246 :à s Un -uww rb . t teaisbed awt nae Mmehmi miLagumpt " a «K MD. !-:c -w 1837UE i ai theari, & Cdt as her.nd WM m lbet moda mmd ruennlet dsnda.O A.M R.MEERS. E. P-1 mb. Dowgam eck dtpynabebamaatm aguM.Anm1vz ontb inthen limt ebe mad mentc Cou itudi mi mi lair ofiii' ira mon on LIMONsaym iUiNTETvbauq. or th && MO.! MRI fth Be ady eaaamemct tna our ini psgrem, ad % Bhe meatlme, le od- ltOBER? CARTEl lme Court of Jimefars i ayd mm7 01 " .vseamh. sit, J. D. bayte af ýq sIaumid<k Mauaflo Jq.Muia VERT TUECSUAT, te. h ivea, mn a reiev ~ stti mati! - Mmuil i b. PUhI'J- o, teho. wbi eOrP i LeMium~h ' 4imme uWtte lta mom tmg *e et~ r, cmsi- il»AT15 A f jj~J~CAL, A4~1ICULT~JRAL pJou» Wsauuar, Editew WO.ieW %mi lu joli Gw w- Q"bV, M bJM..1. ou ~ ~ n bc7fe w . lut 6.boywa MW*, wu îtava it.w*or«4 li MWS y« zlhu hIugi tapift oàhéfIo be u*m 0<hé 6. ie 40a cobun, Lw, à* 1"èè JBL*3L Nsy~ ~ ~ 7 lIuaMLnah~. LdwSb- sBihP w IGsIa a.tljuSM4t Canada, lastud 6 0MW useht he . .d101 On wMc t"ratwi6. ati 60 Puys. id * Ut 27êné dOhtas. Ye ieuamu.âamtheuidbm dkvo- la b j»ý mated- h WeiadUOhdi mt aa, goai a V" bu tm ut e ma mamanMdvuZ7 . M 1- - 'ba "m le bave0<6. hgdu su s bws W& 1"10 dmtheiduitg6 catd u ciam Md taBtte tua Mg- d My aff MSU t-eapM6.a hitslgd .wtlntiiUe. ceuaaqmaecfm vu atrth m rtBèek um lid;t. ,kA ym>, md by the Legiaatve Camal 811Y t insBîa eT pnerai nd jar»- nar. .baqu. Ibm "ctai"upu. -mmr tbm c. ahtutt midi . i.w M*otcuisGv1UflL Wa nvermuidummd Mi wiàed thut h Coa'oum uhli bu e .hod a»Y diect inuecaesaault*2U re; aid aven uo f« hc lcmmaremoa vecn.c pde th Wta tae. esol te mM th ramhsle go Juql~ enaenL For tibIs papousthe caMaI lIe rewcy hv vicith*is Msautua(.1 tht e aaionon ay inuamatiem i n radve heive tht it wusmId i heh Wit fro a teudemen uforth. pnivae de b2 to which they belong, " mthey . .i d a caution which dong ot a &aIl intarfere th saiàfctoMydiachargeof o t a. ,. W ave tiought it right te aay tbm mnch i In Of a circuanaance of whch, et a dis- th importance might Ileb.neezart bitenltion aid efectsimndwttad; wnw teqrt yeur Lodsbp's attenau e the aliRgettract$ of he Speehdetbvaaihà mor atthe opecig th Sssin.la. , id I have rcetejyc..&mma f Mr Moud b acqut aint y0o tiai Ris ms mcc heffier arsng frai tam i oramnM CaohnSitbuttélatt IbicSudi«au.a ils maexejaon -taau hsmut ma .ly bewnei , ntbat tIoaannge p us fw yun cosdenarlna ou C0 il.th ea objects of the Commision with uhich CiL h d RIS Majey te charx myoIf mdCM. 04r iaqurea lot t a uja-t misabel M*-etY'sGer~mmli adIhope id.a mmm tub le haden in Ib euunmam .1 tg svclanak S, mnL Na"i, lm e aaRlInembIjintl , lit VU Ob. el'y0f the Cmmi.iof et1bibu" 1 O, it wiU eththe fils au;l erga e'vto Y, the iseà da Bu y M nto of th e la ev ad 10 p" t such a î htM k lâky "M- a1tbeetieu uhs liss rl.In wht forao-al bmipt or ae t dsue.but i mIl . oe ltPoints acaIbW laaeevd - Fautdt tett ef tbe Sources cf that ftWtU0 thPe areede ve 0eppoc9dad i o0f Amablv, sbouli ha roavvadteof îIoIf teLegisiaure f the i'eevinc t- t