diI~I. I O lu y ----------. filet 1 date144f lblai suvies vhs. lb. deetu lu 64 et, big id thu e uuéddbk b s1li ds se l scbe M. i, 6e1hs ammlu bit àaolblb . l.l eraeu bo 0"dellb et duhfl 1-le T' = COLLYNs,HÂSS 0 conumausoý 'Y tby u"---d ,i s t ID I IW- 4 'o ID lu DE t O~Iwo 4a 6o USmx o MSC1RUMiu te" lmsie ÎÙeasinaptbomiZ gsiîLOTUl IoVe= 1s CuauImauleyU GEOCKI5 UWoe0Ig I Ki p A N,1* D 1 , iflL I e aiS.db wm 'M lbiuustamulL.m $prM =t xi APi4 1 £igssuUaSBIU. VOa"c US :a s. :3 I. b t. i i uO !pIc~tmi.*eunaUe~ibr1a14,,u55~~ S4~ - s-.' ~ r~Sso~s SHEIIIIS SALJW. 'ILL. bE O019 a the Coul lilms- ssbNlret Khtsuu: Ltwde& SIE~VV'8SALE. su susucoq*ut m~hmt ~AbA~ - ~- &,âme .14 Cv u 1-"M6wd e laid y - -b mai fksiSonl. li. a omteeedslboé sJb.&M4- à ucoelbyMd s iÇO4. cuA ma u e sis.i the aideWu,At itay eabo W l&ebdmib C alsew Omis - NAX ISCT. dies ia sUat J . q )LND DITIC. 41hJ, mAtgel11h Splufbsf, Ih lbe Ca.atet L«« ddhszA&W.k,âI * At COKE » IMARADM*=~TS loo~ 1tub-t h. li M J , 101 Aug sI,116lbu 10"«ct, ud u xNevsa. NEWASTI XDSTRICT. MI»AND DISTRCT. as 10Yei »sr, su 101 vule terIe, MbcAbe M âmI Octale, u £14 m 29 Pou, awlS121hie im, 21hAum 81.emnm,121kOel oe11 121h lue, 1837. IN TUE DISTRCT CoE. Wisai Dldet, und t at. m hvl*4 be veltaetPeler!. Ceuge; sumopul emucstuddeller, t. ntiofy FiPMIght, ber %dmd"#àCi H."OL ctr, Md i la the uch a b am -ceaa,.1 m u ag emt 1 0"9dlb bd Futd piael sei4mm SH5tlll'S~ BALai. lu - aulaOT eseez. -salirrl'8SBALE. 115w - .emsisu ~ oeg~EM*j MAPI UMM, i t1sm ssS Bs5w md~~f lad utkdialbmin se b DEJAiIINOLCOI Kiaisu 11h le. UT. ____7 WOOL WÂ!YM Il1 [;ABU poid kr dus Wea latheiSomc Jede Wesck hubeusat dthé WeL. y at suuiqe»d ly *BeMIW sgat he ab Abs,1Uey, ma iler M. LsUum. aoe t1 .w.&MI ~" CPTAN ~~R~NT, ArTýAIN VAX CLBYR, ......... Eivwesaimrem ,S..... .ade sésmis ............ ....,......... i.. Ne , .Vwép', d. AjImgst TmoupavaMd ILeidav en vusilap, Qsesd.,udmnW.duuby usIug commoanove, Leva .m.v.oé........... 7 ea t 7 P.1M 1-.......... ..de..1........ e. v.Masg Mis........... Uauag ÇhA*O4 .de...... . .. .... .... ... e. Inde7 .esbw uauem . Pssegaal.ugMassllhioularv&eIIh alieeeia time" latak aniathUm 1~Uj7 evmu t~dpai~.gMuijsi e Tile3, ilied m blai a kebeUrIM 1! MSPM -M --- 1àa Ros #b 1 sm9t%"b» t i4e4Lxe*dkbha tb FUR$. sud comelDmwtsam lly lain. Paucafor&B* EsaimI.,neavj tcp Msd tissa.r"celveig1. W. wm àhl dmeaBe, t&at vbe o ,su W ma4si, ta M9 emtof êû9i; AtdW RB FL aasu.01esdMc OSer, Uap*e tfiMa" C ali t ~ ~ Mar", Ly mq 1*b lsd d ='>11esdClbIaa Fihlg uiCollais, dStoka,ibeodsev ine ge4sis a unlie. flxé u p astdr, md rspsinla be ýN- A-am saIlbRiGilEST FAN! H-md Kue, wy4r eUw. Sqtslssr S.919 CAPS-CAPS Sc i . GEMEà et&Com " w .dRa Rafo As ier., mmCpMmac7,N. Puai Dta.t,.a ev dioem SosI Bai ne vllb ond, e