.9-% , X 'e mi -mi ulm Vl. si bitlle" b -o sual au.p beicwed upseau ci- - obot"& sue»d te ipire. wilà the , ' Vo lume me 1 -pes, leemumem fin pimilesim dMth* noyaislenioled "lThTirs rie ln th Lutf. e W.mraW" bu reemliy hm eJuhbd il YEi4ahePLBSmit, sn asiha- 0% amcmemchbes heh igare jibisw Wetbave beft skelcbdby à eely mind;iseat du n" wUb àla clcotat c eimrm eethe Ider% MWi, 1làs.eb'to, iwhite i la pbUcecpMlaa in lu by, mi pactialy mnease tbt modiisum b? happlws pertaii te or eatly pilgrimage. I comatslthes, lhe ton uidely ibeeminated; and ore felstilie, ibal ur frirads mbeu thry bave rei dail a dmit me have <trnd iaclh fer thrir advantage sMd eetaimmentL Ai Ilà1impassible tW pasu a lcm mmii ly yaethez meansequslty cbe&pand a s lirche. ueery Su lesta s iteret, ve emouti nmeery intimatio by libanieshopro- pose, te trabocrib, ln osrer flou oms msy tike off a rAdrient »tomber et copies te prevent dap- pointaient. J"tna Septenaber 16, 1837. E.Montreal daty, for the vemote ni eu et an Dollaus fer Samu, M aausca- Stum11foatie. fl n sceri r, ma*h bomber. If -a ma te alol'ut-maises> uadition- pktgr. Tbwo,suhnrers rcidis in tise mmml ïWane pawtsl<tme Caam&"uharee PMil Offte Mu estAblhabea, bave the MÔresis5À Courir, fre of ail <bu,8ra, fer leu titan diree hall pence each eamber. 1I-gres thei ltest new", loreice & do- meuite, aeekly Prires Current, csrefully cot- rectei, accouileal with geseral cbervaion3 on il. gdale sud fluations of the. Markets; and du- ring thetsea on avgatien, th arrivait and de- part.res t the ports f Moutreal andt Quehec, te- = be ith th pariulars of th cargoes of the reel traders. Toit Mosauso CouILERr« 111F .CoUTv iaS l paslisbed on Moudays and Tliuasan contains ail th readieg mater of lthe daiy paper, inelding commfercial and shipping intelligence. Smberition, Four Dolas per ennuem in town, and Pite Dollars if senl hy mail, payab.'ein ad- Vente. TOROINTO LITERARY CLUB PATROiN, lms Exatrufs~Sr Frracis Bond Heaid, YUNETORONTO LITER.4RY CLUB mill EmmerdWa PRIZE of BOOKS of lie value f £12 Cutrency, for lthe aet on thie follwing subject: How fatri thlimeUeralure of a Nation îelluenced by an" indebteat te, lie eary sulperstîtionscf lie e~ Chief Jusice, lie Ice Chancellor, (thme Presideel cf lie Society,) and tise Archdeccn of Yod, have consenete at a ssa Commilte te ex- amine lto the menit, f the candidate Essaya. Thme Essaya te bc focwarded (if by ,t, lie postage te liepala t,)tethe Sececlry foIr. Club, on or hefoers thetho f December mx.. £*ch Esay s te he secompanied iy a sealed .osharieg tatusine cftIbmauthor snd a mtte comespcd'ag te liaI alie ig tbe £say, which note aviU lot h0peed excepljenlie case f lie au OssfihEa b i iail belnr .The metefutessy t tbm rperety cf lttSociety. B order of lie Torouto Litelry Club. JOSEPH SPETHLEE, Secretary. Chaim Rom, TmeoeoJue.12% 1837. fddiW-inthévillage cf Bae ne .District cf C'nie, U. C. TO MguCHATS, L. Of Tomt, linloe NisgzDanda, Beams- ville, Brantford, NewMsrk t, Yonge Striet, Preston, Geelph, St. Catiminiet, Markham,Galt, Chispliea, and Stoufyllle, U. C. as ab of Mon- 11PINE Piopietar of Ibm CANADA MUSEUM, JL(s Germoan Newpsr-and lie olce pablishtd la Britli4b North. Ameuta,> hmgs kaî, nom cpcf Illyta itimatsebMerelasitl, &., lattw SEMcireubites freely smoiag Uie Geussenhabitauta in or near 5&1 the aboie places; mrilitairseeil saveradvantageous mediumi thtouçh ublis te avertise their Stock of Gomat, Tisonse ô, Ânvmsiusmo.