Pr-m sohod ad ui 1 thf l ecltve Govemtaemt, Md ff6.1 Jutsby- udaqué ita vi 1fu6.ir ruua teami, E d' thaane wbk me du Ofth iemt 6. ail OZtenam < b gt ubu nte Pl~e tk b ye a tal P.a Mt bhos tea le- oequt o he jVU. SE m. me mMtku y aê bW ma evd Y, du inhmbs the. A» >COMMRcirAll JOURNAL& ~~AS-Vp~rékp aMaLA<GBPEU AkNU&X.oI=Ed( I IIAbVANCE,) ilTITINSUULLINS AND I NOT SO PAID.1 KINOBTON, IJPPER CANADA, TUEBI>AYt APRIL 1% iU87 6.e smeur éb6.1h.dia.km .h un m& hem Be ams id,vale hmot aeGvnar'swa have met indu"althe jhdgea'mlarles, hacame eu il hy adâiadty of M X*dy'sGaammt; bd ulmy a et ila Bheeiang rate cd £4,W00per t W"tbmt bey OY MMcmeoncienL calrhpu. me m ai aOR qotull*e moelai li1s wu.a- nance- utbmw. hava il ta your Lcrd&Up te cmn-,vided for in a eparate menace, of uhicis, oa-J mmu *@11h. aaflla, I M miiipeh*y ha duiredtuoaidcver hrif he havaemu but bis6civilea- et, il w" c ae esavmy thal tise a eaabotdUlthe boe » me laas dobnm ce on a templteai muntai a lrger amount aboulta nt h. apt.opex- precade lthe ccanpletocaof Ith. cuber mzvacgemueta caw gobé 14 0<M e algt 2.a em-aid Ita Be occupant cf tisat exakltasitationae. comsected uli h.ecession cf tise Cwnva eaa. ija tstltid M bi4tiV evenue. Wc Ihenea 12. As the axiotimg ssuy of a member of f&ac We hliave ihat hitbenitistera bu bhu an ezleu- tl PMW eaai ta hsiarulaiy, the cSai!- £94culve Ceomeitla £100 pct anenu, m»d se ltheaà"conscurrenceaof opWm s..lfavouo f rendevalag I Gens W e ammi te CmmaW .fouunmuher 016.abard appsas la prtica te 6. jaigosiadeaaaa al iacof the Casm at 606 IL riad, meast" plt*mWright ta e 0ana- bave bien coiderci mi", un hava eetaa mis,toue tb.1 ffa, and a( an aiual vale il 00 0h!hyW outLcdilphmi hmaplèema la mi lu oeaci £900teprovide lktibus depretfu r fthel. nccijt of liei assolaementsa. We aiseorm- d*4 dtémeaageumf the. Cern Lu vfpasmast, htu. Sisan!hav" occasionx te a mbupSenbat ise .paopaoty of alklting taeldm- fi làbIM ofatbe ea,.eufltve auàiyity dWane mea zymrpat te ycacLorddobp antis. mhj4a -aidiatremiuacwheieCatIc ;w * kIrie aptut evbe m . aigned te a t6. -Ezetva Counil moy, » sd vaqay hy ae oai"Milieu, bu ham pmai euw LqIsaiYaoi. JU Nmudla G.va.«mtd, thé Mdi l m7eam = 10 nov w apnada, ai, Thi. eaii&ulty samhogthabagib Md a mniak etLboII1 ulul aautm gea- uW"cW"nRmaleramlly affect thes .ilblm.Dai ipratiuelApm mSObLs te ae* d1 mia lamumm*0at.aib ~ .rahma pua 6. autlaodh iflaBybit cm .I *&yt m 0 a rvso urpooete satscy bubik hav4 thonqth fe do= m < aam13i tecii.sff eau ia ub insu e 10.fn Beprog ývit. a à wl e w sa09e atel:» 7= m d.im bci d roicea a Inilum W lm mta L tll tb l.d. fpuàathe 6.ir a eitoa mu ;iBe csa- Ibo JobemoeuetuimIô Wà SV Of. 'Dm 1' A. ývaar, siu teassmeli 6thcepueasi haêisaamas d *§Provincial b ta ida 4h6...~u ......ha ma,,a mentz e mtireoadaecth aa ae. b déamua. i- batthBe die- a . " W -- _aconspirelu Poit out Ii a.at»tca a avam.liaaiucet ta h. me~ iiiy pasubi antw e 'aiemuneallc a sooldmma auatd, that the je tilae pyupect 0ofiaeng bh ~ê b <ti 6. bon"s utl hacadou ut, ll bouti fed 6ha len- teBemesagae.