Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 1 Aug 1837, p. 1

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f a -.- e. A ~ u¶~mUE)LTUflAj. 0 F05~ ~ I~ ST,~S N. UoeLEY AT RIS trou itm~, JAUL 18 m iumsloî HOU8~~1<~1~ 276 AND CO1!IeftIl LJOUNA _____________________ S-FWTEF.N SHILLINGSL Fl W igINllQ ADI AVA flN ~ ~ M l'wu. Eiio~ #à- Mi or DRMTSIJ3 No IIEEIA. bu. eu" ta b.A NIfca YP FOUN 8m.' afii kWemi and gmeut set -me te S«p' pulet t *y V-»06, tm "I Coul su Iniol In mosday, tl aimai, et 14040 we mch Wh*i cille lagla Zikel. Imeamtf à. wbs,1ar precedapidv of s pecpded, ctm, ihmeet 6s aete< rdi Ut lette: A. in thetm uemi» ,Iiue bp tbe<l 'Ty ti Foe AI ofItw. mi i gm se ier, iiireuirn rn i le de c mlii jCAIU'm MMA?, o.. euam YU mât p~ U~dMOI q« , m r . lamid t fww r e laIdu lat 'VU bdletlc da tinse s4e, il remphlastd d Morte niJUim! 1te te la la thei meati, la h=appyr sg f a cuen athe P«u.cus3PlE mia i pdrinkbi ïjZà 1 greât lia frPilpde a* valu iâh bin. Thr vu snalli.i pweini tie cxm oust DMt lm sigit f-aie 1Rf47 &WPb te, Wobappomà lt. hâve ilme" a vonami% iup teourbere, a weIln etesi d"d fev, ie bear. A flip bol teirock d m oS Schriftm dme at epenl, affrot imbut uJO every opot ait !myigba dd do, and vwu COcsMntly ntcibug~is titistii.swldo apanj. Te the hlu1P moe opeiy inycerate, and se"dalit uW ait bestewimg ujia ite te.*iek meemp"e itis a =mr m ea. AIISgI ne a" mbu aered te b od d thisanm vu e oerd tgbea!rid of iiiaad had be MWt lover lthe seasien "eh eppw"rele coutable. . Soch vu tisaedcoafifaiao bogthé a dup Ter "cIling, w4e.inl compery vifl s Men, th lay boAlued ebat tva &W "asu totis. Cape. flic vealier wu-"b br it vua the semmer in tisonmtiom tu*le ad Pblip, wiso ha! be en lying dmva>mla 0 " =is urad over thce u vs0noveru ,iiitbbotti he hadfallens lte> ne vok wth siveinsenstioaafd<"Id ovi soh.wirtisuyet UernfChet, and hai beabeperceived the pils4 Shie.., lme andhlingbetbsjovieh imR . ald n owihdvua attacbe ha e ve the mon's intention,-; ha isued tw a I ifly dmrgd oi thte bian ad vi. tp wus clour, ttm$we M h uI.e rbct iea evidecly t ai Mtc.useq.i tieiPbip stated P Md ezdlmbi aindeed!" cried PliIp, with m indigmeatko as te relewsd the. Chain from lie piimil huai Bat Schriftaapardtte umtmnud tein diovereinlabit ttempt, laug et I'w it bis mafiiori ose-oye, hoehingly ohm "Doost hariin isod ber piolsre-hel Vadrdeekms vue, p.abed "inavny, .&M g Led is ain. "I adrise jeu sot telbc quit, se ccee, MMi fl,ot, or yos <mpreput it." , ýý "O -athse Ms u 'uiru femedly ait nddmang.». mu;00, or, bies,19eit-a pin. le ofth ily am "Tbat's0it! that's I, "Cried Sehrifthm, vselu wntfoe,.j to where the team e ! aM" deil") aimweaadi we) 10 ocoaceal ismif bhWrlls s opis 9 o tain mec iafaaagou i te ofnetise cSe to.l " h 1 'w t. eli w. lbiIis i. a eWkoevers ir imi"sid anolise ufehsbeise, tht's satine and jmau Utit ' Vt ise tassek ft foll dw ia i0î he aleibdMi 4 tldweehht'o e t Mite; blle»i 'l'h thj e ytotot, i ilslgaii 4the Stoq,"iaDot mU 4 utho ", sbýùf ,t shel'ean '.Ss 'à 1 mi,î' 1, PM"'e, andieut the Captn ,e ro s@, cridSeaifla, "lthe a ae vu tryaieaie. ~~clvays inviii. 