Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 10 Oct 1837, p. 1

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6i&auWu iaga.,s Bamum, ui mm b pteteg 14% Le b uhi MU lits lae cap, Otfg 'Il nit. stleruu. asa h OTICE t-il ta Mr. John lutter L* ýilqatony flater, are ncse. a SuWiscestr s u lyape-5- elisof bislie lai u% 0 payment il immediut xxinimenet urit'h t fanth, W- B. S-MYTI, lm No. 1, iioirt ln, bave cemeti ta, ie Açeat, fou AL TYPE JOUJNDR>e tram ail OHiers muat b. aditregs. T. GUERIN &ce. J ESk ra. UIN & Co. TYPE FOLrpg. aIl> imiai> thei. nters, &'c. ut lb. Y Ofnca Meurs. La. ed ant1h 8h ulim0. ei mqeîte u rnes lors> yeur canrc tis lamee ti- StateS.r if oea arrangement$ ettuet aviiieb enableti ta supply tgI notice; and no unriece,. etvea tise ivceipt ai tise saler te uho have publibed t ha rlisement, are requesteit te ith- lise>' ilI rereive uses ilmui yn>ent. 'ON & NAPANEE MI1ZEFD RO0MA>. la Day la progress, suit tac i grll obtain emplayacal liy il B. F.ngineer, attse Offier. ;trait, Kingston. 3, 183. 0OF CIIANCEIRY. eh>' given, ltat Ibis Cauai wili Dsgoie Hall, on Monay, the nstat, at Tuelve o'ctncb, Stise Office oi tise Regist'an a. 5, on tb. Basement af aise ldings, vuiere pracecilinir muiii ed, end tise necepua> l'eo,-', 'Hie houag fron> 10 1,13 3. WILLIAM HEPBU1N, Ra-gist tir. ers ai tise Caurt, aisics it yuli Soicitan, la observe, la tise aoe. , tise isearing, are peepareit, tand ofipublication attse Gmette Oil- ALE OR TO LET. i ta he giveti on lot Ma>' oeit, iai Lot. uctier A. in tise tova- , adjoining the Milita>' Raser,', res novr la the occapation of 1, 2»s tisI portion ai tise dili- àbou 30 Iscrasieaad by tise Ont- t la Coloneal Ligsto, antse aimes Duno% AppI>' te THOMAS XRKPATRICL. Faauury IUT7. P S-C A P, 8 ~NE à C.'. VIa/mis-dmiRM r, M atsCpM.eq>tk 5.1 a le u doue S tc titrer la lise oppoite si-le of the Se1l, ind, a ver>' iencrai zusoteestil Xr., to nuimerau ta n>eas.- cet vitii imseilate attentis'e rd la gave satisactOi.- Caps, MuAW, Tippats, B0u10, le ta oeder, anti4repliril ls e, 25 per cent. leu lt tle al CkIAL BANK, Ml. D. émeit> gi'esliaI tia reuiasi mueli thdMl&cane 1337 lut Maya lit Jmly, le Saut ilst OE sd Agead-t F. A. HFARtPMI Caldter. rsccaontu tadvertilsefuie ,ke wiii pia ccP>' ts, f the Bante. E» EV ERY TJS mom . H. rvim store Sireet, ffer.~ m tet ,.(se aer gsalt bdlsAosiud uA U ' 294 ",aie~N poLITICAiL, AGP*ICULrUJRÂLi o~g.n; a rut NF-lIY 0F OSiTE miM eS1ON ROm 0Lv 5 'VOLUNE XIX.] We cepid fr aon>au enbs.rs f- Sy- tis> au egai >itfsî aienoga of lie Gar uauong lb .adth tirescUe oi a cila-tise su iliy-fMte crulties ofiWulia Mar,eDl tceat>tt ailWOthe lb. aian ,,dt in Frtund, andi gîvea the. fllauîng ber M alat tpmlaejesfrn ea mnesailois are belleilo obe or i therram aStis talviy, ini qua e:ttc 0 ndthe.Y, Cou. A MANSION MOuaE. àacoS' f iO raW 0o9; il I*U à C",£u aiHEr0550T lPf~.rpm" TestefdY MXI ris tie, àew-w Fazer, if the thip Stirling% Cae«O "* k ni a oril reci oi thle PeeMg M n'y ta sinaareti Ma>, 1835, came 1» lce anse, acomplinied b>' te CapteiOfi sel se sisicisse arrivet inluLondon, for1 poe of mcisning ltse pati nsaniof bc adveîtaafl aianglithe lsthailIsf thelb visicis tae criraresrletiU aarefitge frut ni>s âappsisfl dangetrs aiftise ocean. on tise Ibs th ia>, 835, tise Stirlin ilSydnecy for Singapre.a On lq ib. aley wcre approaciint aie teM ui fresh, atidltte vesel wuunable t) , n ,trk on bbc recit at, ahaut fine a'clck wisa tise captain ami incapable, an ecce hazv weatisar, nofn>uiing aiservatiolil an-se imaiottigisîcta mes anl'oad, tac t nFrauzer, he capai's %aile, Wisawu aceit in prÊjgsaTLY. Tua ai tiseM wcna laiouiag t thse wsesee, ere kill tise siip stauckaidthetisnls acre dai thse bal, t,getiser ulti ailtise breat, be and oiter paiil..ç Tise cre, ihen the tmpes( eeasedidd la gît away ais elia'sc>' caculil in tise1 ait tise îissace, aisici tise>' bailtce 1,, e accusatlie tws tiser bist, ubieh tibeit ta tise ciip, iaviag been swept ai criingi3, iavi-awrked witln the mosi iadutry jîrtil ftosclock on Suntia>' atqIanufram tise vessel anti toolt ta thl Te tfip'i carpeaiter, tise cook, tise coil Jon rialazer, the csrpenter's nepses,1 r-nin, Edîcîrd Staîse, and Bill Larton,a lah, ta Isle phisisio, teiile tise captain, tie chisrtansecondtmastes, tise tua boy, rut ofthaie cre, tank ta tise lang bo uuys aller tlîey hltCoasaijtei tisemielf laire of proavience, Mis. Frazer vas de! , chil, wlite iip la ber waist in aster in ýtiTiie ifa t a baro alie, but af t a5 s as ies-i, asnd tisefirst fietena cnîl up thea iody in a part ai tis shirt,i re from bhis bocek for tise. purpnse, asd a,,, sawi tise tide. Tte poar motiserg arcoara fos tise extranritinar>' vigour *1 ëIwas ablie ta iear Up againat Iis cala 'laito thie otier calsiblitiest e"wiich ah.e cd ta lie erposei. Fortmitel>' sieuls sre inasstate ai inssnsibihty, anti us a cnsilerable tlle aller tise ciiltivuesi se the decp, suare tisutil wusabronght ib frem s'lich if was, s rapidl>' burrieti aw For a zreat man- laya tise> endeavous In ranis Mares ' y, being ail