-1. Adverllsemnets et o " jas M osinstted Ire mccii fori dol- ola.- ;mire. lethe sane proportion: aMd1 slssU~e~tSpeSe, euy a square, for -nchit i nsv thtAnI2 incelr B U wey. 8 dollars pet square, with the pvgdta slieratlo or addition every moth thnuo th e 7emr; povideat anch ateratio or aditin dcci uetexcecat hal( a eIure--Mherwise au exma charge milb made f 7à for every anch alditto. e> Orle. s "nl t y zoziMust 6e l'est Paid- .l-feil te Hl. W. PETERSON, PRESTON, Gou Diacyi, VperCanada. C7>Thmep'ce df lime Mueum s .bt 3dollars liceannum--paustage incloded-Payment st- quied ie sdvance. jole MgSb, 187. ¶'II VILLAGE or THOROLD ocuples balla aL ides o tise munîie uWIeor umil tlevel of Ibm Wellaned Cealsa, 3M0 lectsiorrelise levai at ILla Otaio, seat la kiautabbc pwmulirip A- Tin > Mrerasauin menia lits me*d;adit staud ile bmenrof a fruel an -euL4àWed mitcoeunr,, in adirect lime between the City of tbe FanssuanalS. Cathanea, an npA*y ham il jsogrcased, 16.1il nom mm ü Ian 4W0 mouléeitwa Cisrtiea iIomu,Pss=office, seversl gucat Shli ansdsa Me- dcal st-slsmsess - extensive fou mi n a Nee aid fouzr 5îweuiI, ala ithm ailLs, ý Clm' ,Sh.ekere'. ConMae'g1Tallos', etve" w liiTradesmcu's estblamtnt, are et full mrk. A mcm Cading ad Fuiiiug Miil, satd Grist sai, amre&ealreidy for marirad a greal numier of addiionl hoea m e srcos Tbere-àa a direct cemMnnecaticas ta LaIe Ota- rio, ai Laie Eie, y a cnstant succeuicaiof ScisoceeunaJ Boms, shsedlg est sdvanags %thie coascyace of nercismadaxe ami aguiculu- rd produce to digèrent marieti. Ise mater bus a f&U o Mry fera, andl pommr a tam extenl eqeal to propeling mchimiey for am sntstafnug par- pose for wmiacitdipUle miiaas cm bc lia. A godTannery coml<be woed te greabsdvantages h.u eng 5an ily eltaind fn e iaforis of Chippwa ad theGondlver. Mim ms sil ti n scaXhiag lb. attention f Manctanu cnmm d ïMeebaula t talaisiug Vil- lag%, effets te mon monte veryazdvaabpeua Lots, eumaaeeyltenu, ma Ic.g udîit a actua el - GEORGE KFEFEJL Timmi'cla, bhc, 1l3&. en PRIVA TE BOA RDINtdG H OU SL fENALMIN OCT va ab at e d 01 uiefGrève & t$Stretlti> orccplea bj COL. ly, lm?. h»ca ranuaLO E. Crma *Lmimbead Cicrg se »W by 'public Anctice. The tisa sale »aie lifur -For Crome Lands, an. q? mouey diand lie remmit Anes d'salnnts, ilS int stalment asil b eaotmes due-] one-leuls of tht Pecmae Me remnaaader in inie ual A nc laabemalupon eatim aimaimeat Thse 5151 iiastalaemt, li nca tîla Office maille teerteen da, $ale, otimcnsc lie sale id remaiieg lestamearte moll be Iually paid as tiey become ai Scieduias of lheiapotic1 escit Township, 1pcuVing a have lae pnnt"ed, sai il Court-homse, aIlimhe Offices1 Peare snd SieriLat in uth ces an ecri Disal: they wm aiffe caent Pont Masters, sann appicationan thlie Couasicut or in a y cf thee mder-mnenlic Tise tintes anal placea lot Lands anada Clecgy Reserve-, year, nl6e ase follomo,: WESTERN DIS In the Connty of Keas-rAt( JuIy, 15th Augna, 151h S ber, sad 151h Novenribr. lau the Coity af Essex-AI July, Zlît August, 3016 S be, anai 3ti Novemnber.» Reýf.eecamay le mae. le le, diai .1Claua. I-rfrie ralà. LONDON DS" Ie the Counly of Nofok-i Jalv lt Au7tt, 'Ft Septen lst Noremb(r. Iu lie Crunty cf Oxfor -A 5t1 ly, tim Augus, 5t16 ber, ad 6tim Novenaime. In lie Counîy cf Midalloacxa l()'.hlly, ltitAugust, I Oteier, satd 10h Novemb C(5RE AND NIAGAR2 ,il Hamilton, on the fst diii> tember, 2dI Octoier, and Is HOME DISI In the County f York-AtbI on