Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 9 May 1837, p. 1

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~~¾- -~' ,~ ~ I i 252 4 -w, <TERIS- uu.L!~C8PEU m IUm PUE AI> IN ADYAC- ~ 55 I~ Slt.LfqCSAND' X ECE WRF.N GiT 50 PAID. ,*LIIP ~ILJ Wapu~ Kdiw.~J lIt Joiy, m 8. ml csii clat - =oti mller mu fluel âvpilaet a msa ami alandier Moa tN ad t»l O eteil Md rb. eAm'wclpullaa ionM una. modaglaal ca iTeue #Wenueu t qfbkm 0A8 O IF pzZlaAi tue 9p 4 lie ampe. â b mida e lrgi f w et oâ3il> o o ImaI md iàSM i<l lItheadai .fIaimei -t thelat- kaim aiaa- motdc£0th m3,mais 174 01 bmut off lis muoofte ele n àmu te lan rt 4Go ,ca imthé dee r tan b mLeb m faait lue Ne rrCb < in ftim i d ubtmimdutJeutice. k pumeges afte ediuocf Caiul)fert tIiYeuitzno 10Octear, lm ............ £34,31? 18 OctalIniItr...... ..... 24,166-1 1' Oib,18.............81115 8 T pm ag m onto desinforlb, 17 ......ah...........9,1 S6 Dd6" in C i eritm, £137150 <Igi> ) Jas. Cmi, --.---L G. P. P. AcustL' Quohe, 13 mare,i3 haeseni ofthly Exosm e f.Civil Gora- men -diAdmiamuaion ocf Jute. an Loer Cmiiia, ferFon-Tea, trainIM RIM i&83 l- ""hele matac MMai, udrenihmave ben at ligo dlmpsIathe Govrmnt i1thevenue, If tai IG-e. 8%iIhad netberna glvin. ttîî aeuiuA i l., uil!g lAe utmaud*0aia IL i mvuitil bdT erlaa, .4 i3.0 &Sn I O.ML~t Mr MM a,* .- e Mm DREPORtT CÂNÀD.tCOMMSIBoNMS kyei M, 3dMay, UM. Ofâ mulb mmtt uua eit mt.~ Itvm teü»a'ago .dhuau. e-thulai a il. wbul- ""u Ui rIpCeldoà, iemad miaiali i~>NAAg ?EDYMAT 0e187 40M 1k Esysi ~a*sa InP ï~~i k~0<~mep~~ euS == ~4Inl~ eméema. fi- - au.iias~ I ~êilwdc4*pP«misma; us4*aeto4lit>~i Il Uuà of ishLaog);a i "- tba a eté ubn lv, lsp ec" a vu ei dhm»éoédismragtIv1veutibs t th Cooa, lilsMo o.aicm Mdexueuhivuemsly w4 beleve list t4laily peahig, nie»m---- ai tefasamtoputcaiaa ilsg ai ttskBlt piulboi n 1704 b7 it Ugalalàmtlm1khs0<1kCeIeu«li ia4ate aahededzv. LIII. l . actsiè nb ieu" SI the aiqiadti 'mliaea i pdow yhà N*ty 1 iw w w te sPue- viocs. A Com it mis. ftvia aoendlagly 1k, he 8 iw* laOmLo rd Do.- th 1ofUtemieî, 1791 ; mia Malur «oaf £100. L. Wslnidt lIteof dumii peenwmmu in Lit Ds.ohslie iaaluiictefacempmes os E- icuhive 'Cel, dmive.mua m dia effla L- swfiCucl.i ia I toff lia voe nsuor dff no eenCha Who lave"bien von pte fia "usot lime, sfonalag te *3,928 vetoa"e LegulalvaCeemdcu, ami asêm te hm eiglAor veamult ar iuw8'iMe dm1toe ci u pel--- n tg the toewsil, e ah am tii..la htiei ctinL-1 Mèi-. 