mS ?u~ uvtl CANA~A BEUALO-~ a.# .**~aae. l~O~>I~O 1T~A1TCLUB- a"evfer le*tImatuseta NWlo luemed M, W& m bwe110*, a"acen b,, sMd i.iMui 6%I*0 cssy " a m iieet dm.A7 mi.uim I~(MS us MOy vue? Justie, t theiSCh. u, <(themanmi pl. ,t Présient scf bwi UitayMsd h. AUch.em Of 1ne tumet Uic UB tuBr *ikevu bu Yok, ha" e ceoets e usCa.iU. b es..- F. cCcvaLand, m q.ukc !éh.*a Iss mline IlaO *0 moite dcaf eshte EAMYS. uey don%1aMdBc*0ausimfi sIm 49uai Tbc a" te bcle £.ude(W kb, am4 th. = 'Ud5 , . 4 let*"a uewuh Wu- Pubtc ebospaidi b th. e oeeuy et BeClé5 stal ot ifbama de-Vct ClevgRassis-es enom e met 1.111Dcan" e mx. oe-tebteuI f cPssim da-,, ud the1 B.dE»»y lu e ble cosmpauid ly a scaed eeusiuind- do~alAIuIIuu it.i1 mut, bMaclteannée aietcfthe auBewsMd a met 10to4i anadIfl MlsuMh.. te Wose UNSm b11B usna l.m yvlh1h s'salc aaiun @ e beh.Pei-'lut. maie viliiITheeesuctheep lu 1h.Ms ci îleBis 0f f $"cm d ché l - TI S lataise w ebuseqaired tabcen Seesâ.clTowmhip, speciyl u tmie b lam ofetamis ý1O8%T«Mt 3"012, W7.have becspitel, si& vii le pet up sitbbc <lé oess Tecmi. isse 19 WLCout-hee, t 1h.Ouee .1 th.e lk dBe effu&DA g*3giau , peaeuiSb~eeeains mU5lbe ~ 'EN*tCJANWhtsW, ces néii . wu idlh Pubiishe4iath., 0(lmcBagDain.tuhe District Wk&ïmi onla the comhe forz le CanLoal, 1460et, u4- citez.yc,5S 1"MÎATJýâ4Lae Md ChvtvReseres, iuimg "leantma Tlbi-DmdU,'aaYsear, vbcil le rsws at .N=s~:WESTERN DISTRCT li, .C.uil.o4ic-In the Ccunyo0(Kent-.4l 60111m03,en 11.1DBf -Jly, 1M1A 84Imm Iueo llUel.- ber, ad 151h b« Tri Paepeabcdiah.CAN4ADA MUSEUM, laIn . Coauy i Base-At 5.oi'di, an the 385 c GasumFe th e mrvonc al81*10*1Au publisbed tanE1'limtIAmeils r leslenve, wJ3MaIy, 81*1 W sm sutru iiyt gue tamm m% b lsbr, sud 8311ovembet. o. oi ,clasImokes il SàSe»v'advManflWmailonsLONDON DISTRICT thiomg l '1.b eaive t.lIit Stck of Goedu, la Bhe Cont>" ci Noélk-At Sucr, aouthe lot &.a. ~ uy a uulot BeptmeW, 52d.11er, ami Tumus 0, ADyzamtsl.-I. Advertleements et otNvclr mec quarewceleostse ioebd lties, eels frlo- in lath. comwy cfOfr-At Eomfrdc00 bbc lac-lIanger cmna Be sane.gepmi- M:md 1I M51 lit 51Angua, 5RhSeptemlmer, M Ot- shilling Md 3 pne Cusyy Peiaéquie, for ber, ana M1Noveube.îe ecrl iuectic. M r Be ontI2 week Ilate County ed Middlmxe-4eb Lsadom the 2. Dy lbe yest, S dollar pesarec, villa Be 10t1 Jely, 1011 Amnuai, 1h Sepleubei t, 0 yivilexe o an atcaiicOret miiuqweymti Otler, amIM 1011 er thymn'ubéethBe jear; 1m..vded -b aellon r CR£ADNAGReISRCS addition ou et olexceci haf a squa-brc-huioc CR N IGAADSRCS anxtra charge *111 bcmade of 71 fSreve!7 machAtIio aBlmiylbAgt15P addition. tember, 2d October, and lt November. 0-> Ordens sent by mail, month. Pst Paid- HOMIE DISTRICT. t .w.e TES ,lanBe Conty of Yok-At thec CUg Of Torcmlo, H. I. PEERSOc.outhe 1011 Jqjy,, MOAugut,l1ithSqtembei, Poi nRESTON 1 lookCamais.m d 10th Novenuher. GMZ DUTRIT, U Canaa. C t ofSime-Attelic l c Barre 0:)- Tl. puice f the M»um ta t 3 dollar oa thec ,15J1 d>, 15th Augus4l511 Sepemler, Pu i mm-pntae incded-Paynt las r.