"1x ÀAbk HMotALD.-IŽJMgWÂ, OCTOeLa 10,1S8UL ly aMy penny or Twopeouey PM4 sid sa p-u W" ra-itai Bebveen places Wvith tise U itelEbB; w~ ue' sla <as bvneiîat< sipt-Id. uik. bu~se Mda go"5 W",» oatmitousIsit, Itween lise Unite a igEs. ai ler M4eq% A,.a..-1u i ll bum ,sII ia Coois ?ri ola te S10 b u = '% va~ ,MrjaB w.va * u M ssu B at*0tisavl ja lm its, mi bal is*a weWid qeulspqyrmd BcOIZ AjEKNG~ w.ab"libae base u 1.b.ui am pe Md XI the chancIe, SMBlud 111 i ahAeaashembppemuilm'e'MI Malmenaitleb vb.ly ce- aller unilbistbanssni " MPMtba.smett, UV7 but.. aveM ad d&M.nu ams*&ne..W. unt b. gommsUy miaisoi5 ,w.e e un llae sala W Ï b.a Ba,*0bei*bg Bw. ebda chalise liv«M sMi aemma uis a4aclt muefulatl"ti tlis ,b styar = e ,ls bd" insabd ai aer My ilwu .re. . lab is. Miu m11 dh.a.-Pm"dtJ mie laeullie sbaiasa *9 B <aiseMr- Sint an Em I mm y sa imm., I5oemmfWe to, wML.We hm .mii, M tul Ménager oai tiseL= A. ahi Wsmti u d4 m , wth 11e1 " y *ta" the' à, etBbc féli »d o- cica ot ou W = ok aL ezIsacie BS9Esmeave isu aedoe las via uais oimmiefa - * b bo E bav ulje i @Mi wva mar- Aratubscut ean mamilkisd an*0 wofe q mmss m i MdauBes- "ynia le Miay he-mvm lisse.Vit 'a-1",*Bez a " moas n a«dfle mW aimrtisu. fne lu tb.d il M @m asiti "Min - es-te bmaie aa gwy" asau métisuisal . abat la rsaelgaglitu Si uibe essnae Miutsly hMa.1Wasa ie0AMi.mm m *qbaekhuubdepouni, maotn be insi ce. __ Ui.ab0< N t Mis tboussaund ansioccsienally aIlargsalais A cash codil le, luntact, the sa stisaft va Scoli, Wloe theisB"SaieCmrais. Ibqr overdravn curret accont, exS aithaï, ln a mer bave boaa i encis hm wst," tosc carrent accossI lbthe auiy = W1dea onc. is oses t5he cmulu daMago m a u..lsea. bis ovo idividueal ,ecnratysud in cash redit leielet »k Jades t. e ceileslav ise r repacUlafor hi.- P Platu a l su88Pename a1IsLMe se Anelier differene ta, t"sasperses cnnt; cvta- hYa &aMd Of the CO-muaiY Pm mv esnaB.gam idra, hiaenturent accotat viliout requeatifg pe- as; becana thmera eu hmai beau leude, sa -miseauh dime trou lts libai; visenasath over- plaints îby osou-ermorue. impotrnt poiletis dravigofa cash credit la aregnlsrmuatet ofiola isea,-4ti lanle act thse îary l"ornfor visich lie mmiit f Ibm beestn e vspaion; se ceuh credit bas been grantei. Th hllovingsadiau- lcs ise 0uOpeaam whick vs baeatscaish ilages bave been ascribei te tis euca edit ayai s pail, Dsettal Isil teissuelie é adlcast 1. Cash credits enable young men i C ;: ca- pial o f Ibm nUl bdl apoiucs ba. Mms acter tosequns weaith and respectability. nxey iat inaii te béiel foranar.mP" dss I h ave kitova many instances cf yonng men, vise vere taing ln tise vorti frratloy ituaiensactePsymeelabY ae01i be re b»sMsine --éf servant, vise have codcti tbenselves l iyti &W it 557Myvel t hà uisgmeo.- -milii ng tht e titey were sipetics-oir They May haumita rimb ris de <la, ams faim serrant even, vis, ver. able se procure aunau as, gj. isptt.lav4 asuisi w acconut front a baik by mean fs etme frieis or aetiré , udreueit.el Liulis__i l acquaitaitces becoming Iteir seriies, 1h1 lit the ,ai eicdtht k W ii" courseo thear busines havie n taiseil t lvu e b ai bat ids ba psy, ley Ms aIy 1015stalcu - odsituations hy beceaing formes.cf consideralle aaing speci as smemb. Demdil e anailloliss extent, or manufacturera it a vay bighly redila. yet. We isnow M fla e e ns tut sj e hie to, themneivea and beieficial ta tise country. eissuplsbewodbdtyMetlept IlWitisout cash creditaaoiser, attentive i-dere sud inn-as es at'e ua .p dustrious people woul nthave tise miceset &ain piSaci,uidpodue. actAeis .belnr tiey tuanih of fuloiitg up visat lhey iery desevely migt maie a groncado iargement. Tise&vhew,.o lie encouraaged b oflloat up; thr ise b egbti olmaie by IIVa'are tISsu sho b bte letitely iai. inalp'biilty s-us a mre trai e, tstille sie, anidset o fuiruI seo'viag ouragu_ tise hao hen kovn e mlte y teir nvit10-Minis tisaItbey do nt aveu toucis ibea. As te dusry. llaving madie tisa, il retiena lieir charater la persoasof, perisap, a litte more for-' Ouruinpjbasa insai vs alcalibave hbien in a ns tune, wiso, ta encourage tien, hcoane sureties for lrsaperous ani happy condition if tise B" iait thoat m's acconnî. suspendei, thieialao1.0pep.ouit etrefuIs. tl Tise classes of persons vise bave cash ceatita, lieu,.Wn saboui baie bassi in a mach btrco. are very varions; but lhey are generally tht ln- itontsu. env r,'tiihaltt vala duatibasas classes of peron-mercisantt, and tra- iontavrnwaehi jSUts aa dtre, sud (armera. ever assrte. 