th, lotla JuIy, 101h Ang 101h Octoler, anal 10th NO' Ie lie Cocnly of Simicoe-Al on te 151h JlI>, 151h Atq l6tim Octoier, amdr1t SiNo NEWCASTLEi. At Pcircagl, on tise ilt 1tth Septenrber, 1516 Octo ber. diblg a Peacrboaghcî. foc tard MIDLAND Dl' Irthlie County crI Hasingi-- tville, oaa lhe 101h Jul>, 1(1l frumter, ltit October, anc lu timeCunty of Lenaxmad ose, on thc 151h unly, utl tember, 161hOCetaber, ana Ie tie Conty of Frontenac- 2li1 Juiy, tîsI Aus, 2 Ortobe, satd21st Neveni PRINCE EDWARI AI Pkcan, an lie 121h dl, Septeaiher, 121h Octoberai JOHNSTOWN I le bthe Cnay of Leds--.A Jly, l0m Autut, 111thS bo, ma" JMh SNotremben. luslie Ceuni>' f Grenville- 1 St Ji*, 151h A ugus,1 Otaale, mdsi 151h Ncveml BATH4URST DI In lie Conoly cf Calton-À 151h duly, 151h Augtt, October, satd 151h Nevern lu lie Counly cf Lanrk-J Ici>', 2lat Angust, 21t . beieat 2,1Noromber. OTTAWA DIS Ias the Ccunty of Risell-A dly, 151h Augl, 15t1 ber, and 151h November. le lie Ccun.y aI Prescott- 21st Jily, 21s1 August, 21,t lotter, and 2glu Novemier. rEASTERIN DV le the Cart, cf Bondai- 151h lI>, 151h Augua,1 October, and lth15Noves Ias lie Counties of Storman Céovumaten the 21t t Septenthe, tisI Octoiset C:. .Edtors o Ncsr.papf owear, maV ac eJuua i ar fora> doinsg, as aell as fc th ture Adtrs'tsemens irepaira Depaontrat. TO DRY GOOD M THRE SUBSCRIBER b Eha liaie ibas received1 via. Neork, onevoici o ses, Manchester and Glsg DRY G< bhc hapes ill po ucr merOrte ket to h. dîspemialof y bisyae aaelection ofCLo' iiinl iemeelves mell, A fsrther notificai Kingston, Ney 251h, 18 À"l Offc, lo, Ith lJe, 187. g> eavea casa cly itier naice, iii Le marter eflimahebsach uder le Ire equel iteret epon ecrlinm For Ciergy Reverves soney doma, adthe lu.l Istalmeels, mith nt Asu il ecames due. ýatbe palal intc 1J a faons thc day of id.b fofcted.-T. >e requireal tehbe pent- lue. ar Ltsl to he saaîd ie 1119 lie pluct of sale, Il 6e put ep At lthe i1 oftheCierk .oflie then corupicamuspIs. rili be formardedltalie rny sîso 6e imal upous ner fort Crowu Leds, ouseatAgents. r te satle of Crome g, uring lie prisent [STRICT. Chahlam, on the 151h eptember, 1615 Octo- Saandwicf, on lie 3sto Sepleanler, ISlt Octo' 1 r ms A. resi- THE ;9"te CANADA HERALD--TuESDAY, OCTmg le1, ARRNGENUMEN7 011037. G]REAt'BRITAIN &UNITIED STATES, C APTAIN -Wi&ITNiET, CAPTAIN VAS CLEVE. ceus11G ystmevms noING %;, LEAVLS -ractt.........-Tts y'Evening, Odensmurga, ............. S;uusdy ahîerecan, Bmocvile.............. do do. Kingston,.............Moa m i esc, Kingston,............ Wedsesalay foreecon, Sacket's IHarbor,... ....aie. Nomn, Ommego,............... do. do. Cmme ................ do. Eveasieg, Color.........TimrtayMcruing ehesen...............Tucsday a0o"99f Poil Hope,...............do do. ,Torontoy..................do. eveusirng, Toronto,. ............Friday, udo. i Andar sivea aet oungstomu mMd Lemmebomaseaniy Andl arrives et Niagara, Quecanson, and Lemi-ton, o. Wieday Moening. the flane morraing. itoManG DONmn, LILAVEZ ceaaro owe ucnt iLemistcu,. ...........Wdnesaaly, aI 7 P. M. I.emislons.............Saturd'ay, aI -2, P. M.-i ouegtowa .............de, do. NTarono,.... .......t. 3 .M. Rcme. ..........Thucsday mocning, Toono.........du. 10, Night,i Omweg,................ do. Eveeing, Port Hope ............. Sunday Sîorning,, Sackiita Haramr......... do. Night, Ceocurg ...............ae do. de. inugston,......Fria'mra . Osmegny .................do. Niglit, IAed arres at Ogdenshurgh moafterutou. K'angi..........mondiay orming, roivlle ...............do 0Non, And arrives at Prescotlsane aflecason. I Passengers leasieg Montres] eu Monday,mwill arrive at Piescett in lime te laite the GsREATBauvtaiN on Taaesday eveuing. and passengrn leaorsg Moaclen Frida>', mili be enableai bo lake tit i nrD STAT&s cat Sunday. Tite Steatu Boat DolphdnlIcaves Prestontevery inrorning <Sundays exceped) fr te bead ftmt'Losg SaulI Rapidis, anal Pimcasgera arnive in %lontreailimteame eveninz. Every information reapecling lime siove Boats, rao tae oLrt.tbnrd h1vnptlving ns follome-- Mlesi. MAateaaEaco & Ciairi, Monîccal; Lake Ontario Steamn Bout 0111ce, at Prmncott -,; a. Joi CoCNavRa, Kingston; »Mn. kosmav CocLKy, Steani Beat Aget, Owe&o ; anad Mr. J&itas BaomN,ar Toronto. AMIhtggage et lime nisk cfthIe omners, unles bookedais freigmt. blay 'i. TRICT. 1837. 1837. AtlSirceoe linte ist mier, 2d October, andai MMs DuqWam (D. -At BlandfoI,on lthe September, bh Oclo- S TEA3M-BOA T %-AtI»nmo thic,,e e THE STEAM BOAT N B I 1> A lltm Seplember, 10160 N l1 )A iber. COMMUODORE Baas=N, C APT A iN A. SMIaTHa, A DISTRICTS. CAF1raina JACOS amuC"3MilaILL rnsdurang lime seasac cf navigation, ,Isl Augue, lI Sep- f'I11ff-mli tried Sea Boat imving hein cimr- W litmeeta Ctcdeaastarg*anal LeetIaouach- Ist Novemime. - lrcatby:time lon. iJiohn amniion anal Jacob ing aI tht intermeallate portes îoilio"s: Herchmer, and hîveog undergona a tiiorugiten- UPVs RDS. rRICT. pir, wiîî riuing the stasneoc navigation pv re- aves Ogderrýbriogi every Tiunsalay evening, ihc Cty of Tgrnto, guanyi>'Iie a meek laeltwecn Kington and* To- " ing ton, . Fridayn mornn, agut, 1IlliSePteanber, ronlo, tnucimng at the underueentionrdl ports dira Sakets-hcnlOTr, " norme At thae 'Joson of Barrie, tPWARoS. adi oheae, Satorda>' moring, gea, lîhSepcmbLaves Kings.ton eîîare Moeda>' and T «nd : r oucr, s ee'r evember. eveoings nt b oclock. arrivîng at LewsittonceSonida>'mrang DISTRICT. di Coboorg evecr TuesaadeatFriais>' mr- DOWNIVARDS. [t uy8hAgs, niegseta 6 ocdock. Lettres Lcmitto, even>' Monda>' evenlng, li dl>, ti Aa dia Pont IHope ever>' Taesday ad Friday d" Rochester, Tuesaa> mamaing. cher, andt 7th Novean. moreingial a 7 o'cicck. ai Oswego, e vening, Wimilbyevery rFnesday said Frida>' Id Sackel-lHrbon, " aigit, e.M palEsqceai- mornings nt Il o'clork. '- 61 ingarera, WednmÀay moroiug, theinlasssiss. Dnsw,,lras arivieg aet Oenasbrngh lus the aflerusdoz, cucla- STRICT. evsTrno-e u,,dî t12 o'cloclc, *ua aI 'Mirristown, BrockvilliAlexandieay>, -Atiaevewn Toroonigto cveary 9TAeds a Fach Creek andi Niagara, on thme upmardansd -t tht Teti of elle- c i rimt- Sat.arda 9 A.M litAuglat lîit ep- aa Whilby every WedeesdeyaI6A at ow 6 psae i lOti November. Smlrday 1 P. M 011,Forfieigmt or passage appiy ta Ibemamter 5 *'sipo-A ap Port Hope every %Weabaeday 10 A. M E. B.omrale,o lit uÎn, 151h Sep- Saturaiay 5 P. MUiiinh i 151 ovember. Cobourg eveny Wednesday Il A. M. t Ihite & Houker, ........... Mofriatouas ý-At Kùsgittc,en tIse Satorda>' 6 P. MI.&S. ae ...... ...ncvie 2181; Septenfiher, 2lit llAuBggsgc and al scelse t th is miof the amas- IJohnV.ouner &..........A.lKngstnay, aber. ers uilesa loic edat peli forSrih 0e . usatn D DISTRICT. Eceigimî payable on aeliven>', andnou creatt for W & Mckeaee...i..........Frcim Ct-Hrci, y, 121h Augua, 121h Pasages'.Henry iey..........Sek t-Hals mad 11h Navember, L Kin. I mg l. iter tiuo ...........i eo, Jamso wnr& C.............. Tronet, 3ISTRICT. 