Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 24 Jan 1837, p. 1

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IL 'mc eut et thes~ r lot Cen. Wcmte,, guoutofW. e Pci.l li Muit cf 'Job&y -14i tii e ow * et O Lot (o. 3%1Ili mn. sl t1 ,Ad Dep'yti tu ilet gingston, 0IFP CqPALÈS.Rtî ILL , id a, ti. Wb Dus ine 0s, 9 oi ourn' imei W R.. ROSi rqutai- n the md'ltte e teqe-ste tui ai they [s0, 8.I CAId, N slir idiesr, la hj oistng 1f Dey aé if,. iii RO l - th-d ba f er fra, il. Ai ROt sE ld tai meleron cfq St, ietG, lavhc wI beis le hl elî', h asîî2d ,,ýrs cint thncn t as luin- îinZ.s la',, N ', bo; il, Coic,, nu «W Mhlys, l ieo h" Foesod c i saii 'rd W., TobsaCco ol bc d 1 orra, P. 183 )R- the RLEe n S.L Pe kselctiO af bSi, plê GOD Iin, hich imlie so owf IFO SAil, midola 3;l ais oi r es, nss y suie tem Ibem Riad Gas le , ffl6 DbRSiL. 1ntrovi' in i etin ji pra9 13 U, 8.14>. f1 ie,,, to e ai, a~ hi li il, oPndDu' te rcciisabor 1.83. 7)R SALE. M.cl kiîy, sWi, n Eu', lere Stchrel hail .y te tu e id wfual %ME. LSL & CANS. St. 19, nmiS 36 * ruvo NDe, îtd in n- pli r C;ti da hb for rraès i o rl in ts buit pr ,t n-hc Lund A auel t, or t ifav tui iFublhel. ýel tia te as ddrcUt opentdi r-an hop er it a $h h. la, Fi5tsii.~ Eâisato StiiU5 iau&W id anrd Vnweg itPy îgbi mva ioU ' leu . tr- - i t U 4' A pI~E~, A VJJLT~JR4L *ot-uu. m*uflu ?uoaohi, AT ~gm Am, JI AND19UOMGERCIACE-URNi I ~ TRMS- HILLIGS PE AN?à WhkN 1'Mb f1W AIVAKC- SIIILINI AI> IX E M WIEN NOT 8 PAN». xvmî [.. Waau~, Edloe.J INGBTONr UPPER CANADA, TUESDAY, JANUARY *4, 18W7. [T. H. BMuvr», Printer.] tUDI 3a Mao aml lut MW 49id"mu wieeouamdfi - Pdu.iallant hilimtethbu' ém t bâBWWb.e. ou o Our ibe hMiOhIS e, Md I wIm bM tintW0 lov son& mere viln fim, 'la e t a mm"le,iet Cii.e-t e" oisi q bav eft us idblia;r wAi mdtAe uo, WAes 1 ol i graefin" biu rVore - lie b l aima lo; 1 il .tmb it te oil geton 1. 'ht mod ushic mlin. . iaM ra h ab ait!lu%, l eiamée m, l ve, Ate or ies ofiiueai Nlo r witedeis balada a Wb.r. praidyw tdacwimagu, W le dy ahb. cmwc Al s i feuhuy 'i m he ave l e ridthse lin er, 4 Ami ,c, wuaialoe UnmerdtieluE Amita le si.br ibt e n v.r hila ant, m on ri eeieg i 1 aiiwoaabsac le. liU-i res l m ocmg ValUTou'. l eau mbar. f la peaine h u il cdi Fr . by . illla dkn! g Belier7oe, li aig fieth PfY reing e n îr dy theu le Id lle7s if .t ecumion,li Bat m thind9le, lA t arm e d lieb àsum' nsp Pii lah it iftu ti Y41 eel ,, coay cnapeYi la' a als sbun'ath iciia ut smerim coulove, TJaylfrve vs. elou n", sles, iti game extesdei Thî ls!-, -y pant emimciacse log bteuf ih. - 1J.DIL l>riaç ahite, catl, r «, p t ueàf ML$ st, , Moulangstrcammu~al aieul dfnuk svra>i, kt'aS& am gmiadet ecm Uesa Y, Iftevs. modd w ahier, if insicad 0f Mpr. fPau t» gre b. fieiethsmn wt be iu t e nvtezm ,rt as l i it.,<oi u th ut.thatcewsamenov ic dv., #taa. M6 i Mt easli11h1u" b ilai uves , u." c t hi e s a s . m Ie, " ai j l- bu . «~ .il l- slu ecndcil the tmatec mwmio,i anulIlse d king,beuemelh- herblim ai,.acac-ame ~ale iwy rouisile in oea.ofesgau UI. f0'thie fintseas.; wfor vinen Of hei<btnte etgsiua ing s o utée "esnItea.te OM omm *ehbe failittm &C eIi maie pm inis a,'yeu irva t4<sPahcukr, t10uoam , ble humi, emitgv «PSsi, oti;but thisivolI lue li ong lie,-8mati u if-=A b 1 lIe,' huruntrbllem 'i b 'qi61 I - h o"p.Fi i iere, luma ~M. amii.kbf iagdmcdm.tM -m i bmu.bcma ad br tw bsmm -Pa m dle mode; ou le :q*mhi& em .md »Il WUhmmm or qualomu Sa. ca ine mu em.p%bi hmombae4U lle liemm&. nIte mibu e. taccuvon ast uuismmgmi bov~i.n bdr.