ýAT AUGUST 22, 1817. aê. -- . e. , fkt 1 LB'e eni à* *sn dp r ne oe> d4 f- Y -Ft $mi s.0-f b l hui4kPeyat a- Lake ais,114<wi i hi. Poe.Iifg l- 2~nt~edIlr ieritiUM Ulb 00rpej qisi t p«4opuedý, tV"tà »W rma a" tomt9aa usu w a fa twut. A ml Carâng ami Felua m4 end UPMiil, né eaoily nay (tor um aa gr5êubaorddlmlhume amuloy cent- PUR &Md ijceoufliite t.eowa- ru JL414 Bi, by &,eoemotwcenlss ofd =. *OW46 7 t valt ua Fk e . 4W the lUi. A niwew »d te Cum My. ~~e4b8ataiVDtior ~~~~~. vit-asu 1L1. GEOIGE UL O-IJ.i .. FR001 CIOTIICi,madiluCP&ci 1d Tu M $ C*W ftTOR*U b.vii hm«oitue b mofrrhW onxtme PRoof Cto C,V.WI mt" id*mt<aB eo1omuMoii**Igàm41a4thoIIWi O MMd sud mev.D odt@ idus mcdetly a- mm rlb h î ale r Bguof.*sme, boi ishiim. uo(boCu lBats and Fer Ç%a# ai irait abv a# iih e t mbo u h sAile .miu n i u eand Laver Canada, et êe oalg< ii st P. L sesM,e' FwumyU sfiaoImm&" oeiJomi bipreuMdlar-i fife Mds imita" ,tae Md Fi,,Sei Be ti Md 1uoisMii ue m okFlt a&!PiletuawosCIS aSeI nd Tm*,hb Ole, Udlu itîs am d a. .lmpî (s ie *o b t Fmi lite. est Manar. CES piha.IiuffURS!1t M-6 Ce I 5, 10940 4g It Uem -if tu amb let 'Uc.,, e.- m ......-.. ............ 1ST ~e ,........... dyMelg 0efo............. . d. mm-m1vs*mtbe ume. l um a- mwg. tu-$ ie -comm D ov*, L&"vu euh a" 60 ph«u, vl e naIl lig.............. ado et2, P. M. lOC Iazlmth~ TunI,..... .. d. 1 "th ci UIueW4w tlhfr miit ............ <en.ït <ri wu x , uima me h.l *p ...............de. Nimot, ippliouimê m I o mu l ýIen Aq iww lorl n 54 lutotey ci asthe La»"Ckme, DSTIPieutéaesPr.~ -talIe Comty et Ram-àt Idue.,o ar15 Sî1atPsU& rnure'a I Juylleu M ,5bth.,m -esJ Ceiis opciu sii idboa, u U Nm amiwe ie ll0<1 veaaIsh ~"LowNDSTRICT. S . July, lia Atget, hUtop<aibotd ctauea,1d &mue.3 lai 1ýýIiUslA5!aiOxf.e4-Ai Dmilen tone.Am*-& la the csmi 0 M4ileae-At lAems,use 18SEN1.1 <6AguJIlsep&eme, 11 O D S im ami lit Nsem, r-RavbnedbmmOu J gamilbqat.d J" iJOME OST8ICT.-, viiijaurig the Lma t if 'njla- ilIsa th t Tueof ion. C#y p qjs, gubmytwisu a steak baff i ami yT moeu m m ,l O uy11 mat$t~atus., loimg et 1hPu la lIe coa o etmco-AIat lromqDnmvie, IfOc$ch., ami511h Niember. 5O N EWCAs=LDsI1cT. Caourg ai Ttau%1"yaMd Fmiay rMW- Pmmgicel.ýa adF" ber WhtyeyleyMmd pziday 9m ,oe.0lhJ*elob M Muhl,55h S.- WpU,7 qvoseeedmy a A. ]IL la tht e nty Vdam oesu dAd aghu-AtEI*q- « Pe l oiee v.ay Wdnoia10 A. M. t ia Ob Odtuow, aMdi11 «Csuçloyoiâa I - lu the Cousty t rFnoum *4 ir seMe e JLL 21s1 Jul,flst Auvf<Mdt "iiSPM eptois i mý .