- uhOctoler, Md flUtNovember. us. Sibad 183. NEWCASTLE DISTRICT. VIeLJ .GE L tp. I Pda oroqsg, on thc 1111 id>', 811 AugQst lWUliceIbmAG <> &F T211 ,ptcpben,1011October, md 7t1 Neveu- 'JL-sd« a be m st" vdge, o smtmitlvc12& of the Wcllmmd Cam", 33 M amr1 b e er. Lae Omailonimoi s kimova beh jucld c- Rfss' a> . aefee. tsei.Eq. tA. T27mmw.w.,ifir cu-"s m1 in uita h ate fesim vicina,;Md it sasin ltI. e mtsv of a jfort&le IDLAND DISTRICT. o an icjud isâs Met oui5Y in a direct lime e t h Coty of liuling.-At the Teom qf Belle betweeeCity o e olFileamd St. Ciblainez, eillet Ou the ltI Jiuy, 1011 August, 1111 Sep in te tiagsaDi*tt. tomber, 1011 October, md 1011 NovemberL But 5yeslc5 bc auld1afîam lsduguâtamdIn10the 0mtyf Un% am Adigoe-At Nq seoraY0aiy lasl rruit F Bel twi mcvc.nt.ite oenmtbc151h ialy, 1M 1Auguat, 1511Sep mnore lIai IMSRok; tvo Churcles a Scbcol- taue' 1611 October, amd 1511 Noveme., sévtI5l Sgi manMU- laetBe Couaty of Fem-AI Kgio an itim iluilRoaihUi atacuSaq IdI=8!p? 219 Jly, 21s Aug stSeptemer, 210 kuwas, 4 5.î ,Octale, &" 2st Noembei. Curpat ha, Ihffltu~ TiIs' PRINCE EDWARD DISTRICT. Réï pmimd elle' Tuebspat cdsmmble av 84hlu- 'cci.AÀ mCas Mad Fuinug Mm, At Pictoo te 1211 Jul>, 12<Augégt, 12d mmd .11 iii ave vesy lo 'cii, d î Speeimi, 1911 0.1.1ker, sud 131h Novembe, put ale r et mut b~au.Mar»sely'cas- joHn,\smwNDucl!. eeîe i Ia the Couty cf Ieed-At Rvebh uth ie Ill Iensadiec j ue atie Lake COâta- 10<1 AMBK"4th 11Septogue 1U&11octe riea Ianke Lai, h. comb*mat ssccenm Sof ber, andMi OtNovecéer. seloca »daoutael, .cêiimg t abadvmu a thn e Coemly of GnViufe-At Kasplel, onth fr tBée mty ëefM»Mmwçbk UOr d agiciaW - 511Jal21M11Afu b 51etomber, It ra 11U1 acet.a"0 ub lsm 15hovember. a LIII et forty bEnmipoetbaseiàu qa SOcécDISTRICT. sxe, lotr b ma a" bUSEÀUlinthe Cont y f Coim 0At Riscaionu I 'Taumet>' 'cuhabetegrest dvalg, 1511 Juiy, lm1A. Ml 1<Seplember, 16 besug ne lie laM blous th e buesof Ocîmber, am im1. c1- ippva aiBeuiUver. la the Couty dt Lmaut-At PerthORutBe 21 The ommnbe inlu «%lg 1.the luion fjoly,2Wiat Aoà21*1 eplcuber,21*1 0 Mrrelatuei aj ecans.t Il isiu Vl- er, md 21d1 Nevembe. 1 o, cers te misn e Véry avuisasLIOTTAWA DISTRICT. en qèoderat'ý teum, mmdlong crditls at beoil'oflssnet-ptma,.l GEORGE EM& âluy, 1M 1Aarsltu51Septemhes, lih Os T'horpIl, Oeoler, 1835.bercaan-At Ceh so'lOi WÂTEIl-PaSOPCLOTE CAPS. 2s iyMa iot2s Spebr h l3ubcrib#r vrillmchlaberwd l ober, md 2 em& elebt,2* T'Ia' Pdd i th mmlacureo(WAlr.'KASTEEN DISTRICT. 'ith0F CLOma CAPSM , the Coants cf Dunias-At mtUe, on1 to maie fron the Wattcf Emli Cltiu-Waler- 15t1 Jaly, f5t1 A u,1M 1Sepember, Il oofCtotîC spe cf erent nternaqualiesini 0.1.1er,msd 1511 !icvember. r op la t.a IBe Coucies of Binaient Md Gegry tountS, 'chfor d Ceue'd c.Be 1*1 uly2l rcmnomy, ruval eveci07,dccipof eruacè»wý Rth WJuy25 i au tanfebedW , UZ gfur Seplen*i iOller, 2t Md 21*1 hands fbr the , ' à;; NuaU5cipP dam f eimit vi 'varun ate fui g pesbkcent, sloe, va le JurMni5iuil utra teiy reoringB al e". auperfctly a- for s ombg ,e at jrSev e i f~ grrrbî ai cmly fo th. mbimssut..v ture scrifaescms rqirt c 1 là 1 bissn otI thee aivatagesiialuiser&ad Dtportsset.R.. r. %%Litcr fp..