Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 12 Sep 1837, p. 1

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tiva taieu 1h. =aai~ r glo W@. James i, 67 tm Carag eP 1 Ub u da Paintintg. ,ie. 30m -umY, M837. ND NILMNER Y. F DUiLlr, he iubahutas t uir îb.t te bui Onmn -te Mer. Tolberta, ierid Otite, ..S. 'Zln nthe baud moue ready> muade ead lace esn, of th. ol.Jà»n Batte, lats lo% RIatierme eariw e laz, resPect. 11e1kt la senndistel, . B F BRITI SH NORTjI CA. ýemsd lt e Agents fil YPE FOUND)RV l'in tcs, mout b.e addreai. EJuN & C. JONES & Co. 931 k CO- TYPE FOUJN- forn tihe Pritlem &c: Agencv Of Miemars L,: f ic 2MU ultimio. Tbe 10 supplY Prntar witlt ia tL bie line, ou tertes peseur thie mnacssj.j angemecnas entereul lic ensilai te supply Ste; and! no Unnacesua. the recept cf the cadet ae bave published the nt, are requcated te pub- wull receive tvo dollars NAPANEE ýED ROAD. in prcgiass, ad gSod Mbain employutent by Engineet, at thec Office. rbegaton. IIANCERY. pu, fiat titis Court viii Hall, on Meanday, the kt Twelvc o'clck. 3lRce cf Uic Regiatrar n the Basemnt of the ghmr proceediugs viii the. uccessas> proea ira fSon 10 Sal 3 daify. Ait HEPBURN, W Court, J1%liit iII te 'owarve, inthie con- stutti. Oete 'Of- R TO LET. ven on lat May' nexl, lette, A. ian the lowu- g thse Milita> lesenep, 'lin tbe oemdcn cf kt Portion miSe Milita- cmesleaaedl Iy the. Or.!' :nel Lightfoct, and now 837. , P , &C. k's Wb.oluk and Rae p ltanqutdr No. 86* ors Southi of It er' ils %ide of the Sireete y general rnuortiueut d! menu te miention- unmediats attention, asnd atiafation. las, Tippets, Bonnetb, r, and repaircdinl the 'et. lems tlmàlse usita 920 BANI, MD. c. 1h. thse rensainag !W &«k ne <alla idl January, 1837 kt Mareb, " i, se>, sijulys an" d TUSaT nd.Armith rd11090:t= Dmsuý vnb __ £ aoeu, 'P. A ~ ~ ~ ~~A MoJJC* Aon~JT1~ PlJiLSNg3~ A? 88 07 VOLUMB XJX.] 1à. ria. d Cm piukà soi, Eni. lhm ega, a vai m oug sacnb> *tll U:d cf7W. B. Who b mucexteSo- N11ary he bawiudeF PIScaIj obtuis h. b.cue assoisethHO Lamoeh tube i vu te ck< the Ratsd M'm thm gbsit W ages Md Wh thMlesvi This as vbp" cm; ief pinte=ibsau Mprast ete ,s P ALe baaFOR U»egsy a M as .dmnlsfbla meie U m mivibaiai bt nm kaelfncadia l mpuiie fr hisexht mr frtepndr im,"CohtPléocrciimil afOIt 1a untv rmulet mWigthe uparu'srnaahati gric e autifL"t'lise pre to wr it êiblhbis cSce.red Uilat otain acc v bie, boa e Wu coietai i tic Cor nsias, pte naât t othoe pamhet sud.diMr. Wted ape&M à te marsifbohRratoue f t IP.iferameut-f t rhich (lie adieu hhoagbt phâpa. to vatubold ce> cierne.!genit ot anadac;andtehavebtant i îrte bintfinjte!,ioraire ue.The uioWtala du tr.ia îsbjshavdiscussa.!. Mn the C ippePein il the ipss ecthtusterhave11.P or Upp s ittaghndpopub li ue meicnsa. 1 apria n W otein imrei es o nre cf a", by Veà m andothe atonutto i ay ud h antg dit '"o Mu. Wrls hava apparen. ati asla 1a ustorylamctos ami attheirauppwoftesmla mdysic pled Acf d"wunad th ', hy la l' of Cetamont during the bree igti dehlte a Caadian affaios, sud oluerve.! sud note.! À he i ce ithe folotig pirtaculars: Wbea Mr. HUM t 'e Ia spat the test igt, Ihere vas amis a 'Wi rush aofsacabers tc the door, heing dete Lr 1'te 0 Iteît aifn, ibjtat ail vas cufuiomd lihe de batrlieo aadjosunel uuatil aboutn 4gcç lac tic %t evvciq. b, g , nir I . Hme i doat a fit Speaker, lersusa bha hameemicu ofP t mftinthe debIte ai djcuCued. la the. Britlih flhsseOf Cancan the ,me>beofse politicaI paries i l1 tirer,o.ofp9uiu or"' lse.Wheu r. ne gmm«ee lbis "414 ~ ' hre bour speech, ther e " aot 15D)or ttf 4 mempiment. Wlast Ae liad spokea bugIf a fur ", ACemdienOcourtla.! talaHges Iide e~i b"2hee, and thie re icbut rhrty4to ma- 'EN- tIVien hi bsd spoken ne homiranotiier "out wis made, irises lere er e ni t eh gaïf A'+. llter tha expiration cf enoth a"tl'u', the tesntY-eigt vwere reduci te Unesa-e f-m; itus dl 'Wlrônt tere employed in coua- wctnitîla ai ch er-as vare ail (abotthle t att nrabe) of dia manabers on tic oppoite aide t i the flouse.Al soop tu Mr. Hum. de.v 5- garIate tcionouf la s sudýtî'u, islonge PIobc led 1e!with Membntb.