2417 ?H~ 'iii'pga CANADA BEEALD-TUESDAY. APILIL' 18. 1331. Sols et aSt lanb meh Ismaý IbsIesis es, am a" yale sud âQ laimis told , vrue bue a otbaad ma Dy OUM "eia @la iUs ius09bls - mm* .sme ail, iqecoara rild ameh aS rier thiai oe' Ltmai b, . a mn uMam ibdew m y Lumablg oi thm Suar ima' se. dmte hataia m tugm lis iarie ains Myert %et foa r bu b islt MIS vii hta cocn 'amime- -g tla su éu,amid luet wi partma am tk tOt, ry. f mo Mo ta a S dbut filstg m Wh u id etlb.r deu, ai a UR my fmaily, aditibre ey Pti tue ay ei ghe muçt epUlm th mybut te la famm e ut irImafnIedf r Ourafleai 1mai saiie te leus Sie. e. l. Edata, reUmu a elp la heaite u it vini b doag a ki large. Butl1MW apcd imited intefirn na- *~dgUet anldelitut, liIteet Pur T . luico isVppee C" Bsoai mou. l.oeergiva ale hî rebuiticlpgo dli W=n lia s irun amy I" r isée Rates Sicretary of v mtar lam" ata Lis vely -aYa liadu, Itia ia lie abie disitelive lii àmti 7ti 18W1. lmgmaimmt *bm tf Wiael tatah aulu - y j.Sw1yvs SOum& Mdiliiilm m . 1t deslAmSywd nno& bmîîo 4 let - ,b, am y mte ~da7 demtb sW. IV emc amneo. uday ai la" fxr#d d 0Omida it x- --r mu *0 lii Upart- Mme SL Geiile r- op"Ibmmag, amipioucdd s mliiLii' N' basosUmbui falr bi-a kba.aawahe,-a i uJg ,forvdar SWY niliai m maare dsuatàe tis à àk 1 "ats the " ert UeUaIImG ,.ti diiiapits m. iThe ttmadT- poWUaes tla Ou p~ ia ~ TiiDieeit e l WlIaiCaa a- è, Cenon Ba~Md exa5di«McDIbSl, hq% " ctdby tI b be end, hWm Josg. lVue. ulay, jobhu â ,mad Joepiheaît-,, Eq% lppit4 by HM Excd*IICy théLie. Goyer- -t. R u oelcybs ued areasardof £M0fert miiiiemm d th@iepmuein i frd lai thm Nieueof Imm sJenum, of Ejita. AjwcatiI i a ti. OhiaGaCulemues - dEtisy ami Cleaase UtIi ^a fr=u da & halbis, bh. 1. P. P. rmimh m a"nia utu ommmee p m dra th1 eamcyfathlieadltue. e lie £16,OWgia nt ei bock waters ef tha dis1 dcl, tâ im~uti thc..uenalijif«erIbUM s-1 gmeut of the two 1er acitlion theTrnt Ca- M4 M.d a. tom for ti (lnIaad T Km; liey ume aufiIow thér l Hm Z. Iamima 5. . odoc, A.,Mm UR Jaugai & A. S.Fraser Eqixoyor tie £Zn, VI on tht Tret Canalhieu eaiwy,Csc Anealu, George S. heltoR, AeXadR M c».4 d4, am J. &. CaatwtIPi Faquinme. for Gan là-9 tu, ad WiUie'Sowden, Esquires. We am difopinion,Ihatm 'ntpoin f eapmb"ty or Ibaracter rutile eIectioa cau bemade ta itiez 'et the selecota-fC"lrg Star.] Ciptailk Creighton sud Alexander MeIlonelI, Eq. have ben eeced by the Sochiader.te serve as Drtctors of the Wefand CamaI,Çompamy for the ensang yer--(NiagaraRepst ars ao me- "Msu 0sU1 ' ou- àPaaL, 1887. o7 JewofaMàwr&S tie effela f a Moopoy, esaby L. PaJ.