tise lii ay fsd .escepi a amaîl qtiantit>' of th ap h+ici tisay isall fmmd in a a ene. Pie reasflmiy ftoin tiirs as ucil a i u o: hi mmfliisituation. At lut tliey are rock, ti wisciic>' e fileinetitheir went in quP t of ystea, antiavaler, but srpoilitnitacWi; multiplictilapon them, sreitdtiemielvea ziong la expelt çpeeit>'rlpasiris tieir snffernga, by1 pailîn etaratiser tempest. b Inte tri wla lelonzedIth ie longboat uere ast tait tisaI the pirnac, and the mesnviii 1 diler hâdalt,,e t iiaadppcs.red.' 0at ae elowsweenever teard das Thee aaptaiaýs i ail sa al along, eahe been Oalilîeit t0quit thlise, .to reaes Ba', lit Sîiîaiai iat iasti currenti agiis i, abject, mud bis coanpsiansb durai tOtat e treasir>' tf lying un the th' let, %st unr languiesonu,ta Cal" Of the 6I-ita tel 1, i e resolveti ta n> neatlluisi, fiwausa cboice ai astr fanrble. wtiat lise shore uhîcl a l tisev old ea ars is ited b>' ribez Ai lai alie came aitisin siglt ai lasd aftemuardihfisirbotst rasintaasd laded c-llait White Bav.. heu.re'5.ou v 'on ailes ta tise'nostis nf MorteusBay lise pirnpai ai ties attlementsta eisi c rml ivîcts are senl, ta pâlsa the efth iais1iain unint( rn>tted labour, thtl3,0 bel tfise land ttie>' caught ais tî .s et aikeit arages, Whio wu a t t'taî, as ileati iteliZited withb tit pas u,d isi. Th"IssVe ar aàt, ast ailig il si,, carde t i= 6 l liitat ts il ts mCae, 3t5as tiye>' ri-thsieY laid tisa bsat an tise grous ru ao 'iP the mca oftaihlir clollic, ce i, ile CaPtain and iciief fficers.. *j tre uêraai Mat', rni.veanIed ta bide rainte, oin ihbis aunt>s hair wu Uie atisisel>' %ieltddrip every tlir ,' laes lecane iiiradetdtI e 'Ofliealii5 a, abd boat li»> dreadinl>'. ' s.arYiS' tethat tiey toe ctise ti iraiM i.Trey lrokiii 1 the Ue; -M ar> ', anletacis t.oea Porton rC ia, tiisn t liiir nosea andt ais aiey hai sd etamssiîg Ienseisest prr'ase01afPpael i I hicis tise>'ho t)ai Cl-is5te titrew la tfen, La ai Une5ie, te lse ad t aloai lie fuais 'S iit le"In Ltely na]inc tiseir mes Tii tanj a, ait- iss'ug deained an,,ariathin ilîer in tiseibulsis ir ti5 . t the l lnii-kt, ast 1ey diiai tilt thi heonotîber trtll tUa. Iari et as taise given tI ~ i*T'isacalitaius ial eniteainured thOi ean 10 acrpîtistherices onitbe folrr tiune, lie aeinsc appratuensii ca ethte natives would hae fa le us cane Up andt Piie0n , ansiset biaista snI i ar p 4e1 Ilng in ater cxhausting si hzr ithse enly woman, Wuas an0Y othe- Vlies, bUt mas lefli by bh pntgliy t, uarid; but ber abac Ptmîlyaseinw i t Il >toiser net ta at WollidisWisiri s ie use attise maien te out e to sec 'isn una feu au teht sbite ta>;.iL-tise c . [Jean WAaryuuy, Editor.] AfND COIIMMRCIAL JOURNAL. 1TERMS-FITTEEN SHILLINGS PER AXNUM, WFN FAID IN ADVAN C£- SEVIkNTEEN SMILLIIGS AND SIX PENCE WHEN ?ilOT 30 PAl» KINÇFSTONf, UPPrkR CANADA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, -19"- and iaving patient ber haie ont, rerai cbe sti flme0s U Y"i CenIu ste..Proifeser Sliman baving ihall a speuimen ailles vithb:1soerto , *antock te lte n of rsaipar- Ricovzav soeuls eoes-J aalvl-Plumbago prens"bt i hnb>'thlb.t*IeJuda ilmu nat«ros ad oterbit dû *ve IL.tinor cre opf themosridable .isu e b Jolînsan, of thse SupremcCotttofiof heUnitedl Un tisaI vas Ose of thirvoues, br«is2 Io chiliren olligeti mankint i hincideutlite a entme of satisiaclocy te- Statea, saiteil "it in ai ver>'fine qualis>'and iap-* uiuw ua-ai-ber t. e ime ome otlseuauts B5iir te av- flecîlonta bsociety, te case uiirb va aie lier* e litopeuweilladopltibols for crayons an pnt."- "te ip-tit. vers blanoer thc baildlapeafe anti f lh* child mahait #o our rutilera uaywell vanrant our cerneaI-Anti Professer De>'y, oai WiIian>'a Collages Mss- is e saveaesun out of temwpe! the notieunkleketi ail teintions, as, finiesthe. perinoth le intmslsduof i s usetta, ou vîeaing aarttaer aeimen, declarei aisn ,( Majo rtchceti, adlse tr me!ifer ils psevlahncsa.At vaccination b>' Dr. Jenner,taolte prensant lime, a " ilwasthlise Lntatb. lever aaa.*t$[NalioOsl lnýis- si calo , the expiration ai four days Mmes.Frazer &am ber dismcrer> oioutis value and importance lias net tlligencer.]di bus ani- hoshanti for the. irst dame since tiseir seprata.- beem maile in tise prarlcer oi medicine, as liai -ctm g tar>' a(He unmes ogfisg seiga tlie., suddvwugreatl>' fa- ahicb in Ithe ubjeet af aur prenant reaant. Iecuàmes.-Bk*s AshailaIutop e sort lieuse vIM One cain- tiapset. Ste bailbeçÏnuuseiusqu hap - Wue"I salln prucoed la stasl e fi itiof Mtêt/a reâL-Awaltutoa ie et.,hitetult 5nTà lia'I' se>'- .4liai b. dli motmas Iet"br k=avwiree ecase, pesaîsisg aisi>' tisIil au trenlei b>' DL ig vtgoad naetar, vile bricks adi oak=t, asli a l51-ie usemto abkb lhe wu Sepyl tiaen ie eeet c ool sbreti, mrgeon f ait aive laupLaI,w viasaitltrngern issa"aee ixteen incises thick, built vils IA W* s ltber,, uen bia trile eileni>' epeare.- bal tise acalfortune btele tise fust te introdace ln dry brick,. its.lnes are sturatrd vils ater, Iverliser> accu lte. lagetitea, stde a liegthi8s ucrestul sicieoaitreating bydraýpisa- tise>' vili mA a&Lseraot ir the marIez th ,ot th eti ihaa ,a d Me ile hl is. , a- Z4,d -i M »ii thr.bthc bail>, uhiet usea acr" e an au- .