- It rnpered si h usue fMr. Uueelscaduet ta Ca- ldiar affar he, h.!ra opltcly dausutd. tic tlembtrs Of the Hou.e f Contmos, tbat teê drtrmrtd fot tn ende ti itonc "A ofi ' e.iaing Ibt Mr. Hulpes ';'as ltendtfor tum d frthe 'Ca- an int o for te Houm of Ceameas, dm.- tely furiufrr Mr. GLÀt.a'cOa viti thesa fada 'e l 0admirablycmpinaloi by thé Il"',deep ni Ot ofcitin ad.t Arotr sPeen if Mr. Hnme's candatr test"er cr5 daaiag the.debate. Ila j utavirvittenMot taCanada l.uaY..u C,"lnneful dmtiaatl"s»later, linlabt'itb.h tlbautefoîî clluesmv aa abuaci a P"rtla inderie L C" eau ed a"iehmeur the -icate ilualf tb b aneful donîat ojetf tWtltter. tl,, Zg,ýnng e sad h d eadthe le t eaaisg Se tbaj Part vie. theii.manee o t Mldidw Occurria ed wbn be bai me $hOn, Lad afler a paune, olimeed-«ccm "stlaniri ,perbape 1 bai btter notgo sI 5. ad thh e Y tii . ClomiMr.lR-L ï ' i e mdSikettrpb*d rW te ndentire ; viireisa If~ml riLisrndo and au oezerae teltarntateicli t.sm =1s urctcment. - daî 21mWc tbe affi <c miy ta ii lm A eueu9pa,.P--U,the'en gtes su-arccetrh ~- op cf Ie Ce aiSE7 'rthese3 in. bu hin reiie skMpfu!y e à»ha ieefl peddaplen itigi imvs au'mLn bios he OPralvei Tsa 2om O TH CUa.rltaM , , of ftie i angti" nfee811m tias, te m WCq« J« . Est In iaia ilhbe tin(*efet 'Id he ath ve ne.4- is -dû mi sîe bLyavc -o:t l5 Io be baveMeneum m cm" le ,M agrd o ren r~ica5 "PJe, utofatace .-th c E [Imm sWAUIU, Ediwea.] fý ý.. . 30- May le nonce Il LAnd ut, am e aeb bgda of .Mflu,mWe femSe t Suedy amabiyi& *timdinm the id aWe at dfuhe.W"tbmber n tb.e vu tas .lO.usiemtk i Sà&frId, lb. W-.L.Mmbâzî, bbpopei 6 &a d, 1 e rt> W*eîo odiatM4 1 I mev a* ma ut.. luxtei, miRcadç ie *Dtthe e1 2. ter thke e layed& The m- gansent lu a n iie t .,tat euh Pitei iamtrffed tca in lth tomei pv1stei F. Rendes anivih in U 'theim penvacll lglilar tapusc e at te pue. 'Vaut lieu ir -M ; umdMine bat Sar F. Hemad coul.! math. iusti> chare.! pusofoei wti sustai keleieu* in mlat anty. ITu sm admuttai >'1M. Wells; viich iss&H Set v. neT mmr7 o ID argmeuLWhetieeuîlots bail oc- cumd t ele"s inLeeds dmn the i.lut tee >'ocs, or cal>' liree, va u inatesialtbougi 1 am prepare.!, 'it ncens.y, te pon te fmer imate- ment, (vitiiontcinlgle exception lot tes >eeirs cves froxuab"ea inslathe Home of Assembi>' 3. la cuatradictioe Wh" 1a Ihave stfai e !Y Cusphlet, Mr. Wells maerbi7 «At Use lu electicas Io8(n34) tescmort'OfthSe muccescral candidates ver. supporteM en ieexpresuomi tiat tic>' vere te eR su ameadmeat in lecou- sÈtvhtie., hy candigtic lefislstive toiuteil te h. made elective" Wb.eis 1Mr. Wela'aprout of lis maemeut ? I diclar. it te bc maunude!, soi de!>' Mr. Wells le aionce a single piocecd'ng of tiie Hoeeof Assmi>or a.y pelition, or address, or resolution, algssd or sonetaine.! hy m>'any ni- era "0 a ftu e ' U pr Canaah.- lèle m whch . = ? kSalativeceouwei îs darecti>' or andirecl>'e.cmmedeai. 1 canet ei'couarse "a negaïve -,hut in illmtrmlion, d tic peefeet faheluacme of Mr. WellistMatieat 1 quota tic verdi ed Mr. Pair>', fie acknvcga leader of thé majwîl>' atishe lite Am.en S>'yviii ie Mgs place l ihe ethae9Mb of Jm"ur,1835, aidIl He <Mr. Fui>'>venu l b igexistence, that viere eou cf tue peeple of UperVupaýai de- sire a aeha nge he . oetibAs yt'n>'vu bo foue.! TmutL".flAMd "l)Un Charles Doa- combe," t~tdhis taie by Mr. WeDis, propeni a. reustiin on tiec ame day, amtcl>' condemang Mr. Buome mmmn eneni> ta the internetaftCami amabut diclarisg Ile mlrong sud trie.! attacisment o! the lihitints e Uppai Canada tetaiUdrsovereign md Sthe stltu- Lion ancier ,ciacbtic>'bai the bmppae. te Bye."1 4. Mr. Wel a mat aemecit la me seur! a lheam ne i ne ie isasmn. -Np" -ý pie e( Upper Canada bave cain edi- for, Si.'a- te a iverftSe enireoumgUlm t terelaamde for te support et a Petlat eJerg>'." Fatr m a ir- tona&t. tan1IgcMt of hidsu'" Mnist 1r. vell-u 1i eliil. pMshehave ta- heu the mont eempieus els ppot ie of th. Clei eev uslshv nlri> sa ein the constitutien of tue province; tU met th c cstitutional p-yiesof u>' beancla of the geveunnment; liai t he b.Coi- etitational Act niai. lic provineqestion, yet that vue>' Attontalne.! a clause -. !