,T'vexa îieR ANADA liIEALD-TIUESDAY, XIECEMBER, 27, lu& lm "mmLm 1V.r Te thé àwe.oe te .Cbeg lsa. ieh. atprtg endssethfoeation= ath. Pro,- , hy wich t My didef-coaW49 ai veMla- oa h covsaana ill a e ieaofths m it CanadfremnyteMd'eslc p ewesattCocpn'fmn- t tesradenanteteUle., tht atioetnsoa tb ha,- s MsW ctes bg a Il imerve>'hzaIbouW;da staieir M on enalt.sewtltoatot, is yasMyil. lin sei eibetate ia Aeadv n i mtilla = fet te whmtbbie s te Compiain o i t l-e westerntetr' e% s taéIetfow Y1,1i aw Ith elt ey auionintht ece aIorsi aholia- t. men o à, eirarni ond-t'itrselery an;-oa ro'iedstd y otIo radiments 1p vilae s3 Il se e evila lasitation. Atr o'v n, ihp ta.thtsc nsîrt bs ees cia tmitby ud a in vit the he etahîrienofite stto ewYarkais1ah, nrOuad aggcs. forithieîluae 'aiùonho fthCout sas, bdIV i ertian cks tesisparar>' C huil bc- e1 ea o-Tha e n ode oatse glat Ma e ac ai tomauidn tid untthat cIîsas povîi s afxs' tser., w habitauti bc o rns. c ln s i FLre nt lra ionofa i hlada Wellarheet m«liecnniientle ati acceus, y lier, onta îls o htowllbvsy cftkt cdelttm ns.Wt.h. f-taý 1 Thteesabl ishetofaSor fal ats oo nnBut 10 dc awirgatetin a tht ulet i goet- i lI.Tseent I otIofeaetiha b-h say n-ta iiitkiçacfth gea Aenca picasrs th Aystaai ts cnu-ees or a town genit 'carie ud a be taiten at.Te dis"* naangte p Êess forai1h'a iuit pri eotaerou mtanhiseofe. 'lue tal aIfw Ganr, i ht Genes bce pccur s of ave 1:i i cthedjurntscuty.v eooadpuda I I.1l rins athe Una.e airaid sh ouHllicaopn: ta th2 dla mcle Nintaae oilh 1ew excoptie, qrilta te hizpais f te nd sccemenalts.Ion la tse ifon tus rclroadthe lcee efLîndan ;lstiEln wonlou- ai the dsridhoeermuaimisirsclIa opy fr ci>' lbin rquirelattAtiothtalame tisube i oerpý d emenbsrv, 1tha thtobsererta n .ctlheart n-- m reraaiessatof thengetpiseve bnaly emath-bt 1 on lI s cnail avu nil lid slhesn'iveo in Jont efer peTescfa re nsopafflent er ftir-;sv; il s .nsa, inth esc countryht tH t>'have ce leois nah nllseyiem tanabinadesAslthýb of te iar hia, areveven, bas ein auceteul iii t Flitstisu cîtteis p Cons tc e patht Dir te -w mmatrd, be deen atisgonceandin th epaic- Sn uil il obar hlyOcai nsrwil n î,rla-c- liasthaIbgfqis is th s tie aaa i G4ph, I staI bre g ta esm b icat i-cl atrsaseneusa Iver andealh shalhve ta sew tnatsts-Il itiar a ipestis ade co hathe hâve sacrm.i- la oe n e oalinntasot f ter a insu>'orearshodws-1 pthal te thni tha tyteinasesWrann isar.t ti As t p>' i r ytm oectrs sha en-selîlinh tor uleaada opany on wbcntl e w ildnaIli min, wendeleain, c. cri.- h Gpizn.r.m a iilwl proatoscitetMaIL TAGES, and.1have e aseearunin tht aronula ci Gy at cure has beta se 'tIit 1Preie-s a porend.talimpresi f oss anltcemfaabe Cirsia- la ee anti ame tcalr a sud ciridrivesn-iLI = d pcta on tht raiet be ca ca sa;ie o l' îano s y sant wom oinsatiossena. oden c rami, V.eELL È Deeril, No.8l383. jeux c to.f F EarZ? TarW.a, GA E ETaIs, & u _PPnhalra fts ofteA IL dSTAE, SloTiaî bav sammrd orali the raco-o,, al Gr~Feateu as eeaon tkn eythinre Ppi sa- ges ~ .pans imute rtatndRUTciilorivesouaam x. CleTamis, Gd on e u, toî ta afelOWISi. Gccionof sianHàn.-PLAts, c ia TSecs cfoereryast as, uni yoth edpub_ J ptof thn past rstaleur ces; se tinaft Wr ar patrona artwicl hyles lal ut tus e tu enpt tî Fd la, TsudtopuchTr fende lV.ondin ta rn FiatKingtn RoYDu.DILdc DATEHAMa N.e N.A.lNe., 136Cr iini L .GoeE n Cpaid leefor. Ra 9M .1 oprir oaviI Rc hterSeed ioteatentin, sd' 1:0 Fexesi t whoel e orivetIa lrge andsin Fui TRma DytiNC, MLAND Fs, Tppdt, BoSa-s, t v.es, &tc. malt eta coder, and thereple s tht aimuniter stycale, sur caes Sathan bcuelar Iatrue.stsfcin rd asie pckasBOUSarE, acct urdinal re t C~atoes ay ov. S, 18 N.Pamer85.' A NS Y. wNKe., SIBPAS CA RS- AS, c.PILI !,I l StruIewIvLa fwdouSouth oft ner for- -hrelOSEe loait ao Ivill gal soen.f 1Put .CAP, &,tone 12 l a s ta niton- *.Il o gin il mest wlnlsg 1ae tteetioa 1 oex rio ssae t ti e stiM cton Fu*s ged Ca M lle. Tinne i to e sse'sd .s.thl>, eittie - A apr t ievet-il tea grkculture cend GuuaroIlia- voseaent n aUpper C;amadI. E VEUY taunsMd atisaeern> vlaet ia- portane n laleProvince hu ils pablc rie and issues ils nesespzpr; but atrane tue a, Up- -nr Canada, ticoaga depentat salid on Liht re- surces LOd cialtivation Ai a vr-la sit, dota ci-m s witiia bema is'afia;sas for the lusio ci utnlnoleedgesatifrsio,- aptesat te situaioandaivanta ci ber A3ricul- a. M piia!lation. An cvervaenbng regard, as ht ri, hbu beenpalihy lbe guailimnsof lbe piess t tics greseth af Correct ltirai pinziples, white te aboiesti e tonoa> c Itle.country', inrîviang iraI i'uproîcnocnts, an accU as tise encourag-ement if setieealsaitpopulalc, bas scen serinit> t annai.hae fogattan, that sealîla, haltimbrver- i3 laiideraaam, caust in R Otw rolants>' lika Up- pu Canaita, âprnm; chiel>', il' rot entiTel>', froin Vie soit. Nat.u.e liaisae: rdanras!thult iar bn- aiernt pr ian-iple oaiself pn.