~iu 0u. Ortobes Md 21141 OVeum..F04I ..Li pfu'ayai e m th 1118CR EDWAR IDSMCTZ «"o" iaftf At fk»It.b, onLma 1july, 12016am< Jaly, 10àh AugitllbBpai, Wamesetb<ul m5h j517, 11h A!tif,. la us,14 - m IJATRURTIMM. I haiq 1 imsi au % 1h.4m40,uséo rd m le the Conmiy oe<Cntusui-.4i mluso said >Au» vely s'utoa viti . ât S~ .lStkJuy,151 A ~I Sptmès ihll Octobr, mnd 50 OTTAWA DISTRICT~. ofe tl alI ud mdet m là 1. C!e:îr d »uRwý-At teumot. bto0m6b5uo *v0 eLeiuis r2It Joly, Bleulf'a& OSeàWiT W 1' - . uII Ir.01 p Ok .1 galca,1 - a ln île tCo.aIv f M4 a-I~âUe s* RnEDISMTcT1omm~. Ifl b 1 Scé iaJGl.aaj-ioAliabw miba4t olIe D#Oapuqtoit a rSmgd, 4m b 1, y21* ugutf4t ilmlNdnIstat ' me imeIO.d4 a tceadtI. èUOIwy PW Iv ine Je me *""Wmm .1.2__ __ _ Zr =pfU r e.. Au DP:sa111Alu*w Jea oi> ti. r * 'rtom Si te.-~l .. vIcie viiil slvej eoa FUiRs, cAP,às4D~ omul,. AUl roru viii MuA"t Mh-,1m e- -àham Do exeilun berim Fuiv, Fume te - WIIBItisima euut 1t M syle, 5ecaiha TO IT.teemi ft-ii ""Choa"omloepo @Il or Wb Im .hpe, wuil e 10em oraabelle l r Wi subeme<v.hahEê4wnhms 1 256mM 91, mf. hm Il vmmexsmi dau *8o twt-m I. CAr ~ A fiW van. CL tr, OoumGlur, L&"Tu . . ........go do. Nu. , .... .........dLe. £do&ol -Wtdmwmay Mm-4. ceamm »"v, LEAVES .....Wedsunday,ai?7P. IL Y.vaU...........O o Rbhbar ...........1h-a4iy mmi Ogdemue - - - -u-.os. vit PM»«sntt 'a tet.tale th@ Gg«T Envmi Weal te Fdliay, wifl haemabid te talc tle Umm I.,UIS«Sewadys exceptci)f« Se hW d thlesq BwsAer4, ~cgo; i M m. joui m bkel m tegt. O NZEID A. CAr.îAîm A. Salira, WIL!. sn,&Mduuis; leas of a nvigmlisu, betywem -.modZLueWm, tmkm- ing e M^ = iions Lamves Ogdeurash .vay lesdy aveam& 94 xrwmam, - Fliymum-& malvtag ai LMdile os Sum thse *g» F e Lases empstn, my Mny e bmnw« , IL & , ' a.si DemRad...,.......... IL&5.enes...........mRiIe J. W. ills& -...ime nkaBy SRERIPI'4 8AL*. et.. ~~%:I IL AN K8, ~ ~ a. ~mof !*Wembof bb mpiyeush.lesb"lemmi *~ ~ ~~vt sIn ie mii st m i. eeeio c. utlacrc VtAIRS COP1(W1N REDUCRO WILL hatbe d $io a îe sfotov 'w x*ai te fiebtàn,1 Tam., théesdami oe.B"ey <Qsioih&Wi Dcii- .vilde te Erapt% pu mer o pm 0& e.!s 171 . I P« urmile. GWORGS ivEts, Captis LINS, lm.S,& 0 00M» BINS, & CO.itas ~min oow»u C.H.Co *aI moudhm--àhlaer. se.- mote. d e Muât i" ,iv*mm, te mm. ah Y=î ta~ Ctwc. cor4 en pa, * i s ameimecai lo.1 JU-S Cagerssa. a ç,oWBM la"W m*v*m MdK- unruemofBO Pdiomlinm&W letow0~ E le eRn-Oak. I~mpto~,oli Jrlu IUom »Y te Slmaet,ibM 8"a VERTSUM nomedi FsweC. wSéomerilau I lisasa, Vuis,<ss.<sO. -sug~uS~ __ bMATSw mi"~ dbd*ld. amm ontei flnI-4 labs 6 ia a- the ma itcqa o baog. osm nia wdee ma *A8uphnpcmemli1.aeil -m l au,Ni ~~5ia wusl E. I w4lm oft W.- YO BALE OR TO LET. t egivcui oniloaiMy Iuý Âtb.!