'iTMBRINGS OMETUINGNVEIVJames Bowu.........oono tl Bqcnly, on the 1016Jme ochrl....... Nipa Sépterberý I Octt FeLlom, & Rural ...........Lewlatoe, Septeber, Ota Oto-My the shore arrangement lie Oaeida ii isy . -t emptrlle o th ovin two days at L.cwislasn, sli'oraliag pameegeis -AIt Keptril, a 1t U rpitr fteMA1L8TAGES an cppertunty of vistaeg Niagara FaIts, sad re 151hr Stebr165 EPrpreiacthMALS AGEs, turnaug h1. e e a, satdpaaing tlinter- simîr. ~ J Ebave commenced a nanig the ii l ima> faig senery on the River St. Lawrence aune ISTICT. .. edndays extepted,) Iroan RINGSTN lm a ie -At Richmndsa, on lthe TO <N7OM_____________ 15th epteber,16th Greiloiere liashee taken b>' tie Proprietom aibo jIS SA E ch eierr tim-pluvialelthe best of Horses sad coniforabli Carria-, A AI PerthAo, atise 211 c; ndmone buttcarilul anal civil arivere wili IN THE -DISTRICT COT.ii ,Septeunle, 21 Ocla- ep cyde the oute, lie>'caa saflypjrcmase 'JILL BE SOLID st the Court IHomnssthe thtvr, attention ilbepull bte cif rt nd!W own cf Kingotos, on Saturdaytlie 21s1 accomnuoaice c f Peasingers. 1 day cf Octelser Dnts, the foliowieg tandi, beloasg- [STRICT. Wtsanful for paraI favoua,tlaîy el>' cas lie pub- i ing ta John Ratter anal Heer>' Avenull, seized la> -AlBptoms,oneasI 11hlietspiriloflimclr patrona for a tontinaetion ofliat virtale 0asn eenution isned t ocf thme Disrict September, l6limOcto- patroaage,mhitimlhey heleve thry onamstta expect. Ccurt cf lime Midianri Disriat, at thesmil-of Clf- Fanrehough .............£2n 1o§. lieusH. McCollens, v'z:-West hall Let No. 28, -AI Cornésa7u, ou the Frore Tonsao to Trent, W. WELLER. 3id concessioan cf Adoipimastcn; Lot lb. 46, th t Septenther, tîsI Oc- tFaon Kingstom tc Do. R. MUNRO. concession 'cof Casuden, sad Lot No. 49, $tb co- -puldetoaa. cession cf Cs.nden. Scie at12 o'ci«oeon. iISTRICT. Bellevile, lie. 14, 1836. Alilpensoos aimmn8 rîime againsl the a'savc land N. B. AilBlegrsge atIch rici cf lthe owmer, or an>' part thereol, are aequested ta prienteullm &-At Metida, on lie uaesabaokedasauapaid for. M5 ainCae te me on cr belote the dey ai ame. 151h getemher, 16tim JOHN MaLEAN, lober. -SHERIFF'8 'NAL.E..»Làte Seiff Mid. Dizt. Mt ad lngfy-At IN THIO lSRCTCOOIT. r Slaeiff'm ffcse,ing"lm, 1116 Joli>, 1837. July,2s Ang 21,st XILL BE SOLD et the Cenait Homu te 1e _ ____________ r, and 2lctN;ovensher. WV Toneno Kinggatc,on SM5 ytmilqe 21Wl SHERIFF'S SALE. s'a~ ~ ~ ~~e ratin eiai sof Octobernet, lie folain Lsads, heloeig: mvnmnss vct? en rqWe ta nset th i a GergeBelley, seizeai iy ie o xesuTM i"CTcr W~itt~ telfr Csasi tione aueal ot f teisetlarct Court ai 'lIMi&l-i W IUJLL BE SOL» st the Coud lHeuse, lun the -ta bcniasc ,t u- lanDistrict, et tIc saitofI ol umns Gune, iz t- W -Town cf inguston, an Saturday the 21.4 ratb eecubisea bt4s LaI No. 18, East aide Great Cataraqu%, ulsbsagh. ýam>'f Octeher next, thme folloing Lands, belong- . . ULL VN. Sale et112 a'loci, noin. ing la John Remet, seimmat by viitue aflan execu- ILB.SLLVA.Al pesona iaving claime.sgaimsst h borie smlanal lien imsea out of lie Disrict Court aI tIc .idiaud or Roy' parItisereof, are requemtea laentalthe District, et the suit of Abrahamu Trax, viz t-50 UERC- ANTS. saineta me on orbelote tlime y of Samle. Acres. parlaof Lot No.13,ileodnceaicete.gh. egate .'flim TraleJOHN McLEAN, horcugh. Sale aI 12 a'tlock, noce. hy he stMke hie ,Late Sherilfi Na. Past. Ait pensoos having laime. apanI1the abri el )fim 1e1a m ii, Sheriff's Office, K'ngom, 111th July, 187. or an>' pertt hareof, are requembeal-ta planent Ibm fTmry Bales sad C- "me__ __ _ __ _ __ _ tela me me r befouethe dy04e 0ow SIIERIPF'S -SAlLE-. JOIHN éLEAN, P O D Sl, - su DIS RIC ITaol. - 1 tlcSheif Mid.. Blet 1--M. ..U TLL BE SOLD at t6e Court Homue lu th iI Shicf's nm~mtu,Iluth July, 1837. 