vueY ipueramlmeelsé !CAPS, t.., " »Mumset. emt n ie iiiuelvBimmediat aetloI m ed i. &ve ualltsctou. CurNdb, TWMp,lon ituem ye,fllpscLluaslbeubu =IL. 3ami sàdaPTAIU J&.C55 Umm* j. oaIs vethae»a 6 ot sagwiom y iiyvbàe amtsbtwsu e an sdIb E'Put lBsps evsy Tsesdy gi ud mseauge a e'clock. W I T eva -1say su l de aseasaga12'i WbAly yWeàmmiy at 6A. ffl uM40 elm Wedesdy té A.x 0lCa% «77Y!su Ioay ilIL i hte 0( a pyeteatdataeimU. ElIIR BL fK ka~ r, Rois .43. dom- üMSe. rbsm I b-i mena r'o'~ e. lue> Mq1~, ~met~O- - F :4" d --m Dac. 2os1836.'.&c# ~WMAS GUERIN & Co. TYPE pý DME, reuiectfuliy inforo the Prmn. (lies Coloniesi, lIat the Ageurv oeN[t Mrpuc Duoa w 0vreadytoSU pINI lmit', whatevur y -Yrequi reà lint sstà lave t Y ca procue the soi , s rlres lie Uoited States. eaatbe à o ew arrangemrent 8 Plteaa ters ii)be eaabled (C sh 9orteat notice; and no u rydelav Wwiin Occuftbetween the t rcoelof tR Osf ppers vit, have pableW f, 1lp Fasdy dlrtise.nent, are reqettiàe lstSuoe,Mad tBey illreceivetxod, veel Y. lyea psyment. X MIGSTON & NAPANEE MA CAàDA M 1Z ED ROt. D 18 WORK 15 00w in pffgre,mÀpg OURERS witl oblain employMne b ig la Mr. Cul, the Engiiee, at the Of<t md of Store Street, Kiogson. p18eu," May 13, 1837. us COURT 0F CHANCERY. N0IC ishe reby gi yen, that titis CÉ si beat Osgoode Hall, ont Mobyt6b "Jn instant, ai Twelve o'clork. Ou saimone day, te Office of te ei wlbe tramd, at No. 5, onthe llasemeîtaf & tvSeeaety's Bniling,, here proeelhniit ho ecved and fled, anti the necenuar bedtiserma. Offile houti from 10 tt 13Vdi WILLIAM HEPBURN, N. 1.-Tse aider. of the Coutt, yiiàt là lsnees.esy lb Solclatat berve, iî lu. c ucof auit op ta the eaaing, aeprepiiî m are nlicoum sof publication at the GCozee S FOR SALE OR TO LET. ND poumeion tae, give n i lttMy a tus West hait of Lot, lette, A. î in&t & o0f lttahurh, adjoining the Miitary B»,, tsiniog100 acres,,nov in the occupattu d îWUhana sr4uae, altothat portion ci the M& liyeouvs)eag about 30 acresleased by de lW [uresfl9s4set ta Colonel Lightfooi, ada. poomas of aJams eDoolop. ApOyb I THOMAS KIREPATIL i Eilkeo,4611 Janary 1837. CA&PTAIS A. cxiMIT, Il ua, dmuilhe sUm. et aya kt t hesieer, pri o vgut Levi a eSuiy aenu& DOWNWAEDS. LvuLuwisto., sveTy Mouds7 e E' Achester, usy rr relm iagais, os the upvrd o-o~i~r peugde ampy lathe lu 4leutesdd se s'y dm n l bUi eLc ul Wa n- ucaurelsd ciil ddlermv m *e leulb rlyocm p va m*dt Pao-yr* KBh~74~u,..........e.. éero6nf L b bv.1vi B. At tuéIls aetPealm ve TVFlve UMia. e usieblvali lu,. mev13v1 .An -M -A a V-W Nor * r 66 on 1hsWestomEad MI pbCm easu et i meat elisM. ~~a4. CPS lb01 wIs, atlede "sa CA lCi.T lame.,uiwu'l ftOWtedo. Idube P.Y dm-Ss.pas et l etCp D .su Casai, . oru a t ttheaivsleM M ouiesluioruay fiS e BlUTIBU NORTH AhMRICA. CVkid-Om IrHa Suiang. ivdiCemuittlae oduel he ls8" mon"ASMCI$ moUts. jum MAsmm na,»CI ,Ba«abnMEZdT tue e«My cuâs haotet bwalues. er su la oeu WODET CàaRTEU, cmmwuâofrth ou < Dudet agia, IIhlsIsay or 1hW6ig bom IbIebvl t.bemopavu.l p.