Tor WUtit RCANADA HERALDL-T(JË'DAT ÈtPTEMBER le, 1837. &s 40ul mafle teCtest ni dtu ami ~ndie t teI ~ e liae mte e,. ~ l mHosem et si bu culid betiismuj ll couleur viti ai Legaa4t a"iathealetthe blv itaient te h t hae Unit« 'ssu & Çte dsusimou taI asem - of Specue p~ ,suder exWsieg cscu ~ à" »"llae& Pbic the LillPIIO t. ,pthe i lo,, lbe PerforSmaceO engcage. 106 uenidr li an bi gbtseem tabcua *aon lt. mkem es au lout? t 'r elll migbt bu seinstnce ns wth , 0is iud value or latin, se, 'nm TeBanks vire then ft ftise public, teSo 8 PE5 4ifumsa an lieu of the urc wb ai Lie 7elc th eestr 0's t Maie la i t th e tali e bhù (Ont,. il SaiesLoue Caada, ail îuing %iai commue, luîrem ry, emiud uitb athems pasiaulc cf Sp"c1. Pymu vil Goldand Siver haa, îm lPsvistriple thlerfrres afi. ass ftos tiss, <os. Ci, Ucn it, bc resaaea oa.inSpecieu nsainsiet id lbt Ibis Common Crroesy wu lit fuse te the maturaI ope. ce, amd cosatimuesi ho fluw a nthe tise imbabitasals of "t Piolince tisaciions te a large anotbut tise Banksra h continue the imur ,aler, or ta tedeet Ibie "ent li serions Icas, Uner Debts nre egitirsinte menuis cf meeting en. they tuere ihen justitled rn un. ircsimstasnces it voutd sot r irtion of duty ,butoan Mupeofesi >'arl.s as oelas btne palic, ifhe ot Io affon-d proleciuin Ioethe or, ier, tusil t Uriteit SUts a#d -store fhir, Cuu-renciet Io tii Jd aie evidence it will bcoubservet, it, of o=no exi.i as ta th, tut embar lsents, and the se- ie relief-t4he oui>' natefiat dii- la the method of affordin, tilat e Bills cf the, tisee Cb.-rter,d iedlam otcircultioa,mr sullstiia. Bitier cf tisa masures woald but as a large msarity o! yoer hcre impreqsoit sitis the helr essisres, wmetiig simiior to tilt g tise lite War, henring an in1er- ueuld bu best receivrd hu the y, tise, prefe r i a me-amure ir- e it tuili have thse effect of rsr thie provice iinimeateiy su caloj innii <hem to ecîgai tIti Ce nnadeioeut of thae Protiece, Wd on tkcia s bemse sdmgi viii ha the sneamofrttsu lxofe Bsnk Paie, k.aue vi t likissuesi tisa a aamerbe ilt, lions if tint province, it sei m Exchaonge fer tisose Delseotue an isatets-t viii stwalyo he on de. at Works stithi n tih Proircv 'as ced b>' this encarts, and mRy thon whis otbwis'e voul te 'taes an.1 beggary, OI1es tise> rOnld b1' an isonest living- w et thse aulijee, yeur Cnnaold liret rt-port b, Bill, emîsracin t S. Ail cf ubicis is repectauit ibk'stui.1on Muxarrr Cismeais. sTiacasunrt, C. Famas: o ssaon, S. cumvvaiessl' sEs BocEUS, rTIAN, Tslanaio. TIJESDAY, SEIT'R 1, e et lmçotmc exett tise eia ast accounti glu. MIlbli 'e 2U4 Mr. O'Connel, 1a0t silin, bul ?&- Binse bho W sidlemox, and bas baisan 12188- i. p.cts of lh»b-t an ai> f.mvonrablle. M sucre~ tW7t n 46 edswv eir ct5tis ve shall bave el lisiud trai Bill Bsnol, je Lb, £lacy aren lea iceties rents pul a tfi ~,0y sis l.t un Eib mamsdmbi- ~~ et lthe exp u.a4 u. ~t e if Ishe ~ hlud Sby tu sixOU Sl i te pal. h de ore emaintag a taaion te ontb, «a sb tem feby dter- tilaieliL Os lislte sidetslal zý' mI Od 'ii l, itquit. em.ugh if tZ PW ,,Wcamdefisel4umd leave tbe.mer-! casoq" tbrW bO oe cuMMkey d 110bà t WiseIerm ad anther fortthe tba prrs wïgichw9 igve thse former a great poeover the. at#e. dt he co afon d distrem tisai seva inu Ameia' f1,it as MM conolation tsaitiihe .tya blemed witb an abonsdant iarvest. Te. on mytac i be i.en"illY ta e fOOitise evils .f tise fomerabut it willl 5.t]Y le-0onth-...avii, ad Preale tht wây f0? ni total resmoal, md tbe WmudmtiOê of a better titite of tig& b oems thte eartb me 3n machs cletr gain add- ed tte cofty' W.sttWmdraidy ta poytd for sgoy plome that *teet or piemure reTepoducts of .pqeultIeare - âjii5,eatonly in th, frqeslll iaioivethe speoultol- 'l.