~m.r"4iandilsLIB.hllitx am 'cn'-perfectl>' WalarProo mi tl~e u:- fbbIath MaMd Far Capeor et lcist TO DRY 000» MERCRfAý TB ode eneeauy of ce. ÏMB S-Ss of unm cf e oceCap. il bha sent VUflE sugwSCIIDer cSSti af B*e slo ail . 4 tonl mwet IlammdLire.?AIti e sciJ&h eIckms racs I l psnge I sugto. vii.neeil, invalces et11h7 al. s »L I. GREENE. ses, Manchester amd Glsgow montre,% vaeiky U. DIR Y G 00D)Ul Fui$ Bofw a q M ah c-)b .%1,, rO, a nd ulI e r Cnqssw ed. UU~ t in W h Ave fu th *i Ofia te r i.jtrlyimhamuthen Î - , nd A b ilm sauatnMm' II 132 1' Ci. InititioeSeul, 01e' sud Hck 0<1.? l~it atIuMars, »" sY is lm 1J.n, 1M67 m Ta m evtcoca?.1 ILL 39 SOL aI the Cosut' lýinus e eh teDV alle>, mudeby vMm et «Î.u - ee ~is sIutcWB ImiitVetcBeld àlAu I)lein *1eWsétll the dmlmd OU yaN.1, .ssi m 4et l i mmaql âm rcek usomm he' 1ýmorb. Be deydmsis . u LsNusmezbwgeum PO - day et w e O.I'st uhe ugmts no ig CMat. ma et iow ]on, y zSiI ITZDSTATgS, C'AFTA1KIvwUnlrwzT CAPTAIN VAS CLMVB. Qom Uri 5~LSAV scomao g,, mXs ........dTe i vsn,............. amy tissm .......Weduly lteconRol, ....... e. Nom, Owweoý .. ........ -c. de vl% <du,......... usa esug elme...............Id enimoU< de i T- ..... de do. dM. .dymg Toants....Friay, do. Adsovesetenga M Bhe Mm oing. coxaxmevui, ss couu Oi5i 0Xi, L"AT5 L ...i.......... Wimesiiy, il 7 P. M. Levimmo, ............ tdsdo, et .y .TcaoOi......... e e 3, P. 1 ioI5ts.........Tbwdi>'monmg, Toai, 10, NighlOvg........o Evemimg, poi Hpe........ Sumia>'M sig sltsHuo.........d. Nigkt, Coburg, .- ...*ý. * * IK*lagmtOe...........Feloa> mêimmg. Osie............... do. Wgbt, Maaie.t Ogi.iebungb sae aliermoon. rmgoea........mooiy Moneslu, a evll.........- o6 ]Nome pasavgeas hav4 nglctiesai ' rimve asPteomfst ilumtet.taiee cGav.xlana.T& ce T.esay evecing: ami pumuga" lra4iU asW l. FMiiy, 'cul le eusled t.e th.BeU.»a ftAsas c.Somday. 11e imlentM D4."Imm leaes rmetl mming (Sumiyo excepei) for the head oftte Long Bsui BRibld, Md Paegempu ave in != the emu m coi Evey nlomutic rmpetlg B aonbts, ch.ehiieibapyng as follo'ci- Mm.. m àcrum'uusou ---PxMualeallai.OmsleStema a Ie, at Premcot Mn. Joint Coeurca, Klmgmto; Mr. go«»avCoozzy, stesmilest Agt, Ouvero; Md Mi. Jamus Daouu Toronto. AU Mangge at tBe ià* otBee aemlbooied as freight. May I. 1837. 1837. STE4M-BOtiT THE STEAM BOAT ON EB 1> A.e comono@ m B5P.B= CLPA~I N A. SUITt w cAPTAIN JACOBa »uxzmiI. LiILL reion o theb.seasce of navigation. T 89'eili trici Sea Doit havlmg bhum char- Watbetween Cdsaiusrdm Wiise,toîuchý rr m bbcthl Hc..John fHamilton and Jacob l t tine fmetcprts a folleos: Reicîmer, and living unicigofie a tIorcugh r.- UPWARDS. pir, 'ciii dain; the seasout cf avigatio pi>' r.