-~ ~---- i. . - the la le eus.uob uul . M ".tb4mteeslupeth. M to Clu ceethea sauitj1i = ste - e d e«L Tboy c= s vth . ane ye, th5e d"m e - av th e i fliloq dljret va*et 1.~usilè.~ (t~iIoWOafect ljmnhg Chusl Saà , a o nas0 M ven lpssis i.Juke>i bad ais l g&tpa ; ytyiutewMmm m i..aid v106 W onidst l i n liesi dm 1tasm, ho Base b --s-.-- sailW ga -ut avelie te b.fouspdaa ~ t ittt. = ve is vuewsa o ualaq e i sitm6I 'aP stiinue = wqtapplld tEta I an àlMvodi te bo- ~slyi la ea kw *ioevaim in.e la §11, aietf l li tataley dflieih-di" sdticu t i.vio.csihmes el l is lusth.hmm~em Who dd aesjlit di.uo sete,15 atiev i botboelti auwlieb.miltier partialnuer clusvas1 ~t esetdm. lOb gtlua n ail etepsis liI bu masgus iapne mtlb. au ilaivesiti ishe *6eêdamese df avasu ai - ia Cincm a<Uemà-tad fi" Cv ,db » uats, ai hlostat Baithbt ""Ma s .i u ed ,bollav at " tsuImam saae.at M br N. Mmcml) baéa8 'Y bg epc "asusioneofta lrga a ety4 e i.peole cf Up- ot.dli tia actsey temamesa ate aCc i et ft Ch"alaurit 1. utatiiadb.v nJ -se Caa . U tde i i .bsimglb.Eoglsut. Um;be Smm o ves et bonetfiag 6bava bainb ma duaW t 1, if dete abdi !sac t-he lal uet111un*W hob"W id e* lry wmbtMdn"sIltala.ou'u*yj h roic tte el lse ettir. Wa broigt til lurved fxum a esct semeo elu. vhthtbe o coti ie viewethe Coalsaios) qw.salie ve wu dum.g <y, it wasa il wahied i my Umtse olve& Resaivessiassitilb. givren oWt psth:eil d- essvesblitC urch;sutbasksal50ld10 tit msicum of ettibse si e alliais eatisais. -Il voult bo the. seau.s d igb ~~v impai» llase lume hV"isveresut ry lumlty pevaffl th tro te inealyestgeaipo pe.ventisg Ie graiteeviL. vietar ote Pratant ciory, t th. Reoi. 7d 1baà anY otehcquestion. Tehdpret a asoi i a not nlpi-<slacWisy ualIf that boues ere legia- BIB iliite Le0stat. upous théquestin apAise hd le tnt question but lha formeond etina duete A7Isil leslagforple of &Undancmlaticn cf Chritian%, vas beel an taveur et diape of tthe ilusnves -le vas onefaiite axpreca. hi.sentiments 9- vsyexe teCatheicsasny mer.thaathe for-the purpse oet puerai toçaiei, andti lueçashu iteag wuil as tty ovialert, hon- grgeu«tios e t asi fSetlud Wer tisey netfe lob al- It vre.san sttled, tue misilieis efth va" &--ldethonhegt ta riitesanud brcv-h.at membar, 7 jacta lt tiy a netsea tevotion te Iheir nominiele on oltib. muci liait"r lotd~tila ie n e tiam set man tuait! vote fas. he eu7 al u ere thiey net equally repctable sm CD cstriutmsbc ns tshier focha than if ~ ;7 adiopionocf the peaes a-they eenevenilt is 5a rsamudenemicn t W ho, lie vuitik, State. Sni on , gen ptleman hâad eÎakaon mite avakers consocientieus feeings, buI ttlid'ad asuil tisat vseted Magna Charte frais King fo6l former occasIon liai lier. svert ex -. i. tsareutisngentlemenes volti b.e ditk .e.--Jliea 1 Weau ey Prtestant,, or vetorey etyth ]Lii vbkaivers lnsotisigte lis C inr 9t..a-expreaalng i puo f ialgliye lb e-Cto es? eopedt ist if hie Reserves sase r i .4Ltînlbai aihe, b.vidbe.oepe out b tct lieragî a s aehe vato e b dlvded il voenti e ta Caticicaswel asute tha f 4If i adbeep ,snojt . c)n7«100u e- ti ati 12lot, vieetly iadla e ery se- ytitants; for il vomiti b. v.ry extraordlaaiy P is gta. À sitaa bi h pall ig C « ~gaI gentleman in the Mosa.-by a butcfnd e itieififtime u'heu tise Impeial Pallieainent v ltIservu e& aicatioka t bo aie su onlu a 4 e eiaam val cry alcs, mdvhees jOfit varseleglaating te do easy ailhi e vey iines Con lie al« itrCloie, M ant i w=evfÎJeRyl , ai leapleure ver. debstes. Hoe vessatuan diS etic h een Protestante anti elicht.Îtain tg ,Int, lthir jbail tlisreforse peeedétie f~g. pntiefntpaeme baon eli anugeGst nain, lie Purîsamnet ef Upper Canada t' Urn1t tsasmoiei tise ale1tiopol. 'ln thse preamble, tak lié exclusve ciaiss f tw h " holiendeavour te heep up liaI ditinction lsy 5 Ma..BOAELLchin-e tiai lthta~h,>a u halt(iurcii et Englandl vcre oly putendeti, beuse rfing te alIc. lens te parficipate lu equal ben- leiéll sontesujc D mwqa dX lie beileecd the Ciiorcis cf Scotianever blasoertliIbmreyree Le1 b e lu ._stete , !goedtieglt te the Réserves as the Cbnieb cf Unâ- g.Iasn sen ! htL.ip4lOaerbrst a zua tptt pan. Ile rozM. C. qucteti thse qcol 9 ayfels JVcli etise adoption efflé.pre- 'li liey culeincer saretien sn- ar q t Cliii. IRobisn,nR. Guffoed - .S rCpi W.nlsoi - bUgrl his eaty concurrencsi tiat iltolti 0pprsps aiais-Rseejo eny.riHer ehen tonteuidet liai tlis Ce l IItvbav te lthée . an of thle bon,.anti learnetimemb4r tbejleu et ocf a Pottant Cirgeitbeau citaineti