- On Tuestia>, tise 5th cees. D.....q aèmiGi Ca, be'ustadmet oesi s S stant. Mes.fraxer ras la I. sho aeai, e-ad etrli c"aint e,> aXashaieen bitles tsi". ueei tefixoeasa"rd as a racka. Oneasiotser tband, if lie aue~ se - Jeans of Nazavelt, I 1 ent iosts îtein latise log l4y a meaiti dog, vas carricti ta tise native bricks are laid dry, tise> absoria ail tise moistis I luèio*t. klaz" eta patie!e a5pqeur uo t le b1boqlt bospilishoot Ilace 'riack ih ise ailernoon, viii> irom 1the machoad leave iutot O ry taeiarden. V blé ma& tbo ieeah-vas gae iorever. Sei ten eil tente- the symptain>, aihydreoIioia strongl>' upoa' imi. Sarx Poisos a RRA-s.-Let those vteuho Ioali mléon 8y4 trio, àudmniaimail n for a emMsiembtaictinte, anti He vas im>eiatel> bled ltiste exîcot off 40 ann- ta Posoaa . l tiot applyno;tethelb. cissl, in- euf M thse jus- wirisesie ceoveemi ber sersent, te fieand heseius. Ties ymuptama of the tilsease yieldin asuc- tinulely, a" a pouail af plaster ai Paria (la its tus- gPi f tii. ves- -'ih lb. tribal uhielas4 vas obligeil la serve;- cession as tise blondtiilaveil; antibribneste vainslacked stt) witl a about double lise qeautit>'oficlin the. pot- butwvintateoeaithe 45of iCaptain Fr.izerua cliaet! h.a tratcheti ouItisissband fur a np ifacoeai. Lai Item place tht.s within lhe reach cf tia !r rndiltestia novmuer OMlaei. Slty aiter Ibis calas- ater, anti calmi>' trante it off, thiuush tise >-rc tise rae, tise>' wiltl l eagerl>', anti sithoat te- tinir ) ai la te opie lie fret alicp tee ise baving tees in- approaclao a i olearr but a firv nat-a beloare lue delerreti b>'any bit I tte-Throuis tise bu- are late nt-il torm;êhbst lita eaptair.b ailttees murderet b>' oielisaitilirasun bsn> inta contvulsios. Alter tise midil>' conljaetilit their stoinsb, tise plastier a ofi01 ai th it liss, fora" in 1a s >oaidespeatios, s plan bheding lbe la>'devron ana ccal, lelhasleep, and iparis ivtil"set," anti foraan isiiigcstise, isard lise nt Contie ai évengi., fetterei, antirabhoulti ithlabour as continuaseanfur ceani>' tua houas. Wiseuibc a- mnsa,,vich sifi, in (c, pretent open dissertion lIok 23d, vhn ise h . H mintention, vas, houever, diacover- voke ties ymptoms af tise disease acre Ibreaten- a gant casl aiflise rt's ,tormacis,& speeii>'prOsu e Stop bcu very ail, andi horrible averati; pisiinent. Iirs. Fra- iog e laytua; enatiser vein uas es opanti, antia kiné oiaidermaaie ticatisi. e. 5v irremetiieble ln- tsel nia; th. rer bai jugtl litei a lir b>' ander oailier trile, elisî aounces ounre oi bood - are aktoa a, diqei.ion. Rats are ver, Iitelligent animal,, no5inla LaI neti, sud lise uniorluusaleinulegs uotre Ibrual listail unies so complètely stîbdued ltwe 'disease lia btsai tdter taueile tel tisc n il cltebetgnail Sou niant ai ttcanti eonsuinc<, isiile lae, b>'tisevilence ai bisbia net liaitia sy miO ofaiil since. ,iver 'is-mpure oatîneaal. Tbaîseba ofirst diiana>- uit a.There Contstions, ecturala warketifor'the rest o(bishbody lIe areansxiotis taeitome no Unme in making tis aertsuoi partake of il, ani speedtfy cammuaicate in e ys, antI a grave lunlise sia.,nh il usa embeutded. inuportafit fart knount thie public, as et hhis s"- tfiSa lai1 t h ings ta their relstives anti neigisisurs, are sa fat adi- 'riays aller ilis hotrioie ave/t a fine-lSootesn particularl>' ils immediste îubleeaîioa aay barvtorayen>lis e seept aI-aIlet ne. Au£ meo, visa ingyouaec mose, nansei James Major, wuedsaeithe useana tai saving7 the berts oaisanme individfui'i,,Examiner.] tlb lied uhen of. Ceptain Frnzer,aulao 1ev a gooti ies of the Tise Bieeste abainthie subject of the fore -oi' - .shedtinte cisarter anoti taoaaitle alvages on thistcastlcase being tillinistiseisospital, ue tteedl amy tia paurasca PoRsoL-We bave scidarsliit ai S ccif, park,> bail meniasedIrt Major ttent the savageil vol*u more et thîs time ;but in otrnextinumiser sec ope betretor>' lisatise fnlawin e. Ai te tise act of fois tekle offbis taondfer a figlare huaIfor mo ai ta bruent aur readers vitieatietait efisinsanot sa- il, as da ntntiprent10te now anything. Poison utu Jetermineti unoes. -lit seeueu, ton, ltît Il vwu utial for lie tisfaclor>', asti, w. may aU, isapreceilenteti case usaoce travellin lna sstage-coanet,wven y >'aaog c long hoat, saavsgc iarétemtpated tliisert ai expeuticu, ilatUsa asof medtirne. Oxoeaiso fresis rirn> ColleXe, as amustng tise la- cite btilvedtebta e latis teface ai bis virtil>immediatel>'lte- W. msy, oaevcn, (artbier ail bist tise enrlier diem vits a variet>'of a sk anti amongit aISe, tiings bl acwre et- foesraialuck hlmtoth. carIS. WiieMtilan vs tise racice in adopteti ater tise sppeàsaace of un- wltisa qunlation as lie sid, iran> Sophaclea. A lba wa>. Ac- aI seorkth ie ciief aiflis Irise approacset i hm ami- eqvi voala y mpton>s af bydropisobîs, tisa pester in G-eet quolatian, ans inl a cotachs tos aoused aur tin t deaperale ling, anti tappei lm u ise