% lngfor thie avaring or raelin" ef provmmoe i hi. iéi i cf ii roical legi Ioirmder inst an=uii laemnlntlncihe eirA thaveSte maaityeofeven are-ual almpath os liais "erquestion of te lb. C17Reservcu. Et pu mswilfle eouse c Amseml>'b' f Innega tha e 2&1h of ua~1 ~a. liceefcre invites detA....>'O~ Vania:t owfêhIr S e ves qveto te s PaovW sna*tare b>' ie éuslticmal Adt» au oflls provi nscah h. lai eesae otadvmntsgalyfor fie te aiterease f buMais. ' illift *e th is 'ne. &'1 e f u e . esbaorcr = me 1ai. IAumir.aq leugtin lalis ova dînge te.im£ et le.pmplet Mre. l puoeedeus --«Rrflp1cili.er »y#, 'lu pper anada. the appelnt.ethie offices cf isstatts, &b, safe, for meal e a th eslleanuo le emmEules ettheaRadical jourt- let) = 270- i Rdi. m.bé f4uis"f, and mogmls oasa niElta .&er, ~iitatea, * Wri. ineccumItadë" mon"lloni silar esai b. ~ i ta" reader eieiit, tuaiti vwo qnotmtioca vhich Mr. Wells potees.. tefske rommpeaph i aLving bhen vsittewb>'me1 saaf Iu mm Uii4t, ocur wï t~nta hne.duie ade 1aioIe,~ vineshevsang bu lcam m e n lviobalarafsojntce, ho"h~n(bn, te mpp« ,t j col!murnv-1 il bee m es écendI keo>'tom.1 ,lin ao l a psusmenf et e Cmmadme nd 1 «bu oam > @bee etu rus e taI ur- lssathecvi.hai uofni i n le UI& mie St uestbvutSe eme G d c Untelle honm vu 1 1ch - et l é et teNnemm autum teu be ,admn ti Well bwi bota ilecte) iuna ÀNDCOMM1?ERCIAL JO URNAL. PICEqS-FIFTFEN SHILLINGS PER tkAIU, &Tl PAID IN AVAC- N ~ ~SEVENTFEN SHILLIE'GS AID SIX FEZNLE 7MIEN N'OT SO PAD. KNe',UPPER CANADA, TIIDAY, SEPTEMBER Ir, 18Mf. [T. H. Bz*TLEY, Printer & Proprietor.1 fN ME96 âe Oum a mimla eer) Mmd Ut "yemnMit e MMY,1 comii mentam ion ,moo:s rau tbe tOutitutionsitide. 147- duead wds alapsitdb due.~ ~ el asi1ttpr hmatfemt a. At meeeelb îg ken empiie , e parr 1tii e sua'l re irfo e" gmivsnm Cens- ondf e. ! enA>' efor for a ref6iuuaus r har on Mpint, te t.ees. Son Bern i nmh li ïe Ob e Ja«uua n135 miqut 9 mmdemh orth san MUa,.. ikt=.i.... V" Hnir y. adlé I.'Meid,) ccmmidtioeal c nate md Saf~vd~ "ut vîlb Sb. Mpedome cdnait or a bl iaci, aftema.a aa amen.!..!Imm, hecinne the cnttuinettie s, i.' ulvilf bMr. Wells direct mecIls lie M Wh" 1 o avlc Iegu lear h"s 'MLt"sI1r * r oM eutub ue*Tbite ra ehsne orâe n." Panéii'tsgslm "'.P. formr Caa," iv>'nef have yet nocd h m etwieen tiec ceutnton of % 1 ceunit »dami ll unalertise ébairation ef VSfisment. 1have g ivqs u>reus uaatethe où ~ othe pM us= consttution imee! oft1icir drenglor vaknesé i wSt sk"Dg pasmiommelf»a . Welm. 9. Fer the Etietu itiesMr. Wells repu ga emi Oftre&.,w, attm~rigainst lb tý-yancceretcea'Inpec Canadaas bar'.5 receiva flue the liaeit of its mendiaitî, and h.em iatuue.!b>' a grant ofI9O0> froas tise goeu ment. 1 dei Uas mitement us toto, :mmdcii- 1i iaît.L pimoitOnth. cotraT.,Iam prepire! to prove lie ieknovedgnieat cfline mm nai..! lti à the pailli..! report ofmareli jou e clcylhl.ond.;that ntueon e fathing ot i t bu eve'r leen paid teouo receiveai b>' ana% Weslla> m. minister la UpperCanad&; liai Sest facts bave beu prove.! bfoue a coniaittee of the Uppar Cusdm Home of Aisanldl>, upon lise tremon>', Md !rom tic detileal accouats, of lie represcaa. t pd'agente!fthe Miuicear>'Society' leLIÀ. lbhat the srinquesion wuspal.!m eor- an.! agent of lis London M'usina>' Society' ai t%,in compnse. viti lie Snstreif'snaoe