7.ssesoalsi ncic 41'The accosmmnodation la mare readly given 10 ly te b.e ciosen in rier te aveu porster evila. a smal tisan to a large amount-bise batik prefer- On the peobaiility or a resumption of apecil ring to grnt Ira credits for £100 tisaisose for £1000, therehv demontratîng tIai Ibeir aceauits paymentIs lu tise Statea,44 V"nMay panier tise la. are q'l± as mucis for tise asistance cf tise poua as loving lies- fot.accmodtanatsenh.1latPprt s thofla he ltBush inli'el- 2. Cash credits furnisis&vent tavtil4sto tramaes- cd &an eretueiaçto Samepaaluh.uts-U. qlar men and tisera i carrying an twir b*iLsen, titis- th other day, lu tise Sente, sai, U"Glft *a r in tise way of raising mney-îin nkingpr inc.BnviAooplo fnyà200O> ciases,-orit etpleybng.tpatiiceargeaenstieir teill the M;k ~of GZ Ve muiurste stlus capital. paysuentsin 't0OYEARS! . lloiw Is tise adeantage bo tht party borrowing greet- tier. viii ha NONE ;-thein, evmuas- y. er uoder thse system ofeuah creit tisait under tise villiir ne t. reluin te apecia peymealo T" sysem f lendîng hintise ordinary mode t-mu-___________ t9-As to tihe question of actuaepnl s To tise *hlaing ltter on the te-u. oftili shillings or pence, psuuinthtie shape o interest, Proviaces, tihewvilter sppeed a nota n h" lmcs theiis in thetfiret place thissdiflernre, tisaI viets strangely msnterprts and 'tuaIs lIa messnga be dicounla a bill Se pavsalise itrest on the som ont voris in the remaia v e Maie let 'eeks i furthre montis, if that'be the csrrency of il; tise subjee. Becaue w. voli lave lisetlon nîouli ay accidental mercantile transactionis throw lto biisniiuall'a band, os tise oeil day, tiens efthtie EBiis Goiirnsment ounIbi que"l thse saine amasnt vhichlie h aitti» received tro finti»t ilie, Cia-Eng ys: 4"lMe soeema thse banker, hoe has lest tise hinefit of tise tranaac- "hikto% tbave onamso peesepissa. tbc, becusehle miatkeep thi ; ifliheisuaadip- ltluisame lpuede M t_ "Tisa1e.com ait account with the banker b.e must keep il t a ulgclMayc ram tmaplu banker's inleret, visile lhelas aticipatai hy bai-telgcl igc f qigbi u wi ng pslit tisa banker tirea montha diacont an- a generai. Wbat 'te quis.oft si i%-, teretlnethbe bl;if a tradervwere4toitaiseishWme- (t iceehe applies tae veaylinlg, teaUl osa ncy sytete4lcnly by discounts intiai ofbY Cu ai sets up as a geseci rielIa stiel mw p acceuts, a Iisaivanlage t hlmnsudais. Theasuexpto. e mdbvthinnin sainmeprinciple applies b emali smoss; if haf or ~as nacllc .*edbv ieIlni quater, or an y part cf thse advanca vhich he may of lise Home Goverme mettakad»inha bisasm hare roceiveal upoan tise cashacconta comes lto becemm oi lia pecuflty. Ou BSefavounaset im, lho umaediately lew.ens tis a vuece b--eui- -ehtthe bardet.ofproinus: ti vhm p a1rn' itin ebhak,unih.inteubing lhie lokm u bUppr Ceaada, i dbov v iiis #Tàe acotOe7 of tretdacunq tt hers hepe ovtsa ly aBl tieycM eautdve principal su. tiltil 1h extingisist.Sefiastb p5an, eianetantsh.by wviclà& PIb isevi actusl benefit of inleret ; lbitthdu aoiiience 0ofmatil ued -1bu itbE u Hue Gsuvmmat gcting money vhen 'tanled ufoada a iey mals- dpi isan - t Tlmas s . miThermse -rial aivanlage Indeendest eofuthet"l bisait. Il Wat are lise fiîiities tint eis;s alaluhg tis amai latter tiamdav a duthBe 1.111mb G. lîis srt OravantaWcmpsoid 't h tis eh-s -etail i-9 0thlis a m, ba w. III taining an "" esyt -Wlis. pasa ioetby viii mo, sami ert is roman. Ne a mi. foraà cash accootgt, viicàis lem antmeilasi' epraotallaeuanle devisai n e vai»wu sas Tance t tise part of duhe sbaaW a MfeMàor cthaï- vi'Jde, aaelms ie forIis Proins tht puser ci pivlega of isavhsg upe.tdu lock listise extent seie,!s npeauI.,bot lya-iqgpad&poiluhmrn .1 e q moepronlscrties Ia.me 0,A am ssieud pumsei pha0 umatim .Win 0 'leian socasion rqures. la h vorabaktié kGovume" aned uism a vilde;p bas maver Mate<s.