55 bS6uW<~1~PS ss lia *r y aais, May h. acemdtafchil IJL, bis ecoy mt les .'auê ekb m mck d nifriendlî fhmb'tv o frf5~îa4tjrbIebhB im eudmWé acuedieuravt, sud lare rady taImao ma pe rmhsw, r)n t ee iîte ea h.£* ttidaelettttlle W6t6 hituioUS canenth. coducted ta "Y M 0,n ,anti.ud ïwWte ds tuuia alhpl faale. Jndging f=(ram 1h. tee - e rb 1h.oe ne n fi&m -battreiied oa ~a imieml u erleum e cfat a ty The Caiates ad &W f tl Umy5Sous athe -U cymu p t u ar lsl i bi s 0f tla ctiengreaarti t,5 we a m lns o. ., acei ia*,peoi t h lIe tu hteue hioder 1h pbli.M." aa foyi*uxlaLqt«cum mwmvutsWzmlleti claaeseoet-ythe mesbdm% «w-m au oppotto arrymuchaoc as e t.1the unockhosdess oreth. e51h WyvceuV% ail Ib *adeun" .1 d inet md oncs e a.oEvana bai"Mretie .l e t e ereae0 nieml iciaacsa a o .Ibalr.peuSt t. de as F ha CL erlOrua indl t ohta la o tem unavteiea yde a semf a in ablenumier li u p resat am ortuitamêm IlewesudW&# mot pe ilsf udt5. It ciS reporled tat themumberot ema atiB , M n ce i nu Getls I âo Wde it r lb eoaail* fr0 a die sto i rnt nesa vill- .cou e6seEthe î affl dtedaémluss air fau.r e h n.a outjebstanF iima u stle i asm metu i u Mnits mté m ON lebthe- e t t a meis oert ilt im rna ehean le dogaumeh n aiai4 IIainq t e nv eecare l a m a t] ur lime - ofm di w I o te jeeli ulo Tveii ag l clci, 1.e- enepm e ..lh.2BbuL . èa&em6. eeCbadoitatii 118t5c. 0«~ fr agudmea .it ou a t i estwurpte usumD hU0 IM > IEI. ~ 5 ea a.Ife i busa empevmt A ilagobina d tirenelli étultei atitamia es. it ePmaARuvu tit doaAtitat lm Wc qw by.bowgrate la-eh vIl ea i n "Mcme.th, u et s i or b h me"uné m t e ne tter L Ud b O - swl tik o .et t n i wR ni I ted b i imi . enet la b i -h ase 1e i à 10 Saa m lia eceino lmesttem afiattmWpaandonesu saléboougtsio etE v nb .s ul sa d t am fl en, tbe ad aÀhm a.d*Amnon tteulê m i eW51!eieY aBL Joueasd pre s c r etrgs i d i 4i v *~ .u.n.ne tit.o vois W 01.vaha 11.N iwllrehaa1n ulmieats.'let m it rnnes c. P e iad 'li a. e buacilede ae'r imi oi i 5 eacemyTSm h u p-I 'ment bo0ume e be.sdIi in iElmn b asa 'lutt uearyOhrsuel aeWppitla y muéa I~ereisorl.fi=i elo s b e.suaaeisd v'h t ie t w lhre elthy(eurs.iA.e. mista sud Ca. yu b dats iameta i h tuaimibaumae1a l. eru th tt.N c ae elIbsrnla dtatcitlCo-mrd.peplwbkbnrl d l eul Iee fcuf e U. lb h1m mgmmmditel mterebcjr- 1 M. ni a 5 or comiventoï100k tii. t oi e lasdm dolcfm 1.o Da bg, tb Udut 10 emI i I~w BankinMau MlIvt1,OC tlatm. V7 nite ts Bak -v-MS ante p e gbu etil; bat h.illee aw th Z Lob t i.liia iOlea.Comrcaareaaite tcscs iIfOr fte b e u r emomdeerprell bna et .dueiL eh t" asiperyctut nci; 98 aoth ha,94.abo la dM ~W e a bapp lit i ibe 1h. ut m csd4he u tt is a le rmen md 01 Tho bongo A Fi sh erh ales E lmielivt S4mesdt rc e rà e u i are io n of e , M I m uetb Ausuea u meeauetias ~5eheiIl Uv - saI