71%'èe b»nsLufl Dore"t 'aCaia aiMtauaady*n - isma.ieeé', "Sie i: o, -in ahn Mr qv O àbum.UUZ gPm-.h mauiia;ai br luesiux, ont wu lMt. palc- et Ppi.m.via-apontmasliao haviboita f miait c àcEi helu Ms peaiter Md le j have luwstaibi elulime. <ttApoJx o il nit. 5.) aU"I.M 816lia peumous oiy bavet beau ippelahei, aid Ilay amsai uncb CaLa-t o.;s,0 liàttclng tMatemat here aire lv. viaiola sh eca.atctruînlrm alr.lg. lac thé bd pbw, ve ik il ucb'le ha 1 tbA a th tsced Oaffrm ltheflb Co ic. 1:beda0<le LelmthéB .cti. thnela vusl tiomr tc l.itid va cpu ome.lasg wt iletl epsii. usl ta imillatmvls lelirà thie Exeenlive CoUuil erg nlechoal boa, on huanci offthe Leialataue e xpedlcaey inca nei meinétbave leestlt ettac' bs meshn foaut lb. aller, le hi h aaie F anth.lie - Lmde al imteadeacy t.banm foraupperl ratiot man Legallii onei Im atie teprmeauhves 9flie peopte; a U bviie l aallg,usit bas doue, la an nuiniad cem, taleti. iittcent limes, enotct bai ae ezerc4 asemit l afavoutable lu- ienie . Je cornu.of tir W* W.iv oc.ly ra mv oLordmla autageln te the manp orMei0<FrnlîCaa àemsialrod ilaIe lb. l4acutive CesoiL lUt cotm .by vilpI peerom:elue ait lewmWesah n ostnsble slsiu"îie 1k Gov.mmeanvealee- ted 0 aarooein su 01 auahus gno eu00aaaibe lepty dpeeit;anio evet suturalit lieUP mlie eltmn- itancse u in lcI aadabocffle beti es. 31en, yel aI a ela alnnes th le Ptrrm vas bc sdiith l ecredi 1kthelhaltata Illailel tcenelve m m oo ansff 601 0<1k ea.a"r. On lié couotl aWves orw il,!wti i sel tp oeiit cam mabe > expeclait heoabm itu, 4ulmon offpar- Sm m k kutIy0<1kpottce w. l*a. inte bUélu~ msil uiitmraaSoitaim eslchesfer. uvanu s. lailvi, h. aict"l muftthe1kpffes &. W bav6e - "mequ" utM--0 taie u dille poilvem bineitvifli lil théidyimttcoai isd = a te'brs.f Ibe m aalt miatitr, i vUp aun wpwvnli e i t; aeaaehm (T. H. Biawsmr, Fuminer a Fuupietor-J 97 (IVUMBER9-S9 bête Lcl l a l'lp.~ie l~~ar ,* Caaia n nt dua thw bi tm hi li t y Md *i rw uIr. 'i . r Cilbs.bc -l Melhmd in a u nm Au té, cithce itaid à é wab. mmn afIle Coune ; bat Iheïr precei, a reqais te W èqohu.byÏqgular mtheIGo- aer» eue lifa aÈ tn 1,accien. The. meitholetCmuseil hae b igh ef rouan hai cymndivIuuy, or oft els ats on theW maute. (fe* AppendÙ, No. 1, note %) and tbyae vn e socciy iî rhoat ay excer lon reait. . ÀAcopyodfhe0oatbaaanek ý fte £»ctive Coutil, cospomed esai bave Masiond, Md axerisng the inaction whicla we bave luit ondeavoed tte ducribp, a v*- ,y geoitai Ipuit" xiats ltâ il lainaileua naaLhi mIi, l t ea gu.ilj tig . p*bshata. thén rm.po"-d Thecm'apahut it vwmehovevu, Mdi rpIhiauely utpdtha"againat m reprle g.vaacea. Thi ibe vua tdvelt up.m fthe pelilltin tacagi orni6ekoCfat thiae< Nonne Off COmMO m Cauadie lu. n n18V7, lieugi b.heuisis « 04"hleu imi oit COainchs, and the .cuncl betaveon theIvo, vote & ail ldedin I. eogg tio piievancèotai e i l.. laIn tu 92reselutions 1154 tbecepelionandi rrapoabity of 11 Exocutive Couseil vira emphiad offas weï a thei iecrecy vih vhîCkits ifonctions, a" *avi lhiame ifcae! a.emr, voe manid te have b.. viflahalit Mm the Aanebly. The nuanerousl sd.vbhsl#twu te lais MajedyLfront Queecasi