-Englaaad md America, TometmukyH I Io, toùLTii 'flite S,-d r, the M e.1; Mac bud,-Tb. mtur, a tiAn icdmr, lecllcrin te e lse,-ou -ie Fi aatle,ft. a* - hTh oud Thelind m'e,§Brdb teHoa. Mm ,. wnroto,-Uoe C lovera, by 1M7. HoWittr.4Jupi4 Swa.wd- %ft Freel Ever Freet tt unier-egd The Drame, ~ .ryNoiaop *01-The ine At,-Mnc,-The Laie Pete Pireter, M. D.,-The Dead Lve-A Moisie', ML'-o"no Chnarcter--A Moher'5 te d planaf« à-".ngLi Casea qurierSisso ro u méce, Tbià Act epealing a&t forger acte ou tie Esai S2ietI it.es thtisse sud puce fSrlie aivevl ýfflrt acrding ta ti efolowing mcale, wbich vi 9", t " -e eaes walhout uniyfua"lienamis. ptmu Oni,, thM su inevery cau the doy ci&@ webve* Meplam apet the lAte T Lstadofth wrdTaeaiY-(HaoW- lIsiet. Town&. e .oia.adApi Cwàj 4)wt1 . jn udAd2âd T. d Jiz.sud Oct. OTTA0 eta L oaaaoaîj.. 34TîedaY OJan. Api. Jue. aadBo 8171.T. et _"bar. ýd-T-Oxarch sup.ad Dec. &W4T. alum. 'd T. odFe. sud May, UaOÇt M Tof jan_&bdA . edt.AgsdN. te eu, ls 2d T.'if Jdyp, aiOct. At9TotayiaJauary e 1a±TU NILWC'L' 1Apt(iJTi.. o aer. On th Secod Tuday miL Moomg Ibm lur- o eterns ettiag 4 thuIbm et h1 ay f Jan. ApriL- JaIyam Oct. s S~t Naàà cbahb4e. At 1% Aïmua tsamls '% laiamiamUÉ* OIe5-- ibealsi as 0fr te ie- Min me-vie. Jamu Nielmils, gPaasiieni. E.,loi vice Feident. M-i -0ovs hir put c elmwg soutie* Mdi 0eep vd-, lamesPoell, Omm rMmes, Walisr £es, loha Coe=, mIer Jic ob* melatyr mi nbsudiay tamdlag Catmillofetu sfye Tm m mla the"m lis tbaiptuit lle oemilIii: MtW emera exposaMatebit, b cbirblcoxb" ai',u sondaerle a :, lhevmséhe mtve " ghenou ai a i dean4 ha« aulerasbl o..vmis4tu. =*. 'a u- ta es thue mnadaseia e.cad in re hm oi aidoa citmaiedn smu as vsai meu calul maelueciélae. " h"in m e atlica u ,mi sa rosives-e Lai, 1in b eim . m mbete iu Man oR .Wl te Pasllaeutre ats -~ ~~~~z vaËit.tsag iebase M. pe d h e Nmi tam hers"l'v9w malld-i.bsvs riosi a"Idmal p .hm deic lamnmet te s tdheSu iie«ouse- Nlimbes butbien upecall mdihawBs 7minu. teod tu IMi Mi mi fonV tse otre vamc bc masW bu it sM*iu yte te e. - eidbimaogsstauiOo h S mdis, laS nD mn redb elsavmtags htiiMocsa lV ne pn 'sa~ t- vealagattBonnes iS tae WILL bi receiid, eaih eli ethe iPro- vinujcial Peaitentinry, outil Ssoidal, the i 5t dey cf May see, etl a't4ck at taon, frr esi. illlmi4tufonisisMib quaniimsof the o meimedaticles et mal bc required fer the mesofcthce PeWupmary fer sir monmii,comurnaing Dot iii uatdey of May nemi, vis. e' lcapctçd Prieinalsi leut aispeeUupeel. iriait Bief ai pet Pound. "iaiYeliev $"N- et piet poua. I* Mouli Candies, at pie poumi. Kilo dried [madinMut e p&st ReL. Ratio..No.l., oualae» isiet ! 1 lb. Brome Bross, t tlb Sait B&Wf -I Dumil ateoca 3-44 lb. Sels, j plas Nolammes, RaionisNo. 2,. aiaeimg eau-el 1 t. .-rome rad, t lb. Sail Fit, 1-22 Bu"bsIPolatoe. 8.44 W-S, I-OS uMbLlmiai jplat Mclsasa i-22 quart Pesa. RaionsaNo. 3, ca tiuiaabaof thl. FredaBi, 142 Basial otarace, 3-44 W Su1t, I-fl et. Puç,ur; c-M ladinaJIMol Rations No. 4, effaistiag eai of 1 lb.-liruit Sic, .1-22 helPýwstoca, 8-44 W .Sels, i-12 or. Pepper. 