1at acc asi nrclohlr.t 5t tal C ofi t i lI.--- vilseveycu nbe! My chau toy ebee Idehffmy bu& *s»r-l wle! *mm taunn 1 Ie $@bMsau bu e pbiî, O du acls4y be"e SmMcs ide 1IW w ,lmt4I. ederbIP8 isiceè« b.nd IMM, 4 tboemes- o U4%we bve lon etbe igmleàw au»-a etdittime vu the ùm&ld a-uet oui todiiover Gimilisiin vh"&il end mulbein, wWé itucoi iee.&IW Wuvrer Ituiâ ive rte el..Qeadmai ma elaec lie lvet'6 i a-m- b sevl et Isavigeliemi i vu*islon .f "gsu, a maiIlt Iee nlemad vslge ly betompglciby demi reisnit.uci 9liv veeiimveued *lIem u. laà$s. Wu seume. «T"liuEc O bu bivoelahmi.. 1 #abu» Taeli 'ding eminis b.cal% i.Mmia.ebi «ninG ue., iived the vm utelb mve before thGi el; th imitai md lapa. mci teb.tuIlaf Ï& ut4sy <d7 dmcnbI *tWlailain ma"ie v.huart"ebervellb pq Itmmi Ii bisaomi deiP. bequ domY4 seu.vlc, m N.e eiddie m-Ilft evy em«mL z:» th Dmer itis 879 as Scrme, vi.otey. Klnav ià viii" rpiiSclirft ae tca m lIe gu pviib.e ea is lulpol V imal e oie>.5AMiGthemMW ,n if peu.d aethe mmies. usie4yibit ir be lvm mtta I tswi& -.,sc * -e - ei kGiIcsftauw a lemi$ . 11h. ad mk m the bGiaa., Mmd the gLa EUW4 svaeu dàs gte thclahm oth ~WC lover diva*9biut,- ceiMy"i D"i thGi" &WisMA% -"d tsy te Mi Mrea&- MD "eudMm te "csi,Vmtabii laI et fc ««b heremse duneea misa..te mm.te-ui Mt and vtdu hebuete wsile1Kgaln e la a bed ls vig. Be vu mssmm meah Nier Gihate &a C1muhq, reictiveh iMdii»W"inaMe nde Bey versla iuemc.f"oulcripe, lm m miiioa car.~ MI.ialgltN kké~Ma1 K M rmm mtm - 1ee. 1" ollism ps uSiO e "a m om dmeumd 3b se. u lalibi , tu - r Ilois, lu pie. lilgve à hýp dae- lm. sM y luoce.aaig-de mlu lagi ugut bt EnBe Ueou *»%- caveice-l" Gi pgp"smd Ws 1 «ndu ye.-l vin! Ii. ce-fhm if y liu mdi. soins-" r thle G cde v.amu]Lu.Ois ladiOhis Ll" uhgi doM @I m tbwimg vg peuticau tNe é»umo 7jvis. cui Hb -eImIpal bon àaem Ccm mad emug4 imi tà. KJ~GBTN, PPE~ ~AIDA1, TE~DYAUIUST ,p ,bey wu* MWvm am e un l eab wMelis Wh"thse mwehiiy ku Wen i d the mute Iuwwdm.t * mm su in the bernaiviâII.he epsq edi am Xbw emaM miefjmk'Fouau mye* hotete.nvce'1.hm - i u flm ~c~ et eubMdtm XM Mpmt. ue.lii h n s jerk abut albeile -Égna o! e,. amd the se,. lmumi and aiy MiierVau toa "et m lI e* Y' io G cptuo "l lied geamu lel" umuScthesirb. ig.l Why bis Giablpmec. »I oni emntG sat o ttbea.p.rcmrg anoulofie aimbyt mvnb'bew h§4 yâebeSd-emd myau Dels. (, WhyGithe i m ume a a .... Ébin-*mI DevIn bu sali thle itS~ h Sw eue ltenup='mdvbmi. M "= Wbiel li.gi weCaml, Imlamd to l qr.t emm cvu bmimd» .. aiudben biais. eva-lIdu -lxal lying by Gin, -md spem -e e.levii luýfbu&e. u ie eeipA Vu. fot vu, IaI vis e isldm4 lnt tu1 Bvlyh.er Von stce.,Wo vu, vol g ahlaianed soa.leçcgi . i modite" iJrihm la gl iit la tGi ge md