Ugoida he adypat o th yav lm5, a prcaed regret thet the. Emeellva Coutcil hidl. ceame edéfective, bohi.b.a thenuuiber ofetsarmme ben and la16ilsm=iitiom% aoneDt toae ith, = -a o ite ns. Te vateful ormL - v bicifeCeuncff wuconadered fa, lIai sibciioni, Wite.the daigni affIie vilIkêvi Unis etals, lbu foamthtir Pfi effia satisfacion, wl'b if. 42W lIera donmnet appear I b. aMy dui'arenci q opinion uuipecling llfiui ,I tee ora awof tua nature té ata;atCelait 0 À#Oe*4 iilla helmpflptletl>ofits dehag a ii&m vboirecm*orIeeicmade *unis. i eMwl1kit, g, e .yIntbkmesl naine;. ianiu oumisamia t beddefote . rUn i.,Y IW he »i o r!A.e 'en, l lam -re, tir liPe for a ucànaittntlu Pfl fthe bâcetve CeenaIl, baaeà o ea i na the taiti Kingdoau. W. hav" ilrooylald oc culiot Io advaeais propeai ncidentai; IlaoM thelCfe, li MaXh, fiatagpiutl or IW. h apce4,,wd mome farlit q aMI t ofle 4ect, b~otleisupériice ao. etrih excCia ion ias. vuc vi lta netice it. on liaIccil.aW.- ', miev thatvlW"l in Englua4itpaaMaxim oftIhe Cou aacidpea IaWty, tbe head ofthe F erofiveliotc vu a mrvint et maneoelylpt- ailtelb .h InG agitetb*Pviàet&bltc ducf1 hat tiiureffoci il vwusnaary liat ha iea ures 4mmald b. unr it iecooool,hilit., marna atirit esques>res utei n him chariote tw te renier thte Ittcutive o'C i epum te my b h~lli eefneu immeif oeu d maý tut t. <ht em" "Wmaw nsstlaau- sage w ithhai ee *. iilly, ai W-9ls! C tnci, repeo h , diect. acae- ira ii f coutlhagvu t bta a s paut 0etitheadatin orea th ~iy e rçà aslabisl.mlad glaneoff i oay I&. W. voo.M nov emrkfWmIer, tInt tI ~uato ellvureaun iif ntp wsptiihIli t is , h tuaIidlemlacb te tl KIII èd,ý Te lgbtiealreapanii ty ' iioe te ay. nm u inMt"raof fautavas=dw s pf reulntiv ue jawp.uîith teflye. fiaI) y.ne an am âmeu ue i0<* f tw k __ - aawt.obia10, tmi MR :Zt. r7, 6d= ed.u4 Fillimm, be amevtr, ýmviag loin oemplaido4 w-vuMpa il a i **cticiiàmda tme eho sop lteby M fintructo iamMaeatlte tlb. otUll or .lea <Coumila ld a - 'bu bue u u leauun i metings vilieut asj 69=hst oF amw" 6" amVbite distance at vbkhIbme relaie.w' làe el~aigâ oirncc»r.rI * ZI 1W4 va 'tn e ana e- iX ae nas a tayw.a,ewitu naciirelatn Ion 11kExetiivoe met, lmapem ieeait.WD imade te Sb. Fracs Bedoian lu% ,by lMt.Duni- tbacle Au abtte amouet.la dos 4-pma&».IVr. ýba ~acttaliethe qu"ai.viuoe, U apli.,h,~m 4Ok l.the ivWe Coeun elsubt Iobeamade mue alle gpeari %u*%cgoeorpl, Mmd ibewue moremean iepedi tAch S ilufinoali nla thoe my e t*thaIIvMper bt uy fa let hL I.vw0 i priab bmla bc hmnaick omncadaituhIo4qsrlmorti eMaaiaaaiinixtre il batvfit 01 thésaab s iiodfa h n rie i iïntat *09 adeallgio lm ceof ouclb". i laul n oth lsbtn;d .