- Bei b e i= d.l ea m ubblsed mses ? We Baispet, necemary for duepurpostoie a isasu. 11e 4coeui us ier reclla, ais. i lu aMai te aj, V a aiss aalmn osnaseaPL lie beicisi te du lsit, 17 btr in Mm bd.tin his lhatla, ly vileS le Sise uspeese umes*si>um.d ti = rme 4is4" UM 19laverCamais e a .much, la <stlosloh b . t it %.WOtU tuk- i bdaal .matgisI s etenanm B.rs 1 ca i. a deincvaeo,tdu bme'"il utg . la but hle1w t. u lm e AR the ceue of a pam tio as'gahM, lbu ii I pr"bby, la B.0a placebave b. puy *0 ale- isae'tuq d Vi lvi msa uSsu VO est amv etoncm et - ulibaveute "y Ilb o uer b d aIl» a vm IrlamU duv b.,. Mumsvbedb obeau *#5l ~~ csae =d a bisa liesa d m 71 maely oeul,,sud i vocédi ha e b bisreel- wn a lai by duelimier at is plee-e-(Caambomiý a poid slj lse r ve P1eme v= 2M) pdpemq 111110 no, ia p-iebeaut ld s udeqlgm ssn lntiag ilesmoea"it &is tiebothev0, Ver sbe. puaiàs Io bd ffuaIys00sse' lau '5saris~ MW fwSe M evua er ce u M,- thi etbliai" I <mu m iv. m mal.mo oulus amu a vlu..vi 5 ai a t eala80 ilmumba t et 1 am- sle, à* M*vavo ml d un aedaba" uei ae! 1 " mlsuete hmnaik gu t dupagled1 BS tbe 1eaMI 1011 . ii-Be ew v iliaiviw felqtulssin ybelt lin l tle - slmmtmlibueujeCHANG-MMG. tere ften 8 oBe l.palimI yses t iautes a n thug toa me Bd B. Smtil é omiemueul viii Tus Sam-O3tat"uly lut, Wol.Blese Cd ,&0 alnsuaopeluiph t Io l - 8usd ais.mor aIdisab lgl, usa"miiatetdh u bans.a an" M m i v no Ummw ta B u ooie. Tissy caisge ai ipa aammitei mu a euh s--d Mary âsu bue aiimg lb dit rbat esjstme. Iy Bae ha" D4upsay, 8y-asoef Me, -one du oi ni J ine *MsY wvh nosmsa - piaila bte MWMlu lu mriaiuiem UimfcfBSlmlaultoviitg tel ver. <raoi lu acceriasa tiisesabléimag, CeesuataPaisaneasa i-4Monc e-aC- y, bai ..ea" li o uSta ev Bs *alistmu oite du d oiMa. Asu eJury vertebeingeveen thse me glais Govoiramet; biasua i migstha reama. ma-leuar cleagiduae. lii olcto e Gaisrl lb. Mly appaei fIat tisey mdnaiitaie say gM aIf<1. Dupai) 2»- i ei haai!oetdu Crova, Dol **tte pls u tint vwu iemd «a ciael-Idai Be 10 t duJury, s»I ezplalmiduh aigud precedats. Batvisasthedu " l -i n lo a ibelveeà rapece su attult and on areuffladusoappoelsfaiiepestsEit haoad_ sl satudhnmercuest mua Ilhoagainst 16t e ine, e aanmlof, cm"laaIsevo, n tdu bat aseSenîbdain le latter, infants 'tere preIla.of subjcI vie mny viii demm, s»i mkileronpendodutbat u lleraincaspale ocf glving contene and the seil tBSe vih ava due decisin a isir b irn , ms-een. uWu usl 'tither conset v 'as cer'tas net peul idu s.speecedutai a phan " Tis.u% -, vaal. lus mai gentleman, neat ,tated thse tes duebo, aibish: if tdu changes pnopmditen a eup-pets( mc le e tabislahtiee t, and praceeded rev tes.5151nof Lower Canada hae bt ilght, tiseY t b i is eviienco. lie Soicitor General con- vii peduse. but littie efact, »d tbi ruon vill diucti duesathrongisout 'itisgpeuot moderaticia pr 'bis Province ouliicsly; but if lthon, chang.. towathe poa0ests »di <tiievixcedth iaI tisile abuas. e rsas te maksdthema-aran a bneit b@ lu sirmen Ousotise one banalofidischîrin* c > le6% beyVila be me firalt vian fs n il b.'is del tethepublie, le 'tas equally deairou on ag tissovlaigd ilIaI a yvit I paiqu on the duller of alloving tise prisoner every metez ofqI rB* Mal chkOSv.ont »U M » r&s. Be p"," pviag bimself innocent if ise coulit do se. i b &Mai pise ni sfucS Mse bing -aoug SSi kBtay Ana Dempsey, vas exa- titi 11 1 0 e support tdu ** 1 zmIsai 17tdu Juige ta astortalinin thse first place ~ lelir i mut ha ugm.Mbaii iaIgd dis mgon be- cpacty fer tetifying upon catis, and tisan on le of Iis que"lieisideigmi.te piepdu vsy Ja dta flctitOf the cage. Sise gave ber eviderice in duda bat. u sig, Md b1tseva adi w. vmoi te 5meva vesy intelligent manner, sesncb se tisai tht de am tiense" lsin aie. imers dismmel tel Juige éterwardn. said tiat " sie'vos a mstinttel- lD ut a deuigma, li vol ieftiser Posam. ily by,r tlgent Ettl1e girl for ber ae." Sise tully provei ce mm met.ly armismater r etaclo. lutmore'ai due caime hal hota commited by Wm. Brasa, ra aie" i samitlb"a"by i daoate of Un les- Wanet onlyeonce but repeatediy ; yet sht i ale: 'bey "is teg »tan e u pls mai t allinlsidenlifyitg the prsener as Wnt. Biai.