aler tise treatyfeCUnî1a by -1 forTerete. d lwasol -iikely it et Englanti-isaa .WIbcoa jit ans f Engjand enti Soiltiilvas ea- Ma. KcAaitracouiir.d iat on ths questio en ré~ai by ber enrcouragomno f mod 3 s ri- aic.cfîe iit of tise CiurcisetScotiat u aasot e e ii smend' bt afortihire i g ion vetlticonsent ta it. Were lh. to sot; faoretozvry Scetcbean in canada tesasy tisait tc7 aiso sent hM. Anj hle voulti agit1hm. iemisera s tltirulutione og!set by t b on.gtèodtman <tourhat not e perfert ieit te an equa liabe.Of thisa- if ley vistet te educete tise yootis cf thesýencnui- V Turoda i nl otI- be e yielt teseat.utlibole. lutienet. Bt having sait! thie muoeis tcdit nt try ut tise expenae of religionLitcatitveuasuda * as fialy teemiu"d maet o ive ie vote lrrm m to conteuti fer tise rigisl-ht beieveti it goodthinig, but religion vau better; for il voui tea *nsy massmrs aick - voslia eppriate the Clergy .acuit be eqiaally incxpedlient andtiinuriestoelise eave a man% sesul, abichis ctioni coulai n do. tirc Resrvs e ri otio tre rlaios ... pe-a -ensd neppinesicft the countryv, t give il te Tisere vote plcnty cf landis nov for edcatie.- the, Me- Persz: lise Bill now beteets oa i iso eeec ies eameaars But Huit hon. memisers forgot 240,000 ace ich a vent te depive tise Cletzy et tiloe ltia swiich iefore going frrtirnte expliain bis vievsl, lhe ver. ait tbeir (lispoa for tiiet purpose? Tie n -l estie-r oaset for Siupport. Ha blieved would go onas ire commeace, to shoewlhis au- invavillSng ho alica tisat houa. te divitI theM 1h5 lthe ton. geraalt's. .Noton) las lerrodu- thoity for ateiiug tise allolment wvicli e llosn- RU ves as liey uhou-it isoldtis aet for tbin-telu c ciug Ith-- Bil la- been atatti hy pumowtive, et vas ,de fr a Proesenat Clergy (il vas lie teresta cf tise couatry. Tise hon.tuendier foi La- K andt li . ielievedtt it it ould moet tend te tise 4Wstof tire 3ist cf th King, wviarie h.reati.] Mr-n. nrh oulti givie none lu sny but bis evn cherches, ativatage cf lie coutry tisat tise ClergyIileserves C.m olanainaitts iole mater reaclivei besidea tise chusici etEtgland ui.fat, vas ieetAd sbouit b. appiedta th ie puomecaf oaion, lie iseif lato the questio-Whst le tise meemngoftat that boua. by non. tut tise memberi of hes. eh (Mr. Pri ce>)iowev-r diuifreti front tiaihou, tise word repeal? il vas te annil, Mealle or a- Ivo chenrchees? seq member, beceose hoe conceivedt iat tie7 ce t cbronîte. If th'y btiti a rght teaismrogate tise lis Ma. Pevsnr. vouit vote agsinst tise bil; antiDot comrientiouy pasa siBill te diveritit' ,ýlande tires snnely ilsapievisions yen tnally set et rete iseyould do 60on p- nip>1. Thsulandis wer ce (rom lise purpose forar i tley we r riglnally ani tisey migit b. app*ed lu any aiier way, anti MntHa intendei. le isai beeu t on, tuCiee opinion tned tht îlsey ver. net onîy aîlorieed, but sppropriated b y lie King farte uPOrt h brl c tisaI n pat of thenstight vils mop itybap- insite dcdosu by Lordi Gieuelg, .rnitateapply ngaconsan ts aPvince aanti h Mr. P .)ou plied for general elaeatiçin, lirahai iover sinre these Resesses in any vsy tisai vonîtib. met ney er ousenteoaieu o he t atr th e.n roferreti to tise Contitttional At, sâ utd ddli- conductive te tisepeacesan Ti pr.ity of tise coran-Tievr.gatianlucfiieshatieui- Hier Mr . eadfren th Depath.]Andtenante oethle Cirly migis nae esb.opprssive isoately tomteatise ronclusîois litti Iey mi&ht fry. çHere Mr.C.aseatt tam tisepeoplec.s.1 ntion. cclleague isad egposaei .ast as el apply tisern a te igiting tiso City cf -tîren ashet -woalt it prearote iech va n igotais o~pno htadcastono uh se h Torcato vits ga, or ta consltrucingrali-oaèa t.eling nitiis country, te give ail tise Reserves t a bis piionthera aéecto ertaveievsile tbrou-isout athe cotnry as te. applytl ea n tise on Cisurcis? It culd ire sait, b.intit ainsas, buiting o bis a seel. et (M a r. P.)hveerved - pun ossf ediicartjq anl in forming tIraiopinion snd voulîl cudinger its connexion witis Great Iar em isfer wcf hini n e at. opiniMm. P.) bee LLidote* tsemot lisra costucionomit Brlanmdb. voaSilhere %van bon. gentl m omut b. perfedti>' avaen ht iu(Mr. P'e.