îhv wvslpinmc. ilemzuet, of ia tie" à mlii la o f itbIe tilte hi a ohol et muad ~hb-17 on veli .t.auoas b oimuot e i Adat lu acosidériarbl iltsb.3oL osis -tganc eeerl. i.iicieust e-cl hi. foidnevior civei l a vi 3 *ma;ladk rhttonlaImdaall ofmm"eof anthreaaImr. drevsrio ,ldt m ent liAgaut p odub@7 tecd soi týe oinliouI-Rperésait otilmetuuail.mn idot. ortie te ri 3 it çanlsaUb. laagbsfe lii c n tep ei tn l preo h P » =te opln1u t ley e* c~s ha uW ba ia c oo b wi b and is n .l t qeleliemy.ofliictai - lr .awliudvh e; Thev i m vc adai ne uoGo- . ntilay eetlad.embdor0<la in it C c- liti - i.eulàetédirritatioa t uc a ine of Iyievtmm Mr odedte vStert, laopa- Gvrn * le sil~sit li hnolimitnho aise mn a.t- pe aat "Smgriieile nishelle ng- l og *0qli ovtrei camra lgieiotuo .d.ia, b.c-liivaiap .lispfoolaeid-, pe yt eue! adnoinal Gr-&oorner apoIntabou Erg- 'uLdr.Ceeithe lunt W"« doff lictry, on .e 4 osoa! sa.ie ndw b. lem e atliuW.ii tee fa motnambe ft elin-Ible ocf- tlals W la. TI tat -lConsietil d aoàae emenub"a Eccfre otacl, vondobsee cenoa 16 11w, Rulasasunte nriIa b.. =publ madae the latlb.inaver- îTue a pqoeamesL t no la saanai $aeutoïdrtemirlband t tic izhentD bi pe ist rcaen.litay. t. doual o1 GtncaIrd a la argueint1ieia vo ave Cqua eitingseli muoll.harcountrend- . sf hodavae afvu f eaail onile a ulte is mlcetratm t n la le mCeof- auap e Thelu ai l b.aiWtersPovihare inp o r- il anEveti eoinComnl gok c ew b. ticia ae ta dtct Ionsi. otwbavehbecon1stitvsoffe &intela »rment 0<1k isdlvlduai. via nf sl~ame <iala laI helveca an U; d-th . 9» ul t ud;tihet a thou ge,- pae 'a e en c try io n ial m. od thee ta - l e atapae s l itl vMo s i d ro r l . tuo i y. norandlasm sprend igleav e iCia old ovpcei teal ie ta ieva n diii s :- uettutti e lav s dtesl iol aa onilt lion. ie nlira aitcaonfo it viloln v e ut- oIl- a- bouain » baiteodMta rincae, ghaimpuadrs- tltWed, s .ba leayhe ile Ie teste bcgteE os-h itinct once 0<1teEbave imilemanntaiave-ceameonallait of theatdive.1k v juI o TlaLh ut o ee ssyit rble off auokng CogUcIs. O ýts di oal the viari u*Cbet aps Mi ladrpuaa c i av t e at Enlimiatea ieum tand iain einlatit, b avbu de utntiscethlia r.1 l coalwtune rbieavhtutepvs &hlla tua.ilcem telgtne ca con i +onlase d*rW aeliestihaton, i tas gilltaibl ori- vihemibemné oatau miii adepadnee et of1k a- Jeu liaiserub ssai .a miiraline 25.,I plh enldiest tint o " u m utoneteoff me a- wapIfaftProvinceuoft 1 entt" n ton bt k iiffl, a subroistxewemI atheullo J"n ta etaisne reugsalla1k av Ea laad, fie roineevtlani odscauerkal sf mai la falagtu ec eg làitaoa a ofrak i s, Léils.ntl i sua i nR.t e Aseior-y. ii.ic a pl tsugna tethéa, loIGait gMain; '21 b. il.ien iinentzieson tps., gsi aiL't, tu a elnt itua .ton uae.a ei80 cm aphichamIcbieal elj*t ioihrt e a t oovince fr I e Ptksaevnsceu Impérai lte>, t -f-aa..edomait mopua iia" aay paveu dsiret.e r ghmoi l ongj sl pemàucl ati Getas f astns la# *tn a e