Ivlagdsv.d it avay leuIy mm« p Of thile ble.e ie v.lo 1 riue mu4e. et B. b«utci dos sihloiag Gi nemid cou. se reisudv iwut ta et1eo.pingberM tedoor in bis foce. isr.9u, JbneM le pmeem md a .elsa ,ne Ge teei ls ig.hasmmd pgrevai le meu*o bcn mui veu t b.ie b*ish, chava a MW . sill et of testh Mt bu etemgo besth i, irG me@nvlstyakier lYe.um' àa cl sAnd tuai; Mt uM.Miof*@ p4 pet veliliar i eemlm u lhelà" Au e" Rt I.ma" -Ibo.lut las uiovu Md tythe bier iilng «ai ttmeM bi;md Nymiec V. hus I i*oid bi uelt lmt qnumg% ai .iiLh.he, "Wmpeau vee mstleme hR gimoM~ Jdmemmumw p rotte lc o. lia. IDtptt be md qspoe laMm, Gi.lelu mtise be oeu ntion. Gii.uy, m poviid ue iu Gâe rrupOMi OTII 'sea bedjabinfay*%.,Jolssmsoc, eb"s ~ydaoel-ol;ov UI lfteve the à- S w! vRIy..M" t c ieloey, bieuky àai. gw lg, ywwe. KIob lat le.c venttle steM apo =j. m .. sy ony iur VosStre. mi qW the'lilGisbenhllbq meotout9ef «Yeu, ye%<Myabeu Mloabm, blut ihlMU Gimu galet cmqmy-lIss lvi of d 11 am tiM "awrii balth* M eft un v RiatàuraimvMmd smaie ditnct b. utt spmeo, liii b" ball, Ums, mdj tas les4 vW».IbeTbey Ioaked as u*0 api es ail thr1ir Visionfer mmaolyc 4" se. ais e tha»24 whc xtended sbont te mi, uberetu ciadaed à*v w*o n a violtgala vt le lïU-wbv mgt-a-4 vCee ee.~ ~ ~ V do"lrUuc- the=1 ji Byedou etaylim. th.c tiserou ta rad n aigh nautlbzte bed Mmi iser animly t. muelv0lpàief osvseate in Ueo bilt eunlin. I& ble..- ellem mA*jeea euS , heids th IP lvce I ay~Upalouer o d ror mm pticb of bsputof aces iezp, a men ame illet ru ontesdn ien.. wmndmet aeceme m.tiste the gl"as eMad mmu»aa eea uty cicesbmuyto Ils i*0mot b. dC xu-evrteuaIisera me tcm umvle r.l redhem 4ea" ihe u, rinally »Mon a a dkn à]e rvien, mte cene eberef lIr,t«-lI tdled~~~~~dae orlewud tr iletami ql isIe Oum" eterthe s severidt laai11 Ai ~LlammO~?IpeUi du tiauitpr81810 -dxpmula.,b ie ote xtiq. h ommte ililimde eai 40em ldili.m tatis e attdc osmblly .is alita ci te a mey le dretbudthe ig ie e atWetis ea lover wCcmathe NJIuim eiiiiGn ri a vu tesseNOM Am lu le..aume.gey istee.. . * m a. va ecy iiimugnm rt cuen vl bl *0e CM#u lbfi" entherugliv iof teh Gitiisaem6ne le utepm le be tm m ctliy uuovceliaI hscyu sme'yhcte Ofiussiiei ni 1%eutté fmhme »yuhe.e lim d veeerdii.eii a h, illegeat he lmLae ee- ail mtnSïlhmyalyiu cilcedot justiceet i.-'u vbeau m no amaistetlcomente, IaI Gi Cmllmenei Mylie tte L-7- f 0 . his the le to m vu neyer 47 kbookmvr%% unwr -" 4 me. M"t. du fiJut elhmmS beaur goy bZ u" l.7nUieu s.' *e lédà ýl P. Mfe!, sugas. (T. H 1NL~Priat'ýef ' Av e de o ut uadcrlamdeiactly lov wi te psy its vey, o« e 04ntlee e Pceeîncc; it bac ben O.tci I fdtem .o o. Utit nry c e &0 ealu »1 emfiae. l »v .. ; iaiatviam ï 1thse tek*"as ng~e~~usuoem t.if etpivo, = thcsem ot staae-'q-- aadi we malyl cuaes hbeàtapoadec in lirelami. N.mte beetiege ebe b. in" ut vu epints, enI*- utml people bae becs aireelai od i h Re e la~ge, te ulici, ofarosvee "ua, teîl-elt aviliM. c, ezcept linue Reusue. te thie contol utimiflies l Weu mtr«u»Wy advimid mmi recaaa.eniod, m. dally i d a m "rlatins te 11. Collectiono oeaune-mmi as wu -lu k expected, ltse sot bui advice buaaroady beifolaslote muà PcW aIviolence md atempl t uai mordt l rue Otnthe sCammilali h"ai.dotyet gisel leug~a ddtfelov utjects luin raei; m lincIe d muder have t ha bcone matteos ý dilyocumaoeorbu il becantea oe*n-Éai wlmde or tue layula-te b«wsej vu e bic ue.a"i vÎ "av min a ou tuhe aNmie hitezn~ it d1ae ai thinge ina udad nm-panis br h o. Na i émd 1 1 c u v i c e t l u e n c lm eveuattntetmhe . e t a. ]à .* au M ocll oVe ma comeract 11tdeig if1. agitawa, enxelt la ebmiicaiMsi he ah yodgetoi cmi.he traus-ludem % aetise icotriclic ao; m miel mne decaifty oulamialurd, mc vu clou ,by al Wu eectien la lie taimer, aMidly *0 e r* of WW% publie sueetimg l ebe f P rwilt mter; but cewberi lu telb d,ý uni lise ucemdant& v.feu tieif le~cs aMyconela is mbitrmem the Gi wi, *w P iR . tviolent Mdnadmae& u-W. i. it îl 4 on ut eielghbid111eel Ihe. h". 1pS .la maIW s mM ti.iraU le.l iuje Bille ~ ~ p dgIlm~e tcecliee mt omUis Sele C tis ite ci sud ail wli. erlMay n dcli qivUNrs 0citac by meililg MMuI - lhapataa l bllaerlntedersMmi »-m u meyumy, md ile Bey ""le MlyWiet -,v-«ce %soi -1lea( Piciml Iumtet, Utmé llue Utw dllt£u d"Mtacot cliea'96raIvi the eiIR me Ma.l* : =rnru--ateu. 1 do mimlai Iume G m m i c u MW » I ha la Wolf m--1 1~.n bd a il h a 'r.] [NUjmBER gel. iv"2=ýexeat u =in . oeu in a P ameMdbaitlam mu o atisr kep eut e a quand nMd0thes, o. ut fr *»%b tbe k evee X ib in e dyfpUNm Rouah lleapal el mmo cgumsdeojd ui; d bia kb Weujm â etn Md aIi! t1e olpt,ýMaiIclTe . imMe»aillhe emd of e petaim publlmled. Thse coue of te Aipen- jefiM e m" apStvd by i% tof May w omulse mm6re. paition cd e consul geairg tom tInt kmm' la tb e Pa of ê9aluu li e abtlet ch gg itaietre ble smtlccm me., i83rhwis ou th. peint of ailiag estemibl Cal* t GodeM"t«destbG,*mu a lest 4 me- ni. r. ameu eM bm sJicvi~umlb al*bea ad ids!deemier h lis. <raloi mmd r4ta wu iq"lýremit m datal»Iwei4i~ o «te l*hi YWUro- ade m*bubu &VW W bmd mcii 0( t voulI e be y a ll~pveernoumla bond 'à o tbe umutise ice he u ln..de maai revlved ematLwil.Enteau i Criau 0 ~¶~nau pearnoW».baie te"m -lie us ieSmAymee hmaïm paricuLe.ianbR llp ün le mkaiiver1ou1er *m Mou unv. . Mr e uilaguPm, at.e dtt ammli 4f 0 "n- ~bla1o ~ je le OMM" mi &unhhmpu*qssidm. aeethé e Oa mluaituecmtisseirbvMW s4Mp Mesmon âSc sim.On li hm yit eluw th" *0 egmtevneua ,Du. m ot " m w I u bon te oia Wigur toue buS hmuMbe04"Wl dme ouplgo. î wuscm-" -0 s d-dcWlieý * biiso.daIgvll 9»cice apeuaicumiye misbl.u r1eete beode a*e à" s. âm vu se L.a km l ieu" ?w ta bmae e ogWiea m 1~~~~'~ bieu "tuk; bwit5 &eia mm." lela ibde..-l le co, MY VsA gbe, if the *v vimiou -.w *l aup "c = 'Mmnl Io lI exeedui 9 Ibo

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