ý oien provsios iisiis ouî bu ive teaisartot ueh isegîtgret cedi forpatitstateisear boy on tiisuijert vere vieil hucan te hbisconattnt- ll le son 7e ntwo fu mswh aevfumant as a canifluate for W~r aiew~~ ~--. ~ta tse njqcrtcf ht, ne.emi-t-glve ise. Rseresta eze me, t h ieir ssffiagesi, anti they vere vintlise new'atîled.Tin Lierçy, irir waîafteward aiorsluflldoue Cisacebs, treyvouli donacr to lieute e e ourad neyer sacrsfice vitat bc cowildeia e;itregls hons liey bai nghtprincita a , asur ofexedi. .lé et l uttocnt te cpeialoi I . ~ vs kife BtIas ML BoLTO555ai lite hon. imei ofiLLa- p part But neas-tsvcaiho-miinta(Mr. Caineron) lehda vrele4ct n soy ta lockt h e regenerrl spirt pan pan n g Dg s. eaervcsto fourCIuicsesse bat ask <b t itisaiii tise violeact, froama Wlicisiig ak erelt ust -ecn metineti, corltiai> t»gYiemse ail aucli ibreats he hopedt tisb on. Mesar e" :2 'joi ojec cfthi prpnatinvat rant topu intent? Hon. memr.5s y tise.Restrves cennt orte eorgy inl'Jppe Caid n titsy o'r.-ainte rmthi'wgia rpat i nluthei. oaf the hon. Member for Eseex, have pottaaCeryi Cnýd'Ï te ee eaieaie rintet rgia uroc ady tise moral courage tu do visait ey tiseughtvas netjustlltib spliu n, ~t a àhe te 3-7aet ieî wolul înccusistency argue that tire>' raa>y easea iehn.Mmbeir ~d- pDotses iserv ninn e taeal 'K0isiigiven tir a Catirlir Prrestisod-beW tie tis ev reigisi. eloathbn.Mmrwoadu c pu'oas'tse oerte nsmi tir e tndantc ree tr ieoiato f iePrts antlle" spokeusai, vouit neverisacifice principle tae>eu'Mi ano rthlunointin ot rtesltante r r? ~~ .i~' . Thon Reserves vere gientoa Pro.6 le>' were te seil thrn -ti'y votat u aifhSr.ynnpl Edoraicuat'Cl.er ; and lveittts Ce" s..lis mi-~ f" i,pen a n tftise intention e is cttts i e ly at i a2ppi'tire proicae,1- 11-'h', - ls idiepunt hy taitern ertiaecfleCats i -h..tici r dtoariLtiOef l;ritisai ir e ai nt fwbisilI becuteltiIrishs Catisolics voul Ra Pl anpp ' ud ;and if lie bon. Ihemaier forirk ha epnd ta 1,but lie Ihougir tirt rL,.9y slq mais.aproposition, beçauseit inludtaleil c hl tteoiingvnb ;etonrChoeho Iy. ai1tI, leert - voatne otheinstisa injustice . 'la ~h isonl et te on hagveserrat'W. believAwr ,itdtait, if ssca adegeuerate sun aitgati bnt lv se ilt ùfoè-.hýih n . -1 h.e . .>»yseemet inlufaveur ofthtiibletb.. M -.î PAtR rZ saidt toqu ti n1 «4as ltw-LMi.ere ina tiatBo.., ise mut b. s1, i scame Ivent ta, appropriattis e tshve irefore tise publi, mai h. ielievedth tir th ie.Jâ Ryron describes:,spote dcteatitsIle eyal i Esig is n vrent vas waulllg-to alp.r lb. dîe 4 UW'taitiroue single MY>' f hengeatau, ai taIethle Country. But hli ngit n. peilait fthe Clerz -srrersuoa4>te i tise Wîtirot tise fancy, tise inuisc etilfire et ber th a oit give grerartessaaa i ni la viies f Sie pesple.rf Ipper Canada;. ii(ar tik..-. rare, is.ionaio fentlescontmaiuan es tang imp*rial Paiiarrant giviug fon tl4t .putoto --.&beiug reho vell migit plonge Mi inlu ouli ~t ktsystem cf educatiensoodb.puaet. B u lut'i-ois hurcis*et a time visen ipz4ý lie If ais etver gave briM Io a AKtceaut 80 base. in faveuro f au etal"hiClrahino scarel>'y a namne, an amenat cf property equi te He vas a mendber dethe Preajyefian Chancis Cnsty, fr . beievet I va.ne.iu«Y; for th. th aItsec uerpiléirproprin tire coutr, i wsi anti dret affirma, as -teairoas cifits pràpra>'as gqptgovamment anti»iecaidet fa a utu, a iot sieurtthisng' TVa.teereeu>'lait p'est as>' remibeo f lisi body, but holi re ne no uhti tt tier. ahoil b. an estalislseilChurh-Ha.B stress uponu Att etPaliainent uii% s atIiSeu "bli* gbWloê 'tbe thievu lu Ici vsy;lise b.- vuaon liitsubject ver. voit kuovu. He hissu tire powver teaisold'tire.Reset ses, but hi vOnid; lieveti lacsriotnue pure andti ooetist umd ditt ie laintemte"isigis churcirandtiu à Imms.'or iat ne mire reprct fr tiremetissu ie upeaiihave vonît er. nov have .axteodet over Bitein antid 4Ulite7might eu hisam o W eyP l ebut torac baud f robirr, or tise receivprn of stoieq nmbably the sehale voltibt for slale ptonge. 14 vulti nover ceosent p te limep ites. lati el gool!-Iî tise Impeial Piiameo..aasitgive 4- Wissîel. isI divititi juteneommm>' mete asiud yoierva tha at for hthay ver, Isy oo-eventh of tire lard fr tht U1 ot f -sH at eBdit mot <ar tise oseiaueice te th càinsly iy ltent.-IMtha iey valuainiai t V hlsrct, visai was* te prevent isgluai l ti. .isurci cf Scellant trams vihdrawing Stete Pa- e tsssici emithe l . e~of &an propert>' in tise country?-amay man vise lid ltroi- aWge. 815e fouisisbetinluth. duysaof tiseammo?- sup clurris in a dtienet &Bd p rsmmne vaw Pl puti for sn Atet fIaaiîiment outhlai kiniknM tel ichard Camnesn, aten lie Jtate vsinlY e-ah- ssmertion lie teh-UIl denÏ2 sa ntise early par; I uthingf Constitiinalprinriplraa. lavaste I- temptetta suppreseiber, visen bis frefthers acre ~e Province, aa or many yeauallferlthe Con, o low.aganfof avilileseteplasidritthia eoatsi r tforcei taesubrait te pr.lscy te& iaioit he bey- itial Actvas paset, mnoubI : vasentei*ta; ot ite jus rigbfs!