é.saoulden. AItishatila- tise chance oai ucecu ; anti thaltitereiore, perseas slumiernog professr freim a kind ai do-sle.p, 10 a te, r, tbé ds- sant Ihepour illew received s biov ou tise back vitai, servants maivlte attackei'uwith Ibis farmi- snag corner of tise vehicle. Sisak>ng i, era ndlati ie bâets- afthse nacte iron>ts aildir or crookeilstick, waididble disneaboauti net atc hoemen a aste ietrubbiag iisee, " i tliak Young getticman,"saud Sir ki in O saguseti m. Ha feFla ibe.granstiantiacihuple in incantatiansaned otisen useies-s practicea, comnie iyoà fevouretima usti nc wails a quatatian in1 tliai - of lavages sellaevante, anti b>'mens.isier"pealimotil>'resortedte l ly tiseestives an sitesoccasî-nus ira>Bpsaia d a spa a eulc lt e alamun, ev eeredtlhetdfaon>u c st>'alSfiht- but cause thein> la b.placihias quitel>'as poasble Iierer , Oi sir," epliati aur tyr, " thequota- ta lis vue, fuIi aceratio..Tise>' len aIe parua of tise bail>',noticer lischarge ofa aregilar pactiticner. .hatn a4eWordifor yard as?1 haie repeatet l, adasti1a 'a, anti tiseanti prserved tis ea ict Ucertain gums ai ex- 'In comclusion$ W. inuat sdI, tisaI 15e beefit ai ins olhIsciestuIe; but 1 Suspect, i, tbisl Is son>e ie J.ý Four îrsordioary effiracy, anSi îediil as asfigure tisait tlis diseover>' la prababi>' net confinedtiel hydre- time suce ye acrte at Collage." Tae professor sa' es la tise te one aiflisîr casoes. Tise restof tiec riua, ai phoai,ir,sate littrce ftliis tispasebas apparent- appi'mç it ilisani taebis reat caats andtaking outl lelieret of corasie, expecteti nlhing leu liantiestis. Tua 1 tees mimaietifor 2,000 Yets, b>'conidering il a theieil patentedition ai Sopiole$,quietly asked laT in tie long o! tic seamen, aate'l Doye anti Big Ben, cant inacase ai oervaua cla, andtne as tnienlari>' aa- hlm iflie wvolîthtekintienougli ta showbe hl e tise i fIer a feu vedtetasteal a tanae, anti entcesonreil to cross as ognIotattons, va are hbeace, penitapa, jutiieti passage is question in tilat ittie boak. Aller rom- l tvna iniasillake, but ver. troaneal in lheattemp. ta la tihopele e tthbie latter, wiinb as carcel>' les magkth e leaves for sone limelise repliai, ' Up aic vtlich lac tene fria, prtele, a mec. painiolt de . ftltsa doioia s'b uet > naagon second t tiaglt, h sourecollehant tIlbwhmg Iè tI ;tg Ttc,. uns a black man nameti Josephb, wisoia thie snalogy ilau mnopposite tdirection, jAn i sppf in ilnluEurupide#.' ciTienu penhapse, smy' snid te No r dne b elewardi ia boardthie 'Stirling Cusle, nvis te e a sti perisapa olier affen*mns, tise treat- proiessor, putling Su hanâ again istahie parke:, uai FM5 llicla tiseseagenseizeilie long boat, la ahicis lbe mentuhicisha juat bSen>proveil tt o a uccesa- ad l iseoicgbisa a imitair edition ai Eunlpidese, ci suit>, ail-cocuihal entesati White By ; tiesetrippedti Iis fui i bytr:»ir .puwl i egn stefnti o ei ta vas on-Jospasweillasthertest,luhW sa evas of tb t>IL 1%.ali t M.goti a anitrmaie lia fua tg 4~ ove estean.tey lalliteot DO pnis ibmosi, SIOUIfIAIXS 0F IÇEW-YO& te - isbis liste, but tvite no botter recet. The tit- te I ol, utail antib, is e lcpnvilege Pr oî. a aot, alirh Fri. reseu r Hal.ss cole5st. te t& ibmliasIalg aifltheladies informedte lm li hubiltaies causegased wamisedteanyait>'aler cf ib etcieti trangens. Daily Attvertise. ato a boisle. At lut, Il Biesu me, arsaid ti ntoa suenltiThis man, ais. vas contiually vatcbng for an MOraUIZTMsaIcv, ESSex CO., Augiast5.is. " hou mi - an> i 1 acolleet acvw>'eti, 1 Ipar- oS 'a>'. vai apprtaisil>' taesrane, is atu mirel] Mis. Frazer 1s iwmim h-on vas lare ta give us a senti- fecti>' remeuben it âtichepasage lahoinic9h>'lt5a"pe an . ta fh oi haa' i ., l tteahnidimn a bs cnen-.bae 1 lbc I %enTsinexorable Professer relsirneti again teaisa If se without tisiot of saviog à" sii litaI ef bis mistrcss.- ehudbepctpadtrsWh e fbn- be euet ofHe succeedinct aUtta anuon, an uhich> libe atr nae Mar> about tieiseaine beta n uife atedp Soel, coatiun iasise cacht- lc The>' ami- roueti off, antinlosix meneza h.reaclietiMoretasmtn s ahe in lesse teii, a fieurigbs nA.bis hnarsnaslfu-l mgem vileBey, aber. li. laioemail tisacommandant a ef ile s tamtmv aechet @n e,al n ail, 'iSatlcn, leal tcohe-la y reabêl a pena1 settlement, ai thsa horrible circuniitatc t1 an> mach graliflet aill ]a l ster nainetôt #V sa enler hne atIb 'as t he >', let mdelaoct t Itere' p nboata, end ti al at talies place ait Wiil. Bay, astileset-e Ibroug thtie ageor>' ai Mr. Meinlyre 'that thi fis utae u tlivsaI, atielsa Lbsryti theïr dui-vitude l iniri the aorivou oaIhelireravera osn>!ma clsrcnnt-iaitrlana1bs eet.5I a, ntilIs>'detlori.~y iitine tir Feze ansera.terra lincgnita. 'He anti h4 (endis mare tise lii- ~ Main ai a dted. n tti os tire . Faeir a lie san oneeus, amidlirougb tisir &iinras lhe Gea ogiots T Ct C oa.-Ieat, tises, la the valua ai theao aioe ofnalell cn t eubees <idlbceu,"s ien heati e a!f tlstasection hav e ataoniledth ip .icilflea for stitiarti, il le a ldlegrapi in lise centre aiflise bal- o r the ne-s e m bas otere n d heraldiait Itie izsp examination, vlaich are provietib>'t-lie Sate.