thsc Rail ef Epon, viien Secratar>' of State for the Coloniles,7mn.! bu icen vihly ammi solcl ex- 'bs IsM» a certain parimmenar grant te sevesul amlhi> lcpisl aln!aaapn ded 1; ti lraiof eChlie.SWe aredi enlv m'r. Wven.aabouul i utbht be cannaineee ~ioarnnd s.gilshhp'ifil ErilimbpuNie iti tIse ~ *et % leepuneedsca u hm ieu »w sttie ima bath vooda or0l. Anather tejle, et .sebiciPMr. weü, 'Lu a- raflchimacffif I.d91largel>' la penaudl abus,1 la tic celehrat..! irieranci IReport," Nrpe» icb 1ccoiteaed iean m pll iti isever heu adoptcal ic theni: p t lie lime of its beiog sent te 1glmd. d -aWtut if fiainet expreslbousentmeataofide of jt tlat proince,.m he>' vouludiclir. m dmefineon bing appealealIo. Nov lft. Welli ihelats, tht « eviug to tee tan ofthesc ajatice lIte perle.! of the session] 'it <the Gr=eanc Rp«Or wu encere, to e .puts., but coul.!M net aaop- te." ThilsadmUon îslthe gisof dtie kmspart to>'argumenat; anal as- to tic secoudpart, thiepent «Upper Canada bave he iuu ing lie Grievance Report an.! its iete b la>a mjoxmt> cf lire. te oue-lias moesu fuaiiuiai t>' preictioe. Whetlser or nota>' aliement, tat the Gulevance Report vu conceale! froun InalubeLcth~e ,îemy ntiI the de>' of Lpro1u = . àk.Wells asseets, bb. ue ei.ér, hme itcfollovang extract cf lte debatai viaci teek place on lhe niornang ot thc puorogtio-s' 1fr. M'Nahb [a gentleman arellhksovn to en oofMr. Well sai laiseWijutcti] ami., ince lb. undaratood it (the Grievanco Report) bdm,1beau adoptai! on a forma mest, w nt ofthe smbars ver. m"uet, bc bad nale Wenqairedf the clerb for it, liaI ha migis l ook intel tbut itwu ot to bcfouad." dMr Macleuee ie i.Cisiruan otlihe Comnmit- tic) îa14haohW.ta.ken ttic ppct borne tebave partcOfitcji eal t.iscil le i:;;r canada and Io .aýrkch wu the t" of its hein lsin 1.1. te* Io &.WelIa'i ack spea lb. où.,&: Ut ati n Canada, 1 yul niere];' Maiei1 et ctiebsa ncesal boul>'detsu- alîlers, et timir auniosimaetmg6 Ield le Jans lait, a= b; y nadal-tus.tbis = p tyip ; d chai tousYparei pestaçi- .iSeslaàjrcea et tii. kneuw Zaes, lw ha b mai. la accordmicc vlti se iaisiouviola.. oie. lahabitanta e 2f* =eq-eni>'expeetbhrio e vrtetn ijese UIo Ms.!eatyta Scoe- etSaefortlie ce"-oieao h lamithe <ci dTte s... IsVy eft th. feelings or cbsmeter oft*ed aiieia ofla" meutmner- onmarc etofCistimia mi i nlaCanada, yen cmbt fltesa ifel.Ii ellV peU>' dis- mU6 ý ievod «Et- aille lmSu igmrmue. cfthe mnl e- fill b u inc a mwul n> ln erloa. teMe 1iaou «Cb%,smine,- tw b a ~Esgt pd b pelo ti sm = tIV l t'ai mai 1 vpsepm !100 y i r a d a i- - m le- 1 h v a s if tha ffacilitiez of creahit vera ]ras, thaeiumfer-of f4ialartes tai, omioubt'dtye b. Ies&as i; but its the sm pt'ic.voaild al isrlminiol tlae facilitiez cf Fmîfsalaniatle profits sm'iqig front mn sctipr a*bd lIerul commerce. 'lhe ucsio'u would h. dritkh ofone of irai priateipal souares of proSperit>', aid tioanads cf enterpriaig iaavidnals îeveateot front ,,ei6icptiag in n etensive busapne.. . Tbma vie are aranmt the <redit $s tem o! the IUniteai States, cught, for th saJie rasson, te oppoee usur- gatleeO m ccod'nt Jtaa.requenry cf sliwtrecks."7 eoulr>,an.d!ven tarepre«seunt but sqbving lcft iseconad ltanrbe hm netth dseuor tocknav. biscoutryta scae te acumlatd rV r lotIndre thie esîcan>', uS adula t be bas a hib<h »d ober éfýgdbmr 'f ail parties if . . heurno disposei of ever>' material pint si Wells a censu redit or evca respect in tiair es-. bi. Ibl pueris rejoinder, eccept bis abuise, I lirnatien, b>' sncb su outrage open BritihpSnpri. teave bu ho bia reflactiono, asud yen, colonies te et,. bse ccupical witb n'ore intertestiîig mil useful 0mt- Wlietber tihe Illà. Egertota Ryesso'wa" s or la ec..