- hé«.ouai-omma; la I eEeilthèm m w.oe "a-ifut r emk As.upe cfui *-lm le bua mféle, uim mies, wornciloeta te'é. b.l âve dmvi te ith dor a cn tod* veinei dut. , -ý ýma itheidum t e... air.aeas mlsgltr The ammuhedrla"re ip laomle l les, afai theimle n louait- ;ti. ly cf0 th " ftb affmIlmeacift u7 om by dii bi muae n m t t ifeam la, horer "hcf - lao kW - la les Ofm*u tea ca-cce. i em ie ogt a utv ifa a-u mat r..on mtepTot.ic lîreIi byic vt iie e ierwe a 0 w uaib.1 le il iemiy aboltlaem, 3, wiiich lb. evilay tepEe- Manyotbere mga mie b.performedduzin wlnher, vhick a tll beesvaiiontor relleello iii point c«-t-aàt u scsgaimeletha1in du, cmsluç fWel, eohiactlig scxions for pfii oidiputeml. Gemat cire lte nue u :etrn»ds, d Mobtaln tie W vale- . 'w rWft-for t lebelle.ont etlWu airdes hiam Io platvi i §pu"emae , hte Sg riftg a Ire lIi h teit i l elmc vaoely.-Gfm poe Fuer. E DUC & TION. Brocîville, Dec. iW6 DURa Sa1,-1 tairee l lt Imoet cfljimr Wb« ohmi ilà&!? pe h . ment c"od th le Dimhriecii&oolcé der aMy hnrmediale charge. Tha oumber of Scelaus during lthe yaar iiu miggdromferly-fve te fi thpmemtaumiber. Of. GreR tmmdz e io u ' ' Là-t « ~ .tbrioches off Mithem Tle . c alet. etfw tm d evidedli tliUme departlmnt s & Enghimi, includiag bcides Re*d%--, WriAhin,- liib c aid Gemnmi; i», Hlulcr, octi, IokeRiep*mg, Stceugrapy madGoray i oecamd departait hlà tai of Leu W, ili Lampreheabin bad9aiuticote Lati Ir e a"m ]Frenche, a more itimata siveyoff uonon lma- quage, villi lche lciples ofCo .asa.coRheb,. nec mni Logic. Mathemoies aimhei.third de. paulmenlembnacin Practical Mathernaici, %u- vcysngElemnhm eGometry moi Tkgoomeb pie. moli mo splcuiclAgeira, use of di tlohes,&ac. A pWi or easy cearme cf Astroo-> My Mod NalaalPIopliy, siel xpiWess, wu dealgiaci te feai a patoff Ibis depatuent ; but thuisemnet yel lies acconplished, paflyfrein ua an cf tic oceuappirauusparti, frein vaut of cesavenience amd accomsmodatien in lia ichool m. Tih~e iloff the Intitution bu by boue caumi Phî mucli impeded. la camuchit ieue dmdparlmeahs, bemide, my mva Ceonstant;attention, Mmdthlie smuofta te-g mum viie, bm b... vilame for mibon Iv udrs aia Witing Macter, l'hava nov ie male pou nte of ii. v. Tismai Woodtev, A. M., -u Baga, Who bhliim mci spimleam tuwbiag there. My desre ibu m yem ani becs 'rom Ibm beginning to emasa Iis&hWie th le runir 0f a mcful Acide.7oceSemisaq, vbich taelb... Ooklg tarrtoa prffeomienur colleolit.fua ramiii iaud au «ea" ammplelo, medsm, vwila te b. maay vIe. puslcuuai reirtccemijht depive cf mâclia ceaýil, h omiacet nul mc mpply uit defeet Walib emcenueraema secuerelu. cooammadlia Msdimcteu, mit- eaavl qmilied insisanice, hOimpce. tut abject o-ud4 in a, opinios b.cnov ailyme = eym oefoysa ouwlla.or balai tti hmeveymwi.nai117di vi. I bave griv.. tecum uauyv evu, a rr&0i ate- ment vi NI .l. longOrter valftble lime, but au the suljectis bothvef .tag wo l i it, d M publeié pa ui m lity, Mai me ha Ir"c ym mve., "., ie a ieep latemit, Ibl maie »alt et atmph. 