-ila ffl .- 1 eeub W;mdltimla lmb minwea FOR SALE. IW Dhh a' ENGEE, 20 hm npm L*queuis W eil knooiita ifg ad hW Ça£4"i t is size, il inov tnapa lxt Is heBaller,, hich s reu S ALs, M 1SALE, l.BOAT IROQUOIS ; titis Bot, biv ieiti iad, st laeexactiy suite te tathe kdlus(à tT«»ç paymwWin emade ts 11 CE d breb gtu ha erema W pe eLoulthon the 2d JSa>rY id S ai #à 8014lb d 4 Il id AF mir l n .Y R S & D E A K E - al fli l iti ta lIeur frienis and the* at s e t t eï have taken the ,, qmuyacet by the lute jaII," Puaer4Ire they hope by attention Et: Ehls tIeir bu"ie ametlt pubic- Sthic atteatios ltb lige a&bd Cartiage laut. InsP4pared forthle hnuah: 011, GIass, and 1 Putty fur sale. DP.ESS MAJNG 'ANO ILy mm .andI ils vcinity, tasip a"tt ý t natht , baemlaieintue next House tb lI. , -b o Iidre tly th ie Ilerati ()t ,, kpelises, and eNuer%. t1ý~ quality mnd tichest patter,q. mf«m d ti t la uo rbeR i ' get 69 it onle0te, Ih ie O4d s suda nesPayent ijIq e , L ussuI e tomntenced jioe E Subucribes b ave ceaied t,>hbe tise MONTREAL TIPE(I'Dk date. In fùture, ail ordees mubtî e14 1 AlB.Sk Promus~et, M able i the bicIOSSI tu te a ethQ N.-e., le 11e 4oemlys e h Mo co 0 Tory lidt età eg- oltaleasa va Imdd b ft Bt0 e lbam ,îL;A wbgMStu td 11 baie a li.k orfa i tetisuosUal - ben Tbuvleticin gO me y tRer efiore, te vie ôwu tht palot onsICiUi<d q sBelgi n, h rthat sf he, Qeen 8 athe, ili n et she voeu hbave thox tbs Who watsld have aevly acquired tîrone, ent 0 siloved hlm ta retaill a.obidou vie" sof hlïieb dIt moiUiemS. tai Irepfible la the man 0g9e Charlotte # bils nodii ,of Louis iiiMp aifs of Bewgea, -. 7-rBe sh. Doona MarIk Po;u= l sst9uIblllZ, vils uh cb tb0.gh o ~but a susseeded inlOa m Uimcea'-osud»us 5OL that louse., Miler et viOl sim lesece ber tek geeg.Thlonsces. l aa coët oset ollous .1 tedassi bi evated ta tise slaat I is lent, ani ber iaghlcr, tt r bis sioiionmtriage, hi yul bis ceussrt flb the as bis doter sanec.. Thse Pm-sent sillstï v ave in the coulageleté csa4J eu iseso, i arty hive Iatlady, vsra ength, ami comaltgg of e the veau 4c Ilma.oire .8a 1u ta thertPinc acmre, thse peeservala advisers fmm a lii nioas ta tht esul empit ise". Y. Toit the ecoiquencea of eMoly probable; andi w ~n athb fsh, 0I the LondoTam,, respe, igap il1ied eïe yet tise 1 thetiisefrovpiedcu et the eKsgvas 4 » e ai frieod lte, palancipli hig%, altisaeglubis Pouic i-rhap pva May oy 0 oe hls.tb.. ,t ift m g Ie »li ms lb the ifdulsd ad#ermp bubu. sais 16. bs ehdai d , a «Siull memil dP bkag, lai 1, à M - 1 Sispog.-