1r h. l cas- 1orn-e 1 s9 *r9 cd empeI~slis aem- pomi. Âafùm io.aad a ce Staple food%, huyim eameL a8 Wl . r NOTICE, T Eunalersigne, t lie 804 citation of u'any ha ein inalucca tas e, an counection wthlaun eminent Merchant ilu bi ant eAevucv Ad, folr tise trmaucm e fcl ~ens ce NewmYork, that msy h.e etrumte t lensd mieb, eI s yenv kW ouae, m Iile pýeet.eatml ae t"siy ea =dispalch.Lý e " . _ =po =bavla aucuavisaece, sddreucl ta fàasunderulgmced, et 160~ ~ ~ ~~~' lIas tetle ow iâ bh.imuediate- 17 Iquciu u.TROMASjHAR.NDCOC & Co. New aor,QttisApil, 1 TI 948 ~a keu remarIa mm Emienale tee l-%. 15pmessa ais> aI October nect, tae Iolioieg Lsuda, lelcug- VLAL jPRYFRSL iig ta HerBrai, seizeat la>'vialue ocan exece- lu'Nu£'romu or mxIi mmLvL Z, au TUaE lion hantai ot cf the District Canal of1the Md-,. NE W DIS7TRUCT OFHASTING S. landl District, etth1e suil af Peler Bras, Vie :-LtlusîSletaroen rSlebsvvle No. 5, West ide GrealC&ataaqui, Kingstn.ae. VfESbcibroi f Salebi eyvn- aI 12 o'cloti, acona. - abrr bsa bl Property, touulaliug cf .tle Walen Pivi- Ailpersons aisigclimi m abwelnd1legm-To- t-vera golDueliHouse or su>' part liereof, are rqthlime maîh a uelcuitivaleal Faim-a acu Stu Mifii -sme tatae on or belone rie , the twoa Antstoies built of Stese intendeai for a Floring MIIaStone Building cntaleacgia IIhtnfMl'd riTp Hammîr sud Forges,, tIes anal 015crosa- SheriKf's Office, Xiusgutn, fllUuy, iUn. chiner>' propelliai la>'Water. ScierI Hundreal#àcrus of Lana, itméetinimvani W. DAWE,oui Paa cf the Paaviner. fibemubole ors .se SOLICITRu inte Higis CourItfoCa. cera(1aiii h.Solai or Ltsscal se accomroisaglterms 95 lad> iaving hern amitteal a *ciitar la Mllwigisli, Carpeu, edotherbiohimies amili be Coetl . laae7of Ibisml'an me. ao- Aidtia favourahie mlporluit te lemme pas: utucealpice eluKngitom. ciaec cf Tome Lots, Le. as taey ii lave the xiuatnluly 22d, 1837-_pref ?ern'um semplolepuy farnlIc.. For _______________________________ ete*peoielans, apey>, if b>' letter (poil pid) NOTICE. t ~thie Prpltor. T l$bieinluaddition te is penenct l'lePreact>'ile mioUl>'uiacmbeei, and in- im to tdispnlable title i miish. ace.. »LýY 00 ) 8,TROUAS COLEMAN. as ~ ~ ~ ~ wd receQeals>isicev il 1 2munaueaun &pb lc e a.m 1 ==k =WWU .mrsof at 6w .Klm~, Ma>' S, UIT. È AJSA Lot ma âtie mcm u*s Mami f*me. W12 wiN=emmeoký m lo x i i ut ,Sl& liANTE» mait* mequiemitI liatllppe ed Ts steiafctem e isll lt gvea. Apply ta Lago ais, 11.>, lu?. M7 WOOL WANTEDI1 c AS P k cub ied l inah s. Wsty àl ms.qu, dl> lefagt mmm. fai Tenm i I Uums s)ag me dl twke av miLim1àmls.W. à C. W&Y li, l7.tin« m'on 4»fm M Ml =ýIm M c t (t - .4' «4- WILLAM J. DARLEY, I S&DEa ' » FETFULLY iv b is friteds andl tie puhle, ise bu opnid an ALCTO BOOM and LAND AGENCY, in ii', lturld- IN Stce ~et, here lay punctuaiity and attelI aze ie o ot fteCmeca eon mlftuc ' îh r te , "erid, teteinterreal, cf bis employer,b hiesito mecti fule e ' , a sésire cflime public patronage. ~.t a. Deeda, Memorals, &c. drswn avith aczuracy ruru tr otIc sb on c csmoderale terras. SI ian, 2911 May, 1837.9.