- aTes Ogdensborgh eveuy TIsaa evenisu. guaartbviek eibetveen ingatem aid Ta- " Kngite, friday anormal r2 oto,touchu; aIt theunderuentiened poits as 10 Sckt-Hoi, " no follovi: « svcg, evenimi VPWaSD. 'o ochester, Salaria>' 2"38n rLeaves Klngtcn cie yMcniay anidIussday ~ Trno o eei eventmgs et 6o'cicck. amuin; il Lewsltc. on Somia>'moinmg. ci Coboug eveuvTttcsday mmd Fridîy mer- DOWNWARDS. 6 gstotlock. Leaves Lewistco, cicr>' Monda>' cvenl 14 49 PrtNp ever>" Tuesiîy and Velimy e Rocheser, Tueadi>'moMui 1on-g at 7 o'loci. '" Oavego, ' eve", 1Vhi1býyever>' Tuesis>' and Fi>' 'oSackets-Ilarlen, 'o nigît, mornmgs ntIll o'clock. IGngton, Wedesiiy messinf ncmimo%1S. arivn t,n Ogdensburgl in thea atermecu, touci Toiente iuget avorlto'cn, lrocleville, Alexandui Di Leives T eot Tued t 12 elock, PR9o rendCec and Niagara, cn thc up'srdsa n mit.Sya mý ~ . .doÇ wa asage. pmg pl etcua P- a iNUtby eveny W nsa a6 A .0ýFrrihopirplt h a 'o p lrdoU 1AP.MM.on tboar, or " Prt opeevey dedy 1 A I . .Allen,................Ogtlcniiburgh, satrd s'5P.M ss i . .White & Hooecr,............Morulalot, <iCoboug eVie7We edyI .1H.& a. Jones, .......rociville,, e Satuniy-. J . ulien & Ce .........AlexndilDa [t AD'ag- md Pirceluat thisik ofth.o'ci-I John Ceumler'.... ý.........LKigson, en euniu bohed and paUfIW- .1 Smith & Meriek,.........P renh Creci, Freiglt payable c. deliver>', andinoe re.... Wm. Ducie>' .............Sact-Habl passgs-olt i 11.Heur>' Ftzbugb ..........oueg, pas1sKigs.o, otMa, Moker & Co.......... Rocetr, EvlRyEABRNG SOIFTIIN N Wjamuca Brown, ............Tont, EvrayyEARIUNG SOMETEZIG NE isîes Locilant......*" «... Iisna, Fellows a& rnd ............Leunten, ta- By theesites' arrangement the Oneida 'cill l ,te cvr two dasmeti Ie'citn, af amen.i anve c.oe.i y or uieinglinm Flsu &.1 HEprpuietmof dmMAIL STAGEStrinth h snebn and . g Rmj>A aave e xceleel,) Ne 1 ii edM scffry on tBe River t. reeSdin lb. G" scmb erea ak-m thie'< tosto SIIERIFF'S SALE. lBh pséade theb lt o Heeec andCmeà- MImm uNusa= coscar guad an noua lut esieffl Md civiivers vui LLEo Dtl Cutlom 105t e4s y as lIe iouteta al rmse ILB ODn h ue- evr'attention i1; -pai te ecmdM ono of Pmengmmg I10JMan latte? andmi as,'Afflit eini Ji Ot f tIci ptions Mr a continuation oet 11*1viétucesxecuàio Issc4 net te i f DB ,wWlb they bele Ve tmey cuhght9exlect C" Of tBe IMi"isiDsica h m cil- Paebrul............ £ 10. tan H. CCMcCe, vi;:_West haW Lot Ne. Fiim oroas b mmt, W. WELUoE. Ibi coacesson Of AUidhu ot aiNo- , th pona Eiigo bDo. R. MUNRO. concemin of CMMdE4a o o 8 B Oc- Pplor.". euloo( 1Ca"«c. ut1o'scma -ellcvile Nov.14, lisONfhe AU paeslbavlug CluiMmgmm*1Bebel- lae nttherial .1 eet *oDay Partthcet, ave reointa bpuent NalSe.aoisciamijmafor. w5 mme o o ore e doy tfmode. Bhe JOHN McI.BAN 16t1 IN TfflEMIG'8ENCiL ieSWsifïiù. i -t Disrit, »YlTvtue et a warrantet ScifmOlk,lugd tU 11hJnIyM791 Mat 0 sTyaCiubf lgaUschamhtîl HRIF'S SALE. dAmas Caiely, ai ------ilage'oac.MaImm i. smcv COUaT. i he debertarbe alsy Asic. wbittilr and GiWM SOi. as lie coutHeumi - orcaus Be WmcBe m Aivn Whitir mu ~ B ate DtkbembeuT dtbe w Camthe cm of a macaA- mii2Asie, Pets of Lot No. 13% li ocusa LOI Gli e b el clu w"!