~ ua4iBi #81% saBe« I agea àpeuiary teW nprobabityhat aily uni 9m -Pd smualiW0a4a i1iuad bt iew i spsmbio ntieaWa msapre- Menant salariai tt6.joifflenfil a Ceurt eoM.p- .c in gk:eo-w*miwm lbmftît ui bo*fo Bs ieutmomt men,£500 ssabe .poine etaih..awéécb l.may bh. Inhiltil lc i balmmiMuétes. lhé u man 6.mmua <6. Iler,Lbt more rgent Bla atnalclmlaha ac ihnlMay Il et sul~tbpe ik 41p w0<emiugemairi, diI!hie paymencoukta me h lvlve the.hiaire o f aurutule - u.04 adjut- [A daI!5thyh~1hsputeua am thculra oilé pmbWy vaquiro ta ment. Mvaaisg tle.cieuaumdl Vainddiud6.<théUWMta ebh*i d .isimamed by biuif eut ed lia aun mes»a, floimg Bei e am &ànl4ccàt a" ate.i n malabt" e Ua 6 eaal tm-«W. 6 huâyUs tise Pm fwi .. demvcur ta sugit memiu oaheb, basides h.ing w Cuea7l f ibgfe 1. sfir01, wlcu*' .Iaoa.hacoca- aaltay lÎ.lbemdselveaa a, h. lbay temeet bc P"W" wilulldh i.h~uma *"pdmtpiaeamme fuem amme 6. a civil àli th l e ccurvenca of the soenal autbiasy bum a auiY chai; maniv fe BatIbnuap act i ceul Uceo aB. ebà. ca ey mut h. eatd,va tbou id on ccc ita fi ~ 4~l~n ui nIma tascé la ,e qtaei tbeca a natag ho a aPatient aniimputial euin « aut uné 'd- _- " ~i a »àt dm of aea61acaay atma, wvode Wh scbpiuss bave cramsdeiose ivaea, fur an- pu ---a-,M ss emmeanaiý e-B paLaa"amuegM Wpaabn4 . h.bar dmimed aeteuiseg noya .M le Muuiy ma a ili walf Im m lLagisatvCeamtiL W. «nm sil lag dii omin 'a MW la nlapoiruraie468,49-- 6 < m B iula6 rne mei n My cmus havi h. a ed tola avise M î mutin.,Wb cenée 46uaâme mua, ni .15é, We -C" abolIla i"a. Bei a Betie Ca.malhbu mm blave thea baesulw- bl the làmnia 0<ummià Ban, . m n I*ê uule t0<to thaas6.<e MAâmey Eue, bat liseamwcinmcwbe.shta co cdiId qoair~.B Dila Goiaaihuel h. BOi aahmBe beau ietmpula,it m40ht haveabhau. .I.ttd « maultr, ba auuuly'ta éiwdu 1. lf m ivole. Ndim6.BeàwiniIy aan Mmdmbarte uicb Be AIimhly adm"iM Il et 6a~.emuaa thé,. cnmJm areatofa 0<6.vdllaoy ame i iaIbiPevi,te ashae eoptlc ionvof etlmj "Md"élu cieto h li ' f iOdai. .6.gratter extamt" iEsmliapulc. 2& Mmb laitpuj.ct WU&va e eli bingW ha "m ntare vdiauebtw é <*11 au~bnq &thé nue it =epi Ii cr Ldin laneathat wunimtai" te ha 1 iaut tahiala fingwmpBup b e a- tuy aimiamd cm breaght lie Oi. cora t =medepa estl eolticcs sa tt e.imipu.. lan 1u luce ene.-49u0«b;agt o athe memmi B rmcevecuian'M thla e damce IL. c ;zb jis iad io th ie *meuily th ~eus ave t talai . héur mi -y~p cultydllicééedety of ialiveriaug c etim<ith e boginaiîg of ibis acuienabut suh.faemty w alfvmdaret<h.md~<a - hs.0 cu ey =hvepami Veuaet ite ihum. lIamover et Bes. nasalaimexa-i P" liamtmumuipofvlmaui0<. qlauaMca aeiite tBe Gemmrplsiaaiteeshbisvie au pmmpeu. HIsiuiguas,i --_e4eag nu, tni, ubelalo. "b-of6 Bibis apê.vaL If iddtai. Bte diffculliiW the Jelcial Coenmitte ciii. Majaity's Fl- mg .ay uw" viava n a mater et buimsbut * illa<ti ubis tbey un aitaMy rate haut, il vai. da- vy Couna i saidhbo Be taih"uaimi hmi.adicii W veo sud raBa t auvma te pit e tace