*e l roi. àtml nd ioyo the Ira, ' - f bis opi, a lain- ed as rneDly diappo*ftd, and bitteym m feU>'for tb'uw aa>'their omtifeil iri ,,, Md tInesce, in thse chue of asui nug bt deeitfol bnO placu8làicia '0 Ubb the bttery, abhoWaredblss to one p , and ge bu hies esncbud a boadred bayelie- ruineul Bd it ~ il ot naWi tise mre romcte ofricur- ai labtur. Dependiuig upowth@ lcediay ee-' ties of m"tte, the ucl d led i dumty f hiere mettewith la ri sud certain rwrd. 17bis mi>' MeqW.q b. rourm mde by a fotumnat speelitie, bt it iaismm, mi ivoives bo riaiscos re.ponebltji wble fotunte mpitmd14" aes' - tremmi>' rare. Mây a mai Who busgined WeWti hy bomet iidutry, bu fterwa-ltlIe t ilb nuie- tenatemspe<5515lim5l5. ie ha been extenively and deepiy experenced in theblate revulsiceain tIeStates. flsouandgwbéexpected great iches Y glittering pians et procarisag wealth b, schem- in., bave beesa grievousi> cleated, and mii Ueir isions of walth bave vaniahed int air. é%ch lfly estâtes commomi>' tat and bar>' their huiliers n th ruin. Mss>'aafaumer, wben ssrveyingis ,viihg fildis ansd orchards,thriving cattie,aiMd Vell tled ars, mn>' graulate hsmself foraing phic- el is properity ons such a secre and promiing fonoation. Th fruitful soil lsan inexhauslible Rinen of wea:tI, whes il ia properly ranaged. Yu, thSigh agriculture petents such a fanaid frtile field for onorable exertion and unterpize, ii bs rt received the attention and culture in ii h Province slich ils importance dernands. Ir a a uRobl in, the immeseattracts ef forcetawick bave ntver ben toucbedl by man-wbat vant quanti- ries nf wild lads renain evun in the settled parti if tarProvine. Hotu mach uimproed4md ton trains mingedl with our improvçmess i nfiio isling tioi value and rdcteea.4Avi agriculture shows ne mgny vacant #bd Ussmuprsfved sections, th protesiomsanmd trades mon over irowd- ed and oprotlalle t thoan uho aue engmged in thm. Lawyers, Doclors Merchanls and T1rades- mer, abond beyood ay premaent demrnd fr theis çerices, and b>' tier umber exlude each othei fies that adeqnate recompeuse ta uhich thue ser vices are entiled. Our Totuns could at Iis mo. oent .%Iply the tants of a contry tui. as large. and a Population twice un nurnerous as ounisIn- eed i is vidert that acteraI professions and -nec cogaionscouil do three times the l.oiness liii lhry are nw ding, and yet nt le tully rmployed. And tis a tithoul any refrencu ta a partial dead. neisofutrade and genesi lbusiness. If thes. ver in fuit nd Perfect Opration, wu havCa great ex. cesi sppl>' aove al tlei r possible demtand.- yet beno feu are atuare. o th is tate of thing.- Io lvi consider tiat, %Yhle agrculissr*d thi cootrY Preent na mach vacant land ta bu pois, nul and izpove, thse Totuns nd tiair establiehb ments-at ot halesapoyoo. Cowper say-"«Got rudethcur an md manm mdctht toua ;" an certi"l> min shows fa more partiality ta bis ffl cnations thab ibe dors Io Ccd'.. Tier aumon. drtdi awhe prepr dragging on a miserabie depend. 'nt lfu n»me pety ill-paid busines in a Toun ratier tiban thrnw thematives with li their isemlt and!ièor itb e country, te uork ont a ichen b'otorable indeimodee. Hou fat tà peyverte "l*dtlt carry mny men may lie seen in tiie nu vivrns rrog-shop9, Pett>' groceries, and othe tIrvtched mdes o eiing out a living which sisourý in evrY Town. If the mbe iioaectetlt Oegeate tho, vithout either orament or use, ei ther tatherstets or the communit,, ould bu 118% their energies and emplo>' their trengtln i uaefut labour ini th country, they would beinet ltseles, their amilies, and societyat Large bt lt penrt tht>' btnefit nobody, mot %lesiýbsqt 5Iti They mere>' exist in u.cid~i atrat Of enjeying lite vitla bomsomble 2Sdit nation o shop-ieepes" wunBiqss tee o! tProach un Englmd, tMMi mciapoUN for sboî,,reepo15aseare tmmm>*e. etgmvé la his Iheusdele lie orri oiù or Tgwsa, uold jtt ho ist55U. Wbatsnaupn oaMsag ay bnig . Missly sud indepndent spirit could spnd bi litei 4ld6lig tape and counting pins? What mmmvi mpsmirmtoés, sud by ultvWmg thl, pivl. mad M tiba lent-U*mre un. mmqlube Mi-thiW thébOse iltXantrs. publ foOpy W MeminmIy d é &- mrchants c eaith eit accm.ÀdMtm et tel m Uit set bicornethunse ge J9 la, es.s t pi ll .sim e. lb?6pp an s aile make amysaies oet teir gouda of mi- fotard miy years before 1,êtin viiuât es.ulmlig bpp iattient- en anmanmdlthe tuequences may le Itl. 