- CTe Lagilsle b cBtla aveu ailIe isnamiA 'ttniU alervurds statei tisat tise prisoner oaci te i gSecb es e sjusdiuilu emandlng tdu ist <o ear large, busisy vliskera 'thicis eh ai nov 1hd IIIVn pesai ai v e du ai" tisaI i wil» k g" have eff, unidiai aime ciangeal lisic lta, 'tiicis l I apnistbtaiillutesaieaa.We' moly sccoit fo ebeingntnable te idestify bhlm I *~~~~~~~ votnthi aie i ap" usa ta, afler net iaving acen in for foui menthol. Tht ei nr ism B bis .à xplerimemlb vlaey phoo, sidtais of tise osidence are of course unfit fer pub- Sit 110 " inda u r uely laid, baim e v rue the lication, ani 'tre sisal enly give a sumtaiy oethlie ci e riis t milaitles 't any outa ocf tise tacts licitti. The girl vas suijetted te a long Je - r lagp ith ue.l We Sunil du theMileOfcran exaaasnataooahy tise praoittr's cosansl, vieh C aout pé"u relalluas vU Lover Caais, lut vaeas ntigist ho expecti, invoîreal ber in several con- e g lon adisow bue, bamy un varia. evilveu l iaictionsbol tneîiing te inralidate theisefaf &U finvb a âme intitule cnnexio, ar rainer an tacts. Masy questions vert proposes taelier due -imita i mi list Province. acope and connexion cf visichIl ascouli net I a * m51511< TU CANDIA PRV'~E8.dertand, uni she semnetîmes anavered yez er ne et m MfliO Ol TIR CAADIAN POVLCE&variance 'vitis ber fermer aoavertauni alatements; 01 id but visenaver aise vas ahowei te tell ber ove aleais ei Un. lict tseletacplce lath ie dis! se in a satisfnctery manner. inlIrof ve, wiich my eaig- Dr. Daker vas calleci, unidstetien t se led es ta-i ise du Te examinei tise chili the day previoss, and bai ne fshiv bis maoo"pon ilete iui- doneut thtie outrage cisrgei hai bottn coulmrit- a-emiiesortie ;làtlcd Objecions ta i.tMis fia- tehy soute persan. ta tua r e ucseis ncite si slpper Cuiadia et dislise ta boock t; and, as 1 iatinsalod losy in- Mma Smih, a mivite, examneth ie chahd Rd lrodnctory notice a byer reaiers, inch laIs ciir op- ville Dr. Baker, sudlcrolscatd bis aatemtents. positon ta Iis, that they scatcely eine he Matthew Duana, a medical gentleman living in a- sobject fenlisreîreflecî upon tise momeroitiveigls- Loaqihorough, wviseliexamndtea ise tJU a- t7 renssns visillie can bc brought tbcsup1orte * be heourgewa omi va, e re ui". Iftherefere, vo cau soet lat analbu- or sux i1 le ieotag a emtel e mue probaail titis Province viii net le taise ci l te gratinjury tae enbai stainei, undilai safererfillu any peitil induence wvieS aighhsea tati bit opnionaîle confirmaien o e duave. lie «eelii 1 du caition, vetislv'itle u1% aICaduerne Kellar, iienlified the pelacser as Wns. li neau t e * u aicipalobjecion bei. Brasai, amigave eviicnca in pendof otthe tacto l- Mm aapp>meii nger, tlIen, la, n te B dkailed Win aae apeenmell , îe IsicsolOf elme i- B te bMagistraîts vIs cmmitted to"tttscalrv .1ue"u tlle. o 6. uthuet aiInu beGd, alalai hd erurva a coaldrable Mr. Pppinessea ai Mara. Iseilsi M u andndsne' s.s ~.isn Rd naluvil &Mou s. euse.a body t Bey v thai lIai du l ewI m m Bo dus&M i dntii deeveastwfl hml thdéuar eio s n e i eta il d .wÉlémsla"vsChsd lu-iimmmaiately. rik agamail esacta show,bpla eay n- John Casym id aientI l bc pt aI pnmse' ~a t du.. Tobesvma àyne M&ociSe usinthe doccuarrenceoe fat rI, sud gave Y vosl lyon uanor sd1 mva Dnet visiencu tisereloe. vosier blstdubaie adsafitunodeu. teaI ho loyal soeets aille Quaen lu" P"nvme. Y < lis clinttien cmifonrlIepraesution. Oit ho Iq fbaiefr a msmerthaïh.du re-uuaos vMIltdudetence snera i tbese« voie