- bat thiesothorof tse pamphlet on thse 4àin ro1- amn,Sir, Mie Cnaas , crtanotise questions tharem arg. Our ver>' ebedient servant, emi, aal's immaterial te the Britihpubpic , bt A CANADIAN. lie moral and relieuclicaratter cf a Cisltienu <3 «dfreets Rumel-sque, Minlter is ocsioeimportance ta bimself and Sle match t8, 1le". tte publi of<ever>'country 'sn orlicIheM.>' ex- 1t ffsie befanetio.. If 1Mr. WeNIaa atseseul"'~ MONETARY. o1bji, na aenttiapueu ihlilb, T a>rsysTra-AuxuacaN ND o Rro- yeA tii. M__n8 . -licaat meute w eai .puetaissa day or l .Ij a la bve'ieà cie -a cs d~jscs'le c ea rk of Mr. Giran.!on thse 1,J= lb mtlis or ei4bt >Yeas aby ab)l mAnse jcv. referrau th i eticular romnaa- vide ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~L e brlietetchhtod.inIertica k lu hapter on CanutaeandlCrodi. Mr. gUft? 11e happent btif71tic tinte of isg Grand is a gentlemain vho hum improve.! goeas op- bis petite counts' uNove Fa, h83I, tebave pistaitles e!obaevatiea ta the bqet adKaRafs, A been a miniietr of the. largcst Wesleyan coirg- native cf Ger«%anyhbe a àmirie'wiitisteiaistitu. tien in Upper CinadJa, anud te bave recei e.! tbe tions of Europe ; an.! be tk derived. frou a sresi- 4"atimousansd cordial' invitation of the les adente of lffeaq a dihI'rent pata dfhbe,.Ui- of that congegatin ta heccre thaie pastor tellc States, an inimate knowildge e(tbeir rasour- ausson asce ould accomplisi bis mista itos.ces,cm.pacsî à nd, eimeictîr. Thi- ensiles it land t Hov isappens tie tien governor of Up-r ta compare 'relutiue posiionmsud. mivatges Canada <ce seveusi of irhome meassieca Mr. 1<3er- of tic tve ontinents, an.! nida bis niturally vigor- son bcd publici>' anlmuiveri.ed witAi great plainneus. sud suci. judgmnut in formng correct opin- ad coW&isleums vcuty) t aaesu far apérovedia ou.Proln muçi <ifthflielticil secnlaîiou 'an bis cf bis opright mctlvqsumd boneuralsle coaduct, aia btcLaoe liuwRver,.uv. entirel>' dissent; tbeu.gb ta haviéuasmitled j tt$m3 gt adistance cf atrty the geu radkce eo emocratie institutione is 2W3 âÏls, lettati cfItroduction and commenda- aileansd phulumplicl The mkaiR.of thea wri'- tion tf persa ls of â eadht la Englandi1 JTov teremuss a uont aoakjng thé'= cedusiciî happes She vievi adlioat be aas l>stb>'Mr. betve.n rectite aid ufçamaî.i-act amiter Ryei bae e en eitly ennu1r tire- Heilng seau tic Jacaou'paitr yb l deinerat. zf"oihrcýleetî>e volte cf Upper Canaadaar*nd i sîa in sýpepRm5 h. Aia assunua it tbey bs abit cfllpicuoua peunomal ieuds te bave beau' scitan J..A's. aie inciples, aid pauue a iemo- elat. tae cAaambly b>' overwbelmng inajaisi-. crotit *cky; but ab.ld he bacome nierp familier lies i Eutao apleee~f 1is part>' vitb tic' ralpart>' divisioas,salsutiîiie more vilîbe peufcctuy l libe vise it t.o.knevu liat emfuily tb. lista>' cf thie lut six or seveu Yeats, ils Iqaders bae mout mone a tiuleal inth e tc . omi.!. h.toaviaeed that tise actuel goveroment aullur of thepamphlet on lie Canidas tua. clief Mp m Ug 1~t of an cligaecy-iai an oligircb> iaatimm at>' cf thleir cvertirov and atcumula- d.tbhe meeliempermte an.! anneal çbasarer. tiugpoed M1 nisfortunes...' Leaving ticse peeultions ontfti question, As ta Èir 1.'Hea.!, vitJi vioguMr. Wls a lteinlamudp valhi. lepbiIoplWy 'u tese vol- pla.! mecin sci homeuble juxtapoitioo, 1 kies e i--ats.!espeelall>' la thé cbdpter of vlaicb va notlfag of it oemseuaI1 inavere ss hm- aboligive a srmniery suiJyoWs.The. tint cite-p Hia Ercellency ired in Upper Canada ifter 1 etance mte.! b>'Mr. Grand icibis comment>e é left bat protvince. M>' defeuce of it iimsted sr onu ccal systeseis tl a ii. tt lai hat ail in a pontauous seneof duty t a dirtinguialaed thaenterpriiu*gsend muceesafnMiio'atii n New and! telumisted individuel, cf vbou Il1 h aidYok,BDtu es er bave benenthe ar- bonotrmlle teatinonies in th'as ceunIE7 -o r- chitéet t etl b =a a htialmn sans et variosspoati r acs T . e m .te csaa n!thf ai sl dantr I bave aise kept siedof frcsEnglisb 'i ;'sudan aucpaity ebusiness v~e gob afurter as> rmaiversioiîa on tic conduct oe0 an n 4- tian maeepiWmivith inferior praonaïnaifica.