#hfltbrsecne r booa. Sale st 12 o'de§4ima moelle, tras e § t B eanes e 'e;P- AUl peâmes iviug laimsagaicth@Beantv A6brdpearuandaGan :&te, Fable, Mros i clia d%» pais:: Be nsud Asse Caveilyor s no it e'rauy part tlcWacmre Mueca-itb Pesaet th. y.. Shrf.i »'d."'d«c dbcKsaistale, 111h id. 1 ewal. à ICIaKi> lfl I rL SaA o= Knstn it al5i VAUREpioErTY FOR SALE lu Tut eovu or'c-aI smiLETLLEiV "Mt 15EW DITRICT- OP LdSTINGD. NEuucieabod oinfs* Sabis vy valu- 'mlicuivtai PU-$ me8w Nie, ra ingm-4 a-« oewg '* a Iwo' mamssevMd Iem, LatIem adwema- 3 »,uded &cmesoftLMai,*MWtiluiu- Louai ai accoflim .uodlg ea NwghIs, Capus, M ai eMebiesv ~éeancen, e~ pey fI«B..l i h etsut"pali te1. e pelm' TROU"I COLEMAN. wutr alevile. Meu 21411811' it q" w-"éoiii ýlet LM 7uf' h. oqumisIhâ IieleS ou t.cml viosCO«IAL BANK, M. D. iebap. ami selle Bewîr ctVe aii Md ni OTICEleIb.y given t th flicli Besely M» the otCe"ls .IiealmactBewstoCîii DENJAUMNOCI. ,io Klsgia, 911 Ze. 181le10par cent, . nthc 2ai JsnîzY, 1887 10 e liMaurr, M TIOMI len wanted of JAM S UL- 10 " lt Masy, MM ~ auivttie Pu" d eAeleWocoaa 10 s li oy cf Dli>7 lIhaL I.fe ariaiiiet*1Quehecin le, oa let=iie$. yM r1831, mami b nnseding duc. But N" et tbis Bank tIk 4 0 ts mmyheu ilu à rCol". m. luIdh.oB eder of île ld M. thicmr Mic e ho 'I oummaicm ata'IIF. A. NIPl bis lieler sMd Silee, ai preaut emiininlaMms- tM 'a i, t r t h .O & C o rc ft e . W o r u s u ç L ig e r . m 1 4 .o c t. 2 9 , 1 8 9 . gilnelu..>..Camais 'cilpleaseglve the 0-1q" ~ri mccstlotat oeai auesila. Coumercial*mi 'cl pemse co tht,, X *0 804Ileli avents tbie Bank. iVREsultf bu as os OMM .116 Acres cf voir »eiraflJ. M 6 coeminguza iacumnetroa.IlPUBLISHlED EV EUT TUESDI 'l'o méla 11le5 ISSi.AItbsM ce, lu Store StieUhrj »MERS BORLAND. MraiCoieRtli 8311 t, 1057. 95 cm eniii cimie.hie thtkfîîY ___ __ __ __ __ __ __OF__ pee malaenici te. DRITISR NORTH AIIEIUCA. ci )i m d a v"n eveàu1 0PcetwnalCoumulîle fer cOWdatimg te &n1!ie. i afo e or tbe k it KMNO8T0N. Pp.ihM 1101"AmIMIF, M. ~Aul CoaMumicmtioia, t. esdi5 ic~u. PU5TT8~ te. the Billo. Tu«A «mým.Aiveablemesate iamiLete' Oh'~ W*Odisit c. iH. Dently, om ANGNTS SthBe eiy coammse -_____ ,ca-u-n:_ilion umy, ludBe memulime, le ai- 1 51 Sur ivcmd e e ;wà outIle Comdilt'-. SxbaTmiaees fli- iII5d 5 ~ fll 'BOfl C fER u salee'iishak1. Tii Ithe KiFu,10<1 ~a~n UIL alfm. smm toa mues, i4& pu «0< lusiud%4i d der lm a 17~6 »Wlp~Iaeaa' iMWM *eted. wge N.1 la # i~is~ Msq.ssuos 7dTlmse . edi1 O.w- *~~a ~ et exud M ~oeemd*g da U~l5l7go, aIoUt Fge te~ ~ ~s'5' ~i val0i RICHARD is s cas H tan &L.S auqsdfy G te imhimte tu thear fbien& maâtIc bs md th bIid~ 1 Khhifjntlarg, ihsttbey hal'etake he a4 nom ly Oe b i te late isoles K5 lis 60 viiay u~~ ~ lembi, e.they hope h tetc c 06*1 d -ety tb P" i ther bmj1 t.8te»MI