1 veau have oaa nystemi, WmuehiuAi ruiq mie the s of(fceygrademi lt.enoue ft Mai, mbulie.OUMa. ecied ly mWy ami squence tint tijrWaldi lammeeàleuilir coiP. te io miii"M d ' &oui, ammstonl isl~ .ela mIdud Achoala abotitbeemga-bew isrTcm l. mmalmeil 1bhma mmci osedlff their pranciples mai plahu i-le I.Y cmai t w ie bmawm y mm emutsy. 1hiutirhsm hem la th is ci. Tii., houib.Ilte uaoo r amics a îla 0 I"bhm, the ubjeciat Md the P»eeof h"loS Fboo,Curm leluole. la ticle eisiisybheeofa s Raltm Fax"iim imseiieiu . ie b no" dllf.t itGmmr, t.M. milmt jbatwîilof 4,NMlii Moisa ler ha,-1 d -*u . off-e"g bata m aevai" . lb . I - -m - i- en.wuiils MaRe., adimitate bis Ssa- viousý Who vent about duing god. It il a b. ho Ped, * he Bi. ible viiib. mm. studied and itt 10tm t tm " euii mbed ". la n t vals *0- k-mecge Ged and lie vii direct thy sWt," muid ht as a very fortunat. cireumbnce, that Dr. Darhewhwo uàn»W effting upen tii.ferro offlie beàd, and Uithe -9- hsugi wich theiin mmdui dom iat forcet te elevul. tii. mimd te its Divine. v - - -. .Mryo hs hcrrebpe, that lie viii MM0 peur ever the. exteal alppeaumçor cf mn" barid aamd bmy te mm. imporat objmbs-.-to edu- avi m higiirmprovsm.ne of the. mimd.- ini * rasrmigremsaria whie bub.De"ta h labilemd.ia favur cf theii lei, Smadq UV..md Temperncet Societi"e, nmgeuM le iaibis visith. Canada mmy bc crewned t neea.. Il weld h. very gai u bu-y <i ig esters if enery lecture.*h b. elmg.ajby reading pno e ci pt"re »de" IÎ b "in al ad,4 " p;tucimpemnp etf sciice m»d religion . i. hepmyor off à CHRISTIAN PATRIOT. Ikhmi anituy 1,86 W. fmcrb ame hr.logntu a~btes Off thic acbemu <oacteedlg£Sa yereaaC I pacpisuveaygeaI I-au Imuiialb.P@b eqnuay divialcd amoog ah thei. ischesm. Vifhlii Inrs E Icca h Peiea Oâ lr -taihb n £10 1110-umber avenra W0thesie allihe oumbeve vu 8-" dlAcadeisc-To ldsuit" Aevsy gave £M0, umkag the a umis raaectvey (0 i DDistict Seham*.»ioahéium Wi ilb«- b.Ml2) £175, unidfortle peaacptreu £1»8-à te iag seveil hei, eforach disintag -Semeaddition mixilbe made by oitceufiles etf et usai,Wva -mcuy-ippaa=bat-M i hll- lbaesz;al? viiicih voulimaie aedee.t, ut ex a.mmoiadm m Or thse ihimot caes. TA ldumi ravagant t riuaraiion. By éinsg m» mcltac hmt tci~s hem.whlon s b ave compltitheli tees at the ibove modeni srale of £3 lie mme !a cabane ila .4Comme. &b"uasimlile tau*#- facilities vouli b. grantecai hohn andlarom i l lm roi-O bc hemd, u guige. Maemihlo ssinMe ilcentives ta leàcma. -The. more elemtt 4" -eadmg m. eeupi, t-roumy,,amaiNob" gral gan pool te laem, teému IýPbaaaikpy, (aut ein lt hear elemîns, ma @Wakta veaclilsacher'a mhir be.. popwar hmm) eummdiyMe. eur Bis-c%- - Xh wald bave a gond efeitem, g==eapyàa libiidro&bea.sofMriLes m i or ewWclmu&yv"te rpublitprivlegi e t4h c ede. aiies * lnnavuerdpa# aitahme.unamie b.could ai riwdvkt-opml ~ vlta.aicea vuli ffie*upa Po ae Who eoaoff mg8.tei1III lu b*oue. inCompossios miBcgandS .qv- -SIkhobeIai1n. b. hniteal. For " me- pin tF.t Il. ai Icutt-hiorafour lucehelà *boe*whiw m i e eI-r l deyvaul ie regabue; *Imý Uavery ic% 32 thearlb. hetp Ory ab.saaiPMlii-r i i~io M 'W buIn .'8* ie fiie ab$ph 16 Y, auxi, b mi d ie;"aiîa. mha, tii, au ii«)p e tr .he P& L to 0 - W Id lam<a MilaaiBu.-taoramre lestscian i iaezComoiz i #ig.- la cii District lb. hougiht loge er and u-gm- u -Tirly.