cb- tambai tu expose ibise .poaouiary uuetin- 0<mpeachments beseglat agat thtjuigmu by Bheo jiata utaca .hglu *ms pa oa Iemhmerammml, oe tuhavle aic pen Aaumily a(ibis Province, butliBentsué aeuity m adafllk, Ir* NuJait la a umâ te bemÀg 1a- t b. affecta of poulieal aimuitytBe duim )"Iabehl bta.. 6.imputéesiy anialia in tBe t à mu MMpmevMnbfteiavailgtlb. CéMM«finda mali h toeceumava, otBe phineit pa'iam nqutheel HâNoua, suta i'qinui auhilli hocamduasi te hWuinlaima ai mnt puyandi gaovemmmt- a* lii apnlaeuit he Be m.ciy of "kgaY el 'tintAt 1h. gêBi.If ltde usl ue ai mW. lbrcaf cr ceumaiBadi in io n ethe m- évidence, md t.e" omabi. ta ogv É*a ce 6.plapa0 amégervm6 lea orca' natiation, uicla togetbarmaneat tua«eupaena vimu dcF;m pce olog duauc tht . 1tia give ui l b ae ss m'. m i,' £50% &m e f £1000hoidhaumcugi tu- originali nqolcy. ,'tbIl? icWu fuâmea *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~W 0<.lhefuïav ir ibe 06 U Boa tailer ouomtieaM Ion," iBe unis, tu aoa'.ffl N prp ail wisprovio a *atw 6.1 w te etioal6ablaumm umn ytn fg.lgBmytai idt atupoedaeueeeiett otmad ej oe0. P08- l 4 au bikU Mp W < ta t elpulr cma Imais., *a "t.be-.,abc M ose, aqpêtbmIl d« 11a M the ofui 0 puls ic antagU, cv c s.e 1bu k e l aMentimelat1a0zamatialiend ââBe, if Bedoclia o eei. Bte a or u n lab paintfi Mesunt o0<6. neven- tfmie dene. laui ayc e, mi= nalivo2 memboadbouah. cuaaby higl, r~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~, nom co-ea1a mffva, .uaie Byh d b.lcmv mli in auueptoe- amievuaits te ha eiucedh y chialeige nid ad" ai - large oe uhtoer Min, thea -mullicugbt te ho la mem oayaven my alutnny, td mme Ilmodem cf procedove 1012, tise memhanmSa eMn yaecured te.the Govovmarmins sbe ie,and 0< bis chavgemso" h. votai by ,' .Aumty, tu b suodaisthBese mscud-anac- a thea iptougSU te ho laitte tL. Amamhly in lb. Md Ibm mon, &yaly revisice cof thevhaia, i- main tg ia oe ve iselar 12, ani da.igt ,m ees cmnacb Os thae eiciencyaugtitehba ficimat teorastra mmy inciam et Beuata an exomw te coucaithl.e a"*n: iatfia i oe. l a »»lmai b h.. ilsatBe aIer.vie asat.ho glvingledihlparia. cocenuai, "h im6.tBe - 1. . Raalg mSt &aide, diaiefare, Bhe mno"cf c- 16. BusdshBe Provisian fS tb. ememso ille MM" the mmildfonce, ila peramaio te si jklivalm ofr uliais tire up, vo hava ffluni Eemf tBe crewn, mamy Wi-mpm, bavaerii.promeut dunmg liethe le et tho invesiatae, 1. kp.&Umety 0ofa.uelatlmedao anrago- id.ou themeiy cf dnio amtia MM s- é M Bl ho7 apetivly la veql0lvod te undinl C *~~~~t *etptaea c atm e 1ll, dbamam e hapvnea<y saee eur6.tise &appoit c f gi 0<.utucuas, ta nuhiel hne aditic écati t" tamagpicpla.u.ematé a i lv ithobdWeaxpai 0<t.emd eireui m od tenvandibhallouai axcept villathe censenth a pUUn~ Âamase<I nibe abject wbi hferan mi b.e a"umihner inla cueh d thi e Houma;nd tIf aflarthsme premoaulau f Ita $ mla e i lacidapuamestae e tvrc, thépponc. It been ho.,ugd autrendcaait eab c .te id tBat thereewu héc montid miaailue 6.baie hainescaditu thea mre0iu 6.re an n* omty eor hmimala acatie d aso a" 0W1la HEl- *"e ais ho mui e" ul6.ut nutyeanla Inavemence, ralumuleEIgladleBepayai nto y oet fIe s mSed lu cocaiar the reoart Pr.vioteal il t a- atwxbelam.mqa apuet0<the splis ; at- charges, amd thé tse em nt et Ber. id beigmacd upn;mani tisai mauIngl a cmtm .leaia,6ô -WO1IOconi d o u a. .B atl'a eu o bytBe goum, ,copie@ of tise ubeo ai * e wigià '. tbeuiso. 