-s!rr..ion, sehiela excits anv rc no ta use exertion for hia cern nappant, sNuad bil, eg-test-n its tbeun 2icUziaioflaen.-eto se _elico of otheis util lIas uhole Li.aly of manaine ea,- incelastaaiticin the cincle af mulual nd usefll rieration : thaï; tht surplus vith vbicb aa ira a the isidist'of mnainstht aimpleat stalc isuphyscal existence, btcounis b>' nean ed piîs2e rne, ian ealit>' peajperty, b>' a giaubual sytein o aemUecing with tht ver>' elemcents ai ne- anal w-alit!a-Aeiculuml lauràaits, sud leueling on tabte1i" liiercharacterstc iproerity-Com- serce anal Manufacînre:s. A greal eraas: "-Na equal capltal puits in- i oamotion a grant-i qitintit>' taipeoltietive ]abat an lIant cf the Farmer. ,ot anly bis lalsorin-, suatbut ha l.abanrig ýcatle arc prcslective 1la- bcier. la Ag,7ricu!tuire toc, Nature lidwan lcng ailla iana; uni tainugli er lahor caýste no expensse, it pcc.Xares ils value as aveit as that af tht mont exp,-cicive workmn. No equal qtuuntily ai pro- du-tive lebor t.oayed inhansufactuores, cati even Dc;aen sa Étcat n re-produclian. bIbteeNa- are di,$n ai inz),'an dozs ail , anal lie ne-pro- dutýO o.iiuCI alsvays hb-ii proportion la lice strnoati of 5ae nrsntî tîac or-asion il. Tue capital ris- ý'y_'d ia AgrLesal1uose, therefore, ualtcas1'y aIs juta motion a greatenqurrtil>' aifproductivetabaor tican ay equal capital emp!.oyed an tnanuiaa'luncs, but an propmeiio ta ltheqm.ntity of productive lahor whirl itel!oacs. it adds aa mco rcter value ta Me essoual pnedusce cf thesand nd helabos o thse mouatry. btite rai l 'h anal reenue of ats bisa- itantî."-DR. SceoTaa'S ENaIsmrY. la h_ cile oitaiUpper Canadla lies itht germ cf fu- ire national giestocra andi prosperit>'; anal il wist but tIent tht Yva1of hi er nîtunal nosourcea soulaI lie p p-prly appreciatel, a liaIIhry nae> he usoal wattsosucri, ta proriie in the country' ro.!ta'ive talionsuflicient ta emplo>' usait>'asthon- sauitbines tic. number al ite prescrit popuilatioî.- Ilow mac uc eba nIateof Ilinsissavamldaidiita in- diridasal prap'ib> uni thlie trvnue aithe country, rrla ha lînag:ineal. À;aizultuie bas bien lisautifull>' aliatrtal ta hie Ilaný bat-, Caommierce liceshaft, stuitManu'actures ahe capitaàl." As »ounas tl icetrstI s brl>'laid, tlie prourzss oi tht country wll ho derLnir.anal in- resibhl'.,until the liast linishingi shaIt hogiven te tah. work, anal Upper Canada stand a pillas of do- 5tbiity siald wcalth umongat the nations of the %varwal For thte cuîtivation aifseheat-an article which thie provincae Witt yeltubanetla auppl>' ta tht uhale contient saillaoalita heundariaaa-tne soit la seelI astapteat, laaing been enrichleil for centuries wilb le spola of the fcical. Thte demand fon il in the Uited Stats usit ioa, al pro'nnblIily incicat ores>' ycaR, se thatIt il el bc a natter ai consequser t mIl-nd i ilsatinalion, es avell ta deic.at foreirn compito ilaa'otbhennit oui atm gravers. Tial the baborb ciltc bu-iao.L'mnn me>' ho essialcai, bis eri"'t$ti rectoal ta preiltale purpose, ana li- provericcats tacoira,ýed wbbch inay' anlsngthe aiid ùrh lis oprstion3as swscIl as promotetLE isu- crense at population anal tht selîlemînt cf tht cou- try, trililho &mon,ç bhe tiret objecta ofithe prapoaail pu)l .cation. .1 nurnaroos clnfs itttent that enigrate frein thei aId counît tablais Province consista a persons notaccualoaucl ta fsnmiog puriuits ereis aI home ; ktia net la lbc supposeal, liceie t lcoltht>' casa rcein anal cultivait' rild lande villa adranlage, arithoul cibicer acquiring expenitace et gîet pet- soaa exponse, an iing imrnishei thilainformation whlcn bbc> cati rela1ura ta rracticc ttticonfidence of .iae e it. ,rus b2nelits of n proper sysîsin of Agriculture boe hersa fuît>' apeciated la tltesUnileal St ates. nFe mnaàaavexcell.'aubictiotns ait Ibissabject, a.