-le ta sPeakth le changea of the day ta tha i des i rnluegs o luvr eis aietesdeteineti rih- o sv Iet> oIyua i.mouneIls importance lbas, tharefore, btees imm u il s sonihhate, afui boatiage i hsh wsdeand edsofIran are sehiris exist la Ibis viciniy-isr- ages, anaang ail salions, anti in aih kmnd van: go abaiol e- The Morelan Bay commandant, on beaaing.of ger anti more extensive tos an>' oiisr in theisei"Deftun Lite Odoi Forte upyon t&o M1"ini bese n- tlb. air,iàquiredth ie bsrracks If lii>'Cfithe cauntry. But tae tun taMount*Merc>'. Thisl.s r s tih tent" estdbrlioagit aaoliru an>'hIl ..I vCý.t.r> fet i ,an 45 f u isehance of bat. ibu peiuet isuner te mare. irilitar'veuvou telasave a lad>' andi lse- manîsin laabout S"0frt siiani 50fth, - 1rla'lii a of tise crev ai lIe Wrecked veici mou ltheas- hîizbe hanreWhilefactlwie p . n onsd es, aisout@, tring, loandattet lo ,e - thecliProf. r smans criesroutsanard;litet t ilsMarha vaeain lhe liais, atît a nIamber offeredt iir se- anti mvseli meanurediis it. IL Our camp lslsetoma, tee ant i tnad on~ were du-neamntentesnatceb>' a coyvit o liIe o ua-nuiilaigh COc150 et bablia aéumnit, andtihie tains Use borailithe nd, andtihi evereresiae bern teks-anSufor se 'aks in ito a cols nvit tlonise bovae, tieruistinter Ibis imrruing aetsunseaive et 33--a e rnsi Is earer t An instance ai tisc tteast n ro Sîr bcks i for ine elue n thebouhamorir th savaegp te suinit ue fid* ic whib>'aiaurp tratcpswnta ottsroor t standardsa ,dard oc tid I ýh te dmpttheobjci aq ,&ctd. il he urvvoy lwe e, 1 itie t wed fintce aflu t lima , pr','noatrcithne baIlle af Contrna. Ilas nilitl. Tise Il ai, ferlise Io te best ai Mm .Frssen'a telle! reecued iiansigit tme falment, and ti li euais (et 2 . .M.) augusantal coileof aihbe Mil(Geseri N r'sIw à awful evils,. thesanvagtes. amarie luali api n 'ti'ickr. Tise summit ila cuie reguent> vas naing; a ci>'sear. il N ras -penSable Tise cejasia of lie Medieracse pocket, la nakpdi teck, antifer martyrftIir eoa, thsevegeta- hibaseadet; theoitie raive .faions; anlihe i ai savages. walun Mms.Fraser srr5sall fecu SydneyseaI Lerr- t.tian in motati lichens with a lea stinîci pr-penant eil Harry Fane, ulit a ltend asti P il, antilien pui, sateti liaIlievas at Sydney ett ile lt i csaapn te. W unoaif>'ls m-iet caliet out, 44No, unol thb. Bbces etal ue t -i n a place '4se s"va[let liatlady, and ti ao t4ç«Wiaoc-l"et ian a neon. ai>t$ a en ie itali taeinlt-Oslcrclr " ie'vr a oI itllit abouti e detaieti ctuseil lhe greîteat exeltemmeatthsee. b itsmntl nroeeiutsnvutlgallanI ensignm, Stewart, e Scoleia, Mdti 1,V y, bic luTiecooictta ber. xîroriina>' etsis u.. le 17Us Jes', m sand il.1raailityl>' aieb. rver- an lrbaman,liat bieauan,sai ttc>' lurethi.-e ch the i- Frazer oued bIen pe ltini e~ato 01cd again lelieen>it i a plmbr.ases agiog trough lie Village oa i tvina; (oj' aramainder fsis tieg&averam>ent tISe., anti e reward tbi hiT>' 'F thla nontais ve bveaei' lie rnulatnlor sergeanls, vuhisc tuaies 1cannaI incoil, ,and of st Tsarpts.sutu i tauaaua. s> a $esoiml sus aî aiv-t sieizsng teproateaha colons, mraTch>'rontiaSeil s WB e ntetenbaatnt, ;poatd ent andateli a ina lenncmeiaca riselioalut Thiac t i en giventa be ur l l e am ants vite UZ distance où 'apn t e orai ngeaviae tstarls fe b eren;i s »CI. Tis Qaue> Ilof at iri is Te usa a nsiu lir gonaais xt aiu lie usp;arace alie orsas t wu oepoan is er let igon f bockbadtacnggvra t blc ithsonor, baut; il 01 isti <oe as puibl. Si an lme, eul lnsat tle di"laevey eea tlieu tifrumis anderiare lretiitelugth eraSerm i iela .auiusinà n liifeé, and C& ,asipUin Frazenur bailadlee 'yslde tete atrshaenkei oak.tsereimsîvs lltaallslieict. Tty bise~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sieb'lavtl'a b.iiitoslbcsucla inndforate otIl ae o teanare ae lu dsU airba uadhoasl, ani l b.aliice eerparilleth l k sh por fb er a dtai .ma iler i psietiondpnnt-l a leapui n eb e oe esthebut ime todicerin.'.? eebi te rie lia ael W sa conîsi- s i, seLors p osse Ishle w ol asrll>' ecs,.sti ited is rm te r s ocht, e aelieaSthe hridenuel-aamgbal bvir-ilem, cati cong <le. bl ottulneetiont or halbn, antegti I aonrye s iie Mnuasa lmn tlu i ~h rimoti as ou i th ua. ise.ane etea to atepy theiii vi of thae .ed. ics c i thetti o! su>' lriz e lite laeMdsm plieortel. in 11lbacimeufourisr i.thleti»">'rubisi Isuopaefr inkel easy - startinsairoeCosmptise uci eon s hsource batI ie gSOer a t Cutilr. aILnva'.va etrhe ntai, TLord asen-xalait entacr nlycev n d byOnehe V0f Il. lecIb wihs uhi>' eaueg tbiet jigic au'oI l sure a a feallsbov.uttc AtisatihW. anti a00cicet e"W$v9 ofg l S t- m ut mnksirer inst ,an 1 am Whet~leeal iteaisti-la i lise ltenlis. blîc Ie i. b "4lia ubOtI eI raenaiebr. ts rttn e sat ie cemdrsibhlimlgsiîog laiever cuie teaurare reian l a r' is1.1its a dta i t I ilia l; seuc u l y c c r ,c t i in G a n l m e cau l ' n rsa te 'v -of rit ae i sig i ver it R o u etw-Icl t h is h c im m us éa rie v i nts P t " th t ' a il a s loi t ustsiipptiISt