thle Patrna,e Bw., a-,brPubic Bfdattention tu Sigu and Carnage p.,:nti. uo& e a b em Mc. y &M Wu P-'11h w frthes rg bre lau @-o, G lass, mmd P tty fo ae Elqile, UihJfl~,181.linq"t i, h aeuary 183'? lKUS PULIBU s m tebu hm ai .0 DRESS JL4EING AND >IILLIXERI' g o , . l " s e uni , U WM » A D D E , #mm Iem Ma rIGISMbekBun<TORMERL I O? 00511,, t. cson m ;EGS leave te inform the 01aban, il mwà Suaetc9 "mad ils vicînity, that sebas rmmk '-Oh k d r ail b u in ss in i th e n e t H om m e te M r. T l e " lais MM- sr lbi0clue-io Ne --dc~ge smd direct]7opomte the Heraid Officoe v»mdm m u asis 0 N- SU Demets, Cle a, Pelisses,,and every t11wl Oj m« M memme pado- il Ue donc in the mewest finin î . ý S I Ia d e s p atma 7 'M iuan d c h . h a n d s m e r e a d v ,3, "Uwm- yOmthy Ile Mlile,w'ith a tew tbread la,, C.qu oi, sonadie *9 cw tejew a 0 imeotquality and richest patterî,,q. a"d am asa u.. tTtsu1 chap. 14 . utOin, Oct. Mt. 1836. Bvir -omxv. -0w uPAU0ts,0. M., . P r i é e , 7 1 à . N O T I C E . lûn ooAnust22,1W. àLL rof t indebt-d tb Mr. john Rutter £'L f heTown of Kinglt.liatt'e r p WILLIAM J. DARLEY, infoyuid that the Subac'i4'r is dcly ESPECTFULLY infiseinsis efeed d etfrth'c 1tcll t !his, lteh, cUpbi, that h.lau opene# an AUTION md, ta ili1-pm.yment ' m ROO M d LAN4D AGEN<CY, id PoweâIi's ld-Cnotice.f l'out latta ina;%afew docm otI of the Commer"il Rtai Sùcc Street, 'chere by puacluaity sud attentio Wo.P 1, T ID the nterest, ofhi& umployers, li e bo umeci i c ,ft u,186 N.1 aare cfd thepublic patronage. Deed, Memcil, &. dravua 'itb acccracy THE PRINTERS OFBIIII~ amad despob onc modesate tenu~. AEIA p$.on,231h ay, 187. FIHE Sbseriben, have ceased t e 'etrnt.te COLIN@, HAINES, & CO. tItis date. In utreai or -R~ COMUEUCUL 801L»i1105, ~ST ilEx?, cd tuothe proprietors, T. GUEIN & V',, KINGSTON, Dc 9 86 ~AVING talion thcemi.cmlotelyoc29upl«. U b yMr. Araam Tisa, Leg les uve .c- 7U'8H0lAS GUERIN &Co. TypF fisuaint lbeirfeiends and th. public enenaly, that U.DERSrespectfully infoni te 'iter.. k hby ave re-opencd the abotepre mises,md now Of these Colonie,, that the Agenenet lepmr, » oErfoc sale a cholce and 'cli selected ussot- CLZli &JiOUES ceased on thee 8h ultime. ment of sessonable Proprieters arc now ready 10 sup rnte,, ]DI K GO o o , wbatever thy MaY require in thlei' lce op.,,, voWMuS n liw much lower tb an they can procure the ame yu. ce omthe United States. ~ ~ la couitequences of new errancreents tire , C. H. & Ce. conceive it needietu bers to suc- into, the Proprieters 'ciii be enabied t à- meralo cacI article, malfice it in .ay that alunct Printers on the shortest notice: an1 o tnneee, eveuy tbimg in the above lineo'Win lle kept co- ry deiay 'ciii occurbetween te rctpt ot tl'osa, stamtly on andq md es bbey pupoe selling for ansd ira exeention. g, ready p ay , tbeir pricea 'ciii b.c resomably lo u. * * Ed tois of pap rs w h o h ae pu41i.hî. 