Waied, bult ay of pendue Ie m d mu-oermunt I voli drop My sataei othng of muehim nportance. Tht chief on pei, ted 'tiltsne or. IDu les Of soail - point 11 eeuotal t el vieivslIatBasa visel ban ymen a b. du me aim aale, irak s. mach lIaI le vu smetimes almoil ont itm c is.it; amiviso.. af vint may le he du tinte cf bu hiei. Dr. lohimaeat, physicienata tdu kaafrslfl e Bm.a a ctral a vercalesufiouG»4uti, l s a aer Brasa wuasconfini leolhai ub- ol Umd Z aise me, andmai trenghen me in an lote ef dis'iisssremeuessami setus ta br lit , etm M b rsl lu tin L .verC aiei ae l -Ly i tal d Ao W la1%»d bu etiheUp b Ii i pauaeConstel direuedtdu Jury,tai et =P e î& ILAs mleos ame sand, tuy May ha lb. Slietar Ginral belely replii, sovlmg 'thâ ne - lilie thedudefeoce ce du grou o nimsnaty vouli mt = taa abslProvinces, 112 apply teatdu case. in Uppr uad l 9lsh Jaige inhbis clargo tethdu J«7ymii tisat me, conavictions ami exaceiublld akem place fb rre a iijorays 57 aninfantâ I>ooage tn ulla am vs at ic arae nel 1 provinces vent talbe iinoi te mSofl aian aierelriag Iteh aos m lIteu lullamyt ora arapeesenlallnmastisapoet, lm du rrMay hot u i s a iga iTu sme reematime Iirvol lesa ubil eesiedn vieil aa- s S a gt et dllu que" naaIted. Tisevais"e, Be ivae, »id héJuyry resIbo71Colt sAli ta,meidsesbesqitiaha a aadjaurn e ane 60 i eJury retum"a t- 9,csi iar:1i voli pud- annthl Vi eil et i uigal @piduePisner. neoilaa ruea be tie mmadi laompeta bhabi% »sd bai spet a -Si ni. Uppar Caiada, wee, ha in n w fbutoumff bekum.late art.a dw coat e the iei . lia tUlt aypoutaduhetrialba emnut al1111 e cldei tt taiipa bu t v Ie. iuidu" i dslobis iuhauatW"visa B w11 u Wbrgt j. ~ qM Isuibv alqlber aep" brgaauh- sr11.h rirbielf in, sudeut bei ca tuty10a iettelerebi li r b B arpu , besle ià n Pd awltiisup.i te u Ml 0; iai u htr lavua, Mdud ilglyam ueisagitation. As *0 avesd d'piapau- h a ievl~,fl i e 6trilàad d abe à imecaditiby d'icIt- aiul. é iinfve asuault¶ i-à .» IasSUsvet. huai 17tdu GadJury «»sM butlou". Bufaantizaq,*aga"isil du st esiv. allaidisar ofea <rpe. ~îtan aekmovidpga-ii on1.JUL.________ 2. The repensetav.di*"lieda ImmeerCa- l-Madis M l ~q. s mes u.M, - Bd 1% Canil vu q eggainl the 'tholilo lev th deecbef isibdoelin ha S uisaloa- yaseay atllor l ecet sI ngltite tribii lu Sir ai ehe where, Mi4 ig flb ýaObt5I olva.tBe EpisaspalMetindists andthtie Wtu- ihlgal a icle, itabi =et lP iyuMaduihi b IlsClapail etSelleville- tackb4i(-< m e'bey tpasatte 0lair tBeTise Sticer eu" eciuc thbie casefr tise e- lu-auritvoli= iB simsi loir- a. lie aikvn 1Io qu orla lataller s. deiaala, IlsheWeoleya Metisilbb), ami ce nis. qual;ia. tof ls aBe duaimhly oenlgtdu defeace vie a mcd abie speech, sa LvrCue vidcv-'Ç@rdt uwiScu oplad i en taloct ftânetbaais and a hai Ps.vuoe i, d m veu ttl aiu es tibsule t dam. 1,jury came iota Court Ibis " -6h<Imp. Mise esuumeo'ta eim a addeivesieda verdict in faveur of tien mu o su a m #M uIMof teaSy sdtute tr,-Pl@"&AS.Notice of appeul vas gaven, mie h 1 mi matfim m b e Lov.t P"mbe. Wbm «as vbinhadin the IaCaurd of Appeal. tlashS ity tlclallas penciple, ami risicis&à bey iof bhtole b vithe du- er lu ftaëlsed have le.. itbderta dhatlguishei. mdiobta ou PuALacas,»ami tie vuaieoutopiez M"w e 17 d la exdu heoccasion, utarelodul- AsMd dweua aevhmach feliciby dai letgge bd lisaution. The diacourat forma an elegant bd veil-iwatribute btis te memory cf His laie joey, ani to the exalteul poinciplea of titil and igiona liberty visici tise Houai oT Brunsvicks av ever ataintainei. A fev copies cf tise Ser- c art on sale at isa office, aise aI tise office cf te Chronicle sud Gazette, and ai Mi. Hardys oSk Store naetise Commcrcial Bank. Tha Antericau Congreas viii adjeum onet ils, having dont but libtle. Tise bill for an lsue fTreaaury note,, calîedth ie Sub-Tremsay sente, ta deferred 10 tise regulai semsien, snd tise arcapal measure cf tise pueent seussatis te bill 'paatpooung tise aext insalment cf lise surplus evenue 'titstise States untîl Janusry 1839. RESOLUTIONS & STATEMENT OF Tlit£ C014MERIAL BAIn. Il bas beois rcpreteaated liatterions sudupre- edentei embarrasmenit libkely ta resait ta lb riculturalndalcommercial cotmnit inla or tende of tise ackao'tIedged iaiiay cf tise S" ntitis Piovinee.tbo aford sny accommodins~ft rnlarly aI thia important perlid. Ilwu .t th. Rasaluticus cf Ibis bardicf tisa 241h OmUa' lad b. nov re-conaidered. Resolîci, Thet, protesticg against tise tiiricon ftion imposai by tise Execinlive as bath uonece iry andi nexpedient, tisis Board, trustimg usaI fIel iaure ta promote tht hset internats of tIhu Prov- ce, wiilho cluly appreciateul by tise public, r.- ride treim tiiresolution aof July ilut s. fui a spec ta bise coatinustice et Specit paymnts. Resoiveri, TiaItishe Bocard oaf Directors le lInn recindbng tiseir former resalubion, an fnhly mlive a tise importsace efthlie step tisey baie taken, bul aller matait deliheration they bave reeson ta ha- lie tisat neoeliser measure cf relief ca tessons bly ho expecteri Iikeîy tle enaisie this or amy nul isblitution in Ibis Province ta relieve dh ullUtil aunuity go long as apecie paynents are suspend- id bath in tise Utti tales and Lover Csnaia. Reselied, Tiset aller this day tbis ankuis cess to redeentils netes it specie, andit tai l Inatentent cf itsafaira ho Iransmiltei immediatelj a1h rellny, lai eder battdu Minute ih to unc l m y b lu d ta e mable Iis Institution to onti nnu 1.their bisimeaMg'ealy Ibthe Act of tbi hmt session et due Provincial Legielataire. las plaraanca of tise ahove Rlesolublons, the Banl soda application fer permission te suspend apeciq saymeal, under bise provisions of tht Statut. whicis application vas accampanaidhy s etatemnte ofth lieiirs et the Dank otf'thich tdu IlUo'ingi a ceai: i mi. S ta -4.e p (KINGSTON bmECANIC'8INSTITUTIOIS Govemen ina geuntail£100 vhihblu b.4 pastiy hl tin ha dM tjudicloas masmner ai *a dal lying set, asoccason equire, tisa <an I.m b suppliivuS hth i t vIole yeairmoud, atlas Ilu a coplper aisay,a muet vibam mmssoand u ni ut piai yt t demmniaeemlete m hissiteiamhwush il yearadu existeneoftisi isttution. Dol whisy, bai à lbien tisesthal lai heeofoérei, "monem, h5ev iferent vouli baie bien t] ece, ullimegI lIy imiienci la but cfsoit dut fion, living oaifinglodthii1, uBd nerviasg only a lyvineel te due aretued pamtons, viicis ranu only a a de"i veigo nlise intelleclual maci wtIentdu excitâtg pover ceaseste art. Butl h il a icunisin oft Snelge open te bise inhab"t cf Klegdton, here Sunvîtige cen ho flubai in laniance 'tlleulthe oriinasy expense alledil it, yet kf evy tev, in comparisme toduh bull Bepoaltion, pa:y iait. la order tbgi su linof its nagatiaudm its contents, il ve ha proper for mate rtate, tisut this ontant Conai Non. »d Repecies, the asnacent donation ni an iRight 1ev. isbop McDonel; "upv ctW f 9cfuothar apecies, cf a larger deacirli !r * M lon. Peter MeGi, besicles iavods4n und valioses ftheduHmi. J. Maa" a" im fin200 te M 0front other g- dgentlemen lovnand icontry, logetser 'tit seaseral baud mInerai and geiigical apecimens, 'tlaBa in Iunnae donation of the sanie description m smaiar institution at Montrent. 'roem, ktapi yulh pumrcaasmaioe by bseheint b. ovai met i:boob aid a splenadid pair of mlaa o. cmca pparut= dcai ly expleet, biseis à us band for <artSer puichases, ashdudomm crams. Ment Eitors cf this =rovnce ai <rm lise "lTerProvince, 'titI dueEdite, et Kasigmnansd Md Countryman et1New Tt geeiouly continue tiseir seleiln vssy, ready maie dishes, ta be tairezs 17 vet ail 1visen 'te fiel inciliaci; for aceas ebeha ttodatrou Imdyligst titi elgisIonuaim e cW *aaItul apper evidentbteevuey mn thai" fer imotlade, fIat b. vicmIlutpy des, for is vilAs," it heutiss a mai aid 9 Ien halasbu he natage ofli<laeumi1 camnsaI due mmofdu ettutis. ecem inas-s.vaisiktehl a ni acioslille genou bave lylle m-i Isatilule, <saldu N tubs plan ut BS Ma Obremiela leGasatis Be aieuiag 0< Tomai memblm ' w- tow-a odog@ nd ed, diu *ispe ia w *s ::.arkaSle puit sithis "ha 01d mi.iu