- Mml politicienis have been confine.! entm' taeir ticns. Iwo cm @Qi le e oglaed in is opnqf peocecédinga je CanadimalNdrs. TUIpeaphlet b>' refieoe. fta tes o e diti n va preparai vit bout su>' pretensions aos t le, the vil I10 ti>' capitalisis te invest attise requast cf Genfl.nen vieare areesin aitheat mory ne h rie. "4A youg heginuer vith tke mustuel preeperit>' of GreatBriSaia an.! the talants" b.eobservus, " fi mvalwi * apartuer vith Cands; sisal v reipectfmtlly dedicated athutine m«ey-'u mms>'instances a allant one,-wbila fer whbue perusasl ILb vupriacipely lateude. thle nsof a richmnseitber mtcies a profession or 1a, ir, ruccivesalm o tiat practicaileducation wiiic cai 'Vaut ve>' obdict servacA ame.tenier bita lit for bMines.. BeIo.ervtb A CANADLAW. a fotmIr cpiapl ao'ra'ousit ,s7 1 1 eetlus. traeitcdla«anenterupmterciarat vitl a isauIciaaL" m l e, S hi l, U. Mr. OGnn!lien Comeneaon te. pure>' eMn- 1w, 4, be Conaiwàmd ut of thsp e lb.6mb il trnt ofter tedit la the United nSte T h is ~tant vaspet iotni>' han.!eatt= 6 v.Minutes dv*bla ans rjoe'.il a Egin.!tea greaier cx- dmc. la that papet 1 ebserve a semd ilatter ltI ilàa Fraêc.-bait ahS Mdatof Europe1 fumla Me. W. B. We'is, et UJpo Çttç occy-eeuSio huaiaftcgoter en fwAta esp and la con- v=g almnca a bal f f Yur greal>' e Ire snm iiaE xeptsoos bayni the ut.i its . li ot linai opn oue-iilrdoftlst f m ýiléiigeaee 'io es aat'm nd M "~..T. i~alupy ftdorplie fusper- ti. Cermmn rreneiman, hicacquisition of ep.anmu uah .ntgei=ly abuse àsn w Mjl a dose ilions pocem bsfacilit> «Mepr ae s asnd unqueiioble S àel,àf al eeep.ltxepylth i eoptet> at . W mia*inth il e feaa rds posible, lm asb legfrts.sssDs.Bnutiatou IWelrefutc.m>'repl>'ta i attaiem. Butif tty came lvery diSarent. Credit resta onua b.k« an>'t itheuti shape cf argument tepeoucee, . -Net merci>'go andu lantls-bat Ca- vllU liai burulenealyurclun ai lhsulte.! l. epic>', talent, aptiitude fur business, en- Yo ruadora*vIthalummnd.!à balf cf ÜIna , idstry, aiso furnsh satisamtor>' plealges. »d.anl:.us, itiiout acarcel>' an sitenspt teastarcelasgodapune mbs tNsiticeminipoints at lime? Why U. V in nome inutancesa ai ie prefanable1 acthfi part of au entanglcal scutlc'fsiblaclea À. A mino!fsmaml peopeut>' tien, viti th# vite, about bue that icmy escape uonsent? à i eat, aid fvorabl>' kmovrnijabla buti-4 Mf. Wella seit ta have bae more aceafat. line.u tics., enjMy a battere creeat ta lie mun biqatl.saie ofthe-'ccnt ; b. la nov ratier au ob- of veai iestitote cf basines. espacitis.- of4 emsmatatuiaof rehke. 1Ivill disamine«Tu the. mssatofflotine capital in.tbe United t pint b>' ad.reuiag biela ic evoria cf the Stat " amy, Mr. Grand, I"as uet merel>' baseal en velletable Doker-" Taoyour railing 1 say nothing; the valueof etama personal estate ; but al- to peu gmente-1 a>' vit follov." neoan moral qulifications of tise meuchants, a.'As tethic viola quoeshiceof lic oleetiouasunawAi 1euremof the country vbiehi ithte g.- Uper Canada, ic report of a select comitte.eof i'i b. people -to develope. Tue igurma- on hie Upper Canada flouse of Ameaily, viicli bu 'dinêt. net sterci>' mone>' aid mercian- sppeired la soeaofthie mrnraag jc.mRnals00ac ly dixaehstrepremnt aise tleintssellgence, enter- cafbdicsa te ever>' later ever>' statement Ipi'ecommai iprchit>' cf the. pao ep a;ti base made, adeve7 opinio 1 hve expresedjare ikStu iezI l.nd aeil as ta-f. apr ou that sualect, that itia superficcas for me te mddi i0yct eviits.» antther vord. 1 Ilaave 1Mr. Wellhta utfute tetic I hé mviastaces of thiti ystens Mr. Onu.!re- statemets aà d mntee!ftuât repot if be cen. Igardsiae kUk-hhoivi f h 'ei f bu.!. te 2. Wi.tier the part>' ln th. tvo Caïkadmt ýViti ps Whovi eMUiNefmoticrvam enjo>' tern, an.! xvhciiMr. Wela sconnecte.!, dernanidipeni- mi trilbog moral influence en lie p, pie1 [mm fon the. uotbr'Ceutrr or Doit, I lave ta be.credo ta b , onI uepety, tIse spirit cf the debate in thceuoe of tuaeson Monda>' cetrpilse entirel>'stflor teatleed ta avery cvebilig 1bat ou thae affaire 0f Canada1 tta prove- ammil cics.Tt inemne mvie pane.fortune I.! bathe sdvoctesctitr. Wsusa ertyeco- te beinteat uly on tseir inresse ; ana lnduceai 4dp tint tic Cmaaiesug Uo h. made midepebd.