-Tuea ioeuld i tallavuUnive.euhtyv ed-tbm hiutvnue or lirteaMe best off tisibc.c *ha ftveti fmki«tlnofPi.piiy, Mediaine, d ï th~ le Acidemy, fini off mil eapmehy L4i .,oa aiexesve sale, a"-MWlI elpria- mib ,m Tu let tua or lire ft 2. bei Il Zipi. > - «Cas. (rc fama! blanI ai'ng duiy fislslsd t PR"aY.-idea lina, a Neisal or Mode[ their courme i at heAtaean) ftom euh District r IhoolfOr tic lmreorpaigleory ofprcp a- ret.aiiy exaui, ad me Io or ltrmeof the MrK toeacias, aIubaeaiiuyiaue. bet et Ilsese lb. eduesîci aI lhe public exaense an e l il bsids fiil ccse f almsuauli thIe Ussevdety-Or if tuedeeclisse the prstutiuons ho p cwe by he "vsin Cmmu Sc ofmi t earaed po eWmlthesubavehe preu- tWbP« bimet"iOfi ein1uctiâm i tO-ehael- aep-di.fer certainu public oeffee, or mseabossrc, ma. "Molile pubac tv uqiL A ce tdidinc. flan net .adj voalaicli larsbt« fthe Iliedemeaaotf thialntiUlioaof tiahe aclcrs -a& SA., envud . 'ceraged. TiecPi beaer' fm wlisisai vusi hthe. .7.1m sied MMor AcademW" Ethe bebueur ofugsda- b. eue . eveie a lcat fOr a a iue u o b.-et csar ehi e0,. of lr ta Cummo, ach.ei;ama Ibe o$me PIa«pn alMdett ctmobt papils; ttehilta i ci IJ=wm a tmiia lieb. hlius qaeuallvsy dopled i i er, i e lie soéf tic ComuinesScioolu te selecta 1Sciai;inestmuh mimbiho. enttlmiptblic Iwit Aeaiuy tbey pleineIattendlletaihIe public t appoo.l 1edotuMa flai eto0n J3eb 1ae.oAcadomieo albold i b e l ad eaiilail 1Awtoder n lm. inuatial aines offpansçi cautemma-tbe rewesso-4*i m thec l0 ,piul Vocation lu te accu,. tic bei iapearatia, hy vhch off hittol inactI Pai"tei, lthe vho. adan=a'e1ipsaieuly cusai houka. On this 1 canutes- of iat apr«w m & D N04lnhi d tcr t an,' lenglia. 1eocaive lii hM le in gois offcall! . mentMathe plan ef t=CUscohgcunry ve are very deficiaml, yet lie vicie ami- f el s i ut u nssaer pre mnagement jec of ehol bok maaies amrl i l ai few suc woxcàl.elvieliporbbtam spport.asau n molius im - t Th ise usaimportat coaideatio slle lubete oi-, jeel, ce if y.u vi2ipermit ome i1 denpubliciyOf aln ai miequihe suppy of proper Icacieuu. 1inîthe Recarder, bil faUlel.gl. but et prememe lie vili zol ealer on lic învidaianktt ofrsmarimg may y ticein veoirouyeasl,1.eli or p*ulam u auos he itilpreleol IMI sucan impotant of- rliy lensccol book matlng. 4A11 le bi w no tu fice. To yea 1 nead ba.t m a wor. Thon ae -mue"Isoulieb.céreffuiy ex"iei, ami timare re >dmumin macub oi mmn aWall sea<god êerarfew vich aeli b. relaim. eThde n. e. -& . amgthm-yelm fforlhiese, vill mi the suis- aeralymit-the,'ame dfilcult, dry, abstrue. A th 1Ject caimnet lh.lut soc. on iderei. Iceier - choc book seoulda ahract, Dnlet &i«u-acililta, 11 liai la, esithse ma et la enet grat- net impede. k cill L 1r:71 = annov d it mm staicis had Fesenlat anif he sysem, I vomilble,.e beterbe aluejtiiet itihelil. Soemaue ai t9al fl ofusebaieInstructio, vili fO mqW e mqSpreéer mes, dl, qualiii ai nuelicient Secetwy', Wovieci deei g CO of-gocanteuir sto béasse, aidcenties. ueiddi,, ailtle busiess, mbmiiting il icwver fr agul ecuaiers. FoSlbpuspomelt -âboffmllie Oe eppr1evr a Minialarof estuctlen aseonce, muthe zeuiitil drespect"abeni remasebh-e..vshmaiti le active, intelligent moidieeveoleal, TaoefléotItis b. muaI les faremovudIfraem ispes.. resheubw mev, aid launsciabmeer. Sud amu de--een hmis sbbls, bad iame decreefu ide- vou Mlieb an inalculable bleaiag te lhia yous 5 pconile te l. mmpec odidsmuty et hbol pving coutr, , hici viii prudent umng- wacohn sIbéDlir parents. Yt.mtb avpat aidlering cart.»oisies he b.t soi 0, tu cutivili lieir gond viii, and dapendil a hgipeuluand pevwerul, bit thie chai"hoil ha d~rea bitown g"al.haviaaw iusmand l«(eiandmoi cem.a-vilch wvis dojvs« 0&M '98 in*i n aapg.