-It vaes mercI>' a bondie cf sasamci et Isprqred thmtioe tataanti vonIti cebut liai lie>' belonget axcuîively telih frameti 1 a anumnber ef lteresteti persans teae* sea e «ilmotiindet by endovientsi. B eiihr (uPlfEgan.Atrlelat.omu articular porposea..Ae te>iving pubic, moD)r endlesvom te prov, liai even scoulti hou..mendiera a eu aîn ssset op for the Chure f eSeodual ise . .,a t h e support of religion, , be - belie e t t i -ts ' exten t teir i..e lit y > t f ur ta a en C hur- 4 l ne yer tiio og t tu a cai reaIm an i teicin m W gienhadneyr pospeetilu ouaction witht«i5 ties, h noniti but makeé lie mtter valse £sotd ays ybeen bis opinicnliaiât isaLegiiis Goveromeu, ant Gvemnetlphs a"re nese!ryt oc- varse.. Paradoxical ase this migiteeer lvabdmttepvrt prpit hs aDa tis. tuaetib>'por moiveInjiniguni.e~i -teno leuscorrectas le would show. Te Chlurcis of rypoastisy liai isellneo tte b.extlani thse ibat. ithleso vaise è asa deildédly Esigisastclaims lie visols as iber vetet lgtt, iao.sby tue uciemes cf mne thtr lic. ge- eppoiei te hevimagie iefgioetrva l'Y 'il~îi is e yoepropoe te admitthe liait, abccrimeesol- en. Tise intention cf liai clam eof tise Actc vallatire Stale, rvbhenevrer relgon ha been on- bory.and spoliat*.on. Admit tireMKirk, and tieloles ' gavthem puiver te ""ror reptiel" ceni0 neclet i vth CGoveslMent, tise ovtrafli aleu ldvestei rigirta--hemapropos te admit lie Metise- ly lb. tisaituey igisialler the mcdeo f makuitgb conmptet religion, sud rei ttubadl corti-ai.t'tiro distsesud Caîbolits cry rlaeryspoliation ad se- appropriines or et tartlst -repent il md tintd Govrnmnt, sud thens WîS ano murt Pvwèrful crilege. Suppose lise tourntimitteti, ihear mainas.m ore aigit b.mate;but unitneverl ave isaudie Io ppreess tiere pel.han the corruption tires aitifil,a.dtliirftochstiispensei anti propolse intentie ite itent! te the.-gronde sireïat> ofthtie piesthocit hy t uç GvroeL,. t vas a hoalim jointly thqodamison cf the Quakers andi They migisjt am velrepeci amy, chat- meittaniol>' union. Was ina ettasme- a.tise Bptiss,-and fonu ran o iBly etabiited r grantet by tIc Kig, ni thépatent ,bk )iat tit tht-i infet Englout, (tireliseat6cfEi.Chr rkCisrcise-uitein tihe ry et robbery, spd lles o an Iau t la is farte. Be greod vil lihé ou. me mater vire or vIsat ie was,),aoulti nt b. ti -anti acilesm. Thua iîis sean tisai mugi rigtt. memiafor Lanerkin oeeof hie Obervations, anti ofitteti by ay relgions ceumitrnYeu gon- oa ntlmitling andi admitiu nieras tii tuati at any matesanjt fi. Resesvsamoog l.th fusion rail 1l t rc f ider, c e osir, you adtiitise lit anti lowet of dmeip&in-tlie daffennimete veit p e va I enesalistaéicu. 'rue li. TH L 9SpE tit wucalieil lticair.ostthecmcant 'uuîttnol.atcsiafcuiyXpeeai pilh tlilley vaiseurefler a good uel et iebato i&ètiie Àfnt aurocse, te tise dissatisfet anti rolteti. Protestant 91madiirefer dtu4*eWest h.toe cision 0cfHie: cf oderis? deide t ist If th -- -lnsmoe Clughe,,M.Ç. sailea!the lonid principle M' 5-eilingtm;uassseiy ueeby hI ~ 1~ii~ -l. c-sairniaa, tsalbaGoverussent loti-merigltta cisiaisisqil . o, re si t. t Bis pient Majest>, ih vs ot. du. Msgrast esevenliore tintieih ftlis Prevince Wkih i eal1< eir4b.trwvig e raona mlt Pgrka tienieul su>'allusion te Bis prja I 1ae~t au>' one particulssect or pu tbt aInuicli IraM ' 'a <cvenaent te skeumte 0dotme ThtCstnmiteehavagresanrti. ~ -lmitait iapubic mcies vetoein ILehauts cr e-8'5 my LIII toi mibe mtinahie cony. Ms. Paszr. ohiodOit mirpic eneu stise agente ot lPeole, teSPliYulthlie subject mut aftterartie b. po- E lev t s- t relgio ai~rpontis hui feveis -or tlreir enimon bneft,dno upoita 4mlsc udtboath iemigU 'est us I déciel&eqien e-e. oi aaliitue Goim ~en a idQrven teuy )rses-Ior part>'asa seclarians, nItircsgh in the I Lae. Te appuprlb isà ue s for vca4lo~tisa 'ieven7hin"stn te .t il -a ce nosobjection te peCis tCrin- etocaievoltib.ctiing a grat iJU the 1 ibuajsedtLbcty it < - taens ssubject, on tisir application ta thse Legi eeuitry ; ades lie. s u m use formfo, W dlic oileveti ihai ne tiveraruerni caedlong lature, eter teboitCisurhese rpport tiseir thu" was a gréât qoantit>'cf lens t t mm=ni reae i l2pper CanasLecenaeed vitli.