deptatas eh se0. te choaiu lcoaibte a éeom teirei. se ,t e ff in ca i mo M bcltalh kme'.sdd ob.eeen tiP ulitvehé nbdmahskataanflmurlm rspRviey hkgtbaea av h re r f ud1 i uc amp e th tnm d u bm cp*a. . - te oU~~ ii iltsiavlbtslgIb eeeerelbo teda. T a lawdgeils vay h *,- ; cb ii &m of Bian s s era bava and" maes lleme t ane tca st t im a istta m oran e ye*meu ssonso litù.IlmaScial oUculIlea baibeveg, ta coove of* b .dY mN a & m y« W r f t o e b fls ef c n t a e. 1 e0"i a ot t onaibe pa l pe atm m e& c enyt u boy'cpe ln he e n u V h e U m.l i a e t u A m r o ae a Id p i UM d ' *pn e Y = ' , f li mite l d th me i a .besy éfr n m o n & of 7 l t av g e n t lo "o a "c r i i gld -p u l 'o1 bmue e tra.. atoir a m e, Ue atd li aaiU a1hetti af 'boprv I. m d u liero prly i n liatce~amo a tti p a. l e p e s a l br sm lli hCamp eulimtnde fLouei cuarler boce.ehr, duesL Z Offith mita lb Em tailb -d c"re là«M dit G zeleal1. tiines ie to vuode miu e calae ino hy seit sa d u 1 Ie I o and m i a m on genou ewâ by the New00 or7t0 e tre n f a , umu m eg t e eah b lt f s'a i ] *U e &otasta m **B ai9 boabouCSda t te veursu co nesat1g~ion. buthviui tconfd nrin re miking Mstem-ingauW Mo e. &C. i t Iba0i mesb mdanti cipnatioto Sr P md~nc.r mDir ee h " tois0 ï a , tai t -hmveaol av o erei ifr epn e cf ha difemt*aeim t a d e hue b in t e i babi a ex- 2 0, 0l;e t o», thead, bein u ab a ca ot tn costat e, dm ll. ge a l c a m le u -a pomme aame of te lut a"blwdaglb.miai tet hii M s f r e en . monlin ct aie o pm am i mposprtyread oel fori t at of ard us o. ma ltass l te as ued d u.t t? c Im m vIm tr Z om o cgd M eb " ett e esfl ots sE n atliib;and . - gz . wm C et lite cae eh.thecutable 'vfavsrabele.e'The g. 1h ttclmmmand a--tlgg der cliiltheie, are eaahlhaheé litai h ai iite <et Panb ouofytai b Our e l. gin ea i a i u tht uuanlsmeta1. mmdmt'eet m .us hIadn nereL i pe g slo le ftrc ba e biave aic 1 ,A «bat qOSCO d m m m dpcttiioflt e u ta i r.iti,'ave eaugbboaa tATe 0hIila mdetY I a M » bysalathe e ti u a ctb O im iitolv i h.v dgtd tq*rleg mgamlii the mdmila&Wta o bismD la.nec a liiLmehueni ten cm s, h e l m m t batn Frth e sel e b e liaetndthe dalein inui ydue _ _tain have aliy s aa te e alieK n ise l h eiiiga l o - - u p 1 l i ed us la E ta.k iai lb.u m nct n d at e rsi. Fob1.ave rm hort. isites laofhiN ha Let s~Ceh t b . e ubaJ u -a ive a lbaw etento Sni lr sp t ite, S teU L - O n e teh-mastic s tesbl:$Md Nrt A d Mdrwlk T e p-o ss pdW b1elso b. tm dg 1fefiaad utIte aaectlma ur g.'rta tie tetin pop "«e aand l $ im at uc ei l'h.là the a uai aielbaal e fuibaomaeha useb ouîRe es oq , c . ie b h e b ,Is m a e s od u s j ar v m im m e mi b l e thelofIlepro es e w ma. Oflm h ab rell t e Msud eue vmeltit Oghl. M W ioeeulaim u e te v iii. Iir sa oGsaaamU vutarosthi aulirmrcnil api ou fttbell i thipuee 1w , alte lhm i a et. .oIe whoea yaei ba1 eehveSed ofww igigP -« Wd e I e au t m ed e vea tie n s au 3 y dI 5 th e s e ro n atdM e s t, 1 7 th ud s » ni s n th ter, - u a l m s o i ai f r g opi eu a v o e -t a à v i n e s .Ie auo ,ueug mm la ai tane l etmhTafe -~tie9bT h e vo u ue r hye a"t veis relgd m Myl an moe nee tar emxn a re c *ata I m t ."