-îmA4 mla -uedb,' tichenlsem sglieg aladbiv fInatrequiste. Attachditit ai Iea . amleà-&,Re ler mciiiuste or fieonsiter piaC ste but cceot comfsOutbis hemu for lihe çbcicý yyounger rivai, by thelia iaing feus at M l metbu-do ,anaàcm re itat fpcmiétu liin um f o fcessail, arise amocg lermulifbu und adiacordam h a 6.ib . AÀteacher vt alisfmfaly aau~iilco calawiiui ceasi eueu i shoui b.preferred. He givli'm m cig1. *r utetW",1aI eu epecfuhi,, ad bis codisclminiceulinuam nthle.protebin.- y ura da Next hb. mua bave man aequale ualùy. M& In a- ONSw#MH !-b -i _Mns iliut. Whai soul le tise tube Josias Josrs Eoq. &e. 8.. - Sbolil ie inailcases the mumef Hovuheel - - il b.raisci I Hev poi?' Mer maxireheia Frmle haeiTm.s'j the 1 viii àwlrw eoecy UUW.Tt. ui*m a soimu Téte c àltor qf liaMntri Tacit.- tome let. Theminimum5ili~yalicalile, 1 sk tyou, amdli eb h vecedio t thiot, £60 Cy., o et siaay lioslmE--eanl, e.siaestnelujoaaia à~ih 1ment 3, ismdair. £25 fit a cess on tue pran- larecomnil TriMs. mceedaj h pperety' (andfreatiis »M. Mme,-%Malte memo n mut tGa Imm" ebuli eas, tic bouse ani lunak> falani." -- It ramae r huaiberis te ali e>ala LutI eveaing a eeting wvi linlathe me _yclfreis lie Truesaî 01t I à av,10 romueziSLt..eumaRe4t letake. inu . geacmer TicIrutacaet eorn ceectag &ine tlim uect. Dr. Barbrt anideiWu thc parants. Tic ismuflest scisool cealil r tad iffélrent va vsb F vblck tueyoum nu ras £10. Sy 20 buclcaca, ftil sishastme.I mmed ii Me~ti. Ti tday et .9 te 2s. 6d. per quter, asmmsmalleoul o ,v~~uAtUgiwhleuu tc Educalien wlhiuo evermorsn'saci gonfdpentlsgs on <baisa te leexli"bde school exceeitilunumber sy il reachid ethegclnasvic l elaea . sciolars, lie lter wolld tien reccivie a Irtanmait, sot au!,for ithe yeaii, but-mi ,cu. livea simustahl mdsOri -classe; paticalari, vies lhe lactuarerWv l o inatheas iystam msufficiel lis excite e <su ercraeintelecuii, moral, ani reli i r piri et emaamo.1I hini acholka taugi l.' vatlons, calculatedland heulcmini i maes, miuh, on conniaang vi ic ah ulti ures averks ta naturels Goi. Dr. Ilmtberv -m shareithupovmn.chitivs me' a .uclen 1 have airmai, -Iid liai inducersnta i s oteprehen ical pe m. ~d aiasIMMsp quiirea otu tbla pc4ad leociew -fer ibis tLe -arate mrellasohbueducation i;for a - . ing appeau eleseot as il la provident s a - ce. = a Raivlaie ore«ca dut, te<led71 lecii. vo salai,' e c. vii Y$,,felwv mes; tisarcfrevs ieau lieheau omeu4itiayuaa trafic. J ulilconib.orfadepllng ailpausei.plamaforculis1 p et~ uâilsemtu do,ssahias-Of tise £0 eteattentii e .Young tethu nM li. M liret Goveaumen, let5 fer cent, orSlOijbe te- voula elcvate andl dlimitym, mulae la icau.E' taine a s oi leiterast, liii aums etoeaguof Goil.v vili a moaa assistance asouhI gearte i cafor j16. DIicl, in la ud.esaag the meaingt , vîdnvaa @phaaa, eltor tbm sicie, or hisuipr- tisaitii.elabouing clames of moiety votwu* - s mnatei. To*tIt oeq nuaunder peci4r Ci- ig amore mpeatatstation tubmait lmtr cumnitnces sicli itf4 c ay aim, e"cqt ley suppoed. laprupefitoeverygmaiemaid vie ba iglâ clre t.' vitisau ut fer s85ma-Yai"depmeiauealie lubeuring cla; en miay1.a1iet. Let ussmec viahthbvealai vec ncumictougit tabe gieane d d.