- d'a aiti ocfrmeas mn.avua5 la itic place eut ? An.! did net Lord JolieRbms#4ad, D, fliias a$ ant d vell directedieeepse. Georg Gteyr malnaiiethat theademandé,c liof st*9 lr. Grand attributesliihe differmeefl elua peit> vraincompaible with the leetiocia poWmoutiie AumSensd tic Coumtinat mer- colocy te . otir-ccuutr>'? Andl ta Ibat mime ieqmt& .'jenGeumny>'tic auis iotrmie are Sen. debaI. 1 aise spW taLu prve vietiier the demanda ala y*ed la thedjdspt=vtiwhlcis thec culi- cfuhafttVoriglateai ith M. Fox or vi Mt.. Suesf MUii in la iacountry cuiesthèeni- MIlaj d! 1Mr. Hume. Wb.a I fini hWMg 4- Tue>' ar eFdec"! o.vlgra. oddbeiu k s ? i a m n l u r a , a fite r t i c f 4 in a e m tg m tl a u t S ra t A s . p a *cý y i e r, a i a d t h r e oi d b c t. d T lie~~~rtael lastela edcrsnrave? 'acotieahaem ana argue ts, an= l opinions duine ai ae tf, fp a w ad gré e s 'i. Tic buineai oi -ta -Pats, Za p i i v ance. m e A ktr ereias* ltbaralixci Lis intelect, ellia npkel tat 1 cmuweg barIMr. 1= Emeiie xe- Thu av heÏl ga. sci. » î&. i l meld v» ler pucs emortaian voluminoga letteehbeen dispc'ei ai; 1 viE nov iad- lobby ktb e mmpe eslthyi nlp osm verf taeue .or two paritulari. 4Th hise-efith lo y tIaelaVeiith. i 1 deuia'did cf hlm ta prove vbat I1ilenie.!, aMd -mitfimta r We eaReénd fie lot- sehat b. h ba erte. « m orf excucn- &, aJ'l âa Iel bcn.ouen i d- he cf tbe U 4je ý M ynbl lectel"à els ambcllLotma 1834, vee er. sita pmt te. eýeL%ïma neref fWe4bt mes Up e CaMasn .fe1ssihve talent end omstais, baud - spe C O a 1,atit osbee« qmiejaam o.imcem. tiort"ha Auemh&j.= a it 6'aMr.Wtgoa'a la .aiie, 1Mr. tAruineices lie objectOus v os.OafaeretsoehW eli li enud e i ti-ui Ieusyltésapof tunel ill wa Mix mes uhleit dectin IA" n.! fou.1: aveu "e aIatent às mia, upalb.Mr. wem -« New p-nule eis c fauisea ownshavimt; for nhW ictIele" bec s 1-40 ota Ské as'. us>'Col bk th -dev"scu t,"la v'Wh"i M., laf To IierBloténe un u imissde, mI rni te lha m t'âmm " tle rulep e alseut iat .pri(an 3 8W )but'-vuM ot ap-taier». Jabàogqslit..ailis*Imi-zqs secSwd e a Omo w ie. u a mlada' e mdheism 'm ID is ol..We a ve ili b S tla i a U iaru Iey i ssug rae ~~du ~ ~alImsm =.es sembe bb~ . 1 FCsREIGN ITEMS. W. do W Ipes il may strake others, butt o speech by or rendlsE- geatot -î! vadimie. Heea* flic owrcsrn s stage. et tuat ta- ble whete many years sina. flic vounig th Rd- Wald, seho gave us our lituf.cyl,a~bo babs st-nd. HM heard ber witb a voice wbich resernbledl sortow over niastered for a great occason, and with a lira. confidence in an overruling provida-ece, re#d gt speech wlacbc cunfiTred.her attachlaqt tb and tedgcd. hcr t#. hbscsblis:bed church-that oath le firffily belie-red the nerer would break-.cheers. It %vss for tliem hto deternuine, whecber she should yet bc sur-ounded by thoea orbe wosaW Iead her «i aansubly to the verge of Ïi ufringemnent. Fer"bi there was one affcigsene-it wrsi when an ini- dividual then .resent knelt to kiva tht overeign'a ' band, whken the simle braid cf those Iresffs vhicli sat khceath Eoti-and's cloi wa s brought juto jux.