- COLLIN@, HAINES, &CO CONMiCIAL BUILDINGS, $TOR£ aTajîT, R:.1JKKINGSTON, 1 AVINGtakenlieh~e rmises lalely ortpied Il R .Il ER L >hIÎby Mr. brahim ll bel; have t e ES10It qcot tierfrieuds endthe public genemally, limat -" ' t 1, hey have re-opericathlie above premri a, ndinow e h cficrorW saie a eholce and wmdl selected assooent- r ament of seambasble '"tr,î » R ti O O O » S, Une rdeuc lIn ri. t ', CH.&Co. concrive lit necalier here te enu- kn-î merate earh article, suffire il to say liaI aant' " "* every thieg je the above line wilili6e ke1rt con- saty on ansd, and lis they purpose.çeln,- for Is1: ready pay, timeir prires moiilbe remsonatrly Lcw. IM . AN A500NTUENT Or UIV h..lýI ljtIIIsl JUST RECEIVED. aCrtrt;ni tt, i Kingston, 16th June, 1837. 945 llv.~' .it.lIIt . notice. U lESUBSCIRIBER is n0w rnCeiiig ma-i \- 1 I, T peniuacbaisen.pected stock oft i n J",jo., ZD M T (a l'~ O TuE IE 71'I Il' Il remi,rimes an part bestWrst nfrEogltrnd CLOTIIS, rtî Double Malleat Caisimeran, Barragans, FAn 'v lie- Y'lî u~'t vert-ens, Silk, cliet il, CLaninets, andi F et, Il. llT~4 Clotho lfor surmmer waro; an at s lert11- ..i *, ' t SIERY, printeidColtons arîriCali oes. IL s "q~ lj.c..,f' on band a viil assort-ri Site,kli: I GROCERIES, WINES rts. ~CROcK- D -,:. 29. 1,,:, ERY AND GLX ' at.I I lIN tî il] cf wbichiilî 6e solal low lor Cish,or ppcovel .] RS 1e ntes at 'boit Iatrç. oft tese CIlr,ltti, The SulI'seîiber has alco for sae .seasneeaiOak CUE c& Jet. ws Il'.t. and Pine Titber, aqntaty cf acrap Iron, olai Pr(ipritttc. are , rtt.',. Spikes, anrd Sheel l..ad, mhiimlhe mii dispose Of %viltics C th,% nitLIqual, i low, sud un gond terni&. 1muioh Iwer itet t C tl.aý,lI Kingston, lI July, 1837. 957 l.tatutt ,tar r fttt F0OR S ALE , Pritîrs ntliehIt . w u . U Y the Subarritrer, 300 a107. VER' tUe* andtitîti wtI ttt'tittor t' ~MRIOR DUBLIN FI'OTER, ?attlkularh cý :n.tt terClt ut. t. ta cornîded for SilecunBoat use. W Nhnlenalz ice 'tt TI; s h IFr m 10. per der. ~'o tt' v adt nit, in q mb S - i lit(I, abute, Anti ttî u, ,,, , A cmoice selectison fGentlrrien's Londion %M.de Il otth le In p- Il 'l 'WEABING APPAIIEL, Consistinz ofDress ArFrcick Coala, Suimaler Pari- K 1s ;î'rtr l &N I14Nrr Waoons, Veste,dit. &c. NI A C Il 1) A -NI 1 Z El1) 1112D Theme will h. disposed fai I bmprices. RSNOKi JOHN H. GREER. YHSWIK~ unr.rrt Kingston, May 9Zth, 1837.- PLIO1< 1h nti t nâ r MAPS FOR SALE, UKt. i f tuc, Sir, i ur, T tîhe Ciemoirle anat Gazette office, Maps of KuetrNa :,î: A thlie Midlanat andl Prince Edward Districts, ORTO 1U. C., rompremending s tract cf Country ut from OIT0 I N lX 80 lo go miles in lengtm, leinq frot rierrGanano- T E is itr't., .tha i,, r m que, in lie cSuty cf Leeds, tei Brighton ile eah pnt itrtttr îi.o I.to couualyrof Nrthumberlansd, sheime eonea OO ew ltir da cf Junlet , tlt. .ian. Ir the dhtfa.rent Townshmips, Concesins, said Lots or *0"îil e ante laYI, tht 1! erthe kr both aides of lthe interesting andt pictueeque Bay wiall l eed, ai ýNu. 5, t.(ltq, oereto olQeinte, mt Lanssai fot suemasedin the Province. Law Seit 1>'sBuIt.,ahe puettan Kingsten, Septenmen, 1836. 6e ree ireriand itii, d, nd ithe ne. cour. l.o tarirai lhrtcon. Oirtt'(, fleou, lu i ti $'LAST CALLI! r0m 4S the selascriber is nw m om iII iealth prevee. NW. B.