-n frtCil tat. russnumicase. Sa thc misai bimicat.epele t tu Me diu oGm nuler of bta is1000; tlis vaulal bo&- ce valipety. t he cad nuget cun auoufy s0$0 in 10Ojeus; i $l t,0-vihhnd mmdscelmc igsr dinm it - auccumwlati ti lreal, ay 5 Per ccnti dem Sofproeeni. s ,c, do& expenaek $1 shischi" hum piulai i. lhaln thle a.,iemaxt-aemIl.àc larvaria par aan. Dle I "nbi it le 12---r.i:= itM led tie iiad.v5 i asrcnt,. in bupapMlarlectures sail d ciaoffdmule, Tlierev timul e a fond f 16,M *matsml,,A.Adluiiis'ivIter I Wh"cii oe etenu cfi te-cier. ereiaes- Soir. nd visveid, h ïiew, b. boheai, pi f o t"dimoc iiLveuh mciai &ive thesq $16 's- gie cou memM, ut c.qois auy or a yeanr aci. ïBoet n iolle large a *0 g Ofn*J *imig. l - -obomamiSdele ui, asefor hI e ..M» m o huîg - piasas vie velatmevr cliiaom. , demI, mmm vaowldmsby chmp et- &c uaiueaiented la oda cu ve-«Meby hage f a- wlvandmmbeuceehut etCam-da mId cMIN voald tlia accrue an adequatatae- aO c.t oul vaz d Ai -oiscrYpe h PM a scil ralé uila icodlg te Ciccumatances bss wt deccat bbpaitlote anpermutci, aorlte wvu- aS it oem he i os- Ir, orrpi m rite.Alievfor a iniiueml avtUa e J mowedsth i parut v &c.,iee m bsa£1c £3, mi Or Oaci eseeid t a i m ciii meeIlaOva e cm 2 !!% glodliemruobmin er omte AU ae wbhc lIe" UaimonlIelhe ttihi isu teanid ate vasp, lai e d , lira v m lie seecued ions MSu30te £s a d b a e 0MW ai a lei arwfor aa olrvident. Ned1ihey viai leW , AMavs.~ i an ~ ~ ~ ~ eW 2 isicenlm tev ub. e erme t l-a vou e» 0 ruhlevegonras" ingWUuitva=d, mj don*Veune W.m ahatiel -s PM la a suIcau t aumi if7 iaa upa AaiuilarLeaiumelnetamie wyEam te ailahthe.p W* aadd w a olluitai b=MlCt tom ube..-&pae.mtsmmN imdih.liwa uriébboa ' Imum ~MMi U ~ M e I m I a i h < I I i k m a R t a i b Id a . - -m m - - Ls h v -1 1 1. - 1 mmofsinch prohibition bui ne vliera bren attendi- ed vili amy sensible inceaveniiâde.-'-. -4 àl memsaievvmrie.appecieaseicillalan mo-. huiéei rrsaal, etcn of i orinolyo h roahamining ici ahicloiits c-es olecf idiat ami depoalte, suab. allcsade i ilsdanger. iii mitge.teil liaideposilore aboulai b. upecajily pro- lichai; ami Il i fireai ual poerful voYtacty a-. uciatioog met dataI. a dangeroue contraitoae tic moce, miahiet. 1Wbencvai lie peer tissinga piper céahrent iu vestcla amakinç ceoupany, & neaciso ear. lSd la enter hta<suar ai nst mnorelunitr tla«.- ourare issuei, lIa becemea necessry lea tlie ilcd cedderaion e. iamcuat ofiepemlls,aivol amilim e(banites. As ia. Iaili cf hebolecia tihe leur vith cepeci t teh, lte semr.ert lfath- hld.