6 =RlaIfueumnet, n pmssur ov- --- Be mua et ncladin r epotevdn.iavy te Sommui rthaa et * tai idnubiu of -plc uIb aarmlu4mmu cishVl hOfnilaitseie BoGeve ver innémof an adi i Mu , i ion tie Iaris Maqety'aPivy Cneua, Ber t a- IA . Tbesu sigIt b cbsringe m- lIcbttit eor e andesmam uhe have saçlied atcles of impeachmdent prefenned 4Trie a- CU ismlahaca.2Saalae emmcebhaiu tise g- id th Wbu lbenu aplnad ktthein- ly accoriang tuoihe natifoin. AI liaiOtageu n- pollieal, 1in tisa 1 iom xmoretmal wâ w ld M"iet lbere Aller tBe talaitcomiieramies, Iamsiieamtwveuhavt heen lawltot Bhe a n-osuce sndiviiub agmant be« inud by edid vo an ot paopétai te nacommemd mypnmeimt psadàvma fioàe t oAamemly, ta; 8a th mea ie duarge if diOW&dcal i aom- epeupa da thiâ hBaeud. liar . Midlntue - s. accsd juigafroon bis foncions 9- aly ampapalan dois. Amonpt6h pisnnul; gemalusas '1m o bave hmslady give. the 6.judge venta bSvupen h. dopired da t be inaBe fuia langli cf .ith.i e . mvlu" il C;at hor6.mlmg ort civil i itIBchargma uhih, lumnts, uma a s iloed bis intentioeci f j ai ti y eou toua,»aun"d'&Mibaiehavanaver instBe Provne bain ee.terplated ta mamuing from, the PrivZ Couna'il$ it als!Je t.yÎ Ioh. b deto ml Waag nir tBat nsme0an lb. mine bu beaumemaion lthe charge ea3" hn in ulie cmn 1 a>.vbf wibtUbitèd- a..saldureiie tisecommftetofathBe flou,se el i dcoente ceive bis officiailinr 1 be sity is S &Bboad si t be tal p siou iCmme la lSuau. oholeeBtat the coq- rigne yasfocthe dteofelle dve 11 ay Ianaiabwub il mb ugI lMai dts athe y savatic of the »«acala a Or wuicissapact- remanmd dunag sucit futtiier timeüIpeaI a- tam anmd ... r"ismben th, e uet.l anidiocectly concena fia bitante aof*.ny addrn frouatlb.Aammily 6..terlai or rls Part, l luBUi aj a ivuymcuacutyiîenyas l-Opiiilforeil nMay'ma. Gcvenncemigtithink pnpr tle ar¶e Sr Ne etmorfl 6«tmugc'hamatav; maiJt =.W"iBe lbe ïI*C*te.nap.emeatYeusftise people, ai are ltheaondineofet isB hich Ilnn raI~ ~~-. Ibm BeGvermuei maul ee .Ir.Iu- cei.ebt mat là eac einismrb.ho tabou out of tiiar la bviig faivand liis "M'uioe ath veut ut aesid lean unmlmi..y accésicel red"aib"n .Sisaul Bey or that Ibo end i ul e tU gthelssmercna cf deelding on accutom 1 111 taelka tla ipepilot biloe the te=-* bast atlad bya pe utgraast, il uInhece- gainai ise jui.s. We umientani tisatilai etO Ù7 mu a vi di oxraai a atcaduatenit tuia ia i n aBherscas% te make give ~pifttapafly çaaca.mi of the ypod * y- th. e Mamauca la ils proeman nlali pn-maW G nraew av ngeaerviicn sas a"isr fouri tenueata expet 106. re- YLiay . We bava n*brae, gruaitapawidieutitissailepoaPl,ua de met