'o gy tuAssOSTItEU?" - Tyîî' Fosindry advertisement, are est ipa pm &P 03 P a iaeh haove, and they iilrecer,,' 10e gp wotl, of Ty pe in paymnent. g JUST RECEIVED. g, Kington, 16tb Junc, 1837. 'KNSO AAL g,s T peningBiscexpectateR&okck 0f T rv'5 WORK 15 nOw in ogi,2C Is.g L L LBOURERS will oltain eeee~e, M J B T 0 6 2 D 0 6 p pying te M r. C ul, the E ngi eer, ti Ire 0,. Itcunpu ini par;bc*1Weatci Engiafd CL.OTIlS, upvr end cf Store Stieet, Kingston. ..Double Milled Caminseres, Barragans, Fisc> Be- Tifngston, May 13, 1837. verteenàýs, 811, Camiet, Camaietoi, and Fancy Y ltsfor somm«r vear ; mn assontment cf HO- COURT 0F CIIANCERlY. à IRptiatcd Coltons and Calicoes. Has alto INOTICE is lerebv given, that tbig'(et, on hand a wecl assoted Stock d1 w ~~~le pened et Ogode lall, n me1i GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CROCK- 12th day of June, instant, et Twde e ocleet. ERY AND GLASSWAR, On thce smie dav, the Office of the hotu - ail f whch ill e sod lw fo Cac, o appoyed11 iii be npened, nt1%no. 5,0on the Baaeree'ýi10 ais cf 94dat e so o o sbo ~oelLaw $ocirty's Buildings, wlere proceie' z'e ',The Subscriber lasu aise for s'e setisoed Oak he receeved and filed, and tie necessarv and ine onte , a uantty 1 Id i u d theten. Office lianes, Itm 10 tlIlt Spikes, and Shoot Lead, whchfhlewyl 'dia.cfo'WLIA ITLM 'r, ~ ~ ~ I Mw.mdROSE.dfrma N. B-Tbe îdeis of te Court, wteici, il nii Kingston, lut îuîy, 1837~. i 0597*eeceusary for Solicitorr to oIe e, l f, _________________________________________ e now i course of puication t the (lacpe FOR SALE, cec. UY the Subsetiber, 90 o&z. VEUT HTJPE* lsy 5> IORDBLI POTERparlcnlriyr.-FOR SALE OR TO LF!. pis com m ended f r Stease B o t use. W hol s ie p ui e, ࣠N D n osse si on t ue lie give u ou loitM ay ms rt er d A.thae Weat half of Lot. letter A. in the Ira. ig A-Aieslcto fGleme's onou da slip of Pittsburgh, adjoining th ili ko- ~ Acloce cictin oGenlemn' s 100 cie,, now intheioccnptxi WEARING APPABEL, Wilm Fruoa that portion ef the Iléfr Cm" of Dress r Feck Ceai., Sommner Pant- ,ylmseveLeing about 30 acîeileased ht ht > aaonYss&.&a. soute Department te Colonel Lghlfoer, and,« These wi lie dlipoed of t loWw res. in possesion of James Dunlep pît 1h.w JOHN H. GREER. THIOMAS KRPTIi 2st KlqutcnMayll2M, 1M7. KingFeon, 611 Inary 1837. d y MAPS FOR SALE, CAPS-CAPS, ., 0 " T te C h w kea s d G o ute o< 4 e., sLs cGS R E E N E & C e l ' A w ÀÎé Ïl Md A *aMimmid dPia" anwd Ditrts, A . FurStore, ond Cap Manafotc, NsI0 U. C !e1 Of,. rat1Country'cf frein tPoolSree,a few doois Souh Ithwoir ;. 621 1111 Zl9 b usg B eur (hZUW mir Store, c. the Opposite esie of the SM 6 . I% uo * e aut m 1 sc. 5 Bdghtoîint h iiamm w ti a - - F' U R S , C A P S , & c., ton num e mnu' l t e inc W U S T U I O W U I I P , A U, m d L o i o I S d e s v i i i m e e t ' ci i im n e d i imt ae m t tk i ~ 1~ ids sf1. ilereblngsud uctucuije l Unmcexesrionsspecdtu give Satisfaction. eIlmde.dmeluZsedulbhPiotfle. Fus Dye ; Cap, Muff, Tppe, BUS >k L K a g m n, S c 1 c hýla uGlv e ,& c, m a e t e eder, and r ire d r_ - - dci style, 25per cent. leu tbWI~ 'me 't m 0&1,rW sq ffl Syney, d ui ecc ettilLb lu sumd tblýe ofe.eta cild- amt îesd l cibout a, laruli MrI Auenusima wmarc le ring tBe boitu is fsch cg thai~ie ic'oud.