# Chnrcb. minlaori, lch Vatente b. vo ait , te eva fttmni.yanaatibhb.e lind w.tefc if the Cie RésEeerves ere 'en t .tao s..ilo e dévoué- Wrl, ins r aI tlintUint cr,and lb. t usaI. thsvube »Vrt luatook velti belsrd auTunju stspuevery lng Chlore necepaiomMkigMiteani ls-cudanelb lame.9vc .1et nxonidetif thty ver. dividetimu tires or eastiordi or Jober-Mr. C. bltre ecluting thc rgy Usermea no b.pe l tour tenombuationg, vcolti the people lho .satilieulti point ottihe aa>ilawhich blie g'tl Tishe ambla ofthe bilan muet va teatie w'aiiasis n rsngerew..» lIth&a,. o'tP.,subjèdcaiith is tuposet o te the atio"och ofetC cfJigluandutaliougi moia- b*_»Mg A*eh labeu PM" y ti eiai h :cr ô~ar eê4stnltftheti.0 jutges.re 3oM eAmm74is15evn hU e u eOa< Oici. topclei* 11 ~âm u i.gotI. .D~ Court et Equiti e $sim @ mmScheele. ei' be, i Okt ini to tokie lep the. utrade taiiliât, a Ceurt of Appaiscouîd b4ee d.eAMg Act tu amthuixe thoe retion of the We hardiy nmd #&y la i caty mofe oy V hOPfBBliVUOSCotcfo aty d fm1 H i àjto à arpente l)istsiet g l ttuiye id il17inui t a n h cm -thse Court tiat arieti t. W.-A "stte est.husiiaaBansk at Beockviflo in stock honfing 6pet cent;ansidthoqesgieipats We tifUti hsithes. suggestions shonld ~ vkb ni1e d3oiiulwa. onthci "iibahe u lginved OOt ir c ueY 7 a doltaiW itliotitdely, a tiey directiv tend to 1-aAcesncorqoratea Jint Stock Cou.- this , e4 beyin i. bdly psiponnait la- der Justice mite s peedyo efficient anàti sff ry oolt style sidtitie cf the. Pinient, stWpmd C4àp.y of tise Graham Barbent. vesteet v long ees, vihec they fimsd W. aloo acknowledge Or obigon t, b-aAd gt - te n- Ma>say ace -that t I «W mloy t heï o»i~Iar f"ndaire pwetably ReUmanmotdJ. Marks, Feqrs., for sundr p, ie Z<..~dfa .;=ipoa f tii. .belewI. c n«M OUtth . W ai y m.nt-r pp.. PU Gsvlsa.eMtIV ayen 1836; and fer allier nt Md iiebyesa-uny bns iitu 'dom-------.e - bsla a.ntiond. ,- t t poovide moeefetrally forthe. ad but few isbath t ouo te .stock:* a ratier 0- w. blle coetifro tise lait cbiklf absent edcertai n sefnes asdte t & oalthe IOSCrcnssc.Gouette,on i itteresting accoOnt cf thse OPe4 V y, Lieutenant GO lmer puoiaimini- As it jaeobvios that the. mceey ncw linththe new iiEplacal Chorch ait Nspalnec ig lhe Province, te ci ote tie .nenO f country, andi that sehicla may lb heogt bhie by------@a dit fatrancsefrehr m nemigrants, c b u iteai efrtaking op ]LAstTueaday uigist antid dring the hý hh.-Au Act te amendth ie Law respectimg tis staock, itla aime obvîos that thse chief depeu. Wedaday, we hed a tremendeusgaie of, Lis t &chunge and Promiassy notes. daeeut basen British capital. And certamnly whieh titi coluiderable damae. AI ]W. ti- A s A t t p o n T r st ..,te to b w e eu m e a no goo ti renom w hy t iere should i eii. w h arf 31 iarrels of sait w ere w as bed qet le pWvono in Oil f JobrL te, ay bealtaticon teembellitBhitish Capital lu tis et tise'Commercial wharf and bMr. on gr.A - rsotn ii rnprato f'~ Millons have been nveated the ti.fonds mnany barrels of sait were nmore or leu i mvit.at lacune en tiie scunîty cf the. stability anti good At tiie Ottawa andi Rideau Comnpan, 'S ý0tb;-An Art te appoint the.ftnie and place fmith of tise Goveiroment, anti treitors onouror ccawas dasiseti upiecesa Sattear surit, ýc hor lenin i.c othe sert aDsrtSssionts stock wculd bave thse saine s.turity, and a pfts* Steain Boat Margaret had ber iresa0, ha oaing te nsCorf ti, eersiDistrict s issdent more. ii. morsey lnvested ln thse English tcwn sud country suudry ferWes %wes, bIon, '. vinco, anti te repeal thse several LawsDc newh re foitit puraoe. Fruda hau been dil.ipatei in expenaive wars, and beuem andi berna unnoofeti, andi other im. llta.e-An Act te abo1lis ýthse distinction be- tises. in uothing apecifitcof the, nature of proper- DSig thse gale, thse ihonte of hMr. pee veon 4tand anti Petit Larcen, and tOe elalil. e tyesci ri;tseonveb.uete o the Sophiasburg, was ttl~rrstdl uarte of Geaseral Quarter Sessiona cf thse Peate Coloial Fuonds woLld efliect groat public impeve.. most cfhi, furnitore. Nos lrance. o#' csesacf simple Larceny under tertain tru4e ni te mmeti ti. Lva rspe the mente, ahicis vculd remeinan thse country andi unl int cf Larcens. benefit il, ai on vabicis the lentiera f tise money W.av reevdrenQeeclt l2.1 . Ac At te mske the. remedy in cftft cf veolt have ales titi tlsay vae repaiti. Sc that statem*nt cf tise stock cf Luette5 or hare à& lnctdsa more eff-ctuaI and te rentiertiso Fatheit olonial Fend..Wedes o«M b ave double seSi Pott. Tii. tîtemeut zuses thse qatt I dotef children lieule for tseïr suppcrt. ts eut fts tblt nigoifihc varions rovs,&t. asparately, Lit }t To lits Uditre - anle iecdtyofte tiiscty adgod th rof ic .slop.adts Crprr. Teib t rbe T6rittots it: the. Gà'enwland h etiyô h Wrk hcw ujit h Homoscf Amembly, 17th Dec. 1836. e Cçsstçtd w~i tiseir rnoney. Whether this val1 bc sufficient ta guide thoertti , Stirs ayeur paper cof thse l9th instant, on tise vou iv oucr sndeuas or* engaged lu th2îrt iol.setity w dprcdtsceafficieutineL ebate upon tiie proprtely cf altering tise holdingbf et rretaaui vether in tirtet autise stock voulti ceMPABýAIVX TATEMENT FOR THif tbT5r aV'Ccurt at Adclphustewn, 1 amn jmade toe s ay, 5pôe Vy4.Be.