- - sas efnul-a lauamuciaâated hly ti.ugallade iof tied îne te hdepoilees, sa liiiaunexeuiv- ioue e liog It may le t àpm et -are, ithemoite '4 &d-Irot b -1M einaitIe odneyfîcom a hramser cievedit, «orn & d a te oteor bai, tbe iysstcerlati ytisai. ie ho k eni accunt vili a bsanIi5reqk4e-%* paciai uçred sen ilsheir faver. Their lraimetb." ,ý* intre- a mc i a 1îtoge i2sar v o l u ntdary ;, -t% a m nt m l ve mli, b.loag taoi claie quata cmputd, v h ere te p ace «eu ce fa en e :metta re pear J i t . , lav Vii iancrao thse facihiv et msRln bapperr arlactien. E ,ç ts. benefit etfle gaaeza lai fortierecossny of ac Whimevo miy ta de *ste Ibeir sc.'viti eh leb ers, ai vilh any association of peansoiée vee,requine no greater pWmhetion in tut ressel"ii irtoer- ande ta an, cher commrcial c Tu ,11e legistura liseprehoba l.aihly S Wwu amoenai' r, assid preper on Ihat tub iln prov ' b iytbe eahabiinetoff esint a ,aà mute Xac[m o depcit,ala suppeaci, ISot he aiainoff L"e Proeiiiogs, vishiser re qulr thIle aclui pi,- meàtif cfa lautcapital,tiinqsgitm améàt, or rasuglisi application, znavet boire, aidcautmai 1 liait le extenle a i ndividuels or. if eacted' lie perly cnforcd. Giot a;t alistvill ever bahasouInfuence ove, lae maSV n hiel. Ne other remelircmniaa touai Iban itht trest eut pdtitlon. but ft m,'b. eqitlie1wioa cet encourage an, a.hlcia, ingeroum cencesaha.. tieu cff'cspiw il Oe l "0. bade. A Concentra- lieu of saciitCapital fer te prpe. f lenkinge ceawy, in a ceunIry viere lier. lsa a <eaI diapro- pcrae ctvauhe emnmlfor capit&and a theb edTmcupllilalitv ers nd sill are, proe-. big* (iiv ia eunier, nbd th rende, it d iculie îUi madlma iieuuiaadmpete wih te. 1 Ido* nef ppreiend, ifie ' bllhinii1mWla*labula le- pe M ho-le Cxtent abevre alide miii né ote ami*-- teitilol na de laintee e;«Lwh t't ntfio- Ieihialy ssocimtlon yul bu-fisoi, vil macap- ital as veuli reumier i4forniablle o amgerous. It des ne Do ec.hoveven lIa I rmitanuu , i 9w raspet couldai e ltanlei v a ny incouvcalrica fluai lisnecsnair, r4ha M.7A sla meraison vouli o= sOu7is e»Mgne teoce, a- panst lacreafion or "Y Caereil b«14 w iîh i tarence drames freom thieMe et thelieUnited ts veauldb.Irrelevanf. If fSe prevect de. rangement in eur dousastic excuuages, and tie lu. creaseilrtesoffpremim an in iny degr-, b. jut.- ly mssib.d gte iexpiaionetcfhe.cater et liaI institution, âstemcr rs.n moitle sag., 'idbudghfalia.cql sinonipasta, Ut aieo. lierffltWe,eaauio smp*rd ultI Uctively tcas' - liepisubhulesit 6 cotiue in fore. jlth té" Iotbbodies corpate, b 'e yexcea eu apeeW poveru or pIvlccsfer cochai specwi muipoe., mai alaouai vs b. reiriçt . d, là til rrbrciar md ibMe acè 1 aae cli pues for*" citbey ver. repectively te&a J4 stabi bepeepulerous te autiae,b, a gener Ieocace, rmii-coed, maindmairagom #masté Municipal crp tasos,oeui at aor tae "lomsmt an,'cer busine Iss iblfoc ;hi*cb te vU I 1 ci. h4t. C a iSe atrsaaeing met, i ea -epu l 3ni, liaIâmcw4 axpreaulyaxtemied leta r- ueahamvs;a prfiamd'*Rli vu mnse c yir mel tuik hétW*,, y tel, cieugeruajis ohe buiness, tor- vlcI ley wer. aneeprutel. Soema. lteitlinlathe as Mn ay W_, ar mpa , hai.t e 1 uslm tio, he bé ue epiafe. ay tisey, for ftuica, b. vemlpd, se lhi Av EgeullajetI iok mmnking compmmibe, ut iehéfeuiorfIamlng a commenfeta wd oaldal"aOMiMa if imy mpecie previsim et ldide fté'te Irasfer cf 11. sats iniidithb the E&piOd ffsuc-amoi.. "may bu eiilded, msudicapting lie rearpo.' lilIy cf the atoekholIdm4IbamlnrierWati l mnia in tieu lfl d mW.IISrd eeubipe.wbici Lleter eait taoinsat .k ýW eaeau fai peat-wur.ber of sltchboldé «orpeut-. Teah tbet Wquer,, 1 oun themate ta mu- élmil lu t eplamie. l7%teesseantiel abd dwktî. a. éme r cw fa e iîb, m aIoff heins.na eOn.