-The uttn , iwCttu, i A teat Irom eruand thm countr'y tocoltert, lbe necessz co for cbrlttw tLnIei, intri. r la. reques the i n ebted la hmblientCal iisost auci nfa suÏit rap tthaIbe h il Zrtu5ae prepareate delay, and settie Iheir respective acceunla, sad are nnw ji nc.re cf pultintin aItlt the llaeremy mave the accumulaicon f.uficsillce. BENJAMIN OLCOTT. Kingston, 241h Jan. 1837. FOR SALE OR l'O LE"f. ][NFORMATION la maled of JAMES MUL- A strOhlfof it. 1rut. ith, I LEN-aative ofîbe paxeim iof Abenîce, can- ahi1, orl'igtbrh jil tyoDerry, 'IreWuad. lie seriveal at Quchec iea te ntoieje R e cear 1831, andl laua etsrcidieg since limaI William Fergulicon, ai.o tirai prtrunoai ie.%I, ,,me soanemimere in Uisper Cànada. $b" lahie r>aRterve,reing about 30 a cces.ased 4a th, set tiianotice, he mmiH pieae comnicate miim uance Depatmn t i ounlLigit' itu o isi Moîber andt Slsler,at prisent tealding le Mon-inpseioofjm5,Ip. AV,%L e r ossmgm he'Offic of the Mo'sstng Courwier. a eissro tmes l)riop. IRRIilI ltEditors in Upper Csanada mil pieuse Cive thes Kin&7,ern, Ctth Jrttnîcy 1837. ,abattre sn insertion. y Montrnt, lune t12.C.1PS APSU. TAXlE NOTICE. L. GREENE &C&,lllcule ami Y HEsultecriberla'u s cL AsE 115 Acres of a aur Siore, and (Cap ?alausfctnr.v.Na, LVAND in WKST ioauassovc,, NO- 18 in St. Paul.Sirert, a few auen Seutl ni th'irl lime 616 Concession. Wimoever mishes la rbhîse r %tour, on the' oppesate mile cf the S itI plesse <aHlone lis agent Mr. Nicimaý i.,'" l lefounti, a vers c,-enrri mKOr lives mitmin 2 milles cf sajat slad. FR, AS, &c., trnt or m'rnrtm b. en eJAMES BORLAND. AIll rdent moill-i teIotillItriaeu't tefcir, Jue 21, 1837. 955 n rin prelte gine Satisfaction. BANK 0F m 3Is, & . ace e rter n eparred ta BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. init modern style, '25 lier cenrt. 1là thon lia maT.aLkaaml 'NLONON.Sieptember 9. Capucta-Ots?Mion s itiif«. COMMELCIAI, BINK, M.lD. Peoiscea Cnisitce orcocaluctieg lieth, ir NOTICE id hereby g; yen that the rn cfbgo» theRai I iNGtON. eafar anataiments u ce l tew Stock aae cawl eTheOBnk t AKINGSTO. ailfoflmst- 50505 AacEmuo,'csaYn, o10pet cent. on the tard Janualy, ! t ofi TsocNARDSEE5, mes TO " Q 10Ist arch, A RAN EMT for lihe early commence- 1 ka .ment of bieimeesaire nom le progresti,ad Payable ait Ihis Basi, itstiicel adors1 te communicatimuissay, in tlime eastiane, s - IDy rden of theIdt, ýUremmea te lisl entmhe àaet ie Crmmitt-. F .i R ROBERT CA RTEP, Comrutnelfrm MelACourt of i)arectcra. sa,,Ott. 29, 1836. Kingston Iloth Jn", I'r.eWOp5nprraacraastnmcd to adver ' _____________________________ Comneecial Bankr moll piceacoPY titi,Wase A FEW F1111148of Table BUTTER fSr their accounts 10 lie B&nk. JOHN COUNTER. l W o p 4 o t L e t 4 < , W 4 - O Y EPC VU L 1 S H E ) l . v E R Y T V S i à, Subscriber miti mme labour anal tZPmfleAt his offic, in Strre strtce, eacll.upp- s" eeeede th ie msnefsctnre MWAT'LX- Mtansion Home Hetel, KingtOu, ' 1P0rCo a FWIOF CLOTIl CAPS, villici uCusnlettou eiiere ail orders will lie thznkf rli> ,re,,ereC1 w- t b'tmlis FURM CAP FACTORY, h. will e m pmclly attenaled te. lo,,nke Ironstlime Wcslcf Eugimud Clotbs;-Water- Txaam.-Fifteen ebrliilîz% PerýMD selcwlr pmceClotbCape o< retent fatterss, quàfW$epMd of pastage)if paid inruinant e,; Loti 1" d icus bcsfs'lgntdusattoIlels inganmd six pence if Ont partt rut .dv2nre. utcimnny, rival i e descrpton f aIC herelow v mu eouir ~r'il e fnr the M. M ftmsenfctactd slu liascomntay ling furmetîort eprtis, sha crrec ve Çne - I ýà fa-l, c eh. iIethaet râeler timem Peqoalîri 1epootoyfr ra ais I JO" -B. GRF£&