utiuso Sverl ralenn, alrt>ngitmon"in andeolI te WeIbs stnolie ca sunre' tin aIL 9 .lly stir FalaitliesI, eppesh iand blcmetng Ere cAlt i a igie aotheur fretis ole tesAterntpart aid2Wotus h ti.. s iug be t atie a toya reglherauavorirelf- iupte in-cl m e rab eiancvlesonaavdtle l c llsath eRdtcpofsista a ril.1r lumana Dr e- w ie Sisauit. , at l. aIeetlmbd ao ai. -and&n tinsderabub lta, ho"vever aa lise ate ar e',mr.emgbsm, lic. peuk thier pa n.rtf tevsbuui i0 u brno>* i. oic thles s"u c nwe caringup in tniell ae uti aInlise $at ic reil W. bava o tdtosst p on 1hsenevasmati e itans muey ûbas s MdtIl. -al, atipp d I butmeln. Blsekul g, aeweretris fion~sanie ionIas grissctinof nhcunatpr - anc tionsl.utr t is léelabtuibi anaeuer a ubcmei etiail. Tic ev. ainP. Liha>', vrisaIY-1»eoedfnl h h rs,>'utom va focaietlid iba ai atisegal, mi aut apse a feprathnaternpr ftistne ancV 'isoflns vaveely s id l M il erentlg suait, 1a th: nu mae n ta l is i e dsath c aie more lias 30 o y r e ososo m-om mSsida lsItandardbisnboxa ik 01>te d l a ie titapevil4 phaes;h.aighissais. r. L.A.rets>', pasti ey, r . -I vasi aMr >' saeti lu lia dý leasbumae vise feul emeege cony. 1com. î- phea o ev hI. Wilisevinl pweriunan ty r oe. let gheasb PIl.e e av e estbret deti Mined Pumbna te&nenn aetteaàgbladi@N v, lJan >' fve onmez oMs b'liskeit liser. tlbtias lati, goor lte Leatiu, o am arrai; a en a lirenil i B s the a Ts ofabca le k aintser sîilaidu r tse an.; st li lttea iseCie j Surer; 'u poasel ansbaetd, u iat ne abc1 et111 liai-niaftn ain tapinit i terlAa naem ieo loesitmas fvb.'mtees iedbis hee tevr lgate,ea a vaaelaosailspeeuniacu , p4sak-O n tiboxam jengcras lifth eamir ine phiar ouf- ad ta theobuseiaisuir,5a liIlbgcsteancuhafneit lthone3quorti ofmthes behI o eulseisn h ollicWsn eo* to ed t MU. £511 40 l.aen-einrbi snt. ML.eA.n eut iuind ie Iplummof -I>'wu la Motis af n the ithir s ot eiet idrta ii pot, itSitti ig On stfi oseais, eif nupaintat teautevabaelieoumba a- "n ~Jsu asy Wm e si5 uhile pr o se al e l le of-te one ti.b>atvu i tiret, ïgo lie eLlanetesu t aram s eoinEgicstf «Lit ae. a oi...-iA cole O, f 4 l 1' ithe woqse; sd thé alsteràur et ein is -tes; lut Vtis ey va Ucp/t matie and ientctegilîr io Cobaein-a suponatl mé tro f (Wtla eugtlei v ýIl tir o belise mha l otessai! useiulu tr ecsed thebufinvcral >'eid atriai wub>' prof r mtintedico it tit trvla hi . o-fea tu C& loPaI, anil bat jie taurne li fs oamn uhiri lie ma v ste Prafen sa C e fth> a ieas intic"U- si A m& ment* eiecounbcsir t titbé couuW lei- a.aeeti auiaopryi eut)o and urisi. bosha i-nne atlumbhiao Ftscu li ctWid P q.tiyi au isedn eaiv'Jswaeuat~ n~~~~~~~~~~~~~ soe ed Iu isaccnemiAi stl.oflnphbiiy11.,esre, liseliee etvedfllig. ieativieu aqltaeI met iser., ei Mnlae ot Mbtir n bi lacâei ,al"<Iba bau, btil fuare "sciee s vi e a pnaur', ipan- v"Idl gel t lise autijap beaif. mlaee n oat e d iasiueil. Siansru e is joo, a laingtea, vsslg bu vtira, a fi à ebemWa -uait l ahe! ;e hy 1c 'lii soick eul aultliti < bt hevng mae t. e T ii. ietdre of Nrt a il4 Abyiefit ai. hut us lr pèaba4rqm ai*Asgqdautjt.pvea palm bu thtie '. JY'<5eIer'î alt, th.. .k.Iapp r e en adfil- et a ee~j<ee~hd, yU~~t~ t f lie a iogaea~gW~ -9arau distou»artt aoneu.' x.- . amm9 bone u-jsontt aeelobbs h.tt s*asM lOItane f istriiaC< iW Irid. " Mt i 1111m L&- mse' g~IttiroMUn1 u mis e i. T. Il. UnBwm-, Printer& Proprie' or.] [ U B R91 Yta CliltrEW-I w noya h- r U i MNov a .iSTLRI.STINU seICIETINO.-A M*aad let me boy a word tua)-at about famil>' 1 atfeting scne w,,â e.5hîi,itd e ie the el fortea- oniment. W. Food people aofAsenca in OU!1ien, tu Ana astreet. yest-r,'ay stiernoon. ÀA ,.. c rselfgovenmeat are in dangeroÔfiot go- man proietied a note for h, rhusband, shipwaecte Mg Orselves. Our lads grow Up i l abor- 8 eat upoe a'ei.The note was aç na"n, fandlng ta Our and their ros, lit iil cordisngly made 4 vthse Rey. Mr. Taylor the. sub- asrusi>." An Englialitraveller cfilnd ject of prayer. lutf;It the close of the sericc% SalieUnited Seule: ail being ai" léierc. lswevsr, i&i w..kvd lthe su.ud bi"aik wuit ou or mea. These tiia adeniably an the inw- bfr inm j7oseîssescaped, b as m ~o ëM. Parents are a> *n.ç the reins; ad ls arrnyal oupt thet bouse ofCi. li~n ie* ece tisa bel-. ý ~eàuniversal, ail cd face gave ass o thse pertijs . l dpiet ~ i goensnuubut ti wii iînprac. throutrh.le- .tdtsu ftrsaaniquo i IbiS- weck istisysb.cJad been teanais gr and ous !~ithat frowrard cild inaboaet oance, or yon TIse meetistgbew*tIsl it tar aspdk iluDon have ta bc biâ suppliant rallier than bis in chur-insa Ë!. l'ne *Id way ws perils tue tu, le sa ve en r- ~qWTvtlîti ws eeornsibd bIl re d nty t.utlnew sav se-se ont es es ide i no mona ta reilgdtat. acstyo n.reub.Gati.*. Wtose e P trec- r.TinRraa& Qiasvaow.