'àAdslogten as Reformers tls 'Teenu s» i*a couftry, mdand e veuLWi u«1, psteakBin u theti. mst 40,- fae.tht lai tie a«wchars litmerm a, l unee bttret aem, IIy dlrecttmg 000 vesmnt bicir te Louer Coule, isidea aIl coo5itilos?7 1%eiecth t9" rcuis» e tsa mjluehtud fte trie, t& wet bile. A Fus in tise Provriece ding tonviehlail mys ieel la the f~ beyt b7 avi a fair ad open kWin a aum extemaive busines in thbe u m&u, Md s.tise Constitution, veon cm l at e r Wtbey have te cesteud vus mulitedit, h. haiev ee m m em laes ic.u d ed etthelo tion of the almoity 19 UN mil ulen tisey punch pecllar facilities the3r c- DaBanksto aabotm s, momua ii vite -t vert thî sait uti on -,a %ot expet te ràceeed. Cmn theon buo a mous fued aàdimamutlaedohow eustheboubia dis- tenance of theiz oun cous hepelei propectiprerd fSu youl, ûtiseb couletf To seaid eut their nots vile pecie re- view cf diancing- evety u tirmttibm sint mvoceation wvieh maresr mai ns sauna plaatponsn, vooetd buie ef-deutruetien. cmCi mprorement, tisey cxi covded te excen, and are uheelyirendeld ls- If the riev urrp eosld bu nIld fuie moege prku cestig an d choe.other serv profit"l te mmr. âme baf e t tiso i m n en- it wculd go a lsmg vay teurds liq6Mig. cm in Partiament. gaged l is e.? t i. peolitical ecomia ots mdebtm im Lowe* rCanada ; but au r im nas mmm,, The Wfoeisg is Mr. W the. uecenity c et s i g a due pretesoe isb- 'tii coup must be sold vety er, adthe fiaimmr jectipsof tise thids " leaii fument the digseat classes ed socety. W he tise 'menttmiler eqbsfy giti the êserclimsats and otisem - *la h seemr iad ilt Keaàe Wtus defoateseb>' Cm. à son-prusdmucim m.excleda tise properatLio, b- Vf ilhn darmagesaonce pcfested BIll, the bat, udiiet uMe. qoner-seva, ssîu tvreen it and tlb peduclmg clen, it as Ibut icu.. expences ofe neroinse l*-"te s ringihsesa, . . a zarrd. V.ts bunt cmien vi. direct the public mim te point ont the immense sacifice nise ev crop, Mmd the ssuMM ¶b. the. fabms poitionulb'ehai.mumad, and tonm thp'inteouttacerinago0ohe estocks cfgooda fo "ehi "in al& t he- >e stresaa if gserail acinloto isimiblle cisasMe!thon la no le-the Province vilii mtain smore 1Th0s tatemefi mnd eutr T 1he biat snerests cf mclet, md tlb pet»sneqt tearfust limes tlisa it evrt mev. If bth. Executive aie Geremmiesnt coulains il prcaptit et nationasaretot eféctnaiiy promu- liaditrpoul> set tiemetes te corsider an assrtion reapectiog aie los ted uhen eter depuolmeat of active lite ii duliy'fr ining thse coimtry, aie>' coutl net have dont lie itaise, as we hait fi austaised mand filted p, and aribe, ape ciii atten- it mu e eectumlty tiimmtisey have. By being 6 vetes vue gîvren on t1h tien and acetion are butored on iléos objecte thit compellesi te continue specie paymets white ope- 'cg patent des.s," andl Mac maof et pecisi importance. But wubu tlb mtcie ii taà igis pressisme thaieBanksa vert disabied-by a aoriFt> cf on Au ady consolt deprtmient et action la comparaivel> frMmtstisg tise mercisants, thon vwer. di"ala .Mr. Wells given the fol negect.d,and tlb people'm enerf las drun aviy 'fri eeting tiseir enggemnts, sud té iai. ntpiesot civil mmd porticalc froin the.produing te tise non-produeln ciani1 asu depriveil et fair prices fur "K p 4isr uZ d iasadutytoedmuaibsa aieeut, aa sàeuhirutu,1le connexion bettenthi first and tl 1db hreatel propiate remedy. To panuenhl opposite cos. clie and intimaI., and ise taineasllurea punssudt ufuor. Wibohetaims ,it5hi ueuld bu ilts training a vine te produeenodmd .4 vith thlb fmireon niictintisheir fiiweiglst ib ti leaivea instead ef fruit, or grovmng -uhiemite bu- if injr>'on te b lnd snith e ubot. commmity. ~t5 stz uih.bu « rconte attmv intead et grain. As legisîlion -cmsi Ifsur DS imhaluttheainifrt aupend.d psyments mon, bu asurtb veu do nothiagin the va>' ef regulafimg tise proportion! in pecîeetcf&IL tIbir notes above on. dollarth lb . pieu rw btusentlb varincaseslte elbcmmuusp he aiegor batblai1ud prutrabe gn mmm, laisfetts )-lmi at onl resore. late direct pàâlieintelligence hyau u et mlhave ben feit an tis sProvince. t a nom.<' expoition o e d sate of lb.eea, butor, lbe 4e-. payimg theone dan notes à peie st en required nsi ausd sCeh>s~m ringemeMitei inev.?