1-44 quart Viamegar 1-U quart i'eei. The SaltiùiaMW Bief eami Fiesta 1sf te be Imapeteis Primae. Thé Ilt ia M uaite ki ila dele. Th@ Bisaiceu Iiimadi of teuW&uqt, IPI0 sauusitp u dbpeiêd"*U ta bi4eait ustlepM ao ucetimel, S msy bm mccvi l -me J m Tlbie n~u t Ib*~4a vlM ei 4 te4 m-be put mb Allporhvaetca t u isme m te imota m am br487wqess JOHN MCLY.ax MSIuL KD. Bir JOHN ASLL Bop Sb"a Ipelutdsy etApil, d7. SRERUMF'5SALM difii .lu T1. , Lua'. BMiscu Abmiamer Yiraer, PWIO*, ma David Joua., D#fWWms. »Y VWM 0(lams ite eea-00 AVVi itw oat te oud mm in a Tu et = % on edhesday lie MlOti r i w ulult e , riena, tille am ict emn et Ibe ndDavid Jobs istSe ilsvlg Laudavis. lI mambe17 amidiendbh& dt16, t amea' cf the Tevaiip of Mmora. sale te hike placeaI Tirelvie eei. Au! peuc haviag daims opec hffluais mu by moipserina-Y oâisrvYan qi$ moa.B * a mea«bi t lb a JOHN MeLEAZi, 1hSb M.I. BOADING AND» .A rSCHOOL A VACANOT Y v"W * fr Se itsil mentat-cSEMAE ortueimulbctis = . DlhaWgla Wolm MISS HOBMIS, aortuehlae cf P-tii Lumes ohliîmeata t liaaly, bigales "ll,that itii ber letemllu te yemvsmamBeilivifs, wierae b eah Sdmt- id a gehoulfor Young Ladies fte bdlt iss Yomi VU put mcium, and trait atlfctic. te the arasMai gnrdie.m a( the Y-ug Isile midyumwe te ber care. III. Rilas hq.. (osierustyle etdn k=u * caill a svmeuniaidaileW tua, Jmmeisk*ILeMD. L C. D., vievill mo;the NiaP*baeamudmllAzli epe e., Kleaga l* 11hArtal, 1837. la SI. dCaimCm ba, o. ILmia on" ne& ,Bsksdbe to Aàpil, 1837.1 Ogduu Creiglalen, sud Alixander MeDmel 110=is., er nrnouy slecedeD"1etee WeUmJOHN CL41k, St. Caisaiamm, 8rd Apl, 1887.1 MABONS AN» LABOU BiS ST. LdAWWRENCP2CN lTCi i euaa m, ai or N.T.Me u vi ma in i Comwa M A eBmW7.1 17=;amfztmh S li caieatais ta»à100Tm ml c Cel «"ai-, lal MdnS bita1 i llIy Iadtit ie te afdiliaîned mmilef bte. ruii5t aiet cul a li C msy ma ferte Ibm altatd rt.i< - li Otam M l oi muelaala Tese pile awlta1 eme lb ake M otbe-ie pou-i Wara t ealelaiasiI B.. Sm entpy Ibemiathe m tla kots ofTimvrods&MMImpMd dbrkl CAPTAM V AN ctzvt Bzàpe do. 5PM Akzudfia Dy do. . b a H C rac k do . p H.hor do. Rohiu Taeday IL.M N. B. :Pasiagersfur Toreto vaarmive tdm T.eaday cveulug. Goum PO Noa, a..VAa Levialma Weducsdoy 7 P. 3L. ye..ptova do. 7& P. I& d. 8 . M. Omvag.do. à P. IL Mai54'. HraiNa do. 1 .%- Pu"chCamai do. 1MctAig. Alexanrj-Ia ay du. de. bck"lide.de. Nenimiewa de. de. UnitWed eit wîaIa,* te- arnetï Iqm d a~ . Y STEAKt-BOA? CAPTrAXu A. Satiau, ing st Se lae npffà,s ollew !JPWAU&S luvunu dnm* bevcay l .ay « Tona.1 <a éveniag aauia m Lvitr -SMadaymumg. DOWf4WARDD. Liea ULevste., eviiy ?&"iy *yenUS&g <a %hier, Tcuiy meming. snaivlg at Oonebirgau eaIaqttuh douarnd pumgo. e. bied, et ILo IL aâtr...........ihu' Wmi. Bucey ............. tmnikb-fabea limay Fod ............seo th le io mm eaUament Se o e 10Ih orm mday. st Leutsle, nb - týpoa4 vsým;mym the ieS fa mg et& d am" ihtlw muave ca*hus quis, dm jA00, «A £ ' = t a t e v ia m m ai eimuslpomauwm tb Seceffy mpouN*tmenis.Cur4 k T Mdabnmç ofeta vi ap Ths ipet vin.. ubide addiogie (set (ram Nuis Md Soth, asa 8 oi'Mu md WesLThelisditurme. .1elevis. tbs bl"la1"sisal h e cusbe. T in sflM4 eaabi bi fte.eh MOyenq jmesi«to mi S5 cmo phlmdCul té b fmrh. 2 se g» B r-evl T.lb P el J. L. how*' pa~e lacjarmi 14 dtep asos b obe*A*,h lissai te e.1 expeumi itesat ilm-t lie evasem -Ail beslgbi-mad cege.te bu MW- ai ielie o1f«l th-e "geodo. h T"UmmaeCommuay la Ib"sProvince mi la j3nm Cêjuma, publMuies-their TAUM Fof PRZIQUT diùg the ajprmciaug aeuma, le UPWARD. Pru tr , iih, mmbVÙItg . mmd im EaBuami glasmume, l. «.esMai Z is M. P.,lmmmae.u PffaNa.......m . .Md.iOka vue cMd Farntur......45 j. eft Se issuleat dem cuiçe mu ai.11«4 of the Umm. &eTle. viin- DOWNW.ARf. Teacqarb......... 