, mmd i dtien ILk dllie ui jar lt ea t id b.e cfno aavantagein thc administration cf legisila openthe. abjoct M»7popecee ce, aa oud mlai sece iewbit harsi, aid hlic ed1pnthat the se-Invesmut o0f1fi omR e ive n casvincel tit loulai not lit satiifaebory tb te ruen coulailb.lietaheit mcod aldtis e.long iipsutaquecstion, hb. d i loi. L il LAxàuàN mmii Uhal; lite ressor t whthe coula ieathe estt y, but if cwu more rousis-. artis buisa feldthere a , tUal l i I sturit letu t it ir cismuecIceran "pmm t ucf fie Plic EAd and thflacComiis of flustings peole gtole ite he = "y .esiîeles t pert Mfthli. illaiDistrictbut aDow usI evee' great it 1 be uputa. lil: elvect c Edea l ard w rartel a some Ditricti, tf ie f*u sGaven meut. - iî awuatheir iaty teo a- tecai nu eeceanity fora. L A dcll wscn we. deavir toe le if ammn es;iaeru, Mdaie eit !y poi aiiplace, di v--y Sli. acomoaas. ho uld amt siial tracte lave« tlenle s i i en ortal mas muaite l inut nom u..e a M ty caigt m wcuSa a kilr-eut At menu mm cili ldis1r, meur fomslisaidoe., 5 eb fu tur fme i. coul a ava ee lais c UW 8em oam d fmlay eCod alie lstict a lim.tdecpolund t1o euNjai en g cma m illala lie ah e 0 t mSudri. tr, Mid alocwesteai a fusthees uay. Tie Part em cil ca cb s . n la mge te ( main thse Co n yeti nIH fi apc cl aiu s'allier e en d a ,i tinn -'f r w&nL ( M r.Drap e b n enai Iow b a Ilug mti tb m te nd fie C oau t th fs e i l s. riu Ac..» XLBsraeat.aaa»M f btW U UVmac ault te- a.~ ~ ~ ~^ w bcIii d mhhu~cr. lie ese fjeasri nce tlalequcstim ub.d liecafetdsuistd ai uoihI*esa1 hiiM t oca d i an ieîiraitpsiei, it ceusAt ly b #e Osai à I w Cint Uphnb« « a astialiiaseMfr eluetieusego -aepcsut<ons th -m=mi f in'. M1Wi7z afilie ufmes's sbuivecoli.ec t j oe< pp.r Cmaê&w.eo>.m> is mi m&a , the lb *9u ste i b4 is lhir Ps' raglione Eceerves tte d lc.hefsuià rt mmwilié, W amileof he§Pdjver b*lwfe m th" fiapemm6" uUc m , a d aille"0- - - rit F@ý ýj