met ub>it strictions il veuld have limoped ou the exaimim c- mp bsbi; c e1.picplen prVi- aslie M ai teolb. uniesevved supiion, of ubat ltai Anmbr iceics ils 1rnetu- yI ouylaid iuudo hv uslei11eM a sa ui. usZ. M ;gtbi lyu,&i fils piapumg . edoui stcigislt tdprefen amqàaau. Tme Amiau Ont enau. vo hunklatM ,cm tefa te tit d a<gc ntu cloalva ulocf ilm&oe;nain;id a laur evat lberty ,die us lIe Crouis fw à&h h. tii am itutim ualéi mllalnbenra, weIoa" eva. 6.6theeue sud tramaqil- M:reemoel egjdliuti lgs lna K is m fasssOb ry Gluit gErilm lma iedien Canis, m- l,<. nlohimezei4*bI s ~epocsn a fa :tri i e <k Dmipomasmade oaute aï%"mea tua digndlime thulhahi paý W jrt antssy *b(lm »M* 6.1.6.. mm og!e 6. jî10h rribt2mspp , oetèb an y a levuil ur elier laVipoits I i.mavsépblca. Ibis bavn e .foave i bua i Iithe ue.e. sigst appear ceicaalated te gite eddilllcul bece la ci vil 1111" If mdac tisatoumi w Van t. la. tW*Il sedicta CIO mat e, ait Mmjsy là a,; cub a previsifea.,ai. et t euicbau dn&eu 'Be a. aumrib" frav -%&« mûr Eu the waraese0le puciiml Sw "aec e '. lyl lb e ~mus0<6. deautinet 1 a -hw; a ie ma f tBe Boption ef iaa*Iglâtirlàcam e ba*ff 9.3b ü uRe puat wvo e .aansiu at en~eU* y la aié aiqt 0,Ioualboe uat1w6lvalgia cf hale uham Ili mutlaBe»:!Ie.ugiad(0<bulaminm&I 1* uld ha dsuii e àmmàauly. 'liaijadm. tamlinl ua* due..bac lle aaPheime.. mat 6. amyheothBe a o. f Govamutut 6.1 hindvb a maidret.u cl.AuImWu ta *"y taosauaiti. a Vmtta lg &?RedueetmteBveyz atnael.a uib p Ima Ai a ut le dDmB m mý am li RAt a miteil at a'TMbih Iu- ld iia pme" etoia" dapta"m. iig*A a.u lia "mb.fsti pimmnd" of the daam ifbu yadaptai, vali isgptahe tiltcmibew bail 6 m 1a oea -l0-Vlu0Baluaa0us6. glnun coay. - tedebs bUt.cisunaile Ytje4gmailimcm. im lemumetai ..rr.W'. de situé y,' t bu iamdh.tom 10e-10-4ai.adml.atbcaill, LmalagamoC o i.- auwilIhau W ,u ü -am i ripam anounth, . ,e nlcaiiBtmm ai u-ua 34,- Rat evusb ldadtita e ik- È"OthattlilaWi Ottara braaenyapdie MWm taIbo b h ape a tJsmgsUmuy bishurlaa6.Bta0mlhlam l die- biyaa. _U-Si's aja e-uuaidme ~a m.la.e tI n - bu6 ttaa <uJMgl Mqdy Ceell a 'W IaUah 4u Ai es tnlaata t~t oia Jage a aisful,< bu hdiw. va t bm md.'baiy ai atajoui"à0 -&- r s 6..5 pm*1bu6 [T. H. Bkuamr, Priaefi] Mdingvtdhmalthamdane ofp ban i te ouwaiM e aftm ithacaed,"nuevac, hky; ami vie pi*ehea thora naightesl aon u ma 6.PM f e .legal pietemico lem a s .6. th i e fa taWnliten hem langmi; mnd attsa Ltrgièva Cinlil mlgt ho ezpected te dacttMay -Mus.hich sboesld vemde atrm iam te maison lathe e ldmfimpeubimeni. 2L AbulieaxpedaMt M' be h.derivc4 flo th;reJait <of Ip1mASteate 26 <ac, b r Acm* tonof tiblAct,2W mnmqlWitaha cisca..cvevg ueu.u6. 