<Mom m th a teühi., el lte iCybshcAaampesÂdec4u c ciag boy m= bdrcla.Abuim a to teafumtai tbsetôUaijtf m Bak'f ow thied&W "ent r&bn f60 r70mn(«eM o umre eet auice.h B nk teitA a m n ls ir,' alent fr euf a , a r e r Lacen'ML W@ng c m atha eir e e are ti for eratruelu Hiné e s? as m 0I e à15 w eu-Mtt wef CII bi <lmo e 4theig . i * On p qil b v m r aequ is ain suiden cealI et bu ti It PodItsinda2h.mh80MdplalltheOFui "vuas lU titia l et tima.dd-Indypcula , d te lb. ihaeaé lb. thmie sud oug,' sy a via a so fit patt -~ d @îîesmaI o th.maurebu ty pt ts u sue persemqteI ufa b gpi lis- bua d lnemta e. ~ rmte,1.lsie ialtil mhd tsae iattsaen.lm ctha'ta for thelttict.peOYidafrthe -M be m tIbe otht bse. thâWi t.b. 5UcUg -nnIbdtyiemven. !fnuma , obealnpolileal Mldusmble ou a an Ia P Ye,I diter er iehideilt tholUcIaUsaneeQUtl.t.mcjetei feliuiMaa,1,v Itdwt e e j~lislpole s d iis W g o eu uIadeh fWbot 4ehuemimubeb inla eu nehdiofdli mikduaelataeusli t bave-eaui. morep ssodt aso Om uhs l is am o a lteredset 5by 'A theUir.l' um-Ib s l chaveben lotateduibenahe Stat es b tae usot viidltaepea. t 6eKmgi d itutt pai.upem llae lé the WualaIs 'a ara.aved i tajemthe Unie ti, - tle 6çasuoI&iTeL c1h hghf alotMe of pm me -1&iooof wuet*as - drie Win the bis VI" in llis ct, mmcadesm the -lm h ncol q anby at e aetsta emavy- Oai i de h aï tcegiiu s~5 m lL lm .é .iése te ât hM 10ofCnerbuy wu Jagset, m iWI.. - laI.ec ~N*IIVIB. A sus ettee s d 6e Consiit Let m bavesth lanu g mtziu d ea m ouf G ahn a s:k I II ., W &$ Ê 4 i< O uabott ersy sla n j a m » , * 9 d W m - k u w à e * d mei 1 . l i a w a n d a o ban g « e h O tc t u a v i ts n buty e da nmodeve by té 175, Wsce em ât iheibisuis4à jw F ý&q bd wuthesud odeateof te ?is teBsl ofLJu mo e fen- rth deatgs u met a lem Scetchbmi ne M:îpendeft mes.'. -W ladm dig itrsom e tmltai cams am la ans itdttsluatyf . . scotnh anking s"tem vcold descube ,babis f th e peo wl. If uhe m e m mmli~ ~ ~ ~ . _u nmem~ n nn di e~ ~~~~~~h nee u at rý~.e.iiO lac am n tentr. tumeWt m .tna vena cm iii lent s fiolY n t l wah. puta temt in«easor anyretedi ut e rajisecs i MmpreW amknuu oe neerm l lave a t e Babikth n te* Eqmtc e i te iut ainarOure erman fvo ietaW l» i olNt . rt) Lrmue cor, y ca et s t hc b.dosweeitfIetSeh buIcthNe i g ~ndpandut flmba""bams litir is Ibi s itai etauhe lb.fdliela &eh Beai ' t Bnteheimb otes of ihiÎ mWb fir obtmeead bs trmaBnan inf pi à a biffta ltlpneoflbase.f loca Ea M4ma