44m Wmtoiemksil.7d . . AU subr descrpbm et dow1gJ co~ o ii .d Kg t iu * ý. nt..1 daiMg thcUme, aI miiamaaef< mia. $du Aa* beéinuew~s et p.tj r Imamz -omy ismu m. aiT6 lm t"70imi. dmçmt* te d" mmeaibm ysO'et-l-ima" kir membmàdiisia ai uesm, opusui Medow g., vilci mmi b polie.mcr M"y ba'v.agsbutheluiillaem t Or lares. %d" Oair<ceopwsm aie"$ vrs eUra culve teteiLo OTAWA & IMEAU PORWARIIM Co. !.i t.abeeouafaer aidea. :.i FOR SALE. .AE I W WI TiraIs ai No. 1. NOR TH _ drby flapi., Mccli~, ~ Amakauo.s. VAILUABLE eàpl,< FOR SALE M T T" owil er WIf t MaaU.Ie Mx ma NE wDISTRIICT OPfIUS27NGS. P Suabhe ohM i ktSsbhi, 'ery v9mua bePriipefty, cordmaiatlofget IWager Privi lofe--Tm a ,SearA gooDweffiig fNomes, WUd a vil cuhîivalsi Fa..-. uew Sair MIII, lthi tvo 1.1 aboies hout of Sion* iateuded filea >ie.elg Mal-a Stoe .Building comtaiuing a .TI.p Hammer sud boesLuis.and otser mea- chInerY Fpuplby Walea. SeamealHaudzssl liimof Liad, atuÈted ii viad- e" pothle peovinceà The whoe or a Poan wal i.Sold er Loued ou scu.mntdîtng lieume Mllwiighte, CaMpeteman d otiiei ehnaca uI dm4d lii a lavounabb .opportnity te bicorne pçq- éâmmecoSTe"m LtutsAie. m Uhey viii have "l hàern loélpsy for theui. For applyif by 'etau (oil Pau) paleIirew. The Préperty la whoiy Ùunacamberedy* sud k. IVsiDeleile, THoedAB COLEMÂ43. etBleilMarcetaâ,wlMf37 hase Fiases, Raglalrar, r Suamagale Cowai, M. 1>. à O -TI. aton Phîifipi, Jteltbd if Wua.Q"Zvtck 4De J mwilli etalA m c uâaltliee là-1is To 4â$t ml atmottlai cia, lish iaýemf. muMeDuMaIM "d ip Ziick Mdmialslalsp et tie Ssld WUIIM BoiO deceas. ed t Ai eiolg pu"e.oftLami,yma t 41 .tV ,33 lSO9 dé ' - U 44 i i24 l a " U -U . 1 * , dih i a a . 4 oà idiVî ' 94 bée ao l ~.M, Timlov;. 70 19 5<«5sa t li4it«L, or ou dir 10 e - 5mb l~ 6l&e - èaI TuMd The l.M& ofissls~~se IM-186 moi Lot bu En"sl ,Ibd k ekm . auu--4 - m =GUU#1m thle d oyt>a'sz,'~lJdem la ~hmPj.okweLg.àsIbviemsltcnf, LuIS amiLc~ Ié~aolum~m .t à& . ua. wÔdoi, O-C . mu.m aimmd lb iisWM.#. llma Ajl te 13 Fý a Md mILrn% .ssT de.A1A de. de» afi w ne . ...........M.. Af 00- 0 0 *eit a dm of s. aitMdw b m =e u thei mlu e o egait DOW Ob Sebgoa. le ispU ~ 4ba4m4.GlA 0; sia 1maal0, UPPER CANAIMA - JaLu »mmOUR TotAlmidiof theay T ofc . i. -QiDit h8Pr, lhtat ~>~~ E m oft bf Ctit o e t- su., ~ ýbG o.taU lS.Tw 4*OIl. aiM %armlllwviW"lld m ot l ul if eouLan OoeasrCe oflg di - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t uni TiryS~sf AELnid 1 au &myes 41 TOMAItown a" Ltwwm -&Iae«u un«tow. - »a t'W. - 1 . t. Ir, g'? -r li il -il 1 " 1 And miirm ai Ymm