*.i-rh aie in circulatian there, hart occasiool .gsicaillaral Scniztirs talieh formesa in ditl'tnent i, sts, teavîsicla the goa'emmcnt ofthe coont y bas sanie rascs lent it support. A atronger proaf ci je tiîtiLtvf such Aasciabionî cannotbe givra Chu in île csecf Massachassets, arbere there la A, o nIeulral Sariï-t>'esta'Iished wvlicb rectirea 111,00 en cni icasbteStabe Treasur>'. Tht ,aaûseuînce lathat ithinstht lent Iibeen yeas 'lse Ploo tuair tasaine mliteslacs incieased mort ths..lt pet cent. anal thice value been enhanneil in a miuai p renratio. Tie foirmation cf imilar institiion-s in Caada, and lthe chartening c f Mai- lete and alFies,avili he amlvoaateil strennanal>' 10 Tii Ureca CeioFAnRmlr.:s Tht aliter is ssanuine fraiathe auncesa cbicb ba.-..besaital pubicatians ai tht kiat inthe Unit- ed States, Ihat in lesaing tbe fini Agvruturai P7)er vec (lie helieves) paiblisheal ias Upper Ca- sna, ao ailae adepîril t. lls local situation anal compnarative avrats, he wul intelt ritla sppri lam IÙs-pulelicta us-basa ictenent lbeavorleak i alevcad. Notin; ci a poitic.b nature vill on su>' se' oant bi adonttteal, as it asoulti dt'ct franc lb. charsctn cof the pcpes-. A renîleinan tîho has irequentl>' contrihnled te tht Cmut:rslon, tht blotculurit, anal tht Nes En rlandl Farner, bas kiodî>' ofl'ertd ta ailti lis na-ne ta bhe liaI of Correspondents. PLAN 0F TUE IVORE. ie accle ailI contais, heaidea original arilsa 'S.Itiat irons tare heaipu:ilcations of lthe L.'s- tht Iliststimpstroiattits in sriculturai anti laM ing saplcentts-tâtistiesfo -eral Publie ina prarcsîaest-Revievs cf the Lumopean andi Ameni cen Mlaikits-Tbles of IVeather, &c.dCc.' Taie mechanical ariangemen!s vill be ru percé anal unique as possile. Advrtisenents wah tb ,fprinteal on s coloneal srapper, wilb sebicla the vont Witho cevena. IL vili cosatain 16 pagea ef mat ter, coemprisin- 32 cotllns clasel>' printe t vl an ugyprpn tIbelact double cmirapapai; au grea cae yu bebleti vlla ht llssertond at DRESS >LMKNO AND MILLINER Y. aMilseMADoDSN, (Vcasaasxxiv onas.em,> BEGS les,, ta inform the inhabitan t e Rag- ttantdi is iciait', tIsaI sic bu coMMent- .1 bais.. la the t Umm He aMr. Toibeafs paIy.p~s he 1.Hessil O9", StomarSt lmsts haàPeU.s, sd «te,' clg la the ë» .m lianathe aiveal luà. vi elegase sud despal.'h. NKmsMILhum.bad mm nul>' mMd bNbs>, wats kWevLb" à«huaCac et h fins quSI>' sd si.iisMs Kiqis, C.Ibis836.w ,~TEe IfASION R OUIE, Sa Suse ber rte-,*aial y be cenrwis tufytoth Tir gPe uhe ,tsaho ea- twt e0 anoest bishent oe là kWseaU 1n ~UqpProrince ocm surpase it inthe excellence ai& ebpffl of ssbath 5rlors santieb&d roamu<thlty-fu? a nu ait,> cf shicla ae Ce.7uled an the vtr>' heint tyie. Tht RoteI hu ateIy undergone a tharouds re- nSýsd l5a etpretient Lns mut excellent ordir and conadiion for the accommodation ci the Public. The suacriher havin-, kept a Hotel for man>' yeazs asacquircà caperleoce in that lne, and thaelrettsbtat %vitilunremittin,-attention te the coinfoit of bis guettabc will continue ta menit publie patronage. fiaa rer of the Min"io House theesa LARGE YARD, ad extensive Stablag, ad where Li.y Stable iconstant!'kept. > heMsasoHuse Carriage and Porters . 1 3 b> s e a ea i e s ta co ve>' Passeognrs ad Lea?.e ta and franc the différent Stearn S. CARMINO. k jnstn une 2-2d' 1IC. TUE BYTOWN IIOTEL. ri I Etbinhent, situate 1 on Sutez St rut, imeitl'ounacndan- fronthe Sinaro Boat Lading, ln Louier .Itýa, , l open far the raceplio' of the publie and travellera. lueSbscriber bas spared no expesace ar exer- tiens in making this Hotel anecoaithe nosal respect- able in Canada. Tlae Hanse ia funished ia the btst style; the spai taentsam areasranged as toeta- lird accommiodation ta private familles or parties, By undeviating attention ta the want af such as may l'aour hlm sith their caatom, the Subscriben ho ps et ariet n share of the Publie patronage. E ver > exertion wjll lie asade ta have tht tables furnisbedIn the heat mannet tht markets cau surý pI>', and the best af LIQUORS wilîl bc selected froan tht Mlontreal and Qaebeccmarakets. N. B. Thent avilI he met wilh avhal bas bieen long wantecl in Bytawn, riz, extensive aud <cm- tatable Stablinz, with Il O R S