îo nt reqe- ~~ Tisat h.chidatways thougist tet fiacre tees a !Zc-s-.ù; -zrý .Zýý tesity cf altering tise plate cf holding tiieCourte tora whicirlire have not time te investi gate. We a r - e . =-p i consitiereth ie Napanee biiles a mueh bet- rny rierely remark, tisat many millions cf Brit- 11-1 tsituation than Aticlphustown." I ie s.~mtttiSlaWis Capital bsave been embareinoil specnlations in.a~.: ~ -- ictiy tcey,tut tise above is net correct, anti tic Spàis ad otugurse colonies cf Aisserica, - a£ - bt 1 did net vote on tise question ait ail, as i miolit paissd ve been auppoieed te have been influareceti 'ly titi ertainiy Canada presents a fairer suad more Sivate motives. 1 ws caietispcn by eue ortwfrirftfelfileldi. embers, to itate my views, rehen 1 stated, «tisatInl hie zeel for visat hc terme hiesaatime curren-- --.- ecoraing tomy opinion, tise holding tise Court atet lad',î onep o h " nImg, Lingetonwould affurttmore accommodation te a qat i onepy ."Gle mg, njority cf ary constituents tissu its remaininj, et liBr I zks if the 4"fixed property, thse intereot,- a 14t tdolphustcwn-that mary were anxinats tiiet it a th Ie geond faits of the. country, are not as ft~ écalt bc rernoset te Napaee Milîs, but lu con- iýhcn combinedtiet make a legal tender cf as golti."'m Squeute cf my estate b.ang lu that place, 1 titi '%e fiuet property, the. intereet (let that men ;2 ilt wisi te sav a word,-that untier ait carcum *tan y),andthegon fat ffice nty ' i vsto aiSutil thse Ccurityof ,aimya ets cuty -~. rtneeiutissecl, rnieqstionnc'ulte de t te.nsferréasi intise sens. cf s a eaitender, 1deidd."i rus ottii crc trma e et excsangasle commodities, or cannot lie- n -- r bd .servant.'1 tome a.tirciilatiu,, mediumncf excisange. Con- J. S. CARITWIUGHT. *quetasly, îhey caunotbiecome a legal tender-- - W esoicM.. B. meaus thit tbonds secarrities - gjrraîu. tir ncy lent on tise pledge cf tise 1"ixeti pro- ~ __________lert'&c. may b. madie a leè-al tender. Tisey t-- KINGSON, UESDY, DC'R 7, 136. ay far as we orselves are ecucerneti: titat le thille opI f this Province msy agree isy their _a w rrcpr4entatives te make trese ltcuds&c. %sle.al tan- -- Late tisis forecoon, lor receivedtheii Americaurai. flot tus world nct meet tise case. Tise -rt ,~-1e-g mail, bringing so nne cf oui missing paper.- greatit part cf this proposietiFund weulti bc crea.. à Le e lier. la ne foreigu arivai. The Texans have«re- tedbyfcreign capital, andtihIe annuel interest, anti lareti Santa Ansta, anti sent bitm te Washingtonu, iately tise principal, musttlie paid lunvisat the. rosblz te negotiate for tise admission cf Texas lendits, m itis tise wvnt lu generel, esteem te bc a rtc ise nion Tie Meicanamy ,00ils ~Y lgltFnDaer. W. caent set op a standard for tise 1 1 Texass. *uld-ano, ope te change tiseopinions of thse F: On or drt pae w.haveplact! e - vrîti on tisis subject-and tise "Golden Image"~t chou ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wl f~o r ace rpsu h l iistill ie w orsippeti, notwiths"ang Mr. B', 4 cato ao Mr BaFus, ropoin eesaêush-. tseaevrtis>reffort tei.etise n u mber cf idole- .i «:r ugbln~iie Goemmet ~ tis ~i.lin-loe*; Wiere ioney bs ebeen or viii b. borrowetl, o~i~1arprvemntawiscirarenovreq vit.ey iurst -b.iereturnuti; se that thse arly parts of Oe te Province, W. beg that n nu ui viH bc detd-0'W4tqklivrc iepooeilgltne oli_______ tuatoninnictin b ~ ~ ,.o would.»s.tbateàrt visich migl:hikei etp1ILIWt:aida etI'tl& ametésubject on ahic i i4 44*us Province, anditsIpr iii rgai~ $.22tr- e iepiiee hor à ei ytseGvrnnn vtsutic'rigam a i oar f your vidusile papr, to witt yittSt iitae .ieutsance te the ccountry, visither -thnsi si heil.. ut ithut isppy Oea li year" But accordirg taeJu artcriar ystna . eigisI anijsâflabl ~ thiésg,isylte blle. ing intereit, andl redeemable ' ritiit. 