6thetal ci .f .a cmmtted la mue, i. ndcr Bat frei le tau' p bm mPeuta Mm amay le ,celee ce* erhah1ncs 00e àdoÊkî Of. b am ta tesfi ue iiI rtmbbeUaaSmgaveahtae upuabisby a etise rai abmi,, amuasi wU ieauaav«mby à ne emu s banaleluth@ tabu 1 Wevemcéuyfamy tri- il principal plaim ubicIhbave hamim peicl E 6t6. a colte"a oa fa a muitaociaemmpeaubannta, I lae objait. AlBeqb- ivo ulutiMy "6.6. y [Aimialaca"nlà aioinae recte deIcat 4 il th *u »ll.quùi e in uIjutlctj tise é semanas Vv *fit mpiar te um eitrmig,ithé a wu MM rehnr l teaMy vil"eaa i mItui e~ ~ ~ ~~~c fé ihredh0phee .slave- aemmeaihr6.pa0-eblube aao2ant e àriti% ym .utiaa uhicb il mii ( stra m rhel" Panli WLogislatim, hae. ie Pllmnitivem aiamshh- neydlP--. t Wui ml vou pummei lag, la 6thé lsit -cul maaa o0<mbtelmj .We a bave, Bkeuiw% 08ca-t. Bheurmic Bt1he Lapa- t dave-CmI iau te h. lnvasihtsd ilslisMWb- i tlsolasiBaPa* aé, t bat voh"simil Se ave. My amueb.h- !e" o thesmbéaaOfaecaattehabc Ihuecepe*tat ty impeachments; but aBtet -e casu 6 v onatveeu te sdaanyI (maleasMeaigt. " i cpuet tevo bmai "Y ce. Baus. atgi;e.Wm-e conteintcungales WUsavlng bld beai Yoom lerambip aintse ont. 1 patim W" Sishaveatcama uhiais ar vk,ieav- i eggit te is MjeyaGvenmsmte deciMevw Ui. li ai mu teeda curt E.the tlai et mpadent o" ai, itmdl iapu he romahe t ia ma paimnorea sau mmut t. dvutZMt.FM P«w eaum a juiqe hy mm &Mdat the puugatlvo, ma dm"auis '.1>'tBe power noiodua.md l i Ir.me « bath Homme he blie. 2L. luaader t le pet*Blloail giLgalatve Cdmil miglha eenmbw taivryanimr:immî hy cemmwmhmm Be rmgwithmtarty 0<mAcl0<6.Legis- ltea. on the bd cofMa= b 181% Ait.Juse. Touchei h.ing union iccuatonIr e b.Aemm- bly,a meump sultdmethie tuelduaf Bhe Lecjaljuv, aîgaiifyimg the pleamua.e e h PilaichobagoutctItioneofjthelcue shaUliha hftlte lbeLeglmatveCuumlL lIboscern- mman mt a. cted 9% , treniems whis ev canna lte, as Be coevapcuienece .m@abject haiveen tBe Socreyofa'cStato and tBe Gever bus mat lieu lIt ounveacardOu the 8â Febnnary 1810,~ ~ g un theae m . u $m abjct*à cil, W. mmmlg . mdma du tris! Somefutar lmodeaicof& kW vo th ob. made lanBPvovleemlaeol te b. mat.engImmi ý; d tahcllo.Uc Ii ie meramutian smle have a.mamo tdhe l Auambly, mi Julga Vaméa, altelavi ngh lt -mau iâd.,' upoendmwlausu etc a6 11*,6 wnu leth amatse kjuof e Cortet uhic * eus at immnéeIrai an6.6. O 1s f *lM uiNe me- 11.6 Cvi t. ry -igmlthe efullIbit mw <6.Lgitbbr eaahtnig e td a ur bleth Ilapua*l qen @at vaa aai itra- .Aet hereatouistItiLcbag tci IcourtV 1.th eIm b" i au éÏle * 1 Auam lie fuar giani dim meat aeis tbe ib.Irea mI Bsioe hahlire at c@0fa«tibu aemisie eibiePti gls afo.Éeuiecflal-I1 n t .hlbe m . " tyAt lIaL*slm e 1htr ii ilv amuab anoq aiiooh m ily h. aaba ett on- deit mch; canai luopon"ve by tefusiegle bnhg lia umesati. halaiW mt ieïeiLâi emuwmemldim-0<l*ce Cetanhe ame *fle.et FOI.laWbt*Ilathe poince bave mahouheauoai16 tbaiepndm f tise 1 an Waituisiêv iullirif .er clan o- 1maie. We m an etfiufian expreseclah éey bv,0< 6. juikm fia the Aikemy and Sedmvae ; n, fmi ha.teutive ve thmSp Be lid u" t o retain laà gusa e*lmlm a *a Jm mimcarela lm3<tu ù* abil ;a6*aAwam- ~M6 Lntidiiweaemnet"670h.