E S and C * R- R I A G E S , for an excursion int the courtr>', alwnys ready, for tht accommodation ai Pasien- gers. C:- A Carrnage sci hb itiaag at the Stsm Bloat Wharf, on thse arrivai f thse SHAN.tsOl, I carry Pusseagers and Baggage Ioth ie Eptosrt l tel gratis. LUCIUS BARNEX Bytown, lit August, 1636. NEWCASTLE DISTRICT SCHOOL. T HE Principal ai this establishment hep te ALacquaint Parents & Guardians, that hie ispie- pnred ta rcceire any number cf yauaag Genthinen uinden lii charge, as Boarders on Dny Pusika Tht Srchcol Hous la in the rillage cf lCobur, upc.1 Lake Ontario, a site whicla bas beer utLMy considered ont ai the bealthiettin tht Proiince Attached ta the establishmnt la a Boarding Nous. superlntended by a gentleman of bigla respecahil- itysnd moral character. Ttpatronage which the schoc bhm ne<ired during tht time il haî been snaer the csxe ofits prescrit conductar, is deemeal tht hest testimniaîl of thc cdaims of tht instruction ta Public sulport. TERMS. Bor.rd inclusive aiWashing,atten- dance &c. &cc. Par Annum, £25 Os on. EngliihEducntion,includin-, Rea- ding, WVriting,, Grammar Arthsnetie, Baok-keepin; Gecgrtphy, ad tht use ai the Globes, per quartçer. 1 Os ci) Latin, Gr-ek and MLthematics. 1 109LVu Frencha, Extra. each pupil will be chaanged 5 shillings per an - nom for repenrs. Cobourg August 3d, 1836. 90. REMOVAL. O REN STRONG bereby tendent bis grateful %-scknawlealgemenbs ta a g'teesus public, for tht rtw flalbpring support be las receiveal wble keepisiç tht Stena Boa tlin this place, and hep t4 acquaint bis oumernua custonserm, that he bas Mb day openeal bis most spîendia esabalsi- ment,the NORTL( AML'RICAN HO TEL, ËoRota, Siu aa!cd osar tMe Steam Boal Landiag, Wls.fthe sebU thanlfull neceive, anal promptl>' ateSà the cal cf tis cutomers, atlbndiag thena ac- comijadations vbicb ebal oct ho suipastal b>' bbc.eofa n> Establisahment in tht Province : sa etaad ili ho founal to afford rer y great sccamieo- dati , ta persans amiving ai, andl tain- their pau- sage orshls place, in tht several Steana Boals tht1 ~ u b dail>' &t the Wharf. Tati ra etor of thtesarp è,Estabalishament con- tinurs is lina ai Stages ta the Rice Lakt sud Isors tben* taPctasnoru1,h, which las weli funisheti withlX oocv red Carria3ts, inst rate Homses, sud carpéilDrivers. S*Is mu>' ho tak.n athis Boute ln tht Kings- boa 6ît Tarante Mail Stage. ligas ansd Carrmages are constantly ina reai- nzm to canvey Pasmesger9 and Luggagetot an>' cd>.UrgU. C Maylot, 1836. iW.iNTED IMMEDIATELY. FVO Journeymen Cabinet Makeis sisda sea- a.- tive Young Mais as su Apprentice tas tht a,~ business. Liberal seages sl ho given.- N 1 but parn s of0<gocal habits nota app E. C:'3iq. tingulen, May' 2mt, 1826. 899 NOTICE. 400040Ofet ur Fn o WANTED. To ba delavrieti ai tht Lumber Yard of C. & J. 31c- Donald ut Kingston. ASp1 to M sCONNER, ~i gston, 20th Feb. 1836 Onth re 6ss ÉNOPSTORa1 S%td' olasnseo a pldyen f«rthtsestL meviti, n_ ai LA rD a WvttNi (e' Iri p 1fh Oct I IVAM I NF. ENTiolSb CO Ry PRODU9 NOTI ÂLL lalebbel ted ta tale nol tga tshanti over fa Au An di hacco PIond mot Joay,l1 Ad l M& didd 0 NTERS. PRESSMIEN ai azete 0JoTr desifws onst a a asti regelar vg~l kin ealnlion 'URSE. qurse. Lmq ' aI ibis NOTICE. Mmes nd 9= far the amet AT »MLivcc.ox Fn CaM"aLenals, lu lb. CeunI>' ci BASTINGS, On 9»,"& Joulae, 2bth Jul', ltih AnUX &plegîv, 2fttaOclcbcî, sud 2iat Neveul A TNAP.INEE. 'Fe$r4vn Lssads, intht Cauntita oi r asux aasaAUsAM ssoroo, on the 241h lune, 24th Jlt>, 2;t Anuet Septeanler, 24th OctoberL sud 25th Noez AT KILVGS TO. For Creva Landsinlathe Count>' ai On lhe. fOIsJonc, 28th Juty, 29th Atigust, Sepîcanhar,261h October, ond S9tla Nuveni A TBELLEVILLE. F., Cerg>' Reservee, in tht county aI on thb 2oth or lune mat0hJuIy,2OttaAngm Septemiber, 201h Octolser, sud 21st Noremi A T 2Y IPNEE. For Cîcîf>' Erserves, in bhe COuntie, af nairuX AND ADaINÇTe, on lice 141h lune, 251h JlI>, 24tl Augus Seplee1t21h Ortober, anal 2liîh Nove: A l'KINOVS TON, Fer Clie m.Reserves, la tht Caunal>'oa On thte311h June, 2M1h lt>, 29th Augus Sepeik#r, 2sth October, sud 29th Navetl gSehe ofaaitht particular Lots ta ho caca Tj.pnsip anal npecil'>inK aise the te sale, baite been prinleai, anal sJ eUlhopt aI Court ifpuse, zutthbbcoffice ai thteClerle Peste, anti Sherili', sud aI