15 .16.veey widùng tien bapom I ý"rl uIc vors aOf vast magnitude rleqile w ~tithosit coutribnting aonetîgt û pb mmediately-executeti in tisProvince. No Tisere la coie part cf tise plan preposeti by Mr. svtlb. vain. 1 visis, titerefrue, tr nui one questions the immense lienefit tii.y vould ire- ~Bakswhie iilidtepentient cf tseFndngSs-a ctemplae, ant tirat i sthd duca ver. tise7 cctplcteà, adtiforime cf them ton iat la, te sihiw the Banks wecks ocf Pac lieiniglgiecie vise, beneficial Iotre, ha Legialature bais elreaiy mateie prop irhiâ demanda fer cash te thea amennt et £100 amd'lappnesu in.bimae11 a verlety da* ions, viiicb, iovever, am fetasafro meeting th andi upwarsti. Fer ail sucis demande, Mn. B. tantrait uemntextalnsu obiecte invite hiM&~ aeuy s1emando_ ~The. question, then, il liu idemponver tise Banks te gve t t il, Te character, w5ft, anti parkias é luîPos ife, is prescrit date, dils. se tie reqisita fondatobeprovid.t ?W*igicisWarng intere.t, andi payable it oea moiti. e, w. th. beat mode te raise the "waysanmd mean"frapprehiendthiat tisiregulation voulti be of very otenralatat p2¶saen tisys lioe al efecting mudesirtiinapeovemeuta? A solution littia service lu practice. For iflte Banki s d te ti.c m omenemene mv ses areitSSu et th question Mr. Bamcku professea te Filve, siedgve, a ill for th. anicrant, beorlug luttreoit, they fer chonmlatibnone. ucis subjects. AatWwtqý whaleves may b. theugist cf tise maeots of hbiiaà better psy thse cash et once, anthaïs salethe tares tentain, foc cur instructios, mr~aisti ilan, ail viii admit that he evinces consitieralk jtAn nteete odto l Wgtoe. s.*4atoo vihhpee tI f yar.On the mev year Noeh spered t a0, rnowledge cf fiuancral affaira, enti great euility ' lib.sonie protection te tise Banaka.yet il vomIt elten viti a lioart aerie v its jepard thr stihing out thse principle anti detals of a systena unconvenaience thse public te have te vair a mont inig, beiselti the. tasts diet freanitiibth whics abali, uite thse essentiels ofcfosy ,,,-fur t15caslu il cases cf tiemantte seenut ths ev yas'sday, Moses, l ein ttiibi J.i..,.nCt.'e5 oe .anofv m100iteorte il Sre CeMmmm.,reasopth ple tabernacle ni go unshent.ofi. an seutitY, nd teseto.5 th#.itandAveu andlai. s nre tiuhidi parties coceimet. Mr. Bamck's syslem ile lIs. lHe vouit fond thse ine of the preseaI Provincial debt--ihat la,1 ho Imoit counverti i imsto ick beasiug f6 par centi lat an atva tuisstock ussmeti 1 tua Gev- .1 nt, whs oolt li sbeocie lie proparieturi oft tdillaient vorka on visicis "ii. nee>'bu .111 upeatoti, anti bocome rpsonsble fon lie do. ment of thee'uteregt onthe tock frmmyen te>y , at&Wsof th-principalset its pîcasur. is vantages etft"iparteof tue pl&es voariti t oemenuldolib. releset tra tie ber- ti puyiug tise principal cf.liaisetocit, util il ble do me; and tuiat aseady anti nie wouldt* pcreateti for tho laveslment iof, 17 -oth le mmad- Iranster of stock. Ms. ka bauia entereme tily lot. iii. titaiis cf lis, PI tina. etulis ïti qpilunsscceeesryta te par&ular iu satalgflg w.- 44 &c estock tuboe m d bytinting Ii 1 B.Ur, 3-k lo bva tL'ffcvy.et. m e ur, her steck ,b.aring 'ff pet c isterest, in uder teect speadiag andl*i- imlrovseets. If lie ce;raLe et thi ver, matie a legal tender for 'ýIî payusents âe £25, Mt. B thinha tint thse Beac oultina. vesuls it theiwrspe capita, hich lnt uthn hulagltea 51 jer cenI, inateat of lyiaý urpr- ýts»y7lathels vaulta. TIais voulti of ecýse ae1e gmatsaving orprclt Iotho nd t liA thaun tt.mcoaary.. Mr. B. speulates pr e ely tisa point ve tuink ne semasa neceumi>', as ethe parthe m ystens requin te b estabE boferevo spocuiste un a ise. Waaiviamgtiin atuesefore, tGm question le- tare u s a iais i desirable te estldisis lie Pa&- Ilsh Fonding Syctem n utus Cele.y? Bebe a aiwmliing bàque" tiokmut b. se- collacedti lai telen-propaiemi 17 Mr. flancim ,Wou"tiamtaide etlag te Our peentorProha. -Va futur eb!9-T4t mèl bas'"bora prsv.s, r smut bcer oseriipavemnk tmot MWa inil, det Gml-nbbo ums «"M i d- aothissg ttee -aet. Ou Gme caetaiy'kW"uldpkueehe cowity la a metiSetter poâ isaregard lo Ba deltby, ma tieqgaS mstpy the Pduaps)mm il la -qmesd atadomo thatil Gmitock do ut *dint slfl atiI iePa. w dPlan lanboter tis G j "NIl aoli7i aidesite i tb. debi kph etb n~ s> m Th.e Pay s tnuad of lb.he 11mh .iet" tou i Mr. lone, informaeti m n..etAumtan mla ho diu mcl ltent fartiser te pies the clals of ilag .prav* .