>' section eof'ise geneal'vs lsoold hide.Yidesithe dufflEdalies 'fbf l interet. Te pot os mucli moto pasver te the osas Lever Province, (in ni pucuring change, and iguC'ta srptua5e haie in Or puddlesoceeue aide of a bot thamnte tii... au vonhehed i -pW=er); mmdtlb Bmanks oulsi diel narsupenai fayu »0« spirit. uluas the otier, uo'.ld malte the bot demerabuea circle, gll bave fuemimhid that amaout cf peciieben boues, snd bBl~ instead ef iiepelfimg induliki mu mrouevon lier protect.d tfront othtr demunda. T uiness amn md te enî Ltbm . à u cm r course. Ând iflovi esspsl a large proportion of tondte vosld bave gen on vithht my interruption efefigat mèrt e icnton thon ocm KIf o' darn.~a car gesteral strengh son iatsaient lent requiru and tie salicd havi uscmped tise evil under ubich .,,i th.o&a masdeiln'ra *i, we sasi meol raiel over agin tiecsamse vtdii v are nOvrsnfeuimg. As for an aie cent about Tb* et-le lh.i l *round, but maie tile progres in the mail of di- b onon" and mIl ht it is ani very veli, but nect- The hiassg'irid'e rec improvement. If vunstmat thingsaccc?.. est>hmine nloue. The necemty cf sef-presetvation b. irioe masst Th oi fliberty sea ding te thir r elative imporace and value,'soutd bite madc us instanti>' aopit e mm- li ho l s5àeu~ ablla e iâtifed hat agriculture demandsa ansch aomis lb meit the nuv circumatasaces inte viici ZddeuG=vaia.or *lurger proportion et eut exertions thau it bas yet, ve vire tiroten b, the supension of specie psy- tuelij. ilS osse 'in eaatili r rceved. 1meets in the Staestanmd Louer Canad. To pay 'be c aplTfhier.~t teI But, besides thinicrenoed exetion ubich, agra- apecie ber.wvitil h as at a bigii pruminan aiwth mis bit valeur cenat ao culture novu demansis, it is biglé tisse that combi- amod us, wta bots mdnens md injustice: mai.- mise." 'arse mcd efforts shouisi bu maie te inttoluce several mesicamielb fictud twenty tises more cvit Hrt ina a riter-at. mantufactures vbich tue novr import. Whocm<ntisas il proteamtd tte aveisi; injustice, bucauru at Provincinal Parliameent" di iolk attise immense importations loto thse country deprivial Ibossanda of their rigis in order te ive aismunition have long in *of varions manuactures, vithoui being convinceilf aiewltheir demanda immediatti,. By suspen- posty, mmd tisaI aie,, togel tat mmm>' cf tises might bu maie hore te mach dingut must have wiitedoutil specie vis no fosa aof stubhorn wveesJ more adiantage. Look aut the qnamtities cf rMMo longer ai a presium, and then ain vonid have ol,- qfm h as tte mm crdgeviics rtansaamlccmaid'in aie tained sai their rigis: by mt nuspemngs-PImiistya rasp th i Province, mIl f ubicis sre importcd. And yul have gainesi ai their demanda, ansi a feu have ver. thosean Armes and mur soil mnd climate sre an fevorrable for groving made isundgume profits by specslatisag in eut Ipe- visere ire tse>' depoitcd hemp me can bu desired. ien mon tite lvi>' te cie ; but tise uhole community bas buen fatali, cli vere men offraet <hru impoiltiSvativIe eu mach btter grou md maie? inausod, and ail tradte anal business thrown into in- -uvere men of reasoas.1 siMuâ ai uawys impoverish ourselvesansd enticis extricable confusion and itretrievable tin. td te tht judgment, imtites otiesr by 'tisa eglet? This matter dussrons The question stUll arises, vhat ia to budosen?- bullt" We lad alvayi tise attention f out Agicultursi Socitits, uho The vinter às comning, and tier. is a damal pros- vas tisai uf reason, and th shosalsi uotual>' olIr a presins.for tiigrouliet peci befare s. Welhave ne isis te exciteusn- numion, rsteasi et tht " r bempl, bot siouid m a iol ae tise mitttcr m tis eit ssaccsuay abrt, but tise trutis mut bu told-i wWo-knife." Thie am oun hanis: Md actumil>'goumandmanufmctt* 4Insat#respet h, if obts& meaio ie' Néatib0' ~ baaya. "flic>'uet set lbhe eimple and liad lbe net imstdlatcly adopteal te relieve thu communi-. the lut te face citi.s. va,. h l nt enough teofierpiemiuo; fotlb ty. ln such av8y toitdit farnera muti bu put in the tua>'of esrmimg ihena A plan bau beau ptoposed in tise Patriot for lbe gracesi, ad ber best iotai Sby a practcal exhibition cf the mode ot culture Banks te issue Pott Notes, piayable in six, aime, or se.puisas te bu iser cali Ir ad manufacture, snd atoull diW&a>'of abs beneflas. tuelvi monahis, and discount % itis tisse imteisi cf It tuees u efr an agiculturmi moiet>' ho rent notes on dcamand outil thse present criis bus pssesl. The Niagara Tclegrm a tetu acres cf suitable imad, place thena Roder te.If ais