tht atbur places DIstricts, sehicla Schedules can be tadoale tien ta tht Commissioner ai Ciesen Land& Sarauiu S. Wilsaot, Esquire, Daput> Sti vhla selreside ina thteDistrict sud aupeni thesevralsals. PETER ROBINSa Cemnu!ssiosaar oi Crowo Lande Office, Taranto, 101h May', 1836. T lHE VILLAGE osY THOROLD ocaîp sudes of the moambiain ridage, or aunai ai tht Welland Canal, 3W0 feet short tht Lake Ontario, sadislaknavn to e hePacuia1 tliy. Tiscirose ,scher vcmps - rmars>e viciaalty;an d il stands ho the t reofnai end tl-sMtiraed seheo couontry, in a dire belsecen tht Cil>' cf the Faitsansd St. Cati in the Niagara District. But 5 3-tars anishoe ateti iroanits aigi se rapitil> has il progresseal, that iltiosc itoit than 400 seuls; tva Churches, s HcOM, Post office, sevenal gocai Shopsaasu dirai Etalisbneni; su extensive Flours Braver>', sud four Sawmnills, -ith Blacs Carpenters', Shoemaleers', CaiaakerOa'l anal several other Traaetmea's tttlshnsa at fuloile. A aie Cardiag sud Fmllin anal Grist mill, are neantresut> for vonk gret nnclti i alalioalbouses are nemil pîceel. There is a direct ceosmuaicotiontiel Lake rio, sud Lake Erie, b>' a constant sotte Schooners anti Boats, sfloiling great advi fer tht conanue of nerchandaixe and ai raI produce ta ditrent marketsa. Tht v.l a faiItoi fort>' féal, anal powcer ta an exteatr propelling nactainen> forany>'manufactari pana, loi vbich e4Wiae m* aileaston lieà godTanner>' coulalhite orlealte teat advi bakbengo easil>'chlained ironatht 1f Ch'ppewa sud tht Granda River. wTc Sustscrihor, ho caling tbe aIle:i Maauiacturetnanal Mechanics ta this iain lage, offara taeil smne ver>' adrantageoui j o met arns ana lonag credit, te sct jtiers ol>'. enta, are ag mml, ri>' tam- e Onta- -mica of nantages cqual to rantage, foresta cf otion of 0<g Vil- as Lots, ýtuaI set- 'ý 1 GEORGE KEEFER. Thorol, Oclaber, 1835. 8S3 V'AtUABLE FARM FOR SALE. WOBE Subscriber offers for Sale, an reasonable MLterms, is Fsrna, bcia al' folot No.21. I Con. Ernest Towen, on Mill Creek, on wchu l Ïbeautifisl young orchard, Framne dwelling Haute, lams 50 hy 36 feet, with other outhouses, and n iost excellent well cf Pure Waten. Terms, hall' cash, andl reinaider in annual in- dlments. .tpply ta tht Subscriber an tht pi- Ernest Town, 15th July, cHATERON LANDS FOR SALE WESTER N D IS TRI C T. # HE Subscriber oleati for sale on reasooshle ALtmtefollowimmc Lats oi Land-vuz: SLots No. 12, ad balf oi 13, in tht finit cooces- ion, ad No. 13,ine the second concession, Town- ei ai Dosco, Cont>' of Kent. c h short lands anc of the irst description. ppeatiLn-ya bhomade at the office of Ibis eper .r ttSubscriaher. JAMES SINCLAIR, Seur. ;tngsten, Jan. 131h, 1lm. 881 HOUSEV FOR SALE ORt TO LET. #Conenen t flOUSE, ofi Isatonies, in tuht illage aiNapmnte. Enquire cf S.Ca..ehesn>,Es., at Napane, or cf John .t h tE s . o r D r. B ak er ai t K in g s . FOR SALE. Vgocal buildings ad a saasl Orcharia, being balfofiLot No. 11. in thetIhird contes- Sion cf ericksbungh, 1y ire miles frein the Napn bil, eleven iromn tah, ad twtnty-se- vn Kingston. JM- ICET Fcekhurga, Jn 4,86 TO LET, moen cii TO rota, rIAit. A .W MILL, witla twe sett4 cf runnlnq géar, l.ua in the Township of 'ýcyn»u, cmane- diateli sovt Percy's Laninz, lz ihervilaa l arge EME OUSE, slFARI, f abbut 12 sceuprored, sawyer' haoses, brthSritla sbcp, C., -n Iepreues iimerly o <Viedb>' tht laIe IL Meyers, ai Murmry,-$LcUMa il l berôassred for tht dut periimat of tIs Leste. R(rence ta De mte ta - River Trent, Jm Os. Dlm a. » E1. ¶ffffE esped effets for sale Lots No. iýNE JLadTWO, andi the East lia! f THRKi, tht 3n1 concessian afPortlan. R i v r re t , J a . . « A . H . M E Y E R S . >Mtal iDisbrict, NOTCE l eeyien Tcit. N 1.1 ihal b>'rite f'W rau; doIAttaciba seol l out o cthe DitrnictCourt aile nsid Ditict, and to me dilnteta, a.nt i estité,Aberht Taylor an assrnaling an canceal- ed lebtur, aI tht suit ci Smith BartlIelJoai. ion tht suak aiort>'pounda, 1 banc atizedal al the estat raid salcel as pasonal ai the subIdAlbert Taylor, and urêthle said Albert Taylor do rataîro vthin the jn$aiction ai the said Court, anal put in bail lohe f action, ai cause tht naid caim ta hae dis- clargel iithin Ilret calentiti mosths, all the real anti peealestate cf thb. aid Albert Taylor or se mauci Iltrecas