-Tbis question lis l ;îsRa iit bouss where thse parents accus beetss al m a n rt arto h rts geiverament, *nétise naimsaiofthe United States wre- Let sncl hear Uthe orde ofa i see- . s ontnt held forth as wucl founded, aseon rmman of New Jersey, and a signer ai the De- ý thUpallte ni tb.t caantry,partierul niy the State aration. "Tsere laot a mare disgusting sigbt i t. loeiiaiansiae-lrc mlré nai the imputet ta, ýeofia parent wb lias0ait- in*a:' nîtter,isat tise>' uencrally believe tisat theéy rity. Amo,thie isewr ataieo ole seha . e'rirtýt on tîseir i ne nder no reatreints front dercncy, yenu may Il> a î;verthelcastasse tisat thse American claies acetimes ses a falher or mother rounng out into c, q nntlarv In the tîeaty af 171,1, COntrary to tihe ae treel aiter a c±sild who is led fin Ithen>, mêi> boluîudarv*eat.tili.ihed between Mlaine and Canasdà oki ai fur>' and execrati' an d Ifie> are ofien an t Nova Szotia b>' the pubslic acta oi compaterit pili eneougsta imagine that neithborsanmd pas- autholity'. tmes will sapprove themtsin tiscir coadurt tîugh a T-i!tr'.a'y of 1731, ins e;ýp!ct taisoundaried fact i il is a bebolder with borror." I1 anm airaid i seas fot inteiiilcd tnai at r tise boundaries tZ nme ai us neŽd bat go maoy roda front home t bal been foaamerly es4îlished y thse British Croun 7tras thse like. Wls't is admisistereil as reproof arthe bbndarie' of thc ihiî teeîs colotnies. ioften warsc ths notPias. Scaldiuç rel-ues tOn thse îorth-easî'ra firintia.r, in partie ilaa,,it te ikem ac;in!ç portions; tise> injure tise patient. i disî'r>ita thse botînufary eaiabli - hed tv the praa- td en"r chastisemett little better than ail oti larnutinn ai 176>3, for thse Piovinre of aiehec. A ri dire. pon -' i.t botsadary wsea taken as Uic pointaif frtaplicit obeslieacc-and Ibet wît.bout qctnadpaiture othe flue adlIsoundar>' laid down ia the xpostulatlon or del.îy-is tise Icystone ta thse treat>', nimrly, 4'he aorth-weat angle ai Novt amtly iodla. This lN perfect>' consisteut wististe Scetta."> liot affecrtion, and should hie enforeeli inm tNeow sehat wNss that angle?1 Why the nanti- ginziagand absolute. The philosopher whonl west angle ofî.the western boundat ryioeoa Nova Led aboieas ofaiparental aurisority -: Iqwould Scotiae. en> entioned ia tise treat>',"64AÀlise tirsa ve it early titat it ina>'lbe absolaate, andi absolute due nortis inn> thsotsrce of tise river Ste. Croi, bat it ma>' not be serre. It balda uiriersally l a iehihlnin nt ienriesbudr'a amilles and achoa, sd1 ntseget alen Nova S-ntia, whicistises ineiuded *bat la now ln, tise arm>' aud navy, that tisose wts keep these calfetilNew Brunswick, or in allier 'vards, tis aicteat discipline gise the iewest stroke,".- southern isoundar>' of.the Province of (lu.be. suse pzrents seero ta imagie sat their falitares Wits respect tu tise source aiflthe Sainte Croixt tuas kiati arise fion tise want ni a certain mys- tisere ran 10w lbe naoiloubt, es it bas heen detgj. rtins knark, et wisicli tise>' onceive themsselves mincd betues thse parties, erroteouàiy déterin- t le destittite. Tisere lasaqcis a knack; but it se ed tie believe ; but il 18 an agreenment, andi cannot tmuch witin reah se the knack of drivingr l'e altered witltout the conaent of the partie"- tars anti chaise, or handling a kniie and fO0k, 1'iiere surely caou bi no diicutty lan rentasa lla. mid will acier lie got l'y yearuing OiC! it. "1fos henre daue norta ta the Èih s ands.s* Plot oeil>'lave your Citdren, but asa. t t itoutt Wisat thezlis tise soratiern bound2ry fiaip of *it ove tisem ; snat la merci>' fopdliag anti kia.ing pravincen'f Quebec (now Lower Canads,) anti the cem, but tciag alwa va open ta (lad, apprascies. nortsern lisse ai Noya Secla ? liera are thé wavrs leu la a mas wbo drives bis cisiltrea o t ai3isof the royal proclamation ai tisel'th Octolier, Iligi top, becatise the>' pester hlm : here lasaootbe. . To tise south end ai Laki Nejllian; who is always ton bus>' ta give tisen a geutilword. fronm wbanoe the saisi linse crosses the - ]iïe1r t. Now IWatals!eladlfy leara oi tbesé penny' Wise Lawrene, farty-ùve eegrees ai naetb latalpd id piandfoob aitiers, uhat uark the>' Cicr pausing aloag tise igi land#,tu" fidieide Mt/4i epeot ta tom out, wisich saai equai in impoot- ti>at empty tcIsselves ino t aisd river St. Lau- sce thc chldren wubo arsnow takineitichir moulti rance frontis tu whkfaU istatha e MR &ai"ah vleibe Uapohlssa a. tisé ild wltîelti. Ifort" arang %e tiant cosa« oithis Iloe .CWa/w anti te it losr comassions mare accessible and wlt5 the casatai fbth gulps of SI. Lawrence ta Cap.é îin iens ls a tier or tmbter. lter. Tan ais>' observe tsiUW wen a uorking mani T'it andsue-ac tti hle adu hicfi opend bis letattre banniaobroad, it as st tiseex- divide the ivera disthat &e>ptly themaclles ino-tse co.se of bis famly>. Wi ie h is aitie club or St. Lawrence iran thoe wiib fait t te sers,, be taV21t bboy or girl la PeekinIg ont-of-stoor end ternm the, maienpart of the botrodiasiine, conacaioas. Tise great scisool ai juvenile vice is. FoIlowing theuraip witisont deviation, w. 