eondon. immeditely ilwould bucf gritmmdlil s tandtieNim mnagmentof utnescof tise Directers, procure tise lencit. The Pot Notes woulsi bu eagttly balcon, tier bua risen, editesim e-propor apparatos fer preparing iiemp for markeet, 'amd voold upply ail aie public wmmi uutil specie Simpson, formerl> Editos man s assMt bbc growtis and manufacture in lbh e eetebuar a pression. As fr tise objection that eestanoiesM Icomsalay. Wii>'aosld net Canada excet Ru"miatht Bemks miglal continue telblpettie visen thee tnoiel >1in produlicg eniarticle n mauchin lcensanmtide- ecesity noS lsget exiahes, Ummnle notbing la zettof an applicationsIot '_ ssatd. Asiol less il cr vaut importations f flmsy thL If lisère otiser chec, jobie epin- aucoAtte imccrcednobti leceftto, uben ever> furmer ongbl te gîbg# flu, md ion cau la ys present aau ciiabuse etofath e mpi my onusioene butt emanuatcture bis Oua nnon ots, uainaet - plans. But i legal objection isas bues raiseil agimstbuclcnfsowce -et, brsmcb cf art soute manufacture maybuoeota. lbe plasots tie groound ef ils involving a dogmee ef Font mdeouieulatic -biabeo, md tise ccii if inmportaticnseAaeo te th~ e ui, mtise discount f àa ssthtant'a nite ta ta- dte liai a Despatc bas le countbry. With ait Iur lrouetines tu ipjly but ken ulien the note hi discounted ticd cf to- . Head, frosa Bis Maiei a ver>'saln ed - ftiii.itent comismed i n the enes lbt alla due. but iftails hbussuty, mii Biniing la of Stahe forrtlb Colonies, 8-try, md instemd of auppiag othacrtio depe-ai- ur>, aMd tlb objection slneu more of a desterma, of the Croun Ofilcere 2-dent on them for a mpply et lbe mut necesmyn>iatote refuse asisance lbth ie mereliants than oumint of thse flfty set )i Coîbioru. ver. authorila bd articles. I lta bigh ite te alter thii detructive of a desÎire tea aoli an, tiihg ilepI. 1%'iS lant bieretore téivilisi. Ne course,sud tlb bot mcenofding sn immed'te- lthe lime te stand upo n aec distisetioha, ot, bu taisenthe 1>' sioulsi bu considereol hy .veiy patriot. Our se- tebho gmo p for the ocaion, and in pursuasce of a tial hhiiet fthe C tiilen Scifis b do tei pt bt i.gsicdipolicy. Tie pia sagodoe i hsPrvne Ialbaea n, p uchmater a fli itin hesphreofther ank bveoniy aie spirit te aton l;but , ed- h"uGuardii th opearibon. seem lis bu ail trsmmeled b executive influence,- We mit ben svture uli eoy c li amd te hbutteri, incapabe of acting wiv u eiii. ,Tic Hon. W. Mcnmi Id portcaie select ccmmedittee ci. of h.R eeim> >' dTent ai rit garffing only tise publie velfar.Lodon on Sitorday niW lentftisprovuicduig the lutmesesiih op bo isa te 6tatesaMd in b>receitedb, yBer Me 1 ,oueti.cgeiytïaienupb1iLord dlenelginmad Crtovn publais enise. h t apeau tisaIbails commte ogaeld, mnddid mu"ite leusen the letdotât!ithdle 2lot Jul,, ay' Ri uncompmofeletfteem membirs, m&icf vie.,e- tieir f mandidItru. Pet Neote b>' or EBas ition bofise.aie Quetta sm,ad Mr. Gibus, afuxed ticir agsaturete lb and siit teour decuyed trade. Loitlb-Com ial peptieubeBsMjsybAteiyOsrl r aa.vihv eaia lcmdiigu iv1hMjs>aCoaanm ltrepor tticostuise n.extimecous mater, but irief- merda iin isIsu. lic. at once, l icut vsing m .n.laig in ippe nIlie res u inacocse tabullar itatenseatt te ea- t in a* mybd'a censent, Il te I o smme Wivwldch ti Churches of fit mouantet bsakng eptal ai digèenet pered- vii n ataie tlb re%"Wilit l t 1%eiipublic auare laIvestsib, Lawv us 0 alevsan average *Rouual lu ofet p iper dr e e te BuEma se vell asti.e xecug tein -H i-Mesntyfsi soy 0- lmefor lie htbtres yemm cof Wd md -an âr eeltviihtIi dlngmtninie>es Ceg y n tmT »icoeueofcarebout th frouasdBng * ! n te Cie g T-Joue, front £" e6tu £374,M89.. excdlukaW Setersi articles on thse fat pige vii sere e'Wly abutsdit itlf ivol !ls fonsthin imhlb élit acie t one meantt. ttlhe& mo b* efactasci chave buen made en aslt Ipeesmi Parliassemi for m peoceeds te give the diflerent opusoa ~ ' ,Cnda aia iiciammtemioeepre th tisoe1 roci... , on biniing, gvina decsded pefeonac le faveur plt snietsadlbe h l Mujee te pios hyit hesl w c f an etasded -rdit aib. teomaedslthé heinsbaiba oftails Province. Test, if teilq. d tht 37 lctotî.a b, fapissn a g a n stralerPOPTrW dte and charner dethia~s Protinci e eedged of- islid and lawful acta- in trctia-eqvtnthe ebasbeen no oveo-tmdibg, id l1iy Ith eresentabtousofethtl'emena&iliB Em.ecte to talc. stops fori K-tht hecolüyisina ten M bltystisii lut l smmL vbe oaiàgus in eill eumeaaWs Bidvel & Peor't Or- retlemen vise hd ecoma te tise clecturt; of Lemea icfa buuesInsw casse be- factaor enefMf4 trs of Lenox & Adlsing-ý en refornaera sccerdtng soh prepased i aIthc dsc- se tuie Ammly ta li- id %ife in thse maux- useful eform, mud praci- tcisedl their indeftaable, enta te doeiîr bLOiinse Nell'a acroniof tbhe'- mig reformer."1 ser es.ity oYork sr. 31, bhudred maeavle"adbelhg L.whieh sera givra ami!