ina>' honectssi>', sl hbe ll fi- able icaite payaient, haacfit, anal satisfaction cithe sai cisa. JOHN McLEA4N, Sheraif Mid. Disti Bv JOHN ASULEY, Dep'y Sheriff. Slaeaff's Office, Kingston, Ia THSEE OINaiS EasCH. Midi i B Y irtise ciftvawrite of ieri fa-, D)isît . J»cm ta me duecleai, oie aI tht To vIt. soit cf Janes Shartell, sud lb. cîber aI th1e suit cf Lliakim Banne>', anti als b>' virtus oi an executiso msuel oui cf tht District Ccurt of tae salut District, aI tht suit of James Metqher, against tht lands sol lenemeuta ci eibch Henry Davis litda seda-1 bave selasti anal take,,ho execitian, tht utidermeationeal lads% tenementa andl pimois. beînF emposed cf part ai Lot No. 24 in lte initI cencesmoisofithe Tovnship cf Kingsto lu tht Midîsul Distit-la a plat laid out ripou sai lait No. 24, anal licud nîci aithl>b>' tht contintatian of Store Stret-tsstcrly b>' Division Street, southerl> > tht continuation of Branle St. (ioiit'Iy araltealMeel Street) ad enisterly by a JOWN COtUT Kingston, 29th Manda, j«3. DISSOLUTION0FCPRT sî Hf ROiISE & CAMERO .N, istlias à,aas cd b>' mutual consent. Ail aleits Lne a ; M tht irma, ta ho settital by'Rdsc IIas who continues the business on lis ovesca0 (Signed) R. M. ROSE. ANGUS CmIsERoy, Kingstan, I3th September, 1836. 'T HE Sulascriber, 'grabelul te bis snIl, Stheir liheral support during liejlai joui inca hegs Jeavt now ta acquaint tiem an iNala,, that h li tenals la continue the hssiseàs klains carietalon b>' ROSE & CAM-Rog, o accounit, in tht samne premises in Se sti ad trusts that close P ttenlioa ta bssan. jaisý desire tb serve the public, scili cne tlasen 1continuation of tht gondl riisIofis frient, .adC patrons. His stock, consistinc of Dry Gaul. ,. oerae, Iiewrie , nes, Crakcry, Glianrar,, well asacrîcal, andl ailîl le sold low for nasi. R. M. ROSL Kingston, 13th Sept. 16. hIAPS FOR SALE, AL T the Chronicle and aete office, Mq.el .'IL. tht Midlanal andi Prince ME daDiolsas U. C., tomprehiending a tract ef Counrysoff,,% 80 te 90 miles in lenglla, beingt ramnarsG:sas. que, ini tht caunty et Leeds,;tu Briglalosn nt caunt>' aiNosthumbierland, ahci waet nst sea tb. diSairent Townships, Concpsasoas, znd Loir bath aide. ai tle inltresîin, esd pctasemup. I., ai Qunt-, anal Lands oit su1Mssed ia lhas Piorii Kinecon, Sfplember, 186 lot coesinencinoe ai appoint un said contnîsu-Iiie01NOICE Brode sireptl4 cisins sud 45J linkes elisnt iroini R. DAVY hoga leave te islam hiba the angle athet intersection of sali Division anal snd tht public. thai he bas again ipeatts Bnotk sta'eta ; anal thence nortlserl>' toas pint in Htl in ath,vbtiee h pes ta narit lihas bIse southeil> tirait ci mail centinurtion cistore élis' patronage. stneet, distant 2 chaire andi 62 2--10 links Iran tht Bath, Dcc. 30&h, 1835. sigle aI the Intersection ci salid Division anal con- tinuati,su cf Store treeta, contshsang b>' admea- FOR SALE, suremeol 2 striesud '20 square nod, be the saine Tht besotitul Cotîge forman Uit> E1îl moe on leu, with the atone dwelling bouse, tce- .betI Goi Mcua y s meuh anal premises Ibeneon erect'd. AUs . M ahbirbfi I5 wiii ha unIai aIpublic auction on Munis>' tht 21st tDc30h185 day ai Fehm-saai> next, ut the Court Hanse ta tht FOR SALE. Town of Kingston. AjBOUT 7,00 acres cf LAN D,il:aaiI JOHN McLEAN, ZLtorat fUprCndce «I Sh-eilMidtnat Distrt. s.tot fUprCnsa l~ s By> JOHN ASBLEY,' mont>'assI>. WiII a ela nLotslaasltpel Dtp'>' Shérff. ers. AW>'y ta C. Batrb, LouaI Actea;«ai Sb.iWs Ofice Kanaton) 'aJ. LI'ITON, AuIias Nblsovenie, King$aKingtn, Auguat 13, 18X6. SHERIFF'S SALE. IW E ut5edrd bas receivelsdiassiâý It Ta i nc,& ea IIaNCH. çerybuoe, a la pit a d saaailÎtW 'UjJL hé ml at tht Court Honte in the Town C an tliLgsul sud tmeA aTtissi9 IV if Kingston, enWeanesday theo22d day of;: vhlth hé e lunsADlly T frI aà Fbts>net,lay rmaisclan geeiation asaucatot : seleIunul>'avirsi ai His M *jcsy's Court ci Kin;'as Beachaai the suit CHARLES ILU-L cf AsalellsertheLands anWiTenements i fJs Kingston, lStlalt>, 1836. se enderson atcceased, la the hanais ai Semai E. Henalermc, Adininistratix, beia th e ~ni5t u [ unt NOTICE. inr whbca ar trttelaB Iver =ran out u-bmull- CASSADY, Esq., Stare Street, isl* lg lu tht Town cf Belleville,aut péetin hla . zd oreteint andI acknowle4t àihM occupation cf Asalel Elmma. mn fcouisdue ta tht underdpaal,wii5p Ali pansons baving claims on tise baove land on itaIprsnt îdiscon4puatdusintu aI iai5'n- su> part thereet, are nequtateal to maiee a sat E. LESSLIE liosen tanteon or beottht la>' cisle. Knuin 86 JOHN MtLE.AN SberffMilad Dist.'