sweku gi5.P -tedu--hargeof eyt muad etexa. ht lic aIIr U eigss CiTheaplslit Be io seh ut Nv Chayeu tram lbieu asa<a&àmont of ba *8 bWvssi, midu eqoastiOf t0 be UPps ass ascsiiai Aàdmna-his matktbulasbeau Pr ,isivi ta i slcwh un baye go le mmerelaji Il atis l îhi avonabl t IRIU p& y, lm. e CMMc &auSul 8 "h~ b.t exposea inithepuicTptof1.Sc tary.pulcr6eothsi A MMUIREi OF TUt: E l£HnencsI P. S. Sncb as wish te joib or Tene~ bi¶t .10 wilI have thse oppOntUnity o 0f d;,by . n t tiseMecisanie' omion onay een orfomm 7 o'Clock on Taenay bcfore thse bu. lie n o f th e m e e tin g c o m m e n c e s . . b . l c Thse fotâcomine oriener of lthe Christian g amtine? viilContain lte COrrespondence and Pl, ceedings of the Hon. Win. M -a gntbGe Britainl, of the Presbyteriars cogreîîam cf Vor... and Lower Canaeda, in conexion wnithte ChPPý cf Scotland. Tht e ravsie have nained W,; serve Io exoerate t1 sge Government fr Iblame as te sectaian partizanaip,îr al ce as te pasticular preference ; but they will a, 1ý sasse lme etiibt a painful picture ofpov, ind.cretion-We perceive that Sir Gesr1e G: and Mr. %tephefnlIy admit the Claire o th Prmyterian kdy te alaticipatbon in the C asc Fund, and bth these gentlemen diaîîý l a rtthat tise 57 Iectots vere estbll ileut thse hnoledge or 5utbcrty ofthe C4 n"aiDerment; indeed thelatter xrs,; at.ttheSecrtn cf State snd hirsicft. cour Executave, la coveyed le that italinrl! sentence.11c *W. believe that the clegy reserveeiý a u aülattotlb.decuaocf lb.Provincia L. textes, vil tthe gentlle hint that the Home G,, *ment doocetie tisaI hereails suffiien out$0t, in~ tse, Colonial Parliament te, seille it w d their interférence ; indeed if ne our , , c enugea internaI caetiont.oOr 'Mtî4e 1* x bbt et t IL icol s .a s ~ lie vould Yender ail as a c.naequence of Our sort of pro r. wold becmc grievancemougeos. -shortly rettothassutýert.-N.,w.ara( We are informed thai a uespatch Ilà as ceived fouethe Home Governmeont, bv [,;s re lency tise Lt. Governor, it which i* il it that, in future, ail public lands are to e - a dollar and a quarter, (or a dollar and a ;, i-inflorciant did flot recollect nisich) Per or , er meare, altisaugis it tnay cause ill feI,,.Z7: £t certain land-speculators, will lie hait,,, à-country et large as an earnest tisa:t teir istry ooly vînt tinseand lfair-pla% odo u, Il good voe sansd in necd of.-ili. le !y A remairi whicln fell from bM. Juswc t indurin- tht 1.1. Assizea iSetd for thi, ie coasJetrable attention ri thse ime, anc ,ý i of whicis deserves te te more gorrera!1ý ,lthait it presently is. When suît prîo' ie ieen ised t bail under recoznuzanc. S,':7. in court un due tortomd failed l jui.r ntgave strict inntons tb tie Crowri 01l'~ isthe proper teps te-proceed again> h r --rM fortise recovery cf their fefeitet i ;ii. tisat tise difficulty of ieersu'tisg fort. rîrd r f zances uviicis had litierto f xi>teli, iiri kn,y, " yjfleins5S te seauce honesi ucolos,inîîýr*, becooe their bail, in tise exî.ectaîioit Ib,t they iWoeit tisey vould ocrer lie ealled %ns-s puy thse secturities. To such a lengtîr had risý-n catried in ths Province, tiso thIe recourro a fofetbd recournizonreet in law 1longudce. cor n. covery of an estreat,) Sas hardly ever beern il of. Thie evil nad attaineil sueS a lenzh iI ti. tract tise notice el our Legisîsture, and thi- "Il ts.fore laI, an set was passrd to remervId tted "iAit Act for tise more conveirit irîrl Estreats." This ad5 nisacis rans a s the lrr I lias. IV. Cap. ]Ç. amoitg other provi>ions cis.ý that after thse montis of June now last P e. me Clark of Assize and Nisipriusai, It ih »'r y - e e d a y è a f r e h t a j o i t e t f t e ' r mae. . alistpoit oath of ail forfritrd recogivim amndud i wtùa a it of Fireri Faciles and (ci ss,ain, 40 teaetcaur se m, te thse S'i . 