- li a redebsaa spibliOpta t" Md the "Lier." [rage upoon tise Ileasi et ita ion comment and tl6e M of Mackenzie'@ eIcÔ- frirstrly esowes. Ont, bose newtu lee&o, Coll lcnzie let bis ebeittipsai dred. ollovvinm sccosant cfw condlition et tise gaais et esseesl ito ianie su- : oini oeil abessing ettif unt ohm nl utciGovisi» sait. lathemoesladiUss libapey.ihe Sa miofa flruah me aauh. sud thaï;tassiih te deép d h m &U." l'h. sx oh., pua> inm, Muli baivt in te lailc. drm mi me bée- ireurea. Wheuo he -pp inds.sstum v inibu#a i;mbsisiitheit pea tibd Ita' ythe a"d l'.days asf1778 ra git wr.da Re âmiainlerq esiema. a e.ho,~ lu qb ait. "hee i sdaeas essai." LUC Chensb"0 sut their Moertees a i Fbrs Cams, and ma* bue despatle power. "1.-rt Mdt thai seaCer. lbe Decil »ece. o te.ue.Win bateeu soi; bieas» osf wmsdave re ,eblave a tnaemph ocir he"- buffet a"drereagrefid"soi f çfl he b.eti aua viii s. 'neacouptams t dr se mesi ofVernaue, ofNWu )hto ieistmbi sud Kese ,s uia=dato olcame ltte ,t ld thh appry eoaum- t-lau and Membcr cf tine decîmons iatât Iarmsanmd ice been iecuresi" b, bis tisber wli ticthe Irevenge- 1 nife"utae te bie ernplor~ rua 1837 te break Il BrF- te meit vond." Wisn 1imanuniion"Ilseceredi i? We thoiaght that flber- ýuoon-wete men cf peace We tisougisi aie>' ppesi- mad of tise"Il wiing rifle mi heard that their strengtis sueit vemponstsose cf pet- 1revengeful stan cf sulbioro na et thse <1wizzing bhW- s irnife', voulsi bdsemom bal Upper Canada is dis- resta mncrifrced, is, men iy friende. api bas buen diacontinoued, gara Chromicle and Adter- endi owmesi b M. John )rco tise Niagara Reporter. igiten in the Official Ga- tbu mmadc te the Logisua- serat. Kingston. Irt iis er timetise liui dia, ît w contfedeal. oit, ieare ena b Wdtle s heen receiveu by Sir. F. mty'i Priucipalscetv SI coatcyimg aie 6inions that thse erection and en- %yen Recteofes by Sir Join nd and iiegal mets, mmd )finali priceelng boyu- isuccb of Emgimnd iu tise % = nt~it>' of replying le Ch lo pinions arelouai- us arriveilla in'ss (rom ýgat lidaimd ve. are informa- tmitom u sver, tavoora- mjesymoeoment. aeptch te Sir F. B. Head Y1,CiI bite laid "tiis i sud bave receivd IC s instract y.. te cSneyte lance tIbI Ber jeuty' l invanmmslbu exeUtdsss Scanada, lion rfigiiia ili d egml d etofScoilua fihiin lie Prottae. " reramemi do nit coseidi a idmwimg thse qnuwoai Remeves, fross the. ceuid- iaI Leagu tue, am<am ise lb interkoreiie flth lbo4the & tmentof tbla c0b- ûzeslidsm thmeaid ,Sir Jobs cotisess, uanee -aui ir y. 8.-Heu le W- heeremvaL. cesdal epesaios. Setra mamdfatue4d,"M .4p d. aae qumiht>' bus lai hismons, b, Mr. CG«dont pond thelbNam ?I b o ilets f ubpmeis di iiblitg a<sg-aa a -bm lbhe a,) fru*Im ha Umlada. ?biqdi M, *8e Asm éer ù.etn6 fw mahe à , eI et émb"d aâ*" *mibe Ia *0iisu" eme omw se, an madeste, 1- daysiatM.Noturv, Watcis Marer, Corner di Brick & King Streets, consistin_-of Goid sud Silver Watches; Evir & finger Rings. Bruanhes Xec.i chalis, Watch gumosi, Bracelets, Ornuinen- Ura %Combas Worlr Boxes, Flote, Dressing cuves, Treecopes, Optiques,.Coral hella, Thernsometers, qglir ta , s Note eues, Pociset isives, Pistelî, Lstsior 1riasks, Memorandun Bocks, Spectacles, vveIhHeobtckets, Wasst grsckles, Eye Glas- +oûtln Picirs, T*eezeur, linegarets, PesIc Cases, and lead for dgtt, Pins for the flair, (eleiUmeh'sWige, Ladies, Cerds mmd rât tù, Unibrelias md Parasols Fisling Tactile as- sortesi; andi a variety of FaULva kArticles te bu »oN cIe.