_ __________ B>' JOHN AiàK De y Sheflif. Sb.ehDs Office, Kingston, 22Zd er. 1836. -jg3 1a1, SHERIFF'S SALE. la Tif ISE Glise à5 55,d. MiallaistiDistrIt. H i4be soldat bCor Tc Wst. 'HouRinI el bTesnoc King"to, un Wçds.sla>'lutMandielà0xibyr rntue cian xt a .lcueoutcu i is Majesi>' a Cor f King's BMnC14as the t&t cf lobanG. Parke, apmÉ W P. ooktheiolleuinglaids end tanements, v" purt of let No. 35%, lllg]ag- ton. " e.taI12s9eIeock, aPm. Ail peufubsiving cis on lie aboes lanaI or an>' part tbaie4 ate nequeMeto akse the saine lenovn o m ue on or haicre thtelaey of sale. JOHN bMoLEN, Shert àGdill"dlDutaict. PUBLISH ED EVER&Y TtESDJa At ber ote, inStoe slree n OPPOU Mancum enteomHoItl,1% t5m vice ail crde. wibllaanlf-lly"ei"ý punatual>'attendel ta. Opu~~teen sbiafiga5s Pe 86 cio Oag)hf pabina ansce, sial se'eto fPi'siad x pence 'if' Dotpastin aiyw' AnV m;bcomngreapsalible f«e Diesemln te ru, asal roceive e in like proportion for a <rst naW0-'x * *Ne Papens diacntinuei tnta 8in excepthle optimonfcithteIsubtisher Ail Consuacation, ta h ee de5 WIMQ to the Laiton. Adtivimns anti Lettrs OnRsn adtiadetal brMi.o. -Tisoit, ntb Six lisesa Md u»&r, 2q. 6d, tei st 3 5 «Ch aulasguM igatoalo. Tes Mantà O 3s. 4d. fint . 'sd loi mi ale issealentient ton - M,4. per Wlix àusris, sol id puie nflor eCMi9 Mw~nt Ui6eti lir d ferdue dalanig nttad ms pmom&1eeaiggthe l.>d ideO DrxyIES5VRI.PTION1 SMERIVFIS SALE. IN THE 1ING'S ENC«R 1 c m udnd OrT IWMIJRP'5BENC IE. MI*md District, i Ei - sbhe Tb1tfIclfaNai. T. z» lut lie t te ma t owbié VOaf AEl. Dmee nto ftoux>' Dagas Icth eeIm dhao emta oftsknWl"cttof P'miciandt : eitd ài - an ap dt he t eUaxtal e r sdie mdP= esbeng = a@ÉoLot Ne.24 belîMce e,fortaeaumnoievî. Iveo lt,.M i t e cessmr Towa.lslpof Kingalon bv ezdail ttciat neals afcl ier, la the biallantDistrict-bn a plot lalat cul upon of lhe saId Michael Kelly &cRager Ra nid iLot Nu. 2,antibounidel noeflri b>'the unIesibe salMàichael VKely & P", ' itaton of Store Stret--essely by Dinsoaitnasahi h isalitioaef yi Stet, ta.eay s.>'tletcontisuation ai Brada St. anti put iu bail ta thtil asialartiO, a t 4124â Ç(tlsneily cabled Mskel strict) and sesterl>' b>'a cdaim tao edischap ihl lh art orea sabir. ' cem acencin; at pobit in nid continuation i aIl th t neal and pimiai a estate or thi alt, Btock stree 4 cLinsansd 45J lUnks distant tram Kelly & Rn.,e Ryan e mui the angle at tht ntsetiauofitudDivision and necessar. vilI he heldabl sîr rthe pua Brak treets ;anal thence nostberly toba spoint in nef t,anàal isfaction a tt saidclî.te aln t, 2Mt the southerly lhait ofsaiticoninuation cf Store1 JOHN hl-L[EdN aen Stet ité2cansad6 -0lnsfrein thte K. Sheriff tinuation of Store eueelaa, onlairaLng b>' doaasure-1 Sheiff's fc ET J~OHN - IliL ment 2acres anal 20 square rada, ho tht sainemoet lti Oct. b83<6PU1 ,lt2,hor leus, ith tht atone dwelling bouse, tenements Oler. ansd pimnsess therton trecteti. AU wbîch silîhbel SHERIFFOS S.bLE. ho, soldant public auction an Satas> tht eighth day , ofiOctabrnextat thebourat Bouse in the TownT iIrIr1x ai bKingson.Msdland District, ',,ILL ie soal~ AU puisons bv dgcaims againat tht short land T l W H, use il, the st, 24th cr an>' part thereof, ast reqasesteal to present te i ne agTon, a eadtIt dla aber, saine ta me an or befot tht day c rasle. . irlue cf an execution issed ouatC of ra.. JOHN McL£AN, court oai Rin', Bennh, at a at h ? Sheiff Midlanad District. H.i, t 151W'. P. Coolk, tie f0;oi sa % B>' JOHN ASHLEY, tenemente, vis Part af Lot No.:t Ir. as,29th Dtp'>' Sherif. Sat at 1'2 'clock flous. aoe. Slaerff's office, Kingston, A il Persans baviug c aiii îOnîte aik ect u 41h Jut>, 18X, an>' POentatreof, nne reqarouca ceai.lot-, soldla uosen la me oneorhefare thiia sens ai The short sale ln poeitaned until Satasida>' the JH Catîîx lI ul, l the the 5h bisat, ai tht Saine Oui anal s1e *. h c f tht JOHN.McL AN, SaiI i;l aS la the Sherif Misîlanai District. Hy ,i0iSliL applica- Br JOHN ASHLEY, Shenif', Office, Kinsoca., Dejaaý, 114 or ta Dtp'>' Sheniff. &ts NOV. IW31.' tnnye3er SheriEf's Office, Kiagaton, ntentitt lth FOctohen, 1836-_jý Thteiorve Saeie is arher pospontal unlil St FRIlD.G&OIi!