1 ; t 6uaG I sta rsisalSlesair'.j t «t o he Shirfit.c ocetul to leirod r-rn 'tqp'fee li frothlie pîsPerly cf the arcý giis.m este no pecpeuty can te fio[tý, làu taie tisebody of the aecurbty anlIo,' - 'rnv. i milisatisfactiona h. marie, or te Poto ui' cas»e bthse Conet for their biig dslatc Theésmeaeut protides fot a similar tuode of r" toiiore pnesIedîeery Justice of tise leno.Lt tiais te epersan enlering mu tise s.amec.rt* fyîuç ilise otiont cf bail gisen bli m anod ,ek catat ether vils tisetirne nd placei0 lu j boulli eapoar, acc.ordig1acg rz' ais. ccntusned int Iis statate. Tise operation of thins aet,- ne nrelmi gen.ally knoovetisat il t ise so9, wifllsss logerntManly characters fîos haeo bail i tisati fciiity they could Seretsfore Procure Il t I if they are uitdesrrving character;, til 'eohei N. it sisoul iehigw, sîthougla il may tend tr cocU bel the numlber of tise lamates of sur politriS1Ï nad gond natured mostoupon tiseir guard, ibm or go know, that itcasa cf those îthe yieccaf 5mow th for giving then tise slip, tisey viii bavertc pro ai- ai. W. May aidelier, that te et Ie te gtatute ntay un swattinstance$ OPenite in 'det lin ring front crime, (an abject ail lavu 09t Is' him lew as vel as ils p.aimelnU.) TIn eW ceh chascter, knwing hie canitot pentue haulWbi he ppsaran ge e euly as h.retofore masytli Min0Oaasaramc.-On Sunay the 24«h els ii, )rdintion vsubhdby theLo BitbtpCf leava ev ine gntileitmen verth*lnttid t 1a- iie'y jeotise 'Oràeusof DeacatsildPrie: 1Da Dzumoas-]r. y. j. Landy, S. C. L. dte mm« Mul e .CW"asee cboletdst id "abCity. 5 ~ ML F. G. 1111.1,foemsdy me of i et*' lise cdaI -5 -, Ch&mI ,à pisuss.-1 Rlat.;. 14. Rner , &i.. tiuQ mCal agehathe d eaiYO~04 1111 teavb al u b. FMsc1»9» taata UIC< % se1Ir. Mi. uaie l l er. Ni. lReocpis «e ,h il~tb#W - ~~ am . A l ait, Wt b fr 4(b gam i ]k s I it I. tise E ti h e in s asi se M810,v. 8. ceug. __(t, Oui Avxes î ,7ld -a1. titisrtîDit Tne foli,'taiIb ersoita cot gainQjLareeiiy, lwo nsOCrLarcny,oà- IdyotDl iPengtentaarY. gèle G edilh, tvayeam d ir cJfra.1JYack raigna fortI>Mi nelIsa Gor S . Jiarvis, 1Co Wt bave beaun favoureal b1 e Poet OilEce of tisatovit ptences paed lanlise Weat s lonor Ja4ge cLean Tiomne$ MOrgmni tlaS executi nlise 2b1hof pletlck Filiptricks, an l ice, undir tentyeaar-to 'October.J itbhs un tise enitentiery. George Wallen, o Yen esri, do. Atexanel r ottan, sàelant tara do. James WiIes Lafieas, a ' g-5 ytars do.-(lb.I 00ie ot thon. mensîrout Se Cw dqstMutklocse, gras cet sltosi, on Frissy Ilat, nae. mnmon hans! line, umessiarano lagth, ans! 'eistlinuç ts-elti tAngitg inu reatiy.-tab.1 *Tise Atizes for tii Distrie vtn'mg hat, efter edevaitda) ~tendace ofthtie Ceurt andt ~vit cases disposes! et fi e vienas easao 'te boiiee t ,îl ofeuafficient pta!aic impo. notice. Tise oeiy Ca s atatoftise nurder ilet s-hicS il givres in ouila. tJury iL Ibis case, s.ai U l tpn e"rdict ordsipaI tisac kso est daylof 'hicbhe y 'te aret u aopiseid te ne cf tbcntgvasgie appy te heuar, boveverc" at etf convawoeme. 1 ded, amd ilale lalai al Tise Nafflta and 91. John Septenhar, conlein li11h Tise fellaving illise icteut ntier, selleua ai vu quiet lise 27tb_ September and 1 ennelbec Roui, alateistht trnoçpiteroaMNains. Ts% est False vie i. expi raderacton w'thedu ouerl "WoiotckSeptimber 1 re temetiocdai lII Iv #. nee t . er vaY b are. Th" Oarrvai bsas et Splia. IbeW apW l el araparn ité bu flaUs,-tbe athée PI. Zgealtou rmaise "À amlmu rans st. Puse-sOnithe SIlbai" iailtaX." «We usanfls ithal Hi ey, aMimiiele Mil lIspace. He la capec he iellIof Indictmvent 'Y aint HnryJeanni, dertaiti, groundes! upon lelfcer living exactes!ý esy ia ber office of C il'nstein, repos Iheir jat; 'a gsads ihate wusteitiere Under thise alii hicS regulateis traie n. % s, t il ail, erovîcleal6-1 gr ltiste Coîhectar or ( iblow ihichr ceal ani te* exhmili isy conpalana a»a ppoW Wbs ly thse lue et nueis god-.U trac and teul Vaine bte" imposes! by dise ordiitgy. Sucis valga" inla-t Itn,'- bel! amid deli nios nnie b4heGaie. uts! il unisa hevaluation lndictrnenî baube-n fou F-..tht. v. . s -WIM - - -M-1 -,r ý BY the lew. W.ýslé uwmd " Ptuidem fý M bu&% in xe mesme Ë*Obko*t ef Weikýym Me#*Ed GWeZe in " Pwrim.