> brWloleaul4rfiReiLd Kingston, Iltis Sept. 1837. NO0TI1C E. PUTBLIC NOTICE is berehy given, that tise next Courts cf General Quarter Sesions cf tise Pence, and District Court, in and for tht Mid- land Distit, viie bolden at the Court House in rngaton on'Tesday the teuth day of October tmet t 12 'clock noon; of w hic is il Cor ners , .:I - tiseBailifi, und asU otheri in uny wise con- ccý ré mt eqsired tu taire notice. * RICHARD'BULLOCK, Sheriff. * 1iigston, 6th September, 1837é. IN0OTI1 C E. PUBLIC NOTICE is heonby given that tise' Reai Courts cf Assise Mmd N isi Prion, and 1)yommd Terminer and Gessurai Gaol Deutr>', in matieàstise 1idiensi District) will -li holden athie tciIoetih , aietKiangacr at tweîve o'cieckin t tht fsee on c Tuesstay thse Uidmy of Octoher nextb et whios an reroers, Jutices et thé Peste, Con- gables, Bhulifimmd il otiaes in mtsy Wise coîscerr- eld are iiereby seejsied ta taire notice. RICHARD IIULLOCK, Mingstüh, fth September, 18M. JOTICE ia bereby given tsaItishe next Publie ilFait and Mart un and toc thse Town et Kings- ton Win commence on Motida>' thesond day of Ocioauir neât, mmd continue opn mâtsiieiht oft the. ;eInletise evenaig of tise Satsrday lieu. mexi h tdag .neu D lurrn Kisdosn, Eus Sel alt;týtw BU hesif.K eplembur, 18r7. *APITAL F'AUX FOR SALE-CHEAPÈt' Pffl bu aoldg at lmot JaVItAe dine, amFAItM cf J.11)0 ACRES outhtei. iret qualit>' cf nu, about driailes trbi a Rngstoso n the tursaike roai, 75 ma 1 clerd nsio fids unîer excellent fentes, -~ mn.- ten ive WELLINIG BOUSE, I NS, SHEDS, and ORCHARDS. Tbe farna «U wlI ateredb and ode of thse mot desirabte it- e . ànth Provice. pplication te be mmde if by letter -potpaid) DANIUR RYflAN, mor ~ ta~ ~ Land An1. IE MORS 6 COURIER la publisiseat 1 tel u>,f th. ery moderate luma ;Six Dim iranus oyheOsa%c-m &jali fraction over oeepenny ech number. If WMdi by mmi,&Bluni ste P ot-muitera)ea ddition- aI charge cf Two Dollars per snnln is made fot pestage. Tbins ubscribers rtaiding in tise moat r a t rildthe tCanadass eeos ot Offices :Weblmtallsd. have the Mornimg Corier, fret et Ilchsrga, for leu than thon. halfpe .emi sotmber. J; gives the lateat eus, boreigss &do- 4eatic a weekiy Prices' Current, crtfully cor- réctdmommmuÀed ith gemermi obsmrvaons on n~e stuc md frtaticais of thse Mariets; snd de- ring tise sction cf navi the barrivais mad de- pttres ai the porta cf cetreal arid Queeb cto1- ffter iththepartsculau et lie caroîIlÏbj tTam MoxmaaCeumniarom itTutCoeMils pablimised anonodsye anjt asosdays, asicentainu il tis eadimg matter ortlaedii paper, imcludimg inmercial sud aiipping intelligence. subii1slsP eur EDollar amane la ous, md Fis Do"lmmif snet b, mml, pagayé inmtd- ber, at bIde orwmra dim mm uisidosStore, Pour Siseudersa,Il&=snid Joier, lOlirMa Duils b I cmrels WmtetLim k,-ltb*rrels gour, 'egs Nol6 do. Witl ~%eeHmiapNm ,mend9 semskerdlNou.mMd 2, uo e bs"» adsMeut, mm *-bwelasI. A .fe* bM xely tlse07. )LUE ALT. JSR tlpt Br TE S 11CR IER, biateU* de. 10 ba bi I*L tMd ffle- -POU N D. O NT1IE L.KE SIIttE,twelve miles weut "of 1.-ouf Point, lu tise Township of Mary- bargis, ina Cie Prince Eduvas-Distict, on tise l3ttî AaKslt l1, -tise foilevvang articles, via: One S&ev,hlavin.- on bourd about 300 oviglat uf Cast Iro», andi *bout 30or 4WiieiKhl t pkx 24 Itemi Bot,,> 3 large hreniser, 3er 4 kren Bauds, andl t1rinat i 5esgen DAVID IIUDGIN. Mtsub,14th Àtsgust, 1837. , . . the alois prcperle ai suppomed. b ,beloSg te some Stesso Bost on the, Ameracau side, tise cvmef ta requtebste làcorentferrd, prve ppretIs, pa ciswrjes, ana taira lisesarne mvmy. For-tsrtbeK n4icuiarn enquhire et .tndrtw Deacon, Ep t'ictn, Ite 1Il lloel. IIË l~MEDICAL LECTURES vill comnweqcg I on ,lUt Taaradsy etOctebet, anI continuensix- tee tk.E.Cutbush, M. D. (Geneiv. lnstftuttÏ& Prctice cf Medic-T. Spenicer, M. D. <G4ea.a ?Suretoy-iamsmWebter.M. D. <Now-York.) Obssterice amut Mateain Medua- C. B. Coven- Anale.