-S oderpOeraiPcrpaor teslieneemesal> Ir aveuro a lta ser,' tréedith«»ce mi doftha[ro 1%pt or= meee o, oet m,&.1 a sdadma O smay at i atIfembewl v bc..m muii nt Unm les.mi ude. hIofeqgIÇig iw *% bymicomen seil~s bpe$1 aI Mu- nal eralbes. bytbe iyl rfe, m u r aIe « or~iii ci Adruhaco -tane note. iau ~ou4yatbel a alo of hl 4*et.a prt 0*nei onun do BANKCS AND CL'RRENCY. IM meliaAD..,'Aqm. Sa-Hlavin auimsica cf lith e or eofithe iealosd sier te Matre cci a £imef has 1I aîl I... paupe, 1 scadiuitle ,ou for insertieonlau jour U costtimgimvi« ofet un entmoandala fi- imoicer lu relation tealic sepeal, in pat, oethe r.- *truining laie. They n a siet nhoft ms, eas' abueevlosmoi expcrience, amdi iii Ioublcb. Pet,' satmchi, net eelytte .mbmerasoethe <ement leoli, butlteitho resus1 comma.anlî C - W BY Y O % cLEO N A R D M A ISO N . Janaiur 4, 1837. NevaYosi, Dec. 2%,183X. Sius,-1 bai th. lamer te reeive jou lettar off LOds September lut, respecllng lthe raslrisning uct of1.b mute, and lie Coniionsam onvh ih lgiht be repealeil. Yea alloveat mc mucl iries for li nivrer, tlit 1 pulpoedsithe ceasaderuhion oet4i ulijeet. Subuqa.ntly, en indiupoitlBcs visici emonci me oye veeks, put it eutnt. Myv" te atteand te it; and nov 1 have neilaer tic lime uer lic streogth nalecasar, for a liceouglinvestigation. 1pray joulte excuse lIe del"; lai the muiject couderation F O Permait me, in the lu t as, lerI te c&- 8ic v*lw" Iexpemei x>yeas age, mmilW We 1 vu censected viti ay mnin. Ia the "Cosaaisjratiousen Cnrcecy and eath ming Syatem of thec UniitdStatc," pmiuéed laitJet.- ai,183,1, I ii, "Tic peolihil I. yvi.te &rcI-).rto »Men yspeciesf pape; ýIci taa canimhaa" ou,,= earstly peeper oinileai neccuar,btlat freceiving depc. site, or* . dlcmlg n-tes% -ebah$uM=lhamc ied loué spec an md trp" ob ljece iaa sem certuinly reqitrevamus.. Wly Iidvidus mhl nit las peimaltîcite dapemilthteir Mo, dilh vhom tic7 plae, la net ucdaeleood.Z aventages, if otthe necensty eft Iis aee-o dation, (discmmîissg notes 3, primate banker,)ar mch, tiat is ufdeatood tat helwin qe ïtmhm ane cher a&chli"n"t'cJi4 ~naoicdi. eus '-jN suratdLesii t cesicolaImen r;x mailîe à cler i, ar *iuof bis amlimleite hr vie%o Iai.lord a4rs, restricltisre mer, pessa or ue t reaieras,<e t IaMMhedlc ofp r.t -y ; namhie)veato"ulneisany pbasa mte gdbeldrMei lae cieofIt,'. -or Wa hava, tritutegoetai peaclcorha---e odipersanscfa per he mscorp- us cuthmie but*te o h b mofte eimatrhaewee.4- di vels raoite aa. rlici e hth ie,- e e viccontin tent of Uoe nssof kcinglhe d0v inm enI .doa. mok anirbbal adeniny;exitbncebt er, icI, rn dursre a *a ritabIi lavi let En k -etb seeon thaeaibasale hc aryn et 'fitias. inc se lauo uebs ua es baleiDoamuiaia, orassiationeax, i a lia atart impulsseat .1 coWmmer i . "Y.. .= a-wIb aIm. .i e or eaines,' cetvhc à hemtr ad o e o nt inentsidc dl a iy emn iagd3, «» e tl iusud ;' st heui t, dessyi* Btt av e M-loq w besen u" y aith e basketalnoua yi thons this bdmady ai edesuhionheéa.. T Mdpp btmç toferme.toas, uai£mm hinsve c iliagla he a nopape WMasoa e, ile en comlu,' ai pli0 fidsate r amyuM clicoge u Bd lcg-maouile a" tieg husucb e ie m v i asu.Ta eu CE ism edm1mmfo - M i dw - à à" w quel bun neie. haa" nea à mwPm ........ ..... à" It

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