xcuiConse,éprninbe for eIa 0(44) 0 is W em etrictanons Itofl.rea-fu l ia pvideWbdoa niedlallis Rw eo'tas. o- hlutd'dm ois taititon k oternr( irfrn.itv i aharf1 llce1 tfesav eci; lit w. ae h de intou-n lud o. ub.leav lia ù IlWof loffit b. a i e b ad lspect te hil if emlipa.91 a gen jOtfla h Elis. albeouiey, u seeu- nai rd an 7i of Uscallvie Jackt4rael4aMnily ormdait nia lima mlff a~~~ ~~ mmtme aonIaathenGowa net he bonsat cf Wg'n 9, of ept.meuf là.FAs.;- l pAc« M a Ç w cil; b ut ue m atn dly, Il s le v o uaclid o spaaDe 4 thâa r ie t art 0< ell bl - eFr i 4 , -9 Oaecu uum ci ipil* 0 'na u i n a snhial f e elntla del p a t l o- lii di... <1 paopt.i. aidpnts et er eth b lm.,a10%slae"i o gla c c . un et 18« s re uaci iipreln 1kCojcl, dos fontieoioeue.ve I t e e a, "dr na al *tbreviiltbmrntet lirFtatfEnd"ds v0apir le mr uBsey a- advi!pgmlb algTt i ftb iaitil l duW is ens10leiaqaps fe nonaies arto ail cae "'P a; nbeasd t o scerosdalaalh a mle o-e stbe au irma ti e laemi vIule Mlp ehth cil ael bet erapeuplec. tiailrg l lbae. e nyet saI., réo lmOlc-bon ea- i a- ài.Geoue. t o la e. geefruai t - 27,Onu edu opiniona IaIaio t i tl bid tu, heact, inu o ive mai uéaimteno10 d etane' élie.lu,. i nir of nlicu-boidcrle b k b lI ofloteeiglook mb t uea &mm of ilIlirniMorrau bec.slsletie pela-ent D- sa tiI Prcovit nce tuf laieiatifmteo I cat ue a er a f o i~ ~~~~~~~~~~7 coeirfo a tl.nmirofmuoa t Usla mpni st on mmal ia, g a-m 10- th oine kor. u a isbt amici igliai.mtf lahve audit ma et, rnte opiin heai of Ibasahul hie l vins f is bitih.aCroa ce lty.c ta b ra bée the, at lf0ti ing lo.adma Logeat"ha a»verId.W be consdabl. proben- p1k r- aedorutedby Ia1aa8lof vec7oeitc ta paielaite,l menç, losuct ae,1ycni m- laetb Pfroiace. tveOunll aid t .iimiIM, *laigid pla tale vapaoftefner b . as bvid ieronveh ase md e ylis lVa yfien IbIout bexocandassitae andst t e àl coifrion la, tsi t. thh beeams, aofao beando sl liailu dmiah»Q1 lis 0 etIla ibty et ecemoitmoeagha" ereuutb*.w4igkt4m pasisibolee tcaod sh.Ibcl mugit hm sha*hts*the"W ofete tiait.a a tes peu. cf *y. Woiinhbis netdhlt o liuetol .mth e liii muIons me Wéd uIsM1,%- l an< anta" lUn- f th: appolaict $*yà Crands"upu.trs a "kht m4 e - àaaÎle,,ie; "M-atmyra ai* tWs~heuai~I Iluulil' eç4o- m9n--meo*-d pa he tg evoct. nauntlie ; isihlitofmay LordliibÎ .=ueu ipresvlaiu.s-w ci eela * ufitiap e aa~tte « Ugi.i là bofts paeefbav. of Ma ale, aucernai f aapeI;ýad lée cime ae ate UlcviOst- is i& __selacted imute Inairusdo »W 9lih&.aa t siablmie t f a bc ovaaYtth »st ocnuititi vf S C *s a90 cmtpld,.mnteal4Iyaué i u aea.d taufttb s o bieýutwUSr ~se. S AIq~ym..siiu nalilt au eriiqeu..wasy te IMuE c.iutz a of #mSpu jpit. L-- .. cOu i il . u L WtlS 9BsU<ent of l~iommI numaber ef ex- e coonctore w. cly thiak liais. alla dwolI bie iade au