* v teaOa~.i,'0" * 6 aImcamaet et0- t beenduam4tecet lm dtimprede-M [NUIÉBER 948 * 'T- *--~~. Iwm Oiat~F miA wi5 lu fS 1VAM 0 TO emoe AMY1TO pi« A s T- mpemuos ef management, ercepfing thepansions ac ament of £551>pear aium, cf uhics w0 4la afr more paticolar 0inice presemily. lu spemm .in the cecèni division efflth. mcb.eduloi nnbubidg bu au average cf tre Yeats ta £l,3 k, fiL, art cf finctizatiag clarecter; iisey meca tai aogte te head cf tise na'sme t, wll Be ce oenf thelait emtry eof£ 88. li. for Be opa. f sendiag mpecial mewemra New e.Settin. aide this item, w.e ppreem à"th liareaniàmgservices, nom defraycd fila o Crolneveaimmi in..te be jaid Mm 6.sourcele uI poaai, eusvaMuy meéy vi ofAuma mer naieiht Wib raupacit a Be Pulln M- blDaàwi i vy .ciallce in jamae maos vila Be il. 13à owLoàW bu prammibtevar cha tbi ipaisi B.X. Steemý ideamida secumity bea aaidatbae ii- aiduab te *hm.the Roya!l ounty la U.an- gageal, h. divstteameif eveîy mieui.1ave- afer tevarding pubic menti, eimpl haithe IbermlXy offtBe Mmhly. Fl'o ie esumou *licb rére Walvabsathé1 pensins odUtâ asua eptily, i vini hoeePem 1s isyfb mbeiin armeette nie -*hmi*0 Creuit ieeUiet Oqia altle given pthsmi .lh 1Ie ihelarged or gamieedCâ haese auu .29. luaiaditios teothe pansie xprau.y cisar ed#uaptheIrevenumes oeee gaveaupWBe z cdu.n, a claies b huapmfarvad br- c len macn=Wd, a very d msant eai6. lela bAis - -%r&artie * hulhueaIAII ear usansverdta-ait atau ic usak pude te ina ati l OM' lm ahoilisie of hb ie, ma feu yea" g, bbu cehiasva- td by *1. Asmemly éane6 ail(BeJ- in ,rs 00,c rop Ca.an d3Gs lé W atiabem a.W &%teets evansie -sgtt;wd aury iai Ze boa net lisat gtited c e Museatci~' ruli Io ta msihr olinho tr " *ffemhly luthe a- lae. oftgay sliultim W iti, v Jaap~ equy o ceb 6. hepuymacl7t . a auftme out ofthé Jae am alsait àeioi fa »40 oeaute,ilt W lai BsCou a t PkMnuo a, %W tîhlu ai.d~m4 aWim me i aie v M n psaa~v umy f 4us Secva y 0<6. lut. Pomici*mglWKbâhrn s' it it euli oscia tflels 1*11ltA hnai I rba1ai tse posacs mm map*am ferLithe §Clos isestï d alim lae ta r. « -t0< svaklL*aAu7 Oh eoardtp ler daahlanb ls"a ube ojiseBail Bedtrscljcfte aàRMar câb"ehQith- t* bason of 4bmdilimdiaflu thls"$bu s "i.mo.n h 41 isert rr.llti imIh u ldniIe m, sathe toteulé ethe BMutera o te Clfl Iol fit slan- claiaipwob Cali' éai e nomitsaiet l l alareI et ïi. se.ýt. oweai bMay 'l tiabouIitb. premnirthne r aie 1h prilM ,aonf bse ex ai qa v ied, Eal aiseuli A osaglthorea do &a pot otie vl IsUg %eloui< wfyilnléi cam a volai. iuad altiai.tpamapi i Men<aio Afris lies4loeaI Be uve nee ulhl MrotOg<ist n til sit ri ml W" mnmud taBa pehile li, lte pet micof. I «n mtIg e ii eie o t uiseBsain et-f c4a athenyetuieMmen obeot es-i the *ebaUe ihaga eolbeëaël Bdai .1 nll the - a<frnt hih ~the u epuW b- 6.6. mttaaeie a'uffibiy Batai hi va ,ta p MM aun taitla amy gs omuie- 1fnpat iadugecfor pu sri lc e ani4ar litiiâ nla §cei agn bee iaillai m le set- lare abio ald e dbetua hmialuthet 6 I- aIma. ahi cecthmme" lifas Iinatvd 0 Ug te Mseu th zoamay fo»Mn. lko a . PU otiDawoe es il 1:2à!P~ Md110 2 - '- as e oqsa _î âl WL ued byog»M- ý!jl evél r 1batbot tào. etuviy V~8vsutuu. - &itIc I ýp 5 741 , il