I hinlation frei ist n ol epW tNoc, la accornplmsl It a fxd Mich uci, ma mae onire itI h. fltct àtulocli meefns eo. othi poiny mtaliet tainlthemmluio lta ,al hm thb speu£"e, and e lunecf taie edlytnloc .y atl Sacksb igcfmcrty evul ti omre a li lue t ua m Wu nor hîner lia peilu moglie meo lta ati.bac list pissnad" cm, m*4 imnt erin atovced lime a xememd mou er lime de1l~~ly fe ilcomM iiprothMl M mily cfaceosufld ateqad theai vaueof a Indispensablcentamatedy -Nan ndam=i tyaf eu e dara senid elcer enm bit h. lu te cf tshlimgaed ael mcthecr encyehnbic ean lobaet If uch reofulion, as cati etuy p val llctitof i u Ifmoe body tily w vle ieitme ero te ceng lab1h1ultibg ta b ~e l desant etd ti Ih.m eit epe e tmat and ltae eoue . it ltefer«it obsm byc mon titans aes eU e.. £eity mg hockit ta 1n h.meeq»ty-l* aieofml e'rxeenlythn tmet koun, tes ilbacei. tquiy Imapell fte plawt, lat buetitet thasc eug litem sses eh. it*cglà by mm m me luso.gh.U eientbi lbeptt he dinoti. oteW ui ai <otit aeàlUemtaI litemues opt b n tebeicmmd b ois aeebdnilii ezeluIi, wbrspamble ic lb.due e lat ltit won mm.mnt.&-< b52.4Re$suavevr, tadheiliti h paeiellb cmw "Id asalie amibecin.osoinlal rviii 1h. abisma",eth.cec lMdp es <oae u 1e ho e dulsedias. haen, itmi lma h illculi te thiar tictes -could b -d » assciaion isea .,.,.v ne "dmt%*W icube se ctiml-- If Ibisplan cenaapled, it cmiii equive cd dutoaf guang in arder ta premseail o uses it couli erect a tintiofa bolute ue Mromatag h mitent iDitrict fiantrs o m be a timtioragmuin teotheceairailit cd lut minuote itmaledge aOferrupa *alitiezs*u eom .empla"eInta e heh 1 teh central beai.liase plau oli todm.s de a mmli,'oftaction, pjueraicontraily boee,b 11ih a comple b kiOIaofe s ailidur lacail,' ant ilailvwdacase. Toe " ceente itnaclage ila edalai vita au0m-iole ommud o er teh hole la ealitta mts andpuis mmm a lb.desirale -, fr t limcmd iim t a respozsible bodi, enigtleseid naveiW euhL autiait, ttaececunlaberfat issll. Md muemabe te pouiatment if ittrusgtmeêih ,osled le. A the Mdris la,"da neceuresc,ilavemwlte l.rng, s. ehPave et iowng s papea cares,' ymab. veilWai estnlfaÏL. It in tue ttee inaacie dffm aetvee a cuoeecy et lattisule Value, Md a Cu rflncy viict i repenesta b "-bdt WBi10la fam 'aý v'hy e ttr hai Mb. audea Mt icu ýthe ehkmme, itecausteh me as,' bu ab~ " 0"ealiercassaI.A metahliemena , tu immt b. stand, hums.il a ni 111 eil valaià tibeamaua taWb"ti l la cuent; tWt à "b% me, uéisad a re»pentaionab., gMt a 6vane is mm mmaii. T ypq p ajloi ad b1i b amwo0g ver' l bwu. i m ur m5pop.euil tu~ Theleina me bineupim a ~uaeoma culéu ae me teuqm t. ambaid isus d'a pspes uss.,'Io O, 1 -- etbaer f4le eiiuuof uê~.' ,e liéeset a e. m e cM U Waieald peulss e , culé4Mlavi iveiy inadequate checkoa the bu oî BaDnting were madie free, almont the "Ixti rlâ gaunit exceusive i11es andetav~x Ltvould ihe inlte pruene..of Direcor,.T ight prove auffcient ini Scot.and, ala t e .countryfrt in the Stae, îldir? '>ti i vrockl he a very fech1. tmsrier agairnst tUcf1 graslingspeculation. A le 'i fret banking we atîempted, the Ilank.. reatranetita rery modernîr amornt o c Pd be saubed tol a clise luperni.xi,,. or . llicdjmte ntoi thre gencral alatc fthi aim4Nith a paid up cital and *Btundîme expansions of th, n~* king iniit h. pernitted ; bit a t us weapoiin ii uiikttfult 0r1 i nt. Iefall ' Letter of IMe. llagrrw:al 1 lqfgbeen sent u, frin. connder ià due t the Lcitu.Uoniertot anti tee recommenti il as urdi düsrn1n i ve perasal. At the smarne titre, we devin iII Mr. Cartwright ta stateIlitat vwe .da nt , explanaftuon, te great abject ef solitui.!, *nditiaon 'en*rich chauiîrei banMk ,, d epee pay Ment$. 'Wr ahs ,i l U itM. C. tonk nu part at the mecîinIý tet" ilactation wluch hlie as ient ferr b allerti. mmd smmediately alter givîr;. * Torono, '2Sth Juin y MnIas CixRTWarGnrT'- y 1 haie readtini:the I' Kn ît k" A j 'Ce a enr cen4 dings fa LMeeting ctuttdin aKîrntt nta ccnaderatiou "lbthe auser luhc 0ýff etc àd ourthe lae V ï of Ibis Province :,"-and a 'hà t i tr tare reporteti ta have stated- Thât, t % anoand matet i wth tih ere j. * o hlo Charltreti Banks au liiiE lr - yuwre infarmeti that ]His x~.< latheii Chartereti Batks ta sler.: u nitiiderprefent circumnstance,,r. blei.te exteuti relief ta them eêcha 1gee' I neot say ta vok i t1i: ouare incapabe of willîîlly iutI,, tau herefore if yeu haie hein f1ittti y n uracy, the erra? iras bheur ah feait, b at ut yen teil admit tirat it is a-tn, . that when thé acts of the Ljrm me venge become thre sultJect of disçusn rt a .tta ateudeti by Gentlemen ofthe egt ly a* of 1 who toit a promirent pair on a «. nu »feeretite (yournelf aminze no sn t re~j hnio of a peint Of nïmlz sfer to pana Niitlrout rt rd end 1 have accardincly takrn ani iufa tiyel f what actttally tranpired at hiv iin anulbe Pre5ridents of tihe Bank of! lýic a amdthe Gore Bankt hai witir lais ii -- wbich 1 have authority fortaryill; ani 1tait atteudance for the prrprie of nîku waIDvn theb.conditionoen wiri the Frcrr- ta Gavitnment ciapreparedto taancKtriuni eaimu ëf lleir apecie pîymerts. Ris licellene,' distinctly exli1litîil t i ibeit, tliat b. hati ne desire tînat thceicWx r iii of ihe Execufive rOovermct r nuamethlIe conduit of bite Bans,tirat litami, lisat tehà *ire <uier te direction o! seritomen, rot ta hacaritiaîc ctiii Ideas of honni, tut ta b. gîîuri-.- l 66r aur interests, ant iilvol bfat!'j bey' cule informneti ni the resolutioni oftk a f. Imait) ta delihoraietetrherraid detr rlselei'tte coone of the ovîernnict a, aI«ea cf lthe Banks vere or wire r,,t i.,ii acila la py hiing lire a tcr1n i i'.aSafu meBak, becrac lic !