&Stekisldro of tGm Weli uadl, ut uhod ul oaI>ppl>' forsuaisa -em m o ey as rcqolfed te compite Gmewrk. The d teas on tGm ClWeugy rrve queitie ciiee on tiie 1m iindl, 17 rjectmgMr. nZdmn.s bill1 te appi>' tienst. etrcatas, »a oping a a-~ sahc imoveti 7 r.elcl'reorm, 115 lie proceds ofethG earem m Isoui e appropfietedtat ,the reigimuandsetmra iction oflise peuple tooact lie province. Yeni M5.Neya21- Mmé6ety 14. -Dp'uitimw et te tue Legiaative Cca- cil b tbd" ciseuseco. i lethus tedeth tse îhÈ'~ ~ ~~ rpsialb pproprilei .religions lÇtOebat Gme pogr<lsM& *lit a r p felttienrseCisor" isesie t. b. bondfi- pFochmht lat avmyp- mce opropuedotb«tiavU retive Gmthec-currauce eof a majit>'. liso visa vetti fer Mr. Bmgeruamm soulutlataodvi- dat saoong tisamelvei,ate t.qm&n'stonetvat Classais.',aarete nec-ave it;. a4 goy peofio alidayc>bhomada 17 pet o th. eas- yu l b. uppwdl17tGm seug, joinedthe b.Neye, sud tins tW@mulerat viliib. Io reivestit1h. eservos la Wis Majesl', mintaille limitation of lie Asem- blor stier, lb. joint resoltion of lie tuse Bouos, that the reucves are te b.e ppropesateti te reh ipuprpoea, the pertcularappleatiep te b. dterrim nethe m Rig. 1 île utdto h 7le Tuontopapara, thal Bis Px- llnyli Min. Govormer, hua appointed Wm. M , m Mere for Torcote) a membor of -vm eupectet tuai le Amemly veuit ad- oves tis veek, tram tGm 2d 'nu atiO y et. ' or v roJ. a. C*ftiiht, EMF. vwu ba-e s. CM etllthe Iuwai tbleilct cmu- MW« ypala s.o f m*abtellle D.s4li li beanalaorb ssd&%mat i aie *gy i~n istgUiU"tue milset"th md d " mua aâàmeMOf.47 O aue{dot4 P c~'lée tempe, "dtite premte àoil rinon. Oln h nv ear Err tcpl ezai Ju bgthr jourme>' tiia thwi captvit' t JeMun, inteatilai #al hooeai.sstrohiaesi sftlt ii the plac e h .ba ppointeti. lap kiai omtions c particules huafitef- etr' ytar haip. 11lv.1M. lbasaaiti Gol, on m fitmonýi on the int dao6 mmntit he.s yoong b"il h itbMIeohIâ- cleenso Gmhemctrrry." if thua ita1.i- rsullhg 4G'*éoninZ ef tuee iahti900 iàp4 tsae mnipete.ce ,anti ap.l-ekt great lAIbt expiaion, vthich teîli aif s. c. ]w i Bl Il rthclesa cisiltyintim illenmasns; wct viii Wùse fIe meyeare dy ofi .ktesvet pMaer ftecWt'50 laluilal>' ala% wti l nu tisipsoct uL.ibl aasillo1us o i uitocfn the l 'd10e iw wasbalfj i± ~5B anr tu esrrHj e Nltine e r)eiglobe U l ilin . Aedu ebt veek;161, taii; 4,3955ma! b.na ietotanti e nth~SM, t e as chip i d mmof len tic the& jv ý usaiB t le y etri ' b.poll i~red an glis dI suad is a. en glsssoyti kthnc.lia t Ie tnltbf huant kia W Ziante unide e is0t.Inl1 t w tb..maezt. ( taetbev arum Gm~ ~~~O lsusaOd saeve4 WrO> upejaecelir 98 go, $j-.*bd = Wlf i ~~Svst hoth stoU11110- i gotol e thu agelutit. ? dutiveg a m CI1AG Wyu oes-ut Gmt~ ~ ~~o li lkliaaintgo ded», bbedoe, illi arsu m api i i va51 aad s, l&e - yw oie Si aelb itb ihm es f Lel ,v ldjryy àt &s Ws-" ahove. soie a ew ma rtuare, eldti hs d &11thiugebecsme "e,îboe ve ah.e »là"c C *ut. pi loto il. pause lies, sudot ctiPlat* sudle muo#ltlity enti uncert Y. An importent perd-cuor ruinateti, -3 iYenas,- berne on êMrtctsCw yess. Millions o 'J jt lte ank grave, an ei, Wila yw ena.fattor I thea, but yen have aisueti se tei fr11 op tic mesunre of c. fttoiltea destructio.I , the yeenm, tise fisilesable ,thse ean of mature lget 1sit.ll msko taliir blae b.e i the jotig uent ,a etfi ete tise piosp :Its boue y tiechrea tes, i t intloto tise .."f 'nain yose ae"et ti pe hial perlis .lieh or if you ne pre.frthe iociety cf thaesaiti, u e of tiat Ce efaeed rence voulib.eatr u ortaonaily rm ueaI..I d coniveriation ahost agneui with teseacim ie bSa ettfaul element e die si'. i '- he prirsie se publie vosahijag tterly unoualliotifer tise eoJa 1 Sibbat inlatise malsiofetG beavy burden Io yen. Mau a tii. met nureasebl lI he o the fild, »ant iey ipendence ce you. But mu. caGot, a mmdesticsally pstai kg osnlthent asmatteruof 0 PsaysJglve m this day cor4 eeec"emm 0( his elire tep. lau e&ithlY sapplieL.-Anti ho à ful teea fellsvosin mfor eslsamd lis huevaly Valises furhie eut et moities, Ne vin bei. an te Otal a perwwiabl favr, l o"ul fraisGodetiti as bleudetofetetesel lite, e Te onjsg is nvseye e.1s.w" of ti Athe mumageus M l ne1tte b. ew .lieows Trolli nstepfb.a tbn cù ow suisjsl ti a.., ceiteimmogalpopemn is ltier had vesouasu ar T" tbdy tue ttmtlI piI tisamua d se a lepisea haO &P oing, u 10 th~ime Mdanea .1ii5 les R"d tu eo( ami dl n dbsvrd. n ilJu , sae bp gt avs teihbthoe mpe5.ld , b. l g esdi é tebiltii. e mest 1 hen bsteikbtB . et an A FSvuuthlell ml ., &U'wYWctiarst ia lin h an 111M e. but .i i. - % q m irf