- ta position i illi the hoary locks of Wellingto- a (chees)- % ih lhme veteran loks devoted (tp.. service ; there Britannia's gefium, whichlieLd suif- "Ye ma >c var, ceentraibound ho lber beet, les- d' s rtetbr in tihe hour of danger. It seent- ama i h. ih et cEngland wass eae ler, rea- dy to snteor to save. They badhseard ofa i strauga scene in a foreigai country, wben a yossng o! Europeaià by thae nobles ini ber kingde'tnof Hun- gry.4jlZ. peoplerose onu blaf of the, sov«eign ; ana we, liRa tiiet, vjll taise the cry of "Mora- mot, pro regi rostra Alexanduina Viaola! Thre Queen j, compelled to table exercie. by m"Illi; ber titrage i.. daily su-rounded, and the waY thie propcesa4o.duive lbcd with curious idlers outýlila bas bacorne necassary to:practice deception oç 'the. crowd. Surelynthe Queen of England .Met Clain the respect due lo ber max atddailnsti - on; fýeingis iudepeudent ofrinkaud thbehongat- le$$, sIY coua forges that vhilefber uacle'm body lies uuburied, the aecc cannot raccive pitnue front Doisy and unutanign houts cf eongvalseIin. What would be thou g f sucb iudelim~y towrndo a ycuthful fa maie lu any other tenir cf III.- RO VAL AsrÀ'raxaS.-Ile y MajcaWy, baiLes belng a e odperfotmer on the pianoforie, singr e.mmml- 1 1 veni; ber voice u s aearu mpumno f veror sweet qUat. The Djichess cf Kent ls a god niuariana,~Iyui~ punofote cientifieall. meut lié~tmsLer . W lce acomplish m Ru lite Mijesty. Ring (leorge IV'. eioelleut petitrer.,en the v, olonello»(L pommJmed a'wsy fine base voies. Te le of Cof~'tslsPreuAust ;d'.= ypuetty ocaldM.-ce. Qhecen la au ellent jud 'of mugie, Ma in larcmnb ýý mii.~ ~~ àseeqmtlmved "aeu Intetee» aie the. kabWe eues of Hiadel voue pwed0kt" . V - i[Muical n t TiNicwPî.4w Pour mipeyb aet l ps OVer the two pivato oultrances of IW a m-rn.. Tuomamcai aariehed ilil tuoaie od -bae ee %le tetbh,aaeble enane- Tbcy are cmnsdcced te b. the. lurgeMansd imot splcmidid la Europe, nBdeceopting c'en the. great gîtes of the Ducal »Wace et Veniceohitherte es- teemed die t emaîhablfor their aize. Tii. cst pet ecafanet of tii. nov pates, oed'atfi' <îeal liaeà lxeviS caclide c the.mcci, bas beea £h00W; sm &Mattii he le expe"mg of t eatrance al.m r acbvay, statue, Mmd hirou a întuted te cetuiiia»eableoeh THn. Nase Tosoe whicb ber laje*,y vil!rece severd Z= thijs days via ystemtay ixed je lb. péles.. i à m aradet. *e.. eHmxtar latI. favm" l gm M geos b* lepipum, la ites, àt Su m¶ by leu, and rslsed tire. tp f1E * ta».-,overed vith e wme elqa e*eh ia eauefb~~su lu hettdecorated vitbti Iuteslnng o e mii. mec'- Thi. testerl op md of vOIVet loilo, vitb a brue'm kf n aceragold lnsm uimng, viii a sssm" .» udroe $imilu deacesticn e aed in bf.mmigtbdrapeq of thli" i.valant..The vaane p. qais- t w e t s b lv i t n a d e p 7ald frige. T1%. ouciaina vwhieb mre exceodagly fill, atef' in a mitar mn nesmd are lo opaitria geld tope n a"is&, the. iola Amuieg opAi e i.mutbeautim ew'tw« tre u I l e T C bca i, * icb va, net - iilbed ma ii ai léte r liangis cuvered wicedihb w§ veto *Rdiî icillr cuvai rnMd iSM, Md ombeodc irJth rfflof dep Soltlacs. The befoeklo o- rapuA tacolons' Mdi ui euce viti Uic dec- eeatwonsa ah.,.*apd a4ilbth rce.- . 1 A&'ruaà'ueM,,ITE ROYAL AM$a.-Tb, j075) Aim of ea dviWi vit! -ver>' muci utuneis bemc by tfaleeMy.t'mive predec*suo. The. 8.egeltn hein5 a f.maile eyvin bIe,bcrne ce a hèemme aed ofnasbi lMd the. lperial crest 0(* lie. sussooasting the Clown Win! h. d»omdbl- Med, à n ii mie i.mtcbcn of peStent. beur. inig Uic mmaof Hanever memounte.!iy tii. creva .1 tuat iag.!.. Tie Atmw iilifitturs caisi ettme feur grand qurters ouly-nml' Eitoq un. Rmi a" mthird gen.. CuawoeaHuanoîrr&rAn 1O»uikum.- ào.s OU ah vens 0bat tues hmimnsise 0 bo e om " Ibis taiemdniqg et bus tw êee erh. eely osC= stnof 1 Mhesca.d a truck. Si d in thaei poak bsuo, mad lb. pstaiogWeséoi e aber umevoteeaa a wd#âtte aie q"t, Md i-M à bhed Mai am b *YwM 6. ~ ~ È mark ta-à tudsvi ud pkIFu me ou aâbotM &tiepeh. BÉXmi a"WI6 E v a id .4 fi sas M40,orrlaq te, 2k Tvaesmernelaaaanmgthe pmrd i, tvWMr put op -d ko-ked d6in a 21Bd te the les àmàwk ,MAL.

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