'rsaCý i tise onIiT. Here tise arehin visite lie " knuck- ti.sebga landi," duc sort>ai tisé Ste. Croix, sud es douas at taw,"ý leatrntiste ,nlstléatb, oa ir the rerogndsed western lise ai Noya Scotia : nid n nitriti limcnît>'.For Ont leaaoa at the fieside, line irawn frei tieoe bighlanssaa lte uorl; e has a dozeu in the kenci. Here are scattcred toast of the Bay' ai Chaleurs,"' forma lthe sents' r: te seeti oi falseiso, gan>blinstbeft and violence. boundary of Canada ansd ortheru bouadoy of No- p'a> ysa, as gouilave your owa flesis andi bltiod,I va Seotia, are deseribeti in the proclamation. 'lau ae yocitres clins ta tise bearth -atone. Love nant>- western angle formed b>' tisese twiretfes is haise 'osirself; s5mb your rsiasdrep>'5t55 >on o0r oaseqeenl>' theisîti-western *ante of Noya descendietressures ; Iset as exemple ia Ihis, as ia Scotia, the riofit arting for tise osndsy ha- lllup bih aaropring oea>'follow. TiIe tueca tise Brit .lsdominiaos indthe Umlited Utles, gites lan sens ahave accomplisiset ils great accardiag ta tbe treat-' f lMO Mot ni cnra a witber, when it bas matnred On the part oflhe United Statea, I iasb bouever te hruit for tise sext rac. ; lesta a lesaco flous he A ttemptetito Carry the lisse 4dn oiti th e te plant.-Newark Daily Adv.] Ste. Croix to, thee bgh lanti,, nett lt» .gn bigh 'lands iran>lte source of tise Ste. Csal4 but nom e PnOUGIIo iSont SwaPuapoat.-We %sers pr.- hndred miles tmber, river othélr lbilads, tu senteti yesterda>' ulis toeFrench' silver coins, tisse sliasted sitsr th. St. Lagiem'. .1 meus; aie insolinatise reiga aof Lousis XIV, in tbsý>ear rtes saekitig for tise onantistinglea ovea 1676, snditte .tttser in the.reiga ai LouisX, elin Soutde, a a nttdmiles ta thse ,iofh e l." na- 1722, wbichuas part of a parcel fiminsi on the l'hens Coast 0all.e Baie ai Chaleurs, uhici forosa foc of Me. NazisetiGoliaboraugI, ýMe.) Mr. tise »daiserts boundalry ai Nova Scella, ati este ai Niash won pion ainba field, isatea b>' twatbbcilses hicb muet glve the uoti-west angle là îired men, broihers. Os>. was with bien attse qcestinin 4t pionsa, heu thse fressunre was lecisp b>'the Expisrars, erveyess'e,rommissaaonefi litO- &bate. l'.y stoppete taexamine it,mad-on dis- musa i iplomastistnsters afitte, regs9h0Ùîs avreuing is value,Mr. Nazh i t saue geserosi- an impire. have been eniployeti for tiêra tiîn y, ortieret tise ma> uho wus ihbienta eail bis îli ryyearq, i i i in, retu g TU(dtlccillee. brotlser, saying'they would ail sisare alike la the ona sie boendar> question, et as ex-pense of a greal guetd brigue. Tite brother, eio us aiatwork eat .-0sitimea muramt1là@»a o th tsî t i n adi, balnce, un ealied, iri sail i tra&commenceti ate la ioith, sud st t rinuaiofrasing et qüiArr sen& aant isouatiFrench crouna,,balf crows, andtiLwe.n tWa kindreti nations, uioee isithrestssare otbatfmatiooel parts oia mouD, ta tise value of ieotimâtelly coulissaI, sti ta ar ai ofuluisse rus STer S00 dollar&.'tise roiss er. ailai lie reigui of preparesti ot isr a war venuldls aa of Liois 141h asnd LouliS1ts, end biore tisetdates of than >. oeth ofiail tise wild 1aedatstJeUc lhe yàans 147"-5 nti6-1720-- 21 anti 2%,end pravinces if x orttA twt-,. = Ï: o i itib " sspati Were usaperketpeeavaton. Tihe cois aiLouis dit lain nurreti fer a question whicii ogt eer XKIs toesaa appu eye eer t.as.oueeu lacclei- tabaire sa lsct, but ubicli, ifthe-»eusim Of a tia., anteIm.tpressionsjuat nos a PMn i$«isi- 'leited parties b.d> startetilIlta mI ibsre-bues id irant tisaint. A traditiont>he, long exisitetlin 0 settltibetwecea se>'tuacsbooa. med'me,. nei9b:i lb. toua, tiat the place wua once zettletIlby coa- bolux,, iii the alen, in t>efr bacti, ~lot 'ret "lita Fianse, via uere drivenai *»Yby tbbciraIterilcu. ' " i luislisd thoibtis moaeylu eiar*, bmt cxr.ý1 pbega eeatna ae 9144%ectr u u s'by titqueTtôao,ucb laduligeisce, ant b-moemaos tht enipnw g.».a tua aitheis *% u, helst M mire oligstefed ct y uju, i . cr 4 dia oo) ol ai atibaxaai, (nota inapt a estesle touinla aeaofain~du1icr a e lb'tpl>bve ail tunseilont, sasti t a o fte 1etoua, but tau becs or iÇoil le 6ê-tmé Ste ItatitWeet bwag ffeva Usi.l.. limmeti tpina ch isa nteaof lh. tressue-gba- abase al 5 an55. basi ba 0. dsa . . gu tainalliit hé - beinde ubsebdivide niese iibait Ne eply tuuaeeti int "Riefsr Bft Lweeasfeme. A= Palx i à4 Cotnmv.-From hae port 'heuewlrSieS .ito e tiatia oeaaa; sethe i15055t %oumbadesé t~i, tW a aJury ubo wee Cua- etaus rSat CesaeietRi..".Ad 14. ssli . *0 1 &hzd am ea Mie.. loreme i, bdept . ]MM-) .* et aLtipb4 . es eh.smmsey.it. ;bc amder o<lqule * ta regi.sitogother ns iIl NEW. PDosraica RaGIis.sAnos-arit se o1- lit.'âral a verdict, lin h li oling mas- alfy ini" kotôu i ~1 b.-e nd aif.t-offie Mrc ethaes sd vept boie.1 un ea itmn igal ver. uls-Tscléni balie the eidedlse.-.U . e ta I lav$W l I Ibhe iré, nia- ~mysei reuiolj in Lode,-nmonltCa&, btiele 'ut'isn c emails vilii te iiirhWaie u Mlalta, ree.,th ia o I .ltsl, Egy>l,4 »&ii East Iitiles nacetafoatuigt, ier maje' am1 Of vick gvlutal M U ibllaI te« mu lb. arrivai off tiseuiMioisn Sed M 5eër usd1 (tam lilee=TIe siOaume dm" Mmes nsit tr th arrvai vsolhbe maili oEmme lnd' VIbe hIlaersE (i p$andIwi adi ile ua sawmaa- in the ien*5,

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