& SON. nis'tht 22d istant, et lb.esutieboni and place. U Euntsne JOHN McLEAN, k ta bit Wbhaïves and Stores, %%.ilfÎj'io'â SlaeruffMidland District, on tht apening ofîbe a.,aaa %rteerc B>'JOHN ASHLEY, yard te, Masaîeal or Qielrc aIl kaîl jteat Dtp'y Sheiff. sald maka Uhonal aiae mu li ai neýf aluitvaleeoancînthe Sam, 1i lerl ingitan lutlaOct. 1836. seSays bave a rsil esnint lerel cf Tht heéort ale as further poslponeti until Mcn- hiStr the c.anal iîte, anîmueà%à rip leal- da! thse201h Februar>' next, antbch sainieotur tlnBoats, &c.adwl eain ita aMi place. JOHN MoLEAN, . the saine. ,l a fertile SheilfMidlsaa'IDistrict. aPrOperty on cammuLulon r'Cmotteaio, reel int B>' JOHN ASIILEY alli mccl villaprompt alîeeio1ad iu c iharlata, tp'>' SheiL nmise cf tht inteca onI ; s va n ihPrirs Office, Kingston, ba in v i ashait Of hem uanuitc in, anal Oclohor 251h, 1836. careinîl>' aveided. conlaini - N. B. Steain Boats nuppîiei with lvodp s Sehacol- LI THE DISTRCT COURT. rai tennis. e Mythe voapeegiuils r traverse umpalakos, ia Clhàt nuit the wefa tuspolo ta ila I can 4u-.len-Ys'aIbi- wa psem o s Ibv1 t a 1>e'l ymag oky-Iak lslrbuthM15 rChspel's eleathe "lias mi ta voiles animmeals i iNut ah gafttys onogmma n tni. onu Io ia> gel kocl U nalte op the molter, Mad La bae aIlthe PIOns mutamWout heaSdt i r ' ice prMpts ule u excellent Patwa, rmasmls Ln pis>' <Ire theai-I his.de Thug singethteualea imup of ie obliada, ne blaziog SMe latteiag le nvengeace ina )f apas ne, or vhilpool it a careîss, aseil>, btut-e>'ec otovergood, non ver>' bal, L mido on-dtscript, I'e mc nsi-lunt of lun AM d ae ry>, )emel irons ce"iusDr. Yul, )r Faustus ul bai f y sne Mat firaI Mofintr, v e n. Nse modent o, vas IheuIMl ioed moetivrha t'esus>'arIs lis books e aesillaSd I? svo 'laty'e Satan'. dobaga, vswn [a Iis bit vaunteat Secret le, Leçions of Stade in quisedl ttend lhibdstbag an& 'lacir ut l in s blastha u unI thon s>' grim, fammlr4 Vusaontd anal hanleatdo.. rm hat r n inet >' it 'ba y'e * Catrin 1 vnu np.h lb' piosGreat Subio, Ats ~ls'sy n rin d i r withena ise, v seh sd)» aside te st Iat saiic gluse, rsugi vlaiel lie feipilve muc n!««ae thr fortiock e tatIse sint dm nmoth lb>'unaed phir, de flitt-n e-dotalegirls ana lxh luIle ari transitai>' j ly; *lbdraw 1h>' pali frueinifol te lies in aLoI- tht deptet-a adima mm of * Mrt biglo ia Archusel lZ.pok. fi. EI'isl'a b-, . talg mihly,ye weallsyo ye fair, paove mw-Il t'dtents >'s hsai oap "di y Tasuaalhdboes Polo van pontuits e aig pttl,l'fipe , Usho l eu 5b1tme, et, a" m. d plnnt*r's lie>' a e scî-hnle sc rh Of Mi, Il, vilihe or ni h. r 1.1. (Im m 1tiiu Va let da"li ita ! i a10 inov th. Panotsse i, sdispls>' thtenents C hay IAndti st, b0%. aiMr-Ptli mrut-ld W IolimeSat, af' Mnu p-ince Sharp sanddie r'i u"6-r'@ scuugcanal ailler> Vith lm..dcfp-If te ltzf ls %en miathereal is - th e 1 s sgiebrs. sd te himelo 'm ad ete domned ai homse le 'itan theit Slatiicrb..st thlb Vi. dbfoasi ama. anal mote sl atiteel nu dom , e thi d leeat ahy 51 _ou _b t% Sa 1p» grre th ne di * ~ê!4pm mUs*. a> uRNs AaI5lLa., Uap'>'. anoinf. TO LET, *2taNon. 183Ki y--m I&EtUOM dlifrd aIl>'Of Ncvenbeî naz^.,B:. lIaI oemaodim Haut anal Store, at- SHEULIFS SAL. -e Uppen Cmn lIramel, 'oticalb> Meuis. J. D. Biyce & Ce, stuu'-HCKIG B NE CCL là FIEEOOD. e twoti estuof éStreent inthe Towneiof X ISE xaes saltheC a,4 M86. Kingeton, near the Commercial eeL . Thsem dsn itil U ILt aIattsCao 1preituesare exceedîngl>' v.» ped orco1erW-oI ahTvo rlc- cal mp-beig st»Win heaparaofthe on WlelyliMarcianexl, aI 12 tI M. Mu'et-cIl U q uossbl" forUitlcipsobu i 'cacaocutle falalzLoufandi Tenements meta tha. bau e* - ovsL_ s if clao .or al l' th usnss e io S Jl tue , t hyl, selual b>' ida Bctat aise s of te.an'oonm . ven !ie &"" ofi a oExcanon, luncti ent cf RIs M4u- ~olI«t Or Mayhemad éhe ta lames %nssu oar -~c luess Eub, nt lie suit cr Jae. y MMsana Ml ' esab t Robert Maivell, E% MmUrll cuh,-11% ilsFasaunMd b ele 'Resnè, SaMay', luisacul lobsu i HRARLES ~ulIo LAND P OR Sj 1 n pu-lie11.14 eaç. m the lb m Iud or UT S6. 2% sa Iowp"ei théaTowuWe aïï » ot là US, Il Cusoulo. a4s To.Ip u L amssil eusai auk s )tlài&C XVIII.] ~ At1~or TUE UP IIERALD i. IRIS PSTRON5. XltgShSs la JO-"aii, 1