-LN. or Be slip OIleia.g Bey te Simgipors 'n'msy, lt tics isoi ccocapanled b~l' sel in la b searrlv ed tin 1 pO ,Sacf e t h5(îe patil adventisasill' Be limîbil vhlcb t .u Cftw vorbie<, asma leu appalifl4ismaite" of tIc, on thlit 11.1May, 183.% IcA Sydney farci" lley ver. aPPecihiO4 M ficsbal smihe vesselwvasi, struc on the reefs et is-ni when the ciptaifl 'asimCsal bazy 'ceather, of -mîkimug c verea t leigbtec mcln en Mrs. Frazer, the Captaais'sasi vanced in prcguiine. T vre ibooiing ai the 'le the Aiip itruck, mmd tIc cii. the hold, togethen 'itI aUU &nit etici proviaionsi. Thc crrw, wben the tenM to g et aay as vèli 3a tle and the pincace, uthich 1 keep seccore, the tien oher tarled te the ship, hOslm cordingly, bavin; 'corkel inuotry or.tll four o'cloci d embaiked risthe evessel un John Frazert telcarpeiter9s tck te the piace, White ltI lte chie! and second mates, 1 test of thc crev, teck te th days aller tbey baad communit, care or providence, mis. Fra à chilîl, vhile op tl erecaie, boul. Te infan* vas 1cm: gu a, asdrewmeds mmd the 1 ped oipthe body in a pant a fore front lia bâtirfor lte pi aleiig vith the tire. Tbe pc accounit for the cxlnaotdimsan' asie wassable tabesrmop agats ded o thle olI.î ciltlcs h ed tel.i expmdci. eti tine in a state of irmenibl a coosaderishle uie after I to ths deep, avare Ila.llit fren whick i Rires e rapl For a reat miny ldy te rescl orton DY, arry !eed1 except a 108111 hep, vhicist tIy a feîed dîeîdfuily fintouira in ibisa avînlsituation. AI large rock, te 'bld Btey fi vent in qtsert i foyStets m»d ppeitmeala ver. multipliei alrtched themoeiveoa mieg perdy ielesse frein their suil ilion cf agotIer temrpest. vio e lengcd le the long bot ad tbat tBe * "aMd & ~dlarheJSIto,;et dits unaté eleows ver. nevei The captuss', iss wua It ablipied t. quitthee si y, bt findimsg lIaI 'chaiai gaimmi him abject, sd lia ct acei te the cxtneoiy et 1>' e boat, vath tîci rassagsse i tse devis lIat .111fel, re miest lats. lit w v aise le 1ev felB e shce1 bey voîttireach vst u ltlalîe> Cam. vlle theïr lent Ma u lied Wbk. Day.. Ta: 9O mil" e t 1»Mwcet le principal ci thea orrî,iW e cocvicti a f tbeir days i n ui ey toucîcui ele" roceda c f ufied sa a te beach, cviicsayeht reactcdibielL alssai aOtnt they laidthe abi on te a#trip bthemen etf Icia iLi the caplaan md cîmet 4 li secondmat- ndeavaiu, irnent, D shi,làibs oî~ vtng vtllI, iy lcddul c Ravages becaie uefab celet «anbut i ins'i 'Cessir>'t. su ît tbcy 4 h'uloer ts4 Idet m y lsa dividuir agI rtuons i! appas, ~f'l sl captives, thcy-tha t'Mhela acn d;sl , TV bâtiabcs, le P,, tsok tissu,n(astber uici, (ailinto 11h« W,4 !nganlm vadtSw' rings. Th, cqets ma, utlIesltelsà lmynge tille s hma Mtgt- Ulai - -,- -1-- ýTwv% quogrlw,%