n upeible cSdtirn ici bmpoWaltbat may be ,nbmitted on the bnais et Si lotat If ail connot bho paid, tbe 3unIor mi ma4bt be equirti le serve w"0àaOti sl n Me mauser esthfice oeldera LW. veaiti uggest, althengi or coeta. ne mlive ele c1< h.laid down open lhe aubjeet, 1* the Exectil'Coustil lier. mbould atle&ai Ot ma tene t4. s Iplepiat ve c@iinrw Ag lw%, liad net 9 i a .memhbes fit 4nbly ;je atteme bdgo lo;ta l iis kf? ihâb 4hoxm -cbmeewill kW of ~OU4btek us-lp .aditirect ditricts effi66 Pi*-- Ment I h Atcaumatam* sM bur den qk a rilea doo*ij wtâlh LWêU"inx 'at the. appdels t tcou- cna or t4net be gadetoe lait durlag god W. et ou rutoa i Iatu.uaiut. m~ 0 hnfaabut the Goyerneiorlit ealt main theinwbentever, on g"emindmle eil m rnil sfable, repaatng hm ian. ýtOuelar tle e etaly orf Stage. 16. *%as beencs h)cd, liaIt.tela 1k Qhe.m notb iiiuapower would xve the Anmhbly 0 ve tu prefer ueptatuit adremea ltin ham nil «rcAid proçm th e dismi ofanCusln m Dtot a». a in app 0thsvev argai iI1 Aauby baiso n e ua melte Eue ia eaia tnt tcu r wepq~rblAs yet limite ta ssed ,olnctsw' AminespiuenftlflMua- a% service, b. cg'ld net ' ' ild aime .lua aeqaof 10iDa dpeu a Beati !ue, ce- ng g aielogation fStierththeii poi D its çýâfidence. W. muet canfeca, liat ta thé Ibi f utis argument assotDMevlcing- a & fceoscille, buisg a poilial be, we noluiertaad why pelical uaItibwwdâ Dt grent dfer a Cavercer te ap fe then e, l germi of bas oent comma- 5If; uCan we c"çive YOthal if the Auembly re inolied itesiaki' *uch applicaioni - ânems- dila the octcion, the7qIad bo er%."7ely ateceity of arefrnooe nx Ti.ol es.. Weald hé, lbat lii. Goemer,'inta yyl g iretl e a.applicatIons, ;mIeud bd Je ,iweg h .beouit forwd th.ee lii wboruii5renewed counplalnts, vieller tl h.a n# ita od bf..nggev.emed by 9,(i i; dtbiiW uuco f kt.-pWeia là ti doinctitosae Oq Oftbii Yb- ai . ven»ldjw»o.. 1kforiwg te bea- b mndu lààr nd. d t iaCoveso' il ithé ktof .et ummt e italedayn, ni 9 "a'tuo la oa i mnti, aM Whé b.Ceus" lAU MOl. wtit ua@Um: 'nulteey.me ombhoday tb Gevurm by Icuiluet ucommuication,. lhTW ive aaD b. a qfuuc T«nOi.u helarka iéalhjIgt ail Po me aflest 4 wdly ti of *8m liattbe Gsier bavaeithe power d a4nei- M 1fat ai. hobd ta ut aba Spiefor. th iqe n or ÙMh.CuttaIl ý&Vç thepgi f .,ucKn aIatrlimaI ou Mia" counct! laellut t.a Gyws am Mhmthe. promb" çof aMQves - g, ibâtth bed= " ho poses, a* nOv, t lm lata liilita hant: 1k~ ~ ~b y jaôi Isnç le ts*< orv kWdoeatesulhà>iJl~. = "*"" #- à- --rI * nuelier et MatIr. msj le IbcInded la lue U,* eteunlcatienfrlierP~a. iéallteaitlmani.t.ls maie,.. !ncuecy ~haU k lakesand liai sixecutlvu Cenneil muaIt nolise alyleeud t. mcu*cy, ixitopt uit ne Gala-une, auj mnahan uni maitmuell 0<semraey,.rsssahra

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