# df0 L.latter A. j, the ton ahitbgb, adjdiong the Miftay Inem, the iofttMo lylk oej*g aout 0mesIeued by the 0f4 9%M.msfldutnettColmel LiglIfool, mandum Khp'a. 06 J.numy lm. FOR SALE ¶11E Uusua ENGIN, 20 hm Pm os fIa be Mimo in well 1mms mnheing urd 68bwlaC fi t i.dur; itlahuiiu peu oteaepiI. hNSae,,,wWh b ftiem or yment "ii t>maie eu 0 lot r m~~j MACPMERSO & CEAJI Phswft,Septembre 19, 133& bi~ iIBuJ COMMERCIL BANK, M. D). r 35tmb~ U is Iere !Mglasslieb.remii54 ~< <w.qrr lon lla.MWSock iMscui -~~»ý icmt.onm e2adJlatummy, 13 lAh~osua ~ M lot Hq, 9 M litluly, unwalteVueied«cille Uni, e-- gmed io adsardu f«tek t- ai mi ua t 'lao@. md m * V O N 0 < rat..d irwt a t i ll sl at.a t'uy,g sib t... gmsdlKi 19 G mm ond te di PahaRovimsand & "hà hyhape by aftfttkbuand 4 tkiyr hm a marti t an,~, etttaton e ar L ndCaffiage Pantic Ci4 W%-dPety fst ". ftitos 311Jauuary, l&r7. OR AS K IN< AND MILLIXVER Y 191118 ADDEX, EG(ToaUZaLY Or uvaLt,) qleasve t. infoe Ils inhml.;îants et & B m"adi e i iaily, hat $miebacomt mi "p hnin thelsuaxiHomais b bir. Tuail aai iireetly o tueite e erali Oficé, 'st soumm CoPles, ,and cicr) liîgrr Une doe i t w "t da ivm siln le aMie n eichn b~uel. a ibread aei aso Ioeatqu"and uitiIe teraa. ]Gag"to, O îl NOTICL A L Prsos indehlsi (o lMr. John~ Ruiler , M of e ~Tovel rmçtnlater arerr a m mslsa payenl is nmo d imd,îuawMile cmmentad sithiet fuk IV. M. MT T M REPRITITERS 0F BIiITISRl SAMERICA. VEllE Snlirrib.srs have ceaséd te le A,4j KL the MONTREAL TYPE FOUNq>g,, 4 this ilate, le future, al orders mnui tk s edi4 Plprpietor, T. GUERI N & Ce. Dcc. 29, lem. JOLt,& C'. ofth Coonis, hâttheAgeueicc eM4. CL£" & Jeuai cemsed on the 28Wh ulime. Propietera are nov remdy b uuioplyPite, wlatever îley reqUire intui t intîî, 0, to muel lover tbe hy cai procure die s'ite êA aesfom île Unied States. lacousqunaof new arrngements, eniN into, tls ropieus vii le enahled telu Priates aonsteîle iortest notie; andl rano «e r y delay viii .ccubalveen the receilioteo , and is çxpcution. 0»9 PÀ" cfpoperso bre ave iîsbre 4 TysPudr adertisement, ire requeî l e lisI lIZZv and tuey a-lit rceivetisdim v«tont 1Type in payaient. KlIGSTON & NAPANE MACADAMIZED ROAD. g pl te Mr. Cli, the .ugieer, kt ile oir?. *Mre of StoeStieet, Kinesi,. RimgatuuMay i183 7. COURT 0F CIIANCERY. IVOTICE la hereby gi ven, lIai îhiï Coudt si LM lh. opeied ai Ougoosbe Hall, on Mondy, Me M at,...jou, sant.i, t Twelve 'clocl. One selm da, th îe Olice of the Rquârr will e opm , et o. 5, on the JuieuofiÎle LivwSoeety's DuIlnugs, vlere procéedinr. rit be secersiud fled, muid tihe uecemry pores à bi bIen.. OSies borm rom 10 tll3daiIr, r WILLIAM IIEPBULIt, Regi.tru. N. 4be.e~ ûkaIhCoud, whieh it viil aptïk is b e. hariug, are prepard, toi tir »V ina emme o slonaon iltdire Gazette . ï 1 1 ý 1, 91 *e âmuI 1.6l 4. 0*4 &bat b. banmd time dae .1, . Moehmah7h i aM ai au omn e " re. morl. #balr Idbw toie anhus e tuai. .ah trs bon m tomw ll~abi. ramalu ""ste Ib lu.04& th* 1WiUthM-ism 1 "e oIb ai. - dU V m mm. ha bo tii 1 t n thefn sdyi l haut-mb -iatsipa us ~ Ph- o .aliie*e