>',.. hyaiolo anal Medicat .lurigpru- -deuce-.IÇebstcr, ;- l., Tise'ert for a ai tcourac uf Lvcturcs $55. Grado.atioas'e,v 20, 3D ., O svtig re4içned,.Dr. Web- .ter. titi deiyi tise course onu strgt3'iteensuing 0cm. E. CUTBUsUf, ËM. D. - Dean ocf thet Modical tÉculttY. Si-ssuaM. P.,Èengisisar, ticruva Asi, 7 183. -963. * t>- ht lbu>'.rgu, Onuids lorvucaf- ugo atrii, Dafflo Jsrsa,&îoegeeo puh i- casAinien HildTmoaeomette, &Wd lai- tourai iiiuew u abqv, is. A la NOTICE. - Towvn, go uvquested be malt. immedia, e = t Ih.e%:e i neasi1e, eh is iutbetized tu~e l' quiismo*i . - 'ALIIETFUU<S by his. Attorney, FRAnsis M. Hiaz. kilgsbon, 121h Augut, 1837. "ée6 NOTICE. , T n,,Es,ÙtB sh,,wabort period,wwviabes t.vbrisog, bis buismentoma close for lse present, mid htrehy. oltsionh ail ho Wbh.May be indebre4 tu poçemi tiseir amaSsnts for liquidatoaendmil wio . ttin-ý iashebted to him te maire immedimte pmymoemt etier-, wine bit demans a gainat tluem willibc let itit mn Attoroeyfoçc9littion. fei.rl'ho =- wiiiii aIneinform-thi. ullic tisaihe bas rumted bis Brewery to Mr. Gergss Schoieid, lite Brever for Mr. Geo. Webster. ob viii câsýy on flae business ut thît establishunnt do- rine big ubfeame. -PHU.LIP WENZ. Kin"sos,M9tluAug. 1837. 3w 965 AtTCOXTIIACT FOR 8TIA*W. T E RES ill bu onctived ait his 9s nidM ondav at mmthae 2Mtiday of U -li)ingu sertr' t = ngîpeh., ~heWue~i uiaé t e crate l mcdt C mm, of two IMPORTATIONS Or VA LL AND WJNTER ÇI0ODB. "ieeIsiOgin'coronspondeltlis e, bavu tutti- et ta utlujsw e unit bbccntinue ta grsnt tlb.meit liea emconistent vitbla a 575cmof litead- tances. ISAAë BUCHAN-A?1, Cd Frelt Streetl8, Toronito, M li - II89 - l n & (R JG ÎD 5Sbe tdniemun e Ibocal pss Uls>, e reaie nfi nab au kt Vret>' o * pT JowM E'IF..Y N #m L j! E y 1 4-. of twt ud -ibm ate twîurc( ica itissouninto thse J etds 0P JEPS [rm-Coropmdedemtl E s ualsariisct havimg frrqosent>' observesl Ttiat tbe Farmseswho reiide a distance toidn towatm rutdbected to corsiderable isaeeve- tes si ass es.Ua mau e'ls D..sni- silence frm ithe tuant o e cnisodios spse tif wtsereùt ta dqoscit tisear psouirae, ini the evest ef _____________ IlLir benng tuir tata for tihe harks t, or prevenfrd bky §M0 CliELSEA, OPDýN CE & GREENxwIcII t tiris Irmency cf tht wcatber or othey ceaào* fi oni s'isIx uisag of thse sne,-begs fraie te tisae P E N Si ONELitS, thern tiutlaelîas Fet . nîaeportion ef ir i xten- R& iegianizd virar EVerd, Erscknle, Prescet, P isvestmfor e urpupe eutrs's.vssg suçi pre torlairvi nd Lnmoo.ucr. d suce as tise>'nxv'fit ail inccurt nient orsiiprecti- NVITICE is hereby g1veis, thstsa Cosîssaiat itu ta di" of e tarrlt, where lieviii bave dur Cfier Will attensdiathe folios ing places,oun a pr,-una teisetaeb reccinre tis arne and sOc'. the da>-u uedenmcktioned, Io identif>' and p>' it [f accmlisg te instructios. Cbseislmaffd ý*her Pensioacra. As tise accosmmodaîtion et thse furmer is bis I.cai- -At ilrockville on Thursla>, Sth October. cipal ais»,bise Sssioriber wstili maire noe ot er Preacott. Frida>', Euh do. charg~e tisais a very naodo.rnte storage, aud a coin- ,Cornwall, Sabsarda>', 7h Lo. nà: don of '-"iper cent ou elrectiasg sales. do. Monda>', Stha su. R. mu. ROSE. * Lanaster, Tuesda>',1tOh do. IN B. An .bvasrce witl bc made ost esa rb t . Tise Peissioncra resisisng in andi near lne veriyv, Sture Strest.Kinstoî, 1 A SePt. 1837. are rtquested to attend cati>' on Thuisdoay rmarn- - - inthe 1 hi Octohet, at Brockueille, seusere tise> TO B E SOL O OR LELT. wilie paisi. ATCbIA>BEB.S ]hILLS I ireTltTowNnosiy CHARLES A. CLALRKE, A. C. C. ZA or Fnrasets.H end mss' h entere4 Commissariat Kinsoston, ss mtainrediiîteiy, A lHOU, ,E .'ND "SiIOP, titYs 411% Sept. 1837. lsatÇ an Acte of lad. 'l'le place is admirabl>' The Newspapers et Brockviie, Pruscott, ans d adapted lor à Merchesît or Meohvssir, ig!ituai. Comwllwso caîngt itstise Kingston Cheoaa- led in tire enstre oft a flou iiiin-, tesauîsranmdiq içlo,.vitl iase give tise above thrée insertions, tise ismmediuior ticmiliy of a GriotasiSa Mid,5 »Il rel!ent their sccouats for paymeit, te tise vis- wmiiciare ina fuaitdarL osret.isi peration sissougis. ~fg offieftise Cosnmiosriat, aithtie places and ent tise vear; and as it is tenrnte itemiara>' tousi ditîabuse expressesi. or viltîi, tia osire [o tracît he costo ofuthbis - FRED RJUX VY~E, sseroissli populeaaition. fihe Shcsp iv teil lltted PREDE ICK YSE, up with Shetre,, Caunters, Sfîov-Gas3em, Desk, FRI(OMQtEIEc. endisleter>' hing, reqosisite lait cessductissg bsiness. *fuee-iGonds sand LOADOIN M.4»JE - . ELRY, urhaci euvili ep4tý for sale, fut a tutu 1