îuU a aaeagemeot voci ldie diteA'. . lies umauci ns the. duty of rthe m. md .itaintereala of thc Barka ouglit rot eil âRIniet c ' tiare whom in dcîî n ¶Eceleacy len deliverel 10te tc ing6 hae m aeiim wicli ha, ireen 1alilbi!alu taiig the lbriec cotditions on wiîrîirthe r,>s .eul ve = m tuhorz ie Citeredlarkriit * mue Iheit iru lterattthey .hould lat m bem mjiNis Ecelency expael à masa hic i imtucd hlm ta Urge rcry 00 bis , opiion teh stipultians equredm eaj ucit coincici vilb thea ioterram bà e p or icthlb.tiird corditicrrtif vis: Tiat te noes of a Wt sape specie paliments cosid t eonib Cotrimmmott tra nsacro -the Liutud 0 a$mte,titat alhboughin »Lwe[ Cii ebatever ver. altaceti ta e, roe i oemet transactiaii-,et thatit iiW 7bei long &go tati» Uoa»himtif the t'oi.iuemulgtiig that atolgias ire i fianths iiProvince contiiued tU la nIiiSpecie, uic,' aiould ti er nIta oSpecue, and la Ibis ir-Di"Out stiellugta adbere, iab.utioWfvrb DttO5 any su,' C re ank mOt iOl aivisable la deelare that lb.e'oles Of lui 'tam e a net ulequitiieuit (0 spMi abile' bey uldexpectlat in "her ovn icclaratiail, tire donerrrjerî e t receive titeir notes, and i bgitk ent craditoii la accept tiernOU$ r hici inlaalad fila Eacelency dMl 1 and viticit itew"libava henbiWb l la hlm to itteplt ttieiu h of Lord Glenelg respecifthne Exceltencl further expLaiwmdrý liai lthaHome Gorttlemt rwmdl 9 theinotes og&ta -m l peala nia i en n Gaverntebît imueb u p u oer ma com nm ent Ii.h le " _ b«*Me ess 1 WÀ Yeu 10t0"il . I pfr ukqintiltot" eIOU W ch t liey wr j5dlefi&bPFmia lhîî y' hem . hr aac e beia. W bla tte nlimitend iIe iens ltea ie A, mLi wit 15 ilsim tI. olOStioalies me vziii ee tw haIllisa c hU t h «Pcaie, dob 11 40ti oe* of *a Preai în t P cC d.a.edlit ait -le ute ramane. he diotae h euiscym. aprestl. MIbem lla - lMime te dama eetbr by t 0 e n ,tmé.le au (lehiir werr WtMe ee*aslltl fLower asUYlNec ormswicl lit ~1w"~Odie at etspec ia ads wn Pd"um1 od U h i < U ,emby. At ealsor- oe Câit lia Leu% e mMIUSht pmbed O'ma *- mhawu do pu " cas gbU od va eh shats1 rlr4bm ihadieti seualler The Lee&a elece cue0l 'ag by mlitai etacfMr. fl bd wl e tsagaudemma -u imz dineOState am ,taaau1 aau>uq Md nly aeo-fml0 l cas Me&.lidMW ws muid bav-e drsaasê ireqalsmd.. it * M d 0pI 15 s 0£3 me iavom&ohy ailusle.in bride, a atopquiig Pot' (w vu vlnd, titer tnp or ducim " in th r.il-ca3 uilpi,' et! d1 great iLtelth ie Tocs smd ilumates a peammeal m he i. â,tages pueued t -y----- vtetiomls, &,à" ofaàs sied, a ai.ReM umbni icd ilaitma, "%""pa he mbave ett me citromirlo.Gan la u9l sudapompie lledi* 41 la. ivillomIeu y acIdeutl %lb.Fwpuy ?Pumut=l' limau elpaulgmet lac -The nu fin lu ¶i.uo ti td ipu O tr m a bm a a oaSd bylgsab i - vii hi bem 1 a tidum Eu£Id.;44 momie »M m a.. -